Editor’s Note [DM]: This report is an extract sourced from Rairfoundation on French virologist and Nobel Laureate Prof. Luc Montagnier warning that Covid Vaccines may lead to ‘Neurodegenerative Illness’.
To quote:
“During a stunning interview, Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier expressed strong concerns about the coronavirus vaccine’s mid-term, long-term, and even generational consequences.
“Montagnier warned that “neurodegenerative illness” is a potential side effect of the coronavirus vaccine and said in no uncertain terms that he is “outraged” about the widespread vaccination of children.
Montagnier said in part:
“We’re in unknown territory and proclaim mandatory vaccines for everyone. It’s insanity. It’s vaccination insanity that I absolutely condemn.
“This Messenger RNA that’s being injected today in vaccines, may have effects on future generations that are undetected if we aren’t searching for them.”
Of course, this has had strong reaction from the ‘machine’. To quote Science.thewire.in”
“Luc Montagnier has raised two broad issues to support his controversial views. The first is that vaccines are driving the creation of mutants. The second is that a process called antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) is driving more (serious) infection in vaccinated persons.
“…To sum up, there is no scientific evidence to support either of the concerns raised by Luc Montagnier. Instead, this seems to be another disturbing theory propagated by him without any credible scientific evidence. His unscientific views were further amplified by media channels that denounced vaccinations and promoted conspiracy theories.
“The fact is that all vaccines, including vaccines against COVID-19, save lives. So it is worth repeating here that everyone everywhere should take COVID-19 vaccines as soon as these are available to them.”
To the video:
Translation of the video by Miss Piggy.
I am outraged by the fact that we want to vaccinate children, because then we are really affecting a future generation. We need to know, for example, take glyphosate, right? Recent studies on glyphosate have shown that there are epigenetic effects. That means people who eat glyphosate in their diet, pass on something that will affect future generations. Their children, their grand children and great-grand children, they will suffer. At the moment, this has been only shown in rats. You could extrapolate this onto humans. There are epigenetic effects. We need to consider that and not just think of our own generation, but of the future.
This Messenger RNA that’s being injected today in vaccines, may have effects on future generations that are undetected if we aren’t searching for them. —
So it will persist, we’ll say, if we inject this substance, without really knowing the without knowing the mid-term and long-term consequences.
Absolutely. We’re in unknown territory and proclaim mandatory vaccines for everyone. It’s insanity. It’s vaccination insanity that I absolutely condemn. I want to say as well, that I never, never said that everyone will die from the vaccine, but that a certain amount of people who take the vaccine will suffer from it. That’s impermissible.
They will suffer from side effects, to which there have been no observations, or any data from previous studies because it’s still too soon to say.
Exactly. There could side effects that effect future generations as well, maybe, but most probably from our generation in five to ten years. That’s absolutely possible. Notably, something we call neurodegenerative illness. There are sequences that resemble the prion sequences in the RNA of the coronavirus. These prions could disorder the natural proteins in the brain, modifying them to make prions.
This Luc Montagnier quote regarding “prepare to incinerate” and the vaccine death predictions that allegedly precede it cannot be verified – at least I can’t find the direct quote nor was it spoken in the interview referenced. This is frustrating because a quote of this magnitude should be backed with primary source verifiable reference – when It’s not this type of sloppiness is picked up and used to widely discredited our very reasonable hesitancy against these experimental injections
Even more baffling (and very telling) is that no one in the army of mainstream fact checkers has thought of the rather obvious method of asking Luc Montagnier directly if he said this and/or currently holds this position.
Regardless, Montagnier’s fully verified position on the vaccines is bluntly unambiguous and frankly, fully horrifying.
Sadly and ironically the sloppiness of the resistance side and the myopic lies of omission methods from the mainstream side both work to obscure the very clear position of this heavily qualified man – which ultimately suggests:
The vaccines are insane and possibly a genocidal level crime
and now I’m being sloppy with my amplified summation here but any casual research of Montagnier makes his deeply concerning position on the vaccines crystal clear
Dr Vernon Coleman, in a 3-minute video, says the shots have got to stop:
Prions again. ‘There are sequences that resemble the prion sequences in the RNA of the coronavirus. These prions could disorder the natural proteins in the brain, modifying them to make prions.’
Thank you for posting this Dee. This is more evidence, from a Nobel laureate no less, that my fathers 1983 prediction may have been accurate that a prion apocalypse would occur in my lifetime.
Recent assertions that the Australia CSIRO were involved with activities at the Wuhan lab gives further credence to my allegations that I was used as a guinea pig in the 70s and 80s in Adelaide in the development of prions as a bio weapon.
God help us all.
Rachel, thank you for coming forward with this. You told me this 3 years ago.
The inimitable Jon Rappoport comes up with this clarity today:
Imagination is as natural and real as breathing. People who don’t know this or forget it come up against a brick wall.
Some of them then go to booze and drugs, some to violence, some to despair, some to the straitjacket of a severely repetitive mechanical life, some to the dull, dull ground of passivity.
Life is not a machine. Humans are not machines, although they often play one day after day.
Humans are creative.
They can step on that, try to grind it into dust, make up a thousand excuses, but the fact remains.
Societies and civilizations are never creative, after a certain point in their development. They opt for standard shapes and standard patterns of thought and standard organizations.
This devolution isn’t just the “the strong controlling the weak.”
It’s a subconscious impulse that spreads like a disease. Throughout history, you see it manifest in many forms.
These days, we have the massive Surveillance State. It’s an expression of “the standard human who must think and act in certain ways.”
Imagination puts the lie to all this.
Imagination goes anywhere you want it to, and in the process, you discover ideas and realms and dimensions and power that would otherwise have remained invisible to the end of time.
For this reason, over the last 20 years, I [Rappoport] have developed hundreds of imagination exercises, about 50 of which are included in my collection, Exit From The Matrix. Order it at NoMoreFakeNews.com
Mary – thank you for this. I read Rappoprt regularly but your re-contextualization of the inevitable creative stasis (possibility reduction) from societal standardization helps me see general human nature as a major engine of passive devolution that’s topically dry enough to be consistently overlooked.
It’s becoming increasingly clear that individual and mass imagination in general are operationally incompatible with this accelerating miasma of tribal-non-thought.
This mindless, often cartoonish compliance to these rituals simply cannot survive creative thought or the counter-projection of reality.
It’s not enough for the masses to be “dumbed down or tribally delusional.
Their base capacity for visionary and tactical imagination must be suppressed.
(self reminder to further research Wetiko/mind virus – this madness we’re experiencing is not unique to large scale modern societies – small native cultures observed this phenomena as well)
Imagination threatens the dominant Narrative.
– and ultimately the Narrative is the true Death Star – mass conformity, compliance and tribal cognitive dissonance are the end state weapon. All other methods are building blocks for this metaphorical orbital death ray.
making it all the more amazing/perplexing/depressing//hopeful? that such a monstrous machine can be vaporized overnight
simply by a critical mass refusing to participate – via imagination driven awaking
no Jedis or x-wing fighters required
MARY. Let’s start with the zombie apocalypse. The readers had better get ready for some unbelievable stuff.
RACHEL. It is already described in Wikipedia, but only as a genre of fiction. Wikipedia says:
“In some stories, victims of zombies may become zombies themselves … if a zombie-creating virus travels by air, sexually, or by water; in others, everyone who dies, whatever the cause, becomes one of the undead. In some cases, parasitic organisms can cause zombification by killing their hosts and reanimating their corpse. … Zombies also prey on the living and their bite causes an infection that kills.”
MARY. So you are going to tell us that this already happens in Adelaide.
RACHEL. You have already heard me say that my late father, Max McIntyre, worked for the pedophile ring known as “The Family.” He was the body-boy. He got rid of bodies of children. An odd part of his job is that the bodies have some sort of connection to a medical experiment.
MARY. You mean the kids were experimented on?
RACHEL. No, I mean the cadavers provided human flesh that was used a bit like I just quoted from Wikipedia.
MARY. That source said “In some cases, parasitic organisms can cause zombification by killing their hosts and reanimating their corpse.”
RACHEL. I think that last part is fiction – reanimating their corpses. But I believe the first part is true – “parasitic organisms can cause zombification.”
MARY. That is a medically accepted fact. The disease kuru makes a person act peculiar and he may die a few weeks later.
RACHEL. I think one of the forms of Alzheimer’s – Lewy body dementia — is like kuru.
MARY. OK I had never heard of Lewy body, but I just looked it up and found that Robin Williams death is attributed to it. His widow, Susan Williams, blamed Lewy body dementia for the death of the beloved actor in 2014.
Scientific American said:
“About 1.3 million Americans have the disease, which is caused by protein deposits in the brain. Williams was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease a few months before he died; the telltale signs of Lewy body dementia in his brain were not discovered until an autopsy.”
It notes “Williams’s desperation as he sought to understand a bewildering array of symptoms that started with insomnia, constipation, and an impaired sense of smell and soon spiraled into extreme anxiety, tremors, and difficulty reasoning.”
RACHEL. I can’t say I know anything at all about Robin’s death, but I have seen many people in Adelaide who appear to have Lewy body dementia. They do not live long after they are diagnosed.
Sars-CoV-2 causes brain inflammation and induces Lewy Body formation in Macaques
Fantastic find, Sandra. Here is the abstract (I think the authors are Dutch):
SARS-CoV-2 may cause acute respiratory disease, but the infection can also initiate neurological symptoms. Here we show that SARS-CoV-2 infection causes brain inflammation in the macaque model. An increased metabolic activity in the pituitary gland of two macaques was observed by longitudinal positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT).
Post-mortem analysis demonstrated infiltration of T-cells and activated microglia in the brain, and viral RNA was detected in brain tissues from one animal. We observed Lewy bodies in brains of all rhesus macaques. These data emphasize the virus’ capability to induce neuropathology in this nonhuman primate model for SARS-CoV-2 infection.
As in humans Lewy body formation is an indication for the development of Parkinson’s disease, this data represents a warning for potential long-term neurological effects after SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Geert Vanden Bossche a leading vaccinologist has been discussing at length the issue of mass vaccination(with a non sterilizing vaccine ) during a pandemic driving immune escape and creating more infectious variants.ADE is also an inevitable outcome
I offer this as possible good news: If there is to be a zombie apocalypse, there must be cure for it. After all, the main Bozos who are distributing this thing will know that it could harm them too.
To add to possible good news even if only plecebo which should be safe and proven effective.
Till I see a mountain of bodies(good start huh), I would imagine that detox is possible, even from “eye of newt””cat poo”.type brews. The answer could even be just to go opposite to the proven science.
Possible example- distilled water — ohh no that would strip away elements within your body — exactily. This is not medical advice of course, if you want that I’d say take the jab.
I already speculated elsewhere based on various scraps of information that Rockerfellas have come up with some type of hyper-augmented version of homeopathic vibrations which could be the reason for the specific campaign of ridicule against homeopathy (started about 200 years ago and very popular in India – world leader in Ivermectin treatment)
“Redemption Through Sin 666”
Homeopathy has the intention of doing no harm, whereas…….
Sorcery: The Remarkable Tradition That Is Still Practiced Today
Jenny Singer
Modern Witches
“…….For Susala Kay, a queer Pagan Jewitch in the same Bay Area community as Starhawk, that tradition is alive and a well. She is reticent to define Paganism (“It’s just like Judaism— ask one Pagan and you’ll get three answers!”) but says her interest in Paganism is inextricable from Judaism because “Judaism really began out of Canaanite, pagan religion. This is my ancestry—it goes back to Ashkenaz, but it also goes back farther.”………..”
Sorcery Strongs Greek Concordnce 5331
From pharmakeus; medication (“pharmacy”), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively) — sorcery, witchcraft.
Makow–We’re Satanically Possessed by Cabalists
Long before Facebook and Twitter banned conservatives, Cabalist Jews and
Freemasons banished the Creator from His Creation.
Jewish Man Boasts How Jews Created The Kill Shot ‘Vaccines’ – Watch
Watch Rabbi Finkelstein being interviewed on FOX radio by a Pastor, I think Wilcox was his name. It’s the video with just the Rabbits against a black background. The Ashkenazi Jews are not Hebrew Israelis they are from the Ghenghis Khan line and worship Satan using the Talmud.
I see events as they occur in Biblical terms and agree with the writer of the following –
On the sixth day of Tabernacles, the priests read Psalm 81:13, 14, which says,
13 Oh that My people would listen to Me, that Israel would walk in My ways! 14 I would quickly subdue their enemies and turn My hand against their adversaries.
When we link this to the sixth bowl of wine and water that was poured out on that day, it is clear that the “enemies” were gathering together against God’s people for the battle of Armageddon in Revelation 16:16 because God’s people had not been walking in God’s ways.
One cannot simply blame the “enemies.” If God’s people had heard and obeyed God’s voice, there would never be such a battle. Believers tend to think that the enemies of God attack them for no reason except to do them harm or to enslave them. But that is not how God sees it. In the laws of tribulation in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28, it is clear that God Himself promised to raise up their enemies and empower them to bring judgment upon Israel if they persisted in their refusal to follow God’s laws and ways.
Deuteronomy 28:47-49 says,
47 Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joy and a glad heart, for the abundance of all things, 48 therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the Lord will send against you,…. 49 The Lord will bring a nation against you from afar, from the end of the earth, as the eagle swoops down, a nation whose language you shall not understand.
The religious carnal mind wants to be delivered from the enemy so that it may continue in sin that grace may abound. Those who are carnal want God to bless them in their sin (lawlessness). But that is not the mind of God. Paul tells us that the carnal mind serves the law of sin, while the spiritual man serves the law of God (Romans 7:25).
We may conclude, then, that the sixth bowl of water—which represents a prayer for the outpouring of the Spirit—is absolutely necessary to bring the solution to the sixth bowl of wine that judges Babylon. Babylon cannot fall until the people repent, because God raised up Babylon to bring the people to repentance………………….”
Holy smoke, Crisscross:
“47 Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joy and a glad heart, for the abundance of all things, 48 therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the Lord will send against you,”
as in “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth.” Perfect. We deserve every bit of what is happening to us.
There are points here and there that I have issue with but the content otherwise is astounding.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Illuminati, designation in use from the 15th century, assumed by or applied to various groups of persons who claimed to be unusually enlightened. The word is the plural of the Latin illuminatus. According to adherents, the source of the “light” was viewed as being directly communicated from a higher source or due to a clarified and exalted condition of the human intelligence. To the former class belong the Alumbrados (Spanish: “enlightened”) of Spain. Spanish historian Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo first finds the name about 1492 (in the form aluminados, 1498) but traces them back to a gnostic origin and thinks their views were promoted in Spain through influences from Italy. One of their earliest leaders—indeed, some scholars style her as a “pre-Alumbrado”—was María de Santo Domingo, who came to be known as La Beata de Piedrahita. She was a labourer’s daughter, born in Aldeanueva, south of Salamanca, around 1485. She joined the Dominican order as a teenager and soon achieved renown as a prophet and mystic who could converse directly with Jesus Christ and the Virgin. Ferdinand of Aragon invited her to his court, and he became convinced of the sincerity of her visions. The Dominicans appealed to Pope Julius II for guidance, and a series of trials were convened under the auspices of the Inquisition. Her patrons, which by then included not only Ferdinand but also Francisco Cardenal Jiménez de Cisneros and the duke of Alba, ensured that no decision was taken against her, and she was cleared in 1510.
#spiritualwarfare #occult #supernatural
The zionist freemasons launched operation covid hoax, march 11 2020, based on the Rockeffeller lock step document from 2010. It’s not about the virus, that doesn’t exist, it’s about taking the lethal injection. In through the bloodstream, circulating spike-proteins, attacking ovaries, liver, neurological tissues and all major organs, the vaccines are designed killing machines.
“Mass vaccinations in the midst of a pandemic are a ‘scientific error as well as a medical error. It is a unacceptable mistake. The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants. There are antibodies, created by the vaccine, forcing the virus to ‘find another solution’ or die. This is where the variants are created. It is the variants that ‘are a production and result from the vaccination.” – Prof. Montagnier
Covid cases have risen sharply in every country that has launched a mass vaccination campaign.
The vaccines are the sources of new mutations. They are a 100% synthetic cocktail of toxins, with which the global vaccination campaign is a premeditated criminal operation.
Apparently its MUCH MORE than about that ant 56 –
BREAKING RESERCH has discovered; (Link below)
COVID-19 disease is the result of introducing graphene oxide nanoparticles through ALL of the Covid vaccines including the anti-flu vaccine. The masks being used and the covid test nasal also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles. Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates blood coagulation and damages the immune system by decompensating the oxidative balance in relation to the gulation reserves causing the collapse of the immune system. Graphene oxide causes a metallic taste and accumulates in the lungs generating bilateral pneumonias.
Affect on Graphene Oxide by 5G
These nanoparticles haver a certain frequency above which the graphene oxidizes very rapidly, proliferating in the organism as the toxicant against our natural antioxidant glutathione reserves. Precisely this frequency band is emitted in the new emission bandwidths of the new 5G wireless technology.
That’s the SCAM.
and now we know there is much we can do about it.
Ant56, the claim that people are being vaccinated to immunise against the ALLEGED Covid is totally wrong. No one can be “immunised” by something that has NOT BEEN PROVEN TO ACTUALLY IMMUNISE anyone. People are carrying on as if this ALLEGED vaccine has been proven and accepted as legit, when nothing could be further from the truth. These concoctions are under going a TRIAL, to ascertain whether they could be used against this alleged Virus, as such, it should be clearly stated in every article written about this situation. They are a TRIAL, and not at this point, accepted as legit. Only authorised for “emergency” use. What is it, about such simple language, that folks don’t seem to understand ??? WEIRD !
I’m with Eddy.
When Too Much Power Makes Elites Insane
by This article was posted by TLB Staff
When Too Much Power Makes the Elites Insane By Jack Gleason We’ve all heard the phrase “power corrupts,” by Lord Acton, a 19th-century British historian. The full quote — “Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts absolutely” — referred to the absolute power of kings.
Research from 2012 by Katherine A. DeCelles, a University of Toronto professor, concluded that wealth and power don’t affect everyone equally — they just allow existing personality traits to emerge to excess.
There are many stories of wealthy people setting up foundations that help millions of people. But there is a dark side as well.
People with great wealth and power quickly become surrounded by underlings who fawn over their every word. Every idea is brilliant; every thought is genius. After a while, they start to think they are gods.
George Soros: “I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of self-importance-to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god or an economic reformer like Keynes or, even better, a scientist like Einstein.”
Barack Obama’s “bitter clingers” remark, Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables,” and Joe Biden’s “the coal miners can learn how to code” solution and his “farming is just putting a seed in dirt” comment offer a clear look into the inner workings of these corrupt minds. They are the smart ones. Others are too stupid to understand their lofty ideas, so their ideas must be forced on the unwilling “for their own good.”
When their ideas and faulty logic are opposed, they use blackmail, bribery, and intimidation to get their way. Our rights to vote and to free speech are unimportant because we are too stupid to know whom to vote for or what to say…………..
Read more of this post
Like any disease/medical procedure/drug, the identification of long-term effects can be denied simply because of the time gap between the inoculation event and the appearance of symptoms. This proved true in the case of SV40 viral contamination resulting in waves of soft-tissue cancers among Boomers and Gen X, which was all sheeted home to longer lives, improved diagnostics etc. while in the case of MMR-induced autism it was dealt with through ridicule and professional destruction of whistle-blowers. This one has features of both: ridicule and destruction of whistle-blowers now, followed in a few years time by: its all just a coincidence, we have better diagnostics, exposure to environmental contaminants etc, etc.
Childish inversion added to the usual lashings of ridicule.
Presented last night was “the anti-vax conspiracy” where strangely it seemed as if the editors might be working against the producers. I think we are probably going to see more of this. Somewhat unconvincing attempts were made to promote the case that anti-vax was financially motivated. A pro-vax “protester” came across as a weirdo on a mission. This morning the Sydney news is lamenting that nobody is following the rules.
Thankfully the alt-medicine / traditional medicine movement has had a century to build a really good foundation against Rockerfellas’ BigPharma.
“This morning the Sydney news is lamenting that nobody is following the rules.” – Glad to hear that, I’m surprised that the media reported it.
All this harassment is to try to increase the rate of vaccination, the government clearly admits that. I’m hoping the ‘die-off’ starts soon as not only will it help thin the herd of stupid people, it should create a ‘tipping point’ in the group think.
Perhaps we might even see some criminal convictions of some of the ‘players’.
I’d love to know what percentage of the judiciary has been vaccinated. It would be desirable if we could clean out the lot of them and start over.
Be careful what you wish for !
Making an example of some would probably work quite well.
If the parliament would just stop making so many laws the lawsuits could all be done by computer programs, then it would be so quick you could afford 3 judges instead of one. Then you could just give them a bonus like a holiday in Cairns if they dob in another one.
Head of Australian TGA ,Brendan Murphy, tells Parliament to keep quiet about vaccine effects
June 27, 2021 admin Comments 26 comments
Secret video of senate meeting with head of TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration), Brendan Murphy, telling Parliament to not tell the public of their own vaccine effects coverup and that the vaccine kills people and they have no recourse from it because the government granted big pharma immunity from prosecution and compensation payouts!
Maybe the pharmas are protected by the politicians, BUT, will the POLITICIANS, HEALTH BUREACRATS AND DOCTORS BE IMDEMNIFIED??????
Those criminals’ indictments are going to take months to read to all the accused in the docks.
No one is ever indemnified, save HM, against responsibility for commiting a crime. Correct me if I’m wrong, Nedski.
Ned what kind of indemnity are you referring to?
Indemnity from lawsuits; or indemnity from the medical effects of the vaccine? i.e., saline or the real thing?
The Underground War, Happening Now (Summarized and Edited) Kevin Woodman
Very mind boggling
What impresses (and disturbs) me is that you really CAN make this shit up …
What’s that at 4:15 …?
“Stage 3 has had vast advances by the Q Alliance with only a few strongholds left: mainly China, Iran and Israel.
Within these countries the Top leadership are now white hat patriots … “
Does he mean China, Iran and Israel are in control of the white hats or that they are the exceptions? … Whatever, strange bedfellows … So Biden, Morrison et al are white hats … huh!! ?
Oh – and the swastika at 30:50 – nice touch …
Oh … And speaking of tunnels
It’s just like free advice, don’t expect too much, especially not a refund.
But I said below “Jesse Ventura told us about the tunnels and “DUMBs” years ago.” There is so much decay on the surface, there must be massive preparations for all the doomsday scenarios going on underground. Oligarchs are obviously even more paranoid than you. Rich entities, military and lastly civilian underground infrastructure (such as the Sydney harbour tunnel) coming in 3rd. There must be stuff going on, a lot of stuff, and the action on the surface must be superficial, like the Chinese – Taiwan posturing. They can posture because the entire US is “busy”. Exactly with what is up to we “reality theorists” and “official narrative fact checkers” to try to deduce from the blizzard of vapid propaganda streaming from the conspirators’ orifices.
As for the gratuitous inclusion of a swastika somewhere, why take offence, Hitler was the worlds greatest bunker builder of that era. He built bunkers like nobody since the pharaohs. Which segues me back to Swissy, with all his tunnels full of gold.
Maybe we are all in protective custody according to the “white hats” and locked down according to the “black hats”, so both can be true at the same time, and different places may be getting different injections. With billions of individuals there is a lot going on that we’ll never be told about, as you well know.
Here’s another random:
(links to rumormillnews.com)
You may say that the GOYIM will rise upon us, arms in hand, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a manoeuvre of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail – the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives.
This reads like the Liberal/Labor coalition today –
Book – Author
Lang, John. T
Communism in Australia: A Complete Exposure
W. Brown, [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, 194?
An anti-communist tract by the former Premier of NSW, Jack Lang, exposing communists and fellow travelers in the unions and the Labor Party.PDF
Now this is cool, someone in South Australia is putting stickers over the QR codes that are used to track people that re-direct people to sites that have vaccine information. Those dreaded ‘anti-vaxxers’ are so evil…
I’m going to have to watch someone scan a QR code to see how it is done. I have a ‘flip phone’ that I want to use to mimic the ritual. The last time I was at a shop (a pharmacy I needed to get prescriptions from) the dingbat at the front wanted me to check in. I told her I don’t have a stupid phone. She said “no problem, just sign in” and directed me to a sign in form. I dutifully signed in, although I noticed another ‘Fred Bloggs’ had signed an hour before me, must be a relative.
Hmm, maybe I should use a credible doctor’s name just in case someone tries to locate me, it could a learning experience for the individual.
I had noticed some while ago the current “mark of beast” tech could potentially be disabled with a black marker pen (note: disruptions might lead to some other undesirable farming practice such as ear-tagging)
The other one that pharmacists and the like are always hollering after is an email address. So far as I’m concerned such contact is the preserve of communications with family and selected personal & business associations. Fax and snail-mail are the only options for government and the proxies thereof; that seems to work as a pretty good safeguard against being kept on a leash
Nobody has yet addressed my question. If there is/was a novel (new) virus causing the deaths in 2020, why are all the extra death numbers not showing up in statistics? Victoria has now taken down all death statistics except for the year 2021. Why would this be, when up until end of June 2020 monthly stats were available for 10 1/2 years.
Gee Mal, I don’t know. I wonder why that would be?
Debunked ;
What you need to know;
We have never been as , fit and healthy, through-out history.
Paper might disagree, but the DataBase is state of the art.
Can’t wait for the sequal, sequal(soft-techie humour, no need to dwell).
(have you been radicalized lately, please visit wow;//vic.fed.gov.trace.au for help thats completely private).
This goes back to the old saying about “oh what a terrible web we weave…”.
I posted this link in a comment in the preceding G5 article and Mr Ryan followed.
Also recall that, that DAMMED DAN in the China government of Victoria also banned the treatment early last year and about 800 victims died in nursing homes,
Even half that number is going to take some considerable time for a judge’s associate to read out all of the charges in the indictment for a criminal trial. Bring em on.
Meanwhile the cows can have legally (per the veterinary advice) have invermectim poured over their backs to treat worms.
Wish; that if I get covid I can trans’ over to being a farmer’s wormy cow, the farmer would value me more than a politician.
Now that would be legal would it not?
Call me ‘Miss Daisey’ please.
I see signs around labelled “Corona virus (Covid-19)”
Corona virus is a generic term for all colds and flu virus’s.
If (Covid-19) is just another name for the generic term Corona virus then (Covid-19) is also a generic name covering every cold and flu variant, Delta or whatever.
Here’s Pauline calling out all the bull$#!% using correct parliamentary language
It must be obviously clear my now that most of our politicians, msms and health bureaucrats are betraying Australia at the whim and at the direction of the genocidal UN and WHO globalists.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
The globalist fascists have infiltrated the entire banking, medical and media industries and trying to take over, so we have been locked down, according to their manifestos which they gloatingly publish. Since we are locked down since approx mid April 2020 what a great opportunity to have a covert war. According to Kevin Woodman’s source above they are blowing each other up in tunnels all over the place. Jesse Ventura told us about the tunnels and “DUMBs” years ago. Notice tunnel boring machines went mainstream a few years ago, that means the military presumably already had them for decades. All that hegemony has to go somewhere !!!
Weird things happening with cargo, not just one Suez canal incident.
Last few days:
Indian Ocean
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Time to NEVER vote for a mainstream compromised crooked lot of spivs.
Go independent, they are not compelled to go with corruption according to treasonous caucus government globalist cabinets.
There may be a idiot independent in the mix, but with discernment when voting, the locals will be able to dispense with such and piss off the traitorous usuals.
Chose wisely.
I do already since years ago but as you know the voting machines are rigged
We do not have voting machines, but the preferential ‘hand me down your selection’ voting system does the same thing.
Last time I early-voted I observed my poll-bot stealing a look at my ballot (tucked in envelope), people are just so hopeless it’s ridiculous
What we need right now is for business owners, who have the most to lose, to challenge government to come clean on PCR abuse, hiding of causes of death and numbers of dead, mRNA adverse effects, and Ivermectin Triple Therapy.
Government is not going to sic the police on a few thousand business owners.
I’ll get back to you when I’ve worked out PCR
Gee that took a long time, you really got me on the acronym that time, good old PCR test from the 3rd wave
Of course they can’t be using PCR tests anymore because now they have the new variants they can detect infinitesimal changes in the RNA, even by filtering through megatonnes of sewage they can find one particle of an RNA chain has modified itself !!! Those PCR tests are so 2020. Like the quaxxines are so 2019. We need some new really jizzed up quaxxines for 2023 when Scotty re-opens the airport (projected)
Nathan Rich is very much on top of this scam although he does give credence to the existence of the hoax, albeit as a lab-made toxin.
Much information here presented in a very satirical/spoofy style – very clever, and very detailed
• Nathan Rich – Special guest George McCarthy (BBC) DEBUNKS the COVID-19 conspiracy theory
See his earlier videos on this topic for context.
I enjoyed that.
“Why the CCP will not be allowed Taiwan” – no matter how they protest.
In other words the sabre-rattling is just a nonsense, a distraction, a posturing.
Taiwan semiconductor – nearly AUD 1Trillion per year in revenue, with a huge market share:
continuing …
And you can’t get any more satirical than this … surely, Kelly, Murphy, Skerritt, Edwards et al are under some sort of MK Ultra spell …
Notice how these ‘health experts’ all begin sentences with “So …“ and finish their sentences with the upward inflection… friends of yours Terry? 😊
It’s almost as they believe what they are saying and act all serious and stuff . . .
Julius, just came across this version. Thought you might like.
Thank you – delightful and much appreciated.
By the way, I am going to call ‘fake’ on this (peruse comments) but it is superbly done and very much to the point.
It’s surprising youtube is allowing this now, note it was posted just a month ago, and another copy posted a week ago, YouTube must be feeling the backlash from all their censorship, with all the competitors gouging out market share
The US of A flag as currently flown is a military flag. This means that the US is under martial law.
The United States Civil Flag of Peacetime
The United States Civil Flag of Peacetime We the People of the United States, actually have two national flags, a military flag and a civil flag for peacetime. They have several important distinctions and meanings. Almost all Americans think of the Stars and Stripes “Old Glory” as their only flag.
Monster fireball Caspian Sea
(to be followed by the usual tsunami of bull$#!%)
• Quackery, Pure and Simple – Rogue Male
Love the banner quote: “The Truth doesn’t give a fuck what your opinion is.“
I reckon if Elie Wiesel was still around he would be writing a book titled “Cough” – or “Sneeze”.
• Your Chance of Dying from COVID19: The Official Facts™ (According to the UK Govt)
x22 is saying Julian Assange’s lawyer went under a train and is speculating that the lawyer had the “dead man’s switch” for releasing all of JA’s info in case of death.
Well look where faith in the system gets you.
It is becoming increasingly clear that SARS Cov-2 resulted from ‘gain of function’ work by first the United States, subsequently delegated to the Wuhan lab. Whether the organism escaped from the lab or was independently distributed before or at the World Military Games there, is not clear but what is clear is that the story this was a zoonotic bug that jumped directly from bats to man is utterly untenable. It also proves the intention to deceive and ‘cover-up’ at the highest level. In other words it was intentionally developed and probably released, as a biological weapon for political purposes that are not difficult to conceive. Party to secrets, it may go some way to explain the government’s (in retrospect) over-reaction. It may also explain why one of the first trips carried out by the Queen, after being released from her Windsor incarceration, was to Porton Down. https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/search?q=porton+down
Queen does a good line in “I know nuffink”, what I want to know is the itinerary and guest list of the Royal “Yacht” Brittannia, is it true they park it near Venice for get togethers, nice central location for Swissy and everyone else, very interesting part of the world and had a lot of wars to the East over the years.
[…] where there have been high numbers of those who have been Covid injected. Prof. Luc Montagnier (see It’s Vaccination Insanity) has been saying this from the beginning that the coronavirus vaccines (injections) are causing the […]
[…] Republic, Slovakia and France have filed a joint suit. Japan’s Dr. Kevin McCairn, France’s Dr. Luc Montagnier and Dr. Fleming submitted affidavits of information to the judges, including Dr. Fleming’s […]
[…] and France have filed a joint suit. Japan’s Dr. Kevin McCairn, France’s Dr. Luc Montagnier and Dr. Fleming submitted affidavits of information to the judges, including Dr. […]