Home News Man Against the State — Government Explained

Man Against the State — Government Explained


Having just elected a new (the existing) government in Australia, an inquisitive alien visits the planet to check on our progress as a species, and gets into a conversation with the first person he meets. The animated video breaks down the strange concept of “government.” 



    • We’ve all been indoctrinated to be idiots. When one considers that our original Federal Cabinet consisted of just five ministries and those who then travelled to Melbourne ( then home of the Federal Government ) as our elected representatives were all ‘honorary’ positions that did not provide a yearly salary, and who still held down their own employment elsewhere, to what we have today – a federal government that is 36 ministries and all its attendant bureaucracies, agencies and attendant bureaucrats – one then may consider themselves as little more than slaves to a system that no longer provides for nor promotes, individual liberties.

      • 36 ministers, Holy God. And then there is this little phenomenon:

        “A parliamentary secretary is a member of a Parliament in the Westminster system who assists a more senior minister with his or her duties. In several countries the position has been re-designated as assistant minister.” — wiki

  1. I have never known that we were asked to pay tax. My memory must be worse than I thought. As far as I remember, if you didn’t pay the required tax insisted on by the taxation department, you were charged a fine or sent to jail.

    It has never to my mind, been voluntary.

    The video is brilliant. A very good portrayal of how we have allowed a system that is completely ridiculous, to rule our lives.


    Unfortunately people still are under the impression that we have ‘legal’ government and that Australia is sovereign in its own right which is incorrect. Nothing is ever mentioned about the shadow government and shadow corporations with their illegal activities through their so-called legal activities. The complicit prostitute media and press aid and abet these criminal activities that are approved by the two-party system with pork barreling, bribes and sometimes murder.

    Australia Republic or Colony? pg. 175 2nd para
    “In Australia we continually hear references by politicians and media commentators to hear the classical democratic values that supposedly underpin the Australian Constitution and political system. In reality, most power is ion the hand of wealthy while the judiciary also plays a remarkably significant role. It is both a de facto oligarchy and at the same time a plutocracy, of old and new money that controls Australia.”


    In early March, I gave you the template and asked you all to write to the CEO or Mayor of your Local Council with a list of 14 questions relating to their lawful existence etc. It seems that very few did write ? Yes, everyone is …too busy … don’t care … it will be a waste of time … they won’t read it … Maybe true, but they actually do ! They mostly won’t reply cos they cannot or will not.

    Now after the slaughter of Labor, (it was all about climate change” if you think about it – yes it really was, and jobs at risk if Labor had won) Today there is not a Qld Labor MP north of Brisbane. Remember. Most Councils are left or green … maybe not by what they say, but by what they do for Agenda 21/30

    After several repeats and phone calls, I did get a reply from a council staff who answered no questions at all and the writer proceeded to tell me how they are “authorized” by some Local Gov’t Act, and the 14 points I raised were “my opinion” only.

    Thus the suggested letter below is what I ask you in the thousands to fill in the red bits to send to them (by mail). You may well prick someone’s conscience.
    Dear – his name Date Your Property No – 123456
    Some questions about your “tax äuthority”
    1 – I wonder what it is like working under a non elected CEO who apparently is unable to read nor write nor answer a single question ? And
    2 – Did you note that the rates allocated to 101 Any St were paid in full by a cheque/card bearing the name of the owner JOHN DOE – the name of the owner recorded in the Lands Dept is the same. Issuing a receipt to me Mr John Doe is repugnant. Mr is a military term – I have never been in the military. And
    3 – Are the laws of the land, ie – the will of the people in Referendums 1974 and 1988 not binding on you ? How about the laws we have all previously agreed to ? Are you exempt from murder, fraud, misrepresentation and extortion also ? And
    4 – Why can you not provide me with proof that any Local Gov’t Act, which you seem to rely on, is bonafide law, voted in by the people and signed by a legitimate Gov General who has taken the proper oath of Allegiance ? Here is Clause 5 of the Laws we voted to retain in Referendum 1999. And
    clause 5

    5 – Do you also not accept the recent Election results, since you and your cohorts seem to be the ones most active in implementing Agenda 21/30 ? Rates on drought stricken farmers is not greening anything. And
    6 – How about Referendum 1999 where the people said very clearly – we wish to remain as a Constitutional Monarchy under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 which has no place for a 3rd tier or Government, which is what you pretend to be ? There is no place for any private ABN company to impose taxes, and no State Gov’t can issue such power. If there is, please reply with documentation. And
    7 – How do you sleep ? knowing that what I say is not as you say, my interpretation, It is as simple as the 10 Commandments – they are not the 10 Suggestions. And
    8 – Man to man- I expect honest answers as I cannot write to an apparently illiterate CEO, nor can I write to ”The Council”, which is nothing more than a private ABN company, represented by a piece of paper.
    Your Christian name
    PS I expect honest answers

  4. Duty to Warn about government breaching its contract with humanity

    Paul Craig Roberts Explains What the Intentionally Misleading Cases of Julian Assange and Chelsey Manning are all About

    “The Assange/Manning Cases Discredit Humanity” (and America’s MSM)

    By Paul Craig Roberts – 5/22/2019 (2060 words)



  5. When any government either state or federal with its police apparatus and intelligence agencies …ASIO in particularly, deliberately breaches its contract with its citizens in the blatant premeditated rampage of murder of Australian citizens and foreigners and then proceeds to cover up their criminal activities of their nefarious operations of state-sponsored terrorism for a foreign power/s they have declared themselves unfit to govern the peoples of Australia from their seditious acts of High Treason and traitors of the Australian Constitution and to Australians. The obvious assistance of the propaganda apparatus tool of the prostitute government-corporate media and press in the aiding and abetting of this conspiracy to deliberately withhold and to conceal evidence with the destruction of evidence by the perpetrators is an abominable act. The corrupt BAR system was utilised in such a fashion as to deliberately not hold a proper court hearing and a fair trial for due process of someone falsely accused who was especially chosen because of his low IQ in the infamous Port Arthur Massacre and did not allow the police to testify at all. It was a blatant abuse of process and framing of an innocent Australian by government operatives for their own insidious criminal agenda with a crude attempt in disarming the Australian public by coercive measures being a signatory of the Communist UN to disarm the population of all countries.

    The use and abuse of the “National Security” card of thirty years (30) or court documents “sealed” indefinitely provides safety, cover and protection for the criminal perpetrators involved in the massacre as the court documents need to be unsealed. The thirty years should be repealed and revoked as it hides the criminal activities of the operatives in government and their mistakes. The Australian Government has been culpable of a number of criminal activities against its citizens which forfeits their right to govern and those that participated in the massacre should be brought to justice to re-establish proper government that has gone rogue. Will the secrecy continue with the secret societies, the CIA-Mossad connection, and rogue NGO’s to take Australia down a path that is not in the best interests of Australia or will it be bold enough to guide this country to a far more transparent and accountable government, accountable bureaucracy, accountable police, accountable judicial system and lastly a military that will protect its citizens from traitors that do harm to its citizens. Or will it continue to be infiltrated in secrecy and stealth by those who wish to take Australia to use as they please for their own criminal corporate-government nefarious interests at the direct expense of Australians. The future is bleak and we are at a tipping point as Australians must wake up and realise what is happening before it is too late to recover the principles of a real democratic nation, a free press, due process and the rule of law. A WikiLeaks Australia needs to be created for people to come forward to reveal the concealment of criminality.

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