by G5
[Editor’s note: A selection of emails from G5]
China, Russia and the US
With the Chinese Navy conducting Exercises with the USS Roosevelt (recall the Chinese bio-weapon infection through Vietnam) Carrier Group; who is The Enemy; and particularly in the China Sea region?
The postured Russia perhaps? But what interests Russia in that region, apart from reclaiming Russian islands already stolen by China.
Inaction always viewed as weakness by ignorant, arrogant totalitarians, now has China claiming Vladivostok as some rethink of past events. In 1860: Qing Haishenwai became Vladivostok Primorsky Krai, as a consequence of the Second Opium War.
Is China posturing to protect its incursions into the territorial and essential fishing areas of; Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Australia? Or perhaps posturing to protect its damming of water into India and the Indochina Peninsula, and the diversion of the Himalayan runoff? Both of which are genocidal triggers.
America now posturing ownership by its enemy China, is reminiscent of America acting with NAZI Germany against Russia during WWII. Which it covertly was. Interestingly by the same Usual Suspect powers that are currently attempting victory laps in The West.
The prior naval games in that region were America with; Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan, South Korea, and Australia New Zealand. Protecting themselves against the proven and ongoing incursions by China. Including the blocking of international sealanes. Did something change over the previous blink.
The posture that America is ally with China against The West, is an interesting theory. A little harder to sell than weather being anthropogenic, fossil fuels being evil except if imported, free speech being evil except if not free, and guns kill but people don’t. And of course women have a health right to murder their infants.
Under the derivative Maoist China: female infants were murdered as per state requirements. But then the current herds of illiterate Feminese delusional intellectualized, are disengaged from reality as per mantra and miasma.
Showing China the keys to the USN technology and capabilities, can at best only enhance China as a comparable low level naval power. As is America. The real enemy of China indeed is Russia. No amount of propaganda posturing to the herds will ever alter that. It didn’t under Napoleon, it didn’t under Hitler, it didn’t under the absurd sitcom actor Soetoro, and it won’t under the ridiculous comedy duo of Sleazy and The Moll.
Russia the enemy has been a long and variant sell from the eighteenth century. It has failed to the point of rhyming. First the lands, and now the resources of Russia, are unassailable, as per the Battle of Stalingrad and what led to that madness through invasion-proof weather and destroyed tailing logistics.
The fact that Russia now holds the energy keys to China, is dismissed by the CCP elites and their domestic power base, by the fact that the Chinese People are even beyond cannon fodder. There is indeed a media blocked civil war in China. As this writer has indicated by prior personal knowledge.
China with puppet America; as the captured first domino of The West; have diverted to Russia the enemy. But that hard sell from 2014 is meaningless. The fear by China is Russia. An enemy beyond the savagery encountered by China from Japan.
The current White House occupation forces is attempting to revisit the insane Iranian relationship of 2015; and indeed from The Company’s Op. Ajax; will destroy the Abraham Peace Accords established by Orange. Bibi has warned the Sieazy One. But a puppet and ideologically finger tweaked is he.
The moment America revisits the Iranian Affair; regardless of the forthcoming Israeli election of 23 March 2021; Southern Iran is gone. Russia owns Northern Iran, those five oil fields and the heavily fortified Caspian connections.
The 2015 Iranian Affair was a channeled corrupt sink for looted American and EU assets.
Russia will guard the division between South Iran and its North Iran interests. An attempted engagement to capture the northern fields will not be tolerated. Effectively: Iran as a whole cannot be taken. Beyond China’s Waterloo even with the absurd EU (NATO) and the American puppet.
Russia has nuclearized the Caspian Fleet. And the region is virtually further, on theatre distance from the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, and Russian domestic, TU, SU, and missile attack.
Israel to be used in the first instance to strategically target what is postured as its domestic interests.
China and America attacking Russia is a strategic fiction, that one plus one equals two. The false assumption of equal accounting base. Dismissing that Russia stands higher.
The situation in Myanmar (Burma) is two undemocratic elite groups fighting each other for power control; represented by Kyi (pseudo-democracy) and Mynt (military dictatorship). Both are corrupt entities. Either way; as usual; The People lose. Their sweat and blood is transferred through the power base and delusional representation and democracy to the corrupt and criminal ruling classes.
The Current Narratives
The current American hinge narratives for the alleged subjugated hordes are; Domestic Terrorism, Political Violence, Sedition, direct threat against the elected [sic] officials and their staffs, and the integrity of the public service [sic].
America cannot reform under the current structure of deception. New America with a new constitution must be formed. Yet again: the opportunity of 2017 was bluffed away. Winning another landslide in 2022 or 2024 is meaningless. The totalitarian classes are not going to suddenly moralise and stand aside for the enemy: The People.
The current flood of aliens under the derivative of; Release, Protect, and Reward; will impact. The initial logic was as an aspect facilitating projected electoral fraud. Recall it was Soetoro who began building the Southern Wall and who authorized the caging of children. The aliens to soon outweigh their value as sole voting puppets, and non-tax paying slave labour.
Tens of millions are being unemployed by each stroke of the occupier’s pen. At least when capable of navigating that instrument. Taxes are to rise. At least against the demonized, unconnected middle classes. The ruling classes and their illusions must be substantially maintained.
Washington DC, as with the Vatican and the City of London, are being ostracised from the real world. At least a quarter millennia tragedy that should never have occurred. The red shields are under other names, and three prominents have had their tickets canceled.
Recall past but recent eras with bankers leaping from windows, and a linked, but also not understood era of microbiologists attempting the same feat.
Incidentally, the Intel ops. who vacuumed Pelosi’s office on 6 January 2021 have committed suicide. Now who would have guessed. The information is well guarded by the IIC to be appropriately used in due course, at the appropriate juncture, and in the fullness of time.
And as Newton advised: every action has an equal and opposite reaction. I understand those tolls have already been collected. There are a number of versions from Biblical to contemporary, concerning; No Place to Hide.
There are very predictable divisions in the house. Totalitarianism is a loose aggregation of warring tribes. Never an issue of the finer points of ideology, or what is allegedly best for The People. Fear not that the latter ever reaches the conscious reaction state of the self-interested. Never more than the disposable commodity.
Champagne Bernie is under heavy Secret Service protection (code Intrepid). Actually a greater force than Sleazy himself.
I recall that Donald McLean’s code when spooking on the Pentagon for SIS Stewart Menzies, was Intrepid. There: I just showed my age. Interestingly The Cambridge Ring was run for Menzies by family rogue, and old friend, Victor Rothschild.
“China and America attacking Russia is a strategic fiction, that one plus one equals two. The false assumption of equal accounting base. Dismissing that Russia stands higher”
What does all that mean.
Babble on?.
crisscross767, glad to see I’m not the only one on here, to see the hypocrisy written in G5’s rants. Maybe he’s ready for the old age home ???
Some people such as Paul Craig Roberts think Russia is the #1 world military power
Quote, “Is China posturing to protect its incursions into the territorial and essential fishing areas of; Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Australia?” Unquote. What location of Australia is China ALLEGEDLY poaching fish in ?
The only location I know of where such a claim might be made is the Papua, allowing the Chinese to build a canning factory and then supplying the fish from PAPUAN waters. To claim such waters are Australian, is a bare faced lie. Australia has PRETENDED for many years, to be concerned about the Papuan people’s, yet during my lifetime, (71 years) Australia has done absoluetly NOTHING for these people, other than to support efforts from international conglomerates to steal whatever resources and pollute their lands and rivers in doing so. Australia has not built any infrastructure in Papua and supports the Indonesian Government in it’s genocidal campaign to replace the native Papuans with Indonesians. Now the Chinese have stepped in, and offering the Papuans something Australia should have done 50 years ago, and Australians red faced and embarrassed trying to point the finger at China. Must hurt to see themselves in the mirror for a change. L.O.L.
True, Eddy. Free West Papua.
Australia actually did go into Timorleste and Indonesia was told to let them I guess, and probably Chevron or some Rockerfella interest went in to get the oil, which I think simplifies the equation, enough for anyone.
G5 writes:
“The situation in Myanmar (Burma) is two undemocratic elite groups fighting each other for power control …”
That alone is an interesting topic.
Mike King is actually very entertaining and even though a Q-tragic gives a good breakdown of the situation in Myanmar in the link below.
Both sides may well be ‘undemocratic’, but then what is ‘democratic’ these days anyway? So it’s a question of which one represents the best interests of The People because we now know that they are not going to be allowed to have a say anyway. At least the military is up front as to where they stand and appear to have a nationalistic agenda instead of privatising the people’s wealth into the hands of globalist oligarchs.
Note how they took control of the communications networks immediately with an ‘emergency TV announcement’.
Please also take particular note of all the awards lavished on Aung San Suu Kyi as well as Time Magazine covers and the happy photo-ops of her celebrating with:
• John McCain and Madeleine Albright
• Boehner, Pelosi, HR Clinton and McConnell
• Obama and HR Clinton
• Merkel
• George Soros
And like Obama, Kyi is Nobel Prize winner. I wonder if this will go to BLM or Jared Kushner this year.
The article:
• NY Times: Myanmar’s Leader, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Is Detained Amid Coup
• Rebuttal By The Anti-New York Times
Mike King writes:
“The build-up to this event is remarkably similar to what just occurred in the United States. Opponents of the sainted Aung San Suu Ky — that nasty Soros-selected, “Oxford-educated ™, Nobel Peace Prize winning ™ Golden Girl — have been calling on Myanmar’s Election Commission to review the results. The military claimed to have found 8.6 million voter list irregularities which allowed voters cast multiple ballots. When the corrupt commission concluded that there was “no evidence” ™ to support such “baseless” ™ claims, the boys with the guns made their move. It’s interesting to note that, according to the Slimes articles, pre-election polls, exactly as was the case with Biden, showed that Aung San Suu Ky’s National League for Democracy was ahead.”
“National League for Democracy” – there’s another good one – just like the notorious “Social Democrats”.
Mike King knows shit.
Suu Kyi has never supported democracy and would be unable to define this desirable state, and if she could, would be implacably opposed.
Second, anybody who is sucked up to by such a psychopathic list of rogues, is cast in the same mould.
That the military is also not very democratic is well known, but this is a simplistic overview. The reality is some in the military do support democracy and others prefer a military dictatorship, with other views in between.
Our very own James O’Neil portrayed Suu Kyi as pro-democracy in Sandhya Jain’s website today, so it is clear that many people are still fooled by US propaganda.
No democracy for Burma, ever. The Burmese are the largest demographic, along the Thai border they have Kareen who have their own (rebel) army, north of that they have the Shan and a bunch of others so “democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting who’s for dinner”.
Agree with your post
Nobel Peace Prize for Kushner or BLM?
G5 says “China with puppet America; as the captured first domino of The West; have diverted to Russia the enemy. But that hard sell from 2014 is meaningless. The fear by China is Russia. An enemy beyond the savagery encountered by China from Japan.”
Which is contradicted by –
Russia’s Romance With China Is All About Keeping Up Appearances
Closer ties between Moscow and Beijing are worth more as a threat than a reality.
………….For Russian President Vladimir Putin, however, there seems to be little risk of drifting apart from one of his closest allies on the world stage. Only last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping described Moscow’s leader as his “best friend,” and it appears a new set of challenges have done nothing to shake that.
On a bilateral call between Beijing and Moscow on December 29, Xi insisted that they would work “unswervingly” to develop an ever-closer partnership, and that “strategic cooperation between China and Russia can effectively resist any attempt to suppress and divide the two countries.”……….
Absolutely right Criss X.
U.S administrations have been demonising and sanctioning Russia for years and then Trump steps in and raises the ante against the Chinese.
Does anyone with two brain cells to rub together think that either of these two countries will EVER align with the U.S (a known LIAR and breaker of treaties), on any issue ?
The Sino-Russian alliance is an unbreakable one. Each country knows that the UZSA (United Zionist States of America) is their common enemy.
For G5 to even hint otherwise is pure disinformation.
Who do you work for G5 ?
It would appear that BRICS does not exist. Why, bless my soul, where on earth did I get that notion from.
Infected by paranoia ?
Or were they collaborating on some rebel monetary system ?
All such schemes now superseded by the delights of hoodwinking the entire population by virus mania (Brazil at least seems to have dropped out, when’s the next boat to Brazil)
Thanks G5, your musings even if in edit and viewed in hindsight is well worth the babble
Not sure why the east west north south paradigm still garners argument here.
Worried the parasite is headed south, look into NZ’s massive sea territory. No fish(our fish the exception) for you no matter your democratic support.
Way it is.
My simple former trade view, regarding the beast world government reset during crown virus agenda.
A secret order not so secret anymore.
Xi Jinping. President
Vlad Putin. Vice President
Ben Netanyahu Treasurer
All three freemasons, the chosen dictators.
Other players come and go, but these guys have been in power since 911, the first reset.
Sure, the puppet masters we never see, but these are members of the inner circle, without any doubt.
Not conspiracy, real time. Crown kabal communism, since 1913.
G5 is talking about Red Shields, I’m glad it is coming up. Recently in these bloggs I saw an estimate the “Red Shields” were 10x richer than Rockerfellas and another one was claiming 200x.
I wonder how much the reserve banking system actually delivers. x22 says “it prints $1, you have to pay $1.10 back, where does the other 10c come from ? They have to print that too”.
As far as I am aware this is misleading, the government sells bonds (promissory notes) to the Fed in return for the printed money, but they can also throw junk bonds in there and the Fed will value them and pay whatever. Of course the REAL junk bonds go to the pension funds, by a clever swindle I think it was JPMorgan made 100 days straight winning trades in a row because they could delay settlement by 3 days and in that time they diverted the losses to pension funds.
Back to the Fed, these promissory notes just keep getting rolled over, like an ever expanding credit card that is never paid off. The fed prints the money and keeps giving this “credit”. The US treasury federal deficit keeps going up. The only way it seems to benefit the banks is by side deals, of which there must be squillions. But the direct owners of the Fed, supposedly the “Red Shields” would seem to be at arms length from this side deals aspect.
In trying to guess who has the most money, I would compare the US with Europe. Europe destroyed itself in the 1940’s and subsequently the US plundered it. Even before that, you have a US economy expanding by virtue of being a NEW CONTINENT with all sorts of riches and development to be done. Gold rushes, railways, manufacturing, international deals, spoils of war, it must have been rolling in, while the 20th century was largely wasted in Europe.
Rockerfellas were at the centre of “the American Century” while Europe cleaned up piles of rubble and buried their dead.
Esther & Abi Ofarim – Cinderella Rockefella – (Hebrew)
Douglas Craig Emhoff is an American lawyer who is the current second gentleman of the United States. He is married to Vice President Kamala Harris. As the first-ever husband of a U.S. vice president, Emhoff is the first second gentleman in American history. He is also the first Jewish spouse of a vice president
They’ve got brown people too for decoration
This story, probably posted by yourself a week or two ago, explains comprehensively how “they’re all in this together”. It’s no wonder that made that their theme song. They are all laughing at us sheeple as we quibble about our uninformed prejudices.
G5 writes : ‘The prior naval games in that region were America with; Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan, South Korea, and Australia New Zealand.
Protecting themselves against the proven and ongoing incursions by China’.
So let me get this straight. The U.S, along with a gaggle of subservient lackeys, are in China’s BACKYARD (The South China Sea), to PROTECT themselves from China’s ongoing incursions ???
G5, has it occurred to you that the U.S and its lackeys are the ones doing the incursions ?
I mean, if the Chinese were conducting naval exercises in the Gulf of Mexico just offshore from the cluster of critical oil refining capacity in Texas, then that would be fair enough.
But they aren’t. It’s the Yanks that are sticking their noses where it doesn’t belong.
G5, HOW STUPID do you think Gumshoe readers are, to be dishing up this nonsense to us ?
You really are a mouthpiece for the CIA warmongers trying to provoke a confrontation between the U.S and China aren’t you ?
Your articles, although coming off a very low base with your less than credible recent efforts, have descended into the absurd.
Give it up man – before you embarrass yourself further.
When I saw this video 8 years ago, I thought Aung San Suu Kyi was being sarcastic, as in “Hey you so-called Brothers, where were you for 21 years when I needed help?” I admire her greatly.
She is currently under arrest for importing 6 walkie-talkies.
Thank you for this Mary-close to my heart for many reasons
Yes been thru the Tavi–classic history –same as “three little girls from school”–owned groomed used and yet she has survived the hell with values still in tact and a dignity–that deserves respect.
yes I admire her greatly —
“campus life for young people so important-university life has been shattered because of a perceived need to keep students in order”
“Hey you so-called Brothers, where were you for 21 years when WE needed help?”
our road needs building inch by inch
US Pressure on China; The Thai Connection
By Christopher Black, February 02 2021
The change of guard in the American White House has proved that nothing has changed from the Trump regime with respect to US foreign policy. President Biden and his party continue the American propaganda attacks on Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and other nations that try to march to their own tune.
…………….The decline of the influence of the United States in the region and the rise of China’s influence, particularly since the inception of the Belt and Road Initiative, has led logically to Thailand seeking closer relations with China, something which the United States cannot tolerate.
The United States has tried to restore its influence in the region but aside from Japan, and South Korea, still occupied by US forces, and Australia, which enthusiastically supports the US aggression, it has not succeeded in luring other Asian nations away from good relations with China. But it has not stopped trying, and if it cannot persuade or force a government to adhere to its will, it goes to the next step of attempting to overthrow the existing government and replacing it with one more willing to be its vassal.
The Arab Spring, so-called was an example of this strategy. Libya was the result. The Americans have tried this with Vietnam, and The Philippines, among other nations, and is trying with Thailand. To do this it sings the worn out tune of “democracy” of “human rights” and demands the “democratisation of Thailand” and an overthrow of its constitutional monarchy……………
Unfortunately I have to say, the above opinion “Christopher Black” (satanist?) is rubbish.
The Chinese tourist invasion started years ago and the ordinary Thais don’t like Chinese tourists because they never get out of their tour bus / hotel complex and when they do they don’t observe local customs, they’re basically totally rude about queuing, they ride their bicycles on the wrong side and so forth. When Thais ride on the wrong side it’s called “ghost rider” and it’s done in a rural setting, not urban. Thais tell me 6 Chinese will share one can of coke (with 6 straws) and sit at the table for hours.
China and Japan have been wooing Thailand for train connections, the Thai intercity train system is ancient, the Chinese proposed one running the entire east side down to port of Rayong (south of the new airport and Pattaya – pronounced pat-a-yahh). The Japanese proposed Bangkok to Chiang Rai on the western side. These were brought up years ago and negotiations and planning still going.
Thailand has always been independent thanks to its all powerful monarchy. Many will be aware from old movies etc the monarch had to be approached on the belly, crawling across his carpet. There was probably some practical purpose in this. The monarch is the head of the army so Thailand is effectively a militarised country and always has been since it’s foundation during the expansions of centuries ago.
Right now Thailand has been doing “testing” and come up with tens of thousands of “cases” however nobody is dying !!! Funny that, they have all acquired natural herd immunity very easily. The total virus deaths™ in the first few months were about “65”, then the rest of the year total virus deaths™ were zero, and lately they have added a few so they are up to total virus deaths™ about “80” as I write.
Total virus deaths™ are being blamed on immigrants, especially Burmese traders and workers. Thais are just too clean !!! So in a population of 70 million, the normal rate being roughly 1% per year, means normally 700,000 will die per year normally, that’s 1900 per day, and 80 per hour. So the total virus deaths™ in this fully infected™ country = one hours worth of normal deaths over the full year.
Thailand can achieve this because it is an independent country and it guards it’s sovereignty jealously. Lefties and “Libtards” do not understand the importance of all this as they convulse their way towards full blown fascist-communism. The system in Thailand works for the nation of Thailand, better than any other country in Asia and would be hard to beat in the world. Crime is low (anyone can get a gun), happiness index up, communism is not wanted, independence is assured, and the total virus deaths™ speaks for itself.
You could just as easily be describing Chinese tour groups in Northern Australia W3. I encountered them in Thailand too, and honestly, in the breakfast buffet they were like chickens that hadn’t been given enough feed. You actually had to guard your plate at times. They’d walk into you, and then glare at you with that inscrutable “you die soon, Gweilo” look.
Excellent piece from Christopher Black that you put up there Criss X.
I think it’s safe to say that you’d have to be sayanim troll or some such nefarious entity to not concur with Black’s summation which fits in precisely with real world outcomes.
G5 I think this statement is very relevant
“Or perhaps posturing to protect its damming of water into India and the Indochina Peninsula, and the diversion of the Himalayan runoff? Both of which are genocidal triggers.”
I was once told by a very wise traveller many years ago that China would never give Tibet back
because it needed to control the water. Here in Australia the Murray Darling basin is “owned” controlled off shore and water and food scarcity are yes being created for genocidal purposes.
Tasmania is also of interest in regard to this.
Excellent point Diane – I read the same. Can you imagine if, say, ‘ISIS’ or ‘al Qaeda’ or some other hostile terrorist force were to be established and entrenched on the Tibetan Plateau as is the case by occupying forces in Iraq and northern Syria. They would be doing to China exactly what they projecting China of doing to others, as is their style of propaganda. They would be withholding water from China and complaining that China was making them get their feet wet!
It is NOT going to happen. 没门
There are any number of random links on the keywords ‘China Tibet Water’ (I use Yandex).
Here is one good answer on a Quora post.
• Why does China want Tibet?
Paul Craig Roberts assures us that Israel wants southern Lebanon for the same reasons. Don’t trees make it rain ? Why don’t people grow more trees then ? Judging by the oil deposits, Arabia was once fully forested.
I read in a CSIRO journal in the days before it was privatised that trees act as an electrolyte between the cloud and the ground.
It appears, the single Covid case in Perth and one now Melbourne, are the ‘lone gun terrorists’ in the war against coronavirus these days. The spin such utter bull a child would not believe, adults only for consumption of this kool aid. The super strain, is not coming from London, it is here in Canberra Parliament, Macquarie street Sydney and all other capital cities governing orifices. The sooner they are exposed for the scam this is, the better our lives will be. Oz politickians are bloodsuckers puppets without shame, possessed and hellbent enforcing dystopian gulags. What’s next Serco hotels after failing the arse test?
Here’s a bull$#!% factory cranked up to capacity, trying to do a hatchet job on the non-censored platforms with their “professional” public image, Lord this and Baroness that, OBE etc.
ISD – Beirut | Berlin | London | Paris | Washington DC (nice for holidays)
Funded from “a diverse range of (the usual bull$#!%) independence bla bla
Prof Dr Roland Berger
Mark Bergman
Dr Matthias Döpfner
Stuart Fiertz (Treasurer)
Francis Finlay
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg
Jim Hoagland
Dr. Serra Kirdar
Michael Lewis (Chair)
Shirley Lord Rosenthal
Farah Pandith
Cecilie Rohwedder
Carol Saper
Lawrence Saper
Gil Shiva
Dr. Evelyn Stern
Lord Adair Turner (Chair, Policy Board)
Ed Williams
Timothy Garton Ash
Richard Barrett CMG OBE
Field Marshall the Lord Charles Guthrie
Dr August Hanning
Wolfgang Ischinger
Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones
Ana Palacio
Hella Pick CBE
Jonathan Powell
Baroness Patricia Rawlings
Louis Schweitzer
Criss X. in relation to your comment below, I’ve tried to tone down my normal ‘Bull-in-a-China-Shop’ approach to those hoodwinked by the official MSM propagated narrative.
Now I just calmly tell them that the world’s leading infectious disease epidemiologists are saying otherwise and that their voices are being muzzled by the establishment. (ie: never interviewed by the MSM, You Tube and Facebook posts and pages being taken down and censorship of dissenting voices).
Most just dismiss it and walk away but when the occasional one asks which people are being muzzled I tell them to check out the Great Barrington Declaration and mention the over 700,000 signatures on the petition with tens of thousands of medical professionals and specialists represented, I’ve had one or two make note of it and tell me they’ll look into it.
It’s a slow process but rather than coming straight out and saying it’s a complete hoax and total B.S, it’s best to just say it’s not exactly as portrayed and one needs to look further into it.
Also good, with the mounting death toll post vaccination, to mention those vaccine deaths in Norway and the MASSIVE RISE IN DEATHS in Gibraltar (refer to other article I posted on that below).
Mentions that the death rate from the vaccine brought to market by the Israeli company Moderna is MORE THAN FIVE (5) times worse than the Pfizer version – which was used in Norway where the 29 deaths occurred.
If we can wise people up to the repercussions of taking the vaccine, that could open up a can of worms.
Actually cx7, I went about this morning telling a few people about high blood pressure and diabetes medications being an attack vector for the virus and they were very interested. I told a couple of teenage girls that’s why young people don’t get it and they were very interested.
It’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it.
The people in the street I talk to swear Covid is real. I tell them it is a big Joke, they tell me in dismissal that a lot of people have died from it. Such is the power of the politicians and their supporting media propaganda. If you want to start a heated argument just tell them that what they believe is bullshit.
Well it is real but the treatments in the hospital are wrong. HCQ was banned then quietly unbanned except not here. Ivermectin is scoffed at. Instead, they keep on with the virus attack vector medications for hypertension etc, keep the victims in cold aircon, and stick them on ventilators until they’re (probably) dead. The WHO started the bans then Trump stopped funding the WHO and publicly took HCQ, and all the dunces say Trump is part of the plot.
It’s just incredible, as Shulze says, they are so dumb they deserve to die.
But some of them must be shills.
wikipedia: A wolf in sheep’s clothing is an idiom of Biblical origin used to describe those playing a role contrary to their real character with whom contact is dangerous, particularly false teachers.
Mary, seeing as the comments were closed for the previous article, I never did get around to addressing the following remark of yours :
“And why does it mean so much to you, Veg? Most of your posts for the last two years are to persuade us that the Z cabal runs everything”.
Let me turn it around by way of asking you a question dear Mary.
Why do you spend countless hours on Gumshoe posting articles on the Port Arthur Massacre, the Boston Marathon affair, Covid, 9/11, institutionalised paedophilia and all manner of other things ?
What’s in it for you ?
Are you being paid by a third party or lured with the promise that you’ll get employment with six figure renumeration and seniority within the Five Eyes network of organisations ?
Of course, I am not thinking that any of the above is a plausible scenario for explaining your motivation.
I believe you’re a good Christian woman with old school morals and you do what you do out of pure altruism.
I believe you genuinely want to leave the world a better place than what it was before your arrival on the scene.
But for whatever reason, you do not ascribe the same motives to me.
Readers will have noticed that I have placed a disproportionate attachment to solving the 9/11 False Flag and to that end, it has consumed more of my waking hours over the last 15 years than any other. I have a vested interest and seeing it resolved satisfactorily and may share it with you one day.
One of the major reasons for my focus on it is that :
‘Solving 9/11 and bringing the perpetrators to justice either BRINGS DOWN THE CABAL or at a minimum, greatly destabilises them with a concomitant immense reduction in the likelihood of future mischief making’.
The same could’ve been said about resolving the JFK assassination and prosecuting the guilty parties in the immediate aftermath of its occurrence.
But, seeing as we’re coming up to 58 years since it happened, the memory and ‘pain’ associated with it remains only in the minds of an older generation.
Had the JFK incident been resolved in the 1960’s the cabal would well and truly have been knocked off its perch and perhaps existed only in greatly diminished form.
Resolution of this crime today, although greatly beneficial, would not quite have the same impact – hence the need to place more emphasis on resolving 9/11.
As for your comment that I have spent the last 2 years ‘trying to persuade everyone that the Z cabal runs everything’, let me address that in two parts.
Firstly, I don’t try to ‘persuade’ anyone of anything.
I’m well aware that there are some here that have a cult like allegiance to all manner of ridiculous beliefs (eg: ‘Q’, Trump being a force for good, ‘Bush gang have the power to influence geopolitical events when the reality is they couldn’t ‘fix’ the result of a chook raffle, such is there impotence).
All I do is put out the facts and THIRD PARTIES who don’t have an axe to grind, will clearly be able to see that between me and the person I’m having a rigorous debate with, that one of us doesn’t have a leg to stand on.
In some cases I may well be the one exposed as the one whose thesis does not have a leg to stand on.
Fair enough – no one gets it right all the time.
But amongst objective readers, I think you’ll all agree that I called out OBVIOUS DISINFO PEDDLERS like Parkes, Ward and Steele, Zio-Dave at X22 etc, from almost the very beginning.
And indeed my forecast that NONE OF THEIR FORECASTS WOULD COME TO FRUITION have been vindicated.
If people cannot GRASP the implication of those facts, then I’m sorry for them.
Christopher Bollyn’s masterpiece ‘Solving 9/11: The Deception that Changed the World’, as a stand alone work is MORE THAN SUFFICIENT TO PROVE THAT THE ZIO-CABAL were behind 9/11.
In addition to that we have the testimony of former Head of Strategic Studies at the U.S Army War College (Alan Sabrowsky), that says it was a Mossad operation.
We have a plethora of other evidence to back up Israeli/Mossad orchestration of said event and, like the JFK assassination, NO ENTITY ON EARTH best satisfies the M.M.O (Motive Means and Opportunity) criteria as used by police and crime solving agencies to investigate a crime.
Lastly Mary, I can understand that the resident sayanim troll uses language like ‘you blame the Z-cabal for EVERYTHING’ (which I don’t), but I had expected better from you.
YES, the Z-cabal are obviously front and centre in relation to the perpetration of 9/11, JFK demise, RFK demise, MLK demise, James Forrestal demise, demise of Senator Paul Wellstone and his wife/daughter/staffers, USS Liberty False Flag, controlling the entirety of the western financial system and engineering recessions and Depressions, Covid and Climate Change hoaxes – the evidence is incontrovertible.
Do I say that the Z-cabal was involved in the Port Arthur Massacre ?
NO, I do not – although there may well be a link to the Mossad via Joe Vialls etc.
Do I say that the Z-cabal was behind Australia’s 9/11 ? (ie: the Bali Bombing on 12 Oct 2002).
NO, I do not – although there’s evidence that leading Mossad operatives were on the scene in the run up to said event and colluding with those local Indonesian useful idiots that took the blame for it and were subsequently executed.
Do I say the Z-cabal was involved in the Boston Marathon and Sandy Hook events or the murder of JFK Jr (I don’t have have conclusive evidence for the latter but the Z-cabal would have ALL THE MOTIVE ON EARTH for seeing John John dead).
NO, I do not.
So Mary, I’m disappointed that you resort to the sayanim troll’s tactics and say those things.
Bottom Line: I have progeny and like most of you, I’d like to leave the world a better place than it is now. If by enlightening people with information that I am fortunate enough to possess, said people can in turn forward that message onto others (with the accompanying evidence that I go out of my way to provide here on Gumshoe), who will in turn forward that on to countless others, then my job is done.
If a critical threshold of people are awakened to the Covid / Climate Change / 9/11 / JFK deceptions etc, then the tyranny that exists in the world can be overthrown.
We are MANY, they are FEW.
It can be done with your assistance Mary but putting ‘road blocks’ in my way by simply saying ‘No, it’s not the Z-cabal’, without offering proof of ANY plausible alternative for said crime and not offering a SINGLE DEFINITIVE PIECE OF EVIDENCE to disprove claims I’ve made, is not helping me.
Hint: You misquote, you conflate, you misconstrue, you ascribe, you deny, and that’s being polite about it. What is a sanyasim, I have never even looked it up.
Digressing onto Covid, I posted a comment yesterday attached to an older Gumshoe article which has likely dropped off the radar so will not be read by many of you.
I believe it’s important so I am re-posting it below :
I just read an interesting article titled ‘Seniors Dying After COVID Vaccine Labeled as Natural Causes’ by the world famous Dr Joseph Mercola in relation to Covid vaccine deaths :
There was an interesting section on the massive increase in deaths in Gibraltar in the immediate aftermath of the Covid vaccine rollout.
From the article :
“Gibraltar rolled out its vaccination program on January 9, 2021, using the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. By January 17, 2021, 5,847 doses had been administered (about 17% of the population).
The curious thing about it is that the area’s first recorded death from COVID-19 didn’t occur until mid-November 2020. By January 6, three days before the vaccination program began, the total COVID-19-related death toll reportedly stood at 10.
Then, by January 17, the total death toll had suddenly skyrocketed to 45. In other words, 35 people died in the first eight days of the vaccination program. Most were in their 80s and 90s.
Chief Minister Fabian Picardo said, “This is now the worst loss of life of Gibraltarians in over 100 years. Even in war, we have never lost so many in such a short time.” None of the deaths are being blamed on the vaccine, however. Instead, they’re loosely blaming them on the new variant of SARS-CoV-2.”
That’t right readers. The aggregate death toll in Gibraltar was 10 (ie: from the entirety of the pandemic dating back 12 months or so), and this shot up to 45 – a more than quadrupling of deaths in only a couple of weeks.
Meanwhile, most of you will already by aware of the 29 deaths in Norway post vaccine.
From the same article :
” At the time of the deaths, the Pfizer vaccine was the only COVID-19 vaccine available in Norway, so “all deaths are thus linked to this vaccine”.
As bad as the Pfizer vaccine appears to be, let’s look at the results for the Israeli Moderna vaccine. From the article :
“Moderna’s reported death rate for its COVID vaccine, based on clinical trials, is 5.41 times greater than Pfizer’s.”.
That’s right, Moderna’s vaccine has a more than 5 times greater death rate.
Hmmm, I’m guessing that the death rate quoted was for Moderna’s ‘goyim’ version of the vaccine – the Israeli locals are probably getting a far less toxic batch.
Mind you, that subset of the Israeli population that is deemed expendable (the Palestinians), will be getting the ‘double-plus-good-goyim version’ (the one that doubles up as a paint stripper).
I scooped you on the Gibraltar story about a week ago
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