1. Gates is going all in!!!!!
    Just a second,
    DON’T WE?
    DON’T WE?
    Why worry, he is just an independent psycho crazy profiteering killer and we have governments who can just bury him for us.
    DON’t WE?
    We have OUR ABC, SBS, Caring journalists with families, Aussie caring shock jokes and the independent mass media to educate, inform and not misinform us.
    DON’T WE?
    Most importantly we have those idiot Greenies and their Teal mates who have the balance of wisdom to stuff up our government’s globalist agendas
    DON’t WE?
    So why worry?
    11.38 AM

  2. This revelation pretty much sums up the nature of all government decision making:

    “In ‘Uncontrolled Spread’, Scott Gottlieb, former US Food and Drug Administration commissioner, observed that the six-foot social-distancing rule was ‘probably the single most costly intervention’ recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that ‘was consistently applied throughout the pandemic’.

    You might have expected such a significant intervention to have had a strong evidential basis. Yet in remarks made in January before the US Congress, though only made public last month, Dr Anthony Fauci, the lead Covid-19 adviser to Donald Trump and Joe Biden, described how the social-distancing recommendation came about:

    ‘It sort of just appeared. I don’t recall, like, a discussion of whether it should be five or six or whatever. I was not aware of studies that in fact [supported the six-foot recommendation]. That would be a very difficult study to do. I think it would fall under the category of empiric. Just an empiric decision that wasn’t based on data or even data that could be accomplished.’”

    • The consequences of maintaining a veneer of credibility and control like so are both routine and invariably costly and destructive; perhaps such a clear-cut example that hit so many individuals and businesses directly should be seen as a blessing in disguise

    • The 6 ft distancing was and still is a great idea under-utilised.
      Yes keep Gates 6 ft away….. UNDERFOOT with the rest of them, who should similarly be distanced.

      • Ned that would have to rank as one of your better ideas. But when is the process going to start? I don’t think Trump has the guts to start such a venture. I will willingly put some cash up, (notice I said cash) to start the ball rolling to purchase the roll of coiled hemp.

  3. Still two weeks to go for the bloodless coup we have been waiting for since 4 years ago, not sure the reason for such attention to bloodless considering the amount of injections served in the interim

  4. More mozzie psychopathy.
    Madness. Have we not learned about abusing nature. Genetically modified fluorescent mosquitoes to be released. Psychobizarre.
    The surreal combination of high technology and gothic horror aesthetics suggests a profound lapse in judgment, crossing the threshold of the unnervingly odd into the psychobizarre.
    Ian Brighthope

  5. Masks!? Lifted and exposed💁🤪🤪
    The camel certifies T
    AND DISOLVES THE HEARING v ADJOURN⚖️- per the law of war manual- the belligerents have surrended💁🤷‍♂️?
    112 Q drop
    Pity the naysayers have had no clue here for over 4 years.
    Even our in-house LL.B [ref: DEREK JOHNSON WHO WAS IGNORED FOR YEARS🙀]
    5.15 PM

      • I wonder that if the Senate is dissolved, is there any law at all in the US while awaiting elections. Does this mean the “mad dog” can further carry on his psychopathic unhinged lunacy unimpeded?

          The US Constitution was framed to KEEP THE MAD DOGS AT BAY, but the mad dogs took over in 1871 .
          Really Mal, where have you been? THE MAD DOGS ARE OFF TO THE VET🙀💁⚖️
          7.47 PM

          • We can but hope. Why weren’t the mad dogs de-fanged ages ago? Trump had his chance in 2022 but got in bed with the “warp speed gang” to kill millions around the world.

            I haven’t swallowed the crap about more deaths if FEMA camps were put into use. He could have made the FEMA camps out of bounds to the crazy ones.

            Only time will tell whether all this crowing over Trump’s win will turn out a benefit for the US and the world. We all know that the alternative would have been unthinkable but is Trump the real deal or just another player for the Deep State.

        • AM
          Want some more?
          Go to real Mary at WTPN SITUATION UPDATE AT BIN FOR 7/1from about three minutes, say for MM’s 7 limits and note to what T announced on 4/1.
          Others need not bother, you have not thus far because most just do not want to know of such developments.
          3.51 PM

  6. I notice the topic often changes after my posts– the one above could do it but this one could clinch the pattern–linked to the above for those with expansive minds also received today. As regulars know I have been posting many articles from Angela over the years.

    Who is Angela:written many moons ago but a good backstory.
    “Introducing the amazing life of Angela Power-Disney
    Angela Power-Disney has a unique insider perspective of MK Ultra trauma-based mind control connected with the British Military and was recruited against her will as a super spy.

    Angela Power-Disney is an Anglo-Irish Mother and Grandmother, an MK Ultra and abuse survivor, activist, a vlogger, lobbyist, who has been living in rural Ireland on and off for 30 years, a world-traveller who’s moved around almost 50 homes including within seven countries and three continents.

    She comes from a story-telling tradition and she eloquently describes her background and how she came out to speak against her abuse and conditioning at the hands of her family and associates and opens up about the world of spies and the elite underworld.

    Angela is a survivor/overcomer of child sexual abuse, and has seen how corrupt the system is from the inside. She’s a vocal activist against child trafficking, illegal state enforced adoptions and is an expert child activist flying the flagship in support of the children of the infamous Hampstead Satanic Ritual Abuse and Infanticide and has scathing opinions of the elite paedophile stained families around the UK. Angela is frank about her trauma which has been off the charts particularly since she returned to work online and at protests vigils court cases etc in the field of ending child abuse and specifically in covering the Hampstead case.

    “I call myself a reluctant monarch and illuminati asset who has defected and is ongoingly disclosing ….I have had diagnosis along the way of borderline personality disorder, Dissociative identity disorder and ADHD. I am a publisher writer and journalist tho was on what I call extended maternity leave for 30 years raising my children mostly on my own. I am a radical non religious Christian and a scholar of eschatology or end times……I am a bit of a comedian seeing absurdity in life on many levels . I have worked extensively wifh children and vulnerable adolescents ….also working in high places so to speak such as cia funded merchant bank, social secretary and personal assistant work with politicians and aristocracy, ghost writing for royalty etc ….all info gathering roles though I was MK unaware at the time….

    I was one of the lead campaigners in the fight to expose the Hampstead Cover Up and somewhat the public face of the campaign and as such have been subjected to a vicious and sustained smear campaign by nefarious forces including the father and operatives centred at hoax stead.” she said.

    Survivors worldwide have been disclosing to Angela for years including some in America who were instrumental in getting MKUltra exposed over there ….they would tell her about being abused hunted etc by people like George Bush, Pat Robertson etc and back then her mind could not process it or even digest it as she was still programmed. De-programming escalated for Angela under anasthetic in 2 major surgeries in 2014 and also because her children were showing similar symptoms of suppressed trauma with memory gaps etc

    Angela volunteered and trained for several years with Werner Erhard aka Jack Rosenberg ‘s ‘human development movement EST then called THE FORUM now called LANDMARK INSTITUTE ….one course she was in also had ex Australian Prime Minister the late Bob Hawke’s daughter in it who she is on Angela’s friends list now though a silent observer mostly. Angela has done a lot of research into brain pathway diversions, artificially created genius and demonic attachments ….there are spiritual as well as practical solutions to these horrendous issues. Werner Erhard was part of the council of 9 fallen angel channeling fiasco and sadly was part of the infiltration as are many big Christian televangelists.”

    Hi Friends,

    I believe the real New Year starts April 1st, but that is another whole rabbit hole!!

    Meanwhile my team and I are acutely aware that this time of the year can be a huge trigger, reflected in increased suicides and divorces as well as severe and debilitating mental health pain.

    Aaron and I made this video somewhat reluctantly as we go through our own challenges, but these issues need discussion and dissemination…PLEASE SHARE!!


    and one more for later can’t resist—

    The British Empire United Kingdom prosecuting journalists in OTHER COUNTRIES!!
    Posted on November 21, 2024Author admin

    Mary do you have an up to date email for Angela Power Disney

  7. The 1% don’t suffer the consequences cause they’re safe and secure in high end neighbourhoods never setting foot in lower class areas. They thrive on this chaos, living in a bubble, hating tradition now replacing with scientific tyranny injected within. Who wants to live in this straight jacket of jackboot AI Grok-ism?

    Government run by elites, doing whatever they want, managing. None of this can be good, run by beasts ushering in their new age of snooping with total information awareness. Once upon a time, inventions were a benefit for most, these days they destroy. People don’t want their jobs undercut by AI robots anymore than having them taken by cheap labour immigrant replacement.
    This is how elite do what they do.

    Anyone who worships AI is worshiping the BS (beast system). Lost souls admiring demons, who are using high tech magick, steering people away from the true God who has told us everything we need to know.

  8. The year starts March 1 because December is the 10th month
    The old people were supposed to give up and die by February ( febrile, now feverish but originally … purification )
    The young ones would continue on into spring.
    We got 12 months from the passage of Jupiter through the “houses” but that is a 12 year cycle, we should have the moon cycle for months, 13 of them.
    Jan and Feb were called Wolf moon and Hunger Moon in some places.
    Now they want to change “Anno Domini” to “Christian Era”
    People in ivory towers will never stop trying to screw things up for money.
    Dropping BC and AD means the search engine will not look there.
    Only the new fake approved revisionist bullshit will be located under BCE and ACE.
    This is so dummm it is probably an interim stage to the next Orwellian change.
    On other fronts it’s good to see Gumshoes has been bearing fruit amongst the wider media scene who are now catching up quickly on Tiktok etc despite censorship.
    The Tiktok AI cannot get a handle on everything.
    So, will some charismatic individual run against Dutton in his seat ???
    Will Clive Palmer take him down by force of $$$ ? Not easily, they are already scamming the rules in every way they can think of to keep the red-blue on track.
    Senator Babet is on fire lately, there must be so many more out there.

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