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G5 Information Report. 25.01.09:
A legal system can survive those who challenge the prosecutors, but it cannot survive if the challengers are prosecuted.
No one is above law is an amusing conundrum. Which true history has proven a fallacy among the greatest. Innocents are convicted and guilty released. Reality distorted by obtuse by rote rules of evidence and manipulated precedent and the manic determined lack of common sense, thrown to the wind of agenda.
Not any balance, with avenues of appeal institutionally protective of the recidivism. The ridiculous Roman trial by ordeal repackaged to appear relevant. The best and only we have. Design another. Not a science. Not an art. A social presumptive.
The law is above all, is a state of mind. Medication may assist. Clearly reading history through tinted glasses has not enlightened the religion, or its captured acolytes.
Trillions and the Amish
American Unfunded Liabilities is approaching $226 trillion. It is not the $36 trillion advertised. Which is just The Foreign Debt component. America is domestically destroyed by $190 trillion. Caused by government waste and insane agenda driven gross economic mismanagement destroying the domestic economy.
Economics 101 delivers Keynesian and Phillips Curves. They are not opinions.
The price when empowerment is handed to those with malintent. America, Canada, The EU, and now The UK on the same path to devastation. Add Australia and New Zealand into the same government directed trough. The American GDP in 2023 was $27.36 trillion.
The Biden actor just signed an executive order banning offshore drilling for America in 625 million ocean acres, bordering America. America cannot survive on The Green Steal buying oil quietly from Venezuela (Russia) and Iran (Russia). As I have advised. No one else would supply them.
Biden fist bumping MSB, as cringe as watching Obama bow to Faisal as head Muslim. Give us a break.
The failed efforts of the insane to use the 14th, Amendment to block Trump from office. Ninety-four junk indictments, destroying the remaining threads of the credibility of the religion of law, serving nothing.
The adults proudly and rightly wearing shirts with: ‘I voted for The Felon’.
The Amish not only voting for the first time, but contravening the FEMA act of bastardry in North Carolina: sent teams building 12 houses every 48 hours at a cost; which the Amish bore; of $25,000 per house. Ordered by courts to stop; the Amish continued with the mission they understood. Children now having shelter and people who lost all, having a home from which to recommence their lives.
FEMA’s resources having been delivered into the pockets of government and representative allies through the fraud of Ukraine. Recall fires in California and the Maui devastation by the same filth.
Add the current oil and gas insanity to; The Tupi Fields, The blocked pipeline from Canada, The Canadian Oil Sands, and the blocking of The Bakken Fields, and it is now guaranteed that Trump must revisit all the insane Biden executive orders as non compos derived under the 25th. Amendment.
America is permanently destroyed otherwise.
Such is the level of petulant Commo-Fascist dumocratic tyranny on the back of a national election, moving in the opposite direction to socio-economically save America. This will force the revisit of all Biden documents, including approvals, vetoes, appointments, and pardons.
America is destroyed otherwise, as it would have been if airhead Harris and clown Waltz were voted to office. The Dumocrats LOST The Election. They don’t get to place barricades to guarantee the destruction of America. The minuscule minority of noisy, empowered, ignorant and arrogant, do not get to destroy the lives of all they can.
SCOTUS Thomas must review the mental competence of Biden and the ability of any subsequent actor, or America is destroyed by whim. Roberts is owned by The FBI Epstein Files. He is due to retire with two other SCOTUS clowns.
What occurred since the frauded elections of 2020 and 2022 needs to be maintained silent from those disabled by American propaganda and trust in that which deserves none. Gently to the fore.
Interestingly as Biden had invented the Anita Hill lie, to destroy Thomas’ ascension to SCOTUS, in the Congressional Hearing stage of that nomination. The same as Biden invented the Blasey-Ford lie to attempt to block Kavanaugh. The Carroll-James-Merchan lie against Trump also in need of correction.
Adults have grown tired of the bimbo parades of protected actors. NO. It is NOT TRUE because SHE SAID.
If there is fire where there is smoke, look for the arsonist.
Dogs and Leads
If you have collaborative authority addiction: buy a dog and a lead. Put the lead around your neck and do everything your dog tells you. Otherwise: leave the sane alone.
Mark Houck was raided in the night; guns drawn with FBI flaps screaming, domestic terrorist. Effectively because as a Christian he knows that infanticide is not a women’s right. He, his wife, and seven children were dragged out of bed with guns in their faces, by screaming psychopaths.
Clearly that tyrannical behaviour and belief system needs adjustment. Preferably in public and with baseball bats. As history would demand.
NO. NO. Do not give me The Nuremberg Defence. When narcissistic psychopathy adopted The Zimbardo and Stockholm Syndromes; all those defences went out the window.
Government Actors
Houck is suing the FBI and DOJ for $4.35 million. I would suggest at least one preferably two zeros after that number and to drag Wray and Garland personally into what they have done.
Brian Malinowski was murdered by ATF psychopaths raiding his home in the night. Because he allegedly sold a gun without having a dealer’s licence. WHICH HE WAS NOT OBLIGED TO HAVE.
So we have The ATF defining shoulder stocks and assault rifles; which they can’t even identify; and are not authorized to make such regulatory calls; out there murdering people for not complying with their unlawful and irrational decisions.
What about calling out the individual ATF clowns and making them personally liable.
Government would fall if pubic servants were questioned. Really. What government and for what purpose, and what are whistle-blowers?
All of which only confirms the malintent of individual actors, and their personal liability. No hiding behind The Team. That cloud and charade was never appointed to office. Be advised, and be personally responsible. Otherwise government falls.
Trump has told the federal education department that they are gone. Patel told The FBI that the J.Edgar Hoover Building with its 7,000 arsewipes, is closed for business.
Pelosi was inside traded into VISA on the day of listing. She was out the day before Visa was to be involved in a Congressional inquiry. Coincidence and really smart trading by hubby Paul. At least when he is not marauding the gay bars of San Fran.
So we have government departments and agencies attempting to have obedient compliance by The People for government psychopathic authority insanities.
None of this government activity, and very much more, should ever be tolerated.
As The CIA formed ALL the Islamic terrorist groups, from The Mujahideen to Hamas, so too The FBI formed The Proud Boys to saddle onto Trump, as a right wing extremist. Heard that drivelled by propaganda media.
BLM, Antifa, Proud Boys etc. are inventions of American government agencies.
As I have warned about: Q, Anon, 107 etc.
Schiff, Pelosi, Liz Cheney, and HRC are on the pretend Biden’s pardon list.
We will see, and if Biden arsewipe holds.
As Mayorkas has been caught with his criminal activity concerning the Rio Border and the drug cartels and attempts to murder Trump with his Secret Service; so too Wray has been caught with The J6 Affair (‘Stop The Steal’). Apart from being directly involved with the Trump murder attempts.
Even the raid on Mar-a-Lago with Wray’s sickos playing with Melania’s underwear.
The files concerning The FBI and J6 have been delivered to Representative Chip Roy. All communications, all photographs and all names.
Good old intel always on the mark. The International Intel Community of the highly experienced, sane, aged and inactive, is such a bitch.
Worse still: East and West actually talk to each other. Prevents political self-enrichment, aggrandisement engagements and even wars. I knew there was a reason we are not permitted to retire or resign.
The reason Peter Wright of the Paul Greengrass Paul Hamlyn 1987 ‘Spycatcher’ book was not chased by SIS; apart from the fake theatre of Turnbull (I was personally there at the time) and Kinnock and Thatcher; was because that book; so loved by the deeply uninformed middle class omphaloskeptics; was total garbage.
Wright was the maintained expert dufus of SIS. If the wrong answer was sought, Wright was sent in. As occurred with the initial outings of the Victor Rothschild (whom I knew personally) Stewart Menzies, Cambridge Ring.
Wright delivered his mental effluvia to Macmillan, on script.
As I have advised, if real answers were required; the great Helenus Milmo was sent in.
In a past era of Cold War; for example; field operatives would pass each other in hallways and in the field. Obeying instructions instead of sanity, we would all be dead today. And for what purpose.
Performing as required, for a good, often in common ground, for joint interest.
The FBI as deluded as HRC and her email cesspit, thought it deep sixed everything uncomfortable to itself concerning J6, by lying about subpoenas, alleged ongoing investigations, and in testimony under oath. Voila.
The old hacks of intel delivered the contents of the Hunter Laptop, The Epstein Files, The HRC deleted 33,000 plus emails, The J6 Files, The IRS Files, The P Diddy Files etc.
The two main divisions were the clueless order giver desk jockeys, and the field operatives. I straddled both by being a seconded analyst and young and adventurous enough to rough field operations.
Even the pictures of the two white painted busses at Union Station DC collecting the FBI operatives deployed on J6, have been delivered.
The entire J6 was an FBI operation. As were the murder attempts on Trump.
It will all be released; pardoned or not.
Should dumocrats throw these clowns under the bus or attempt to protect them, thereby linking without plausible denial.
Hunter allegedly pardoned confirms he and his father and uncle were involved in all suggested.
Trudeau — PAYOUT
The Casttradeu payout exposure is cited by REAL MARY in her commentary at WTPN SITUATION UPDATE ON 7/1.
http://www.beforeitsnews.com. – people powered news.
But it was not the real reason he resigned, it was because; ‘Trump was mean to him’.💁🤪
Anyhow, by now readers in denial should at last listen to all of REAL MARY’s commentary and NOT REAL news references.
Australia and Canada reported as still being mere puppets in one report. Hoover
HOWEVER, we can only hope what has just happened in Canada WILL HAPPEN TO OUR LOT…. As also in Germany and France plus to a few globalists.
A reminder of our evil mass media is clear from the short summary of the way Jimmy Seville was not exposed by the evil media, but KNOWN TO EVERYONE IN THE UK.
Same media cover-ups here. The evil mass media is stuffed or are you going to be complicit and turn it on OR WAKE UP BY LISTENING TO ALL OF REAL MARY AND CARE ABOUT OUR SOCIETY?
The Hollywood names are typical evil society snakes….
They are all going down, what side are readers on. JUSTICE OR NOT? Your choice defines you and ignoring reality exposes you, either way!
5.42 PM
Should be ……NOTE real news references’.
BTW: the record here exposes many —. for the record!🙀💁
Biden, who wrote the book “On the threshold of the NWO” should be tried for treason. He is the worst president ever, a weapon of national destruction installed by the elite. Does he care?
He lies that he has nothing to do with CCP, yet his family has pocketed millions, with the ultimate pardon being his partner in crime son Hunter. America’s decline is because it’s run by perverts, the agenda normalise pedophilia to gain acceptance that children are sexual beings – which they are not!
Oz is loaded with rock spiders, who roam free, a protected species in the urban wilderness where predators are praised and victims punished.
Discourse on rock spiders
“America’s decline is because it’s run by perverts”
All over the world people keep voting for them
Wow, what a story. The parasites mentioned are those that organise our lives, be they politicians or their advisors and mates. And it would seem it is the same the world over.
These are the same creatures that “pass legislation” to control us the innocent ordinary citizen.
For Ned from Aishe Spark– I met Judy Byington in 2016 Oaklands California
Author of 22 Faces—-
G5 we have a similar way of gathering information– random somewhat cryptic but real. As Fiona Barnett says we have done our homework.
“Trillions and the Amish”— resonates – Fritz Springmeier speaks of this links with AA
This too– “Victor Rothschild Stewart Menzies Cambridge Ring”- I believe I used to visit Victor Rothschild’s House along with Churchill and my Grandmother. His Butler and Head of House’s son married into the family and later travelled to Australia with my family –they settled in Brisbane and were told to never return to England.
“The reason Peter Wright of the Paul Greengrass Paul Hamlyn 1987 ‘Spycatcher’ book was not chased by SIS; apart from the fake theatre of Turnbull (I was personally there at the time) and Kinnock and Thatcher; was because that book; so loved by the deeply uninformed middle class omphaloskeptics; was total garbage.
Wright was the maintained expert dufus of SIS. If the wrong answer was sought, Wright was sent in. As occurred with the initial outings of the Victor Rothschild (whom I knew personally) Stewart Menzies, Cambridge Ring.”
The poor normies will not take heed of Judy Byington as summarised daily by the REAL MARY.
Thank you for putting up that link that may get one or two to take the time to recognise the reality at their feet and THINK: should ‘I’ help or just sleep, as ‘I’ do not care.
10.05 AM
Focus on Australia- get pencil and paper together and connect the dots.
Thank you Glen Fisher
Listen to Us –we’re talking to you
Bless you Lawrance
Mind boggling dirt
Does that mean you are surprised?
Much of this was in the periphery of my knowledge from the mid 1970’s
However, their are no surprises.
The report is a bit dated.
Remember what Trump, supported by the military, as COMMANDER OF CHIEF HAS SAID:
Going to be fun!
8.26 AM
Lt’ Col’ (ret) Ricardo Bosi has been covering the coming consequences for a few years,
Knock knock🔥💁⚖️
More in Bosi at 11.57 below.
‘…….. IN CHIEF..’
Joe, as for your boggled’ mind🙀
If you only knew who allegedly was the ‘master of ceremony’ in the Bathurst town hall in the mid 80’s was, then every AUSTRALIAN sports fan in the country would be ‘Boggled’ and actually lose their minds. HE WAS NOT A RUGBY UNION FELLOW. He is dead!
10.40 AM
I struggle to believe a person could get away with a smirk like that
Does that suggest you are a boggled struggler🤷♂️
COVID ambassador Brett Sutton is now director of GMO mosquitoes
What could possibly go wrong !!!
CSIRO says it all, sister bio-labs Geelong Wuhan extending global.
Sutton from Serco Pilgrim skool of brainwashing. They hooked us with screens, now they’re in our brains. Who says the devil doesn’t exist?
Aaron Maté : The FBI and Russia.
Interesting in depth discussion for those interested in the GSM.
Still Heading Towards G S M / Solar Cycle 25 still considered weak.
This is the video referred to
Watching the Sun: 45 years of satellite data (Video)-October 29 2024
How has the Sun’s energy changed over the last 45 years?
From the bot
Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) refers to the total amount of solar radiation received at the top of the Earth’s atmosphere, measured over all wavelengths per unit area. Initially thought to be a constant, TSI is now recognized for its variability, influenced by factors such as solar cycles and atmospheric conditions. This measurement is crucial for understanding the Earth’s climate system, as it directly impacts global temperatures and weather patterns.The Total Irradiance Monitor (TIM) plays a vital role in measuring TSI, providing long-term data essential for climate research. By monitoring the radiant energy that powers the Earth’s climate, scientists can better understand solar contributions to climate change. The ongoing analysis of TSI data helps clarify the relationship between solar activity and climate variability.In summary, TSI is a fundamental parameter in climate science, offering insights into how solar energy influences the Earth’s environment and climate dynamics. Understanding TSI is key to addressing climate change and its impacts.
Now I wonder why I bother, but I will give the normies some ideas as to how to cope and I will defer to Australian ex military officer:
I will refer to his recent video interview in or about 3/1/25. I have previously referred to this interview.
That is why the mass media IGNORES AND VILIFIES A1 and BOSI – think! you are not allowed by the lying fake mass media and the Australian Bullshit Corporation to be awakened and chuck out our ‘TREASONOUS’ politicians, (note Bosi wants TREASON TO BE A CRIMINAL OFFENCE)
So I went to the Australia1 site and found a link to channel 17. At Sunnysjournal.com
Subject for the attention of our beloved normies.
Soldiers suffer it, so too can civilians in domestic situations.
(💁🙀 a ‘boggled mind’?)
Need I detail the interview? No, I have other matters to attend to and I heard it early in January and I am not a psychiatrist.
But we ‘abnormals’ and awakened conspiracy realists are required to give the normies a chance, we were all normies in the past.
All the best. 🙏
11.57 AM
Well, ‘I’ll be boggled!’ 🙀
Could be that Oz and NZ could be on the list?. About 24 mins.
3.17 PM
There’s some real estate brainpower at the top of the pyramid.
He wants to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America and make the great state of Canada into the 51st state of the union. Next he might say the Pacific Ocean is part of America up to the Chinese mainland high tide line. It will be great for the MIC sinking all that ww2 era stuff.
Pity that you apparently ignored the real reason suggested.
Too boggling for you?
Provocations or complaints aside here is your link:
There is no point everyone conforming to one set of beliefs.
I try not to believe anything. For convenience I press “pause” on Zion and WarpSpeed. SCOTUS has been a total disappointment.
I do think the Evergiven boat was involved in trafficking but my question would be where are all these supposed rescued kids now. I would guess stripped of kidneys etc and in mass graves.
There are charlatans like Charlie Ward stirring the pot, who I have no time for, NesaraGesara appears to be a complete hoax. We have heard for years about the 3-day blackout, if it doesn’t happen this month it probably will never happen.
Applies to everything: where is the evidence ? Hearsay is hearsay. Evidence is evidence.
The 4 short clips I posted below are by an ex-policewoman who says she had her clothes ripped off in the police station sorry I can’t remember the details. She is a great communicator.
My point was, did you even note the alleged real reason. There is no requirement that one should believe the ‘real’ reason. The ‘real’ is in the author’s headline.
It is not a matter of believing everything for convenience, it is a matter of knowing that someone else has a point of view….. as far out as it may appear. History is full of corrections.
Some people say that the world is not presented with a globe. Well matter for them, but worth being aware of that belief.
History is full of CORRECTION OF BELIEF BUT ONE MUST KNOW WHAT BELIEF IS, THAT IS TO BE CONSIDERED/CORRECTED, belief is the horse, correction is the cart.
8.45 AM
That’s a big spaghetti, my horse doesn’t like spaghetti
Before ‘conforming’ to one side of beliefs, surely one cannot consider ‘conforming’ or not unless a side of beliefs is ‘known’. And considered
I don’t think Oz needs to be on the list. That operation succeeded many years ago, thanks to our gutless politicians.
If you think about it, that was probably why myself with others were sent to Vietnam by the Cur Robert Menzies with many others sent to other theatres since. Not one war of that period had anything to do with Australia or its safety.
Port Arthur
For MM
Joe, unfortunately even with my hearing aids in and volume right up I couldn’t make out what “babymayo” was saying.
Well you are missing out on some very good original material.
There is a volume slider on the screen lower right of the picture.
Well as usual the naysayers, normies, shills and distractors are on the job for years here.
Nevertheless, for all new readers coming to gumshoe, commentaries may be taken with spoon of salt. I give some information from many sources and it is ignored.
New readers need to have the mind ‘boggled’ even more than matters referred to above.
So go to:
httlp://www.beforeitsnews.com. – people powered news and listen to the usual commentary by Real MARY AT HER situation update , WTPN ON 8/ 1/25 and really listen as you consider all the mass media lies you have accepted.
My first note on the broadcast were to listen for first 20 mins, but hearing the rest to the end, I SINCERELY SUGGEST THAT YOU LISTEN TO THE END WHERE A SHORT VIDEO TELLS YOU ABOUT YOU THAT IMMINENT FINANCIAL PROBLEMS MAY BE RESOLVED. That is a matter that I have treated with suspicion but I am
Less reserved on that assessment at this time..
Till then, there is disturbing material, but face it, much I know about as it has developed since January 2021.
To prepare you on one matter, reports are that there have been executions following military tribunals and H C WAS EXECUTED YEARS AGO.
Worse is, that the Nazis continued their experiments when transferred to the US after WW11.
Beware of commentaries from the uninformed and those who clearly have no f’n clue and refuse to have followed.
Just relax, in any case, there is nothing you can do anyway.
8.42 PM.
At last some common sense, Philomena Cunk takes on the know-all git with fake hair about his large Hadron Colander, Quantum McPhysics and death of the universe
What a hoot.Talk about taking the mickey.Especially effective with someone with absolutely no sense of humour.
Thanks Joe
Maybe philomena could interview Ned et al or visa versa
In confidence, I can be contacted via Dee.
Our home and native land.
Joe, want to look at and consider the other side of the evidence showing that the ABC and the globaliis’s mass media sucking in the Normies again.
Before you start considering, think of the mass media lies about the destruction on MAUI. That’s where I started and now; FANCY THAT.
Listen to Tony at:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
POOR MASS MEDIA, they are seriously and serially STUPI D — OR JUST LYING FAKES.
12.21P M
Heaps more real stuff with Alex Jones at beforeitsnews.com under the title Alex Jones exposes the secret etc.
With him are about another three video reports.
No doubt the ABC, SBS, mass globalist freak controllers of our mass media and their shock jokes WILL NOT TELL YOU THE TRUTH ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS ‘FALSE FLAG’ WRITTEN ALL OVER IT.
If anyone cannot realise that, then I have a beautiful now vacant block of land to sell you in LAS Angeles. CHEAP!
And what do we have from Joe below, do not inspect and check it out, just ago visit Burma. 💁🤪🤪🤪🍿
1.46 P M
And now Dianne🤪
I thought you were addressing the uneducated normies
Do not presume my methods – as I know yours. and Dianne will realise in due course.
You still have about four distractions to go below.
What are my methods
It’s getting spooky
For all with a brain to observe.
Getting SPOOKEY!
Indeed, my reply here has not appeared and the comment at the present end has spooked someone as well.
The poor didums are nervy?
Boring bastards!
Now both have just appeared🙀🤪
Who was that who recently said “because I’ve got a brain”
Aha it was that fellow Keating
re: No-one is above the law
No-one is even within the law in Myanmar anymore, I had heard about people being trafficked to “scam centres” but I didn’t know how normal it was. Also apparently you can see it all happening across the river if you are in Mae Sot in Thailand.
It seems the Burmese army will never be able to retake all of Myanmar, one wonders why they are trying, the place seems to be in almost complete anarchy, presumably the army sees it as an opportunity for multiple Gaza style clear-outs.
That is mind-boggling about the Amish and the courts in the G5 story. Re 25th amendment and Biden’s Non Compus Mentis we have the same problem with Elbow in Canberra. Elbow, AG Doofus and finance monster Katy G. ran amok with stoopid Globalist agendas and now paying the price. Probably the entire term wasted and nothing constructive achieved, a $300 handout to compensate for the energy fiasco raising prices by $1000, everybody hates Elbow now.
One way to guarantee a better performance would be to demand a PM win a second election, if he doesn’t he should be cut off from all perks of office such as lifetime full-pay pensions. Then he should have to go to court and argue why he should not be executed by firing squad. We would hear some pretty good excuses coming out.
OK here is Trump and Melania happily shaking hands with Pence
Michael Obama is a no-show and Hillary looks reasonably convincing though I haven’t given the subject much scrutiny
(2 min)
I see commenter Ned is hungry for more ASEAN news –
Thai household debt exceeds GDP
Everyone in Laos has had new pickup trucks for quite a while already and where does the GDP come from in Laos ?
The bot says: “The country’s economy is primarily driven by exports, including wood products, electricity, coffee, tin, copper, gold, and cassava. Despite a robust average growth rate of over 7% from 1985 to 2019, Laos is currently grappling with economic issues, prompting calls for urgent reforms from the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party. Health expenditure as a share of GDP has also seen an increase, reflecting a growing focus on public health.”
Looks like Rockerfellas are getting their hooks in before it gets too urgent. The bot does not mention tourist poisoning via home cooked distillations.
“Schiff, Pelosi, Liz Cheney, and HRC are on the pretend Biden’s pardon list.”
The reason why Trump made some type of threats against Pence on the day of J6 should be that he would not have known the capitol was surrounded by DeepState actors.
The cowardly SCOTUS should have acted, ignoring the law is for them the same as breaking it. I see Loy Brunson in some video about recent statement about progress, I didn’t look at it, there’s nothing here:
Imagine if the gutless SCOTUS pulled their finger out in a month or two and a bunch of senators and congress got thrown in jail
“At the same time protests began by the all-male population of the detention centre on Manus Island due to claims not being processed. To complicate matters, the men sent to Manus Island were told by Australians that people in PNG were all cannibals and the local population on Manus were told that the prisoners sent to Manus Island were all terrorists. Not ideal conditions for a successful forced resettlement. Despite all the warnings that violence was expected, nothing was done.
On 16 February 2014, local people and employees of the centre launched an attack. In the early hours of 17 February, Reza Barati was beaten to death. Sixty-two of the approximately 200 injured men were carried out to a pre-prepared area near the barge used for staff accommodation. At least four had permanent injuries including loss of an eye and an acquired brain injury. Other injuries included broken limbs, facial injuries, machete and gunshot wounds.
The contractors G4S and Salvation Army were replaced by Transfield (later to be renamed Broadspectrum) and Wilson Security. The compounds had military names like Bravo, Charlie, Mike, Delta, Foxtrot and Oscar. Mike, Oscar, Foxtrot and Delta were the main accommodation compounds where bunk beds were crammed in, raw sewage flowed between compounds at high tide when it rained and diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and typhoid were endemic.
Likewise on Nauru there were protests against the torrid conditions where black mould was so thick, it sparked a senate inquiry in Australia. The tents in RPC 3 were for families and single women. Showers were limited to two minutes and guards offered longer showers to women if they could watch them. Rape and rape threats were common on both Manus and Nauru.
The last boats to arrive with people sent to Nauru, arrived in June 2014. On 22 June, Sayed Ibrahim Hussein drowned off Nauru. On 5 September, Hamid Khazaei died from a lack of timely and appropriate medical treatment from sepsis in a cut foot – evacuated too late to Brisbane.
On 26 September 2014, Morrison signed a $40 million deal with Cambodia for that country to resettle refugees from Nauru.
In November 2014, the Human Rights Commission released the Forgotten Children report written from evidence Gillian Triggs had obtained while visiting people detained on Christmas Island. The last group of asylum-seekers were sent to Nauru.
In December 2014, Morrison made a deal to remove the children and families from Christmas Island in order to end permanent protection visas and bring in Temporary Protection Visas (TPVs) and Safe Haven Enterprise Visas (SHEVs). These people became part of the legacy caseload and the processing of their claims was excruciatingly slow in Australia. Later, it was found that Morrison had sat on reports of child abuse on Nauru and did nothing.”
“Nobody is above the law”
Well that’s just one one those ridiculous linguistic control mechanism’s and by any measure is not true. I’m way above the law and can not be controlled by such methods. I’m pragmatic though, so will not go head to head with the “long arm”.
Like you I am far far from perfect, but if compared to such a corrupted mechanism as law, its night and day.
My aim and I trust is yours, is only to be decent. We will never have a perfect world and I don’t expect one. However, from our position currently, it could look like one.
I trust you “nobodies” more than I ever have. I don’t have less trust in the “somebodies” and want to be’s, as I always considered them scum by their consistent actions.
This weeks latest ‘FALSE FLAG’ blame God💁 destruction and killing was carried out in Los Angeles.
HEY LOOK HERE NOT THERE….. We are your friends💁 BS – 🧨
For more on the fire and idiot greenies, wokies and agenda politicians just listen for the opening 90 seconds of real Mary’s WTPN situation update at :
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
I will not bother to report any other goodies that Real Mary may cover…. You have to do something yourselves JUST TURN OFF THE TELLIESVISION,.
5.31 PM
For God’s sake NORMIES.
There is so much exposed by others in the REAL MARY SITUATION UPDATE OF THE 8th January 2025, referred to above, that those who cannot see it are basically past stupid and ignorant .
I was not going to say anything, but see the list of the characters BURNT OUT AND THE GETTY MUSEUM. Did you not read reports way back ion the findings in The nine or so floors under that place. If not WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN… RIGHT, WATCHING ABC AND LYING FAKE MASS TELLIESVISION OR DELIBERATELY BEING A DISTRACTING SHOLL?
Just for Joseph note from about 1.02 mins on mate Thor. He states where to find evidence from where the drones originated.
Better think up another half dozen links on Burma, try something on Madagascar.
Mm, do you have another legal philosophical treatise on some fascinating subject ready to post?
The 21st is going to be a fun day: knock knock⚖️
6.44 PM. (Note that Mr censor)
Yes here it is. Trump said 5 years ago he lined everything up for Governor Newsom to have a pipeline for water from Oregon or Washington and it was all ready to happen and Newsom blocked it, Trump said CALIFORNIA WOULD HAVE HAD UNLIMITED WATER and now there is no water even the fire hydrants do not work. It therefore seems Newsom was part of the plan to burn Hollywood. Only someone as stoopid as Elbow would try these stunts, Newsom must be even dumber than Elbow, it’s like a world record olympics of stoopid governators trying to do insane Globalist jobs and then the public stoopids just stand by slack-jawed as these mass murdering traitor criminals are revolving-doored into some private sector dream job.
Hey, so you with that Terry fellow want my ‘GS old grumpy TROPHY’
Your on!
The ‘inane stupid’ contestants can run their own race against the ABC, mass media and a assortment of it’s shock jokes.
From my reading the inane stupids better lift their game. Today’s spread pages on the fires in the Saturday daily Telegraph put it’ writers yards ahead for importantly stupid.
Although the map published is USEFUL as to the areas and geography that helps to support STUPID AND IGNORANT compared to what we have here at GS.
I will send a photograph of it to Dee soon.
The reality of powering electric-vehicles
“How the Israel lobby fueled the rise of Britain’s top anti-Muslim chaos agent” by David Miller
Who is “Tommy Robinson” and what do his backers want?
Azra Dale
Jan 10, 2025
A radicalized IDF sees all Palestinians as terrorists
Seymour Hersh
Jan 10, 2025
Not funny how it goes round and round. I don’t have the cure, but a dose of historical reality goes a long way. Well historical from a young point of view, first hand. Of course there is a progression of an era, but some struggle with just yesterday. Much I have seen or nobody is above Mujahideen
yes we have always KNOWN Simon -a fellow traveller –
we meet the people we need to meet to do the work we agreed to do on another plane travelling with you in spirit -fragmented but not broken
Yes always more to learn from those we are about to meet
important message for those who know about the frequencies needed for telecommunication
Pastor Paul explained about Vimeo during the trial
Los Angeles Wildfires Cause Known: Communism, DEI & PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE
Officials say they “just don’t know” why notorious pedo Tom Hanks mansion did not burn down along with the rest of them
Maybe his assets were save by the surrounding trees or just luck🤪🔥💁
Planning, as with Newsom’s water shortage
Water shortage was known years ago as the San Joaquin Valley farmers could not get enough water for their almond trees when everyone started drinking almond milk.
“They don’t care!” Jeffrey Sachs on US approach to Civilian Deaths in Gaza and Ukraine
SGAnon the next phase on Chanel 17 at:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
Elspeth, yes it is SH anon not known to you🙀🤪 so give him a miss. For Joseph and all the other keen readers who want to think some things out, SG is well worth a listen.
Note reference to the Getty museum. Where did I notice some other reference🙀
Especially for thors mate Joe, Area 51 comes up again. Remember Joe. Real Mary deals with him at 1.O2 and you surely would have noted that as curiou from your Burma sojourn.
Anyway, I still have more of SG to go….. oh and he has not forgotten Q and that 38🤪 just coincidences… 💁🙀
About 9.02
Nice choir at the end: holy shit, they caught us⚖️💁👻⛓️
10.26 pm
Is it better than this one
around 40 minutes for a few minutes
All SG’s words are worth listening to and considering
The Meleki interview is all MELEKI FROM MEMORY and commended TO ALL.
I referred readers to it in the last week or so. I think that one resulted in Elsspeth being again inane.
10.28 A M
Jim willie situation update on it for first 20 mins.
Streets blocked 30 mins before lit and other stuff.
Where will the 1928 Olympic Games be held? 💁🤪$$&&&&&&&&&
He has a marvelous definition/s of STUPID🤪
at http:// http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news
Time: bedtime!
1928 Olympics were in Ampsterdamn, must have been small scale
The ALP front bench ripped into the shadow treasurer for less
1932 LA during the depression, included media (warm-up)
1916 Berlin ( cancelled )
1920 Brussels
1924 Paris
1912 “the Swedish masterpiece”
1908 Britain, cancelled the US winner because they beat the British
1904 St. Louis, first medals, first Africans
1900 Paris World’s Fair
Only one modern Olympics has ever counted, the rest were nothing
Yea OK.
Bing nibbled can be distracting.
Thailand heading for ice-age
Climate experts baffled and in denial
Straight from togoda GPT
“There is no credible evidence to suggest that George Soros is the father of Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. Albanese, often referred to as “Albo” or “Elbow,” has a well-documented personal history that does not include any connection to Soros. Born in Sydney in 1963, Albanese was raised by a single mother, Maryanne Albanese, and has spoken publicly about his search for his biological father, whom he met later in life.Albanese’s political career has been marked by his commitment to social justice and progressive policies, often emphasizing the need for strong leadership in Australia. He has been vocal about various issues, including climate change and economic inequality, and has called for accountability from the current government.While both figures are prominent in their respective fields, any claims linking Soros to Albanese’s paternity are unfounded and should be approached with skepticism.”
Conservative / far right extremist Meloni
“The dizzying pace of geopolitical upheaval and the existential dread of climate breakdown can make us feel powerless. Yet while we cannot stop the acceleration of history, we can assert agency within it. Things will not—and cannot—stay the same.
Without vast, coordinated efforts to dismantle the structures of domination, oppression, and accumulation that define our world, things will get worse. But in this age of uncertainty, the collective actions of people and their organisations matter profoundly.
Here we find our task for 2025 as the Progressive International: to deepen, strengthen and connect those democratic efforts so that no matter how our planet changes, we are able to live with security and dignity on it.
In solidarity,
The Progressive International Secretariat”
Palisades Fire: Evidence of DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS
Jan 11, 2025
Here is a compilation of all the evidence I could find that indicate the California Palisades fire was NOT natural, but the result of a coordinated Directed Energy Weapons attack.
I offer this, without commentary, decide for yourselves.
Dr Judy Woods with 911 commentary re “toasted cars”
Odd 3am security footage
Palisades before and after aerial shots-blue roofed houses not saved.Photo following does indeed look like a DEW.
Again cars surrounded by molten metal.
Dane Wigington discussing DEWs.Defence secretary Mark Esper discusses.
I refer above to today’s Saturday Telegraph in Sydney and forecast sending a good geographical plan of L.A. Locating FOUR DIFFERENT FIRED LOCATIONS.
I also note the front page photograph of one devastated area.
I hope that Dee will manage to post both photographs.
I have two observations of the dumbos of the Tele and it’s running DOGS.
There was no mention of some similarities with the fire and murder of residents of Maui and the LAND GRAB.
The front page of the Tele depicts streets of devastated premises destroyed in 100m/hr winds.
Dear Telegraph editors, do you think we are so stupid that we have not noticed the rows of trees in the streets? Just like as in Maui – DOH💁
Then the Editors put in our face a handy street and location map with a double page spread showing FOUR separate areas of destruction.
DEAR DUMB PATSYVJOURNALISTS, have you know idea of the only feasible method used to destroy THE area of Maui. No! Then get off your arses. YOU CLOTS WILL NOT HAVE A JOB SOON🤪
On second thoughts keep shoveling your bullshit deeper, as Q has stated, ‘Why stop an enemy that is destroying itself”?
GOOD WORK! carry on!
11.50 AM
I noted a report at
whatreallyhappened.com that there are satellite images showing that three fires started at the same time.
Also there are heaps of other reports on STUPID GREEN CALIFORNIA….. unreal stupidity, and our greens, teals et.al want us to be in the same furnace.
One good report very is From a Aussie reporting THAT EVs ARE USELESS. Think on that in a similar situation in Australia if government proceeds on its agenda, as in LA with so many EVs. Streets blocked… Doh, compared with a spare Jerry can or two of petrol or diesel v ….. a BATTERY!🙀💁 and power lines down.
Our politicians are just plane stupid and so is the ABC et.al.
And those dumb Dan brigades want to ban gas in Victoria and have everything ELECTRIC with no back up.
Time to hose out our politicians from their leather lounges.
Dan’s gang poisons Djokovic in Melbourne
What, what about the other 70% of the state?
Only him?
Zuckerberg flips on Biden admin
Biden admin attempting to shut down Tiktok
Is the sky blue?
Well it appears from a note at rumour mill news that blue in LA was safe. … garbage bins etc.
Need more coloured photographs from the sky to check out.
If I ever get another car it is going to have a blue roof and petrol engine.
I am looking for a blue AKU BRA AS WELL.
3;41 PM
Really. The censor here is such a nervous Nelly who will soon be sacked.
About a hour a go I put up some comnents DOWN BELOW re REAL MARY AT WTPN SITUATION UPDate at bin.
No apoearance,
Get a life censor, you are going to find another one, Hiw are you going to face the force for truth.
All readers just listen to Real Mary’s presentation today and wake up, you will have to anyway.
9.58 PM
As a aside:
Latest from Clif High at
beforeitsnews.com. From 15 mins .
6.05 P M
It is a foreskin story.🙀
10.12 PM
The Fight for Real Assets
While state legislators gear up for a new legislative session, they are being heavily lobbied to use the state government’s tax authority to adopt what amounts to a “reverse Robin Hood” scheme: so-called “Bitcoin strategic reserves.”
Why a Bitcoin Strategic
Reserve Is a Bailout of
the Big Boys
Catherine Austin Fitts
“The object of life is not to be
on the side of the majority, but
to escape finding oneself in
the ranks of the insane.”
~ Marcus Aurelius
He should have opened an expat visa agency
Well, here we are. Ten days away from…….
From 19 mins with real Mary at todays’s s WTPN SITUATION UPDATE AT:
http://www.Beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
What a movie. I heard a report that T says he owns us. (With NZ which is great for rugby fans!)
Well, don’t believe it?!
Then think who is going to own the Panama, Canada, Greenland and the Gulf of America plus ( Mexico) ?
I think we might have to rename ‘THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN BITE’ to the American Great Bite’.
No doubt it is a ABC leftist plot.
You work it all out, I am still with Mary💁🤪
If you are not bored with Hollywood, watch a few mins of the start.
Do I buy my Farari now or wait? I want to give MM a spin.
Time: who cares?
Strange Mr censor, sorry to disturb you by a reply above, now you turn up with a bs timeline.
10.01 pm
Official timeline is correct but that was 50 mins ago.
Kill Box: The Global Transformation (Katherine Watt)
From War Rooms to Hospital Corridors – The Evolution of Military Control Through Public Health – 30 Q&As
One of the most important researchers in the world today is Katherine Watt. She deserves to be far better known than she is, and this post is part of that redress.
This 16-minute video from January 2023 is essential viewing. I strongly recommend watching it in its entirety
Geert’s SHOCKING 2025 Predictions Revealed?
Geert, a world renowned expert vaccinologist and immunologist warned about the risks of mass vaccination in 2021 and continues to inform us of the ongoing issues(in highly vaccinated populations) following this nefarious decision.
Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD. Full Interview with Steve Kirsch
A nuts and bolts discussion.
Geert is saying trust in doctors went from 70% to 40% and some people went totally anti-vaxx, he then speaks in favour of certain vaxxxines and the science behind them. I don’t intend to become qualified enough to dispute the science, I have lost interest in the industry. The entire hollow needle industry of newfangled concoctions has totally lost me. The science is not relevant. Too bad for the science, good riddance to the industry.
In Australia ALP and Greens Party vote for va666ine secrecy
In the UK Labour and Greens Party vote to protect pedophiles
I suggest to the Greens Parties, do us a favour and hang yourselves
Senator Babet
Justice demands courage to say the unsayable about the unspeakable
Hello everyone,
As you may be aware – largely thanks to Elon Musk – the world has been rocked by the revelation that thousands of underage British girls have been raped, tortured and even murdered at the hands of Pakistani Muslim paedophile rape gangs, all while authorities looked the other way.
But why did they look the other way you are no doubt asking? Because the government, the police, and the media, decided that it was better to cover up these crimes than to risk tremors through social cohesion by putting a spotlight on the fact that these gangs were predominantly Pakistani Muslims and their targets were white children.
The authorities were apparently afraid of riots and violence exploding on the streets, but is social cohesion really cohesive at all if it requires cover-ups and lies to maintain it?
Gangs of men targeted vulnerable girls – girls who were poor, fatherless or in state care – in more than 50 British cities. The gangs groomed the girls, many of them around 12-years-old age, with candy, food, taxi rides, and drugs.
Then they raped the girls before passing them around to family members, friends or networks of other men who all did the same. It’s hard to comprehend. Why white children? Well, according to victim accounts the perpetrators viewed non-Muslims as being worthless – as if we needed any more evidence that multiculturalism, or cultural silos, are dangerous.
British police and politicians chose to bury the industrial scale sexual abuse because they didn’t want to be accused of racism or Islamophobia, or to risk losing Muslim votes by pointing out that the vile crimes were being perpetrated predominantly by both Pakistani immigrants and British-born men of Pakistani heritage. Young British girls were quite literally sacrificed on the altar of the left’s commitment to multiculturalism.
To be clear, paedophilia is not unique to Muslim immigrants and I am certainly not making that claim, but what took place in the UK was different. It was different in that the girls were targeted because they were non-Muslim.
Of course, all sexual abuse is evil, but this abuse was very targeted based on race and religion, and that makes it particularly pernicious. The members of these rape gangs raped, tortured and murdered girls across Britain in coordinated grooming and control exercises.
It is spine chilling to hear the accounts of the victims or read the sentencing remarks from one of the judges who convicted some of these evil men. They contain acts of depravity that are difficult to process. For that reason I am not sharing any of those details with you in this email.
The lid was lifted last month when members of the Oldham City Council called for a government-led inquiry into the institutional failure and corruption that made mass rapes in their town possible. Unbelievably, the UK Labour Government denied the request. In the era of #Metoo and #BelieveAllWomen and #SayHerName, the rape and sodomising of young girls was not thought noteworthy enough to be inquired of.
That deafening call for a national inquiry – one that can compel witnesses to testify – was also dismissed by UK PM Keir Starmer.
Just a couple of days ago, Britain’s shame continued as the Parliament rejected a bill calling for national inquiry by 364 votes to 111. Who voted it down? No prizes for guessing it was Labour, Greens and some independent MPs. What are they hiding?
Multi-racial yes, multi-cultural, no.
Just like in the UK, we have had multiculturalism forced upon us over the past 50 years. While I am very supportive of a multi-racial society – one in which people from around the world come here and integrate into our society – I cannot support an ideology that encourages newcomers to retain their own cultures; cultures that are in too many cases hostile to ours.
If we don’t want to see Australian cities divided into parallel societies, then we must have strong leaders who will repudiate the error of multiculturalism and who will advocate for an immigration system that adds to rather than undermines Australian cultural norms.
As the horrific cases of paedophilia, torture and murder in the UK demonstrate, multiculturalism is not just a failed ideology, it is a dangerous one. We need leaders with the courage to say so.
We need leaders who are not afraid of the inevitable lazy labels that will be thrown at them by the far left. As the old adage goes, sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never harm me.
I have followed the story closely and have recently been actively sharing content on this topic on Elon Musk’s social media platform X (formerly Twitter).
This resulted in enquiries and interview requests from Australian mainstream media. Most were asking why I was making so-called Islamophobic remarks or why I was posting “divisive” content, rather than seeking a view on the plight of the victims or the extent of the cover-up.
This attitude from the media is precisely the problem. It is why the media were complicit in the cover-up in the first place – parroting government narratives or focusing on malicious clickbait instead of doing their job and reporting on the issue without fear or favour.
They put ‘gotcha’ reporting and their own ideological position above the lives and futures of young children. No wonder all trust and respect for the mainstream media has completely evaporated.
Yours faithfully in the fight for freedom and for Australia’s future,
Senator Ralph Babet
Wake up and listen to real Mary at WTPN SITUATION for 11/1 update at:
AT LEAST FROM THIRTY NINE MINUTES from the fires TO THE END…. And note Fulford.
Seriously, you have to wake up and forget distractions here….. for the moment.
The NWO ORDER IS GOING DOWN. [who are those here dumping on him, what is the purpose, whose interest do you represent or are you just stupid? AND DO NOT LOOK]
One point made earlier by REAL MARY that has formulated my view on developments that I have expressed. At 2016 the globalists had it made with Hilary, but she lost. If T was one of them and someone wanted to free us from what was planned, why have they attacked T and the media attempted to destroy him?
6.34 PM
There we go again with the next comment, when ‘NOW’ IS THE SERIOUS WAR UNDERWAY DETERMINING OUR FUTURE when no one will care about the past as it is re-written.
7.50 PM
And again💁
This WILL COME OUT IF WE WIN…… patience, exposure depends on the world waking up to events NOW!
Not sure who GG audience is anymore but I feel Glen’s story and insights are very important, so keeping the focus on Australia’s historical record of horrendous crimes and coverups
More from Glen Fisher this time with Dale Holmes
Also the Heiner Affair: Shreddergate scandal.
“The international independent community of professional archivists/recordkeepers categorise “the Heiner affair” was one of the 14 great shredding scandals of the 20th century. Professors and other academics in Australian and worldwide universities in archival studies cite various recordkeeping/archives tertiary text books where this affair strongly features as an example of improper record keeping practice not to be followed”. mmm a little more than that
What is the Heiner affair?
By Chris Barrett
April 28, 2009 — 8.30pm
The Heiner affair is the long-running controversy surrounding the Goss cabinet’s 1990 shredding of documents relating to child abuse – including the rape of a 14-year-old Aboriginal girl – after it aborted an inquiry into the former John Oxley Youth Detention Centre.
19 Jan 2020 AUSTRALIA
Australian Story – Three Little Words
This YouTube video “Three Little Words” about the notorious “Heiner affair” was first broadcast across Australia and to the world in May 2004. It provides a unique insight into the affair’s noted Australian whistleblower, Kevin Lindeberg. It focuses on the beginnings of his extraordinary whistleblowing journey, the enormity of his battle, and his determination to see justice done.
I read about the heiner affair about 20 years ago and other stuff since about 1980 and following . So go bloody far have you got?
HOW IS THE 911 mass murders been dealt with? BLOODY ZILCH!!!!
The queen and her offsider are dead. Anything come of the events in Canada in the early 60s ZILCH!!!!!!
So who is going to report it officially?
You only have one chance; THE BLOODY MILITARY WHO MADE HIM COMMANDER IN CHIEF IN ABOUT MARCH 2021.. doh!! Get with the show.
9.00 pm REALLY!
For god’s sake, we are getting there, why not join
Go to BIN and listen to ‘and we know’
For Dianne, just listen in the last half to several interviews by Joe Rogan with Mel Gibson. One confirms human sacrifices
There is much more in CLjfornia and blue garbage bins surviving.
For the stupids who do not know about DESS. Wake yourselves up and watch how the military say they are using them.
Not proof read. Too late
ITS MIDNIGHT- fancy that on the spot per my grandfather in the hall (TICK TOCK!)
And thank you Ned and co for your advice as to what I need to watch.
Re Mel Gibson I have met him at a distance and know a lot about him through connectedness to country and media coverage.
His links with Ken Duncan and the politics of all things also tells a big story.
Yes very very NOW. just some links re “The Forgiveness Cross on Memory Mountain”
The Passion of the Christ: Ken Duncan’s Friendship with Mel Gibson
by Jacquelin Melilli | Thu, Mar 28 2024
The Forgiveness Cross on Memory Mountain
“When Mel was in Australia directing Hacksaw Ridge, Ken was assisting the Ikuntji community in erecting the Forgiveness Cross on Memory Mountain, located near Haast Bluff, 246 km from Alice Springs. Mel was curious to see the cross, so Ken invited him to central Australia.
Mel made the mistake of stopping at the Coles supermarket in Alice Springs and was bombarded with people lining up to get his autograph. Ken rescued him and took him to Haast Bluff to meet his Aboriginal friends, who loved Mel but treated him like a normal person, who they called Mad Max.
‘We went up on top of the mountain where we’re going to build the cross and were sitting there looking out and having a bit of a prayer when this huge eagle, the biggest eagle I’ve ever seen in my life, hovered about 30 foot above our heads,’ said Ken. ‘Unfortunately, I didn’t have a camera, but it hovered there for half an hour while we were sitting there.’
Mel stayed at Haast Bluff for four days, unwinding from the stress of filming. There was no phone service out there to disturb them. Mel told Ken he’d had the most amazing time and offered to return to teach the Aboriginals how to make movies.
‘These people are great storytellers. We want to equip young kids with technology and skills so they can do things and create jobs and income streams doing things they like,’ said Ken.”
The Passion of the Christ: Ken Duncan’s Friendship with Mel Gibson
by Jacquelin Melilli | Thu, Mar 28 2024
The Forgiveness Cross on Memory Mountain
“When Mel was in Australia directing Hacksaw Ridge, Ken was assisting the Ikuntji community in erecting the Forgiveness Cross on Memory Mountain, located near Haast Bluff, 246 km from Alice Springs. Mel was curious to see the cross, so Ken invited him to central Australia.
Mel made the mistake of stopping at the Coles supermarket in Alice Springs and was bombarded with people lining up to get his autograph. Ken rescued him and took him to Haast Bluff to meet his Aboriginal friends, who loved Mel but treated him like a normal person, who they called Mad Max.
‘We went up on top of the mountain where we’re going to build the cross and were sitting there looking out and having a bit of a prayer when this huge eagle, the biggest eagle I’ve ever seen in my life, hovered about 30 foot above our heads,’ said Ken. ‘Unfortunately, I didn’t have a camera, but it hovered there for half an hour while we were sitting there.’
Mel stayed at Haast Bluff for four days, unwinding from the stress of filming. There was no phone service out there to disturb them. Mel told Ken he’d had the most amazing time and offered to return to teach the Aboriginals how to make movies.
‘These people are great storytellers. We want to equip young kids with technology and skills so they can do things and create jobs and income streams doing things they like,’ said Ken.”
some more to come
The Cross at Memory Mountain NT Australia
Giant Central Australian cross officially opens
A 20m high cross a top Memory Mountain officially opened on Good Friday, with Chief Minister Natasha Fyles present. Read what nearby remote communities hope it will bring to the area.
There is a bitter sweet back story here and a spectacular photo of the tower lit up illuminating the heavens that will make sense to those who are spiritually awake.
Acknowledging my desert family and the stories they shared.
Bunjils Law -Look After the Children Look after the Land
The Cult of Elon Musk, Flat Earth, Investor Cults – Silvermaster Spy Ring – It’s All The Same Crew
The Brendon perspective…..
In this 8 minute video of the recent Tesla event, we see the fraud that keeps on…frauding. It’s not a joke – it is deeply symbolic of all that is wrong with America. So how does the greatest fraudster in history get away with it?
Elon Musk is part of a long line of City of London “penetration agents” sitting fat and currently – relatively happy – aligning with a seemingly certain Trump win. Funny, but no one was closer than Obama and Musk. In fact, Obama very kindly handed (literally), NASA to Musk and Space X.
The Silvermaster Spy Ring is indicative of what we see today in the times in which we live. Musk is simply one of a long line of half witted useful idiot sociopaths they use. Amongst many, many others.
BLM, Antifa, Proud Boys etc. are inventions of American government agencies.
As I have warned about: Q, Anon, 107 etc.
What’s the warning about Q and Juan ? That they are government actors that would spin the truth ( which we know as Q has readily admitted to ) or is there something more nefarious we should be worried about ?
Hep Me !
The Qanon people and Juan haven’t always gotten along with each other .
MKULTRA In Australia
confirmation — yes it is all official – ” the shocking secret history of the CIA’s mind control research programs”. The Tavistock Agenda the evil agenda.
“celebrating the publication of a new scholarly document collection many years in the making”— makes me feel ill —- ” jolly hockey sticks”
Thank you Fiona Barnett Thank You Steve McMurray. Operation Matchbox
CIA Behavior Control Experiments Focus of New Scholarly Collection
“Washington, D.C., December 23, 2024 – Today, the National Security Archive and ProQuest (part of Clarivate) celebrate the publication of a new scholarly document collection many years in the making on the shocking secret history of the CIA’s mind control research programs. The new collection, CIA and the Behavioral Sciences: Mind Control, Drug Experiments and MKULTRA, brings together more than 1,200 essential records on one of the most infamous and abusive programs in CIA history.
Under code names that included MKULTRA, BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE, the CIA conducted terrifying experiments using drugs, hypnosis, isolation, sensory deprivation, and other extreme techniques on human subjects, often U.S. citizens, who frequently had no idea what was being done to them or that they were part of a CIA test.
Today’s announcement comes 50 years after a New York Times investigation by Seymour Hersh touched off probes that would bring MKULTRA abuses to light. The new collection also comes 70 years since U.S. pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly & Company first developed a process to streamline the manufacture of LSD in late 1954, becoming the CIA’s chief supplier of the newly discovered psychoactive chemical central to many of the Agency’s behavior control efforts.”
We must
Listen to the survivor testimonies- the whistle blowers– let’s publish all their stories from Gumshoe news and then we can celebrate the original intent of Gumshoe
news. Super sleuths.
Let our voices be heard.
Or can we get permission to share “Enough a Tribute to Cult Survivors” yes it does focus on Australia 158 pages of testimonies affadavits with links — to numerous videos also information from knowledge holders and experts in their field.
Introductory Paragraph
“Silence in the Face of Evil is in Itself Evil – Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1906 -1945
This notebook is a contribution to the worthiest cause in history – our children and families. It is dedicated to the heavily silenced global community of cult survivors, many of whom have bravely stepped into the public crocodile den to share their harrowing testimonials. I affectionately refer to these men and women as modern day Dambusters and their numbers across the globe are estimated to range from thousands to millions. Some were born into elitist occultic bloodline families afflicted by generational pedophilic and satanic ritualistic abuse and didn’t stand a chance from their first breath. Others were either stolen or sold into this depraved, centuries old death cult as babies or young children.”
Brilliant work thank you Linda
INTEL Roundtable w/ Johnson & McGovern : Weekly Wrap
CIA shenanigans/documentation brought to light by RT Moscow -first 12 mins.
Thank you Sandra
Thank you Clif
Keep pure. – The Time draws Near. War, and Killing engulf the Earth.
Gardez pure. – Le Temps s’approche. Guerre, et Tueries engloutissent la Terre.
The Laurel will grow Green, in a Sea of Tears and Blood.
Le Laurier verdira, dans une Mer de Larmes et de Sang.
The Perfecti have Returned. Our Long Sleep complete.
Les Parfaits sont revenus. Notre Long Sommeil achevé.
In the midst of Great Battles, filled with Smoke, Death, and Roar, Men will look up, hearts shocked, frozen in horror.
Au milieu des Grandes Batailles, emplies de Fumée, de Mort et de Rugissements, les Hommes lèveront les yeux, cœurs choqués, glacés d’horreur.
Perfecti embodied once again, many Past Lives come rushing in. Memory fills, of Love, long Lost. Never Forgotten. Never does memory Fade.
Parfaits incarnés de nouveau, de nombreuses Vies Passées affluent. La mémoire se remplit, d’Amour, longtemps Perdu. Jamais Oublié. Jamais la mémoire ne S’efface.
Time of Killing near now to our hands, Perfecti sharpen their Minds. All weapons are but pale shades of Thought.
Le Temps de Tuer approche maintenant de nos mains, les Parfaits aiguisent leurs Esprits. Toutes les armes ne sont que pâles nuances de la Pensée.
“Two days ago the White House posted this statement. It explains that anomalous health indicents reported by “our colleagues” cannot be explained by environmental or medical conditions BUT CAN BE EXPLAINED BY PULSED ELECTROMAGNETIC AND ACOUSTIC WEAPONS.
I so look forward to the day that the Civilian Targeting Program will also be acknowledged and the many thousands of innocent civilians that are being tortured by these weapons daily. In my interview with my colleague Dr. Len Ber, I explained what happened when I myself was targeted with such weaponry.
Since then I have seen in my clinic so many people who are being tortured, others who have been implanted with verified microchips without consent. Most of these people cannot get help because any traditionally trained physician does not understand “Havana syndrome”, V2K, electronic harassment or gangstalking. Unfortunately, I cannot stop the targeting, only help the poor body cope with it.”
I refer back to Sandra’s contribution
Kill Box: The Global Transformation (Katherine Watt)
From War Rooms to Hospital Corridors – The Evolution of Military Control
Just for the Record 2025
Gang Stalking Mind Control and Cults
Exposing and Defeating Organised Gang Stalking Mind Control and Cults
WebMaster Dr Eric T Karlstrom Emeritus Professor Geography California State University Stanislaus
MK-ULTRA NEVER ENDED: Absolute Mind and Soul Control In Government, Wall Street, And The Secret Space Program; Jian Liang (2018)
Posted onMarch 12, 2021AuthorEric Karlstrom
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light.
Luke 8:17
The connections between MKULTRA-military mind control, secret societies, and satanism are widely documented on this website and elsewhere. Of particular relevance, I believe, is Australian TI and survivor, Fiona Barnett’s, “Eyes Wide Open.” (See: “Eyes Wide Open: Lockdown Edition” (2020) Book pdf by Fiona Barnett, Australian SRA/Mind Control/Child-Sex Trafficking Victim, Whistleblower, and TI).
—“this document could incorporate some information and perspectives of the editor, Elana Freeland, author of “Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the Environment Has Been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetics, & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology” (2021). Whether or not all the information presented in Jian Liang’s particular TI testimony account is accurate, it seems unquestionable that “the TI program:”
1) is deeply Satanic and criminal,
2) involves systematic torture, degradation, and destruction of “targets” by perpetrators in positions throughout all levels of society, and
3) is secretly and systematically deployed against innocent civilians by the military and its corporate partners/“vendors” as well as other powerful entities utilizing advanced military weaponry.
In my opinion, justice and restitution for “targeted individuals,” including the seemingly brilliant and brave author, Jian Liang, must be forthcoming if our “civilization” is to avoid well-deserved destruction.”
Mind-controlled human trafficking is the underpinning of high-tech corporate life today, whether you are referring to high finance, the military, intelligence, defense contractors, the medical industry or Big Pharma… … With absolute mind control programming over unwitting Wall Street elites, the Satanic secret society is able to freely control them and the future. Mind control is an important building block of the New World Order… It is said that programming a person takes only six weeks.”
Fiona Barnet-Eyes Wide Open-PDF-Lockdown edition-June 2020