Dear Gumshoers, I announce my new book, 236 pages. It is downloadable here. Here’s what the back cover says:
After a while, people began to see that “child protection schemes” were criminal. They said Enough!
Some issues had been elucidated by individuals caught in the system. For example, Parental Alienation Syndrome (invented by a disturbed doctor) had been recognized as a ploy for judicial kidnap. And impoverishment via legal costs was seen as a way to weaken the already harassed parent.
In Australia, a law that could stop anyone from revealing what goes on in the courtroom was really a gag order to conceal crime (hence is invalid). Police were told to refuse help to any injured child “if the matter is before a court.”
Parents of disabled children ran into a different trap by signing a “parent responsibility contract” that resulted in the state taking the baby away on the most flimsy pretext.
One day Protective parents stopped tolerating judicial kidnap. They arranged to have a Reunion with offspring as soon as humanly possible. (For many that could be within weeks.) They gathered in cities and issued ‘chits’ to parents who met basic criteria for getting their child back.
Chit holders could go to the clerk of the civil court and obtain an injunction for the return of the child. A coterie of parents would supervise each handover. State authorities would be given a list of officials to arrest if necessary.
The pass-code for imbuing good citizens with the right to issue chits was “God is not mocked.”
This guy is very helpful. Never mind that he refers to the US Constituion, it holds for Oz too.
Cohen is trying to get his sentenced reduced, I suppose. He dumped on Trump today at a congressional hearing. This could help us all in that the editorial focus of the attached article is on truth-telling. A fascinating subject.
Oh, and a district court has just ruled that the males-only Selective Service Act is unconstitutional.
Good on you MM.
This is an extraordinary achievement — and well timed with the incarceration of George Pell.
I was reading the comments in the paper this morning. Many people feel this is a turning point for OTHER victims.
In the Age today Bernadette Nunn wrote “the Cardinal’s conviction is a trigger fro victims everywhere… far beyond the Catholic Church”
Thanks, Your Bossification. But of course the Victims in my book are not victims of sexual advances, They are victims of judges whom we have let get away with murder.
Or even let get away with pretending their power to make orders is genuine. In many areas it is sheer bluff. Wake up everybody! The judge cannot steal your baby anymore than he can steel your car.
Darling Readers, Please help me find a name or coin a word for the following.
Let’s say the legislature passes a law that sounds nice. Example: the ASFA was passed by Congress to increase the number of adoptions — allegedly so that a child “won’t have to linger in foster care.” [Adoption and Safe Families Act — it sends $4,000 to a state for every kid that gets adopted out.]
Now let’s say judges or CPS agencies are implementing it maliciously. I want to blame Congress. They will point to the nice wording and say “We mean it for good uses.” I say “Sorry, you could drive a Mack truck thru the loopholes in it.”
(Same with anti-terrorist laws, or whatever). I need a term that will quickly refer to that legislature’s responsibility for not creating laws that have a sweet sound but great potential for misuse.
You will say, Mary, it’s the judges fault. Maybe so, but I want to pin it on Congress. In the anti-terrorist case there may never be a judge. The Mack truck law will be enforced on the spot by po.
Thanking you in advance. MM
Call it for what it is – pedophile problem – call it something pedophile /or reference pedo-criminality -TRAFFICKING -prevention ..?
I get your point, Donna. But I want a generic word that expresses the setting up of ANY bad law with an eye to helping those who will then use it maliciously.
What I am trying to prevent is pollies sneaking out of blame on the basis that the bill can be read as innocent.
Maybe we could call it a Donna-ized bill. Would you mind? Speaking of Greeks, I can never remember whether it’s dona ferentis or ferens donati that we are supposed to beware of.
I would call it pizzagate downunder through my own findings regarding my daughter moniques organised child abuse
Wayne, there is hope for you.
If it is only scattered people saying there is organized abuse, you are not believed. But thanks to some diligent work by Dee (which she is too modest to mention) we have now seen the Pattern. (Search Gumshoe for The Pattern, written by Amanda Gearing.)
It is actually hilarious how the isolated DCP offices thought they could drive a mum mad with the accusations of coaching.
Prison interrogators have known for a century (maybe a millennium?) that you can batter anybody down with accusations and at some point the batteree will believe it.
So now we’re onto it. I say Protective Dads can now get their kids back. WHY NOT?
How about “Intendo”
ie. It has to pass through the lens/test of the original intention of the law!
MM – Statutescape?
I like it! I like it! both Intendo and Statutescape. Oops, sorry, Raelee, i thought you meant the baddies INTEND such-and-such. If you permit I will take it in that sense. The child protection law — if it even is a law, Gumshoe has not located it yet — would be pure unadulterated Intendo. They intend to steal the child.
Kevin, I assume yours is to be pronounced in 3, not 4, syllables. Sta choot scape. Now if someone would just write an article comparing statutescape with a cheese grater….
Mary; as Stat choot scape – a statute containing escape clauses.
The opposite of which is gotcha laws made to ensure there is no escape for the accused.
Laws where there is no justness ( in the statute itself). Any law where accusation by police or the prosecution is proof of guilt such as driver identification or the vehicle owner is automatically the driver.
Laws such as those that say if the police officer says the speed camera was accurate, then it was accurate and can’t be challenged. Similar to laws that reverse the burden of poof …..”proof of which is on the person”……
True Malice, or Absence of Justice.
Mary your book will help so many people in the horrendous situation of government sanctioned kidnap. Thank god for people like you. I am still so humbled by the fact that you don’t ask for payment for your books. What a beautiful service to humanity. Thank you!
We have learned a mother up north is about to make great progress with her case.
The clayton child protection act? CCPA.
(Remeber the ad from the 1980’s ……. the drink you have when you are not having a drink?)
Well there you go. It’s timeo Danaos et dona ferentes.
Gave whole new meaning to the phrase “Trojan war.”
OK. Never mind Virgil. An elderly friend — who does not do Comments — phoned me with this suggestion: “Insider Cheese Grater Legislation”
That certainly is the concept I was looking for. She says one side of a grater has small holes and t’other has large.
Come to think of it, most legislation is Insider Legislation I believe. Often does not need holes. Good. Thank you, Caller. We’ve got the Insider Cheese Grater Legislation and the plain Insider Legislation.
Donna, your services will not be required at this time. (For izationizing)
The cover of my book will not fly in libraries so I am trying to change it. Dee has replaced it with a cheese grater, pro tem.
Meanwhile I went to look for an OZ symbol for the cover. What a marvelous collection there is of “new Australian flag ideas” at Wiki.
For me No Kangaroos and No Union Jack for starters please–flags are very important.
The cheese grater reminds me of research I have done about the blatant shredding of evidence.
Shreddergate–The Heiner Affair-cover ups at every level of the system.
And of course records re The Family- Anne Hamilton Byrne, Newhaven Chelmsford Larundel and Townsville Hospital and Martin Bryant’s records and medical history missing.
A pattern-destroy the evidence. Chop it up. Burn it . Bury it.
Thanks Mary I will read your book now.
I recently returned to my Central Western Desert family for the Memorial Service, Funeral and Burial of Kumintjayi Tjampitjimpa Anderson, a kind, wise, strong yet gentle soul who treated me with respect in good times and bad times. Huge tributes were given there were thousands of people there senators, government reps, bureaucrats and Kumintjayi’s extended family.
There was clearly a divide -the have’s and have not’s–something I believe Phillip Ruddock’s 5 point plan created in 2001 [ nb. Phillip Ruddock was made Special Envoy to the United Nations 2018-2020} I think, in sync with John Howards 10 point plan [nb: Closing of Bilingual education 1998 and the Military Intervention June 21 2007- based on a proven lie promoted by ABC Lateline Mal Brough ?/ and Kevin Andrews.] John Herron was Minister for Aboriginal Affairs at this time.
Kumintjayi was recognised for his passion and dedication to young fellas and the importance of football as a way to give young fellas pride and a sense of belonging, a way to strengthen community values. During the evening there were messages from over 50 young fellas incarcerated in either Alice Springs or Darwin Detention centres. I knew at leat 30 of these people they were active students at Papunya school in thy 90’s. Serco runs everything. Nothing is as it seems.
I now refer to a link to the work of Michael Ghillar Anderson, a law man and a lore man who is relevant to my narrative and my education and raises awareness about the true history, the big picture, the genocide. The Gathering of Nations workshops are an example of strong action against the tyranny that exists in this country called Australia.
For those who can be bothered: some relevant important information for us all at these uncertain times. In Unity.
In the article above Michael Ghillar Anderson states:
“I am aware of suicides in these families, mental illness and depression, just like among First Nations Peoples, who are witnessing land degradation on a scale not equalled anywhere in the world.
The malaise of ‘solastalgia’ is prevalent, a form of psychic pain, mental or existential distress caused by environmental change, coupled with perceived powerlessness to make a difference.”
We can learn a great deal from the work of First Nations Leaders who have not been corrupted.
I feel sorry for Philip Ruddock and John Herron. Imagine being tasked with what they were tasked with. No, really, try to imagine it.
I love what you are tasked with, Diane. And you are doin’ it, doin’ it, doin’ it.
And thank you for saying LAND DEGRADATION.
Quoting from the link Diane provided:
support for Sarah Hanson-Young’s call for a Royal Commission into the mismanagement and over extraction of the waters of the Murray Darling Basin. [The Guardian, 16 January 2019]
NBAN has now learnt that the disaster that we are experiencing in the Murray/Darling Basin is a perfect electric dry storm of massive fish kills and drying riverbeds.
It is NOT caused just by the drought but is also a culmination of man-made mismanagement; corruption at the highest levels; and major development without scientific evidence-based planning in the formative years of the MDBA.
Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations … Demand Criminal Prosecutions be an integral part of Royal Commission findings
Think Phillip Ruddock made Dux of my school. Rugby Union was compulsory there. Big thing and cricket, Richie Bennett admired by all.
The country is so stressed, like us. The gall to have the Kangaroo and Emu behind them as they lay waste to country.
Thank-you in advance Mary I will download and read your latest. I’m sure you have documented the current abuses in the family law system with a balanced eye, and concluded, lets call multiple short comings. I avoid books of a non technical nature, so may not be the high praise I intend, your as compelling as Eustace Mullins (and doesn’t wiki give him the heat for a balanced eye).
Even though there is little documented facts of the colonisation(civilisation,LOL). You can feel and hear country if you can listen, the unbearable pain of recent past.
My little grevance with Ruddock is he was under no pressure, just a colonist’s mindset, I be waiting with country, if I can.
From the outer suburbs of Oslo comes this gem: “I be waiting with country, if I can.”
Eustace Mullins was dedicated to helping us. Simon, Ruddock was not a colonist. He is a major, major implementer of the designs of, of, je ne sais quoi. Ask DeVere.
I tried to download, but someone must have reported it to Microsoft and now smart defender says it is an unsafe download, we need to get onto Microsoft and tell them it is safe so we can share this. Silly games people play, sigh
I had no trouble downloading it, but it takes a minute or so.
of course it is also easy to just turn off the smart screen defender in the safety settings on your browser while downloading
For the record: I’m going to remove the word “the” from the title. It will be just: REUNION and Family Law.
Here’s a message to parents who have been separated from their child, courtesy of “the law” [barf barf]
— a special rendition of Gluck’s Eurydice.
“What is life to me without thee?”
Mary I am not able to feel sorry for Ruddock or Herron until the impact of their “work” is exposed and they are held to account.
That is a fabulous video about “African welfare.” Thank you Ms DeVere.
I wrote to a friend yesterday in Canada and asked “Do you think Pell ever had a choice, and do you think when he was doing bad things he ever had misgivings?” Here is her reply, I have permish to run it:
Did Pell ever have a choice? probably at least some as a child, possibly as an adult. depends on when & why his behaviour started – often times it is necessary for survival somehow – stay safe by being one of the baddies, for example. you know my take on trauma being at root, conditioning can also be instead of actual trauma… grow up in mafia, everyone does crime, you may not get trauma to follow the crowd
Misgivings? depends again on the above – I think if a person is able to feel their soul, they will be tortured by their actions to some degree but if their soul is walled away in safety of hiding, they may not feel conscience or empathy…
I don’t think they are free – psychologically, emotionally, instinctually, something has them chained – even if that chain is elite entitlement, it brings with it a distance from the masses that can facilitate lack of empathy, etc… free is a relative term – a person in a cage, e.g., jail, may be free to read in their spare time, but they must take meals when shceduled & follow other rules, plus they cannot leave, so free can be different from free choice or free will – again, big question…
Can they get free? If strongly motivated they can start process to get free, but it is much more than a physical thing and depends on lots of factors… freedom to take responsibility for self & actions is required, hence truth & reconciliation ….
Mary Maxwell you only mention supervised visits for mother’s? There are thousands of fathers who are only able to see their child or children through supervised visits. This is often due to false allegations by mothers. Many fathers never ever see their children and that is because of the vengeful Narcissistic mother’s in society, not due to the father being a woman bashing pig or child abuser, who does not deserve to see his children and not due to the courts. I am bitterly disappointed and I only got up to page nine.
Carol, Maybe if you’d soldier on to p 13 you would read this:
“Reference will often be made to “the Protective parent” – meaning the one who does not harm the child. The word parent here indicates either mother or father. Statistically, more mums than dads are the Protectors in the kind of court case discussed in this book. But I state here and now that a father can be as protective (against the abuser) as a mother. ”
Carol, no matter how many “narcissitic” mums there are in the world (could be in the trillions?) this book is not about them. I have a narrow focus.
It’s the Father’s Rights Groups that promote the children being removed by an abusive parent, like a prize possession to continue the abuse on the other parent. They (99 percent are men) have orchestrated this whole family court money making organisation. It’s always the protective parent that gets screwed over! The children continue to suffer. Your situation is such a minority, look past the circumstances, see the bigger picture & don’t shoot the messenger as she’s only trying to help everyone!!!
Call it as it is “Deception by Omission”, Hiding the Invisible in Plain Sight
Thank you Thank you Thank you Mary!!! I look forward to your Adelaide visit in a few weeks!!!
Chose this from Icke’s repertoire to acknowledge his cancelled trip.
[…] New Book: The Reunion and Family Law […]
I have tried to turn off windows smart defender and I can still not download. Please can you send to madsenaim@gmail.com?