Home Corona Millions Coerced Under Mandates — Scott Morrison, Hypocrite and Liar

Millions Coerced Under Mandates — Scott Morrison, Hypocrite and Liar

sourced and adapted from pedestrian.tv

Editor’s note: Elizabeth is an independent researcher investigating the gross over-use of vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy. Her website is vaccinationispolitical.net

By Elizabeth Hart

Australia is arguably one of the most Covid-19 jabbed countries in the world, with millions of adults and children injected to purportedly protect against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people.

Scott Morrison, the person currently occupying the position of prime minister of Australia, duplicitously promoted mandatory vaccination…and also promised Covid-19 jabs wouldn’t be compulsory – Morrison is a hypocrite and a liar.

Millions of Australians have been jabbed under mandates, coerced and manipulated into submitting to these medical interventions under threat of losing their jobs and being excluded from participating in civil society. The principle of making a voluntary decision before a medical intervention, with ‘informed consent’, has been trashed.

So many Australians have been victims of Covid-19 ‘public health terrorism’, instigated by federal and state politicians, chief medical/health officers, police commissioners and others, with the support of the mainstream/corporate media propaganda machine.

Please see my email to Scott Morrison below, it’s time he and his cronies were brought to account. This email is also accessible via this link, please feel free to share: https://bit.ly/3Bk135i


For the attention of:

Scott Morrison

Liberal Party of Australia

Scott Morrison, you’ve been described as “a hypocrite and a liar”.[1]

This is an apt description, certainly in regards to your handling of the Covid-19 jab rollout, and your duplicity in promoting mandatory vaccination[2], while also saying “it will not be compulsory to have a Covid-19 vaccine”.[3]

Despite alarming reports of ‘vaccine failure’ around the world, with purported ‘protection’ waning within months[4], and many adverse events being reported[5], the Covid-19 jabs continue to be pressed upon Australians. According to the Department of Health, 93.8% of Australians over 16 years have now been jabbed[6], with millions manipulated and coerced into submitting to the ‘leaky vaccines’ that don’t prevent infection nor transmission, under state government and business mandates. Worst of all, children from five years old are being subjected to the defective jabs, against a disease which is of no threat to them.[7] Why is the natural immune response of children and others being sacrificed? Meanwhile, those critical thinking people who refuse to have the obviously defective jabs are discriminated against in an apartheid society.

I suggest no-one in this country has given valid voluntary consent to this medical intervention, because no-one has been properly informed about the fast-tracked experimental Covid-19 ‘leaky vaccines’, which have been ‘provisionally’ approved by the TGA based on manufacturers’ data,[8] provided by criminal companies such as Pfizer and AstraZeneca which have previously been fined billions of dollars for malfeasance.[9] Millions of Australians have been press-ganged into participating in what Health Minister Greg Hunt has described as “the largest global vaccination trial ever”.[10] But Australians weren’t properly informed they were participating in a ‘vaccination trial’ – who has given their consent to participate in this trial, in accordance with the ethical principles of the Helsinki Declaration?[11]

The medical ‘profession’ has allowed this to happen, injecting people who they know have been coerced and manipulated to comply under mandates. They are a party to this disaster you’ve orchestrated Scott Morrison, along with the web of state premiers, chief medical/health officers, health ministers, police commissioners and others who have participated in this gross exploitation of the Australian people. This ‘public health terrorism’ has been undertaken with the support of the mainstream/corporate media propaganda machine, funded by the taxpayer via your government.[12]

For two years people around the world have been subjected to fear-mongering and gross misinformation from traitorous governments. In her book State of Fear, Laura Dodsworth describes how the Boris Johnson / UK government weaponised fear in response to Covid-19. Recently Denmark’s leading tabloid Ekstra Bladet has admitted the media’s failure to hold governments to account for Covid-19 information, e.g. whether people were hospitalised ‘with’ coronavirus or ‘because of’ coronavirus.[13]

Why has there been such a determination to beat up coronavirus ‘cases’ and deaths around the world? It seems the intention was to impose a global ‘vaccine solution’, regardless of the actual risk of the virus. Certainly there is much retrospective critical analysis to be done now to investigate and expose the real motives behind the hysterical Covid-19 response. The Boris Johnson / UK government was a key player in initiating the Covid-19 vaccine response, and this must be examined now. In this regard see my emails to Graham Brady, Chair of the 1922 Committee of the UK Conservative Party: The treacherous Covid-19 response – calling on the 1922 Committee for justice, 31 December 2021; and Were ‘leaky vaccines’ deliberately spread round the world? 11 January 2022.

Scott Morrison, in an interview with Neil Mitchell on 3AW in August 2020, you said your government hadn’t yet decided whether COVID-19 vaccination would be compulsory, with you saying you “would expect it to be as mandatory as you can possibly make it”.[14]

Just a few hours later you made a U-turn on your mandatory comment, saying “It’s not going to be compulsory to have the vaccine”.[15]

Probably much to your disappointment, it seems the Federal Government doesn’t have clear authority to mandate compulsory Covid-19 vaccines, with Paula O’Brien, Director of the Health Law and Ethics Network at Melbourne Law School suggesting there were currently no laws that specifically support a population-wide mandate for vaccines, and that states and territories may have the necessary powers to impose compulsory vaccination.[16]

You have your original wish Scott Morrison, with the state and territory governments and businesses now imposing a variety of vaccination mandates, despite the fact you personally assured me in October 2020 “Vaccination is not compulsory in Australia and it will not be compulsory to have a COVID-19 vaccine.”[17]

If you were sincerely against compulsory vaccination, why did you not introduce a bill into the Federal Parliament prohibiting the states and territories from implementing Covid-19 vaccine mandates? For example under the Australian Constitution’s External Affairs or Pharmaceutical Benefits powers, sections 51xxix and 51xxiiiA respectively.

Millions of Australians are being made to succumb to the jabs under ‘No Jab, No Job’ – and for many No Jab, No Sport; No Jab, No Restaurant; No Jab, No Life is also becoming the norm, in this increasingly repressive country which is notorious around the world. Covid-19 jab mandates of varying range have been imposed under state premiers Daniel Andrews, Mark McGowan, Annastacia Palaszczuk, Dominic Perrottet/Gladys Berejiklian, Steven Marshall, and territory chief ministers Michael Gunner and Andrew Barr. It seems these politicians are relishing the opportunity to discriminate against the more discerning ‘jab-free’ Australians, creating an apartheid[18] with the apparent aim to cancel these critical thinking people out of an authoritarian society being built upon unquestioning compliance and submission in Australia.

Businesses have also come to the party to do your dirty work Scott Morrison, led by News Corp Australasia’s boss Michael Miller, who called upon business leaders and owners to champion the vaccination rollout, without disclosing a serious conflict of interest, i.e. that News Corp Australia is a corporate partner with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, which is involved in vaccine research and development, including Covid-19 vaccine research with the Doherty Institute, i.e. the industry-sponsored VAX4COVID Australian Covid Vaccine Trials Alliance.[19] Companies such as BHP, Qantas, SPC, Westpac, CBA, Suncorp, Coles, Woolworths and Aldi and others, plus media channels Nine, Seven and Ten, are mandating Covid-19 jabs for their staff. Businesses are being supported with the taxpayer-funded Covid-19 resources of the Morrison government.[20] Unions too have largely promoted the Morrison government’s Covid-19 jab rollout, with not much support evident for workers to make their own informed decision about this medical intervention.[21]

What is the scientific and medical evidence backing the state government and business mandates? It’s notable that then ATAGI co-chair Chris Blyth has publicly confirmed “Atagi has not provided a recommendation for mandates at any time point”.[22] What is the basis for the state government and business mandates, on what authority are they coercing and manipulating Australians to submit to the failing Covid-19 ‘leaky vaccines’ that don’t prevent infection nor transmission, and denying them a truly voluntary decision about these medical interventions, considering the risks and benefits in their individual case?

There is a massive conflict with the Morrison and state governments’ Covid-19 jab rollout and the obtaining of informed consent before the Covid-19 jabs, as millions of Australians are being coerced and manipulated into submitting to the Covid-19 injections and therefore are not making an authentic voluntary decision about this medical intervention.

According to The Australian Immunisation Handbook: “For consent to be legally valid, the following elements must be present…It must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation…It can only be given after the potential risks and benefits of the relevant vaccine, the risks of not having it, and any alternative options have been explained to the person.”[23]

In response to my persistent enquiries about health practitioners’ duty to obtain informed consent, the regulator of health practitioners, AHPRA, has confirmed to me: “Practitioners have an obligation to obtain informed consent for treatment, including vaccination. Informed consent is a person’s voluntary decision about health care that is made with knowledge and understanding of the benefits and risks involved.” (Copy of letter from AHPRA attached.)

Operation COVID Shield now acknowledges there is a problem with consent in its factsheet: Handling consent refusal by people presenting for vaccination  This demonstrates the problem when a person who has been mandated to receive a vaccination, but is not willing to provide consent to an administering health practitioner. This factsheet clearly states “If a patient has not provided informed consent, you should not vaccinate them, even if they are mandated to receive a COVID-19 vaccination to perform particular roles or enter certain settings.” How many people have genuinely given informed consent before Covid-19 jabs? I strongly suspect a valid informed consent process is not happening in most cases

Scott Morrison, in July 2021, you publicly supported the principle of informed consent[24], i.e. you said: “…we’re all responsible for our own health. And, when it comes to informed consent and getting consent to whatever treatment or procedure you may have or I may have, then I’m ultimately responsible for what people do in their health treatment to me…

You said: “That’s the sort of country we live in. People make their own decisions about their own health and their own bodies. That’s why we don’t have mandatory vaccination in relation to the general population here, because people make their own decisions and we encourage people to make those decisions.”

No Scott Morrison, it’s not the ‘sort of country we live in’…you and your political colleagues in National Cabinet have betrayed and destroyed this country – ruining the economy with the grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted Covid-19 response; dividing Australians with border closures, prohibiting free movement around Australia; deliberately fear-mongering and misinforming Australians about ‘the virus’ and the ‘leaky vaccines’; fostering division in families, friends and the community; and encouraging discrimination and segregation against those critical thinking Australians unable to give their informed consent to the obviously defective jabs.

So much for your comment “…we don’t have mandatory vaccination in relation to the general population” – who qualifies as ‘general population’ now, with millions of Australians being coercively and manipulatively jabbed under state government and business mandates?

You’ve stood by while state governments and businesses have imposed Covid-19 jab mandates affecting millions of people in Australia, people who’ve been coerced and manipulated into submitting to Covid-19 jabs to maintain their livelihoods, and also being lined up for future ‘booster’ shots. The ‘leaky vaccines’ failed within months, with ‘boosters’ now being suggested to be ‘fully vaccinated’, and a fourth shot in the offing.[25] How many people were properly informed about the ‘leaky vaccines’, including that they were being lined up for multiple ‘boosters’ in future, i.e. the 280 million jabs you’ve ‘secured’ courtesy of the taxpayer for Australia’s population of 26 million, more than 10 shots for every adult and child in Australia?[26]

The Department of Health reports 93.8% of people aged 16 and over are ‘fully vaccinated’ (presumably two doses) in Australia. 77.46% of children aged 12-15 years have had two doses. 45.97% of children 5-11-years have had one dose in the recently commenced rollout for 5-11-year-olds.[27] Why are all these millions of Australians being jabbed with the Covid-19 injections that don’t prevent infection nor transmission? This does not make sense. It was known from the beginning that Covid-19 wasn’t a serious risk for most people, with the WHO acknowledging “Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment“.[28] A response I received from the Department of Health in early 2020 admitted “COVID-19 presents as a mild illness in the majority of cases”. Some people may become seriously ill with Covid-19 and the Covid-19 jabs are touted to decrease hospitalisation and death – but most people weren’t at risk of becoming seriously ill with Covid-19 or hospitalisation and death, so why weren’t efforts focussed on protecting the vulnerable, rather than subjecting mass populations to defective injections they didn’t need? 

The manipulation of the Covid-19 response can be fairly described as treason against the people, who are being set up to be exploited with defective Covid-19 jabs over and over again. Who is the main beneficiary of these lucrative medical interventions, the manufacturers of which have been protected from liability in shady deals? See for example: Pfizer has power to ‘silence’ governments and ‘maximise profits’, consumer group alleges. ABC News, 20 October 2021. Certainly the pharmaceutical industry appears to be doing very well out of supplying defective jabs – what a business model! It doesn’t work, so buy another one…over and over again! Are you now forcing Australians to take multiple Covid jabs because you’ve committed to deals with the manufacturers worth billions of dollars?[29]

Pharmaceutical companies have exerted enormous power over the Covid-19 response, see for example: Putting big pharma in charge of global vaccine rollout was a big mistake, The Guardian, 9 February 2022. The really big mistake was rushing ahead with a global vaccine solution against a virus it was known from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people…this has to be tracked back now – how did this happen?

Scott Morrison, you and your cronies helped create the perfect market for the jab manufacturers, when you called the pandemic before the WHO[30], threw out Australia’s pandemic plan, closed Australia’s international border and imprisoned most Australians[31], using the Doherty modelling, based on the infamous Ferguson modelling, to capture Australians for ‘the vaccine’, not to be released until all succumbed to your ‘vaccine solution’.

Again Scott Morrison, you are a hypocrite and a liar. You said there would be no compulsory vaccination, and that “people make their own decisions about their own health and their own bodies”. This is manifestly untrue now, with millions of Australians coerced and manipulated into submitting to the jabs.

The failure to ensure voluntary informed consent before the defective Covid-19 ‘leaky vaccines’ is a massive ethical failure of your government, state and territory governments, businesses, the medical ‘profession’ and others who have facilitated this injustice against the Australian people, tricking and misleading them into submitting to these highly questionable repeated medical interventions, with who knows what future consequences. 

I sincerely hope you will be brought to account for this grievous crime.

Elizabeth Hart

Independent researcher investigating the gross over-use of vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy vaccinationispolitical.net

References: (As accessed 9 February 2022.)

  1. Scott Morrison plays down Barnaby Joyce’s text message calling him a liar. ABC News, 6 February 2022: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-02-06/scott-morrison-text-messages-barnaby-joyce/100808636
  2. Scott Morrison expects COVID-19 vaccine will be ‘as mandatory as you can possibly make it’. Mornings with Neil Mitchell, 3AW, 19 August 2020: https://www.3aw.com.au/scott-morrison-expects-covid-19-vaccine-will-be-as-mandatory-as-you-can-possibly-make-it/
  3. Personal correspondence, letter from Scott Morrison to Elizabeth Hart, 16 October 2020.
  4. There are numerous reports about increasing ‘cases’ in heavily jabbed Israel, Iceland, Gibraltar etc, which have apparently been disregarded by authorities in Australia.
  5. Gerard Rennick, a senator with the Liberal National Party in Queensland, is calling the alarm on adverse events after Covid-19 jabs in Australia and reporting information on his facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/gerard.rennick
  6. COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out 9 February 2022: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2022/02/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-9-february-2022.pdf
  7. “…most paediatric cases with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection are mild; severe COVID-19 disease in children is rare”. In: The immune system of children: the key to understanding SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility? Rita Carsetti et al. The Lancet Child & Adolescent. Comment. Volume 4, Issue 6, P414-416, June 01, 2020.
  8. TGA COVID-19 vaccine: Provisional registrations 28 January 2022: https://www.tga.gov.au/covid-19-vaccine-provisional-registrations
  9. See Violation Tracker:
  1. Interview with David Speers on ABC Insiders on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. 21 February 2021: https://www.health.gov.au/ministers/the-hon-greg-hunt-mp/media/interview-with-david-speers-on-abc-insiders-on-the-covid-19-vaccine-rollout
  2. WMA Declaration of Helsinki – Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects. 9 July 2018: https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/
  3. See for example:
  1. ‘We failed’: Denmark’s media is waking up to its flawed Covid coverage. The Spectator, 15 January 2022: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/-we-failed-denmark-s-media-is-finally-waking-up-to-its-pandemic-failings
  2. Scott Morrison expects COVID-19 vaccine will be ‘as mandatory as you can possibly make it’. Mornings with Neil Mitchell, 3AW, 19 August 2020: https://www.3aw.com.au/scott-morrison-expects-covid-19-vaccine-will-be-as-mandatory-as-you-can-possibly-make-it/
  3. Could the Government make a COVID-19 vaccine mandatory in Australia? ABC News / RMIT ABC Fact Check, 16 September 2020: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-09-16/fact-file-mandatory-vaccination-is-it-possible/12661804?nw=0&r=HtmlFragment
  4. Ibid.
  5. Personal correspondence, letter from Scott Morrison to Elizabeth Hart, 16 October 2020.
  6. From vaccine passports to vaccine apartheid. Graham Young. Spectator Australia, 2 September, 2021: https://www.spectator.com.au/2021/09/from-vaccine-passports-to-vaccine-apartheid/
  7. See my email to Michael Miller: Mandated COVID-19 vaccination and News Corp Australia, 29 September 2021.
  8. See for example:
  1. See for example Australian Unions – Vaccinations your questions answered: https://www.australianunions.org.au/factsheet/vaccinations-your-questions-answered/
  2. Liberal MP Andrew Laming confronts Atagi on ‘farrago’ of Australian vaccine mandates. The Guardian, 8 December 2021: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/dec/08/liberal-mp-andrew-laming-confronts-atagi-on-farrago-of-australian-vaccine-mandates
  3. Preparing for vaccination – Valid consent. The Australian Immunisation Handbook: https://immunisationhandbook.health.gov.au/vaccination-procedures/preparing-for-vaccination
  4. Prime Minister Press Conference, Transcript 22 July 2021: https://www.pm.gov.au/media/press-conference-canberra-act-6
  5. Update on COVID and the fourth jab: https://www.echo.net.au/2022/02/update-on-covid-and-the-fourth-jab/
  6. Australia secures additional Pfizer-Biontech vaccine for 2022 and 2023. Media Release 25 July 2021, Prime Minister, Minister for Health and Aged Care: https://www.pm.gov.au/media/australia-secures-additional-pfizer-biontech-vaccine-2022-and-2023
  7. COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out 9 February 2022: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2022/02/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-9-february-2022.pdf
  8. Coronavirus (COVID-19) World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_1
  9. Australian Government Department of Health. Australia’s vaccine agreements, last updated 21 January 2022: https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines/about-rollout/vaccine-agreements
  10. Prime Minister Press Conference, Transcript 27 February 2020: https://www.pm.gov.au/media/press-conference-australian-parliament-house-4
  11. Australian Government Department of Home Affairs. Outward Travel Restrictions Operation Directive: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/covid-19/Documents/outward-travel-restrictions-operation-directive.pdf


  1. These are the facts –

    Protocol 3

    At the present day we are, as an international force, invincible, because if attacked by some we are supported by other States. It is the bottomless rascality of the GOYIM peoples, who crawl on their bellies to force, but are merciless towards weakness, unsparing to faults and indulgent to crimes, unwilling to bear the contradictions of a free social system but patient unto martyrdom under the violence of a bold despotism – it is those qualities which are aiding us to independence. From the premier- dictators of the present day, the GOYIM peoples suffer patiently and bear such abuses as for the least of them they would have beheaded twenty kings.
    What is the explanation of this phenomenon, this curious inconsequence of the masses of the peoples in their attitude towards what would appear to be events of the same order?
    It is explained by the fact that these dictators whisper to the peoples through their agents that through these abuses they are inflicting injury on the States with the highest purpose – to secure the welfare of the peoples, the international brotherhood of them all, their solidarity and equality of rights. Naturally they do not tell the peoples that this unification must be accomplished only under our sovereign rule.
    And thus the people condemn the upright and acquit the guilty, persuaded ever more and more that it can do whatsoever it wishes. Thanks to this state of things, the people are destroying every kind of stability and creating disorders at every step.
    The word “freedom” brings out the communities of men to fight against every kind of force, against every kind of authority even against God and the laws of nature. For this reason we, when we come into our kingdom, shall have to erase this word from the lexicon of life as implying a principle of brute force which turns mobs into bloodthirsty beasts.
    These beasts, it is true, fall asleep again every time when they have drunk their fill of blood, and at such time can easily be riveted into their chains. But if they be not given blood they will not sleep and continue to struggle.

      • Silly ole burry, (as in covered with burrs) you’re in the wrong train, selling a crude counterfeit, backing a non starter, if not something much more sinister.

        The Synagogue of Satan can’t get anywhere without its street pedlars and Scribes, Pharisees and the like. Funny, I couldn’t find any good Catholic scholars, exegetes who could even be bothered with the Scofield Bible; they were concerned with the more insidious Judaisation of Scripture called “Higher Criticism”; so I had to be content with the evaluation of some of your Protestant Evangelical mates.

        Flick through this lot:

        “The most reasonable interpretation of the work of Scofield is that it is neither honest nor valid. As such, it should have the whistle blown, for it is properly outside the line of valid Christianity. It seems many evangelicals are trying to disengage themselves from what now appears to be a tottering wreck, a wreck erected by Darby, Arno Gaebelein and C. I. Scofield. The Scofield Reference Bible did, and is doing, a great disservice to the Kingdom of God.”

        The Terrible Error of the Scofield Bible
        By Emma Moore Weston



        • “Judaisation of Scripture” ?

          The entire Bible was written by Jews !

          And what religion do you think Jesus was raised in ?

          Why do you think there’s no record of him abandoning it ?

          Or telling his disciples they should do so?

          • Jesus said to the (Canaanite/Edomite) Jews (Judeans) –

            John 8:44-45
            New King James Version

            44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me.

          • In that he’s basically talking about anybody who does any sins, so your selection is mischievous, spiteful and designed to mislead. All the things you might profess to be against, by quoting the bible. But I’m not trying to label you a hypocrite, you are mainly just obsessive.

          • Said quote obviously doesn’t have any bearing on any of my questions or anything discussed in either of the above interviews.

            More importantly, there’s no biblical support for the addition

          • Heh, heh, beri beri, a curmudgeon with my “personality defects” is never going to be intimidated by some notion of “political correctness”.

            If you want to seek the grand conquering Messiah so much desired by the Iscariot and his Synagogue friends you go right ahead; interpret the Torah according to the Talmud (and/or Kabbalah) if you wish. Imagine, if you like, that the “true Messiah” is the Synagogue that will bring the Earth to its Messianic order when the Synagogue “rules the World” from Solomon’s new Temple. Tikun olam, I think they call it, where the only law is “Noahide Law” interpreted according to the convenience of the Synagogue.

            The Bible was written by Jews, you say. Since you claim to be a very clever Bible basher go and look up who were the Jews. There are several mentions of “true Israelites” and, Judaeans, Galileans, Samaritans, and a few others that mostly referred to the region they come from, cultural style, language, idiom and all that sort of stuff; and then there were the “Jews” with their occult “insights” or interpretation of what is commonly called the Torah, or Old Testament.

            Don’t take my word for it, berry smart, go and look it up yourself in the written directions of what that Pharisee’s servant Paul who was Saul had to say about the “Judaisers” who were “updating” what he had taught. This is the same Paul that “withstood Peter to his face” because Peter was unduly deferring to the Old Law. A new Covenant and a new Sacrifice is clearly mentioned in both the Old and New Testament Scripture.

            Y’ silly ole bag, He said “I don’t come to abolish the Law but to fulfil it”.

            The first vid you linked above gave me a good laugh. That “interviewer” practically wet himself with the thrill of being associated with that Jewish drongo. The next one; I couldn’t take much of the slease of the “expert”.

          • I heard Saul / Paul was working for Herod and without looking too deeply into it all, it sounds like a good theory to me. Take out Saul / Paul and what’s left of Christianity, basically the Gospels and the Revelations, which suits me very well.

          • Yair, dubya, Saul openly admitted that he was working for the Synagogue when he was on his way to Damascus to wreak havoc on those hated Christians there. After he was struck from his horse he went into a “desert” for about 3 years trying to assimilate what he had “seen” and after that he went and spent a few weeks with Peter, apparently to make sure that he “got it right”.

            If you’re going to “chuck out” the Acts and Epistles to try and conform Christianity to the Synagogue you’ll certainly have to chuck out John’s Gospel…. and Luke… and Mark… and Mathew. Argh! what the hell! just get your “Ministry of Truth” to expunge all the Apostolic disciples, apologists etc. from history altogether! It’ll be a big job! They haven’t had universal success in about 2000 years of trying.

          • What I am suggesting is that Saul / Paul perhaps never stopped working for Herod, simple suspicion is enough for me.
            Are you saying Saul / Paul wrote the 4 gospels, I thought he wrote most of the other stuff in the new testament excluding the revelations. So my comment is more about dates, BC & AD. All the old testament I am assuming came from BC times and all the new testament from AD times. Personally I think there is a bit of interesting history and prophesy in the old testament but also a lot of pointless myths / allegories / fables whatever. I am pretty much only interested in the parts I consider to be “authentic”. I am not trying to expunge, because I consider most of it “adulterated” if I may put it that way, even if the translation is based on a misconception, such as when Jesus asked some guy “do you love me as your ticket to heaven” and they guy said “yes I have man-love for you bro”, because there are different types of “love” in Hebrew but they all translate as “love” in English.

          • Go and do some homework, dubya, the idiotic prejudices that inspire your “simple suspicion is enough for me.” have no validity in this instance of historically verifiable events and records.

          • “I heard Saul / Paul was working for Herod”

            Where did you hear that?

            “Without looking too deeply into it all, it sounds like a good theory to me.”

            Why haven’t you taken an in-depth look into said ‘theory” ?

            And why does it “sound good” ?

          • I heard it from a history academic David N. Livingstone from Canada I think, one of his books is “The Dying God”, goes into the history of religion, illuminati and so forth. Used to be a lot of stuff on spewtube, now paywalled.

  2. Excellent summary!
    Yesterday I attended a specialist medical clinic for (extremely expensive at $35K) cancer treatment (not yet approved by TGA/PBS). I have a medical mask exemption and have probably had C.19 already. They would not let me wait in the waIting room as I was maskless and evicted me to the corridor. All receptionist staff wore masks and were presumably double vaxxed. When I got annoyed about it they shouted at me and demanded that I treat them respectfully as they were just doing their jobs. Did I have a wife or a daughter and how would I feel if they were met with an angry customer – they demanded? I am a son, brother, husband and father with cancer (the real pandemic by the way) and don’t like being treated like a leper – I replied.
    Then the masked doctors called me in an administered the treatment to maskless me no problem. Can anyone tell me how any of that makes sense?
    And no I don’t blame the Jews.

  3. Whatever Morrison may have done and that many may think him guilty of, there is one singular aspect to his ‘mandates’ and ‘hands off’ approach toward the states and territories, over the past two years, that has exposed the very weakness of our current political and government system, and that many are not seeming to grasp.

    Whether wittingly or unwittingly, Morrison’s perceived lack of leadership, but even that perception, came with certain intent via suggestions, such as non-compulsory jabs that could be circumvented with ‘mandates’ being applicable to the states or territories that were being given a virtual free run in how to implement their version in handling a so called pandemic. This ‘intent’ and abrogation of responsibility from Morrison, has exposed those states and territories being run by what has become in reality, dictators and their only too compliant and very willing, ‘Health Ministers’ and medical qualified, bureaucrat doctors.

    Within that ‘freedom to reign’ given out by Morrison, to the states and territories, no Court has upheld any law firm’s application for remedy from such social and economic destroying dictatorial ‘rules’ and ‘mandates’, which must then also expose the corruption from within the justice system that can only endorse the old adage about there being one system of justice for them, and one system for the rest of us.

    The fallout from the last two years is only now beginning to be fully appreciated, and its purpose comprehended, by the more observant among us – hence the many protests now ongoing, not only in this country, but around the entire Western world. A letter of demand, has been served to Morrison, Albanese and the Speaker of the House at Parliament House in Canberra early this week. The letter was not able to be served personally on any of those so called, ‘leaders’ but via a House security guard, which must then speak volumes about the contempt that those ‘leaders’ hold the Australian people in.

    Aussie Cossack has all the info on that Letter of Demand on Youtube.

    I believe there are two roles that Morrison has been playing in this war for your mind. Many will not appreciate what he has sacrificed personally in order to wake the population up to what could have eventuated, if the Globalist Cabal had not been defeated.

    • Aussie Cossack now running for the federal seat of Reid
      (Western Sydney)
      The main suburbs include Abbotsford, Auburn (part), Burwood, Cabarita, Chiswick, Concord, Croydon, Drummoyne, Five Dock, Homebush, Lidcombe (part), Mortlake, Newington, Rodd Point, Russell Lea, Silverwater, Strathfield, Sydney Olympic Park and Wareemba.

      Canberra APH protest (7 min)

  4. Terrific article! Scott Morrison who parades himself as a Christian (much like Kevin Rudd did) but is definitely not, is a traitor to Australia and under the influence of Klaus Scwab. Schwab has trained Boris Johnson, Macron, Adern, Bill Gates, Merkel, Trudeau and Tony Blair, all Godless globalists. Mindless Biden bows to Schwab and touts his demonic, 6uild 6ack 6etter propaganda, as does Adern and Johnson. Time for them all to be called out and brought to justice.

  5. Ever heard of the Wicker-man, strawman(not duo corpus).

    Morrison signing off duo corpus, one Federal Australia is significant and should be scrutinised. He
    is loaded with all the sin/failure’s..RICO laws recognised the unholy alliance. The cartel way more important than any single player.
    Morrison will not roll-over and a big event could see a Lazareth.
    Just don’t let the “buck” stop with him.

      • Duo corpus sounds interesting, layers of ownership and control always are, assuming that’s what duo corpus is, do you have any recommended reading

        • I may have coined it. just now Not something. , but yes, simply two bodies.
          The concept is ageless, I used a esoteric method for persuasion, that you heard, others use. Consciously or not we all do it.
          The wicker man stuff too, trying to out that. The Burning Man, wow, I’ll never go but is promoted with traditional cultists running into the fire. Ownership seems tied to the book of the dead.
          Trust nobody, this is a time to trust yourself. Its only vigilance. So many bad actor’s,…

          • So, everyone gets scrutinised, I’m not talking 5 eyes, privacy is paramount. But if you want to form Government to streamline the slow septic, there needs to be trust in the outcome. So you scrutinise first by public.
            Aussie Cosack wants to join parliment(Gov somewhere) and ask’s for scrutiny. I only heard 3 odd minutes but by his words.

            Has a Indigenous Representative called Cindy if I remember like Neville Bonner but way less formal. Just surprises me.
            He brings up the Russian thing, I distrust Putin and the oligarch, any WEF, after that some Russians are awesome fun in Bulgaria and the Gold Coast. Others not same same Its not really an argument just (i want to use Pavlov trigger), next
            The AFP –
            AFP is scared and he actually accused them of dereliction of duty, wow, you know…
            Leads back to the “bust” TV has him playing ” you’ll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me” , the Eureka, has that on a loop at home.The speed of informational flow and analytics….

            Trust nobody, scrutinize, if you like him, good, support that.

          • They all have an educational element which seems to get missed, except the silent backbenchers, who put career first. Then the choice is usually frying pan or fire. Bosi is going to kill them all but look at him, he always wears the poppy, is that like legitimising the mass slaughters ? Deifying the organisers and victims together ? Inviting the army to join him and shoot lots of people ?

  6. I endorse most types of protest, including the letter above, including Aussie Cossack, including Clive Palmer’s ads, though all the jew-paranoid delusions are probably very counter-productive.
    To the question posed in the letter about mandates, the answer is the mandates are a fraud, based on a fraud. But they are state mandates and the Blue party here would rather have state’s rights and individuals’ rights whereas the Red party would have us all in LockStep.
    Scotty himself is probably much less powerful than people imagine. Look how figureheads are shifted around these days, as the Globalists set up the Covid Hoax. Scotty has a thick skin and as his name implies, he is the most marketable, compare with someone like Dutton who looks like he came out of a horror movie. So Scotty would presumably like to keep the job, then he has to walk both sides of the street. On one side tearaways in the National Party and Liberal back bench, on the other side BigPharma and Globalist secret police making financial threats. In the middle a mass of terrified sheeple whose pantries are stuffed with toilet rolls and Panadols.
    How is taking down Scotty personally going to change anything and who is the replacement ?
    Under ALP with Bill Shorten effectively acting as Elbow’s governor, we will descend ever more quickly into Chinese style dictatorship. Elbow will be reading whatever he sees on the teleprompter. The lines will come straight from Globalist Central ( Geneva ). Vaccine Passport will be compulsory. There is no two ways about this. You will be injected with any muck, as often as Tedros says you will. And this is the hazard and why people should be very careful what they wish for.
    Because of the ALP’s Globalist and communist inclinations everyone should be focussing on splitting the vote away from the ALP, if they don’t want to be “boostered” every 3 months forever.
    If the vote goes from 50/50 blue/red down to 45% blue 40% red and 15% yellow I would consider that close to the best possible outcome, it means the yellow would be the tail wagging the dog.

  7. What a great article by Elizabeth Hart!

    Having read the article, I looked back to see which jabs I have had during my long life: BCG, Variola, Polio, Shingles and a few flu-shots. How many jabs has an 18 y.o. Australian got today? 50??

    Still on the topic;
    How big pharma sold vaxxines to the world (part 3) Aletho News


    The complete, “ routine Vaxx schedule from Birth to Earth” by NHS

    Despite the controversial mandate for NHS staff to have the Covid-19 vaccine – now withdrawn – the jab is not listed on the schedule!


  8. As COVID crumbles they’re already prepping the next “pandemic”
    Even as they seek to dump this pandemic in a shallow grave, they are already prepping the public for the next health scare – AIDs.

    The coronavirus may go but, from cancer to AIDS, the mRNA vaccines are here to stay.

    Read on –

    The coronavirus may go but, from cancer to AIDS, the mRNA vaccines are here to stay.

  9. Well done Elizabeth Hart.

    Comparison of Casualties of Australians

    Ten years of war in Vietnam 1962-1972 521 deaths
    3,129 wounded/ injured

    Six months Covid-19 injections up to August 2021 210 deaths
    45,303 adverse reactions
    (equivalent wounded/injured)
    More deaths to follow from those same injected.

    (Stats for Covid-19 from Foxgram)

    In Vietnam no Australian children were killed or wounded.

    Both criminal atrocities were/are for political purposes. The people are dispensable cannon fodder for psychopaths.

    • The local opposition leader told us on TV about the new cameras, they see into your car, they know who you are, they can see what’s on your phone etc. She told everyone they would have to be very good in future, but it didn’t help her, she got booted out by McGollum, who tells us we are not allowed to breathe the air anymore. The young ones seem more compliant, maybe because they have more years to lose, maybe they understand they will go on the social credit system by facial recognition and start losing “points”. Since the great reset money will be the same as “points”.

  10. Rand Paul says “Omicron” is nature’s vaccine (at about 9 minutes)
    Pays out on Fauci, says myocarditis goes up with each va666ine etc
    Technical medical stuff from a very conventional viewpoint

    • In another video ( Senator Dr ) Rand Paul says masks are rubbish and he is getting off BigTech and moving to rumble
      But you can’t even write rumble if you add dot com because it will be censored by BigTech.
      I guess if that’s how it is everyone else has to get off BigTech too.

      • BigTech shutting down Climate Change commentators
        It’s pure communism, we will all be migrated off BigTech sometime soon I hope
        In the meantime use them for free before they get spat out

  11. In W.A., McGollum is still trying to scare us, a man in his 70’s has died of “Omicron” caught at the bowling club !!! Was he 71 or 79, the bowling club is a clue.

    We’re all being threatened with death unless we get va666inated. Mr McGollum, any chance of a few IVM pills at about a dollar each ? NO WAY USELESS EATER SCUM !!! NO IVM FOR YOU.

    Watching them talk is like watching the back end of a hippo.

    • Reminds me the time my brother and I were at a zoo. We were at this large monkey enclosure watching the antics of the primates. We watched this one monkey out on a limb take a crap into his hand, then fling it at this grandmother and the two grandkids. The crap hit the chainlink fence and splattered all over them. – Unfortunately, being the two immature youths that we were, we broke out laughing.

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