by G5
Giuliana and others infected by design.
White, Hard Intel, standing by.
SARS-COV-2 was previously taken into The WH. (Some interesting material following.)
Propaganda War has reached broader AltMedia which is guessing and wrong. As usual.
Worse than civil war and citizen militias, is broader loosed Intel on specific targets domestic and internationally. Four main services. Unknown, Unseen, and Unstoppable. Four world leaders involved, including Trump, who will call it or prevent it.
The State of Play
The Dem Collusion with Russia and Ukraine was the usual Dem criminal elites colluding with their counterpart bed partners of Mafia elites. The issue of the same Dem recidivist liars and thieves colluding with the Chinese Government to destroy The US and thereby the West is another issue.
Two senate RINOs from Maine blocked Bill Blyths’s (WJC) impeachment, as RINO criminal Romney colluded to aid Soetoro (Obama) into that unlawful WH occupation (together with criminal, code Songbird RINO McCain III). Romney also voting to impeach Trump. The Blythe impeachment concerned Obstruction of Justice, not bonking in the Oval Office.
And the grand theatrics of Songbird blocking the Senate destruction of the devastating Obamacare Affordable Care Act [sic] will live in infamy. As every aspect of the miserable life of McCain III, and indeed his father (USS Liberty False Flag for criminal LBJ to nuke Egypt), live on. Including the USS Forestall Incident and the murder of unrecorded thousands of US POWs released by Vietnam, and refused repatriation back to The US by McCain III and John Kerry.
The Oval Office has become a Dem status symbol bordello since established by the great Dixicrat War-Monger LBJ, protector of Deep State and allied corruptions, murderer, coup d’etat criminal, rapist (raped his grandmother Baines at age 14), formed the inner city tragically enduring Black ghettos, and an appointee of Mafia owned arch-criminal J.Edgar Hoover (code Mary) as FBI Director for Life. Well, at least the latter gave White Intel a target parameter that was eventually acted on. As indeed for McCain III, GHWB, and a few bottom dwellers of the famous Intel haunt of The Martha’s Vineyard Waters.
Drowning suicides with hands tied and body weighted, as interesting as tied hands, and impossible low point hanging suicides (e.g. Amschel Rothschild), and strange shooting suicides. Overdoses (e.g. John Belushi) and car accidents (e.g. Diana), and bombings (e.g. Mountbatten), even natural causes (e g. Savile) were always interesting. As were Polonium, Ricin, and Dioxin. Strangulation always delivering different causes to the postured hanging (e.g. Epstein). Calvi under Blackfriars’ was interesting. As were the closely followed to the latter, suicides of Graziella Corrchella and Sergio Vaccari.
And of course, the reports following the demises of; David Kelly, Vince Foster, Seth Rich, Pius XII, Paul VI, JP I, et al., as riveting reading as the Warren Fiction, that of The 9/11 Commission, and countless others.
Wet Exchanges (Shoot-Outs) are always interesting (e.g. with Brennan’s gang on 8 November 2016, and following The FBI arrest of HRC on 11 September 2016. Chemical attacks causing undetectable heart attacks (e.g. Estes Kefauver) and Methyl Iodide strokes (e.g. attempt on Melanie in Scotland, two security were killed), are standard behaviour. Hayden was subsequently delivered the paralysis he attempted for Melania. Orange looked away.
The current Chinese owned Dem attempted destruction of the US was long in the development. Currently functioned through the weakest link; The Biden Crime Family.
When SARS-CoV-2 was taken from the US Winnipeg BWL BSL5 by the characters and methods I have described, through Rotterdam to the Wuhan BWL BSL3; not the internationally inspected Wuhan BSL5; it jolted to White Intel that a release would occur at the Military Games, to strike the US Military; which it did; in October 2019.
Trump blocked the follow-on flights with some five thousand non-symptomatic Chinese carriers to the US. But the bioweapon was set in train, and defended by the insane political puppetry of the Dem Criminal Elements and their cohorts, including the owned Expert Classes.
Barr met with Mark Meadows and Orange outlining the criminal actions aspect of the current Sino-US Cold War, that I have previously detailed. Hardly concerning Barr not conducting criminal investigations with regard to the 2020 Voter Fraud Affair. As indeed; as I have written; Orange did not abscond to Bedminster because of some pursuit. But rather for strategic meetings concerning the unwinding Coup d’etat, of the forthcoming 3 November 2020 Chinese-Dem fraudulent election.
Barr reported that Some fifteen hundred criminal arrest warrants are being executed against Chinese operatives, pursuant to DOJ National Security Division (John Demers) Investigations, and those of the US Counter-Intelligence and Security Division (Bill Evania).
Reports and recommendations pursuant to investigations from the owned FBI, through The Wray Seventh Floor Mafia; about which I have written; being non-existent.
The Chinese Agent Flushing seeing some two thousand others fleeing.
Barr also reported that the prosecution of The Fourth Estate has commenced with Facebook being charged with Labor Law Violations concerning the sidestepping of employment of US Citizens, in preference for the hiring of some three thousand, illegal and temporary visa aliens. It’s called being non-discriminatory, progressive, liberal, and our politically correct agenda is the new normal.
Deleting Files, Boots and More
As we saw Lou Alcindor’s (Eric Holder) DOJ, Elizabeth Carlisle’s (Loretta Lynch) DOJ, HRC, and her State Dept., Kerry and his State Dept., Comey and his FBI, and Mueller and his Russian Investigation False Flag, and Biden’s Congressional Records, be deleted by the millions of files and communications; we currently have the stench of to the pretend Biden Transition Team, attempting to delete their criminal pasts.
One more notable faker being Neera Tandem. Biden’s; or rather his owners’ and handlers’ choice; as Director of The National Office of Management and Budget. Now, why would that be a must grab by the criminal elements attempting to facilitate the Communist Dictatorship of The US?
Maxine Waters has yet again been exposed as the elitist dross she is. Her particular expertise is looting election donations, diverting funds from the Dem. Party, blackmailing Dem candidates for endorsements, ghost payrolling, hiring family and approved players as consultants, and the de rigueur looting of government funds, via the usual unique Dem evolved and articulated religion.
Of particular merit is the Great Maxine’s daughter Karen. If you thought Maxine was gifted: darling Karen gives a nudge to the old, walking and talking anecdote. And of course, that genetic Waters good looks was passed on.
The sweet one collected some two million dollars during The Soetoro Occupation. A further three-quarters of a million went to the PR consulting front of Progressive Connections. Citizens for Waters Campaign has been tailed by a partisan FEC, which has miraculously found nothing to investigate.
Other payments including an amount of Two Hundred and Forty Thousand were disguised as; Walker Payments, GOTV, Slate Mailer Management Fees, etc.
Yes. You guessed it. Sleazy Joe was recently arrested by the Military Intel (Esper had partisan problems). Flynn is in the shadows. Never harass those whom you create as your enemies.
The same booties shared when HRC and McCain III were arrested on the same issues of Espionage and National Security.
A report titled; ‘U.S. Investors Are Funding Malign PRC Companies on Major Indices’ is now released by Pompeo.
Morgan Stanley Capital International, The Financial Times Stock Exchange Group, The Emerging Markets Index, FTSI, and Bloomberg Barclays are involved, with Chinese companies blacklisted by The Pentagon (31 companies) and The Dept. of Commerce.
Twenty-two companies are directly linked to the US Military. As I have previously detailed in the activities of The Biden Crime Family. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), through its ‘Military-Civil Fusion’ agenda uses Chinese companies and agents (supra) operating in The US.
The collisions are with; Aviation Industry of China, China Unicom, China Mobile, China Telecom, and Hangzhou Hikvision Digital.
Trump is slowly moving the Fourth Estate captured focus from The Election Fraud to one of Espionage, National Security and the collisions and deceptions of The Dem Machine
In October 2020, Durham was moved back to Special Prosecutor in the Op. Crossfire Hurricane Affair. An interesting rerun of the past four years of the Dem Fixation of TDS.
Climate and Antarctic
It must be Anthropogenic Climate Change. Ask any fool.
Antarctica (Op. Highjump etc., disregard the fake MGM documentary ‘The Secret Land’), where NAZI-NASA-CIA-Op.Paperclip-Ratlines Werner von Braun, derived his fake Moon Rocks, was once a jungle with an ancient civilization that built pyramids as in Egypt. And of course, we know that The Sahara was also a jungle area.
Antarctica also has massive mineral resources. Best kept reserved, for a future desperate time.
Re-posting as first attempt seems to have been censored
On Seth Rich
“According to Rich’s girlfriend, Seth Rich had uncovered evidence of massive frauding the primaries involving a voter app he himself had written.”
So we have to wait and see with all these voter fraud cases, where they lead, as I seem to recall Mein Trumpf saying “the storm is coming”
It seems bit[xxx]chute and what[xxx]really[xxx]happened links are not allowed by our non-government BigTech censors, as we keep hearing, this will get worse
I should add for anyone unaware, the Seth Rich murder is basically bolted on to the Julian Assange false imprisonment case.
As always more revelations from G5
The Democrats are just Communists and are never called out on it!
The Democratic Party: Corruption Communism with Crashing and Burning
The Communist Takeover OfAmerica – 45 Declared Goals
Communists and Socialists Push Democrat Platform Toward Tyranny
Democrats & Communists: A Review of the Documentary “The Enemies Within”
FaceBook Democrats are Communists
Democrat Party goals run right down the Communist Party line.
Why does the CPUSA support Democratic Party candidates for the presidency instead of running their own candidates?
The Democratic Party: America’s New Communists
Why Democrats are Actually Communists
Published on Mar 1, 2017
The Democrats sat there with their hands locked to protest President Trump’s first address to Congress. The reason Trump’s speech bothered them is because like Communists, they despise national sovereignty, identity, religion and shared wealth. Equality and collectivism is their worst enemy even though they portray to the public that they’re for it. That’s why Communism has proved to be corrupt, unequal and authoritarian.
During his first address to a joint session of Congress tonight, President Donald Trump saluted the widow of a U.S. Navy SEAL who was killed in a counterterrorism raid in January. It was an emotional moment as widow of U.S. Navy Special Operator, Senior Chief William “Ryan” Owens receives prolonged standing ovation. “Ryan died as he lived: a warrior, and a hero.”
On the other hand Nancy Pelosi refused to even applaud Job Creation.
Communist Party USA: ‘Working with the Democratic Party’ is key
Allen West says about 80 House Democrats are members of the Communist Party
The embarrassing electoral smattering of Hillary Clinton in November of 2016
carried with it the added effect of fracturing the democratic party.
Reagan Like Rudy Tied Democrats to Communists
Controlled by the Soviet Union for most of its history.
Engaged in espionage, infiltrated unions, and used front groups.
Acted as a fifth column in American government and society.
Democrats Love Affair With Communism
A bill narrowly passed the house in California, repealing part of the law enacted during the Cold War era in our country’s history when communists were really active and infiltrating our government, attempting to overthrow it.
The bill proposed to eliminate the section which allowed the firing of public employees if they were members of the Communist Party. The bill now goes to the Senate and its author, Democrat Assemblyman Rob Bonta, hopes that it will pass.
“Assemblyman Randy Voepel, a Southern California Republican who fought in the Vietnam War, said communists in North Korea and China are still a threat.”
Communist Party Admits Infiltration & Takeover of Democratic Party!
Communist Defector Speaks Out on America’s Marxist Future
Most of the Democrats in Congress are Card Carrying Communists!
Communist Party USA
The American Communist Party was born in Chicago in 1919 and headquartered there until 1927, when its headquarters and newspaper, the Daily Worker, moved to New York.
Communist Party USA Celebrates 95th Anniversary in Chicago
Barack Obama and the Communist Party
What is human capital?
Human capital theory was invented as an ideological weapon in the Cold War. Now it is helping to Uberise the world of work
Chicago, 1960. The United States is bogged down in a long, expensive and dangerous Cold War with the Soviet Union. Inside the Economics Building at the University of Chicago, two academics are engaged in a private, intense conversation. Theodore ‘Teddy’ Schultz is tall and lanky. Raised on a South Dakota farm and pulled out of school by his father, he’d still managed to scale the heady heights of academia, first as chairman of the Economics Department in 1944 and then as president of the American Economic Association in 1960. Schultz has strong connections with the Ford Foundation, an important front for CIA programmes during the Cold War.
The American Communist
Communism in America
Red Chicago
Peoples Republic of America a Communist USA
Communists entered from here down when reading the article.
By the early 1880s, discontent in the American levels reached a critical level. Millions now identified with the socialist cause, and called for the ousting of the Democrats who were still in power, and the implementation of many social reforms. While militant socialism expanded rapidly, and Communists had gained power in the upper house, the number of Americans supporting a communist rebellion remained minutely small compared to those supporting a less extreme socialist rebellion.
Chemtrails, global warming, thawing out Antarctica to get to the untapped natural resources (uranium), refreezing Antarctica with artificial snow, and mudfloods. Could chemtrails be manipulating the weather to thaw out Antarctica to get to the resources and cause global flooding as a side effect?
and the Deliberate Melting of the Arctic
Geoenginering is defined as the deliberate, large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climate systems.
Global Meltdown
Engineering Catastrophic Wildfires To Temporarily Cool Arctic With Smoke (Updated)
Why Are World Leaders Visiting Antarctica?-Steve Quayle
How John Adams Managed a Peaceful Transition of Presidential Power
I have stopped reading G5 as I have better things to do than to disentangle ungrammatical allusive obscurities.
As regards Covid1984, a scribbler at the ABC Church of Wokeness website has just posted this:
It occurs to me that the Gay BC may thus be planting the seeds of a future story that adverse drug reactions from a jab are due not to the vaccine itself but to overly-warm storage.
By the way, watch how the phrase ADR, adverse drug reaction (to a vaccine), is now being replaced in Pharmaspeak English by “immune response”
Don’t worry about the cost of the logistics. Australian taxpayers have an over abundant cash supply to buy and distribute a wholly false health (?) product, that will not save one life. With the same score as the usual annual flu vaccines. A pure rort by the usual suspects.
Many of these Frankin-science government agencies and scientists do not know what they are doing! Those that do know are just plain evil and wicked with their insidious eugenics or genocide agenda! The rest of them fear for the jobs so they remain mute, all the while massive amount of damage is being done to newborns and children daily world-wide! Their conscience has been seared with a hot iron! There are literally innumerable amount of problems with vaccinations and not one of them is pure as they are all contaminated. Every single one of them!
Not one vaccine is safe as they are all contaminated with debris and injected into innocent newborn babies before the child’s ‘natural innate’ immune system is developed. that newborn has been interfered with medical intervention that weakens the natural innate immune system and create all sort of health problems and diseases which are all on public record and historical records. The robotic chant from the pro-vaxers that “vaccines is safe” is a complete lie and they don’t know nor have they even bothered to read the package inserts of vaccines by the vaccination companies given the clear warnings of the serious side effects, adverse reactions and death from vaccines.
Other examples of evidence of contamination and lack of safety
44. The ‘innate natural’ immunity does not work with antibodies but works mostly with killer cells which are Vit. D dependent. Innate immunity is the first line of defence and most important.
45. A known fact is that people with antibody/ies to disease will still succumb to those diseases.
46. When there is a community acquired infection i.e. measles or mumps this will engage both sides of the immune system which is the Parotid gland, Sublingual gland and the Submaxillary gland which is TH2 which creates the antibody and the TH1 engages the self immunity automatically. It identifies you and it identifies the foreign antibodies.
47. No studies to show that because you have an antibody that you are immune. No tests either. This is quackery at its worse!
48. The injections can lead and has led to auto-immunity deficiencies.
49. Natural immunity lasts a lifetime whereas the immune response is only temporary and with high risks.
50. No one can claim that vaccines are safe with a combination of antigens or combination of vaccines or a combination of the adjuvants and toxic substances and no one can claim or predict what the auto-immune response is going to do with each individual baby or child or adult that has had no genetic testing or any other tests.
51. The rational or the reasoning of how the drug companies and the FDA conclude that something is safe or not safe is not based in rational science. It is based in a pre-biased setup. A bogus study or no study which is simply a cosmetic study
52. The human organism DNA is being manipulated and altered which is weakening the original innate immune system
53. The vaccine adjuvants containing mercury and aluminium are far above what the EPA says is safe. A blanket cover one size fits all is not safe or scientific. There is the SS Principle to consider. Some are going to be more Susceptible to whatever substance and some are going to be more Sensitive to whatever substance. How can anyone say anything is or has a safe level for various individual with various genetic backgrounds, different cultures, different environments, different nutrition, different ages, different metabolisms, different stages of health etc., etc. They can’t! It is the same with the RDA, same principle
54. The flu vaccine has mercury in it so every year that they continue to get the flu injection more mercury levels is going to the brain neurons shrinking them. We know have an epidemic of dementia which is neural degeneration. It is in the flu shot and the H1N1 vaccination. There are still traces of it in other vaccines liken to the homeopathic concept.
55. The pharmaceuticals have taken most of the mercury out and say see it wasn’t the mercury. We know that it is a combination of all of the substances together and not just the mercury. It is list of 62 types of chemicals foreign to the human organism plus the various combinations of them and the number of vaccines babies and children are forced to get.
56. Known neuro-toxins are readily used to vaccinate newborns, children and adults.
57. Aluminium adjuvant is absorbed 100% in the body however when in-jesting aluminium it is only 25% absorption. “The elimination of half-life aluminium is 7 years, this can result in cumulative damage. Aluminium Toxicity Medscape”
58. The mitochondria is damaged by vaccines which creates autism
59. There is no dosage to weight in the vaccination process in which studies confirm that higher dosages in monkeys confirm severe neurological reactions
60. Producing vaccines is manipulating nature and its highest creation of future mankind creating weakened hybrids which will end in disaster as the last 5-6 decades have clearly shown.
61. The medium of Bovine serum cannot be tested for everything apparently. They only can test for what they know to test for….. We know there is much they do not know!
The question of oncogenes or cancer causing agents is not clear. Remember the 7-8 alternative health practitioners who were by reports to have either been murdered close together last year or all apparently dying of mysterious circumstances. Some of them found out that there was indeed a cancer protein and they were exposing it to the public in certain vaccines and the others had cancer cure. http://www.naturalhealth365.com/GcMAF-holistic-doctors-1508.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsiTnCLvP-Q
There is cellular debris from in the vaccines. It is not pure if cellular debris from the dead birds and they actually admit they cannot filter it out so it is in the vaccine that is promoted to be safe in so many ways. They cannot filter out viruses and they also admit that it is only mimimally purified…The Uk representative said if the public knew about this process they would immediately stop it!
Prions cannot be tested! It is in the medium of bovine serum or mad cow disease! They cannot guarantee they say lesser chance…. Science or Frankin-science?
A prion is composed of abnormally folded protein that causes progressive neurodegenerative conditions, with two of the most notable being Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease) seen in cattle and livestock and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) seen in humans. These mis-folded proteins do not multiply in the host organism that they infect. Instead, they affect the brain structure by acting as a template, inducing proteins with normal folding to convert to the abnormal prion form.
These newly formed mis-folded proteins, in turn, act as further templates for the conversion of more normal proteins, leading to an exponential accumulation of prions in the tissue of the central nervous system. These abnormally folded proteins form plaques which are thought to cause “entanglement” of neurofibrils and interfere with synapse function. The nerve cells are eventually damaged and lost, which causes tiny vacuoles to form in the brain. These give the brain a sponge-like appearance under the microscope, hence the term spongiform disease arose.
This leads to brain damage and the symptoms of prion disease, which include impaired brain function; changes in personality, memory and behavior; intellectual decline and movement abnormalities, particularly ataxia. These symptoms usually develop during adulthood and worsen over time, eventually causing death within several years or even a few months..
The egg medium can contain campylobacter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathogenic_bacteria which is a pathogenic bacteria which causes Guillain–Barré syndrome or polio. It is the number one besides vaccinations that cause this disease. It can look very similar to the myelin sheath which destroys
Manufacturers are required to screen chicken eggs for a number of contaminants in which campylobacter Jejeuni is potential contaminant in vaccines and lead to the same Guillain–Barré syndrome or polio or death. They can go into full paralysis from vaccines and be unable to breathe.
The Polio vaccine SV40 had a cancer virus that affected 1/3 rd of the population that was inadvertently found out. It took another 30 years for the medical community to embrace this and write about it in the medical literature! It causes tumours and brain tumours. 40-60% of children had these tumours! It was believed that the virus was only in monkeys and not humans! Belief is not science! Monkeys carry lethal diseases! They used tens of thousands of monkeys!
Dr. Maurice Hillman who worked at Merck said in taped conversation, and was asked by medical historian Dr. Edward Shorter “I brought African greens in. I didn’t know we were importing AIDS virus at the time.” “We had wild virus in those days.” “The yellow fever vaccine had leukaemia virus in it.” “This virus has cancer.” Vaccines are made on very crude material.” We have managed to keep from the public many other similar instances.”
There guess was at least 26 different monkey viruses in those SV4 Polio vaccine.
it is the adulteration of the English language to abbreviate instead of spelling the whole word or words so it has less of n impact of meaning and context. On the Vaccine Packet Inserts are listed some of the adverse reactions and side effects autism brain damage death etc. Doctors who call themselves docors and like to be called doctors never fully inform heir patients of these from the package and are ignorant of the toxic and contaminated vaccines. They are indoctrinated not educated and are only obedient to the schedules of vaccines in which there is a conflict of interest as they receive money for every injection regardless of the harm it does to their patients with impunity…Doctors with the vaccine corporations are deceitful conniving and lying about vaccines are safe as there is nearly a $4 billion payout from the toxic and contaminated vaccines from the injuries and deaths from Vaccine Inducted Injuries
Package Inserts and Manufacturers for some US Licensed Vaccines and Immunoglobulins
This is not comprehensive but you get the idea
Vaccine “Side Effects” are Real and Plenty
COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Volunteer in India Develops Encephalopathy and Sues by Barbara Loe Fisher – 4 Comments
sick woman bent overPfizer, Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines Produce ‘Significantly Noticeable’ Side Effects by Marco Cáceres – 9 Comments
GardasilMerck is Sued for Injuries Caused by Gardasil
Vaccine Failures Continue: The One-Size-Fits-All Vaccination Schedule is Not Safe for Every Child
Bayer Admits It Paid “Millions” in HIV Infection Cases — Just Not in English
People easily forget what they did with polio and aids
Oral Polio Vaccine Was Contaminated with Monkey Viruses
SV40 Associated with Human Brain, Bone, Lung Cancers
In 1998, studies were published in the medical literature warning that SV40 was being detected in human brain, bone and lung tumors in children and adults, as well as in 45 percent of sperm from healthy people. Researchers concluded that “multiple SV40 strains can infect humans”8 and that SV40 infection may be spread by “blood transfusion and sexual transmission in the human population.”9
By 2003, SV40 had been detected in human tumors in more than 40 different laboratories and the Institute of Medicine had published a report stating that “the biological evidence is of moderate strength that SV40 exposure from the polio vaccines is related to SV40 infection in humans.”10
However, between 1998 and 2005, a series of studies were published denying that SV40 plays any role in the development of human cancer and minimizing the significance of the presence of SV40 in humans.11 U.S. public health officials have acknowledged that live SV40 did contaminate both inactivated and live polio vaccines between 1955 and 1963 but continue to deny that the monkey virus infecting humans is causing human cancers.12
The tainted polio vaccine that sickened and fatally paralyzed children in 1955
Millions given infected polio vaccine
We’re shredding tonght…
For the beautiful lyrics, go here:
Si – i — i –i- — i — id- ney Ba-a-by
Change the result by the end of the week !!! The globalist mafia is going to have a fit. Suicide bombers, vehicular and drone attacks, snipers, poisons, I wonder what we should expect to not see on the heavily censored evening news or “virus update” as they should call it.
Obama has written a book called Promised Land. Prof Louis Fisher reviewed it. I quote hm:
Obama does not mention that at a news conference in Chile on March 21, 2011, he announced that a political transition from Gaddafi to a successor government would “take place in a matter of days and not a matter of weeks.” In fact, military operations continued for seven months, leaving Libya a broken country and a breeding ground for terrorism. Obama makes no mention of that in his book.
Also, he does not explain that the Office of Legal Counsel, in a memo of April 1, 2011, supported the use of military force in Libya without congressional support, arguing that the operation did not constitute “war” because of the limited “nature, scope, and duration” of the planned military actions. Yet instead of military operations being a matter of days, they continued week after week.
When they exceeded the sixty-day limit of the War Powers Resolution, the administration asked OLC to provide a second memo to support continued military action. OLC refused. Those actions are discussed on pages 214-17 of my book, President Obama: Constitutional Aspirations and Executive Actions.
Obama does not explain that Gaddafi, after losing power and trying to hide, was murdered. Nor does Obama describe how conditions in Libya deteriorated after Gaddafi’s death, breaking the country politically, legally, and economically. … It is clear that the administration gave little thought on what to do after removing Gaddafi from office. — End of quote.
He is a Marxist Communist and they stold his gold with the French apparently. Gaddafi held back the mass foreign migration until they removed him from power. Again where was the UN?
They said Libya had the highest per capita ownership of gold in the world, so marxist communist may have been a slur, I would say he appeared to be a nationalist, as he nationalised the oil. Nationalists are ok if they can stay within their own borders, they are the cure for certain conditions, such as an excess of colonialism, mafia or globalist swindlers.
You have misunderstood me I was talking about Obama
I am tired of people sounding like Arlyn who in the seventies cheered for the Free World ie US imperialism, and wanted to Stop the Red Flood by using working class boys as cannpon fodder, obtusely crying Marxist and Communist at anyone they dislike.
Reminds me greatly of being called a Racist and Nazi in 2020 because I want to keep national borders and immigration quotas and am happy to quote all the Koranic injunctions commanding the Faithful to kill infidels.
Fact is, all Communists are Marxists, as Communist means being a Party member. But not all Marxists are Communists, and the New Left of pre-1990 is proof. They were the former and not the latter.
To call BLM Marxist is risible, this is because race and ant-white racism especially are quite un-Marxist as ways of explaining anything or laying down policy. .
I suspect that all you Alt Right elements who shout (Cultural)Marxist at what are in fact globalists such as Obama are desperate to distract attention from the deeply capitalist nature of globalism.
That will be because you are highly invested in private enterprise and are dismayed that the Big Business you used to worship, hoping that your small businesses would one day dominate their markets too, has turned fascist.
Fascism means that corporations e.g. Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, act through government.
I am tired of people sounding like Arlyn who in the seventies cheered for the Free World ie US imperialism, and wanted to Stop the Red Flood by using working class boys as cannpon fodder, obtusely crying Marxist and Communist at anyone they dislike.
Well I must say your first sentence is a ‘novel approach ‘of attacking the messenger and not providing any evidence with your false claims. Please name those who are “sounding like Arlyn”. How on Earth can you make such a claim when you have no idea whatsoever of my background or my ideology. I was a small business owner for 39 years in the wholistic health operating in various clinics in several states in Australia with a variety of education qualifications and experience.
What is your ideology so we can expose what you actually stand for instead of not proclaiming what you actually stand for and simply gerneralising.
You have not provided any proof that “But not all Marxists are Communists, and the New Left of pre-1990 is proof. They were the former and not the latter.”
You certainly have suspected wrongly with your opinion which are a dime a dozen with your blanket generalised statement. By the way we are not shouting…”I suspect that all you Alt Right elements who shout (Cultural)Marxist at what are in fact globalists such as Obama are desperate to distract attention from the deeply capitalist nature of globalism.”
Capitalism has degenerated into Fascist Corporatism with the assistance of this illegal-corporate-government entity which has been in sedition and treason for decades with impunity as Australian have not been vigilant or attentive to keeping an eye on the vast criminal government because of their lack of patriotism and their infamous national apathetic attitude.
Obama a Marxist Communist and adopted some of the ideology
Obama: His Marxist / Communist Past Exposed & How It Continues
Well another definitely wrong opinion here so please stick to facts or evidence instead of making false accusations that are just untrue and it makes you look silly. “That will be because you are highly invested in private enterprise and are dismayed that the Big Business you used to worship, hoping that your small businesses would one day dominate their markets too, has turned fascist.”
We came……..
Since Gaddafi has been brought up, this extract below from an article I read in the Unz Review the other day titled ‘Remember the Kennedys!’ :
” Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who once declared publicly :
‘Kennedy decided to monitor the Dimona nuclear plant. He insisted on doing so, in order to determine whether or not it produces nuclear weapons. The Israelis refused, but he insisted’.
This crisis was resolved with the resignation of Ben-Gurion. He resigned so he would not have to agree to the monitoring of the Dimona plant, and he gave the green light for the killing of Kennedy. Kennedy was killed because he insisted on the monitoring of the Dimona plant.”
On September 23, 2009, Gaddafi had the guts to demand a new investigation on Kennedy in front of the UN General Assembly.
Two years later, he was killed (and his killing filmed, a signature of Israel) and his country destroyed.”
She is just an evil satanic witch murderess accomplice
Hillary Clinton’s Witchcraft Part 1
Obama on Libya? You’re kidding, right?
• Obama on Libya and President Gaddafi
“Gaddafi chose the path of brutal suppression – innocent civilians were beaten, imprisoned and in some cases killed. Peaceful protests were forcefully put down. Hospitals were attacked and patients disappeared. A campaign of intimidation and repression began.”
See at 3:40
• Obama on Syria and President Assad
“The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Assad is standing in their way. His calls for dialogue and reform have rung hollow while he is imprisoning, torturing and slaughtering his own people. For the sake of the Syrian PEOPLE, the time has come for President Assad to step aside.”
Clearly, none could better exemplify the [***] ethical and moral standards set by the Nobel Institute in awarding its ‘Peace Prize’, than Obama.
What a worthy recipient was this great
manasshole.(Also see a Caitlin Johnson article a few days ago.)
I can’t wait for his book on Syria.
Thank you JS for posting the Li Ziqi YouTube series. I keep going back to it for a change of scenery/refresh.
Planned Population Reduction DVD Pt6 Montieth
The late Dr. Stan Monteith had been speaking on the establishment conspiracy for over 40 years up until his death in 2014. He authored two books and hosted a five-hour radio talk show each day! Topics include: Vioxx, artificial fertilizers, pesticide, injections, immunizations, vaccinations, genetically altered seeds, cell phones, diet drinks, soy products, mercury preservatives, MSG, aspartame, fluoridated water, suppressed cures, chemtrails, anthrax, cancer treatments, created diseases, DDT
Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine) – Now Banned on YouTube and Facebook
Yes these people are but the so-called faceless medical experts from this illegal corporate-government entity who are they and what qualifications do they have? They will have the false Narrative that they panicked or was mistaken or they made a number of blunders when this as all pre-planned and premeditated upon by a group of satanic unconscionable organisations and persons
I got as far as this, “colluding with the Chinese Government to destroy The US and thereby the West is another issue.” From where I sit, the U.S. is NOT the West. I’m aware that they think so, that’s part of their problem IMHO. Believing they ARE the West.
Who Controls America?
Who is Behind the Climate Change Hoax?
The smell of money « JoNova
They are the fifth largest shareholder in the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX). Then in 2006, when the CCX needed some extra funding, who should step up to buy 10% of the company – Goldman Sachs. CCX is an exchange that won’t be doing a heck of a lot if carbon trading doesn’t become mandatory. All of these players have a vested interest in Cap N Trade legislation. But it’s not just …
The bioengineered SARS2 virus does indeed exist but if the PCR test(invented by Kary Mullis who conveniently died in August 2019)is shown to be flawed and being used incorrectly as a diagnostic tool then the whole pandemic narrative with it’s draconian measures based on a casedemic is toppled.
Dr OFFERS $5000 FOR PROOF THAT THE CV19 EXISTS This needs to be uploaded before they remove it like they have all others. It is removing evidence!
There is only a few methods for testing Covid-19:
Numbers – testing
People were being tested by ‘symptoms only’ the precise presentation of the seasonal flu are the symptoms that created this phenomena that has brought the world to halt
The second way of testing for Covid-19 is anti-bodies test by blood. Big problem with this and not accurate! Medicine has turned this around 180 degrees compared to what it should be.
Remember medicine keeps changing the terms of diseases to confuse and confound the public. The same with testing as they did not differentiate between viral or bacteria for start.
Any sort of debris was counted as positive which is not science
The PCR test which is completely unverifiable test
Next the test kits came out by CDC (who else) was sent to hundreds of hospital and clinics across the US to ‘supposedly’ screen out people for Covid-19
The problems is when you look on the CDC website “For experimental use only not for diagnostic purposes. The CDC is making no claims of their validity” So false spikes were recorded!
Next is the Onsite test kits are ‘supposedly’ able to screen Covid-19 in 5 minutes. The good doctor says this is completely ludicrous as its impossible and scientifically untenable. They will not work at all. No one even claims that they can validly differentiate anything let alone Covid-19. They are completely unapproved and untested. Ye the positive results from these unreliable tests are being included in the running total of Covid-19 cases being reported everyday on the news. These are the main tests used in this country today to count the number of positive cases we see enumerated on the daily scoreboard. Not for diagnostic purposes These are the only tests that are driving the daily numbers. The fact remains that none of these tests are scientifically verifiable and reproducible as a valid differentiation for Covid-19 specifically. They are all flawed just estimates.
Polymerase Chain Reaction Test aka PCR was created by Dr. Kary Mullis in the 1980’s and he received a Nobel prize for it in Berkeley California. It is touted by the medical profession then and now as the “gold standard for disease” for diagnosis microbial diseases in patients. They ‘claim’ it can differentiate any viral disease by sequencing the RNA and DNA. This claim is constantly made even today which is completely insupportable and untrue. No one was more critical of the PCR test than its inventor Dr. Kary Mullis. It was disavowed from the very first. This is what he said, “Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron. PCR…by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. A common misimpression that the viral-load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. Tests can detect particles of viruses, but not the viruses themselves.” He was embarrassed and exasperated for decades of the ‘claims’ that organised medicine was making (I say corrupt and criminal as racketeering of organised crime. Just a bunch of gangsters) for his test. It does not do what they claim. The amazing thing is no improvement for 40 years! Such extravagant claims have been made over the last 40 years by the PCR test by organised medicine. No other technology has been devoped over the last 40 years of claims to make any improvement on the ability of the PCR test to identify to sequence viruses and bacteria. He has since died and the doctor wanted to interview him. Lets ask this question where is the science?
Is it closer to science or science fiction? the claims are that it can identify the exact RNA sequence of a disease virus of ‘any virus’ and they can print that sequence out then compare sequence viral samples from patients with that master sequence looking for an exact match up. The exact match up would determine if it is appositive test. Did this patients sample have the exact same disease out of the master sample. That is what they have been claiming all these years a little research we find out i does nothing of the sort. The PCR test does nothing of the sort. Everybody is making these same false claims about this magic golden box of the PCR test. It is the epitome of junk science.
And yet this is the pitch used today test:
Everyday media
Medical literatureTV news
This is how the PCR test works by getting a DNA cleaved or separated and you keep doubling the strands exponentially on and on…Coronavirus is RNA so that is converted to DNA by reverse transcriptase: RT -PCR. Each doubling is a cycle. The best counts how many cycles until RNA is detected, and how many before it disappears. It just gives you a range of numbers the tis all the PCR test does.
Does Coronavirus 19 exist?
“The coronavirus test is based on PCR, a manufacturing technique. When used as a test it does not produce a positive/negative result, but simply the number of cycles required to detect genetic material.” No new virus was ever purified (isolate sequenced) by the Wuhan scientist. The same is true in America no novel virus for Covid-19 has never been purified by any scientist in the US. The PCR doesn’t isolate and indemnify viruses. It doesn’t provide RNA sequences of pathogens. It offers no baseline for comparison with patient samples. It cannot determine an infected from non-infected sample. We are looking at a device for marketing and promotion of testing
Crowe’s conclusion
“The coronavirus panic is just that, an irrational panic, based on an unproven RNA test, that has never been connected to a virus
And which won’t be connected to virus unless he virus is purified. There is very little science happening.” (It’s no science) So this is the best kept secret that you will ever hearing of this in the media. This is just an introduction with the problems of the PCR test and is much worse than I am describing here. So the other test that we mentioned here are less reliable as:
Symptoms only
Blood tests unreliable
Hospital test kits experimental only not for diagnostic purposes
On-site 5 minute kits these are less scientific
Best kept secret
The symptoms of Covid-19 are symptoms of the flu
You can find no research, no evidence, no description of how these test kits are ‘supposed ‘ to work.
Its a forbidden topic of discussion – corporate media
Emergency USE Authorization (EUA) from FDA allow use of all the unproven experimental test kits which are UNLICENSED, UNTESTED and UNPROVEN
But it allows the use of the experimental test kits
“No time to see if they work”
BBC to the rescue !!!
“Fake bomb detector cost hundreds of lives”
This guy should get a nobel prize, instead he is in the slammer
The PCR test is not used to isolate the virus.The virus is isolated and sequenced(approximately 30,000 base pairs) everyday by scientists globally.This is how different strains and mutations are detected.
The PCR test which is being used inappropriately is a totally different issue.
see above-Corman-Drosten review.
Mark Leibler: Powerbroker for Australia’s Jewish Plutocracy — PART 4: Australian Foreign Policy: Hijacked by AIJAC
Mark Leibler with former Prime Minister Julia Gillard: “A wholly-owned subsidiary of the Israel Lobby”
Joshua Wong and the Exodus in China
“…………Pro-Joshua, Berlin immediately invited Mr. Wong over and had him address 80 million Germans via its tax-payer-funded 8.4-billion-euros state-TV. Pro-Joshua London offered social housing to half of China willing to relocate to Milton Keynes. Meanwhile, pro-Joshua Washington dispatched aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and a 20th Century Fox Christian Bale blockbuster movie to Devil’s Peak.
Mr. Wong thus earned his first multi-million dollar campaign co-sponsored by pro-Joshua media Reuters, AP, dpa, New York Times, LA Times, CNN, BBC, Guardian, Spiegel, Economist and hundreds more. The viral factor was absurd, comical even, because Hong Kong students themselves didn’t know at first they were marching for “Joshua.” Fortune magazine framed the protesters’ gullible street performances as backdrop to this rising star’s fame:
“His nonviolent protest message and energetic idealism galvanized crowds that, over months, numbered in the hundreds of thousands.”
How many “hundreds of thousands” – six hundred thousands maybe? (That’s the actual number given in the Old Testament.) All the media hyperbole made the young man with glasses and asymmetric face appear to be the spiritual leader of an oppressed Hong Kong people, but was he really? Well, he clearly wasn’t, says Alex Lo. “Joshua” was not elected but selected by the Western interest groups – as in: China must never be allowed to do politics on its own terms……………”
Earth facing CME incoming..
Sorry for above..
Earth facing CME incoming..
Series 4, Part 5G, Governments reaction to the Nova and Polar Reversal Losing the Republic.
Obama the Zionist
Op-ed: American president adopted essence of Israeli-Zionist narrative in his latest speech
Obama: I’m Jewish ‘in my soul’
Barry Soetoro-Muslim Brotherhood
Mark Obama, Barack’s Jewish Brother
Barak Obama’s autobiography seems to be as complex as the president himself. Tzach Yoked, writing in Maariv this week, exposed to Israelis, perhaps for the first time, that among the American president’s eight half-brothers is one, Mark Obama Ndesandjo, who is Jewish.
Obama’s father had four wives – two Kenyan-born women and two white American women, the Christian mother of Barak Obama, Ann Duham, and the Jewish Mother of Mark Obama, Ruth Baker. Ruth was born to a Jewish family that immigrated to the United States from Lithuania. She married Obama Sr. in 1964 and moved to Kenya. Ruth divorced her husband after seven years of abusive marriage……………………..”
Warning to humanity !!!
They’re onto us
It looks to me as though China has been Stitched Up with the use of fake news –
Dominion Voting Systems Patents Given In 2019 To China Bank For Collateral
………………….Basic History Of Dominion Voting Systems Incorporated –
– DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS INCORPORATED [ 1201 18th Street, Suite 210, Denver, Colorado 80303 USA ] ( also known as );
– DOMINION VOTING SOLUTIONS ( also known as ); and,
– DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS CORPORATION [ 20 Mowat Avenue, Suite 100, Toronto, Ontario M6K 3EB, CANADA ].
DOMINION VOTING SOLUTIONS was founded in 2002 in Toronto, Canada by John Poulos and James Hoover. DOMINION VOTING SOLUTIONS INCORPORATED [ of Denver, Colorado is 1 of the 3 voting machine companies used in American Presidential Elections ] purchased PREMIER ELECTION SOLUTIONS from a company named ELECTION SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE L.L.C. [ ES&S of Omaha, Nebraska is another 1 of the 3 voting machine companies used within American Presidential Elections ] during May, 2010 plus, SEQUOIA VOTING SYSTEMS INCORPORATED ( of Oakland, California ) in June, 2010. After DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS INC. acquired those voting machine companies, it relocated away-from Toronto, Canada to Denver, Colorado in America. Both SEQUOIA and PREMIER voting equipment firms are known as original equipment manufacturers ( OEM ).
As only a point of reference, the third ( 3rd ) voting system machine manufacturer ( used in American Presidential Elections ), is HART INTERCIVIC INCORPORATED ( of Austin, Texas )……………
HSBC is a Rothschild Bank
The proprietary Original Equipment Manufacturer ( OEM ) DOMINION VOTING SYSTEM INCORPORATED ( DVS ) financial collateral owner ( in CANADA ) was HSBC interalia interalia the HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION of CHINA that was ‘officially assigned eighteen ( 18 ) different Patents’ listed within one ( 1 ) Patent Assignment’ on September 25, 2019 that belonged to DOMINION VOTING SYSTEM INCORPORATED ( DVS ).
We seem to be on the same page, CC
Earlier today, I watched this Tucker Carlson’s rant
“Tucker: America’s political elite have been working on behalf of China”
Here (search for that title):
or here (see embedded link)
I can’t put my finger on it but something doesn’t add up. (Like having Giuliani – New York 911 Mayor – on the Trump legal team contesting the obvious sham that was called an election.)
At one point Tucker Carlson talks about someone having moved to China and possibly having dual citizenship (outrage expressed … Helloooo!! – Dual citizenship – I’ll dig up a list later of people in the US Congress with dual citizenship)
Then at 4:30:
Carlson: “while the Chinese Government has flooded the United States with deadly opioids that have killed hundreds of thousands of people”
‘1. What about the US (and Australia) in Afghanistan?
‘2. Has anyone read about the Opium Wars and the role of the Sassoons? – where they flooded China with opioids killing tens if not hundreds of thousands of people …?
The following statement is absolute rubbish –
“Communist People’s Republic of China Financially Captured Collateral Of America’s Dominion Voting Systems, Machines And Security Software Application Holdings –”
Dominion Voting Systems Patents Given In 2019 To China Bank For Collateral”
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank of China is Rothschild (Jewish) owned NOT Chinese owned
Except that the matter in question concerned the UK balance of payments. UK did not want to drain its silver holdings to pay China for tea etc, so they needed a product for sale in China, hence opium. Was Sassoon not trading in Ceylon at the time?
The Chinese addiction was an extra bonus in securing a long-term market, as it always is, whether the UK or France or the Netherlands (or the USA currently) are doing the drug-running, see Alfred McCoy’s “The Politics of Heroin in SE Asia”.
So Diggers are not really helping ” Afghan girls go to school in the face of the Taliban,” they are securing the poppy crop for export, you are right.
The period following the Opium Wars is what the Chinese refer to the “Century of Humiliation” and they are NOT ABOUT TO FORGET IT!!
Paraphrasing from various sources
“[David] Sassoon [1792-1864] established a triangle of trade, bringing Indian opium and cotton to China, where he received silver, tea and silk in exchange. He then carried these products to England for sale. Finished products from Britain, as well as cash, were then brought back to India where they were used to buy more opium. By the 1870s, David Sassoon had come to dominate the trade of opium to China, having pushed the British firm Jardine Matheson and the “Parsi” traders of Bombay out of the business.”
And by the way – proudly from wiki …
“Although David Sassoon did not speak English, he became a naturalised British citizen in 1853. He kept the dress and manners of the Baghdadi Jews, but allowed his sons to adopt English manners. His son, [whose Muslim name was] Abdullah changed his name to Albert, moved to England, became a Baronet and married into the Rothschild family.”
So a Jew from Baghdad changes his name from Abdullah to Albert, learns English, marries a Rothschild and becomes ‘British’ nobility … neat. Yes the ‘British’ [Who’s] Empire goes at least that far back.
How do you know Giuliani is not hoping to take down the whole 9-11 crowd, what a spaghetti explosion that would be, but if he was, it would have to be done as a controlled demolition, he could not do it just by flying a 737 into the side of it, it would have to have bombs planted in all the strategic places and detonated at exactly the right time.
I just don’t know how the players in this would make the calculation but the fallout from this election has the potential to be the biggest event since the fall of Hitler . . . ?
“take down the whole 9-11 crowd … have bombs planted in all the strategic places and detonated at exactly the right time.”
Holy Katyn!! that would mean the end of Israel … I swear on the grave of Ilya Ehrenburg and bet you Six Million smackaroos Giuliani doesn’t come through (assuming he recovers).
Well you can see why Trump doesn’t push for “everything”, he sticks to the election result, and whatever spins off. That’s really all that’s feasible, unless he is going for a totally isolationist US with military government, which is of course one theoretically possible outcome.
I think he would like to leave as much intact as possible, while taking down as much mafia as possible. Yes the mafia involves some Zio-Jews but how do you draw a line, when somebody is running a legit business and at the same time part of various types of mafia – it may be more common than you think !!!
It’s just so simplistic to catch Zio-Derangement-Syndrome and that seems to inform and underpin all your thought processes (special mention to the ZDS dysfunctional Veggie).
‘Swearing on the grave of Ilya Ehrenburg’, ………I’ve got to give it to you Fish, you really crack me up.
Yes have known about them for years
Communist China was created by the Jews and serves their interests.
Jews Created Communist China
Sassoons in Shanghai
The Sassoon Family, aka ‘The Rothschilds of the East ‘
There once was a wealthy Jew named David Sassoon — who, like his father, had served as treasurer to the pashas (governors) of Ottoman-ruled Baghdad (in modern day Iraq). Eventually, the people and a new pasha turned against the Jewish money manipulators (surprise surprise). In the early 1830’s — as the result of a corruption scandal — David and his brother Joseph left “anti-Semitic” Baghdad to seek new scams in new lands.
Jews Created Opium Trade, Hong Kong Founded as Sassoon Drug Center
The 99 year British lease on Hong Kong expired in July allowing the Red Chinese to take over. Hundreds of newspaper stories and TV reports have covered this event but not one revealed how England first gained control of Hong Kong! The truth lies buried in the family line of David Sassoon, “The Rothschilds of The Far East,” and their monopoly over the opium trade. Britain won Hong Kong by launching the opium Wars to give the Sassoons exclusive rights to drug an entire nation!
The Man Who Changed the Face of Shanghai
The Jewish Monopoly on Opium Still Fuels Chinese Resentment Today
Precursor To The Global Crime Syndicate: The 19th-Century Opium Trade
Massive Jewish collection Of The Sassoon Family To Be Auctioned
The Last Kings of Shanghai: The Rival Jewish Dynasties That Helped Create Modern China
Document:Hong Kong and the Sassoon Opium Wars
Hong Kong, the Land Built on Opium
Jews Created Opium Trade – Hong Kong and The Sassoon Opium Wars
Meanwhile, seeing as this article involves Covid, here’s how to respond if you’re anywhere that requires the mask mandate.
The following excerpt comes from an article I read :
“My daughter’s friend—I’ll call her Amanda—never wears a mask anywhere. When the clerk standing outside our local grocery store distributing free masks and hand sanitiser asks if she’d like a mask, Amanda smiles and says “No, thank you.”
If he asks, “Are you sure?” she nods and says, “I don’t have to wear a mask. I’m afflicted with CS.”
The clerk then says, “I’m sorry,” and waves her inside the store.
CS carries a dire tone, sounding like some congenital ailment of the lungs or heart, or some affliction derived from asbestos or smoking.
For Amanda, CS stands for “Common Sense.”
Lol so funny! Thanks TV CS is so lacking today with cognitive thinking processes
How clever of you Aspergillus Veggie. So now instruct us as to what preening slyness of CS, Common Sense, to exercise when entry to a medical facility such as a hospital or rehab home is barred unless a mask is worn and a QR code log-in is demanded?
Do you fancy clashing with the invariably female hospital or rehab staff in the run-up to them calling a nearby squad car?
Or endangering the health of the person you wanted to visit, as the staff of such places are entirely capable of ignoring the medical condition of the person you wanted to visit and complaining to the person about you yourself subsequently. Been there, done that.
If you are not currently thus afflicted in Sydney and have no experience anyway of what is called “aged care” and have not registered that there is a Royal Commission on it, congratulations on ignoring yet another LNP and ALP crime, the unaltered Aged Care Act of 1996.
But as a right-wing libertaritard, your John Galtian self will be happy that entrepreneurial thugs are able to finance their Maseratis and Toorak pads off the old and sick, correct?
I am sure (not) that you will happily dispense with the visit to the sick person (would you say s/he was going to die anyway?) for the sake of proud mask-lessness and refusal to disclose your personal movements to the State.
Fact is that the bedridden and the ill are like extra arms on us, which the State is twisting.
Note that the convenor of the Adelaide rally on Sunday, Kath Cavenaugh, said that she had been barred from seeing her mother in an aged care home for 9 months. This raises the issue of the differing access rules among operators, not to mention the legal status of the edicts issued by governments.
This and other topics are the subject of Serene Teffeha’s pending judicial review claim, of which I am a claim member.
I don’t have a smart phone so I easily bypass the QR code log-in procedure.
For those of you that do have a smart phone, simply tell them you’ve left it at home and they will manually record the false name and false phone number that you give them (that’s what I do).
This procedure above is satisfactory for entry to coffee shops and retail outlets etc. I haven’t visited any hospitals or nursing homes in recent times so may not be applicable there seeing as you’ll need to furnish a reason for being there / displaying ID as proof that you’re related to said patient you’re visiting.
You’ll have to use your own discretion.
I’m in NSW, where Covid restrictions are nowhere near as draconian as they appear to be elsewhere in Oz so unlikely that a nearby squad car is likely to be summoned even if I do take some liberties here and there.
Can someone tell me more about this please ?
“the murder of unrecorded thousands of US POWs released by Vietnam, and refused repatriation back to The US by McCain III and John Kerry.”
It is a must listen particularly to Dee
Supreme-Court: Special-Duty.