by Dee McLachlan
I was lucky to attend the Freedom Rally today in Melbourne, and film it without being stopped. There was a massive crowd.
It seems people have caught onto the Bioweapons False Flag, the unlawful suppression of life-saving therapeutics, and the push for vaccination (experimental gene therapy) passes, and the Rockefeller/Schwab Great Reset and global control.
The reaction from the crowd was varied with people calling out to the police “We are doing this for your children” to shouts of scorn “You are betraying the people.” They were stoically following orders from above; who were obviously following orders from above them; who seem to be in lockstep with a global mandate (a foreign entity).
People are also over the mainstream media reporting. A camera team strayed onto the road, and the crowd did not hold back their contempt, shouting “fake news, fake news” and shooed them away. Some called out “Why haven’t you reported the vaccine injuries and deaths?”
The crowd was buoyed and encouraged that so many people seemed to be aware of what has been going on and what has been planned for them; saying this is the biggest rally yet. As I passed a group of police I heard over their radios, “Don’t bother with arrests, the crowd’s too big.”
I walked away feeling that those attending were not going to tolerate a government that has been captured by The Usual Suspects anymore.
The film is above.
Well done for attending Dee.
The protest in Adelaide was postponed.
There was a car rally planned, that seemed to be starting from a Macca’s on Anzac Hway in Adelaide. A ‘potential’ protest member shared a video of a very large police presencethere, who were going car to car harassing drivers to leave on threat of arrest.
The Brisbane and Sydney rallies were impressive. I’ve heard there was a good turnout in Hobart as well.
‘Delta’ brain waves have been disturbed. The sleeping masses are stirring.
Our lying TV news is saying Sydney attendees were about 3500 so I presume the real number was well over 10,000 or even over 20,000 – such is the scale of their lies.
The video popped up already, the first couple of minutes are entertaining then it deteriorates, I think I got a glimpse of 20,000+
Don’t you love that. The narration from Ch 7 says:
“… and the irony that this potential super-spreader on Freedom day would only serve to increase their term of imprisonment.”
WHAT? … “increase their term of imprisonment.” yes — admitted to… the Australia penal colony.
Start distributing the therapeutics please.
This is going to put pressure on the government to try and show that all those people breaking the rules has increased the spread of Covid. The talking heads on TV will being throwing all sorts of bullshit numbers around, what we need is some whistleblowers at the hospitals telling the truth. Hopefully. someone like Alan Jones has some contacts that he can rely upon.
Well at the least the Banks are financing the show.
“They were stoically following orders from above; who were obviously following orders from above them; who seem to be in lockstep with a global mandate (a foreign entity).”
The Nation’s Credit: Senator Richard Darcey, 1941 ( ALP, Tasmania)
“…………………On one occasion I told honorable senators that the people who sent us here are under the impression that the 111 members of Parliament in Canberra comprise a national government engaged in the task of ruling Australia. I have told the people repeatedly that their assumption is entirely wrong and that Australia is governed by the associated banks. …………………” Democracy/The Nation’s Credit Senator Richard Darcey.htm
Thanks Dee. Good to see that most at the parade did not have face masks. May be the tide has turned on the despotic traitors. At least we know that the footage was not fake.
Where did all those in police uniforms come from? It looked like an invading Army. May be there were foreigners amongst them. I wouldn’t put it past our treasonous politicians.
Do you really want an answer to that question?
The satanic cults have, for the last 30+ years, assembled a mind-controlled paramilitary force which can be called upon at will. They dress them as army and police when required. These are trained assassins, murderers, terrorists and complete psychopaths. Their consciences are drilled out of them. They cannot be reasoned with. They are the shock troops of the NWO.
Bloody hell, who is the musical director?
“……… we will rock you…..”
NO: “we will f you.”
We are 99%.
Good work Dee.
I have sent the link to Mike Rivero at:
https://www.what really
Suck it up Dick Dan worldwide and overpaid VIC police Commissioner in your budget for police overtime paid out of Victorian taxes…….. plus feed for all your horses.
Was put up at
0n 24th July at 5.54
I note other reports from Australia followed later.
Thanks Mike Rivero at WRH.
Could someone make a video game called “ABCnews24 shooting alley” where every time the sold-out health minister, “chief health officer” or other shills come on, you can machine gun them into shreds and get points.
Do not bother, we can sell the ABC and SBS to Mudrock or nine network, take the sale price and save a billion or so plus interest and try and stop financing the bankers,
MR FRYDENBERG: how about it?
Then the ABC shills and nine network fakes (2GB and associates) can go earn a honest income at McDonald’s or go back to calling dog races.
Oh Dee I’m so pleased I attended the Sydney anti lockdown rally, it was my first rally at 52, and though the police minister has labelled me a “silly selfish boofhead” (abcnews) and vowed to identify me, fine me $2500, and the other 40,000 protesters, I’d do it again in a bloody heartbeat.
Being a virgin protester, I thought the cops were quite heavy handed. At one stage, a policeman somehow became separated, and was corralled by a surging crowd against a shop window. Being right there, my instinct was to protect him and a few of us turned to face the crowd, hand up to do so. It was a commotion, but I will never ever forget the look on that coppers face being cornered, my god he looked absolutely terrified, next thing you know I’m bowled over by a beautiful horse, the fuzz arriving in force to whisk off….
I talked with all sorts of people, and people had come from far and wide, one beautifully dressed/spoken lady told me she’d been so worried ( leaving 10km zone?), she’d had her dr write a fake letter saying she had an appointment in the city! He sounds like a good Dr!
So right now, I’m feeling a little proud of myself for making the effort, and feel like sharing how good it made me feel to be with that many people of like mind…..sad to realise none of my family, coworkers or friends, bar a handful, would look upon my participation today as anything other than selfish disobedience!
Dear Anna.
your ‘selfish disobedience’ was not selfish.
It was a challenge for others as a brave example to follow, as a soldier climbing the trenches for our sovereignty.
Many of our sacrificed were granted medals, then there were many unrecognized who fought to defend our AUSTRALIAN sovereignty.
Medal or not, the country relies upon your example,
You may sleep in peace tonight having done your service today.
The main chant of the crowd was “you serve us”
Bravo Anna–is all I can say
and Dee you are a legend–palya lingku
Brisbane wasn’t too shabby either. 🙂
Where is Dr Thomas Borody?
Hopefully in witness protection under Reiner Fuelmich for Nuremberg 2 as a expert witness for the cases against our politicians, media the AMA and our health bureaucrats.
The Israelis have determined that their new research (which requires funding) will discover an existing drug to treat Covid. I wonder if Ivermectin will be on the list?
Borody missing is indeed strange. SUM TING WONG
Probably a good idea. However, Is Borody anywhere to be found? How can he not comment on this BS? SUM TING WONG
NSW police commissioner less than enthusiastic about enforcing the “mandate” whatever it is
Plus a few crowd scenes but avoiding the big numbers, the big numbers have to be skilfully edited out
I am a Texan and so have been devastated by what is going on in the US, but I have also been very worried for the people of Great Britain, Australia and Canada. This is my birthday and the Freedom March videos I have seen so far have made my day!
Happy Birthday Jeanette,
Aussie’s can be very polite, like you ‘all. We worry for you ‘peeps too.
Best Wishes
ps I’m terrible at remembering dates, so best wish’s you ‘all too(I’m in trouble somewhere-wink).
The Democrats in the House Have Blocked a Bill to Declassify the Origins of the COVID-19 Virus. That’s All we Need to Know
That’s why it’s called “Covid-19™” ©2020 THE U.S.A. INC. fully protected by corporate culture, make sure you get Bill Gates’s sticker put on you after receiving the updates to your immune system.
How Long Do Vaccinated Have to Live?
Dr. Mylo Canderian is of the opinion that 95% of the world’s population
are “Useless Eaters” who need to be euthanized as quickly as possible.
“……….He presented me with the information, called the “End of Cycle Formula.”
He explained how easy it is to calculate.
“The Power of Simplicity,” he said. “There is a maximum cycle of ten years from injection to End of Cycle,” [or death], he elaborated. “And it is extremely easy to determine.”
He said any hematologist can see it within seconds under a microscope, and even more readily under an electron microscope. “The percentage of blood affected [or contaminated] by or with Graphene Oxide is the reciprocity of the End of Cycle calculation,” he divulged.
In other words, an “inoculatee” [as he calls anyone jabbed with the Experimental Use Authorization Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon] having 20% Graphene Oxide deterioration in their blood will, barring any other input criteria, live for 8 years. [10 years less 20%].
Someone with 70% Graphene Oxide deterioration will not live more than 3 years. [10 years less 70%].
Dr. Jane Ruby recently was interviewed by Stew Peters on his podcast and showed examples of what the deteriorated blood looks like when exposed to Graphene Oxide.
Graphene Oxide, for those who are unaware, is the component of Messenger RNA spike proteins and prions, which is at war with the heart, lungs, brain and blood for oxygen.
Graphene Oxide is an oxygen sponge which deprives the body of necessary oxygen and causes many complications, including but not limited to anaphylactic shock, toxic blood clotting, fatal lung paralysis, mitochondrial cancer, and endothelial cancer.”Dr. Mylo Canderian’s viewpoint is much the same as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the Big Pharma CEO’s: LET THEM ALL DIE!
I asked Mylo what the effect of second and third shots and boosters do and how that changes the End of Cycle table.
Mylo replied: “It is all measurable through hematological testing. The more shots and boosters the imbeciles get, the worse their blood will look under a microscope, and the quicker they will turn to fertilizer.”
Finally, I asked him how the plot to kill so many billions of people could be kept so secret by such a group of elites.
His answer was: “You don’t know much about Freemasonry, do you, Steve?” And there you have it.
Well, at the least we know that the Banks are financing the show –
World Bank IMF Exposed Aid Conditional On Imposing Extreme Lock downs, Curfews.
The Nation’s Credit: Senator Richard Darcey, 1941 ( ALP, Tasmania)
“…………………On one occasion I told honorable senators that the people who sent us here are under the impression that the 111 members of Parliament in Canberra comprise a national government engaged in the task of ruling Australia. I have told the people repeatedly that their assumption is entirely wrong and that Australia is governed by the associated banks.
Under the present system no government, can carry on its functions except by continuing the policy of borrowing. The only way to pay the ever-increasing interest bill is by borrowing still more. All money comes into existence through the banks in the form of a debt. That is why we are ealled upon to pay such tremendously high taxes to-day.
I have spent a considerable part of my life expounding my financial theories to the people, hoping that they will some day realize what a racket is being put over them under the present financial system, and that an obligation rests on the shoulders of every member of this Parliament to scrap it…………………”
. Democracy/The Nation’s Credit Senator Richard Darcey.htm
Well done, another nail in the coffin exposed. Of course the first nail went in under Gough’s Lima Declaration in far, far away Peru, where pesky media could not easily follow back in the early 70’s. So the manufacturing heartland of Australia was slowly undermined and disengaged until entire places like the state of Victoria effectively became globallist dole office clients. The citizens became addicted to cheap imports and too arrogant to even go and get their own food from the farms, they required backpackers to do that for them, while the farmers sweated on their bank loans like casino customers. The manufacturing classes spent the next few decades stuck in traffic and watching TV, producing very little of value. Now they are totally incapable of competing against Chinese prison labour, the entire state has to be put on the dole for the term of its political leadership.
Dicktator Dan has basically signed the place up to dole with claw-backs therefore a type of loan. It would appear that only Western Australia is financially viable and can keep its useless eaters in their expected level of comfort without resort to globalist dole. Which is why the premier there always looks so happy.
With 5 out of 6 states presumably deeper and deeper in the red, what will be the mechanism to fully implement THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA INC to subsume Western Australia into this quagmire ? The commonwealth’s bid to keep 70% of WA’s GST seems to have failed. Perhaps WA could offer the Commonwealth all of its GST as a loan ? ? ?
WA could then compete with Bill Gates on buying up farms in the eastern states.
Banana Republics – Bananas as we know them are doomed.
Extreme economic mismanagement.
This is failure to the maximum possible extent in a “lucky country”.
We expect this type of thing from places like Moldova.
Congratulations to Dicktator Dan, the worst Victorian idiot in living history.
The entire economy given over to luxury goods and services, then wrecked.
Great work, Dee.
This made me smile. X
Good to see.
comment, no to 33rd
While I’m here, happy on point
CDC Revokes Emergency Use Authorisation To RT-PCR For COVID-19 Testing
July 25, 2021
The CDC has announced that they will revoke the emergency use authorization given to RT-PCR for COVID-19 testing.
……………..“In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test.
CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.”
Numerous courts around the world have determined the use of RT-PCR for detection of SARS-COV-2 as unreliable and downright fraudulent.
A Portuguese appeals court has ruled that PCR tests are unreliable and that it is unlawful to quarantine people based solely on a PCR test.
The court stated, the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles used and the viral load present. Citing Jaafar et al. 2020, the court concludes that:
“if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that said person is infected is less than 3%, and the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.”……………..
How Fanatics took over the World
June 10, 2021 — Early in the pandemic, I had been furiously writing articles about lockdowns. My phone rang with a call from a man named Dr. Rajeev Venkayya. He is the head of a vaccine company but introduced himself as former head of pandemic policy for the Gates Foundation.
Now I was listening.
I did not know it then, but I’ve since learned from Michael Lewis’s (mostly terrible) book The Premonition that Venkayya was, in fact, the founding father of lockdowns. While working for George W. Bush’s White House in 2005, he headed a bioterrorism study group. From his perch of influence—serving an apocalyptic president—he was the driving force for a dramatic change in US policy during pandemics . . .
There were three key elements: public fear, media and expert acquiescence, and the baked-in reality that school closures had been part of “pandemic planning” for the better part of 15 years. Essentially, the lockdowners, over the course of 15 years, had worn out the opposition. Lavish funding, attrition of wisdom within public health, and ideological fanaticism prevailed. Full story:
You have got to love the French for their plain speak !
God is Good
Melbourne – beginning of the end for Comrade Premier Dan as his Covid cops lose control of 50,000 protesters
Rebel News Avi Yemini has great video coverage of the Freedom Day rally in Melbourne, Australia. It was HUGE.
So big that police were embarrassingly overwhelmed and had to stand down, which is unprecedented so far in our dystopian COVID Era.
Many said they were coming out for their children’s future.
The jubilation was palpable and as one observer told Avi, “They’ve been afraid before. Now, when they see the numbers, they will come out. I believe from now, this government has no hope.”
It was peaceful with people from all walks of life.