by Dee McLachlan
There is a coordinated attack on President Donald Trump, and his information war on mainstream media’s “Fake news”.
War of Words
Mary Maxwell reported from Boston yesterday that the media is feeling hurt by Trump’s remark that “the media is the enemy of the public.” Also, a 10 August, 2018 article in the Boston Globe alerted its readers that its editorial page is proposing “a coordinated editorial response from publications across the United States to President Trump’s frequent attacks on the news media.”
Marjorie Pritchard, a deputy managing editor of the Globe, said:

‘‘We are not the enemy of the people.’’ [Please add the sounds of scratchy violins.]
The Globe is “reaching out” to the monopoly — to editorial boards nationwide — to write disparaging editorials on 16 August, denouncing the ‘‘dirty war against the free press.’’ What an absolute joke! Don’t you love they way they pretend to be independent news organisations, and have to pretend to “reach out.”
No doubt the Pritchard Initiative is a long-planned coordinated attack to defend much of the MSM’s Fake News. It has followed soon after the banning of Infowars and Alex Jones from nearly every internet platform. This smells of a grand design. Now 2.5 million Infowars Youtube subscribers will not be able to listen to a counter argument. (One wonders where the truth lies.)
A note on Pritchard (as described in the Globe’s staff): “As deputy managing editor, Marjorie Pritchard oversees the Globe’s opinion page. She edits Globe staff columnists and regular contributors as well as commission pieces from thought leaders around the country.” Thought leaders?
Who’s Winning?
It seems that the mainstream media (MSM) have scored more points in this war of words so far — and now dominate what is said on the Internet.
Last year the New York Times (sometimes called the ‘queen’ of MSM), made more than a $1 billion in overall subscription revenue. But this was the same newspaper that ignored the massive bill board alongside its offices (below pic) asking for an honest investigation into Building 7.
The Boston Globe reports:
“While Trump was attacking it as ‘fake news’, the New York Times was cleverly packaging subscriptions to high-schoolers as an act of resistance. The marketing included a testimonial from ‘Mary’: ‘Supporting the Times is my way of fighting back against fake news and alternative facts. I wanted to give till it hurt’.” [Not our Mary.]
The Irish Times reports
“…about 70 outlets had committed to editorials so far, with the list expected to grow…. [and the request is being] promoted by industry groups such as the American Society of News Editors and regional groups like the New England Newspaper and Press Association. It suggested editorial boards take a common stand against Trump’s words regardless of their politics…”
They are calling this a response against what Trump said recently at an event. The president allegedly pointed to journalists at the event, and asked, “What ever happened to the free press? What ever happened to honest reporting?’’
Fake News Awards
Citing the winners of the 2017 Fake News Awards, as described by GOP.com, is a waste of time — as they are insignificant in the big picture. So what if Paul Krugman of the New York Times claimed that economy would never recover with President Trump. Or that Time falsely reported that Trump removed a bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. from the Oval Office; or that he defiantly overfed fish during a visit with the Japanese prime minister.
Let us discuss the ‘big’ fish’ of Fake News.
The MSM Language
What about stopping the fake narrative that Lee Oswald assassinated John F Kennedy. Interestingly, the MSM gave Jim Garrison, District Attorney in New Orleans, a short time on NBC (in 1968) to discuss his views on the assassination. Maybe they allowed it as he was blaming anti-Communist and anti-Castro extremists in the CIA.
But the MSM are experts in framing the language and the debate.
For example, In 1992 the New York Times wrote this when Garrison died — in an article entitled: “Jim Garrison, 70, Theorist on Kennedy Death, Dies”:
“Jim Garrison, who as District Attorney in New Orleans made startling assertions of a widespread conspiracy and cover-up in President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, died yesterday… His widely disputed accusations, which were revived in the recent hit film “J.F.K.,” drew worldwide attention when he first made them in 1967. He asserted that Lee Harvey Oswald, whom the Warren Commission identified as the lone assassin in the President’s 1963 death, was not the killer…”
They call Garrison a “theorist” — implying that the official narrative was not a theory. (Now he’d be called a conspiracy theorist.) They use the adjective, “startling”, and then say his accusations are “widely” disputed. Widely disputed? It was the lone shooter theory that was widely disputed. It is interesting to note this graph from Survey Monkey, Roper Center. If this graph is correct, then at the time the New York Times wrote their article, about 75% of the people would have agreed with Garrison that there had been a conspiracy to murder JFK — and only about 11% believed in the lone shooter narrative.
The ABC in Australia also continue with the fake and impossible narrative of the ‘magic bullet’ theory of JFK’s death.
My article, entitled “JFK For Dummies” — Explaining the Kennedy Assassination for the ABC, here.
The MSM is the original source of Fake News, and they’ve been caught lying about many major global events — especially when it comes to false flags, major wars and terrorism. I see the MSM as a lie-machine for powerful global interest groups.
The MSM Defectors
But let us hear it directly from those that worked in the MSM, and then defected. I cite three recent examples (from Collective Evolution). The first person we have written about before — Dr Udo Ulfkotte.
Udo Ulfkotte
The German journalist and editor went on record (on RT), stating that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, and said that noncompliance would result in him losing his job. To quote Udo:
“I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public. But seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia — this is a point of no return and I’m going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray the people, not only in Germany, all over Europe.” [Video below.]
This has been proved once again with the MSM’s reporting of the latest Trump–Putin meeting.
Note: Ulfkotte passed away a year after making that statement.
Sharyl Attkisson
In the video below, Attkisson, a former CBS NEWS investigative reporter, gives a TEDx talk on “astroturfing” — how fake grassroots movements, funded by political, corporate, or other special interests, are very effectively manipulating and distorting MSM messages for political or corporate interests.
Amber Lyon
Lyon is a three time Emmy award winning journalist and was at CNN. She went on record to state that the MSM are routinely paid by the US government as well as foreign governments for selective reporting, and that the US government has “editorial control over mainstream media content.” Does this means that Trump is not part of the US government? She said:
“I just fear that the public is continuing to be fed propaganda that unassuming Americans don’t realize they’re being fed.”
Her interview starts at 1:45 in this video. And in this clip she talks about CNN news being “info-commercials for dictators.” She wrote on her blog (promoting her book, ‘Peace, Love and Pepper Spray):
“Corporations and the US Government, who both have a vested interest in eliminating dissent, have been doing everything in their power to make you think protest is a waste of time.”
A Monopoly
We know that the mainstream media is dominated by 6 major corporations in the US. In the 1980s it was perhaps 50 corporations.
Now there is an Internet monopoly! Facebook, Youtube and Google have got together, and they are on a coordinated mission to control “fake news”. My guess is that there was a careful plan to rid voices like Alex Jones.
Recall Mary Maxwell’s shock-horror that a library would even mention “book-burning” (banning a TV show). Now they are saying it openly. In the astonishing words of Den Chris Murphy of Connecticut:
“Survival of our democracy’ depends on banning sites like InfoWars,”
Surely democracy depends on not banning dissenting voices.
The videos:
This was a report on Marjorie Pritchard in Australia’s herald Sun:
“Confirming that media bias. Emails leaked by Wikileaks confirm the media is tied to the Hillary Clinton campaign.
One debate moderator – a CNBC anchor – even advises Clinton’s campaign manager and boasts how he provoked Donald Trump.”
“Staff at The Boston Globe worked with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign to maximize her “presence” during her primary race against Sen. Bernie Sanders, new emails show…
Marjorie Pritchard, the Globe’s op-ed editor, contacted Podesta wondering if the Clinton campaign was still set to submit an op-ed. But then, Pritchard went above and beyond and offered tips about how the campaign could extract maximum benefit from the piece by coordinating its publication to match the Globe’s regular reporting….
What has the entire last two years been if not a coordinated media attack against President Trump?
And what about Obama’s repeal of the anti-propaganda laws?
And talking about JFK, I loved Jim Garrison’s response on the Jerry Johnson Show (not sure if it is historically accurate or not – I hope so) “Your faith in the veracity of the major media is touching, Jerry. It indicates that the Age of Innocence is not yet over.”
The NBC version
Dee, this may surprise you but I’m OK with The Globe taking sides in an election campaign. (Of course, the readers have to be made aware that this is where the newspaper stands.)
Why should a commercial enterprise (the Globe, the Times, etc — or GumshoeNews) act as if it is neutral? Think about it. In a recent comment I said that Facebook “has a right” to pull Alex Jones.
To say otherwise, to say that media is the mind of society, or is a independent judge of things, is to glorify the role. Judges should indeed be glorified — they are tasked with an amazing responsibility, to bring justice, to expose the truth, etc. If they do otherwise we should lunge at them.
But to see the press as being RESPONSIBLE TO SOCIETY is a dangerous mistake. Legally, the Globe, like any other corporation, is responsible to its shareholders.
Facebook exists for the sake of Facebook.
That said, your article is gorgeous and the photo is a scream. It captures the absurdity of Pritchard’s mission to “protect the people by eliminating Trump’s right to accuse.”
Mary, I agree about non-neutrality. I don’t mind if they have very strong Opinion pieces. But the MSM pretend to be otherwise. They are a con. They are directed by shadowy people to be a propaganda lie machine, I’d say.
I think I inserted a Russian tank into the picture. They are obviously colluding with Russia.
M. S. (Mike) King takes us through 40 key steps (Wounds) in ‘Killing America: A 100 Year Murder’
some preamble …
In this rapidly developing “land of opportunity” there are no Federal Income
Taxes, no State Income Taxes, no Sales Taxes, no Social Security Taxes, no
Capital Gains Taxes, no IRS, no Department of Homeland Security, no
Department of Education, no welfare schemes, no Central Bank, very little debt,
and a sound currency backed by Gold.
In foreign commerce and relations, Americans are a peace-loving people who have
no interest in embroiling their young country in Europe’s intrigues and squabbles.
The idea of going overseas to fight foreign ‘bogeymen’ is unthinkable.
America’s prosperity affords many of its people the luxury of increasing leisure
time. From this free time grow Sports Leagues such as Baseball’s National League
(1876), to be followed by the American League (1901). College Football has
exploded in popularity, with the first professional teams to form in the early years
of the new century. Millions of young men sharpen their bodies and mental
toughness by competing in all varieties of Sports.
As for the women folk, the ladies of America are exactly that, ladies. Women are
family oriented, valued for their sweet demeanor, and respected for their virtue.
America’s children are raised to respect their God, their parents, their elders, and
their teachers.
And then … (some of the key relevant items)
• Wound #1: 1896 – Adolph Ochs buys the New York Times
• Wound #4: 1913 – The 17th Amendment (Direct Election of US Senators) (** for Mary)
• Wound #6: 1913 – The Federal Reserve Act
• Wound #9: 1926 – David Sarnoff Establishes NBC
• Wound #10: 1928 – William Paley (Paloff) Buys CBS
• Wound #11: 1933 – Eugene Meyer Buys The Washington Post
• Wound #16: 1940-1960 – Marxists Consolidate Control Over Hollywood
• Wound #18: 1947 – The CIA is Established
• Wound #20: 1953 – Leonard Goldenson Takes Over ABC
• Wound #32: 1979 – The Department of Education is Established
• Wound #34: 1985 – Sumner Redstone (Murray Rothstein Buys MTV
Read on …
* https://www.realhistorychannel.org/KILLING%20AMERICA-FINAL.pdf
Wow, Fish.
I think Wound 32 is the biggie. We grownups have the capacity to throw off whatever we read, but kids by definition are absorbers of teachings from their teachers. They are not built to criticize what they hear in the classroom (and their Moms are not usually aware of what is going on in that classroom.)
By the way, the US Constitution’s Article I, Section 8 (over which i am presently a litigant) shows the states yielding 18 heads of power to the feds. You will look in vain for any reference there to a “federal education power.”
Precisely – I meant to *** that one – it’s not ONLY the ‘public’ ‘media’ – this is at the very core.
Sharing another resource…
* https://communismbythebackdoor.tv/
” All political power comes from the barrel of the gun : You register and ban the firearms before the slaughter .” – Mao Tse Tung 1938
Looks like he was reading from the masonic textbook .
[…] a Comment, yesterday, to Dee McLachlan’s article, I stated that the press really does NOT have an obligation to be neutral. It’s only when they […]