Home World Politics Martial Law, Sealed Orders, Kurdistan, and Puppets in Governments

Martial Law, Sealed Orders, Kurdistan, and Puppets in Governments


[Editor’s Note: An email from G5]

by G5

Trump’s Martial Law Meetings were conducted at Fort Jackson. It has over 3,000 army personnel, and has cleared and refurbished its extensive prison facilities.


Further, as I have written, NSGB (Camp X-Ray, Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay, Gitmo) has just had a $200 million upgrade and refurbishment. The useless ‘Terrorist’ prison, invented by GHWB-Cheney puppet GWB, and continued by GHWB puppet Obama, has been cleared.

NO Intel of value was ever obtained from that useless torture and detention centre. This further confirms that Haspel, a great fan or torturing male prisoners, is a token as CIA Director.

850 military personnel have been stationed at NSGB, which now has accommodation for over 4,000 detainees — plus court and execution facilities.

Trump has recommissioned privately run prisons, as well as preparing the FEMA WalMart underground facilities, and two prison ships. The US is now able to hold over ten million locally. But who wants to feed and house them and certainly the realities should convince The Enemy Within and their paid puppets, to convert.

The fine line between Free Speech and Sedition is to be determined. And whether the current game of independent politically inspired censorship through media platforms is indeed as the nonsense defined ‘protecting’ the public, or forced ideological arrogance — blocking Free Speech.

The US is in very urgent and well overdue Mental Adjustment back to reality.

Sealed Orders

On 1 January 2019, sealed orders will begin to be opened.

Military Tribunals have already commenced. Many of the Names have been arrested and questioned. Some executed, some detained, and some pardoned under agreement.

Initially, the US herds are unable to absorb this reality and will be shielded as their US is being recaptured for THEIR FUTURE from the compounded ideological insanities that were sold to them.

Without a RESET the US and its sycophant West are doomed to be controlled by manipulated gangs holding control of usurped Power Bases over divided herds, addicted to fraudulent administrations and owned governments.

The alleged Free World is in the gravest crisis of its entire existence, over the past, say, three centuries. Putin, Xi, and Trump, must hold position, while May, Macron, and Merkel are removed. The EU-NWO in all its manifestations MUST be destroyed for the future, non-slaved well-being of humanity.

As the Herds are not even able to identify their condition and future, the remedy needs to be forced by those who do.

We have been delivering The Message for many years. Over the journey, False Flags and Hoaxes retained many to their addictive capture. But many others began to wake.

The Message was never one of instruction, nor believe what I say. It was always, and remains, the delivery of thoughts. From there the response is an individual search for: truth, fact, and reality — away from paranoia, prejudice, and naivete.


[I add this section, as Trump did a flash visit to Iraq over Christmas.]

The next area of interest in the Mid-East (West Asia) is Kurdistan. The on again off again relationship with the US is again off.

The US Iraq conflagrations (‘Gulf Wars’ caused by GHWB) sent $7 trillion down the plughole. The US Domestic and stupid sycophant economies feeding the US MIC [Military Industrial Complex] while slaughtering innocents and causing refugee devastations.

The US twice gassed Kurdistan provinces on the Iraqi border, flying from Turkey with Iraqi livery. Iraq had flown its Airforce to Iran (Surprise Surprise) just prior to the Iraqi Airstrips being ripped (to be rebuilt at great non-tender cost of course) and a silly no fly edict postured by The US. The Iran-Iraq War was mostly theatre. The rest was Genocide and plunder.

There were WMDs in Iraq, which Chilcot did not find, and about which Kelly and Cook did not speak. There were crossed wires between SIS and CIA, having Powell et al perform. as the puppets they were. The WMDs were of British origin delivered by David Cameron and Mark Thatcher. Black Spider was also involved.

The US problem is oil and natural resources. Russia does not have that problem. And a window of opportunity may present — to the dismay of both Kurdistan and Turkey.

Incidentally, Kurdistan and Israel are NOT Nation States. Despite the 1948 UN resolution, and an UNGA seat (Palestine is also represented). Israel is the British Mandate of Palestine. The various UN resolutions concerning Palestinian and Israeli seats, border on comedy.

Palestine sits as a ‘Non-Member Observer’, and Israel as a ‘Peace-Loving Country’.

Kurdistan borders (with occupied territories) Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Armenia, and Georgia, and has become a terrorist haven and provocateur in the region.

It has the sixth largest oil reserves of a known forty-five billion barrels with extraction having commenced in 2007, by ExxonMobil, Total, Chevron, Talisman (BP front, linked to the Sudan Genocide, and destructive fracking), Genel (Rothschild front, also pumping in Israeli occupied Syrian Golan and ‘terrorist’ dominated Somalia), Hunt (the great silver war and the JFK Affair), Gulf, and Marathon (Rockefeller and CIA interests).

Syria wants Israel and its Rothschild Genel [Energy] out of its Golan occupied territory. If Russia takes an interest (which it could due to interruption with its Nord Stream extensions and runs through Eastern Europe), then Israel’s Leviathan Field may have problems reaching delivery. Russia is to further extend its gas pipelines infrastructure to carry oil. Israel, obsessed with the illusions of face-saving, will always quietly negotiate while it publicly screeches and flexes.

Kurdistan also has significant reserves of coal, copper, iron, limestone (cement), marble, zinc, and the world’s largest deposit of rock sulfur.

America needs Kurdistan to have a puppet government. The disparate gangs fighting on its borders and causing havoc, may either be CIA manipulated into a civil war to facilitate that government, or Russia will vacuum the causes of the border issues, which would inveigle the nuisance Turkey.

Tokens in Power

MLK was assassinated because he was the right man at the right time for President. But Obama, the joke of all seasons, becomes President. He was already a selected CIA puppet (as was his assumed daddy).

Obama was a bet won by GHWB.

Tokens beget tokens. Obama begat Holder and Lynch and the damage was a predictable continuum. Albeit Obama was a unique entity. Part token, part robotic script reading actor, part overwhelmed by his induced self-belief, and the major part, his being an unrecoverable goose.

As HRC is slowly being removed from the Non-Textbooks of the US Non-Education Systems. So too eventually will GHWB be drawn to a silence. The insane irresponsibility of moronic herds voting people into positions of great authority over all, on the basis of ideological illusions, derived from determined and terminal stupidity.

Where were the protests over the GHWB JFK Coup d’état? Where were the protests over every False Flag and Hoax orchestrated by the great man of Dignity and Legacy — GHWB? He himself said that the American People would hang him from a lamp post if they knew what he had done.



  1. I read your articles with interest but without really understanding. Your knowledge seems to come from ‘insiders’ therefore, my interest in knowing what they know about the real perpetrator of the Boston Marathon bombing and what was its purpose.

    Thank you.

    • The Boston Bombing, simply a couple of Chechen terrorist hired by the CIA and exposed by Russia and then fired by the CIA, who left the terrorist bomb training lab intact. So the bomb was made in a CIA terrorist training lab, that training meant to to be used in Russia and the motivation profit (of course an actual act of war by the US against Russia, so really quite naughty).
      The CIA just fired them, you know, no hundreds of thousands of dollars a year blowing up Russians and a position in the new Russian government, instead, bugger off and get a job at McDonalds. As you can imagine a couple of psychopath would be for profit terrorists, did not take it all that well and the consequences. All the bull was to hide it was a bomb built in a CIA bomb lab by people trained by the CIA, which is exactly why they tracked them down so fast (they recognised the pattern of attack and the bomb style and hence knew exactly who the bomb makers were), all the stories and conspiracies and the bullshit to cover that failure up.
      If you are going to play those games, you do not fire terrorists, you take them up in a plane, fly it overseas to another country and they of course do not land there, they ‘er’ mysteriously disappear along the way.

      • I recall a lovely Aussie colleague (still: Ret:)……..intelligence (on the periphery [important Brit Dad]) for the British and Oz and who knows………… The British view was to laugh and keep the poor simple yanks (and us) bogged down in the Vietnamese mess squandering the US GDP.
        Nice place for a holiday now ( I hear) not thinking of my lost 4-550 piers (?), millions of Viets and 56,000+ used dumb Americans,

        Yep, the non co-operative Vietnamese were flown out to sea in helicopters, ‘speak or be dropped’ ……………….any idea how many were dropped?
        Mary might wish to opine on the legalities!

        • btw.
          appeared for his son charged with being in a bicycle lane in Canberra. Not recall, but think all thrown out.
          He graduated as a lawyer but chose the Australian army. SAS? Not sure but not far under.
          Returned from Afghanistan and now UNEMPLOYABLE for a decade..
          The family thanks (?) JWH and Co and the lying mass media with their son on the garbage heap,
          Killer Arseoles!!
          Time many of our politician were contained on the barges to GITMO with their msm abettors.
          Rebecca: You getting the message?

  2. Barge 1.
    Bolton (that’ going to be tricky); Cheney, Armitage – though as I said Armitage and GHWB have knighthoods in storage to escape to the Motherland, Wolfowitz, Perle (poor thing; he tried), Frist (helps out in Africa, you know), Chertoff, no prob with Hastert as he is in the pokey, Powell – deserves every bit of it, McChrystal – let Mary Tillman deal, Myers, star of 9-11, Olson, Larry, the persons who have prevented parole for Sirhan (basically all the Kennedys), the creep in charge of the TI’s (makes ya wonder, doesn’t it). No chicks on Barge 1.

  3. OK, never mind the barge and the dinghy. We’ve got to do something about the state’s theft of children. Please look at maybe 3 minutes of the video below. Identical in America and Australia. (Recall Dee’s survey.)

    Towards the end they say that it’s a money-run thing but that is not true. Granted, in my article of Christmas Eve I showed how Congress runs the CPS business like a business, but why should the feds try to “incentivize” adoption, really bribing the states to snatch children?


    It is part of a much bigger agenda, the one Dr Day described in 1969, and HG Wells wrote about in 1928 as “The Open Conspiracy.” Humans shouldn’t have families anymore. Hello?

    Yet as much effort as it takes to break families (recall Darlene’s story in SA), these guys have the resources and the crusading impulse to push on with it. I read in Wendy Hoffman’s book, Enslaved Queen, that she was in training to be a big Satanist.

    Every 10 years she would go to a meeting, I think it was I London, and clasp a globe. They told her to feel which part of the globe had people who were vulnerable and on whom “we could inflict evil.”

    No point saying it is unbelievable. We at Gumshoe know it is happening. Please join in the effort to restore sanity.

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