by Tony Hayward-Ryan
Nurturing domestic violence… It would be a rare night of television viewing when I was not witnessing the slapping of a man’s face by a woman.
Although to any objective observer this is clearly an act of domestic violence, it is entirely acceptable and normal to the feminists who dominate all public discussion on this topic. According to them, it only becomes violence when perpetrated by a man.
This is the attitude which pervades almost all media, which in turn regulates all public discussion. Increasingly, this gross distortion of values governs what we are entitled to even think.
If one wants to view saturation feminist emersion in gender victimism, one need look no further than ABCTV’s programme The Drum.
On this show, one is invited to become not only a victim of gender repression, but of racism and homophobia as well. To promote the illusion of balance, each episode features faux-men, squaw-men, pretend men, call them what you will; who in acts of degrading sycophancy to radical feminism, condemn their fellow men for their endemically malevolent maleness.
Being truly ancient, I well recall how this insanity began:
My very first sample survey took place in the late 1960s when I gauged the male response to then-emergent feminism. Out of 100 participants I encountered only one man who opposed the women’s demands. Unsurprising I suppose, because equal rights, and equal pay for equal work were eminently reasonable asks.
But in 1973, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp began embracing a new and virulent form of feminism which made no pretence of securing male support and instead launched into male hate and male domination; which struck me as pretty stupid if one really wanted positive change. Alienating half the population was transparently bad tactics.
Decades later, I realised that social division was Murdoch’s objective, not improving the lot of women workers. For the feminists, hating men was purpose enough.
Leap back to more recent times and guided by a decade of engagement in family welfare, child protection and domestic violence, I wondered about the impact on young boys bereft of fathers, of decades of unremitting feminist propaganda about the intrinsic brutality of being male.
Also noting the self-appointed entitlement of feminists to belittle, bait, berate, and even bash hapless males caught in their power-traps, I wondered if this was the reason why so many boys grow up to resent women. And when, as is their wont, these women indulge in sadistic emotional or social provocations which drive some of these men to lash out… is this really so surprising?
Compounding this folly, feminists have recently inflicted a new round of public condemnations of MEN, veering close to demanding all men be drafted into re-education camps which will teach them proper subservience to all women.
When these rabid misanthropes learned that a union secretary had been reported (apparently misreported) as disparaging media celebrity Rosie Batty, there were demands for his resignation; and even an act of excommunication by fundamentalist ALP pope Anthony Albanese.
Disregarding the accuracy or otherwise of the report, Rosie Batty’s only media qualification is to have married a man who killed her son and , frankly, I have yet to hear her contribute anything sensible to the violence mitigation conversation. Why she should be regarded as a sacred cow escapes me and if anybody concludes similarly that is their inalienable right in a democracy.
To suggest that free speech in Australia is now under threat of extinction is a muted understatement. What is even worse is that launching a normal marriage and raising a family will soon be impossible.
But by now I am finally beginning to understand that this is the objective.
I’d never heard the term “MGTOW” (pronounced migtow) until my 23 year old red-pilled, weight-lifting, testosterone-laden son used it. It means “Men Going Their Own Way”. Evidently, the modern, young Australian female is just not worth the effort. Brain dead and uber-precious. If anyone has a red-pilled, available daughter in her mid to late twenties,please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Interesting Phil, I bailed on the U.S. back in Feb 1982 and immigrated to Oz. Met my future wife and we have been married ever since. – I went through so many air-heads back in the States that I just couldn’t deal with the insanity.
Funny thing, the three I spent the most time trying to build a family with came by and visited my mother after I was in Australia. My Mom indicated that each of them evidenced a realization that they had let ‘one of the good guys get passed by’.
Not my problem. If your are that brain dead, then you don’t deserve a ‘good guy’.
It looks like Australia has caught up with the insanity of the U.S. – what was the old saying – “Australia is 20 years behind the U.S.” – well, here you are.
My brother wised up and married a German girl. If I was in the market for a real wife I’d be looking at an Asian wife. A woman raised with real family values and looking to make a future for her children.
I am inclined to believe that females believe their TVs more than men. After all, it is TV that promotes naratives to the point where many women have been enabled into thinking they have rights but no real responsibilities. Steeotyping for brevity!
The other thing that probably feeds into this is how we bring up our children into thinking they deserve their dream job/partner/life perhaps feeding unrealistic aspirations.
The International Order of the Rainbow Girls- NSW SA
“Somewhere over the Rainbow”
I just came across these two interesting links:
Also, without going into the whole issue, all this feminist noise is nothing new and is a basic condition of human life.
Richard Wagner dealt with it in his Ring Cycle where POWER/SEX and LOVE are pitted against each other, i.e. give up love and gain power, etc.
Brunnhilde, Wotan’s daughter is disobedient and she is punished by spending time not riding her horse with her maidens but to be banished on to a rock surrounded by a ring of fire – the fire god Loge. Wotan’s edict of banishment states she can only be released from this prison by an hero – not just an ordinary man! Siegfried comes along and rescues her – but he gets deceived, etc. and betrays her – and she is out for payback, which sees him die.
At the end of the final Opera – Goetterdaemmerung-Twilight of the Gods – she rides her horse into the burning Walhalla, grieving her husband’-Siegfried’s death.
Wagner’s moral about such behaviour is that had she had her balance between love and power/sex, then she would not have betrayed her husband’s infidelity/betrayal.
But Brunnhilde was not a real woman – she was a Walkyrie and far too busy serving powerful Wotan and humping her sisters; she could not love but because she was out of balance and only power/sex drove her on.
Anyone who knows what love is all about, soon realizes that you cannot fight someone you love, and hedonistic inversion is an affliction that may talk about love – children – etc. but it is a life-style out of balance because it relies on pure power-submission equation.
The dialectic mindset clarifies some more: The Talmudic/Marxist/Feminist dialectic proposes that this is a death dialectic: Thesis/Man vs Antithesis/Woman = Synthesis – woman castrates man and the Androgynous individuals emerge.
The Hegelian dialectic is a life-giving dialectic: Man vs Woman = synthesis the CHILD!
Here endeth the lesson – and I would be interested to hear from anyone with further suggestions on this matter, especially on the Brunnhilde/Walkyrie thesis that anyone nurturing such a state of mind cannot love!
Indeed there is nothing new on this earth ; The LGBT movement can also be seen as a development of Gnosticism, which pre-dated Christianity but has mooched off it for 2000 years. Paul spent much of the NT warning against it. But Gnosticism re-emerged with Theosophy and New Age mysticim in the early 20th century. By now it has infiltrated leftist ideology and holds that the dualistic sexual dialectic is transcended by the more evolved androgyny via transexuality.
really dick? because in my gnostic experience – its all about frequency and nothing about control unless you’re following the demurring (christian god) which is riddled with stories of power over love (David). i learned to turn over a leaf and there is an expression of god! i guess that heresy triggered me bit.
Fredrick, you asked for commentary. I am iggorant of Wagner but of course I can say from my little treasure trove of evolutionary biology that the power deal and the love deal are unrelated. They evolved as adaptations to separate needs.
Still, in the mating scenario it may be that the boy enjoys being the powerful and the girl ENJOYS being the powerless. I think the script at my wedding went something lilke this: “I the boy, promise to honor and protect” and “I, the girl, promise to love and obey.”
Sounded good to me then and sounds fine to me now.
Seem to recall learnng that a male chimp skakes the tree branches on which the female chimp is standing just to remind her that that’s how it’s supposed to be thank you very much.
The human version of that did indeed lead to some institutionlization of oppression of Her Nibs. But along came Helen Reddy and helped Her Nibs point the finger at that kind of issue and made it fixable.
As for ABC, one really does have to barf, doesn’t one.
Fredrick, order a copy today of Philip Allott’s new book Eutopia. He is a genius. I am sure you will be at home with it. There aren’t too many of you philosophers.
Complementing your comments, Mary… one third of the Irish Monks were women and the historic alpha was a woman, and almost all of these raised families. This was Europe from the 3rd to the 7th centuries, which the Vatican, who imposed celibacy on the monks, chose to rebrand as the Dark Ages. The hell they were. The real Dark Ages were from 8th century to the 20th.
Contrary to the academic beliefs of Dick and Co. the current sexual homgenisation has nothing to do with power or love or sex. It is purely about the extinction of FAMILY, as the central values element of society; as a subobjective of the new world order.
The erosion of family is the single correlative of all current social assaults.
Exactly as Adams predicted: LGBT parents begin physically maiming their own children in botched transgender mutilations
(Natural News) Fascinating timeline that shows you how the left-wing techno-fascists censor anyone who tells the truth about the rampant child abuse, child mutilations and child murder now being carried out by LGBT “progressives” around the world:
– Last Friday night: Left-wing media runs hit pieces on Natural News, highlighting my “LGBT progressivism horrors” article that predicted LGBT parents would start mutilating their own children to try to make them “transgender” babies. According to the left-wing media, my predictions were absurd and “hateful.”
– Tuesday: Natural News learns that Facebook now says the Natural News channel was deleted because of the “LGBT progressivism horrors” article, even though that article was never posted to Facebook by Natural News. In other words, Natural News was banned because of “off-platform” behavior.
– Today: News breaks that lesbian parents just murdered their own baby boy after attempting an at-home transgender mutilation procedure exactly as I predicted less than one month ago. From NaturalNews.com:
Just in time for Pride Month, a pair of lesbians from Brazil celebrated their “true selves” by murdering their nine-year-old son, whom one year prior they tried to make “transgender” by forcibly cutting off the now-deceased boy’s private parts and carving a makeshift vagina in its place.
The horrific event took place less than one month after Natural News editor Mike Adams publicly predicted this new wave of “LGBT progressivism horrors,” precisely describing that “progressive” parents would begin physically maiming their own babies to slice of their gender organs.
According to reports, 27-year-old Rosana da Silva Candido, the boy’s biological mother, and 28-year-old Kacyla Damasceno Pessao, her lesbian partner, stabbed nine-year-old Rhuan Maycon to death on May 31 after a year of evading police and Child Protective Services.
No apology from the left-wing media for falsely smearing Natural News and our accurate prediction of “LGBT horrors”
Note that there is so far no apology whatsoever from the left-wing media. No apology from Facebook and no reinstatement of the Natural News channel. This proves that when you tell the truth about the child mutilations carried out by LGBT “progressives,” you will be silenced rather than thanked for trying to protect innocent children against violent, deranged LGBT lunatics.
The LGBT cult is alive and well, and its members will mutilate children and murder them if necessary to continue pursuing their transgender cult agendas. Anyone who points out that physically mutilating or chemically castrating children is child abuse will be silenced, de-platformed, smeared and viciously attacked. The Left Cult cannot allow anyone to defend the lives of the innocent, because if they admit that childrens’ lives should be protected, then their entire argument for abortions would self-destruct.
For the deranged, violent Left to continue to carry out its cult-like crusade of violence and brainwashing of children, they must eliminate all voices that seek to defend those children against left-wing violence.
I, for one, will not be silenced. I will speak for those who are unable to speak and unable to defend themselves. And I will never surrender to the twisted, immoral, violent cult of left-wing lunatics who are rapidly morphing into child killers and serial molesters.
Watch my video thanking Natural News readers for supporting us even as we are being maliciously smeared and blacklisted by every tech platform in the world:
Good for you, Arlyn.
Peak man-hating feminism is the “White Ribbon Pledge” where men who have never been violent to women must admit that they are guilty by association with those miniscule few who have been and promise to stop beating their wives. This can be confusing for normal alpha males who have been told that sex is a social construct and modern wammin are the equal if not the betters of men. It is not confusing for the modern, beta, hipster who expresses his (non-toxic) masculinity by wearing coloured socks, brewing craft beer and being cuckolded by his amazing, alpha common-law wife.
Nearly all now have equal pay, minimum as it turn’s out after utopian promises of a wonderful life. I notice that gender still is segregated in the work workforce.
One of these days Alan straight to the moon. Monkey see monkey do, apparently does work according MSM that tries to make us watch cuckold style.
Don’t think the endocrine disruptors saturating the environment are helping, for one thing I can not remember free speech ever been available in my lifetime. Here is not free speech as nice as it is.
Don’t worry about what the group(MSN) think(vilify/demonise), just check the person in front of you, what they do, not what they say.
Dear Tony Ryan, Thanks for the article. I am overwhelmed by it and the comments.
For the last 2 generations there was not only a “Deliberate Dumbing Down” in the public schools (as Charleotte Iserbyt says in her free-download book), but a concerted effort to get rid of the family.
Plus a concerted effort to dissipate masculine strength and the ideal of a strong man. I think much of that has been done by sit-coms and other types of TV.
Of course it could be turned around if people sought to do so. Most likely it will.
Thanks for that, Mary. and I love you all.
The funny part is to come, which is when we (here) are labeled misogynist and homophobic Funnily enough, my two closest friends are women and two in our externeded family are gay and constantly elect to live with us.
Now here is a bit of history that will seriously piss off the homosexual industry… in 1976 about siixty Aborigines attending a family meeting in Galiwin’ku, Elcho Island, were adamant that before western contact, homosexuality was unknown to them They were astonished when one of their young men claimed to have witnessed such an act in Darwin and I was called on to corroborate or otherwise.
Curious, I did some research and and fond that Kung (Kalahari Bushmen) and Inuit made the same claims.
Clearly there is something causal hiding in this cross-cultural conflict but I just don’t have time to follow it up.
Would a lesbian reader please come forward and remonstrate against that nonsense about a Leftist-LGBT maiming of a baby.
Puh-leeze. It probably didn’t happen at all (I mean, like, did Jahar write a confession on the boat wall? The Boston Globe said he did.)
If the maiming did happen it was not because there are lefties or LGBT-ies. It was because of the usual suspects, who do a lot of maiming if you consider the birth defects of babies born near the Mississippi delta who are soaked in Round-up.
Oh, oh – family without sex-power and love?
Think of the power of celibacy and how this produces hypocritical degenerate forms of behaviour.
Or think of Mary’s marriage vow, which reflects the Judaic-Christian-Muslim value system that separates the male and female into dominant-subordinate, then often begrudgingly concedes the female role of life-giving, e.g. Mother Mary, which is a Nordic mindset adopted by Christianity.
Shall I go on about sex/power and love? Me thinketh not now!
Its all in the Protocols.
hmm my comment wouldn’t post. I guess it was too long?
You should watch Cassie Jaye’s ‘The Red Pill’ Her descent into the MRA – Men’s Rights Assosciation
At first it was called “Women’s Liberation!” using a nice WWII sounding word “Liberation!”
Then it was “Equal Opportunity!”
Then, in Australia, at least, in 1984 the Equal Opportunity Act was signed into law.
But the movement had to keep moving. Think of all those jobs that would be lost!
So it became feminism.
As an aside, it seems incredible that you ask people what feminism means, they will say “equal opportunity”
Has anyone ever taken it literally and seen that it means “to feminize”?
During this time, commercials on TV and shows started to make fun of men the way they used to nake fun of women. This also made its way into sitcoms, and movies.
All this was so terribly predictable at the time by many that I knew, but everyone else just seemed to go along with it (she’ll be right, mate!).
Or maybe they all felt that hidden force. I first felt it when immigration started from the southern european countries in earnest.
You were just not allowed to question immigration from these countries. Tell me you felt this too. It really reared its head when suddenly it was Bad Form to say Irish jokes.
This ‘hidden force’ turned out to be what is known as ‘Political Correctness™’ This force is the iron fist in the velvet gloves known as Feminism, anti-racism, anti-homophobia, environmentalism, Islamophobia and, more recently, transgenderism. Remember this.
You think of these movements as separate movements but they are not. They just look that way TO US. Even though at the coalface there are genuine people doing (what they think is) good, they are manipulated by those running said movements.
The purpose of this is to keep you distracted into Thinking you are being attacked from all sorts of directions.
They also do this because if you attack any of these movements, they guilt trip you “how dare you attack poor women/gays/muslim/blacks/…” to further their agenda. They then demonize you and remove sympathy for your cause (unpersoning you in the process). their agenda is to destroy the family, and different races and both sexes so they can have an easily controlled low-IQ sour-sob style population. A child without family to love will have his love devoted to The State, and The State will become its own religion.
Free speech must be outlawed by The State, as criticism of The State will be seen as Hate Speech™, which is why Hate Speech must never become a legal term. Free Speech exists to speak truth to power.
I just heard on the ABC that there is $34 billion dollars worth of damage to babies and children in Australia last year! Parents are on ice is one of the issues. When society abandons the Christian principles there are serious repercussions
Murdoch’s Zionist ideolgy consortium has exposed and unleashed many un-Australian features as feminism is only one of the false premises to detract and distract the population from wholesome male to female relationships of love and fidelity. Conquer and divide is the number one tactic of Zionism. There flawed ideology is to pervert the natural course of relationships.