Editor’s note: Greg Maybury (Poxamikana) presents The Crimes & Betrayals of the Medical Papacy — Part One. Originally published on Greg’s site HERE on the 25th February 2022.
by Greg Maybury
‘We’ve seen the needle & the damage done, a little part of it in everyone…’ — Neil Young, 1972
‘[We have] a situation where the whole of medical practice is being transformed into [one] that affects our DNA, and DNA is the essence of life…’ — New Zealand physicist Dr Guy Hatchard
‘A great majority of the population looks on with complete indifference as the medical papacy assumes ever greater proportion, worming its way into the most diverse fields—for instance, intervening extensively in children’s education, in school life, and staking a claim here to a certain form of therapy.’ — Rudolf Steiner, 1924.
Preamble: Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the global conspiracy that is the Covid “pandemic”, is the ease with which the vast majority of those in the medical and scientific establishment embraced the official dogma and complied with the dictates imposed under its all-encompassing rubric. The stark reality is that the arch-criminal globalist confederacy that is the World Economic Forum (WEF)—in tandem with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Big Media, and Big Tech—could hardly have imagined much less attempted their monstrous fraud without their imprimatur and complicity.
You Will Know Us By the Trail of the Dead
As noted by this writer and others in the past two years, the submissive compliance with which most people have responded to the fear-fuelled dictates of the global Covid “pandemic” regime imposed upon us all beggars belief. Over a hundred years ago Carl Jung warned us of the ‘psychic dangers of infected minds’; for him, these were to be feared far more than any virulent, contagious microbial organism. More recently Belgian psychologist Matthias Desmet referred to “mass formation psychosis” as a way of explaining the phenomenon, still a work in progress despite a nascent, if belated, awakening of the populace.
That these “dictates” have far less to do with protecting public health than with— via the World Economic Forum’s so-called “Great Reset”—subjugating, then by stealth enslaving us, should be clear to most by now. I say “should” advisedly, because more than two years later, so many are still ‘enjoying the ride’ upon which they’ve been so blindly taken.
Even for those perhaps not enjoying said ride so much, far too many still think this is just about a virus and its putative panacea, the much-evangelised “vaccines”! These are just the tip of the “Great Reset” spear!
Yes, as hinted, more and more people are waking up; but this is a numbers game on so many levels. With lives being destroyed and even lost as I write, and with many more at stake, we’re running short of time. Should the “ride” veer off the rails (as it seems to be doing) and their gambit is revealed for all to see, it remains uncertain if the ones running it will be held accountable. If they’re not, said ride will again be up and running quicker than we can say “there’s a new variant in town”.
Even here, in the unlikely event these folks receive anything akin to a punishment befitting their crime, the damage will have already been done. Which is far from saying said “damage” is complete, or completely known. Yet oh what “damage” we are talking about, just with what we do know already! We’ll examine this in more detail in Part Two, if only because I expect that in the interim there’ll be so much more to talk about then, given the speed at which revelations about the “pandemic” are forthcoming.
Now there are many criminal culprits who’ve reared their evil, ugly heads in the past two years, though as we’ll see they’ve been around the traps for decades. At the top of my personal ‘hit parade’ are Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and Dr Anthony Fauci. There are many others, with the especially sinister ‘not-so-public’ Israeli “public intellectual” and Schwab ‘wing-man’ Yuval Noah Harari being worthy of mention. (Harari is something of a self-styled prophet of human evolution, who appears hell-bent on fast-tracking thereby self-actualising his trans-humanist prognostications via the “Great Reset”.)
But besides these usual suspects whose respective roles, ambitions, and motives have been well documented (though scarcely common knowledge), for this writer it’s the medical establishment that has the biggest case to answer. Though as we’ll see it’s been with us for some time, Covid has revealed for all to see the deeply embedded, systemic wide corruption of this once revered institution.
In and of itself this corruption is significant enough, though as we’ll see, it’s hardly the first time it has prostituted itself in the bed of Big Pharma. The inescapable fact is that this time the medical profession has wittingly or unwittingly participated in an unprecedented crime against humanity, one that does not simply impact on all present generations. In helping to spearhead the Grand Global Gulag Gambit that is the “Great Reset”, their complicity will cast a long, dark shadow over the lives of future—as yet unborn—generations. We can all but assume that for some of these folks, it will likely include their own descendants!
For over two years then the various folks who populate this institution have been, hands in pockets, whistling past the graveyard of humanity as we’ve come to know it, warts and all. Many still are, despite the mounting evidence of the highly toxic, and frequently deadly “adverse events” of Big Pharma’s genetically engineered concoctions. With people dying from these experimental treatments, “events” doesn’t get any more “adverse” than that!
The simple reality is that these so-called “vaccines” are killing tens of thousands of people, and maiming hundreds of thousands more, though if one’s only source of news comes from establishment media channels, then such folks would be oblivious to it. As with so many key events, revelations and developments with the “pandemic”, the real story remains unreported. And as reported by Mark Crispin Miller and many others recently, doctors continue to push the “vaccination is best” dogma, something I can personally attest to.
On this latter point, it’s instructive to note that in the past few months I’ve had occasion to visit no less than three different doctors, itself a sign of the times in which we live. Not one of them evinced any awareness of the dire impacts—euphemistically designated “adverse events”—the “vaccines” are having on people. Nor did they show any interest in finding out, despite my efforts to bring them up to speed. Just this week I had one doctor express not-so-mild annoyance at my refusal to get the jab. In citing “informed consent” as my reason, I might as well have been speaking Sanskrit! He advised me his clinic was now treating the unvaccinated as “Covid infected”, including even “asymptomatic” people, who had formerly been known as “healthy”.
So many then are still preaching the gospel according to St Anthony, refusing to consider they might be wrong. Instead, they’re choosing not to look at any of the evidence for this unfolding catastrophe, unwilling even to undertake basic due diligence, as belated as it now might be. Clearly, the profession has embraced its own variant of “submissive compliance”, or more fittingly, wilful ignorance.
Let me be very clear on this: Of any group who’ve so keenly embraced this “Kool-aid cult” and its insidious agenda, and who deserve to be held to account in criminal and civil courts to the full extent of the law, it’s the medical and healthcare establishment that stands out in the crowd. In “simply following orders”, they’ve committed the utmost treachery against us all. That they’ve also betrayed their more ethical, courageous colleagues goes without saying.
These people should have represented the first and last line of defence between us and the globalist predators seeking via the “Great Reset” to take control of our bodies, our minds, our health, our lives, our incomes, our businesses, our families, our communities, even our sovereign economies. In the process they seek to deny us our independence, our freedoms, our choices, our liberties, our informed consent and with that our bodily autonomy, our rights, and everything else any of us might define as making life and living on this planet worthwhile. We’re talking here in effect premeditated medical malpractice and malfeasance on a global scale. Nothing previously comes close, not even the HIV/AIDS. (In this, as we’ll see in Part Two, the profession has plenty of skeletons in the closet!)
This then is the essence of our narrative going forward.
[See picture leading the article]
#SIDEBAR 3: ‘I’d been seeing the same doctor for over 20 years, when he found out that I was not going to get the vax, he told me I was placing the health of others at risk. When I still said no, he began harassing me. I left the surgery in tears.’ [From Twitter]
Adding Insult to Injury (and Subtracting the Care)
It seems then that the once sacred code “do no harm” is now deemed a bit ‘old school’, passed its ‘use-by-date’, a ‘sick’ joke with Orwellian undertones. Similarly, as with our respective bills of rights, our sovereign constitutions and presumed freedoms etc., and the myriad laws and charters proscribing then protecting our basic civil liberties along with our hard fought human and legal rights, the once inviolable Hippocratic Oath is now not worth the paper it’s printed on. As for “informed consent”, the best they can offer is misinformed compliance! Bodily autonomy is no longer your exclusive preserve.
With this in mind, it’s nigh on impossible to see how Messrs Gates, Fauci, Schwab and their ilk could possibly have fooled so many people for so long and so thoroughly had they not first retained the imprimatur and elicited the unquestioned support of the vast majority of those folk within and across the medical profession. In cahoots with the fear-fuelled perpetual motion brainwashing machine that is the self-serving, self righteous establishment media and the irredeemably corrupt, mealy-mouthed political castes closer to home, it made for a formidable misinformation and indoctrination construct.
In pecuniary connivance with the pharmaceutical cartel, these are in the main the folks “running the ride”. It is not a stretch to suggest the medical, health-care, and medical science profession in all its guises is a now a wholly owned, lock, stock n’ barrel subsidiary of Big Pharma. For its part the latter is an industry run amok, beholden to no-one but its shareholders and nothing but its bottom line, an international crime syndicate in all but name. Although no-one has ever been jailed, the rap-sheet is long and storied.
Yet whilst the politicians will come and go, and the mendacious media will find a way to weasel its way out of being held accountable for the lies, deception, dissembling, misinformation, disinformation, character assassination, fear-mongering, gaslighting, self-censorship and glorified gossip that attended their reportage throughout this ‘phantom pandemic’, for the medical profession, it may not be that easy. Nor should we make it easy for them.
And so many of these people aren’t just accessories before, during, and after the Covid fact: They’ve been eager co-conspirators in mass murder and ‘eugenocide’, a new word I’ve coined to ‘commemorate’ the occasion of this ‘crime against humanity in progress’. Less ‘ethnic cleansing’ than ‘eugenic purging’ then, carried out at the pointy end of a hypodermic rather than the business end of an AK-47, led by hordes of ‘warlords’ in white coats shouting you’re ‘either with us or against us’. If there has been a more effective, wide-ranging ‘psy-op’ (aka brainwashing) exercise perpetrated upon humanity, then this writer has yet to hear about it.
To this crime against global humanity then we must add the emotional, economic, psychological, and social harm and trauma the unhinged “pandemic” response has done to us all, the true calculus of which will never be known. This, even if we assume some genuine official attempt is ever launched in order to count the costs. Which we should not expect will occur anytime soon. (It is a truism of politics to say: never instigate an inquiry if you don’t know the outcome, and it’s in this instance where such a truism is most likely to come into play.)
And on so many levels, it is our younger people who’ve already paid the heaviest price, and doubtless it will continue to exact a cost from them going forward long after the rest of us are on the wrong side of the grass. This includes those children whose parents thus far have sensibly resisted the relentless ‘call to prayer’ of the vaccine evangelists for their kids to be included in this mephistophelian medical experiment. They too have not been spared the ill-effects of this bespoke insanity. Oh that were the case!
The enforced wearing of masks for kids is a case in point: this represents perhaps the most baneful manifestation of the maniacal controlling impulse to which our public health policy makers, along with our respective ‘leaders’, their advisers and ‘medi-crats’ have succumbed to, and to which we can assume they’ve always been prone. That this was arguably the most unjustified and ineffective of the non-medical interventions purportedly intended to mitigate the transmission of this glorified flu (let’s call it what it is), only serves to make the mandate more ludicrous and cruel.
That mask-wearing was mandated for adults was bad enough; that it was imposed on our impressionable and vulnerable kids who were always considered the least susceptible to contagion made it all the more reprehensible. What our kids are least immune from is the insidious effects of stupidity, ignorance, cowardice, arrogance, perfidy and unvarnished self-interest, the very ‘qualities’ so exemplified by those who purport to be acting in our best interests. Again, the medical and healthcare profession stands out in this respect.
All of these measures of course derived from the advice of the so-named experts, presumably some of whom actually know something about public health, microbiology, infectious diseases, vaccine efficacy and safety, mRNA technology, or epidemiology. Even after it was revealed that masks don’t work—like the “experts” themselves about as useful as subtitles on an X-Rated adults-only movie—they doubled down on the edict, as relaxing the rules would’ve signalled they were not infallible and all-knowing after all. Like addicts, they get off on the high of the power trip!
And as with so many of the farcical, sadistic edicts lumbered on us during the faux crisis, few medicos at the ‘retail’ level had the moxie to push back on the dodgy rationale put forward to justify them. Although not the only example, the rejection and prohibition of existing safe, effective, cheap and proven treatments—Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to name two—was one of the most criminally negligent decisions ever taken by the medical cabal.
The most obvious reason for this prohibition is that Big Pharma couldn’t make a buck out of them. But another key, though less heralded, factor was at play here: In order to have an experimental drug granted an EUA (Emergency Use Authorisation) by the FDA, there must be “no other” effective medical treatments available, so the well known Ivermectin and HCQ had to be declared as unsafe and/or ineffective for the so-called Covid “vaccines” to be mandated as the one and only treatment that would fit that bill.
As for the “vaccine” rollout then, it has morphed seamlessly into the “Great Global Clot-shot Crap Shoot”, pretty much as it was designed. This is the sort of crime we normally associate with deranged, self-deifying megalomaniacs like Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, Hitler, or Mobutu and their ilk. But this one is based less on ethnicity, ideology, race, or religion than on class or socio-economic status. It is though no less a “power trip”, albeit one of an existentially different kind. In short, anyone considered surplus to present and future requirements as defined by the authors of the fatuously named “Great Reset” is eligible for inclusion in this Cult-inspired culling of the herd. In their twisted, perverted neo-Malthusian worldview, there are just far too many useless eaters and unworthy breeders.
A Mania for Denial and a Desperation to be Right
In the wake of the contaminated blood scandals of the early 80s and onwards—long forgotten of course, though not for those directly impacted by the criminal intent and negligence that characterised it—the Canadian public intellectual John Ralston Saul as far back as 1994 reflected on the shortcomings and epic systemic failures of the medical establishment.
Saul’s then reflections now bring into sharp relief for all but the most obtuse, self-serving, or wilfully ignorant, some basic understanding of how we’ve arrived at this point thirty odd years later. And in so doing, he enables us a glimpse of what it all might mean going forward in the post-pandemic era. Along with having implications for the standing of medical and health-care professionals, so it has for public health policy and the “experts” who formulate it.
(That being said, none of us should be under any illusions lessons will be learned, or heaven forbid, any serious reform will be implemented. As our continuing narrative in Part Two will further underscore, that’s not how the system works.)
For the eminent scholar and unsparing, long-time critic of the globalist game plan (including especially Klaus Schwab and his Davos-based World Enslavement (sic) Forum, the entity driving the Great Reset), the blood contamination scandals involved a series of errors in several Western countries—Canada, England, France, Germany, United States, Australia amongst them—by various medical authorities and institutions who failed to screen properly blood donations for HIV infections. ‘The universal methods of the medical profession produced the same approach in each country’, Saul intoned.
With the benefit of some rear-view mirror gazing, from this one observation alone it’s difficult to escape the ramifications for our present situation given what’s now coming to light. But the medical fraternity back then wasn’t ‘content’ to leave it at that. Publicly confessing the errors, cleaning house, and from there making amends and restoring some semblance of trust in the public health system was apparently ruled out as a way forward out of the tragic debacle.
As Saul went on to explain in his typically deadpan style, the errors attendant upon the scandals…’were rigorously denied’ he said. He then added,
‘[These] led to further damage being done to uninformed patients [and which] led eventually to public inquiries which ought to have been extremely damaging to the medical profession and cause them to rethink their general approach to communication and error.’
Instead of thereafter revealing what they knew to be the truth behind this totally avoidable public health catastrophe—one still playing itself out to this day—they added insult to injury and compounded the criminal negligence and the professional cowardice. From there they entered into an ‘emergency state of denial’, perhaps not unlike any of their respective patients might do when suddenly confronted with a diagnosis of an advanced stage, untreatable, terminal illness.
Put simply, the profession pulled down the shutters and closed up shop, with there being little if any talk about transparency, accountability, or even remorse. In adopting such a response, they ventured even deeper into the ethical-free zone into which they’d already travelled far. The medical establishment was able to Saul said, ‘…muddy the waters enough to limit the damage to unfocused outrage’. He finished by noting—perhaps needlessly—that the ‘desperation to be seen to be right in all cases was more important than the lives of patients.’ One might also add “more important” than the reputation and integrity of their chosen vocation!
This mania for denial Saul noted, ‘has marked [public health] policies…ever since’. The subtext of the preceding revelation and its significance for the remaining narrative should not be lost on anyone.
(Readers can click on the links here, here, and here for more information on the blood contamination scandals.)
When the Cure is Worse Than The Disease
Along with giving us a clear indication of how the medical establishment allowed itself to perpetrate, and be party to—and for over two years on the trot, perpetuate against all available and readily accessible evidence to the contrary—an even greater public health fraud with Covid, by now we should be getting some hint of how that same establishment is likely to manage the inevitable fallout from the greatest disaster ever knowingly visited upon humanity in medical history. Like the tainted blood scandals, this is one the tragic outcomes of which will continue to play out across space, time, and generations to come.
However in this instance, this tragedy will unfold on a far greater, hitherto unimaginable, scale. Viewing all this from my own personal prism, for my part I’m of a certain age and as such I’ll be in increasing need of medical services going forward. Yet I for one will never look at another doctor the same way again, and don’t think I’m ‘Robinson Crusoe’ here. I see this then as being amongst the worst outcomes of any number of the deeper lasting tragedies that the Covid extremists have wrought upon us all. Of all the treacheries and betrayals these are amongst the most egregious, criminal, and unforgivable. Well might we ask, “what happened to the Hippocratic Oath?” or “How’s that ‘do no harm’ thing working out for you all?” Or same with the simple premise of “informed consent?”
Even into now our third year of this confected crisis, so many of these folk still have no clue just how thoroughly they’ve compromised their individual professional reputations and personal integrity and the general standing their profession once enjoyed. This to say little of how much harm and injury they’ve wreaked upon their patients and their families. To the extent they might be aware, they’re either in complete denial (as per Saul’s earlier comments) or they’re being amply rewarded by their patrons—the ‘voodoo vaccine’ vendors of Big Pharma—for their complicity in perpetrating this monstrous hoax and compounding the sins of omission and commission by continuing to conceal it.
Either way, to paraphrase veteran medical investigative journalist Celia Farber—notable for her reporting on the HIV/AIDS scandal, and to whom we shall return in Part Two—the damage [to the profession] will be “incalculable and permanent”. In the context of the traditional, sacrosanct, one-on-one doctor-patient relationship, we now have have a situation where outside third-party interests run interference between the two, and whose own agendas are as far removed from those of the patients health, welfare and well-being themselves. That doctors and health care professionals have meekly allowed such a development—even facilitated it in so many cases—is perhaps their greatest betrayal.
#SIDEBAR 6: ‘Ignorance isn’t an excuse. They have access to tools & resources to get the answers to items that were in conflict with their medical teaching & experience. If you, I & other layman saw the red flags, they saw them & more. They knowingly participated in malpractice.’ [From Twitter].
To reiterate, the profession should never be allowed to forget what they’ve done. But herein will we be able to sustain such a commitment to our collective memory? The past history of the medical establishment’s systemic failures suggests no! For that matter, the past history of our own inability or refusal to recall when and where necessary the past crimes, sins, betrayals, failures and lies by those in whom we place our trust—whether they are inside or outside of the medical services industry—is an intrinsic part of the problem. Here we’re our own worst enemies!
As something of a recap on the preceding and a segue to Part Two, I say this: there is a history of the medical establishment failing epically before, and there is much to ruminate on. It says so much about what has happened in the past two years, and which in varying degrees and locations continues to play itself out, with uncanny synchronicities with the past. Put another way, readers will not have to do much reading between the lines to understand the gist of this ‘blast from the past’, and why it pertains so much to the ‘here and now’.
In looking at the current state of affairs, and with the preceding story about the blood contamination scandals in mind in particular, it is appropriate we look at some aspects of the history of the whole HIV/AIDS saga, without which there’d have been no blood taint scandal. Though I recall the time of HIV/AIDS well (as I anticipate future generations will look back on the Covid era), I was unaware of the story behind this tragedy, that went far beyond criminal negligence to criminal intent. In other words, I was until recently largely heedless of the crime that prologued that tragedy, with the contaminated blood fiasco adding insult to injury.
It may or may not come as a surprise to many but the one man singularly responsible for this epic, global public health disaster was never held to account, much less penalised or punished. He remains in the same position as then, having since the HIV/AIDS ‘heyday’ been elevated to God-like status by people who not only should’ve known better—whose job in fact it was to know better and act accordingly—and indeed did know better. The man in question is the one we’ve come to know as Dr Anthony Fauci. That they know better now is a reality that the Covid “pandemic” has brought into sharp relief for us all is one we’ll explore deeper in the next instalment.
Suffice to say that Fauci still rules the roost, for the past two years one of the most powerful, influential—and dangerous—people on the planet. Sadly that power, like that of his partner in high crimes Bill Gates, has been abused on a hitherto unprecedented scale, that influence proven existentially virulent for billions of people and far more contagious than any potentially lethal microbial organism, man made or no.
That virulence and contagion I’d aver though is nowhere more manifest than in the hearts and souls and minds of those members of the medical profession who have—combined with Gate’s Malthusian-inspired misanthropy, Schwab’s Great Global Gulag Gambit, and Big Pharma’s filthy, blood-tainted lucre—allowed themselves to be so completely contaminated by Doctor Fauci’s patented—and existentially dangerous—brand of moral turpitude and ethical beggary.
One does not need a PCR test to work that out!
“They will not be able to walk down the street’.⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️
[ref post in last article]
Just another few steps closer doctors.
So where will you lot find a informed ethical partner for golf?
Be interesting to be aware of any increase in complaints to the medical professions board. “No worries doctor, you were just taking orders, carry on doctor.”
Won’t work when the lawyers line up in the civil courts for clients with massive civil claims.
Check your insurance policies🧨💁
[…] Source […]
Medical papacy –
The word ‘pope’ derives from Greek pappa? ( ‘páppas’ ), meaning “father”.
Matthew 23:9 “Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven”.
Well hopefully a few more souls have learnt that blindly trusting anyone else is pure folly.
I’ve got my own personal stories of medical malpractice, like, WTF have you done to me? I’ve also had the opportunity of cross-examining hundreds of doctors in court. – My previous respect of the medical profession has long since disappeared.
I can’t say I would go to a ‘witch doctor’ rather than the established medical system, but if there was an alternative medical system that focused on things like nutrition instead of pharmaceuticals, I’d be on-board in a second.
Also, having cross examined many doctors under oath, for both, defendants and plaintiffs.
As a rule of thumb it is clear that 50% of them are committing perjury …… for money as a alleged qualified expert.
Otherwise the conflicting statements for one side or the other cannot be explained.
As for ‘witch doctors’, I am treated by one periodically and I have been saved from a surgeons scalpel over my spine twice……. Years ago.
Ever heard of a good osteopath💁?
Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial
“If there has been a more effective, wide-ranging ‘psy-op’ (aka brainwashing) exercise perpetrated upon humanity, then this writer has yet to hear about it.”
I had a book called “conquest of Mexico” in the 1980’s, someone stole it and now I can’t find it on the internet, perhaps it has been re-written by bots and the original banned. My version was supposedly written by an eye-witness, or a scribe working for Cortez, I can’t recall exactly, I think it was a penguin book. They said there were people caged at the bottom of the pyramids in the original Mexico City ( now completely built over ). These people were going to be taken to the top of the pyramid and have their throats cut and thrown off into a pool below, or similar treatment, but apparently they were in a state of religious ecstasy about this, perhaps their life was a bit more harsh compared to today’s standards. Some say there was some communication between the continents thousands of years ago so it’s possible the Egyptians got their ideas from these stories, combined the the Ziggurats in the Middle East. Well we seem to be coming full circle now.
According to Genesis 11 a previous attempt at globalisation was thwarted by the Great I AM and His heavenly host:
“And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.”
GENESIS 11: 1 – 9
You don’t have to look very far to see that it’s not a mere Hebrew myth:
The current move toward global control hangs on the theory of evolution, a dogma that counts nomadic peoples as being lower down on the “smarts”ladder than those of established settlements.
Whereas the bible teaches that Abraham was called OUT of civilisation and into a nomadic life because there was no other way of saving the rest of humanity from complete destruction
Whistling past vaccine carnage has been going on for a long time.
There is no money left for Autopsies of deaths from the Quackzine.
Steve Kirsch asks why and tells us what to do.
The German Health minister Dr Karl Lauterbach has received massive amounts of Tax payer Euros for useless Corona tests
German Government total Budget for 2021: 498 billion Euros.
3% of 498 bill = 15 bill Euros!!! have been approved for buying and using RAT and PCR tests 2022) Me: Use a Billion or two for Autopsies, as PCR=useless and 9 out of 10 RAT tests =useless.
Jab mandates Germany:
The video, English sub text shows the highly intelligent Dr Alice Weidel (AfD party) She is vehemently against Vaccine mandates as per discussions in the Bundestag. Note the clappers are seated on the right = AfD members. I assume that Germany also will have to drop the mandate as have many others?
Jab mandates NZ.
A scared Jacinda does away with jab mandates for NZ. (To be saved and put in use later on?)
Due to our Gen. Elections soon, our PM and State premiers will not do too much evil before the elections?
Scotty is talking about starting an mRNA factory here so we can all be injected multiple times every year until our bodies are awash with spike proteins and anything else Bill Gates wants to try us out on. If you vote for the major parties you may as well just shoot yourself.
You would wonder where he gets the money from. If I remember correctly, he has ordered, with our tax money, 150 mil doses of Quackzines.
2733b at 20 plus minute and NOTE 36 mins re autopsies should be demanded. …… then we will know, injection death or otherwise. Did anyone note my suggestion in a past article comment re findings by undertakers and embalmers?
X22Report.com episode 2733b.
If a loved who has been injected AND ‘killed’ DEMAND A AUTOPSIE.
Basic duty to respect a deceased. (and be compensated in the courts⚖️⚖️⚖️)
PRIME MINISTER MORRIS et. Al.; “the cover up will condemn you all with the Klauss ‘Shrub’ KILLING agenda.
RESIGN, with all who are complicit, YOU ARE NOT KEEPING US SAFE. You are banning medical treatment that works. What would you do to save a dog?
Mass media spivs, want to be seen walking down the street when all your propaganda lies are uncovered?
Doctors, want to be shunned by families of those who have been killed with injections, as the autopsies reveal what you have done? Trade in your Merks and ‘beemers’, before the market collapses.with oversupply.
The insurance may not cover your liability. Have fun in the family courts and think of public schools for your kids…… how will the kids manage the change?
I read your suggestion re. Embalmers and Undertakers and autopsies. “Trade in Mercs and Beemers”. (I do check X22 as often as I can.)
It made me think; could one influence the three minor parties to work together?
To become a political force, promising to go after all politicians/doctors/institutions who have injured and killed many thousands of Aussies by forcing them to take the quackzine and at the same time suppressing effective medicines like Ivermectin, and HCQ?
I believe that many Australians will die in the next couple of months due to destroyed immune systems. AIDS.
Craig Kelly is in the know, Bosi wants the Gov. General to dissolve parliament and Hanson’s One Nation could be receptive to the idea?? I guess I am an optimist.
All politicians and mass media in Australia are paid puppets of the NWO globalist control freak fascists for the last 50 plus years.
They are devilish treasonous scum.
Now they have infiltrated the tyrant doctors into the globalist scheme to murder us.
An optimist would hope that a asteroid arrives and wipe us all out. Then we can live in peace and they can supp with their devil…… for eternity.
Stop and think. There will be no lawyers post-NWO day. That’s because their will be no more ambiguity in law, which is what lawyers make their money out of. There will only be ‘edict’, to which there is no debate over applicability. The enforcers will arrest you and then imprison or kill you.
Lawyers, magistrates and judges wil be out of a job.
I put this to the Law Society. They just don’t believe it. They see themselves as eternal.
And ‘the enforcers’ are whom? What percent of the public.
0%, they laws are already in place, foreign mercenaries get the job
As has been planned by our globalist psycho traitors.
But, there was the American war of independence that changed history.
Right, but they could bear arms.
Howard sliced off our arms with msm and the globalist freaks complicity.
So we are left with events in the US remembering that the Russians placed fleets on the East and West coasts of America placing the English and French to go mind their own business elsewhere.
Now how many school history teachers explain that to their students these days…….. after all, the msm and ABC will not dare mention some reality.
Not to forget all our dumb politicians who are too stupid to know and too lazy to research.
Police in WA now asking for new laws to revoke gun licences
Most Dr’s today, in Australia, do not work from their own Practices. The majority work from Corporate Owned practices, these can be owned by entities in which the Dr’s working there have shares within that entity, or if not, simply contractual agreement with that entity. They have a responsibility FIRST, not to the patient, but to their employers and to fulfil their contractual obligation. Therefore for anyone to believe such Dr’s have the patients well being as their priority, is a sad sick joke on that patient. If you can find a Dr’s surgery that is still owned and operated by a Dr, well good luck to you, treat him/her kindly. He WILL have your well being at heart. Even Dr’s working from major hospitals, their first priority is to the Hospital, not the patient. Having learned this first hand recently with my wife’s accident of breaking her Femur, the first obstical was the ambulance. Despite having masses of PRIVATE Health cover, the crew refused to take her to OUR choice of hospital. We were told they had a deal with a specific hospital where all trauma patients were to go. Patients requests were not acceptable. After 6 weeks in the trauma center, we were told she needed to be moved to a rehabilitation center, I applied to the closest one where we lived, they said they had beds available and costs would be covered by our Health Insurance. The Hospital were my wife was, refused to accept that info, they told me there were no beds available there, and she had to where they were sending her, to THEIR Rehab center. Which incidently charged something like thousand bucks a day. I can see why they insisted on sending her there. Despite said rehab hosp being St John Of God, it seems it’s still connected financially to the main ALLEGEDLY public hospital. Strange indeedy. Despite 5 months having elapsed since my wife’s operation on her leg, she has still not seen or heard from the Dr who did the op. But she did get the bill. Dr’s ??? You simply cannot trust them for anything today.
Sounds like taxis in Thailand but 1000 times worse
Eddy you just stole my thunder. I was about to bring up the fact that doctors no longer own the practice they work in. Therefore they are obliged to do as the directors of the practice demand of them regarding health (?) care. So if any medico is to be sued, so should these directors be held responsible alongside the doctor. It also applies to ALL the politicians and health officers who implemented and enforced the instructions.
If the death sentence was handed down to all guilty parties, Gates’ dream of reducing population would be in process.
Greg Maybury you have put together an excellent article. I am looking forward to Part 2
Re the above comment. We must give credit to the arseholes for planning well in advance. What normal person would have been awake to the plan of doctors selling off their practice so that they would then be under the new owners orders as to how to treat the patients.
When I heard that Clive Palmer had the dreaded, I thought I could remember that he had bought up lots of HCQ as soon as the C-19 was let loose? Did TGA Skerritt take it off him?? With Craig Kelly’s knowledge, both these overweight and aged men should be on a prophylactic protocol like Dr. Zelenko’s.
A comment under SkyNews reporting:
Healed by “some guy” in the US!
“Aussie Professor Thomas Borody is not controversial except to say that any medico in Australia who is not fifth rate is considered controversial. Prof. Borody’s treatment for peptic ulcer has become world standard and has saved thousands of lives.”
(He did the groundwork for Warren and Marshall in Perth to receive the Nobel prize in medicine 2005 – the germ involved ‘Helicobacter Pylori’ needs 2 different antibiotics, minimum, to be eradicated.)
If any true voice of the people speaks in parliament, they are erased by the decisions of global finance through means of blackmail and extortion. This same ruthless dictatorship is in Australia, Ukraina and other nations now all global gulags under Private central bank control.
“Central banks are the key to countries’ climate goals – Agenda 2030.”
Translated, this means forced energy rationing, travel restrictions, paper money replaced by electronic money and the enforcement of digital ID.
In this dystopia, the sole importance is to make money and be glorified with political personalities, bankers, dealers and those who starve the mass majority. It is the same ruthless and immoral system everywhere, a health and environmental dictatorship.
We are all hostages of the oligarchs totalitarian regime that has brought the entire world to our knees with the Covid deception, promoting war and genocide, with endless layers of lies upon lies.
Depriving a future, by the destruction of the family unit, traditional up till now, we have become a mass of corporate customers, slaves of the system with no identity, ‘marked’ with QR codes – products of a huge shopping centre.
This globalist tyranny is ruthless in destroying everything it touches. The NWO must be denounced because we have been deceived and shafted by an oligarchy now clearly visible criminals.
Ned requested this to be posted:
Your future explained in 2 minutes 16 seconds
Rick Wiles eh?
All that glitters is not gold:
“If you hate the Jews, then you hate the Savior of the World ……………………..
I tried to find the videos which I originally used in this article, which exposed Wiles’ Jew hatred. They have all be taken down on Youtube.com.”
Pity ’bout that; the value of free speech seems to have escaped someone’s attention
Somebody evidently doesn’t understand that giving wickedness a season of free rein is integral to the judgement process:
But somebody evidently missed a few titbits:
At 0.17 minutes: “You’ve been Judaised and homosexualised”
So he’s not aware that’s a contradiction!
At 1.45 minutes: “Be prepared for a shoot-out in the Whitehouse and a leftist mob decapitating Trump and his family on the lawn”
“The new Nazi’s are here,America is on the verge of a French Revolution-style upheaval during which leftist mobs will seek to execute Christians and conservatives in order to purge American society.”
The point is that mixing fact with fantasy is synonymous with pulling off a lie by wrapping it in truth – Satan’s originating trick
Anyone whose so engaged should very obviously be given a wide berth
Cannot take it? Well perhaps listen AGAIN.
best of luck.
Scary as. Depopulation assured. (Had not heard of Todd Callender before.)
When looking for Attorney Todd Callender, I found Craig Paardekooper’s Bitchute video. (Also well worth checking out.)
Is Callender building on Paardekooper’s scary findings??
“ Of 28,000 batches (2021, USA only?) 0,65% were highly toxic. This gives the quackzine recipient 1 in 200 chance to immediately get really ill or die!“ (And people buy Tatts Lotto tickets!)
Software Developer since 2004, Craig Paardekooper based in Chelsea London did run the VAERS database with analytics software. He found out that Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson were completely aligned when rolling out their toxic batches.
Presumably members at all levels of the Australian army are becoming aware of all this
Police officer families,
Emergency workers and responders.
Those with half a brain
Staffers of every politician in the land, after all, they are paid to research on taxpayers pay. Right. They have a problem, I suggest they maintain full private detailed diaries.
Note recently how many of Kamala Harris’ staffers have seen a light and gone.
The look up how many US Congress rats are not standing.
Then look up how many CEOs have seen their predicaments and left.
Yep, the smart rats are ahead of the cat.
Pity the msm lot have not woken up, then again, note the CNN lot have run.
Now PM and opposition leader, can you find the back exit? Then use it.
To be clear staffers. Do not record your diary details on any electronic equipment. If want a copy, use carbon paper, printers record all printouts.
And only secure the diary with a trusted entity with instructions never to have any reference to it, e.g. with family. Phones have ears.
And remember, old ribbon typewriters record everything typed on the ribbon….. if you ever knew what a typewriter was.