by Dee McLachlan
“Cardiac arrest deaths rise” — It’s mainstream, but the logic of causation remains elusive to to the conquered mind. And this trend has occurred all across the (western) world).
To quote a few statistics from the UK (from the British Heart Foundation):
“The number of people dying before the age of 75 in England from heart and circulatory diseases has risen to the highest level in over a decade… Latest figures show that in 2022, over 39,000 people in England died prematurely of cardiovascular conditions including heart attacks, coronary heart disease and stroke – an average of 750 people each week. It is the highest annual total since 2008. …recent statistics show that the rate of premature deaths from cardiovascular disease has now increased in England for three years back-to-back. This is the first time there has been a clear reversal in the trend for almost 60 years.”
What happened three years ago, I wonder?
“Dr Charmaine Griffiths, our Chief Executive, said: “These figures paint a heartbreaking picture. For more than half a century, pioneering research and medical advances helped us make huge strides towards reducing heart attack and stroke deaths. …cardiovascular disease is one of the country’s biggest killers and our hearts need protection now.” …we reported that there have been over 100,000 excess deaths involving cardiovascular conditions in England since February 2020, in an analysis of data from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID). …the reasons for high numbers of excess deaths related to cardiovascular disease in England are complicated.”
The reasons for these high numbers is especially complicated to explain if you can’t mention the medical “intervention” over these years.
Australia has hit on a solution — more defibrillators.
In a 2015 The Age article they reported:
“The Victorian government on Sunday will announce that clubs can apply for a grant to buy 1000 defibrillators under a $2.7 million plan outlined in the budget. …More than a dozen people in the state suffer a heart attack every day.“ [In 2015: 12/d x 365 = 4,380]
70% RISE ?
A Channel 7 report claims that 7,830 people suffered a a cardiac arrest in 2022– that is more than a 70% RISE of cardiac arrest as a comparison between 2015 and 2022.
Victoria’s solution:
Another “Medical Episode”
Do you remember my article on Jock Zonfrillo. He seemed the healthiest and most vibrant host on mainstream television — at age 46. His sudden death went unexplained.
Another mainstream reporter passed away this week: “Popular sport presenter Nathan Templeton’s final Instagram post shows just how tragic the Sunrise reporter’s sudden death is. Australian sport has been left devastated by the death of the Channel 7 host, who tragically died, reportedly while walking his dog.”

I wonder if these mainstream host are joining any dots at all — or have their brains already been captured.
Attack on Mental Immune System
In a recent newsaddict article entitled: Molecular Geneticist: mRNA Shots Were ‘Designed’ to ‘Destroy Humanity’ it reports:
“According to Dr. Michael Nehls, the injections were created as part of a plan by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations (UN), The World Health Organization (WHO), Big Pharma, and globalist world governments. The plan sought to “conquer the human mind” by destroying most of the human race and breaking down barriers that were preventing the globalist agenda from being ushered in on a global scale.
“Nehls has has studied the effects of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines on the brain extensively and believes it is the way these jabs affect our minds that made governments so eager to push them on their populations. He recently sat down with Tucker Carlson to discuss his book, The Indoctrinated Brain, and how these vaccines are affecting people’s minds.
“He explained how both the vaccines and the virus itself – which was engineered in a lab… are vital components of a widespread assault on the human brain that seeks to squash the individuality associated with clear and healthy minds. Dr. Nehls said that thanks to the brain alterations this causes, “we can be conquered, and we would even accept it.”
@bmajorism commented on the above linked video (2 months ago)
“So the bottom line, if I’m not mistaken, is that if one ceases to learn and challenge their own perspectives and ideas, one becomes susceptible to indoctrination and/or mental diseases. In other words, the worst thing we could do for ourselves is stifle and/or dismiss dissenting thoughts and ideas as they relate to our own and simply remain within echo chambers whilst those echos destroy our brains and eventually, the rest of society…”
All very well these specialists being on our side, re the cause of the problem but many are still accepting that there was such a thing made in the laboratory known as Covid-19. In other words that there was a pandemic.
True that it was a plandemic but Sars-Cov-2 was a bioweapon developed in a BSL4 lab and used to instigate the global vaccination program.
Vaccine deaths and adverse reactions have been horrendous but the virus itself(although it’s mortality rate is not much greater than flu) has also caused morbidities due to manipulated insertions in the Sars-Cov-1 sequence backbone.
Ron Unz proposes a very plausible origin of the plandemic.
Dr Ian Brighthope
Excess Deaths Explained
It’s interesting how the loser suburbs of Melbourne are the top ten, there is not one winner suburb in the lot, I would expect this pattern to be more accentuated as time goes by and the loser suburbs to take more of the hits whether they be from drug and alcohol overdosing, suicides from state engineered unemployment, car crashes from heart attacks etc., the whole variety of Covid knock on effects including government ineptitude in the decades leading up to the Covid period.
Expect Senator Babet’s hard-won excess deaths inquiry to be a whitewash where excess deaths are all blamed on the Covid itself and the blood-clots injections get off scot-free even though the drug A-Z was quickly discontinued for causing clots. The liars strategy and intent is to get away with lying by telling more lies, more loudly and more adamantly and filling their fake news with its dwindling number of followers with all their lies mixed with false-hope stories and when all else fails, sport.
Ducking and running, baton changes, departmental rearrangements, huge investments in salaries and media can be expected in the desperate attempts to murder the truth and bury it in an unmarked grave.
In other places the losers are pushed into a pit and shot in the back but we here are so much more civilised.
Naomi Wolf-Facing the Beast.
Excellent interview.
Everyone has theories and some with bible citations to no conclusions and no idea of how to deal with it all.
Want an answer and some results ….. soon?
Ok, be brave and listen to one of Clif High’s latest ‘theories’ that he has foreshadowed.
Strange as it may seem. I think he has it in a nutshell….. what else would one expect…… it is referred to as STREET JUSTICE.
At beforeit’snews.com people powered news.
I give no headlines, just do your own research and work it out and make your own assessment.
Also have a peak and listen to Mary at her latest situation update at BIN
For another litmus test just look up the gold and silver spot prices today. NOTICE ANYTHING?
Clif High
Justice vs Law
Predicts significant event July 15/16
Ta Sandra.
It is 30 mins.
How to explain it all to a naysayer on an another level.
Well for the first time here at GS, I will suggest that, bloody hell, some may think I have joined the bible bashes club, NO, I am a simple person, bible or not, I go with Jesus Christ and his recorded teachings and principles.
There are 3-4 basic precepts. THINK ON THEM.
PLEASE DO NOT BOTHER ME WITH esoteric RECORDED CITATIONS OF BIBLICAL STUFF AND ENLESS INTERPRETATIONS, I just rely on the boss, not the desk jockeys at the front desk.
As for those who allegedly chat with God/source, unless they really are in communication with the boss and follow the simple precepts, then such claims are BS and more likely, for their self interests.
One does not need to chat with God if one is following the simple basics, as he has already given you the riding instructions.
So why all the BS.
Just pray, ‘hello God’ each day and let ‘it’ be the guide. A intellect has been provided free of charge to discern all.
Nevertheless, we all stuff up ….. that is the game, learn from it.
I am not directing a opinion on you, it’s a general observation to all generally, from a ‘cultist’🙀🤣
I suppose I should clarify the basis of my comment….. unless one knows C High and listens to the link provided by Sandra, most will not have a clue as to understanding my comment …… in short, some have been suckered and used by so few, SOME, more so then others.
Clif’s podcast on his return drive on the 11th
Propagandists’ Shuffle Danz
The media exposed.
I did not check Sandra’s referenced first link and presumed it was the link immediately above and that drive was the one commented upon by me.
As an aside, a relative and family is back from the US. Her concerned (and awake) hubby will not suggest (ALLOW) that she goes out alone etc.
We will have the next with family back to safety very soon.
Am I relieved! 🤷
$ 45.10.
Have a good weekend.
Deserves a screen shot
$A 3,700’!!!!
Silly me, I suggested today to Terry that they would likely hold it at 3,600.
Seems that they can not hold it back and the sky is now the
Now that surely means something if they can not manipulate it back some.
The average person is too busy just trying to get by. Purchasing precious metals is not on their radar. For the precious metals to be making these kind of moves it indicates to me that it is the well to do, those in the know, governments, etc. that are behind the momentum.
Not on their radar!
Indeed, then they will blame everyone else for their plight and want to get the government to thieve from others to pay for their past selfish indulgences.
Guess what? The government will pander to their dumb greed just to succeed, be re-elected and screw the rest…..that is how the politicians think as directed by their globalist masters, just to keep their own noses in our trough.
Communism FAILS. The serfs pay for the elite, as in feudal periods…. Same old system.
Jane Burgermeister – WHO Memorandum from 1972 outlined three-step approach to killing people using vaccines, specifically to trigger cytokine storms (2009); WHO moves forward in secrecy to accomplish forced vaccination and population agenda (2009).
1) First totally disable the Immune System.
2) Load every cell of the Victim’s body up with Infection.
3) Switch the Immune System on causing the host to kill themselves in a
Cytokine Storm.
One, Two, Three, Dead.
It is only a matter of time before we see the mass death consequences in line with the (deleted) Deagle forecasts….they will need a war to cover this up…..
Already the TV is doing obituaries as fast as they can, old people, celebs, young people doing violence, not so many dropping dead people, still one gets the feeling we are being primed
I’m Irish and it’s interesting that the government here suddenly became very interested in putting up defibrillators everywhere in the summer of 2020, right in the middle of the “vaccination” campaign.
Four defibrillators appeared around my home.
One to the right of my home at the entrance to a housing estate, and to the left of my home as you’re traveling down main street there is one at the bank, next, one inside the local supermarket, and finally one at the top of the street near the police station.
A team of six first aid cardiac volunteers was also trained and set up at the same time.
This same kind of thing started happening all over the country.
What a coincidence!
Just when everyone gets vaccinated and just before they start having heart attacks!
The official explanation was all this was in response to a campaign by the family of a teenage girl who had died from a heart attack while playing sports.
Yet this had happened in 2011 and never before had defibrillators suddenly appeared as if by magic overnight on every street corner.
Very strange.
Thankfully I never got “vaccinated”.