Home Corona MIT Scientist Criticizing COVID Vaccines, and Elite Athletes Dropping Like Flies

MIT Scientist Criticizing COVID Vaccines, and Elite Athletes Dropping Like Flies

Kyle Warner: Professional Mountain Biker Suffers Several Pericarditis After Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine. His heart would not come down. His 2 min video story here. 

Introduction by Dee McLachlan: Another selection of articles and videos today. 

The photo above is of Kyle Warner, pro mountain biker. After being jabbed he now suffers Pericarditis, and his life has completely changed. (A 2 min video of his story is here.)

Dr. Retsef Levi is a professor at MIT Sloan School of Management and was one of the featured speakers last week in Washington D.C. during Senator Ron Johnson’s Roundtable Discussion on COVID-19 Vaccine mandates. His video is below.

As Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News, writes,

“Today I bring you more evidence that the leaders of the U.S. Government health agencies and the pharmaceutical companies producing the COVID-19 “vaccines” are guilty of crimes against humanity, including mass murder. … when the truth and the facts are so obvious as they are today, sensationalism is not needed. Just the courage to tell the truth, and expose the criminals, is all that is needed to warn the public.

“And the truth is that more and more frontline doctors who work with vaccine injured patients, as well as very prestigious medical scientists and researchers, have tried to blow the whistle on those being killed and injured by these vaccines by informing the leaders at the FDA, CDC,  NIH, etc., and not only are their voices being ignored, there is a concerted effort to silence them.

“These professionals are risking not only their careers and livelihoods, but possibly their very lives for exposing the truth on just how much harm these experimental gene-altering shots are causing. The drug companies and the federal regulatory bodies know full well what is going on, which makes them complicit with these crimes against humanity and mass murder.”

Brian presented the piece by Aaron Siri (AaronSsiri.substack.com) with an article entitled, “One Brave ICU Physician Reporting Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries Leads to a Dozen More.”

“One act of bravery begins to snowball.  Dr. Patricia Lee “risked it all” to step forward, after being ignored by public health officials, to reveal the serious series of harms she witnessed from Covid-19 vaccines in her intensive care unit.

With that one act, my firm has now been contacted by more than a dozen other physicians.  Attached are 11 declarations from physicians across the country attesting to serious harms from Covid-19 vaccines. These physicians, like Dr. Lee, reached out to public health authorities at the CDC, FDA, and NIH for over ten months only to have their concerns dismissed or ignored.”

“You Have to be Careful Because You Could be Eliminated”. The video of Dr. Retsef Levi at the Washington D.C. Roundtable Discussion.


I was at the beach the other day, and after a swim, I struck up a conversation with a person I recognised. We chatted for a while, then he revealed a healthy 30-year-old woman at the organisation he worked for just died — just like that — at home. He said that they didn’t know what happened and that it seemed strange. I politely asked, “when was she vaxxed?” (she had to be vaxxed to be working in Victoria). He answered: “Oh don’t be ridiculous… that’s nonsense, don’t go there” (etc.).

But when super athletes start dropping like flies, one wonders if anything registers to the vaccinated crowds?

Top Athletes

Health Impact News posted a video that has a selection of high-profile extreme athletes that have sudden heart issues on and off the field. The corporate media calls this a “mystery,” but how many people ever heard of the word “myocarditis” prior to the COVID shots? But you can’t blame it on the vaccines. But don’t blame it on the “vaccines.”

And if a doctor does, they get suspended.


Yesterday a doctor, Mark ‘s office was raided in Melbourne. Morgan C Jones did a live last night (which I watched but can’t find now), but this is a link to another video. RAID VIDEO




  1. I politely asked, “when was she vaxxed?” (she had to be vaxxed to be working in Victoria). He answered: “Oh don’t be ridiculous… that’s nonsense, don’t go there” (etc.). – Screw ’em, it’s an IQ test to determine if you qualify to be part of the future gene pool.

    I’m so over the stupidity that I no longer have any empathy for the dumb-asses. Just die, get on with it and leave the rest of us to clean up the mess.

    • Dee,
      Sounds as though you met Ray Hadly from radio 2GB in sydney, on the beach ‘the other day’.
      Maybe it was our Hazzard-dous NSW health minister or Fed health Minister Hunt.
      Be careful who you talk to on a beach in Melbourne, I think it might have been a disguised Dan.
      Was he wearing a ‘let’s go Dan’ cap?
      Even a ‘lets go ABC-for Sale’. Reminds me, where is Jonathon Faine these days or his mate Josh. (search question time, fed parliament about 10-11 October 2010, under ‘Gillard 911 stupid and wrong’)
      Yep Terry, time for stupids to be fully injected, they will not be missed and we will be really safe, at last.

  2. Right, just watched the video of the raid and reported seizure of private patient files.
    Now let’s be fair Vic Department of Health and Minister responsible.
    Do your duty: list all members of the Victorian parliament, the health bureaucrats and running dog journos.
    Now that you have the list, go raid all their medical providers, seize their medical files and examine the details and report all treated, if at all, treatments of psychotic behaviour, their medications and medical histories and present all material on them to the public, so that the public can identify the psychos and mis-fits in parliament, the media and paid ‘bruteacrats’.
    BE alsom interesting to see all the medical files of, all the police officers, lawyers and judicial personnel In Victoria.
    You know, the ones who try to run our lives.
    Now that would be a consistent transparent democracy? Would it not?
    Then the public would have some idea who to inject and have them disappear, or not vote for.

  3. Awaiting a comment from half an hour to appear.
    Basically, let us see all the medical records of all the politicians, their spouses, mass media plastics, police offenders, and the psychotic health beaura-Krouts.
    And all the privileged files of all the lawyers,

  4. In PNG the natives are defying the globalist imperialist injectors, the word is out the injected could be dead in 3 years. Hopefully the imperialist forces will all get out and try to get real jobs doing something useful before some of them get speared. But if they do get speared, it will make a good story.

    • This propaganda clip from ABC TV is only 2 minutes long, at the end they say some health officials warn a debate could help to spread “mis-information”, such as HCQ or IVM being banned I guess, that would count as misinformation from these repulsive, compulsive liars

    • PNG is a beautiful country, but it can be very violent. We should send some of our successful personnel over to show them how to coerce the population into getting jabbed. – I’d love to see the shrunken heads of Kerry Chant, Gulag Gladys, Jacinda Ardern – in each case the shrinking process would be an improvement in appearance.

      • Australia was apparently stolen twice, 1788 and 1973
        ( Gough was PM up to 1975 & also Foreign Minister up to 1973 )
        All these politicians should get a golden statuette for their acting

        (12 minutes, 2 speakers)
        “We never broke an oath, you broke every oath that was ever written”
        Queen was stood down in 1973 and they were supposed to hand everything back to the people but they didn’t … this foreign entity that was never voted …
        “I saw the hundreds of millions of dollars that were meant to go to the communities that goes straight back to the government contractors” – it’s fraud.
        500 deaths in custody and nobody responsible.
        18,000 indigenous children in foster care – they are coming for our children – this is happening right now.

    • I obeyed you, Fair, but Coleman spent too long telling me how wonderful he is. In the final knock, what is is message, other than telling peeps not to get jabbed?

      • i think youre right about what is his message Mary, but my thinking is that as people are being told to “listen to the experts”, I think he has enough feathers in his cap to qualify as someone worth listening to. ( just ask him! 🙂 ) His message may be as simple as dont get jabbed, but its delivered in a way ( grandfatherly? ) that those new to the real version of the truth, will not find as offensive or technically frightening as others, maybe just enough to go looking further for themselves.

        theres some that go around screaming about how wonderful mandates are, you know, everyone should do their bit to help protect everyone else, and for those, I hope they get all their jabs, but others I see getting it, that think they are doing the right thing, and some of them I care about, at times in getting them to come around to a particular point of view with a plethora of irrefutable facts – watching their eyes glaze over, maybe it is best to just keep it simple.

        who cant like an old man in a chair?

  5. Everything projected mainstream are lies by Satanic death cults WHO control science, media and all governments. They want us dead, that’s why we’re forced to line up for genocidal jabs. The entire world is run by Luciferian bloodline oligarchs, where everything is fake, rigged and corruptible beyond repair. They are pushing the bio weapons, how long before we refuse taking their BS? This is genocidal war, murderous oppressors are hellbent on global Satanic totalitarian Marxist technocratic disorder.

  6. Vaccinated People Are Dying of All Causes 6-1 Over Unvaccinated

    The last 7 Public Health England / UK Health Security Agency ‘Vaccine Surveillance’ report figures on Covid-19 cases show that double vaccinated 40-79 year-olds have now lost 50% of their immune system capability and are consistently losing a further 5% every week (between 3.9% and 8.8%).

    Projections, therefore, suggest that 40-79 year-olds will have zero Covid / Viral defense at best, or a form of vaccine-mediated acquired immunodeficiency syndrome at worst, by Christmas and all double vaccinated people over 30 will have completely lost that part of their immune system which deals with Covid-19 within the next 13 weeks.

    Then we have this chart which shows the comparison of cases of vaccinated and unvaccinated. Look at the last two columns for the 30 and over. It appears that the vaccinated are catching Delta at a greater rate than the unvaccinated by week 41.


    The UK Government’s own data does not support the claims made for Covid-19 Vaccine Safety & Effectiveness


    Double Jabbed die rate is Six Times higher than Unvaccinated, new data finds

    Herland Report: Double Jabbed die rate Six Times higher: Recent data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics reveals people who have been double jabbed against COVID-19 are dying from all causes at a rate six times higher than the unvaccinated……………..


    • The BBC ( famously known as the British bullshit corporation since long ago ) reports hospital waiting lists approaching 6 million and record emergency calls last month 1 million. We can see where this will lead, cries for “more funding” and hospital tax will double, all funneled direct into the pockets of Rockerfellas, Swissy and the rest. By way of example they show someone’s grandma who suffered a stroke. Blood clots not mentioned. Next we see the ambulances are functioning as death-incubators, if you survive a day in there you may be admitted to the death-house( formerly known as a hospital ). We’ll get back to the funding when the politicians get there. Meanwhile the bat flu is cunningly juxtaposed, not blamed but conflated into the story. How could everyone be dying of bat flu when they are all va666inated, that’s not a story. So we just slip the bat flu fake statistics in straight after the hospital overcrowding. It’s conflation via juxtaposition aka guilt by association aka circumstantial evidence. Evidence !!! Eventually, we will show !!! it’s all the fault of those anti-va666ers, who we are told are “shrinking in number” even though the protests get bigger and more frequent, and the va666ine injuries are stacking up everywhere. Even Papua New Guinea knows all about it, they don’t have CBS so they aren’t brainwashed like here.

  7. Scotland is 87% vaccinated, weekly deaths are up 30% from last year. In Denmark, 5 months in a row, 2021 breaks 10 year record of people dying. Half of vaccine injuries are in people under 44 years.

    • Injuries are great for business, deaths in old people are good for the economy, government can direct more tax away from pensions and toward hospitals.

      • Russia and China preparing to defend themselves in hegemony war, they are defying Swissy’s Reserve Banking system & Federal Reserve US “petrodollar” counterfeit money, everyone is sending rockets everywhere, Mach 17 and all sorts of targeting so looks like ww3 will have to be asymmetric. No reason then for hospitals to stop functioning !!! Indeed they will be busier than ever before. Poor people go to National Health System to die, middle class people go to private health to have all the money sucked out first.

    • Thank you Mary but this is not my story too cute, a sanitised version. But my singer “janis” who sang at rallies and at pubs in the 60’s accept your offering.– below some threads–I only respond because last Saturday Dee captured my “voice” in song at the Melbourne rally– as a mother and grandmother I stepped forward to join in with “A Mother’s War Cry” part of my healing–my reality– I am Rom. I am a traveller. I have never heard of Andre Bocelli –but thank you again– there is much to learn in these times.

      some links for those who care to listen and join the dots


      The song’s meaning is vague, and numerous interpretations have been garnered however its breath-taking beauty is unquestionable. Cohen’s lyrics are haunting and filled with lamentation, especially when he sings:

      ” I did my best, it wasn’t much
      I couldn’t feel, so I tried to touch
      I’ve told the truth, I didn’t come to fool you
      And even though
      It all went wrong
      I’ll stand before the Lord of Song
      With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah
      Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
      Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
      Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
      Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
      Hallelujah, Hallelujah.”..

      “Any guy who says ‘Blessed are the poor. Blessed are the meek’ has got to be a figure of unparalleled generosity [true], and insight [true], and madness [false]”. Many have said that Jesus was a liar because He claimed to be God or a lunatic because He thought He was God. However, there is a third consideration–He IS God”

      The ‘secret chord’

      “The ‘secret chord’ is a biblical reference. David was a King from the Hebrew bible, and although we all mostly remember him for being the underdog who defeated Goliath, he was, first and foremost, a musician.”


      What does this mean?

      “A simple take on it would be that David played a secret chord that ‘goes like this’: IV – V – vi – IV. But of course, that isn’t just one chord, it’s a chord progression.

      So is David’s ‘secret chord’ in fact the underlying chord progression of the song – which in essence makes up the whole song?

      Meanwhile, the whole song and its message is ‘Hallelujah’ – so is Cohen saying that the song itself is the ‘secret chord’?

      Cohen’s lyrics and harmony leave a lot to the imagination – which is maybe the whole point. He himself said that he chose the word ‘Hallelujah’ because it means so much in so many ways.

      All in all, we’re very impressed and a little confused, Mr. Cohen.”

      This is my preferred version
      K. D. Laing

      • actually, there is a 4th, he was made king for a day as Haman part of the purim fest. if i wanted to cause pain and anguish to everyone i meet, i just might start talking about you turning the other cheek so i can hit your other one. Even though i believe in the modesty and humility christ message brings, i also understand the ruthlessness of those that are using your own moral compass against you!

  8. CrissX, You made some good points there, But.
    This is how I score you.
    Unva666inated hospitalizations and deaths…………….Tick
    Immune system destruction…………………………………..Tick
    Covid-19 viral defense………………………………………….Cross
    Delta Strain ………………………………………………………..Cross

    Reason being, if the PR test is fake and dangerous, the alleged disease is FAKE.
    But as we seeing, the Lockdowns and POISON JABS are real = Deaths from ‘All Causes’.

    • http://vigiaccess.org/
      after clicking ‘I agree’ type in as search terms: covid-19 vaccine

      Geographical distribution
      Continent Count Percentage
      Africa 68524 3
      Americas 923508 38
      Asia 155466 6
      Europe 1211737 50
      Oceania 85057 3

      Those percentages seem a little biased.

      • So far, it’s just a prank on the gullible isn’t it.
        I wonder what the plan is to cut 90% of in these other places, more bio-war I suppose, yawn yawn

    • Seems that the sperm that resulted in this bigoted propaganda lot might think how his/her presence could be resolved by not being conceived and never have existed.
      Problem solved.

  9. The ATO is an agency –

    The parliament has given the agency called the ATO the authority to tax. We now have government by appointment running this country. This is the shadow government sometimes spoken about, but never referred to as government by appointment. This type of government represents taxation without representation.

    Agency –

    a business or organization providing a particular service on behalf of another business, person, or group.

    Senator George Brandis :-

    “It is important to point out that although the ATO is an agency of the Commonwealth it is a different legal personality.”

    “Nevertheless, because a constitutional issue had been raised, a notice under section 78B of the Judiciary Act went to the Commonwealth, as well as to the states and territories, asking if the Commonwealth wished to intervene in the proceedings. It is important to point out that although the ATO is an agency of the Commonwealth it is a different legal personality. It nevertheless represents the interests of the Commonwealth in protecting the revenue. It is not automatic that the Commonwealth intervenes in proceedings every time it receives a section 78B notice. Every section 78B notice is assessed according to its own particular facts.”


    The privately owned ATO is effectively a debt collector for the non Constitutional make-believe “Australian Government” IMO. Debt collector laws therefore would apply –

    Do I have a contract with you?


    • In other words the ATO is the book-keeper and debt collector for the administration of the bankruptcy.
      If you want to find the dejure Commonwealth of Australia, it still exists but all the people have signed themselves over to be in the jurisdiction of the administrator, gladly volunteering to pull the yoke to go through the motions of doing the impossible – to pay off the contrived debt.

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