I was at the protest today. It started with a collection of drummers on Bourke street. At first, it seemed a fairly small crowd, but as the people started to move it grew… and grew. I tried to look for Diane De Vere in her orange hat, but the search was in vain as the crowds stretched back block after block. I circumvented some of the streets and arrived at Treasury Gardens ahead of the march. I was there on the corner for about 45 minutes as the people entered the gardens.
I met some wonderful people — ordinary people — that were never concerned with politics before, but have now become acutely aware that their freedoms are at stake. They were both labor and liberal, but it seems they’d rather have Riccardo Bosi in a position of power now. I spoke to a Channel 7 street reporter and questioned him on the vaccines. He had no idea that over 18,000 deaths have been reported on the CDC site. And he didn’t seem to think that was a problem. What?
I didn’t bother to film much, as they are so many cameras rolling constantly — many reporting live. But I have posted one amazing video below by Discernable. Discernable captured a time-lapse of over 39 minutes of the march going by in Bourke street — and then sped it up over 10 times. (I spotted myself at the head of the crowd at 4 seconds on the video on a bicycle with thick tyres and a white helmet).
I believe the crowd was bigger as many did not march and waited patiently at Treasury Gardens for the rally to arrive. It was hugely encouraging to see so many people awake to the BS. And the latest comment (below the video) sums up the day.
MICRO–FLUIDIC BIOCHIPS, AND NOT THE SPIKE, ARE ACTUALLY CAUSING THE THROMBOSIS, ANEURYSMS , CLOTTING AND THUS INTERNAL LEAKAGE More aptly the various sites of inflammation should be referred to as: “graphene-carditis” caused by aggregating & self-assembling graphene discs” found in Covid vaccine. Spanish researchers suggest it is not so much the ‘spike’..as the clotting & internal leakage comes from graphene micro-bubbles (microfluidic biochips). These graphene microbubbles are hatched with frequency pulses.” They say “The “octopus” is a signal receiver/emitter that will latch onto internal organs. Through the new and powerful global network of 5G pulsed wireless telecommunications infrastructure, they will emit wave pulses in targeted areas of the population (what will look like “infectious outbreaks”) The “octopus” will receive the signal pulse and re-emit it to the organ it has latched onto. Hatching the Microbubbles in that organ.”.
Link here https://odysee.com/@Hemeroteca:f/Microbubbles-And-the-Final-Plan—-00:2
ITS NOT THE THE SPIKE PROTEIN SO MUCH ITS THE GRAPHENE DISKS (MICRO-FLUIDIC BIOCHIPS) CAUSING ‘GRAPHENE’-CARDITIS. Graphene leakage from graphene “disks” in COVID vaccines is causing blood clotting, thrombosis, aneurysms and thus internal leakage.” say Spanish researchers.”The “discs” found in Covid vaccines are: graphene microbubbles These Microbubbles are hatched with frequency pulses.
“The “octopus” is a signal receiver/emitter that will latch onto internal organs. Through the new and powerful global network of 5G pulsed wireless telecommunications infrastructure, they will emit wave pulses in targeted areas of the population (what will look like “infectious outbreaks”) The “octopus” will receive the signal pulse and re-emit it to the organ it has latched onto. Hatching the Microbubbles in that organ.” https://odysee.com/@Hemeroteca:f/Microbubbles-And-the-Final-Plan—-00:2
Can’t believe what a bunch of cane-toads orchestrating all of this
Common wealth.
‘So many terrorists, inject them and lock them up’.
Senator Jackie ‘Sheeples’. Tas. (Dan’s mate! [Satire])
If you are genuinely concerned about human health and the danger posed by infective agents educate yourself as to the truth:
[…] Melbourne Turned Out — People No Longer Tolerate The Lies […]
[…] Source […]
InfoWars coverage of Malbourne citizens resisting D.D.’s NWO
Why do people have such trouble seeing reality… Kill the fuckers. Kill Gates. Kill Fauci. Kill all the psychos. They are all in the US, where people have guns.
Americans… stop this incessant talking and just kill your enemy.
This will be on your tombstone… Here lies America. Still talking shit while the jab ended the future..
Tony, you’ve correctly identified this covid nonsense as a WAR. Normally, a person will think of war as between two different countries However, this war is between people in power and the masses. These types of ‘wars’ end up being resolved in ‘revolutions’. Perhaps the French Revolution is a good example.
As in all wars, people get killed – that is happening now, but only to the masses of the society. The people in power, the enemy, have not suffered a single casualty. As your post indicates, the awakening masses appear to be reaching that threshold where they reciprocate the violence to the enemy.
Keep it up Dan and you will find out what ‘pay-back’ is all about.
The Croatian militia in action..https://t.me/covidvaccineexemption/3904
tonyryan43…” Kill the fuckers. Kill Gates. Kill Fauci. Kill all the psychos. They are all in the US, where people have guns….Americans… stop this incessant talking and just kill your enemy.” Oh Tony, while I admire your zealous approach, and for at least recognizing this is a war, and while I admire you for encouraging us to be on a war footing and kill the enemy, nevertheless, thank God you are not our commander of forces for you have completely misled us on who the real enemy is. While those who bankroll this particular W.H.O.- Big Pharma assault you neglect to mention that the real fuckers doing th e damage on the ground are the pompous white-coated allopathic ‘doctors’ (few PhDs here), blue-uniformed ‘nurses’ and arse-licking pharmacists dispensing the poison into Australian arms. These Big Pharma addicted pushers are the real ones doing the killing at the behest of Big-Harma’s bought politicians and corrupt web of Federal and State Health ministers). For these are. the ones ding the shooting for their masters…in the local hospitals, local clinics, in the pharmacies… who not only dispense the current inject-able shit… but who have been doing so since Rockefeller took over the entire medical school industry back in the 1920s and even before that when they tried mandatory vaccination in Britain in the 1890’s. The time when drug companies took control of the medical ‘education’ and insured ‘doctors’ only thought in terms of illness and treatment ($) while preventing natural,. non-toxic therapies from being accepted while at the same time blacklisting practitioners and researchers who tried to work outside their corrupt system. To that list we need to add the drug-pushjing psychiatrists, who on a daily basis falsely-label people as ‘mentally-ill’in this war..allowing them to be locked up…while ignoring the role of the level of toxicity of the environmental terrain find themselves as a major factor of illness.. The mis-use of the corrupt D.S.M [1,2,3,4,5] psychiatric ‘bible condemns them as our enemy. To that we may add the psychologists who formulate their ‘clients’ symptoms to match this corrupt document; the counselors and even so-called ‘progressive’ welfare workers who blithely work with clients who have been falsely-categorized as ‘mentally-ill but who do nothing to challenge the system. In addition, we should add the regulators who allow the bone-brittling, neuro-toxic sedative Fluoride to be added to out daily water; the toothless and corrupt TGA regulators who allow teratogenic and mutagenic herbicides like glyphosate to be used by farmers to produce Frankenfood; the bureaux of meterology/EPA’s in all states who ignore the almost daily chem-trailing of our skies; the abortionist/eugenicists/sexual mutilators who call themselves physicians’ while daily supplying synthetic hormones for life to the deluded and mutilated ever-growing dysphoric trans-sexual population etc. Besides, you mentioned only two US fuckers leaving out so many others who are the MAIN enemy: Anser (OPeration Warp Speed) Forbes Marsh, Palantir, Gotham Data Tracking, U.N.C. Chapel Hill, Vanderbilt’s Imperial College, John Hopkins, University of California, M.I.T.,NYU Langone, Erasmus College, DZIF, United Health Care, Gilead, Merck Ridge-back, Sanofi, Pfizer, Moderna J&J and a conga line of sycophant Big Harma companies, If the psychos are not only the ones making the poison, but are those who on a daily basis dispense it, condone it and defend it, then these targets become more clearly identified on a suburb by suburb basis and are more easily identified for neutralizing. While I am at it, What do you Terry+Shulze, specifically mean by your statement “Keep it up Dan and you will find out what ‘pay-back’ is all about.” We need to know because there is so much bluster on these pages and elsewhere but so little action save weekend cheering get-togethers in the streets of our major cities.
Yes you have supplied a comprehensive list of traitors and all the puppets are controlled by money, HQ in Switzerland. Various martyrs have sprung up but so far only part of the beforemath. Crowds are growing around the world. The Swiss are all armed by virtue of their army reserve policy. The globalists hope to have everyone e-tagged by 5G. The time is fast coming, when individuals will make a decision, do they want to keep their old life or not. Or did they already lose important and cherished parts of their old life and how do they feel about that. Maybe it makes them feel a bit crazy. In the end, the intent is that only the top globalists prevail and everyone else including Dicktator Dan becomes a controlled slave. Even Dicktator Dan’s payoffs will seem trivial in the end, compared to what he has lost by becoming a communo-fascist minion.
Only touched the surface, but thank you w3. Lifting our eyes just a touch above the slimy quagmire of the killing field puppets we see that the conflict of interest of the comprador big wigs who run both the political circus and/or the ‘Health’ systems is outrageous…..and yet most ‘individuals’ remain oblivious https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ate79V5L6tBI/ BTW …One cannot both have the clot-shot and keep their old life…that disappears forever with the fawning rolling up of the sleeve…for The Shot ones have become the new digitized 5G slave class subject to whatever whim their masters have in mind for them. Those same big wigs who have knowingly taken the saline shot, and feel safe for now, are the witnesses to the murders…and we know what most often happens to witnesses of crimes of the mob. Rest in peace Danny boy.
LOL, protests on a Saturday when the politicians aren’t even there….and you wonder why the politicians don’t give a crap about your protests…..Oh and these protesters first needed a permit to protest from the Government abusing them…You can’t make this shite up…Wake me up when Dan Andrews is swinging from a lamp post…Otherwise you protesters are laughable
If you go and hang him yourself, afterwards you can let everyone know you have made an example of the globalist’s minion, maybe do a video like Bush put about of Saddam in 2003
Everybody PANIC! The new mutant ninja variant is approaching!
They have walled off 6 or 7 states in Southern Africa with their hoax variant, probably cut off supplies of HCQ and IVM, now wait for the WHO to step in with their “program”. Imagine the wealth available if all these troublesome tribes were finally disposed of and properly restricted so that CCP run mining operations could be installed.
Spectacular wealth awaits anyone who can organise this major depopulation objective.
Go to aljazeera.com and search “Glencore Congo” and you will see a trail of disasters the Swiss mining giant is involved in getting cobalt for batteries, the latest today is a big contamination one, Glencore saying today the dead fish all died of unrelated causes. Cobalt is very toxic. The on-ground conditions in general would appear to be chaotic at best. Globalists would no doubt prefer to remove the locals and install a disciplined workforce.
Don’t forget this is the 2nd “variant” that has emerged from South Africa, before that they targeted India, trying to get them to buy the injections.
Have a look at all this pointless crap, they have already used up 13 Greek letters for their variants
W3 South Africa asked companies to stop sending vaccines on the 24th November and the very next day the new world order announces the OMICRON strain as punishment… https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-11-24/s-africa-wants-j-j-pfizer-vaccine-delivery-delay-news24-says
More Covid comedy, you can’t die unless you’ve been ‘vaxxed’. – https://www.wnd.com/2021/11/no-euthanasia-without-covid-shot-death-society-rules/
Well, that’s a new slant on the chicken or the egg enigma? Could only be posed by a politician or ABC journo.
Awesome to see. As a NZer Id love to know how these protests are being organised. Is it one group coordinating the timing of and promoting these protests?
It’s all pretty much grass roots but don’t underestimate the power of a multicultural population some of whom have escaped despotic regimes and some individuals amongst them remember what genocide is all about.
Yes Dee the conversations were amazing–the experience of bearing witness as a survivor of their experiments that started 79 years ago—creating “me”–and I amazed “myselves” walking alone in the crowd with our “memories” and Charles Bonnet -hallucinations –“movies” in my head.
In my backpack I have a copy of Alison Miller’s Healing the Unimaginable and two folders from my files –one trauma based mind control with a photo of Carol Rutz strapped in a chair and Dylan Voller hooded and strapped in a chair. The other folder holds several essays put together in 2015 -one titled Mengele and “me” and another starting “I am a survivor of GMC and RA and I have been subjected to scientific medical experiments connected to the Tavistock Psychological Warfare Department in London. My paternal grandmother was a pearly queen -or so she told-me when I was little- and I believe a Grande Dame from the inner circle, with Cockney, Romany and Druid lineage.
As we passed Myer I stepped out of the crowd and took several photos of the famous Myer windows—for 8 years or so it had been an annual event with the grandchildren -no long queues this time just a few mums and dads and little ones in pushers—the theme Peter Rabbit–very static
here is an example of a programmed “slave”–
I need you to do a couple of things for me
The big lie underpins all their lies – they banned HCQ and IVM and continue to do so, their big lie is the elephant they can’t see in the room, they have been hypnotised and told there is no elephant and they are in full throated denial of reality. The question is always the same since a year and a half ago, why have you banned, degraded, rejected the simple cures for this engineered epidemic ( which is not even a pandemic except on the MainStreamMedia ).
You can’t reason with a rabid idiot like that, the only solution is a Tony Ryan solution – problem solved.
Hence the significance of the “Gallows” recently demonstrated towards Dicktator Dan.
The gallows symbolises a form of public punishment represented by just citizens so as for all to be a witness of consequences in respect of not meeting the moral and just expectation of the people.
Goodness me, that was hard to watch Diane !!!
The following passage from Ivan Ilyan (On Resistance to Evil by Force) comes to mind …
“A person who has been spiritually defective since childhood can even develop in himself a special mental structure, which, if superficially observed, can be mistaken for “character”, and special viewpoints that are then mistaken for “beliefs”.”
Just one rather major point of order, though …
Regarding those little innuendos and various comments in that particular echo chamber of toxic hate …
For more than five decades (since being ‘taught’ high school history) I believed the same – then Syria happened and in 2015 people like Eva K Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley opened my eyes as to the perpetrators and puppeteers behind the proxy ISIS terrorists in Syria. The lies surrounding Syria (in particular the use of poisonous gas) saturated the airwaves as well as the print and electronic media (and continue to this day – in Idlib). The same group that controls the narrative through the media (including YouTube, Hollywood as well as the porn and child trafficking industries) are also behind the COVID scam to destroy all of civilised humanity [the “master race” do not consider us human] – and they certainly are NOT National Socialists.
From Syria I tried to understand Putin and Russia today – maybe I have both of them wrong, but it did take me back through Russian history –the Christian Romanovs in particular and on to the Bolsheviks and then to Stalin and WWII. I am still filling in the gaps. Meanwhile, Syria also opened my eyes to Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and back to the Vietnam War and the two World Wars. And let’s not forget 911, the attack on the USS Liberty, the bombing of the King David Hotel and the assassination of John F. Kennedy – and so many other assassinations of leading political figures including heads of state over the past 150 years or so.
It is a personal journey so it is impossible to suggest where to start but you could look up Arthur Ponsonby – Falsehood in War-Time (1928) – an eye-opener about how WWI was orchestrated and perpetuated. Available on archive-dot-org:
As is this
The tyrant puppet masters are now reloading a new round of flu (covid) variant (Omicron) into their magazine together with all the fear rhetoric and commenced propagating this narrative in various countries. Will people react differently this time round, can Governments afford more rounds of lockdowns, or is this going to be a tool and mechanism to suppress the growing number of Global protests. We are at a crossroad in this 2 year journey where the tyrants are propelling another round of fear towards us all, does the majority of the population bow down in submission and repeat their past actions or have they like us here become informed relative to the evil agenda?
Now we have the real test.
A message from Darwin
Boris Johnson has just come out saying “the new variant can spread between double va666inated people” so according to him your injections so far were useless and you will presumably need more lockdowns and more injections but no HCQ and IVM allowed under any circumstances and the KEY PREVENTATIVE Vitamin D must never be mentioned ( even though Fauci likes his Vitamin D he doesn’t have much to say about it ).
Grand Solar Minimum approaching ? Never fear, globalist minion Trudeau releasing 50 million pounds of maple syrup from strategic reserves.
They keep this crap up and the people will skip the trials and go straight to the lynching.
Here’s a good (22 minutes) speech by Catherine Austin Fitts. I was pleasantly surprised to find that my approach to surviving this de-population agenda is closely aligned with Fitts’ suggestions.
I again acknowlege Melbournes interlect and backbone.This is going to long and brutal, its pretty well baked in now. Tony’s position will wilh little doupt be forfilled. We need to tread very carefully here, and should we need to “let rip” our collective(yet decentralized) force must be directed with accuracy that has not been part of recent history.
Yours, not that I want to be(have to mediate this obvously) but…