Home Corona Medical Apartheid, Junk Science and a Pivotal Moment

Medical Apartheid, Junk Science and a Pivotal Moment


by G5

The Medical Apartheid that was bound to occur as a separation of the resistant, sane, rational, and critical, against the compliant, captured, submissive, authority terrorized, collaborative, vengeful, and malevolent disengaged, has delivered what it only could.

Throughout the entire CovidSARS2 Affair from its planning in 2009 to the fictional statistics manufactured by The Imperial College London, to the current opportunistic tyrannical power grabs by the exposed single-party systems and their complicit power bases, there would always be an attempt to manufacture the division of the sane resistant and the insane collaborative. The attempt to variously force the sane, through both subtle and malevolent socio-economic pressures to succumb to the observance of the tyranny.

The unseen CovidHoax, weaponised by the use of false amalgamated injury and death statistics, would fall. As the alleged protected by injection would be naturally exposed as the carriers, transmitters, and compromised immune as they were and would become.

The greater the isolation of those injected to the sane, would rebound, as it has. The manufactured statistics of false amalgamation have rebounded. The redefinitions of; Pandemic, Fully Vaccinated, and Immune, have rebounded. As they would. The liars and conjurers of fact and reality are exposed, to those who can be honest with the deception that was perpetrated n them by their ill-founded trusting of all things postured governmental.

We ignore the appurtenances of the power bases and their exposures. The police, military, industries of law, and those who chose to succumb to junk science. Those who now have zero credibility, at their very own hands. Recidivist behaviour is well known historically by the sane, who have witnessed nothing new, and nothing about which they incessantly warned.

The path to normalcy will be long and tragic, as it usually is; when such tyrannical manifestations align; as they do. Obeying orders, and doing what one thought was correct for the people; being the meaningless, unforgivable garbage that they are.

They can’t be wished well on their journey, as their interests and convictions were never well-intentioned. The forceful attack of The People never is. All power base force is initially derived as loaned by The People, who cannot be divided amongst themselves for purposes of elitist manifestations of dictatorial control.

The Trick

To control a nation, you only need to variously control those who control the power switches and the propaganda outlets. Not that many.

The trick is to get The People to stand up from their various illusions of compliance and being scared to move or speak. If you fear government and its powers, hide in the corner, obey orders, and rot.

How many delusional owned were needed to control the entire industries of law, medicine, and science? Scared little lemmings with intellectualized and moralized illusions of the socio-economic social-presumptive that dictates their miserable little owned and meaningless lives.

Editor’s Note: I now add a video posted by Crowhouse (sent by a reader) — THE PIVOTAL MOMENT



    • at 5:15 Federal “Health” rep Murphy is stridently challenged by Jackie Lambie about the risk of va666ines and the viability of the hospital system to salvage people. But a month or two later Lambie has “switched” and now is pushing the junk serums as zealously as she can, with even more strident tones. Like Gulag Gladys, she just flipped. Gulag Gladys was dragged under the bus and now it seems they want to put her up against prominent independent Zali Steggall, former skiing champion, who took down Abbott. Is the plan to throw Gulag Gladys under the bus again ? If necessary I guess so. Where will Stegall go, to UAP ? Who will protect her from globalist threats, or will she be persuaded to sell out or bail out ? As usual there is not much visible to the public except the confusion caused by a cesspit full of compulsive liars, all reading off the same daily policy update sheet.

          • In contradiction –

            The “Mark of the Beast”

            Who or what is the beast? Strongs Concordance 2342 describes it as a venomous dangerous animal.

            “Mark “Strongs concordance 5482 to sharpen to a point

            Why does the pharmaceutical industry symbolise itself with serpents slithering up a pole?

            Pope declares Lucifer/Satan as God and Jesus Christ as his son. – see video




            NOAHIDE LAWS, Decapitation for Confessing “JESUS IS LORD”

            The Jewish Encyclopedia envisages a Noahide regime as a possible world order immediately preceding the universal reign of the Talmud.

            It has to be understood that we are not dealing with the Noah of the Bible when the religion of Judaism refers to “Noahide law,” but the Noahide law as understood and interpreted by the absolute system of falsification that constitutes the Talmud.



            Noahide laws and ISIS
            US Public Law 102-14


      • I wonder when the speaker in that video will cover the possibility of: “What if the Anti Christ figure originates in Israel, as the original Christ figure did?”

        This is a significant question. What do we do if “The Mark of The Beast” is found to originate in Israel, from an Israeli citizen? Is this person automatically exempt due to being an Israeli? Anyone?

          • Popes Hat VICARIUS FILII DEI = 666
            Add it up yourself: D=500 C=100 L=50 X=10 V=5 I=1
            Pope is operated out of Switzerland.
            Eye on pyramid comes from Egypt.
            Alexander Helios presumed to be the common ancestor.

        • As is always the case, most people avoid the obvious solution to a problem by selecting the most attractive option. In the covid instance, this is go to protests, launch leagal challenges, write articles, and vote for alternatives.

          The enemy is counting on this prevarication.

          Protest reaches the converted… the media makes sure of this. In fact, the media is in control of the entire narrative.

          To personalise this, three people run covid in Australia, Rupert Murdoch, Frank Lowy, and Ross Garnaut. All three are Zionists, with allegience to Israel and above.

          There is only one way the community can be saved and that is to eliminAte those in control, and their immediate henchmen.

          But as we were disarmed in preparation for this, only the army regulars can help. And they are either helping jab people in remote areas or are nowhere to be seen. And soon they will be replaced by foreign and nastier soldiers.

          Our surviving option is putting together a citizen commando unit. Anybody with this capacity is talking elections, ignoring the reality they will lose because the media controls all elections.We are being led by the blind.

          Dare I go all Darwinistic and say, a species that stupid does not deserve to survive.

          I intend to survive but it is looking increasingly like I will do so alone.

          • We’re hamstrung by Christianity and post-Christianity, which directs us not to kill anyone or there will be worse to come. In other societies where warriors were rewarded it would have been easier, but I guess the status quo responds by becoming even more militaristic.
            The rebellion against the shape-shifting MSM needs to come from the grass roots and people are nowadays drifting away from the comforts of their MSM news. Antivaxx is now out of the margins and becoming a force to be reckoned with. The owned politicians and puppet leaders are now talking about full needle-rape of everyone including school age children, against a mediocre virus which has already gone benign.
            The grass roots needs to be more active, simply put up signs around the place, for every QR code there should be a 666 label. On every community notice board there should be MSM disinformation advice.
            Today some leader of the UN-WHO came out speaking “against” va666ine mandates, saying mandates should only be done where absolutely necessary and (my words) accompanied by strategic coercion and propaganda. The double-speak is there to confuse. The confusion can be cleared up easily. For starters just follow the money. We can get to “The Rapture” later.

          • “Christianity directs us not to kill anyone or there will be worse to come“

            Actually the message of both the Old and New Testaments is not to engage in fleshly conflict; there’s nothing about not engaging in physical combat. Problem is that the unconverted, by definition,don’t know the difference.

          • To me it’s dead obvious that doing/saying or not doing/saying anything on the basis of being enveloped by a fit of rage or cowed by fear is always going to be disastrous

    • World Economic Forum – Depop by 94%
      As I calculated during the recent Melbourne protest rally and march (estimated attendance about 400,000), the streets of the inner city grid could hold about one million people with a space of one square metre each. Imagine if you added all the hi-rises, you could easily fit everyone in Victoria into the city grid, that’s roughly a square mile. If they all stopped using so many cars, so much plastic, so many novelty items, single use stuff, their environmental impact would be low. Population is naturally declining and slowly going “green”, so why have globalists (through their government puppets) chosen to expand both the footprint and population of Melbourne, while arranging the death of local industry and dependence on imports ?
      This is not actual sustainability or any sort of good intentions, this is sadistic farm management, it is about profits and control. “The Greens” supporters are being used and they don’t understand that any global warming (and conversely ice-ages) are caused by variations in the sun’s energy. Why does Australian “climate guru” Flannery always act so timid, sorrowful, apologetic, I suggest it is because he knows he is part of a major fraud. At the very least he has coupled deforestation and waterway abuse type of issues with globalist “climate change” to get more traction. At the worst he is owned and blackmailed. But most likely the key for globalists is to cover all bases. Is Flannery a naturist with skeletons in his closet ?
      Appointed by socialist and globalist agenda-pusher Julia Gillard.
      Refer: nasa video “ten years of sun”.

    • Yes! Sweden is The World, and The World is Sweden! Laws passed there, automatically apply to the entire 99.8% of the population that comprises the rest of the world, right?

  1. “The path to normalcy will be long and tragic”

    The ultimate “tragedy” is the belief that there was any such thing as “normalcy” in the 1st place
    Coupled with the complete failure to grasp the fact that the current situation is cause for celebration

        • Revelation 21:1 :
          “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.”

          2 Peter 3:13:
          “Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.”

          Isaiah 65:17:
          “For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.”

          Mark 2:22:
          “And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles.”

          Luke 5:36:
          “And he spake also a parable unto them; No man putteth a piece of a new garment upon an old; if otherwise, then both the new maketh a rent, and the piece that was taken out of the new agreeth not with the old.”

          2 Corinthians 5:17:
          “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

    • The concept of “normal” is not only childishly objective, it’s deeply enmeshed with a phobia about ageing and death, a phobia that’s driven the entire lockdown/vax mandate circus, as so eloquently enunciated in this interview:

      • From 15 minutes:
        “………………..There’s a corruption of the whole understanding of the value of human life. As Christian theologians we’re saying that all life is valuable but we must recognise reality – that people, when they are very old, will die of something”

        In other words Life as we know it, is terminal, so the belief that any aspect of it can be indefinitely preserved or restored to what we previously experienced is essentially destructive

        • I ceased listening to any religious nutters on my arrival in Vietnam in the 60’s. Prior to leaving Australia, our battalion, 6 RAR toured Townsville and visited all major denomination churches. In every case, the leaders of ALL those denominations, told us we were doing God’s work and blessed us. On arrival in Vietnam, I discovered if we were allegedly doing “Gods work”, that God was not something I wished to ever again follow, or set foot in his house. A pox on all religions. They are all in cahoots with the Government and the NWO.

  2. SERCO controls immigration, all BSWL4 factories and runs detention centres, prisons and hospitals in Australia with Military intelligence, including their specialties in cyber data, criminal records, drivers licence details, DNA data bases and communications. In 2015 they took over the US Patent Office and now manage 5G in Crown direction, this being a 70% reduction in global population, agenda in genocide.
    Serco is the head of the serpent, 5G with mandated jabs are their abominations and must be stopped. Anyone aiding these criminals is a traitor to all. We are enslaved by Luciferians addicted to andrenochrome and they must be exposed everywhere before it’s too late.

    • Yay for Ant56, aka Tony the Sydney carpenter.

      “must be stopped. Anyone aiding these criminals is a traitor to all.”

      What are your holdings in Philip screwdrivers Ant?

    • This is the way forward:

      ” Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

      For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.”
      MATHEW 16: 24 – 25

      It’s not about stopping anyone from doing anything

    • You have to eat plenty of different types of leaves, in the olden days people would forage and come up with all kinds of stuff they would just snack on. Now, it’s mono-diet served in a plastic bag with one week use-by. Farm animals showing the way, fed on pellets. Medications, injections, operations, all standard fare. Globalists use pubic opinion and fashion trends to herd us back to their Wall St owned major supermarkets for more vitamin pills and new types of confectionery, “low fat” etc.

    • XX Exc Article – Once again also exposing how selected institutions have been suppressing (among many other things) research into vitamin deficient illness for at least 60 years.

  3. From “CO2 Spin on that” – a site no long available –

    ……..In his memoirs entitled “Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat”, detailing a series of experiments conducted at the Royal Institution, Tyndall fallaciously states with regard to Oxygen and Nitrogen that they are both quote:

    “practically transparent to radiant heat.”

    Thus laying the foundations of AGW fraud.

    This statement by John Tyndall is the origin of such claims as “the science is settled” and the “greenhouse effect is 150 year old established physics.” In terms of radiant heat it is the only factor that would differentiate between the various atmospheric gases.

    After all, Oxygen and Nitrogen constitute 99% of the atmosphere. If these two gases are shown to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation, what would make so called “Greenhouse Gases” like CO2, such a threat to the environment at only 0.0385% of the atmosphere?

    So the basis for the “Greenhouse Effect” is that incoming and out going IR is not absorbed by Oxygen and Nitrogen which instead passes straight through these gases. According to this unsubstantiated hypothesis, only those gases which are termed “Greenhouse Gases” posses the capability to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation.

    The problem for the hypothesis of the “Greenhouse Effect” and of course AGW itself is that the basic premise on which the hypothesis is based is false.

    Firstly, Oxygen and Nitrogen both have higher specific heat capacities than CO2……………

    • Old cars used to produce carbon monoxide which was toxic, but the car industry mostly fixed that. Globalists clumsily lifted the hysteria off CO and onto CO2, as with so many of their little schemes, it involved a switcheroo, which the public was too unwise to discern.
      Recently, they switched the FDA approved “Comirnaty” (come here naughty) for any available substitute drug.
      Over time, they switched “the Constitution of …” to “THE CONSTITUTION FOR …”.
      Under fake emergency powers they switched “mandate” for “law”.
      They switched “doctor” for “drug pusher”.
      They switched socialism into fascism.
      They switched an average virus into a planetary disaster.
      They switched very safe HCQ and IVM into dangerous and ineffective banned substances.
      They switched Iraq, Libya, Syria etc into some kind of a threat (!?!?!)
      They switched people’s own kids into some kind of threat to their grandparents and now want to needle-rape all of them.
      And still people believe the lies.

      • Quote by Michael Ellner: “Just look at us. Everything is …

        Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.”. – Michael Ellner. Read more quotes from Michael Ellner.

  4. Well,
    After listening to the video put up by Dee in the comment way up, who now is going to black ball the msm, it’s advertisers and the ABC?
    Who is going to shun any association with identified politicians and media spivs.
    No one?
    Well, why were your ancestors sacrificed in WW 1, WW11, Korea, Vietnam and in the Middle East.
    Show those who were sacrificed for you, some utmost respect and gratitude by WAKING UP NOW.
    OTHERWISE, ANZAC DAY HAS NO FUTURE PURPOSE, other than to massage political hypocrites.

      • I as a Vietnam Vet and RSL member wrote a letter containing disc which had 37 videos explaining the virus hoax and who set it in play. Then I sent an email explaining the dangers of the “vaccine”. Both were sent to the secretary of RSLWA. In the letter I requested that they distribute the information to members in order to not only save themselves but to save their children and grandchildren. The almighty secretary did not even have the decency to acknowledge my correspondence let alone debate my information.

        This situation has lead to me resigning my membership.

        So much for glorifying past Servicemen and Servicewomen because certain Ex-Service personnel could not even save themselves from an imaginary disease.

        • L.O.L. found your post quiet funny Mal, also did not surprise or shock me at all. IMHO, the RSL is a shonky organisation today, obtaining a free ride on the backs of WW 2 veterans of which today, there arn’t too many around. They can see their relevance fast disappearing, and suck up to the Government in the hopes of gaining support and funding so they can strut around pretending they are useful and important people, when in reality, the opposite is the truth. Nope, have no time for pretenders and that, IHMO is what the RSL is today. I can’t even bring myself to front up on Anzac day which has been thoroughly hijacked to promote militarism policies of the Government, contrary to the original auspices of the RSL in the first place.

    • “Well, why were your ancestors sacrificed in WW 1, WW11, Korea, Vietnam and in the Middle East” ?

      Answer – to make the world safe for the Banksters!

      “All wars are Bankers wars”

    • Been around a while🤣🤣🤣
      Funnier, is the report by a contributor at gs that he saw a loaded return capsule with crew thrown from a high flying US transport plane and landing without burn marks into the ocean,
      No doubt the astronauts had to thumb a hitch ride to return to earth.
      Happens often when the petrol runs dry….. yep; ‘a great RIDE for mankind’! 🙊🙊🙊

      • Even more amazing on Dr Charlie Ward the Nigel Farrage interview with Mein Trumpf where Trump spends half the interview talking about how he loves the Queen and the Va666ines and golf courses, and hates wind turbines, maybe he’d better get Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, General Flynn and a few others to joggle his thinking along a bit.

        • Perhaps t has a sense of humour? I recognise his modus.
          He is run by some of those you name in the pantomime.
          Do not underestimate military….. they know everything.
          Read the Bush funeral letters. “Sorry, they know everything”.

          • Even the Burmese military knows everything, as soon as Trump said the election was rigged they had Aung Sung Suu Kyi in the slammer within about a week. We heard Soros droipped off a big bag of cash a few weeks before.
            Fancy the public thinking they have the entitlement to choose between dictators, who are quite capable of fighting it out between themselves.

  5. X22report.com episode 2645b
    Sth Africa at 23 mins. Significant.
    Much more, all fun.
    Also, following; They held the cure back from the people Fauci is responsible and our pollies are just as liable.
    They and our health ‘dick tailors ’ should be very nervous, as the people wake up.

      • As you say, “Follow the money”!

        Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s new book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” includes a revealing transcript — printed here — of a conversation between Dr Tess Lawrie and Dr. Andrew Hill. Dr Hill admitted to caving to pressure to downplay the benefits of ivermectin as a COVID treatment.

        (Me: Andrew Hill is not a scientist any more-he is a full blown traitor! Do not miss the discussion, it is printed out in full. I felt ill after reading it.)

        From the discussion: :Lawrie: “How many people die every day?
        Hill: Oh, sure. I mean, you know, 15,000 people a day.
        Lawrie: Fifteen thousand people a day times six weeks … because at this rate, all other countries are getting ivermectin except the UK and the USA, because the UK and the USA and Europe are owned by the vaccine lobby.” 42 times 15,000 = approx 700,000 dead.


    • This plandemic has been a ‘wake-up call’ to a lot of people. Now that they are starting to wake up, they are more amenable to other information. – I was at a luncheon when someone mentioned false evidence and I said “yeah, look what happened to Martin Bryant”. THAT set off a discussion. Now there are about 6 more people that understand what Port Arthur was all about. – The ‘Red Pill’ has been consumed, the ‘oh shit’ meter is off the scales.

    • Yes all under Howard’s watch. He was the master then came twin towers, couldn’t convince us to join Iraq then came Bali bit more than an lpg bottle if you get my drift, another in Ireland then all sign up and off to Iraq we go. Now like Terry said some people have woken up.

      • Look up the Wesley Clark interview with Amy Goodman in March 2007.
        The plan (pre 911!) we have a great military, we can take down governments. 7 countries in 5 years.ending with Iran.
        Laughter from the idiots.
        Well, how did that work out under Trump! After 20 years? He finished it…. Almost.
        He has not finished, he is the commander in Chief.

  6. NED says instead of watching 7, 9, 10 or the ABC watch this…….

  7. Love Dan.
    There is no AUSTRALIAN msm shock joke spivs who can compete.

    • When I see our Corporate Health Officers and other human garbage talking on the fake news about injecting everyone’s kids, I can imagine marketing a whack-a-mole game featuring the whole lot of them. Instead of a little paddle I would provide a riot-pig truncheon. I think in the not-too-distant future this game could be extremely popular, especially with the kids. It would qualify as “educational”.

      • AZ junk serum pusher Dame Sarah Gilbert advises of next bio-weapon attack, we assume she is talking about “SPARS 2025”, maybe they want to release it early

        • Looked her up at wiki and more at duckduckgo.com.
          So she is allegedly a cofounder of astrogendica.
          Pity it does not seem to work after a few months, (without boosters ?)

          • Some type of upper class entitled person.
            And royal Ursula Von Der Leyen also with plans for Useless Eaters.
            Imagine all your favourite mad doctor / mad scientist movies rolled into one.
            Va666ine not seem to work ? Mwa-ha-ha-ha-haaaa.
            Adjust your time frame and recalculate.

    • Once more he’s pushing the notion that a Satanic agenda is being imposed on a bunch of unwitting fools by an elitist group of Some-BODIES

      When the truth is that a bunch of unwitting fools from all walks are allowing themselves to be commandeered by a bunch of Persons WITHOUT bodies.

      The popularity of the Cabal theory is reflected in Genesis 3:12 where Adam ever-so-obliquely blames Eve for his own wilful disobedience, so said escape mechanism is evidently as old as time itself. Like it or not, autonomy over one’s own existence is always going to be commensurate to acknowledging personal decisions for what they are and taking responsibility accordingly.

      • although i believe their are rich evil F’ers who would devour their mom or children to live 1 moment longer. and i think the vax is different in every area because they are looking for the fountain of youth – similar to Dead Pool experience? Berry, i have to agree that i am responsible for me. it surely sucks when i look back at those ‘moments’ when i chose the wrong path… And that i am here, it is effeminately confusing for me to know if i should be hiding out, getting the word out, or raising arms…

  8. “In 2018, through INFUSE, Gavi is calling for proven innovations that leverage these digital technologies. The innovations should greatly enhance the efficacy of immunisation delivery, and modernise methods to identify and register the children who most need life-saving vaccines and who currently are being missed by legacy processes.”

    “Imagine a future in which all children have access to life-saving vaccines no matter where they live – a future in which parents and health workers ensure their timely vaccination, a future in which they have their own digitally stored health record that cannot be lost or stolen, a future in which, regardless of gender, economic or social standing, this record allows each child (and parents) to have access to a bank account, go to school, access services and ultimately build a prosperous life. This future is possible today. With the latest advances in digital technologies that enable more effective ways to register, identify births and to issue proof of identity and authentication for access to services – we are on the brink of building a healthier and more prosperous future for the world’s most vulnerable children.”


    [Comment: If anyone is still wondering, note that this was written in 2018 – announcing and promoting the ‘response’ to the [fake] ‘pandemic’ involving a ‘virus’ that had not yet been ‘released’.]

    Featured here
    • The real agenda behind mad dash to get every child on the planet injected against a virus that won’t affect them


  9. Here is how they are promoting the ‘vaccines’ in Russia

    featured here

    • The green checkmark that cares for all Russians – by Edward Slavsquat
    • Sberbank CEO Herman Gref has a simple vision: to make life in Russia intolerable


    In particular, here is Herman Gref talking to The Rt Hon Tony Blair

    At 8:43 war criminal Blair is promoting the digital ID in July 2020 – when the plandemic was hardly even warming up.

    Gref talks to this war criminal as if either of them had anything positive to contribute to humanity …

    And no, I have no idea where Putin is …

    • At least in response to your first vid:
      ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCpYqWAIwFA&t=52 for 4 seconds.

  10. Looks like a US senate hearing:
    The ordinary flu vaccine makes you worse with the year after flu ( sounds like you already have to get hooked on their junk ).
    The previous years mRNA quaxxine helps the new years “variant” to invade the cells ( wonder how va666inated people will go when they release the SPARS 2025 bio-weapon ).
    Natural immunity is better than the injections … and as anyone except a full-blown stoopid knows, the va666ine does not prevent transmission

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