Home Corona New Zealand — A Crime Scene Exposed

New Zealand — A Crime Scene Exposed


A message from New Zealand.

A whistleblower has come forward and given Liz Gunn of the NZ Loyal Party (NZL) documentation showing that tens of thousands of New Zealanders have died within a short time of vaccination.



  1. Well, most of them fell for the Christchurch massacre, what would you expect if you told them a poisonous injection was ‘safe and effective’?

      • Only took Jacinda about ten months from entering politics to getting the top job. Everyone, yes everyone, in the way resigned .

        “The next day, Ardern confirmed that she would hold the ministerial portfolios of National Security and Intelligence; Arts, Culture and Heritage; and Vulnerable Children”
        mmm, really, well you found at least one!

        But how:
        ” suggested that Labour’s sudden increase in popularity were due to her youth and GOOD LOOKS.”

        Jacinda once said, “We will continue to be your single source of truth,” and that, “Unless you hear it from us, it is not…

        Nooooooooooooooooooo this is worse than even Orwell, could imagine

    • Given the plethora of literature on vaccine injury than became available in the preceding 50 odd years not to mention all the online info posted during the past 20,it does make you wonder

      • The avoidance of said data unmistakably goes to the inevitable discomfort of challenging medics, loss of employment & being generally treated like some sort of social pariah
        All of which unmistakably goes to the nature of the control system of the Age aka The Great Harlot
        That painted lady who’s livelihood depends on seducing every unwary bod into the bliss of “home ownership” etc, etc
        It’s all about exploiting an addiction to comfort

      • “it does make you wonder” – NZ allegedly has a fairly high average IQ. One of the best tests for IQ deals with ‘pattern recognition’ as it eliminates all culture and language bias. Crikey, how many times do patterns have to repeat before people get a clue?

        • Disconnecting from the real world as a means of maintaining a sense of social comfort is not a cognitive process.
          Anymore than intellectual endowment has any bearing on being predisposed to drunkenness or gluttony.
          The EFFECT of giving way thereto is another matter altogether

          No question as to doubt in my mind that the academic decline throughout western civilisation is commensurate to the pervasive comfort addiction

  2. This is beyond evil. There are no words to describe the magnitude of what has happened. It is the Judas Goat. We were taken like lambs to the slaughter. We trusted them. So many of them. And they knew all along. Evil is amongst us.
    God bless our people and give us courage and strength dear Lord.

    • “like lambs to the slaughter” – Kiwis have an international reputation for following rules. NZ is a Bureaucrat’s paradise. “Go on, f–k with them, they seem to love it.

  3. Have any of our free loving media and journalists at our ABC, SBS or globalist mocking bird media taken up on this report….. it has been out for a little while?
    Oh well, maybe our news presenters, shock jokes et.al., will receive and OBEY their 4am mocking bird riding instructions and flood us with some designed and arranged distractions for the latest propaganda. ….. look here, not over there…… ‘Rsole production media Pty. Ltd.’ at work, well that is what they are paid for.
    How much is Dee paid?

  4. Yes Dee we come in all shapes and sizes

    Criminal investigations—not inquiry

    Just watched Nellie with Gabbi –“listen to us we’re talking to you”

    “Nellie joins us for interview 11 to discuss the mind control programming she experienced while being trafficked through numerous brothels as a teenager. She provides important insight into just how children and teenagers are groomed to ensure they are drugged, controlled and unable to escape. Nellie also shares her memories of the Chernobyl disaster and how this group had been planning this for many years

    Nellie is a courageous survivor who is speaking out today to expose the tools that the cults use to program a mind control slave. She shares her own experiences to assist other survivors to heal and with our communities to raise awareness and allow people to know the signs so we are all able to watch over our children”

    Premiering Sunday 29 October
    AEST 7pm

  5. “Whatever is in the biochemical weapons bearing Pfizer and other pharma labels, is there because US SecDefs and their WHO-BIS handlers ordered it to be there.” Plan was for Pfizer to be “sacrificed” if the heat turns up to deflect attention away from the handlers.


  6. So sad, 😂 remember all the Johnson Baby powder advertisements sprinkling our babies with the J and J products.
    Seems that J and J could go broke with all the lawyers — now heaps on the mill/hill game
    Then all the shaving cream necessities for a clean shave.
    My mum, being a smart experienced nurse, only used sunlight soap for everything personal.
    I still use plain soap.
    The bastards have taken our children for a ride for decades with fake mass media marketing.
    ‘For a headache take a. BEX (or Vincent’s ) and have a good lie down.’ [Jack Davey]
    So what is new? Same profiteers!

    • You will need an app on your phone to tell you if you are well or not, and soon it will check your mental health too and report to the government. Don’t worry if your mental health position is incorrect, a treatment facility will be available and a place arranged for your transfer, effective instantaneously.

      • The M$M is celebrating the sudden death of one of the actors from “Friends” a tedious and mediocre unfunny sitcom from 20 years ago seems he was found dead in his swimming pool age 54, looks a lot like the dreaded blood clots again, when will they learn to stop getting those boosters, oh well bye bye

        • The Mathew Perry death is interesting. He was a massive proponent of the vax, and i think he believed the propaganda. He was giving away merchandise to those that got jabbed, and indicating he was multi jabbed.
          A massive influencer(many millions) but not a doctor and never challenged for his qualifications, or even reasoning for his position.
          Anyway an insider or ignorant fool, he is dead, as many others he coerced with incentives.
          The media coverage through big brother tech is “something”. While just chasing some news after seeing a reported cardiac arrest, I looked into his vax status. The results even had recent Oz government propaganda, as the usual collaborative news. Complete with a plagiarizing frenzy that can not be anything but another coordinated misinformation campaign
          MSM are blaming his previous health issues at the same time as running the twisted anti vaxxers are spreading false and misinformation without an iota of proof.
          Newsweek even went as far as to calling conspiracy investigators, a MAGA lead anti vax misinformation campaign. Because of the resources behind Newsweek and then printing such an absurdly biased story(as MAGA proudly takes credit for the vax). I can only conclude that the most likely reason for him to die suddenly, is the vax.
          All the news in a lockstep, coverup, vs my own forbidden research. I don’t need to wait for the coroners report, they can not have a finding of vax related death of Perry. Too much risk to the MSM viewers being influenced to question, and even research the issues. MSN will endlessly cover it though, its got huge distraction value from other genocides.

    • “Court documents have revealed that Johnson & Johnson knew its talc contained asbestos as early as the 1950s. By 2018, J&J was paying out multimillion-dollar verdicts over asbestos ” one is for 18.8Mil.
      15 Aug 2022 — The stoppage also was prompted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which discovered small traces of asbestos in baby powder samples taken …

      For the safety of the babies the FDA quickly acts after 70 years, but don’t worry the new and improved talc is NOW available.
      Now both a food and a drug, the FDA has given its highest rating ever for safety and efficacy

  7. On top of all abominations in jabs, aborted babies are used in the venom produced.
    The insanity, priests cannot be ordained unless jabbed, as we’re watching genocide of children in Ukraine and the camp known as Gaza. Just to satisfy the lusts of ‘chrome junkies, living in a world with iPhones, where young children are exposed to perverted porn at touch of fingertips.

    The silence on this plandemic fraud is deafening. Everyone compromised in fear of offending and losing their jobs. Out with the old, in with the new is woke bs. Tradition has to be restored or it’s all over.

  8. The video in subject article logged at whatreallyhappened.com on 29/10.
    Well that is why the world ignores the msm and the OVERPAID USELESS Australian Broadcasting fraud.

  9. Dr Martin

    THE NITTY GRITTY TRUTH OF COVID. Worth playing twice. Gets right up em from 4 minutes in.


    Good info, but he gets it wrong in presuming that virus actually exist. No one anywhere has an isolate of a virus.

    The vaccine is the virus!!!

    Virus’s are just what the Chambers dictionary says they are –

    virus, viri [n.] O – Latin is Simple Online Dictionary

    h ttps://www.latin-is-simple.com/en/vocabulary/noun/17244

    virus, viri [n.] O – Latin is Simple Online Dictionary virus, viri [n.] O Noun Translations venom (sg.) poisonous secretion of snakes/creatures/plants acrid element Meta information O-Declension neuter Forms Example Sentences

    The Sorcerors use chemicals to make bacteria produce whatever they want.

    The maligned researcher Poonamah Wagh said in her conclusion that the batches of vaccines contained various amounts of poisons such as metals which carry a positive charge whereas organs such as the heart have a negative charge.

    The Synagogue of Satan (Jews) control the pharmaceutical industry.

    Bill Gates said that the world’s population has to be lowered to 500 million.

    Dismantling the Virus Theory by Dr. Stefan Lanka (download PDF)

    The Causes of Corona Crisis Are Clearly Identified — Virologists Who Claim Disease-Causing Viruses Are Science Fraudsters and Must Be Prosecuted by Dr. Stefan Lanka (download PDF)

    How Dead Are Virus Anyway? All Claims of Virus Existence Refuted by Dr. Stefan Lanka (download PDF)

    A Serious Indictment of Modern Cell Biology and Neurobiology by Harold Hillman (download PDF)

    h ttps://truthcomestolight.com/drs-tom-cowan-andy-kaufman-stefan-lanka-on-the-myth-that-virology-is-real-science-what-we-dont-yet-know-about-these-highly-toxic-covid-vaccines/

    Dr. Merritt interview with Poornima Wagh, PhD virology (Translation edition)
    August 16, 2022

    h ttps://guerrillatranscripts.substack.com/p/dr-merritt-interview-with-poornima-00b

    Dr. Merritt interview with Poornima Wagh, PhD virology (Translation edition)
    August 16, 2022

    “…………..There’s no spike protein coded into the mRNA, nothing. Zero. And massive amounts of heavy metal contamination: tungsten, osmium, silica, a lot of silver and gold particles. What else? They have nickel, some amount of lead. I mean, talk about heavy metal contamination! There’s massive amounts of aluminum in there. And all this stuff is very stable. You know, when you put that into the human body, it sits in adipose tissue and other places, and it causes problems. It causes irritation and inflammation. That’s what’s causing all these vascular problems that we’re seeing. The blood vessel problems. And the graphene oxide has an extremely weak positive piezoelectric charge. And everything in our body, and especially the heart and the brain, are negatively charged………………..”

    Tim Spector, metallic taste after vaccination

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58IhKxBQQpw&t=365s

    Tim Spector, metallic taste after vaccination
    Fascinating discussion on metallic taste after vaccination, the progression of the pandemic into endemicity and an exciting new data collection project which…

    Vaccinated populations suffering strange new illness

    h ttps://conspyre.tv/video/13012/vaccinated-populations-suffering-strange-new-illness

    Vaccinated populations suffering strange new illness
    Strange how we knew this would happen…

    The Secret Covenant: A Member of the Illuminati Tells All

    “An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.

    “………………“We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.

    The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.

    The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.

    “They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.

    When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison…………………”

    h ttps://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/10/15/a-member-of-the-illuminati-tells-all/?mc_cid=4e0c9df1ea&mc_eid=742c7852b0

    • I got a virus yesterday morning right in the back of the nose, it was a weird one, just stayed in the same little area. The immune system got on top of it by lunchtime. I don’t know where it came from, maybe floated through the window.
      I got bronchitis in mid-2019 and that hung around for a long time, it didn’t migrate out of the bronchia and apparently it’s not very contagious at all. Contrast with the Covid™ era viruses which are very contagious but after a bit of practice the immune system cleans them up very, very efficiently. Of course if you have the injections who knows what is going on anymore. The injections are like random cocktails, every one a unique experiment. They will get all the data and put it in their AI to help them design for the next plandemic.
      Too bad the labs are putting all their energy into weaponising viruses when they could be doing mRNA to make women naturally blonde, or even blue or pink haired, they would pay a lot for that, earnings would be in the billions.

    • I started taking Zeolite (micronised) powder in a gel cap as it removes heavy metals. Cheap and worth a go I reckon, no side effects so far. Get organic from Ozdingo site.

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