by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
The main purpose of this article is to spotlight the testimony that Kristy Allen read to the ITNJ (International Tribunal for Natural Justice) in 2018. Thus, you can skip over my ideas here and go straight to that video below. I had never seen it till yesterday. It’s a valuable round-up of the practices of the MK-Ultra program.
There were only 5 new bits, for me, in her talk. 1. She was deliberately given endometriosis, a very painful condition of the uterus (“a pain like no other”). 2. All her eggs were harvested at once and given to her sister. (A young female has her entire lifetime supply of eggs in her ovary). 3. Some victims are given a cap to wear under the skin of the scalp, to control their brain. 4. The Paperclip program sent many Nazis to Salt Lake City. 5. Many girls born on military bases were given “April” as their first name.
As a Catholic, I’m aware of claims that babies get sacrificed in the basement of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Now I hear that babies are sacrificed in the basement of the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City. Is it true? Believe it or disbelieve it, according to your lights. My lights says she is an excellent witness.
Kristy, who became a Country Western singer, speaks rapidly in the one-hour testimony, saying things I have heard many MK-Ultra survivors say (including that Country-Western singing is a career into which MK girl got steered). Incredible cruelty was shown to these “experimentees.”
Kristy Allen reports what was done to her ten siblings and herself. She is from a family of “intergenerational incest.” That practice (which includes mind control by a grandparent) pre-dates the CIA stuff or the Nazi experiments. She credits her husband, Dean Allen, PhD (psychology) for aiding her recovery. By the way, she fostered many children who had been harmed.
Religion As an Institution
Most importantly, Mrs Allen says, after 45 minutes into the tape, that we should put a stop to all this cruelty now. I wouldn’t rule out that one way to do it is through the churches. First, though, we would – maybe – have to explain to the faithful that the institution they see as their beloved religion – I’m talking about Catholics and Mormons – has little to do with their God.
All the major religions are institutions. People creates institutions out of anything they are interested in. And, of course if the thing they are interested in has a Divine Being in it, the institution that develops around it will quickly develop a cloak of sacredness. “Don’t say anything disrespectful.”
This is quite the benefit for anyone who may want to use that religion for nefarious purposes – there’s an automatic army of defenders, the faithful, to downplay any critics. I’ve just found a Facebook page that mentioned Kristy Allen’s interview and right away some commenters added “It’s not true; no babies get sacrificed in the Mormon Tabernacle.” (Like how would they know?)
When you think of it, if folks could get ahold of the idea of some of their religious leaders being “not OK,” per the very tenets of the religion (Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis I, for my money), they could direct their righteous wrath to them. Being an officer holder of an institution is not the same as truly following that religion’s God.
Contrary to rumor, Mormons are capable of protesting something done by their own church. In 2015, the central committee (or whatever it’s called) was threatening to promulgate some sort of exclusion from the church of the offspring of same-sex couples. Hundreds lined up outside the Tabernacle to say “Oh No You Don’t.”
I’ll take this opportunity to say that Kirsty points to “breeders,” such as her mother. Most seem to be forced to breed only girls. (She mentions one family that bred only boys.) The fact that the girls-only Moms get it right every time – if we rule out that they’re aborting sons – indicates that Reproductive Medicine knows how to bring forth XY and XX at will.
John Ott says, his 1973 book Light and Health, that farmers breeding sables can cause their sables to breed only females, by using applying a certain light during pregnancy. Maybe it is also possible to deliberately breed humans with their sex, or sexual orientation, pre-determined.
Mormon boys born in the 1990s appear to have a high proportion of gays. The Broadway musical Book of Mormon is a lighthearted look at this – it was rather well received in the LDS (Latter day Saints) community. A trailer from that show can be found here.
What To Do Now?
When I first learned of MK-Ultra, from Carol Rutz at a meeting run by Neil Brick in 2005, I immediately believed it, and sort of assumed that the “solution” consisted of getting the word out. But I hit nearly a 100% brick wall when trying to tell friends about it. (Correction: remove the “nearly from previous sentence.)
After that, I was always trying to collect items that proved it. Plain examples are the Senator Frank Church hearings of 1975, the Valerie Orlikow lawsuit against Memorial Hospital in Montreal, President Clinton’s commission on radiation in 1995, testimonies to Australia’s Royal Commission 2014-2017 and to the aforementioned private group — the ITNJ, based in UK. I presented those things, and some of the survivor’s autobiographies in my 2018 book Deliverance.
I did not pursue it further, as my curiosity sent me down three different trails, that of organized pedophilia (including Pizzagate, and CPS child-stealing), that of “Who runs the World”?, and that of “How many in the general population are now mind-controlled?” As GumshoeNews readers know, I am always trying to figure out how the whole thing hangs together.
Note: I recommend the three volumes of Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Franz Springmeier, as a unique coordinating of the question of “Who are the top dogs” with matters of political and economic reality.
Just Do It
Kristy Allen emphatically says (not in these exact words): When you see a horrible thing going on, just resolve to stop it. Here are things she mentioned which could be attacked — maybe by religion-minded people. Why not?:
*1. baby sacrificing
*2. child pornography
*3. intergenerational incest-rape
*4. use of involuntary breeders
*5. torture, for the splitting of minds
All of those practices are illegal — persons can and should be arrested. Come on, watch this:
Just as a note of reference on the book and author you refer to is: Fritz Springmeier and the book is Bloodlines of the Illuminati. I once worked at a psyche hospital in Colorado and was assigned to the PTSD ward where there were several young teen girls who complained that they were raped and their babies were taken when they lived in the state of Nebraska. We were instructed to ignore their stories as they had trauma. It was 8 yrs later that I put 2 and 2 together after reading Fritz’s book.
The pope type “cath” have a lot in common(perpertration of action thats counter to life) with the “morms”. Then I guess some others follow.
I remember sea monkeys @ 99cents… ahhh sea monkeys. Nowadays quite the cloud under the crystal brine.Oh I drone too(wink).
I can’t watch the video but if I was to gamble I’d take Kristies side of the bet.
Me too Simon so good to see your presence xd -hope you are ok ‘if I was to gamble I’d take Kristies side of the bet” .we must listen to the survivors– we may seem disordered because we are–but we know the truth–like MWM, Dee, Kevin Annett–Fiona Barnett- Trish Fotheringham– Karen Brewer- Wendy Hoffman- Elisa E -Angela Power Disney Cathi Morgan- Carol Rutz and myself. to name a few – we have done the research– we know what was done to us–we are living in “parallel universes” -the multiverse– our brains– are poly fragmented — as svali explains– fascinating times
I share –a recent – Angela Power Disney post–yes in all her glory–and I do not want to hear how she is crazy–she in my mind wonderful–she knows who she is–
Did UK MKUltra start post World War ONE?? Dorothy Dupree Power
May 22, 2021
I also refer to– Alison Miller –Healing the Unimaginable -Bessel Van de Kolk– and Survivorship Neil Brick–also ITNJ- testimonials– including our wonderful Rachel Vaughan.
Mary thank you for picking this up—look at 1 hr till the end Kristie nails it–with her last response—and the Lithuanian commentator–speaks words of wisdom that is rare in “academia”– her advice is why we need to stand up and be counted—here in Australia– a cult- similar to what Wilfred Wong speaks of– aarrggh
I believe part of the drama re lockdown- hotspots- testing tracking injecting is in fact to silence the people -to ensure we are not allowed to attend courts and support people like Serene– Assange –et al– becoz of covid -it will need to be on zoom—- as John Herron’s defamation case re Chelmsford et al was conducted on line/zoom June 2020 despite the fact he was = already “dead”–re-writing history
ps for Julius I think—a bit more about Angela Power Disney-
“Video blog about child sexual abuse, dissociative identity disorder, family dysfunction, Christianity, life art and science!! I am a Mother and Nana, a multi-lingual, world-travelled journalist and writer, an MK Ultra and child abuse survivor and passionately committed to reaching EVERY person possible wounded in childhood by abuse. I campaign, lobby and advocate for children. I love Jesus I love people and the JOY of the Lord is my strength x
I AM HEAVILY TROLLED AND CHARACTER ASSASSINATED ONLINE AS A STRATEGY TO SILENCE ME ….I am happy to answer ANY AND ALL questions or concerns you may have, subsequent to googling my name!! Transparency and truth xx”
with respect
Diane, I am just saying that Kristy Allen does nothing for her credibility by tossing in the ’M’ word – perhaps that is a symptom of her own brainwashed state of mind. She does explain that she only ‘released’ her memories at the age of 50. She comes across as being a niche storyteller and performer– I was put off by her body language, especially when discussing the most gruesome intimate details.
This is relevant … and more revealing:
• The Tavistock Method of Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry – Winter Watch
At 30 seconds of the embedded video “The Tavistock Agenda“:
“Without Tavistock, there would have been no WWI and WWII”
From the linked Winter Watch article:
“From 1930 to 1933, Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) studied psychology and sociology at the University of Frankfurt (aka The Frankfurt School) in Germany and became director of Tavistock Institute in 1932.”
Drawing on the quackery of Freud, Lasswell, Leonard Doob and others, Lewin examined the psychology and power of suggestion created by stimuli and stimulus situations.
Lewin came to the U.S. in 1933 as one of Frankfurt school’s “Jewish refugees” — the first of many infiltrators — and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic that originated the propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve the U.S. in World War II.
Lewin’s claim to fame was group think, or group dynamics. He was the inventor of sensitivity training, or attack training. In other words, you gather a group of people, assign a group leader, identify the stronger-willed people in the group and hammer them into silence or submission through ostracism and shaming.”
If we flooded the world with elephants, Kristy Allen would still not be able to trip over one.
ahh Julius -” I am just saying that Kristy Allen does nothing for her credibility”–you are saying much more than that–to my ears you actually seem to be discrediting all connected to the tribunal—all testimonies–all who are struggling to be heard—
Steele Sacha Stone Simon Parkes Charlie Ward– Shaun Atwood–the commissioners—at least provide a platform for truth telling
I know nothing of your story except you are a cultured academic who lives in Adelaide and you hold a position of entitled authority.
Diane, you way overrate me – I am just making it up/figuring it out as I go and have only started this journey about five years ago (sorry mum and dad!) – Syria did it for me (Syria was my “Oh Shit!” moment – and to think I got my world news via the overnight BBC!!!) as did General Patton on another historical front).
Syria took me to Russia, Putin, Russian history (and Russian literature) – how did Russia get from then to now? (very complicated) … drifting across to 5000 years of Chinese history and China under Xi Jinping today (the fake Jewish-controlled narrative re Xinjiang) – the century of institutional brainwashing (Tavistock) and the lies about WWI, WWII and in fact all major conflicts of the last century – the same lies from the same antihuman liars are trying to trigger a war with China as we speak. Someone once wrote in a comment “to understand what is happening to our society and our very civilisation today, read Solzhenitsyn’s “Two Hundred Years Together” which is where I am currently at – amongst other things. There is no way I will catch up to Mary, of course.
I had no idea of the magnitude of the deeply entrenched evil, but it is all related.
Please don’t think I am trying to discredit genuine truth seekers, but I must admit that I do not feel comfortable handing over my trust to Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward and some others in particular.
With sincere respect and warm admiration.
Yair, well, what to do now? I will suggest that “what to do” is the same now as it always has been. Stick to the recipe of the nature and purpose of human life as it has been prescribed by the Author according to your state in life and repudiate anything opposed to it with the confidence and vigour that only comes from a healthy fear of God and deference to His authority first and the secondary authority of father nation and mother culture second. That roughly boils down to the admonition to “love God with all your mind and soul and love your neighbour as yourself”.
The implied notion that the institutionalised perversity in the World can be “fixed” by similarly perverse barsads who endorse tearing unborn babies apart and all sorts of other hedonistic sexual perversions shouting and waving their arms is an hypocrisy deserving, at least, scorn.
Anyone who explicitly or implicitly proposes that humanity is just a product of random chemical accidents is complicit in the perversions that they pretend to abhor. “Virtue signalling” without equal!
I must admit that I’m rather suspicious that some of these poor people (like Kristy) may have been “unleashed” so that their message might inspire some hopelessness or despair in the wretched ignorant.
This might be of interest to some:
“I’m rather suspicious that some of these poor people (like Kristy) may have been “unleashed” so that their message might inspire some hopelessness or despair in the wretched ignorant.”
Well irrespective of any mortal unleacher they sure do serve that purpose.
Okay, whatever I read or hear, I ask myself “is this/can this be true?” and play my own devil’s advocate. Is this something that I should lock into my storage of ‘beliefs’ or ‘truths’ that join with all the other dots of my ‘worldview’ – and that I would be prepared to repeat to someone else– what are the grounds for my repeating it? – where is the ‘evidence’ (as against hearsay)?
Seeing Kristy’s testimony right alongside Robert David Steele, I am going to take some (a lot) more convincing. Kristy states she was 16 in 1971 so her introduction/exposure as a child to Dr Greenhog would have been around 1960, say. And she is “pretty sure” Dr Greenhog is Dr Mengele – she mentions elsewhere that he has indeed aged – some 15 years after 1945.
Here is Kirsty being interviewed following her ITNJ appearance on the “Galactic Storyteller” channel
• Kristy Allen ~ MK Ultra ~ Mormon SRA Survivor – Galactic Storyteller
Go from 38:02 to 42: 28 where she concludes “I would prefer not to mention names [the family dentist]”
On the Galactic Storyteller channel you can also find in depth interviews with the likes of Alien Hunter Derrel Sims, ex-CIA no less.
• Ex-CIA Derrel Sims ~ The Alien Hunter ~ Alien Implants, Abductions ~ MUST SEE!
it seems to me that there is a particular circuit of people who push these narratives and you won’t find aliens and moon bases far away. I am having trouble buying Kristy Allen’s testimony. That’s not so say this stuff doesn’t happen – I am convinced it does. I am just not sure of Kirsty’s role.
Julius, your discernment methodology sounds good to me.
Except for your worry about Kristy’s participation on the Galactic Storyteller show.
If that show approached her for an interview, she would have to say to herself “Are the Juliuses of this world going to disbelieve me because I am on such a show?” I am guessing that her ability to find a venue is so limited that she’ll take what she can.
What if they approach me now to discuss my Boston Marathon story? Will I decline out of fear that the Juliuses of this world will discount me? Yes, I probably will. I hate to be associated with “the wrong blog.” But my arrogance will cost me some audience.
(Correction, I shouldn’t have said “the Juliuses” of this world, as there is only one Julius Skoolafish and Gumshoe is mighty pleased that u r here.)
Regarding your comment above, Quote; “I had no idea of the magnitude of the deeply entrenched evil, but it is all related” …. is utterly correct.
You can take any institution you care to name in human society and follow carefully the thread back (as I have) and there somewhere along the way you will find the insertion of an evil apparatus to usurp, con and steal humanities wealth, independence, freedom, identity and spiritual power. It is indeed “all related”.
People need to understand the reality of this as they negotiate societys institutions.
Bloody unreal. No idea.
Ta for the alien entertainment.
Don’t worry Ned – I’m trying to keep up, really!
Classy production …
• Trump is Q+ 100% Proofs Deltas & EPIC BQQMS! A Week to Remember! Arrests & Military Tribunals GITMO!
Maybe I just don’t have your patience.
• Christian Patriot News Bitchute Channel
This guy has decided to hybridise x22 with TV evangelism and spends half his time trying to persuade people to give him $500
Update on nazis, 5 minutes all good
Oops internet is still censoring, take out the XXXX
“Dr Werner von Braun predicted a man called Elon would conquer Mars in a 1952 novel he wrote”
from the book “Project Mars” chapter 24 “How Mars is Governed” (downloaded 5 minutes ago by me from https://www.wlym.com/archive/oakland/docs/MarsProject.pdf )
“The Martian government was directed by ten men, the leader of whom was elected by
universal suffrage for five years and entitled “Elon.” Two houses of Parliament enacted
the laws to be administered by the Elon and his cabinet.
The Upper House was called the Council of the Elders and was limited to a
membership of 60 persons, each being appointed for life by the Elon as vacancies
occurred by death. In principle, the method was not unlike that by which the College of
Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church is appointed. Usually the Elon chose historians,
churchmen, former cabinet members or successful economic leaders who could offer
lifetimes of valuable experience. The Council of Elders, however, had but limited
authority. Proposed laws could be approved or disapproved as presented, but no riders,
amendments or alterations could be voted. The Council of the Elders could stimulate,
suggest and test legislation. Its main purpose was not action, but rather to assure the
continuity of the basic thought on legislation, as also the protection of that thought.
A lower house, the Assembly of Deputies, was devoted to action, for here demands
were made and wordy battles were fought.”
Let’s not forget about a year ago Elon Musk said, when he goes to Mars he will not be subject to any Earth laws. So Operation Paperclip lives on.
From internet
“The name Elon is primarily a gender-neutral name of Hebrew origin that means Oak Tree.
In the Old Testament this was the name of one of the ruling judges of the Israelites.
Also an African female name meaning “God Loves Me.” “
follow up to comments above: haven’t yet watched all of either of these but they are up to date and relevant and I believe deserve listening to
Sacha re ITNJ
Shaun–kevin Annett
amloops School, Canada: Kevin Annett
21,165 views•Premiered Jun 10, 2021
couple of comments
“Kevin A has been working on this for more than 20 years! And most people don’t want to listen to him – Canadians prefer to stay in denial!”
“Those children died from torture – most horrendous torture a normal individual would not even DARE to imagine!”
And then there is the Australian story.
MKULTRA in Australia-Steve McMurray–6 reports
Fiona Barnett Eyes Wide Open 2020 edition. And yes Mengele was in Australia-
over and out
Kamloops School, Canada: Kevin Annett
and the uk was involved…search aston hall hospital derbyshire. Kirsty Allen is saying it as it was and is. I survived the drug experiments at aston hall age 12..in 1971..all kirstys dates match what happened to me and many many other children.
Never mind how Mars is governed. Just reach for your cheque book please. The hosting fee for Gumzo is due again and our champion Diver does not have the moola.
Dead serious when I say that the darling little website you so enjoy is going to join “racial memory” if it doesn’t get some $ support.
You may be interested to know the results of my one-and-only personal grovel for a donation last year: One person chipped in — and he/she isn’t even a Regular.
Last week, Dee intended to be a bit threatening with the title of her article “The Future of Gumshoe,” but then she got distracted and did not state the threat.
I’m a state it now: Just a hand over da money and nobody gets hurt….
I had better clarify: Don’t send nuttin’ to Mary. The grovel last year was about a specific thing. I have more than I need, and thanks to Covid I’ve had to quell my travel addiction in 2020-21, so a lot of “funding” that would have gone to Greyhound Bus, Delta Airline and so forth is in my piggy bank.
I must also clarify what Diane said above, putting me in the same boat with MK-Ultra girls. I am indeed in the boat with them; totally in the boat. But I was never MK’d. In fact, my life has been a bed of roses, to the point where I have to say it is spooky how many good things happen to me.
One damn good thing after another! Hope I’m not going to have to “make up for it” in the afterlife.
“Sorry, no crossing the River Styx today, due to Travel restrictions.”
I did send and I got a very gracious thank you note, other arrangements are pending
Mars is not about Mars, it’s about legacy planning, inheritances, misleading the public and how the “elites” operate
Mary and Dee,
Am sure many of us would contribute some money if we could. Times are hard for coin and far from easy street, like in the good old days we remember well.
Living in Sydney these days, during the biggest building boom in world history, with 47 years experience in detail, I can’t get a foot in the door. Used up and discarded, instead of teaching the young ones how to do it, watching from the sideline broke.
The system is cruel, fleeced to the bone no blood left to suck by the vampires that rule this town.
They don’t want you in Sydeny, especially if you are taking up space in Balmain, Glebe etc. Non-financialised work is happening in other places.
To Whom It May Concern,
This is a letter of reference for a talented man, Andrew Newton Tillman, b 1956.
As you can see, he has just turned 65 but has no desire to retire. And that is lucky for you because his great skill as a carpenter can be yours.
Not only does Andrew turn our beautiful products, he takes pleasure in showing the young blokes his tricks.
Still. It’s more than that. He cares about Australia. He cares about the Sydney skyline. He has a heart. You will be getting his wisdom.
Why don’t you take him for a half-day without pay, to make sure he knows how to hammer a nail, and then pay him well. A 5% commission will go to Gumshoe News.com, which is seriously the world’s best website.
Long live Andrew Newton Tillman. Or maybe it’s Adam Nunzio Tblisi. Either way, engage him and be the envy of your competitors. Thanks!
Yours sincerely, Mary Minotaur, esq., late of Adelaide
Speaking of Syria … (my earlier comment)
• It’s 10 years since the war in Syria began, and Western media & pundits are still eager to keep it going – Eva K Bartlett (In Gaza)
Remember when our ‘western media’ [and government] saturated us with news of the ISIS terrorists and that the US (and Australia et al) had to be in Syria to ‘fight the terrorist’ (you know, the ‘war on terrorism’) but that the best way to defeat the terrorists was for the Assad government to be toppled (“Assad must go”) and replaced with a ‘democratic’ proxy of our choosing, no matter what the Syrian people wanted? And how they (we) were actually there to support the terrorists to overthrow the Syrian democratically elected government …?
Interlude …
• Syria: Election Observer Dan Kovalik Syria’s Democratization, Sanctions & Rebuilding
Remember the façade of badging those very same terrorist groups as “The White Helmets” and dressing them up as a humanitarian group, and how that very group was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize and was actually awarded a prize in Jollywood for some documentary?
Just didn’t make sense did it … ?
What makes even less sense is that (with Russia’s help), ISIS was stopped (I wouldn’t say defeated because terrorists can never be defeated, otherwise we wouldnumber’t be able to have to stop the war on terror).
And despite the ISIS terrorists being stopped (except those sponsored and protected by Turkey in Idlib), instead of a collective celebration, the US has imposed increasing sanctions on Syria as well as occupying Syrian territory and stealing Syria’s oil AND wheat crops, while Israel regularly violates the airspace of Jordan and Lebanon to launch bombing raids on Syrian territory, killing Syrian civilians.
Just doesn’t make sense, does it … Until you realise that it all makes perfect sense.
Beheadings – Sharia or Jewish law?
The Truth is –
The Jews Noahide laws authorising beheadings are in the US statutes.
Noahide laws and ISIS
US Public Law 102-14
The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws in legislation that was passed by both houses. Congress and the President of the U. S., George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and that these Laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization. They also acknowledged that the Seven Laws of Noah are the foundation upon which civilization stands and that recent weakening of these principles threaten the fabric of civilized society, and that justified preoccupation in educating the Citizens of the U.S. of America and future generations is needed. For this purpose, this Public Law designated March 26, 1991 as Education Day.”
Michael Hoffman: America is under Talmudic law, not Sharia law
By Michael Hoffman
My bedtime reading is the Babylonian Talmud. It’s true. I find horror literature relaxing. I take a volume of the Talmud and a pencil and sit on the edge of my bed and study for 20 to 30 minutes every night, secure in the thought that it will not be anytime soon that I run out of material, since the Talmud consists of more than 30 volumes, much of it turgid minutiae about subjects so prurient they boggle the mind (Sanhedrin 82b: “Zimri engaged in 424 acts of intercourse with Cozbi in one day”). It is perhaps the most pornographic “sacred” text of any major religion, with the possible exception of the Tantra of the Hindus.
There are passages in the Babylonian Talmud that would make Harvey Weinstein blush. Sanhedrin 69a: “A girl who is three years and one day old whose father arranged her betrothal can be betrothed with intercourse, as, despite her age, the legal status of intercourse with her is that of full-fledged intercourse. And in a case where the childless husband of a girl three years and one day old dies, if his yavam (brother) engages in intercourse with her, he acquires her as his wife…as despite her age she is legally considered to be a married woman.”
Defrauding gentiles is another favorite theme. (Sanhedrin 76b: What is the cause of sin? Returning a lost item to a gentile”).
Read more of this post
The Untouchables.
Banu Qaynuqa tribe = JEWS!!!
So far as promulgating hopelessness & despair in the wretched ignorant you’ve sure got a knack of nabbing 1st prize
There is a difference between the Saudi Wahhabi Sunni brand of Islam which places like Malaysia and Syria are in the business of repelling and the Shiite version of Islam.
Our government pays Halal taxes to the Saudi/Sunni brand of Islam which advocates beheadings in accordance with the 7 Noahide laws (nothing to do with Noah).
The Sunni/Saudi/Wahhabi version of Islam is as one with Israel, US and the rest of the West.
The Sunni versus Shiite war. Citizenship granted to Iranian Shiites to change demography in Syria.
Didn’t I propose a good old Tower of London beheading for Dicktator Dan yesterday or the day before ? Where is DD anyway, he was going to come back in June, maybe he fell out of bed this time and smashed his nose ?
Vaxxed, stay home!
It’s long been known that the cabin pressure(or something) causes off-cue menstruation in some women; some airlines won’t let 7 months + pregnant women board because of the high instance of the same something causing premature labour.
And both phenomena are also supposedly linked to “vaccine shedding”?
What to do now?
Well here’s a bit of sound advice:
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. “
PHILIPPIANS 4:8 (Well worth reading the whole chapter)
There is, of course, only ONE WAY Satan can be defeated
Everything that detracts there-from should therefore be assiduously shunned
Try getting your minds around this: Ceasar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus – Official version. Keviin Woodman.
So where’s the coherent repudiation of the records cited from 8 minutes on by this guy?
The agnostics or atheists are grasping at straws and when they rebrand BC as “Before Christian Era” and AD an “Christian Era” they lose me completely. This one signal is enough for me to dismiss their entire revisionist thesis whatever it is. Pointless re-branding is a giveaway, they must be scammers.
Jesus can only be legit but the guy Saul / Paul requires a comprehensive investigation, I don’t know much about it but he strikes me as very weird and untrustworthy. Almost like a career politician covertly aiming for an international job eg corner office overlooking Central Park.
So the above advice to the Philippians is “weird and untrustworthy” ?
Together with all the other lessons in the 12 other books he authored?
You might as well call Christ himself “a career politician”
Did Jesus live in India? The story of Isha and the Tomb of Jesus in Kashmir. Kevin Woodman. Some to go on with.
Is it really so hard to figure out that the terms BCE & CE do nothing but magnify His import ?
I can’t make any judgement on a small out of context bit of anything but I can say mixing truth and fiction, using weasel words, all these types of things are part of the art of the liar, I am suspicious of Saul / Paul and didn’t he play a key part in the creation of the Vatican. I would have to do a lot of study to back up my suspicions but he is just a supporting character in history like Barack Obama for example so I won’t be knocking myself out anytime soon. Someone else has probably done it anyway. As the song says “you’re not the first to think that everything’s been thought before”.
“I would have to do a lot of study to back up my suspicions”
So what’s holding you back?
KEVIN WOODMAN: “Did Jesus live in India?”
Well he certainly appears to have shown up there 50 years or so after the resurrection:
The NWO is more immediate, but as far as putting more effort in, there are two things, 1) I’m not convinced Saul / Paul is worth it and 2) as I already said, someone else has probably done it already. I come at all religion as a skeptic, others come at it as indoctrinated, they are obviously opposite directions.
If you strip Christianity down to the minimum you have the gospels and parts of revelations. Stuff like the 900 year old man and the talking snake in 4000 BC etc, I don’t see why that should have been recorded as literal fact. I can’t be bothered with scholars of this. Every culture has its rainbow serpent or whatever. Mohammad, who was an Arab version of Lindsay Fox, obviously knew all about Constantinople and decided to keep the baby and throw out the bathwater and the bath. He apparently convinced people of such notions that he went on a flying carpet from one city to another and he split the moon in half. This is a way of appropriating Zoroastrians or whatever moon-god religion they used to have. Mohammad decided the whole Catholic thing was cooked and he would cook his own. He was very successful, this was basically a cultural independence movement almost like no other but it passes for a great world religion. Lots of people in these comments would say the jews are also great liars. They would say the philistines had a rudimentary temple before the jews put theirs on top. Now there is a mosque on top of that. Soon there will probably be a star of david flag on top of that. So I would just strip things down to the minimum, there is no shortage of people wanting to add extras.
No fries with that !!! No chocolate sprinkles !!! I’m on a diet.
Religions like to proclaim that I should fix everything by praying and if unsuccessful then my praying wasn’t good enough. Ok then I will stop taking food and water and stop going to the toilet and pray instead. I won’t even put on clothes, I will just sit and pray. I can predict the outcome, a lot of discomfort.
This is not to diminish or denigrate some of the major figures of religion, rather the hangers-on, careerists, embroiderers etc who abound.
Two things that need to be fully comprehended in order to get any real grip on anything:
The New Testament is nothing more than an exposition of the “Old” one
Cutting anything out of or pasting anything into either manuscript amounts to rubbishing the entire work:
The figurative of the Old Testament:
“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring? ………All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying,’He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him.’……… I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.”
Takes on physical proportions in the New:
“Then they crucified Him, and divided His garments, casting lots, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet “
MATHEW 27:35
“And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
MATHEW 27:46
Hence the conviction that both are divinely authored
Medics Report Multiple Adverse Reactions in Forum
Medscape has a forum where medical professionals can report adverse vaccine reactions, personal or patients. About 90% of the nearly 500 responses report deaths, cramps, convulsions, miscarriages, headaches and more. About 10% say there were no problems.
Video’s – A Mexican news program was attempting to debunk the viral Covid-19 vaccine “magnet challenge” when they accidentally got a metal object to stick to a vaccinated person.
MilK Ultra
China’s dairy sector (US $62 billion) plans to add 200 farm projects and 2.5 million cows to meet growing taste for milk
World’s third largest producer generated 34 million tonnes of milk last year, meeting 70% of domestic demand – annual per capita consumption is 6.8 liters (vs. 50 liters in US)
Blackrock is buying every single family house they can find, paying 20-50% above asking price and outbidding normal home buyers.
June 11, 2021 by IWB
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.”……………….
Lest we forget.
A hour and half with David Wilcock addressing.
Min 131. QQQQQQQQQQ. few minutes at the end. 1.32.=135, the hotel in Singapore. (Had lunch there!!!!!!) I thought it looked like Noah’s ark but the Muslim staff did not know that I was taking the Mickey. (:==}
So it is an hour and a half, how long do people waste their time reading a silly book, listening to opera, (excepting the Pearl Fishers!} watching a silly video or football match?
I played this whilst doing some bannister repairs and Terry can clean out his still, Dee can be on her bike. I am sure many will find the time and not want to stop until the end.
I am going to give any clues but the second half is current in our lifetimes……. we are going to have to get along with our neighbours who are being slowly introduced and many have been part of our earth history for eons!!!!
Sorry, do not be ‘……cross; the Jews do not get a mention.
By the way, as for the Ultra programming, I woke up in 1963 with the film, the Manchurian Candidate with Frank Sinatra. Wilcock refers to it and other disclosures/warnings in films.
Many things he mentions I have been watching for decades eventuating??? Including the events around the sun with ‘cruisers’ that I regularly watched in the early 2000s
The reference to the pending arrests is explained as for reason and purpose somewhere toward the end.
No comment so far?
Oh well, let’s look at the Fatima event in Portugal referred to.
Why should me, as a faithful catholic come to my independent conclusion years ago,
that it is as recorded by Wilcock.
Sorry Mary, want to know more?
Maybe in the morning, in the meantime looking at short ones such as – total synchronised media smear campaign of Trump bible photo op – DEBUNKED a full year later !!!
Happy birthday Trump for tomorrow. If Trump & co don’t come through and tear this farce down the mindless sheeple probably never will, they are so blindingly stupid I can’t hardly believe it. I want my 8 cents a day back.
Ned, the very concept of “Our Lady of Fatima” is interesting. Fatima was the daughter of the Holy Prophet, pbuh.
Ant56, please see above in this thread.
Julius, when you say “the m word” do you mean Mengele? Why is there a connection between mentioning Mengele in the MK-ULtra game and being foolish?
If there’s a good connection, call me foolish:
Thanks for asking Mary – yes to the M word.
In one of our favourite books “Understanding the F Word” [F = Fascism], David McGowan indeed literally drowns us in an enormous amount of facts. My issue is that he draws two boxes – ‘fascism’ and ‘communism’. Notwithstanding that he mis-defines fascism (IMO) by quoting from Webster’s and then equating it to Authoritarian Capitalism, but does not make the difference between privately owned capitalism (Oligarchy) and state owned capitalism (Socialism-like), he then goes on to put anything ‘bad’ in the fascism box whether it fits or not and thus anything else ‘not bad’ goes into the ’communism’ box. HE even ridiculously declares that WWII was engineered as a war against [poor old] communism.
Nevertheless, David gives us the following enlightening quotes.
From P223
“1910 proved to be a busy year for the eugenics crowd …
Winston Churchill was appointed Home Secretary of the UK and secretly proposed the sterilization of 100,000 “mental degenerates” [but M!].
In 1912, the University of London hosted the First International Congress of Eugenics, presided over by Major Leonard Darwin, the son of Charles; vice presidents prominently in attendance included Winston Churchill, Dr Alfred Ploetz, Harvard president Charles W Eliot and Alexander Graham Bell. [but M!]
In 1913 Rockefeller established the Rockefeller Foundation which would serve as yet another source of funding for the eugenics movement. [but M!]”
[… Fast forward past another page of fun-filled facts]
“In 1921 New York hosted the Second International Congress on Eugenics, sponsored by a committee that included Herbert Hoover and the presidents of Clark University, Smith College and the Carnegie Institution. [but M!]
Also that year, president Warren G. Harding approved the Immigration Restriction Act , establishing a quote system , and Margaret Sanger published an article entitled “The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda”. [but M!]
The next year [1922], H.H. Laughlin published the “model Eugenical Sterilisation Law” [but M!]…
In the UK that same year [1925], Cyril Burt – who specialised in twin studies [emphasis added] (first suggested by Galton) and who would later become one of the founding fathers of Mensa – published “The Young Delinquent”. [but M!!!]
My point is that the field of Eugenics was well established,
• Eugenics Timeline
and certainly even drew in and included people known as ‘Germans’ [not every German was a National Socialist – many were entitled ex-aristocracy, freemasons and communists], but to project the entire field of eugenics, particularly twin studies, and mind control onto Mengele is pure projection and obfuscation. He is just too convenient, especially given that the narrative to demonise him was not concocted for some years after the event. In particular, he had zero qualifications in the field of psychology, let alone mind control. He doesn’t even hold a candle to Lewin [former head of Tavistock] et al.
I think it would be more accurate to describe Fauci [ET AL] as an Angel of Death given his proven intimate and front lie involvement in the bioweapon industry and in ‘COVID-19’ in particular. And yes, he should be tried and executed along with his co-collaborators at all levels. But just disposing of him under the bus is going to change nothing and is not going to expose his handlers.
Your previous article from January 19, 2019 states
“His [M’s] misdeeds were recounted at the Nuremberg Trials but he was never captured by the Allies.”
Excuse me? Never captured?? He was [allegedly] in every CIA MK office and was more ubiquitous than the freaking wallpaper! Go figure!!
brilliant comment seems you know your stuff… do you know about the bureau of human heredity??115 gower street london… or havelock ellis , I am a uk survivor of mk ultra..there brainwashing and other experiments.. https://www.ddscp.org.uk/case-reviews/aston-hall/ the police investigation told gave a picture to hide the bigger picture.. could do with some help if you know anything.
Swapping between threads … at 45:00 of the ‘German Holocaust Part 1’ video, Ernst Zundel is reading from Chapter 7 of the 1941 book ‘Germany Must Perish’ by Theodore N. Kaufman:
“There remains then but one mode of ridding the world forces of Germanism — and that is to stem the source from which issue those war-lusted souls, by preventing the people of Germany from ever again reproducing their kind. This modern method, known to science as Eugenic Sterilization, is at once practical, humane and thorough. Sterilization has become a byword of science, as the best means of ridding the human race of its misfits: the degenerate, the insane, the hereditary criminal.
Note the reference to the very popular Eugenics field by the Jew Theodore Kaufman writing in New York.
But apparently that isn’t ‘hate speech’.
But look! Mengele!!
LOL The jew has a german name, germans do a good line in self-loathing
The video in question:
• The German Holocaust (part 1) – Ernst Zundel (Voice of Freedom)
Eugenics and the extermination of “degenerate, the insane, the hereditary criminal” according to the Jew Kaufman.
Of course it’s not hate speech if you belong to the chosen race.
Apparently COVID deniers also belong to the groups labelled “degenerate, the insane, the hereditary criminal”.
But sexual deviancy is just fine …
• The Child-Rape Assembly Line
Germany: Jewish Population in 1933
According to the census of June 16, 1933, the Jewish population of Germany, including the Saar region (which at that time was still under the administration of the League of Nations), was approximately 505,000 people out of a total population of 67 million, or somewhat less than 0.75 percent. That number represented a reduction from the estimated 523,000 Jews living in Germany in January 1933; the decrease was due in part to emigration following the Nazi takeover in January. (An estimated 37,000 Jews emigrated from Germany during 1933.)
History & Scriptural Origin of the Six Million Number
By John “Birdman” Bryant
Chess Champion Bobby Fischer Speaks Out Against the Jews-History
Julius, just watched this and thought you would like it too –
Thanks so much CC – just starting now.
The top comment commences:
“I’ve watched a lot of doc. about the current China; this is, however, by far the best documentary regarding the remote life style & its people in China. How pure, innocent, modest, & humble they are!! I feel as if I genuinely got to know those people & help them for these decent. honest & diligent people living there.”
So refreshing – such a contrast:
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin – Michael Walsh
• https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/06/the-jewish-pioneers-of-sexual-degeneracy-in-1920s-berlin/
As I see it their day of reckoning is not far off –
Early on the 3rd day Christ rose from the dead.
2 Peter 3:8 “But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day”.
It is now early into the 3rd day
2 Peter 3:8 “But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day”.
Matthew 13:24-30
The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” ’ ”
You are a wonderful lady, articles and comments always inspire positivity. We’re all here from different places, in thirst of truth, honesty and better days.
I shouldn’t complain, it’s a weakness, there are billions suffering much more in many ways. Every day is a blessing and miraculous event for every living being. His teachings the greatest ever written, all glory to the Almighty.
Did someone say ETs are coming, well shy not
My typos are dreadful and getting woers
A lot of chatter about ETs always, and I don’t dispute the reports are snooping around but some people are saying they have bases on the dark side of the moon (where the CCP says they have recently been but I didn’t get a postcard), some people saying the ETs colonised the world and made the Egyptian pyramids using their anti-gravity, if so why didn’t the Egyptians have smart-phones 3000 years ago, why didn’t the pyramids at least have basic electric lighting, mythology tends to swirl around and around.
Telepathy for the assumed aliens did not rely on I-phones or light.
You are assuming that their abilities were limited and relied upon as to what we now know and use and depend upon.
Think outside our BLOCKS!? And perceived knowledge.
Just a thought!
If all this is so then planet Earth is maintained simply as a type of zoo
Anne Johnson, a Mormon, wrote abut her rough childhood in “Hell Minus One.” I believe she was later killed for tattling. Most of the reviews are positive:
British Software Developer Now Paralyzed After Taking COVID Jabs and Mocking Anti-Vaxxers – Others DEAD
Type in: ‘Logic Before Authority Channel’. Don’t leave it too long because they might disappear. Kevin Woodman
FOR ALL THE NAYSAYERS who have no idea what a investigation entails to create the STING OPERATION resulting in CONVICTIONS.
Note the reference to the suicides, the latest being the journo who exposed the Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting.
Too much more to summarise………….. fo your homework.
Oh, a Jew is mentioned….. he is the ‘nutty who’ fellow and a surprise; bats were kept inside the laboratory.
Message for our ABC………. better get tonight’s program on the Qanon ‘conspiracy’ right……. remember, Qanon is not ‘Q’, or do you dumbos not know the difference?
Keep digging with the mass media fakes?
Note the 47min + to the end, reference to world magnetism (sun event?) being used for a false flag to excuse a blackout and information. just like the pandemic false flag used to lock up the world.
Quaxxine Customers Use-by Date (3 years)
Take out the XXXX
Anyone found any official material about rumours of Russia and Spain banning quaxxinated people on flights because of deep-vein-thrombosis (blood clots) ? ? ?
It looks like some Russian government doctor said it but I don’t know about Spain. The Spanish got scammed for decades by Franco so they are harder to fool now – perhaps
This is serious 2.5 mins.,,,,,,,,,,,, ‘succession planning’, the big boys are getting ready.
They are getting a list and finding those who are naughty or nice (useless or not?),…………their company may depend on the list for existence
I recall a University in Australia from the 1950’s introducing ‘mining engineering’ degrees………. they KNOW and plan a work force ahead, for a purpose!!! Yes, he obtained a mining degree and worked in new mines!!!
Cliff High explains heaps to Greg Hunter.
Just a hint from about 15 min mark ………..VITAMIN D (DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD and SUN+ SUN+ SUN Xs!!!!!)
Now we can suspect why the GOVERNMENT did not want us on the beaches or lunching in the park. but locked inside.
C60???? 20 min mark.
NOTE 24 min mark …………. got two years to spare?
Have to love the 28 min mark …………… smile, have a drink Terry.
98+ min mark about………… explains how the 2020 fraud was foreshadowed by the military, being realised from 2004. (they have it all !!!)
oops! 55 min plus.
Well here is former Pfizer inferring that the governments (THINK OUR POLITICIANS AND MASS MEDIA) are criminal liars. Bring on Nuremberg 2.
Excellent interview and incidentally at around 30:00 answers the question of how long natural immunity lasts, he says they tested it and it was very good after 17 years so probably lifelong.
Whatever anyone thinks of Ward and Mel, at least these points are fair dinkum.
22 min mark The UK paper the Sun bankrupt.
24 min: business will have to restart looking for new employees, (as mentioned in comment upstairs here)
Nuremberg 2-0 employers mandating vaccine will be liable and accountable. Ignorance is no defence Eijkman in Israel, following orders is also not a defence.
27 min mark…….. lawyers discovering that vaccine companys not protected if the purpose was to kill people. Knowingly hiding information on vaccine affects. (what about politicians and mass media pushing vaccines?)
28 min, ten other states examining how to do audits. >>>>>> TREASON! Foreign interference… have the evidence.
31 min are we going to go way back to Kennedy?
32 min the alleged suicide of the journo who exposed the Clinton-Lynch Tarmac meeting.. CLINTONS again? Hilary e-mail (remember leaks to China)
32 min Epstein puzzle…. transhuman experiments
Mass media: WHERE ARE YOU LOT?
Funny question, everyone is living hand-to-mouth, paycheck-to-paycheck, that’s the way “they” want it and “jobkeeper” (U.B.I.) is all part of the strategy
What part of the Communist Maifesto does the United States and Australia not follow?
The plutocrats (rule by the rich) own the US and they own Australia.
The “Federal” Government, “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” (all caps) created illegally in 1871, is a separate entity from “‘the united States of America'”, a SOVEREIGN NATION, which was created by our original (organic) Constitution, and the 1871-created new government should be called “the United States, Incorporated”.
[SEE Acts of the Forty-first Congress,” Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62, http://www.dcvote.org/trellis/struggle/territorial_legislation_1871.pdf%5D
A corporation is simply an entity which makes its own rules for its own employees and for its own structural operation.
The “U.S. government”, which exists ONLY on a ten acre parcel of property in Washington D.C. (District of Columbia), IS OUTSIDE the CONSTITUTIONALLY NAMED “‘united States of America'”, IS a CORPORATION that has taken on the role of a quasi-government, but which has NO LEGAL AUTHORITY, i.e., NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY, TO DO SO, BUT IT DOES NOT OPERATE UNDER THE ORIGINAL/ORGANIC CONSTITUTION EXCEPT FOR THE ILLUSION OF THE ‘SUPREME COURT’.
This is something many Americans have known for over 100 years, something my father taught us as children, something we were told we could change, if enough of us WOULD.
Read on –
And the Australian government is subservient to the US government which wants a war with China by 2025.
I thought the plan was to eliminate about 6 million bogans and then bring in about 10 million CCP units
Re the CCP (Chinese Communist Party)
In this video it mentions that poor Chinese can buy a spacious flat with free mod cons for about $430 per family member. The government pays all other taxes.
Do you think that those military behind Trump do not realise all this? ( they know who murdered Kennedy)
Do you not think that the mass media controllers do not know all this? (pity about their uneducated over payed puppet shock jokes and our useless politicians who have not a clue)
But the PEOPLE are learning cc.
Ta for a informative report.
Try following X22Report reports from Ryan’s ‘Jerk’, remember the ‘truth vigilante’ vilifications way back in comments and his/their purpose.
Paid. Sorry!
I grew up in Santa Maria and know the air force base well. That area is kept small and oppressed to hide this Satanic stuff. I always wondered why the city never really prospered and older generations fought to keep it that way.
I worked at the post office there in early 2000’s. I definitely believe they are CIA. No lawyer would help me sue them over I was injured from a dog bite and they found a loophole to trick me so I would not receive workers compensation. They are highly untouchable.
I believe Krsty and I cannot fathom that this is how evil the base is and the secrets kept in my hometown.
In the oldest hotel, the Santa Maria Inn, there is a room they say is the most haunted. Oddly enough it belongs to ir is named after the longtime mayor, Larry Lavignino and he calls it “where it all began” or something similar. I am very suspicious about the entire history of that area we call “the central coast”. I know that Santa Maria used to have a lot of satanic rituals and such a long time ago. I always wonder if I knew anyone personally who was given to satanic families like Kristys offspring. Who grew up in those families? Who were those families?