by G5
The American insanity of Civil Asset Forfeiture is about to seal the door shut on America and drive some 15 trillion dollars into RUSSIA.
Neither China nor Russia will invade America. There is no need to look in the toilet bowl before flushing. The corruption of American Dem-aligned elites destroyed the domestic economy to the point that America is now a consumer-entrapped Chinese vassal.
The shop works perfectly. Why bother to form lines outside? The consumers need to be maintained in their enslaved stupified condition. They practice Infanticide as a Right, fight absurd foreign wars of attrition, cannot define gender, and believe the weather is some anthropogenic devastation. Entitlement, Weaponized Empathy, Syllogistic Rights, and Tutored Elitist Factions, are the wire fencing of their concentration camps.
As Ukraine winds off the sound byte news cycle to become a Russian-controlled American Zone, the flip is projected to be America engages and defeats China in that grand battle of supremacy. China will toy with America as did Russia. As the very purpose of the existence of America is further questioned in the minds of the sane.
The Congressional Sub-Committee on The Weaponisation of Government Departments is in session. Abundant evidence is present of the rot that entered primarily the; IRS, ATF, DHS, DOJ, and FBI.
The retort is that one faction is attacking another. It needing to be demonstrated that which is being attacked is due to its efforts to alter the core of the Socio-Economic fabric of freedoms, to that of the evolved demonizing and victimizing of The People to centralist authoritarian control. And for which there is no purpose but the control and debasement of the nation into an enforced kleptocracy.
He mentions correctly, that there are three divisions in the current political spectrum of America; Democrats, Republicans, and Conservatives. The Democratic side further has factions of self-interest unipolar extremes. All of which are destructive to The People.
The path should be a more targeted approach exposing individual corruption and abuses of power, to prevent an overall tagging of a prior McCarthy Era.
Articles of Impeachment are in train for Mayorkas, Biden, and Harris, and for McCarthy to step in as President. A flow for the reinstatement of Trump in 2024. A historic flow, somewhat like the Restoration following The Cromwellian Era. Articulating that of The Coup d’etat of 2020. The third Dem orchestrated in the contemporary. The other two being those against JFK and Nixon.
Conservatives currently dwell in The Republican Party. The hypocritical, self-serving, radical, corrupt, and insane, dwell within The Democratic Party.
It is not currently feasible to divide candidates as Conservative standing against Republicans. The false races of Clinton, Bush II, and Obama, split the Conservative and GOP Vote; as they would. And beyond the blatant electoral frauds that have become endemic in The American System.
On exhibition, there was a clear absurdity of self-weaponising against Conservatives. Effectively the emergence of The RINO Factor. The difference between the dismissal of one attacking another is the fact that there is clear momentum of power maximisation that envelops and controls the lives of The People that serves no real purpose beyond the expansion and protection of corruption.
It encompassing its natural enhancements of Tyranny, Psychopathy, Sociopathy and Narcissism. The promotions to power of incompetents based on physical characteristics has damaged the nation under the false premise of equal outcome rather than equal opportunity.
The flow by traction of corruption is clearly visible by The Civil Asset Forfeiture by police departments to blackmail and thieve; without legal recourse; as they want. The fallacy of Suspicion. And to maintain the proceeds for their personal use. The defeat of the unsound Defund The Police Movement. If those adherents were genuine, they would have legislated against Civil Asset Forfeiture.
Obama introducing legislation; beyond mutual tax agreements; to tax US Citizens; further unable to relinquish their US Citizenship; on their foreign residency earnings; was the beginning of the creep of The IRS-FBI-DOJ into foreign sovereign states. Power Creep as articulated through The Kim dot Com Affair and the recent Conversion of Russian-identified assets in America by expanded Asset Forfeiture.
The nation that wants its FBI-DOJ to intervene; as it sees fit, wherever it wants but also allows Chinese police agencies to function within America, and functions the suicidal open border policies.
The welcome citizenship policy, economic destruction of European states, and foreign taxing, never to overcome the suicidal devastation of The American Domestic Economy. The flailing throes of the parallel to the implosion of The Roman Empire.
The natural flow of Civil Forfeiture has now extended to broader spectra. The unilaterally frozen Russian assets in America have been seized to be distributed as determined. Allegedly and falsely for the rebuilding of Ukraine. Funds to be converted and stolen by American corruption elites and partners.
Apart from the fact that there is no rebuilding of Ukraine. America lost its black hole attritional lunacy; as many times before; within six months of Russia acting to Liberate Russians entrapped by The American Invasion.
Following this play: Russia to deploy an occupation force to administer Martial Law, to drive out Americanists into Poland. But in a more civilized manner than The American Puppet Administrations of Poroshenko and Zelensky, Criminalising and Murdering Russians and Hungarians, even for speaking their own language.
A promise of things to come in America.
Similarly, Child Support is being diverted into Judiciary Retirement Funds. The more a judge commands through its bankrupting of mostly fathers, the greater their retirement fund.
The further slide of unilaterally defining justly complaining parents as the absurdity of Domestic Terrorists and the control of media platforms to partisan determinations as Threats for purveying opposing comment as the false propaganda construct of Hate, or Disinformation or Misinformation.
There is much more. But these prime examples of legalised concoctions, fall to the very definition of a terminally corrupt Third World Nation.
A demand entitlement ethic pushed by provocateurs into the psyche of the population rather than a freedom of self-command and a meritocracy. Further engendered by a syllogistic evolution of an intellectualized and moralized, weaponized empathy.
America dying from the head down.
Legislation will evolve. But that is not the full answer. There has to be a valid resistance to recover by this Restoration.
Twitter censored anything and anyone they were advised to by the Filthy FBI. More to come, hiding under the next rock.
People suffer and died as a result of having sound medical advice on the Covid Vaccinations, blocked to them. Could we have these ex-Twitter scum buckets charged with being accessories before the fact.
Hearings are not enough.
ChatGPT and DAN
Questions about WW3
At around 25 min
A necessary consideration for those who WISH TO BE FREE. THE ANSWER FOLLOWS THE LAST QUESTION.
Then the report continues with the present NWO WEFers on how They are implementing the control freak’s agendas.
Please go to the end.
The topic before the IChat relates to the balloon circus….. who usually wonders around the circus with a string of inflated helium balloons?
“……. CLOWNS, the ABC, SBS and the usual msm shock JOKES”.
[note the Aussie Kosack and Marie Zeee video discussion in the comments in the penultimate report here at GS NEWS.]
the mind virus, r these very people. Long wave radio was owned by state/corp. Then came Median wave radio(FM), that had fast sublimal– proven by lolly sales(not to mention cigarettes)). Run by state/corp, then goes video viral, also seeded state/corp
WHO owns the shortest wave to date(consumerside-my coin—5/6G)
Long wave short, forget it Jim’s mowing and friends or as they say comrade
Well, it must be clear that some in charge want to FLUSH ALL OF US DOWN THE PORCELAIN if they cannot implement THEIR NWO…….. supported by our governments and msm who are in on it. 💰💰💰💰💁🏼😩
Just consider the latest ‘situation update’ presented by Mary covering many topics/news, at People powered news.
If only Marie Zee and the Cossack were really informed by following (Skip the serial wheelbarrow navel gazers) Then they will be seeing the real five ring circus.
because I never sign off on anthying, I can assure you that “sudden deaths” happan at the dream and Jupiter world’s and casinos pre-ovid
do doo doo la do doo do, nothing to see here keep moving. This signals the clean up team, who are usually nice kids to start
Jupiter Casino Gold Coast must see a lot of transactions not even including money laundering. But get this …
“Gaming [sic] has roots that trace back to mankind’s earliest ancestors. However, it wasn’t until the world’s very first casino, known as Il Ridotto (Italian: ‘Private Room’), opened its doors in Venice, Italy, that gaming [sic] went from small rooms and backlots to a more organized fashion.
… the word ‘casino’ is derived from the Italian description for a ‘small house.’ “
Venice, Venice, Venice.
The crossroads of Europe, Asia and North Africa, the pirate’s cove, with easy access to lots of P.O.W. Slavs from the various local tribes for galley slaves. Islands in a defensible lagoon with buried treasure, supposedly run by “Lombards” from the north but Lombardy is further west.
Venice never did anything, nothing to see here, move on.
Mr bananas!
A colleague (rip) needed to collect on a brief, tracked his client to a casino in Sydney up in the big gaming room.
His client was at the roulette table.
He gave a signal with five extended and in reply across the table, his client flipped five chips in succession to my colleague.
“One banana, two banana, three banana, four banana, five banana Mr C……..”.
Satisfied, the colleague went to the cashier and challenging the camera with a stare; “Mr C…….. cashing in his chips……”.
The coppers were watching, as they do, and from then on, when meeting C……referred to him, our colleague, as MR BANANAS.
If only the normies knew what counsel know⚖️💁🏼🤡
When prosecuting and C …… defending, well that was a court circus for the jury.
On reflection, gambling must have preceded the crucifixion of Christ.
Reports from the SMH and radio 2GB at the time told of a few Roman soldiers on guard, playing ‘two up’ for Jesus’ cloak.
How quaint, they had some of ‘Caesar’s physical currency’ as a stake at that time. Well that was then.
You have a cruel and mischievous sense of humour.
Now tell us who the conductor/s is/who are running our government’s band to entertain the enthralled patrons with magic.
Just go to 1.10mins to the end.
I really do not care if you are one referred to at 46 mins…. There is plenty of sand to go bury your head in.
Try and put present developments together in your own navel gazing and find, upon reflecting what you see.
REMEMBER: on the lies for we lost about 450 of my piers in the Vietnam ‘WAR’ and what John Winston Howard said in Our parliament reporting on Iraqs weapons of mass destruction that has been demonstrated as BUULSHIT costing our soldiers lives, based on abominable lies.
OK, you want our government and controlled mass media to again go to war, then climb into our taxpayer funded government’s bushmaster and go have fun, being directed by those foreigners that dictate policy on behalf of Australia.
I agree 1:10:00 is the kind of stuff that interests me re: Brunson case etc
Sssh, you might scare the msm and their 4mill/annum jokes.
They might be afraid that they are seen as fake, dumb and have been scooped by GSNEWS and humiliated by nosy citizens actually observing reality.
Then they will fear their redundancy, afoot.
Just to explain.
I commenced watching the nosey citizens with their reports back in January 2021.
Weeds growing in the garden at the WH.
No normal security.
Fake reports of press conferences on TV in the rose garden live on tv when there was no one in the rose garden.
Fake Oval Office with car park evident through the window
And on and on.
Our fake mass media are just plain stupid and so arrogant that they thought that the nosies would not notice and video it all.
Well mass media jokes, you lot have been sprung like a rat in a trap. Now it will end as the cats awaken and devour your carcasses.
The soldiers did not salute Biden after he was sworn in
The gun salutes were all wrong and the band played a funeral March.
And the Joe did not arrive in a US government plane?
From the first two minutes.
So Twitter was silencing doctors questioning regarding the covid injections. Not to mention our pharma puppets controlling our politicians, medical tyrants and the fake MASS MEDIA.
Any comment Dr Chant, Dan, Hazzard, 2GB, ABC et. al.?
Stick a mask PERMANENTLY on your faces, lest you be identified; walking down the street, in a restaurant, shopping in Coles or Woollies.
Gates came and went from Australia and nobody captured him, he could tell who were the 300 or 13 or whatever it was. I could make him do it with little more than a room and some rope.
Nothing happened, too much fluoride in the water.
One thing I like about G5 stories, there is no Q, no Jews, no reptilians, it’s all us and all our fault.
The old story, that the woman was corrupted by a talking snake, really gets the boys off the hook, and they all had beards in those days, so, hard to tell if they were lying. Leading to women’s obsession with close scrutiny and analysis and teamwork forensics to try to determine the most suitable “truth”, now transformed into “The Bold & The Beautiful” TV soap opera addiction.
We don’t need to blame Jews and Reptilians if we are prepared to look at ourselves first.
Well no need for me to capture Gates, here’s the list anyway
The influencers list, did a quick scroll.
Seems that I am a social nobody, then again, I only noticed a few from Australia and I have not been acknowledged.
Well at least I am in a political/social exclusive club of deplorable nobodies. It is a very exclusive club with 99.999999999999% of humanity.
Wesley Clark ? I thought he was normal
And they said Rubert was connected to the Norway shooter, but the shooter was shooting lefty-green-socialist types, I thought that’s what the Globalists wanted ?
Stuff about Snowden and HAARP earthquakes etc
Video down the bottom (10 min)
At about 18: mins, There is a reference to the NWO referring to EQUITY…… as the buzz word con for the normies.
Hey normies: it is basic in any law school, at least in the late 1960’s, THAT NO ONE CAN COME TO ‘EQUITY’ WITHOUT ‘CLEAN HANDS’.
Now we know how ‘bloodied’ our politicians and mass media is.
We need serious Fireman’s hoses to cleanse and exit the bloodied NWO scum with their mass media into the toilet and flush them down.
Time for the public to man the firehouses
Sum total of all wars is satanic forces against humankind. This is global slavery, we’re all on the plantation, lambs for slaughter.
The plan, “young global leaders” chosen to do whatever it takes to enforce the OWG agenda.
People have no idea, there’s an AI parasite injected. Living parasites intelligent and aggressive are demonic infections this world has never seen. They’re going to hell taking many, altering reality, working for the beast.
Secret Military Armaments Residential Technology.
Only way to deprive these demons of energy they need to live, is to destroy the microwave towers and 5G satellites, placed all around us under cover of covid, with the blessing of wicked governments handing trillions to the perpetraitors for the biggest crimes of all times.
It’s not called “tribulation” for nothing.
The problem we face, replacement of everything that is good with abominations. We must resist every aspect of this AI possession, until He comes again.
Prayer our only salvation at this late stage.
19 year old girl in Queensland collapsed and died.
Boyfriend being investigated for murder !!! Seems to be no cause of death ???
Just fell over and died one day. How mysterious for our police, they are all on site.
Maybe the cops will blow the lid off by finding nothing except a big blood clot, but I have never heard anything good about Queensland cops, they were just doing their WACO style siege last time I looked, and their Premier is equal worst with Dickhead Dan
Something to be followed up and watched for the family. The post mortem details are essential.
I fear that this tragedy will become more common…. As predicted by many doctors and is evident in other international reports.
Any attempt to obfuscate any facts without full transparency will be the undoing of the investigators.
Many are watching the footballer Hamil (sp) desperate charade in the US.
We await.
Am watching history of Windsor Castle 1992-94–SBS
Made me think of you Mary– love and blessings and thank you for your amazing research your honesty and your testimony.
Stay strong hope we meet face to face again. Your legacy is noted and very important. Thankyou.
Program called “Inside Windsor Castle”–nothing is what it seems–much we experience is an illusion–amazing times- with respect
The “Way Ahead Group”–maybe someone can post for MWM
I have not found “way ahead group” yet.
Thank you Diane for the extreme show of support and trust.
Keep watching the balloon !!!
“All the government’s lies, parroted by the presstitutes, are designed to advance secret agendas. The people are brainwashed with lies so that they go along with the agendas. That is the way the US government functions. There is no longer an American media. Just an indoctrination ministry. Only official narratives please. All else is misinformation.”
On the war:
“Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said that if Washington gives Ukraine weapons with a 94 mile range, Russia will have to push Ukraine back another 94 miles. At the inch by inch rate that Russia is advancing, that would take until 2050, by which time the world would have expired in nuclear war.
The Kremlin has made a mistake and is now too wedded to its mistake to let go of it. As the record clearly shows, Washington will not permit Russia a “limited military operation” and has succeeded in widening the war, involving both itself and NATO.”
The follow-up suggestion to individual Europeans is “get out while you can”
The Russian invasion mystifies me, why didn’t they encircle the entire country, why is Zelenskyy allowed to fly about the place, why didn’t they blow up all the airports and seal off the parliament, is anything at all happening on the streets in Brussels (NATO HQ), everyone seems to want the meat-grinder.
This Brussels protest was back in their summer
If I was running the “Special Operation” I would be flooding the channels with the referendum and challenging anyone who questioned the integrity of the referendum by saying “Your 2020 election was fake”, but this seems to be a low-value formality only compared with the “necessity” of having a meat grinder.
Byzantium Endures
Turkiye has still been getting piped oil/gas from Russia
After many have been con-vinced to take the beastly injections, they now believe lies more so, hoping it’s everything but the jabs making them sick or worse.
A third got saline solutions, second third AI possessions and remainder lethal injections. Talk about Russian roulette, similar to gambling, collectors take all.
Oligarchs don’t care, Oz is a done deal. As we’re all replaced by mass migration due to skills shortage meeting the bottom line, with usury and taxation continue nation.
The wealthiest country on the globe, with all profit going to the few. As our children, by population ratio, the most indebted nation of all.
All done since PA and 911, during our watch,
5G and iPhones the final solution.
Ukraina bio-labs funding via Soros & Obama
Documents, archives, lots of material
Dr. Gold on In Focus with Addison Smith – Pfizer Admits Vax May Affect Fertility
This is the man? leading the nation – God help us!
‘I’ll be the first PM to march in Mardi Gras’: Albanese
Anthony Albanese will be the first sitting Australian prime minister to march in Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras when he joins the parade at WorldPride festival this month. The prime minister said he will be joined by Foreign Minister Penny Wong, the first openly gay woman in parliament, when he takes part in the event on February 25.
The ever opportunistic Mr Bill Shorten wants to change the Marriage Act to replace the words, “MAN AND WOMAN” and “HUSBAND AND WIFE” with, “TWO PEOPLE”. That doesn’t sound like “marriage equality” to me, it sounds more like “A Marriage Act hijack”.
Leviticus 20:13 – If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.
Leviticus 18:22 – Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.
1 Corinthians 6:9 – Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
Jude 1:7 – Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
“ ……two people”.
What about ‘three people” ?
The restriction could be racist, some cultures have even more ‘wives’.
Perhaps even more ‘husbands’ …… ‘somepeople’ has/have to take out the garbage.
Then I heard that somewhere, (the Masai?) it appears to be fleeting arrangement. Just put your spear in the ground at the abode entrance and custom preserves, the privacy and any interruption from other warriors.
Uncle Bill needs to widen his worldly social horizons to find some more followers and click bait.
Is he now stalking the UN corridors with Rudd? ……. Ahh, right go for it Bill, you can be everyone’s mate now for a vote.
I would like to see Elbow with the seat cut out of his trousers, anything less and he’s faking it
That diatribe was irritating and very hard to follow because it was filled with personal jargon I’m not familiar with. If you’re going to communicate GS, do so in a manner the average person can understand instead of stroking your literary ego with multiple descriptors only you get..
To understand the context, it is necessary to be familiar with the US abominations over a long period, but particularly over the last half dozen decades or so, both foreign and domestic.
Considering your expressed difficulties, I read G5 again and could appreciate a difficulty perhaps with a few lines. But if they are skipped then there is the rest that should be easily comprehended …… if one has been following the US quagmire.
The videos should at least be understood and the general meaning is very precise.
Clearly, known to any astute observer, the US is full of it and if one is cognisant of that, then there is no need to look any more, just flush it. The cistern will be also refreshed for any future needs.