by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Today I came across two articles on the Internet that compel me to revisit the entire question of who should govern whom, and how. One is about a Citizens’ Petition to the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration). The other article, which has got thousands of comments in just 48 hours, is about several counties in the state of Oregon asking to have the state borders redrawn, so as to put them into Idaho.
There are two major issues here, according to the way I am used to seeing US politics. One is that the very petitioning of the FDA leaves me wondering how the FDA ever got the power to do the thing it is being petitioned to undo – namely to “authorize” the use of the Covid vaccines on an emergency basis. The FDA is not in the US Constitution, which is the source of all legitimate federal power in America. The FDA is unconstitutional.
The other issue, about state borders, made me look at the reasons that many people gave as to why they want to quit Oregon. Namely, they feel that the politicians of that state’s capital, Portland, are socialist and that therefore their conservative county has no effective representation in the state legislature. (They can send their own conservative reps but these will be drowned out by a majority.) This is a serious problem all around and is inviting further polarization of the reds and blues!
Plus, I want to throw two other issues into this mix. A quick glance at the relevant FDA regulations taught me that there is much international involvement – for example, any foreign merchant who wants to send drugs into the US must register with the FDA. So the Big Item I am throwing in to the discussion of “who should govern whom” has to do with national sovereignty. As in “why can’t we have no entangling alliances?” – to use George Washington’s 18th Century terminology.
The other huge throw-in item is expressed in the title I chose for this article – “My Way or the Beijing Olympics Drummers Way.” By that, I mean how much freedom is an individual entitled to use, versus how much freedom must he concede for the sake of the group. The actual nation of China is not the issue — I used their drummers as a quick reference for a group needing obedience, for some goal. (The goal in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony was precision of rhythm. It was reported that the drummers had to practice all day, day after day, forsaking such individual needs as, say, urinating.)
To recap:
How is it that a particular government agency has authority over me?
What can I do about the fact that the desires of my conservative county get “left out” by a reigning socialist government (or vice versa)?
Am I prepared, for the sake of foreign trade, to get mixed up with the behavior of foreigners whom I can’t easily control? and
To what extent should the good of the group be accorded preference over the good of the (law-abiding) individual?
Please allow me to shorthand those four issues as: the FDA issue, the Oregon issue, the national sovereignty issue, and the Olympic drummers’ issue.
Did I act disproportionately by giving only one of those four the “place of honor” in the article’s title? Not really. In each of the issues, I’m looking for ways to help the individual get an optimum deal, while realizing that one of the things he needs in life is for his society to urge the cooperation of its members.
I myself would have been willing to be one of the non-urinating drummers, if by such practice I could bring glory to my nation, since it was only ever a temporary, one-off event. And I would be willing to share food if the situation was such that my hording food meant that others would die. And I would be willing to sacrifice my life in an army, fighting persons who are have monstrous ambitions against mankind or against my tribe.
Otherwise, however, please take it as a given, in this article, that I want the freedom to pursue my own advantage to the maximum reasonable extent. I mean I want that for everyone. As philosopher John Rawls said, if asked to design the ideal society, the designer should stand behind “the veil of ignorance.” She can’t foresee which part of the society Fate is going to drop her into, so she should make the set-up as fair as possible for any and all members.
The National Sovereignty Issue
I can douse the national sovereignty issue straightaway. Humans have a way of relating to each other and it covers less than a hundred “others.” We are not built, emotionally, to relate to the whole human race.
It is important that we be constrained by our innate morality. That works well where all members of the group have been trained in the same morality; they honor the same values, often deeply.
But in a mix of strangers, you don’t feel confident that promises will be kept, or that the others will use the same constraints as you. In fact if you sense too many strangers in the population, you will soon be deterred from restraining yourself morally. It will be an “anything goes” society. In fact it won’t really be a society, just a combination of individuals.
There’s also the matter of our wanting to belong to a greater group than merely our family or neighborhood. People seem to long for a national identity. The merging of the many European nations into a unified EU was a bad joke. Why shouldn’t Italian culture, that has contributed so much to the world, keep on a path of its own? Why should it bend to, say, Dutch culture? (Or vice versa.) Or why should they both toss in the towel and subscribe to a digital culture, run by businesses?
The Issue of Authorization of Power by a Constitution
I think I can knock off the authorization problem, too, with ease. Granted, that’s because I was lucky to grow up in a generation (Babyboomer) that was taught the value of being a citizen in a Republic. All power in a Republic belongs ultimately to the citizens.
How did the US get to be a Republic? First, its people, as colonists of Britain, entered a land whose native population could be relocated or eliminated. That was dealt with by sheer force. The result, in the low technology era of the 1700s, was a gift of land to settlers — on a more or less equal basis.
They then used brainpower, and an inheritance of clever law from England, to set up a limited government. It would be made to answer to the people by various mechanisms, and there would be no king. Each of the 13 states had state sovereignty and yielded only a few specific powers to a new federal entity.
At the drafting of the Constitution in Philadelphia in 1787, the men doing the drafting represented the interests of their states. They created the federal government you might say reluctantly. These Framers yielded to the feds only the powers that looked reasonably natural to be “national.” Coinage, post offices, an army, an immigration policy, were among these.
There was a distinct desire to avoid a strong national government. Today, as mentioned above, there’s a citizens’ petition that asks the FDA to stop authorizing the emergency use of an untested vaccine (for Covid). I guess it’s better to circulate that petition than not to have any protest at all. But FDA has no authority to allow or disallow any drug in the first place.
At FDA.gov website we see: “The FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products [etc.]” No, it is not responsible for health! Health come under the policing power of each state. The Framers of the Constitution did not grant that state power to the feds. Therefore the feds don’t have it. Period.
When Congress passed a law to federalize the FDA, that legislation was illegal. Are you with me? I have run twice for a seat in Congress (in 2006 and 2017), yapping “You either have the Constitution or you don’t.” There is no such thing as saying that America is guided legally by the contract it wrote in1787 and also saying “but it’s OK to violate parts of it as needed.”
Nonsense. If it could be violated, by any of the three branches of the federal government (legislative, executive, and judicial) – and believe me, all three do violate it constantly – it would be a meaningless document. It could not constrain the power of the powerful which was its intended purpose. We want it to be a strong document. It has almost miraculous powers. My generation knows this.
All that is needed here is for the citizenry, and/or the states to strike down all the unconstitutional laws. I repeat: the FDA has no authority to “authorize” or even “de-authorize” any vaccines. Who does have that power? Your state does, and you do. It’s tragic that, thanks to subterfuge on the part of business, that the health power moved to a national position.
OK. Having now disposed of two of the four problems in this article – national sovereignty and the FDA – which of the other two should I tackle next, the Olympic drummer thing or the Oregon “secessionist-county” thing?
The Issue of Curtailment of Freedom (Olympic Drummers)
Let’s go for what I have shorthand-labelled the Olympic drummer issue. Indeed, recall that it’s such a basic issue that I named this article “My Way or the Beijing Drummers’ Way.” Being members of a mammalian species, we are selfish. The word “selfish” is not pejorative in this context. I mean self-preserving. Every person, accept a very disabled one, or a child, has to tend to his own needs.
We are born free in the sense that, if there were no one around who wanted to curtail our freedom, we could do anything we pleased. But there is always someone around. That person, like all persons, is selfish. She will take advantage, if possible, at my expense.
Some individuals in a society have extra muscle by way of having a dominating personality. Or they may have been born into a family to which other families traditionally defer. Or they may join a club that teaches them secret ways to deceive society.
This article has nothing to say about the way members of society mistreat each other at the personal level. I am interested in the specific arrangement that we call government. The earliest societies had leaders but had not yet formed the institution that we think of as “officialdom.”
Today we have officialdom. Everyone is under the rule of their nation or locality. The “personality muscle” of the dominators gets depersonalized. One sees a cop car pull up and out pops a man who, in his personal life, has perhaps never dominated anyone. But he is official and that is intimidating. He represents (supposedly) the whole society.
We all have a psychological inclination to bow to our group. I am pretty sure people don’t realize how strong is their motivation to obey and to conform. Sticking out is very uncomfortable and resisting authority takes a concentrated effort. It is far easier to go with the flow. And it’s good that we go with the flow, generally – that’s part of living in a group.
As to the 2008 Chinese drummers, they were not given any freedom to do as they pleased. They were ordered to follow a strict regime of banging on the drum as the conductor specified. As I said, this was a rare occurrence. But to some degree in society today, people are routinely forced to do things they would not freely do.
In the home, the boss may still be the parent, and at work it may be the employer, but all of us get bossed by laws. It can be direct, such as a law that fines you for speeding, or indirect, such as a law that orders an airline company to quiz you about your baggage.
Here’s an example of a law that I don’t like having to obey. In order to mail a book, domestically, I have to go to the post office, while in the old days I could drop it into a mailbox. That is a real nuisance. And the postal clerk makes an electronic record of who I am, and to whom I am sending the item. Quite an invasion of my freedom and privacy.
The way for me to fight this is to fight government, which proclaimed the law. Yet every year that becomes harder to do as members of the legislature seem unresponsive to us. They have bigger fish to fry.
Furthermore, citizens themselves have come to accept the status quo. In fact people have been conditioned to assume that whatever the trend is (such as being asked what’s in the baggage) will never go away and will steadily increase. I believe that is a natural trait — we don’t normally expect things to go backwards, even when they should!
Short answer to the issue of people not wishing to be permanent Olympic drummers is: attack government. In the US it is not a vice to say that. It is a virtue. And there are guarantees of one’s right to attack government. (I am not referring to bayonetting someone; I am referring to taking legal and political measures.)
The Oregon Problem
Finally, here’s an issue in which people are correctly trying to deal with political power. It was reported that some counties of Oregon have asked to jump state and join Idaho. Judging from the comments under the relevant report, in The Epoch Times of May 20, 2021, conservatives feel left out of Oregon’s political machine. They are unhappy about socialism making inroads. But thereby hangs a tale.
Throughout this article, I’ve omitted what must be the most menacing circumstance of our era. Namely, there is a force of governance or oppression that is not the visible, recognized state or federal proper government. Granted this force is to a large extent being put into place by member of Congress, the White House, and federal judges. It is the force of a coterie, or cabal or whatever you want to call it. They have the means, via wealth and secrecy, to control the government.
They have been doing so since the 1920s but without complete success. Now they have majorities in legislatures, and they control presidential elections. They amazingly cause members of the US Supreme Court to make unconstitutional rulings in cases.
The same elite group also controls us through education, from K1-12 and universities. Most significantly they are the deciders of what people will or will not hear on TV, radio, and, lately, the Internet.
My way or the Beijing way? It’s going to be the Beijing way if we don’t stand up to this small group of people who are endangering our culture and economy and personal wellbeing.
Come on, it’s easy to stand up if you have the correct view of national sovereignty and a good understanding of the impropriety of FDA-type entities — in other words, if you are an American and honor the Constitution. We don’t have to drum away like an Olympic drummer as we have a brilliant Bill of Rights that puts the freedom of every individual at a very high value, whilst also recognizing the need for cooperation.
As for socialism, it is a trick. The secret group is offering it as a bribe in order to get Americans to surrender their rights. I personally think there is plenty of room for a state legislature to enable some of the principles of socialism if people want it.
However, the Millennials have been indoctrinated to think socialism is something other than what it is. They think of it as an uprising by the powerless. No, it is not. It is a big trick on those who are now powerless, having volunteered to surrender their birthright.
What a mess.
“……Marx did not actually originate anything, but merely “streamlined” Talmudism for Gentile consumption. The Socialist” system he conceived merely brings about a practical means for a state dominated and controlled through a Jewish minority to rule by absolute dictatorship over everything and everyone, a concept which has been carried out very successfully in those countries of the World brought thus far under Marxist dictatorship.
Socialism is indeed merely the clover held in front of the cow’s nose to get her into the barn under the milking machine. It is a mechanism whereby a “human” can lead a whole non-human herd into the Jewish controlled barn.
The next time when some Christian dupe tells you: “Socialism is not Jewish!,” for one thing, pull out the pamphlet “Jew and Non-Jew,” put out by the Reform Jewish “Union of American Hebrew Congregations” and their “Central Conference of American Rabbis” and read:
Socialism was originated by Jews; and today Jews play a leading role in its spread and interpretation.” (page 30) (The Commission on Information about Judaism, Merchants Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio, Exhibit I, page 71)
In a publication of the Jewish Publication Society of America, “Jewish Contributions to Civilization,” it is stated that, “We find a strong Jewish participation throughout the socialistic movement which, from its inception up to the present day. has been largely dominated by Jewish influence. (See Exhibit I page 71)
Says the 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia: “Jews have been prominently identified with the Socialist movement from its very inception.” (See Exhibit J, page 72)
The leaders of the 1917 Russian revolution were mostly Jews. (See Exhibit K, page 73)
Read on –
Crossy, you need to define “Socialism”. Presently it is simply used as a swear word against anyone who dares complain about the collectivist ends of rampaging, institutionalised usury known as “Capitalism”; much as tags such as “racist”, “antisemite”, etc. etc. are used.
I am not convinced that “Socialism” is antithetical to a well ordered socio-economic system which is conducive to everyone being able to work toward their proper end.
The main flaw in your scenarios is that you assume without saying (as the most cunning purveyors of ideologies always do) that good and true is determined by the whim of the people (what Aristotle called “the tyranny of the ignorant”). A Constitution is not a moral imperative; it is merely an agreed set of rules by which an institution should (or might) operate to achieve its goals. In the absence of a transcendent, independent of plebeian whim, morality we are stuck with the old Latin adage: “What Caesar (or public whim) giveth Caesar (or public whim) can taketh”. Even one of your beloved “Founding Fathers” remarked that a Constitution is useless unless the people have a moral integrity to implement it.
Concerning your “Beijing Drummers”. In the past I have very much enjoyed being in choirs and orchestras. All such are an entirely morally neutral voluntary relinquishment of an autonomy to achieve some good effect or result. Any coherent, functional society must have an organising authority… but the sh!t hits the fan if that authority is opposed to the nature and purpose of Man and society.
Now, if the nature and purpose of Man and society is determined by the whims of the “ignorant”, or the “rich and powerful”, or the “occult enlightened” then that’s what you get.
What would Tolstoy say?
I have no idea of what Tolstoy would say, but that girl is a picture of skill and grace.
I’ve only ever been once on ice when a group of Ambulance Cadets I was responsible for decided that they wanted to go ice skating as an outing as a reward for something I don’t recall. Yair, of course I’d have a go! I’d barely let go of the fence and was feeling pretty pleased with myself skimming around in the rink when 4 or 5 of the little barsads came straight at me with their arms linked. I thought I was about to crash into them but, of course, they just separated and went either side of me but it was too late for me. I crashed and broke my arm. I never told anyone because I still had to drive them home for about 1 and a half hours in the bus.
This should be disconcerting for constitution worshippers everywhere:
An internet guru said the US Federal Reserve is a company registered in Puerto Rico.
The conventional wisdom is that Trump put the Fed under the umbrella of the US treasury.
We hear the Fed is being filled up with junk bonds in repayment for their printed money and interest charges. Well. The whole idea of a reserve bank is to act when there are runs on commercial banks (ie loss of confidence in printed money). Printing money is taxation by stealth which is theft by any moral argument. So what I want to know is, who is first in line to go to jail for this.
I like the question, I like the question.
Mary, I did a lot of experimentation on social relatedness and discovered that the phrase “a stone’s throw away” has historical meaning; inasmuch as people relate much more closely to others who live in their neighbourhood, tribe, or village.
I believe social science has it wrong. Alliance is naturally radiated outwards from family, to neighbourhood/village/tribe; then to language group/culture.
All governments that override this ultimately must rule by force.
At 1.48 I think I see a dissident. 3rd row down from the top, in the middle.
Bet they got him afterwards. (Hmm. I wish this didn’t feel so familiar….)
Just got this “news alert” from The Washington Times:
“Iran’s parliament speaker said Sunday that international inspectors may no longer access surveillance images of the Islamic Republic’s nuclear sites, escalating tensions amid diplomatic efforts in Vienna to save Tehran’s atomic accord with world powers.”
My take on all such things is that they do not reflect real actions by state leaders. They are all moves in the game BY the biggies, in this case, say, to start a war.
Please tell me if you agree or disagree. To me, even a China v America “confrontation” is part of the same thing. We are just their hamsters. No one but the top tops make any decisions.
This is from 5 years ago but more recently “they” (W.H.O. &/or Food & Drug Administration) banned HCQ and are promoting experimental quaxxines, There is no legal recourse as they are talking about in this video because that has been axed too, and the Australian TGA is every bit as bad as the US FDA. The TGA is funded by the industry it supposedly regulates.
People and farmers need to get off all these products as quickly as they are able … if they are interested in their own sustainability !
I’ve been convinced for some time that invisible detriment of any sort far outweighs that which tugs on the emotions.
Quite apart from that I’ve yet to see any sort of discussion re the onus of responsibility re blind consumption of any GP prescribed substance. The fact is that 1000s of mature-aged women opted to swallow thalidomide as a means of suppressing an entirely natural and beneficial process, e.g. so-called morning sickness rendered me incapable of imbibing coffee and alcohol
Many women also opt for maximum anaesthesia re the birthing process despite the known risks to the baby
……and the impact on their own recovery. The human genome is highly complex; using any drug purely for temporal comfort is bound to cause more detriment than benefit in the long run.
Manufacturing Consent for War: 70 Years of CIA Coups, Assassinations, False Flag Operations and Mass Murder
Posted by Internationalist 360° on May 21, 2021
During his confirmation hearing in February, the CIA’s latest director William J. Burns continued a long Agency tradition of playing up the threat from Russia and China along with North Korea, and said that Iran should not be allowed to get a nuclear weapon.
Vijay Prashad’s new book Washington Bullets: A History of the CIA, Coups, and Assassinations, details how manufactured foreign threats have historically been used by the Agency to carry on a war against the Third World—in order to extend U.S. corporate dominance.
In a foreword, Evo Morales Ayma, the former president of Bolivia who was deposed in a 2019 U.S.-backed coup, writes that Prashad’s book is about “bullets that assassinated democratic processes, that assassinated revolutions, and that assassinated hope.”……………..
The Mysterious Death of Dr Fauci’s Most Notable Critic, Just Before COVID-19: Dr. Kary Mullis, the Inventor of the PCR Technique
May 23, 2021
by Greg Reese
Dr. Kary Mullis had been a constant thorn in Big Pharma‘s side – then he suddenly died in 2019, just months before the plandemic started.
The late Dr Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR “test,” has been blowing the whistle on Fauci and Big Pharma for 30 years.
Inventor of the PCR Technique, Dr Kary Mullis, About Anthony Fauci: He’s Not a Scientist and Doesn’t Understand Medicine.
The PCR Testing Scam: According to Its Inventor, Dr Kary Mullis, the Technique CANNOT Be Used to Detect Viruses.
And Here’s Exactly How the PCR is Being Misused in Detecting the Supposed Sars-Cov-2 Cases.
Watch below:
Very worthwhile short video, everyone should watch, how Fauci brought the CDC back to profitability by lying about HIV causing AIDS
Cultural Decline Follows (((Communist))) Blueprint*
The Frankfurt School were a group of Marxist Jewish intellectuals at Frankfurt University in the 1920-1930’s. (They emigrated to NYC after Hitler came to power.) They included Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse & Erich Fromm, and were responsible for the “New Left” and feminism. Financed by Jewish millionaire Felix Weill, they were instrumental in the degradation of Western society according to the long-term cabalist Jewish (Satanist) plan outlined in the Protocols of Zion. The connection between Communism and Judaism is the Cabala, i.e. Freemasonry.
The creation of racism offences.
Continual change to create confusion
The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
Huge immigration to destroy identity.
The promotion of excessive drinking
Emptying of churches
An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
Creating dependency on the state or state benefits
10.Control and dumbing down of media
11.Encouraging the breakdown of the family
Crisscross, I ask you to state upfront where the quote comes from. Why not? It’s the done thing. As in:
Here’s a except from John Smith’s Odyssey into Babylon where he talks about nutrition from pomegranites, ______
I often feel tricked when I have invested minutes in the beginning of your Comment and then find it is not what I thought it was.
You don’t want to trick Gumshoe readers, do you?
By the way, Diane has a 100% dispensation on this matter as it is all she can do to download and present to us “on the spot” something for her hard-won files.
Ah, I just scrolled up and saw the you did do the proper intro re the Kary Mullis item. How nice.
It should only take a millisecond in a visual scan to realise the source, never the less I shall try to remember to bow to your wishes.
Thanks for the dispensation not quite sure why I got it—but it allows me to respond to my post -on your recent article re beauty. I just added to it—-and with my dispensation and your blessing I will break the rules and make an “on the spot” executive decision to repost here—all gets very convoluted–that is of course the nature of the beast.
All very time consuming —all part of the plan
“Ah Mary –you helped me pick up the thread
Then at –40 mins -experiments McGill University-(-Leonard Cohen took part in this- MKULTRA Mind Control)
Was Leonard a “genius”- or an amazing MKULTRA phenomena–or a CIA /Illuminati asset ——my feeling was he was all three—and he had access to a higher dimension– helped by drugs
Leonard Cohen – Show Me the Place (Official Lyric Video)
Leonard knew the answer to your question — all part of the plan
Mass mind control—just a thought Mary wonder if you watched these videos as a child -as a student TELE vision Proramming—frequencies—subliminal messages— maybe it influenced your interest in -what you have named your MKULTRA girls
“Following their television broadcast, the films were made available free of charge for classroom use. J. B. Gilbert estimated that, by the mid 1960s, the films had been watched by 5 million schoolchildren and half a million college students”; about 1600 copies of the film were ultimately distributed.[3] The films were later released on home video and DVD. Over the more than 30 years they were in popular use, Baxter biographer Eric Niderost estimates, the films were seen by some 200 million students.[4]””
Leonard Cohen – You Want It Darker Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
Ah back to work
American Herald Tribune
Named as an outlet of “Fake News” by PropOrNot and the Poynter Institute. Domain confiscated by the US government in 2020, site soon up again with Canadian domain name, but again seized by US warrant.
The American Herald Tribune (AHT) was an independent media site with many members, often fiercely critical of US foreign policy. Its editor in chief, Anthony Hall, is based in Canada. In November 2020, its aht.com domain name was seized by the US government, but by December it was up and running again as the Canadian https://ahtribune.ca. By March 2021, also the Canadian site had a note stating it was seized by the FBI and the attorney’s office for the Northern district of California[1]
I axed for “Wher’er You Walk,” but this is what they gave me:
Very worthwhile to have a listen to hear some more hometruths on this whole scampanic.
azaudit.org – they are setting it all up again, looks like a different configuration this time, I wish they would go a bit faster but not much chance I will get a holiday in Asia in the next two months anyway . . . .
Back in full swing this morning, camera 2, 5, 6 & 8 best views, the grassroots is all happening, the mark of the beast stuff will probably be averted. It reminds me of globalist minion Bob Hawke’s attempt to introduce the “Australia Card” which went down very badly sometime around the late 80’s, but returned soon enough in the form of the state driver’s licence ID card and now “mygov” on the internet.
200 Indian Villagers Jump Into Saryu River To Avoid Forceful COVID-19 Vaccination
by GreatGameIndia
When the Health Department team arrived at the Sisoda village in Uttar Pradesh to vaccinate them, the villagers ran to the shore. When the team surrounded them at the shore almost 200 villagers jumped into the river Saryu to escape forceful COVID-19 vaccination.
There is so much awareness about the adverse events from vaccine and post-vaccination deaths in this village that when the Health Department team arrived here for vaccination, about 200 villagers ran away and reached the shore of river Saryu.
When the Health Department team got information that the villagers were out of the village towards the river, they went to convince them.
Seeing the team coming towards them, the villagers could not find a way to escape and jumped into the Saryu river to avoid getting vaccinated forcefully.
Will the US and the Central Bankers get their way with Russia?
BREAKING! Putin: If They Try To Bite Russia, We’ll Knock Out Their Teeth So That They Cannot Bite!
COVID19 – the end of scientific discussion?
by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick
24th May 2021
I haven’t written a blog for a while. Instead, I have been sorting out two complaints about my blog made to the General Medical Council. Also, a complaint from NHS England, and two irate phone calls from other doctors, informing me I shouldn’t make any negative comments about vaccines.
For those in other countries, who don’t know about such things, doctors in the UK are ruled by many different organisations, all of whom feel able to make judgement and hand down various sanctions. The deadliest of them, the ‘Spanish Inquisition’ if you like, is the General Medical Council (GMC) who can strike you off the medical register and stop you working as a doctor. They have great power, with no oversight.
Prior to this, I had been phoned by, and attacked by, two journalists and a couple of fact-checking organisations that have sprung up which can decide your guilt or innocence with regard to any information about COVID19. Of course, no-one can check the fact-checkers. They are the self-appointed guardians of ‘truth.’ quis custodiet ipsos custodes – indeed. (Who guards the guardians?)
In truth they have not scared me off, just greatly annoyed me. The problem is that if they really decide to hunt you down, then you are wiped from the system. Dr Mercola, for example, is having to remove information from his site in great haste. Once wiped from the internet, it becomes very difficult for anyone to read anything you write or listen to anything you say. A major problem if this is how one makes a living.
I was removed from Wikipedia a couple of years ago, but I do have a couple of insulting pages on Rational W (https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Malcolm_Kendrick) to take their place. Edited and controlled by – who knows?
I think it is the extreme wing of the Vegan party who decided to write my history, and thoughts, on rational Wikipedia. I say this because a large number of other people I know who are critical of the diet-heart hypothesis, those who dared to suggest that eating animal products is perfectly healthy, were also obliterated from Wikipedia at pretty much the same time.
I did rather like the idea of Wikipedia when it started, but it has been taken over by people, some may say zealots, with their own agendas. This is particularly true of a few scientific areas I am particularly interested in. Diet, heart disease and COVID19.
Frustratingly, there is nothing you can do if Wikipedia decides to wipe you out. There is no appeal. Those who have gained the power to edit Wikipedia are answerable to no-one. They rule their little empires with absolute power. They are, of course, exactly the sort of people who should have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with science. Their minds were made up years ago. They have agendas, they are the anti-science, anti-scientist brigade.
The main purpose of science is to question and attack. To subject ideas to the greatest scrutiny. Those who decide to shut down and stifle debate … whatever they may believe themselves to be doing, they are in fact traitors to the cause of science. Stranglers of the enlightenment, assassins of progress.
They are not alone, and things have got far worse, in the last year or so. Science has taken a terrible battering with COVID19, I have always known that dissent against a widely held scientific hypothesis is difficult.
Just trying to get published is a nightmare. The peer-review system is one of the many weapons used against innovative thinking. ‘Let’s see what the current experts think of this new idea which threatens to overturn everything they have researched and taught over the last thirty years, and have built their reputations on… I wonder if they will like it, and approve it?’
Experts certainly create a formidable barrier to change. As described by David Sackett (a founding father of evidence-based medicine) in his article ‘The sins of expertness and a proposal for redemption.’
‘….It then dawned on me that experts like me commit two sins that retard the advance of science and harm the young. Firstly, adding our prestige to our opinions gives the latter far greater persuasive power than they deserve on scientific grounds alone. Whether through deference, fear, or respect, others tend not to challenge them, and progress towards the truth is impaired in the presence of an expert.
The second sin of expertness is committed on grant applications and manuscripts that challenge the current expert consensus. Reviewers face the unavoidable temptation to accept or reject new evidence and ideas, not on the basis of their scientific merit, but on the extent to which they agree or disagree with the public positions taken by experts on these matters.’ 1
And his proposal:
‘But there are still far more experts around than is healthy for the advancement of science. Because their voluntary retirement does not seem to be any more frequent in 2000 than it was in 1980, I repeat my proposal that the retirement of experts be made compulsory at the point of their academic promotion and tenure.’
Expertise is great. ‘Experts’… well, that is a completely different matter. We certainly have a few formidable ones kicking about with COVID19. In the UK we have the great and good of the SAGE committee made up of – who knows? – chosen for whatever reasons. They wield enormous power, and never disagree on anything. In the US we have Fauci and the CDC. Ditto.
In the background we have the WHO … who can tell you what way the wind is blowing if nothing else. They remind me of Groucho Marx’s famous comment. ‘These are my principles. And you if you don’t like them…. I have others.’ However, we at the WHO would like to make it clear that nothing about COVID19 has anything to do with China, in any way. Can we have more money please?
Anyway, where are we with COVID19, and science?
In my opinion COVID19 succeeded in breaking my last vestiges of faith in medical scientific research. I cannot believe anything I read. I accept no mainstream facts or figures.
We are told such utter nonsense. For example, the ‘fact. that vaccination protects against COVID19 more effectively than having had the disease itself… This is just utter nonsense.
We were told that COVID19 was spread by touching contaminated surfaces… Really? We were told it spread though droplets, not aerosols. Which is the most complete garbage. We were told that everyone has to wear a mask. We were told it could easily be passed on by asymptomatic people. Based on nothing at all. I could go on.
Yet, no-one seems remotely bothered by any of this utter nonsense. The public seem to lap it up, and attack anyone who questions the current narrative. I feel that I am clinging onto a dying religion. The religion of Francis Bacon and the enlightenment.
‘Baconian method, methodical observation of facts as a means of studying and interpreting natural phenomena. This essentially empirical method was formulated early in the 17th century by Francis Bacon, an English philosopher, as a scientific substitute for the prevailing systems of thought, which, to his mind, relied all too often on fanciful guessing and the mere citing of authorities to establish truths of science.
After first dismissing all prejudices and preconceptions, Bacon’s method, as explained in Novum Organum (1620; “New Instrument”), consisted of three main steps: first, a description of facts; second, a tabulation, or classification, of those facts into three categories—instances of the presence of the characteristic under investigation, instances of its absence, or instances of its presence in varying degrees; third, the rejection of whatever appears, in the light of these tables, not to be connected with the phenomenon under investigation and the determination of what is connected with it.’ 2
This way of thinking it seems, lasted from 1620 to 2020. Four hundred years of immense scientific progress. The age of enlightenment. We are moving back to the prevailing systems of thought… on fanciful guessing and the mere citing of authorities to establish truths of science.
The Dark Ages are returning.
1: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1118019/
2: https://www.britannica.com/science/Baconian-method
Do We presume that your reference/s opinion should be discerned. and covered by quotation marks?
Nevertheless it is useful information for a change.
I suppose it may be in one of the links….. but time cc, time!
KISS ( keep it simple stupid)
Anyway TA.
If I remember correctly Mary said she does not like quotation marks. Anyhow for the sake of the simple minded I will carry on.
I thought she was complaining about large amounts of bold
That was to someone else.
Hong Kong to throw vast amounts of expired quaxxines in the rubbish due to the public including health professionals not wishing to participate in guinea pig trials