
William and Harry’s 2017 commissioned statue of their late mother. The statue of Diana, Princess of Wales, by artist Ian Rank-Broadley, is in the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace. The palace said that children are meant to “represent the universality and generational impact of The Princess’ work.”
by G5
Notes about Royals
If you hadn’t guessed: Diana had three children by three different men. And Charley had bedded the three Spencer girls, including Diana.
William is the son of Jacob Rothschild.
Harry that of James Hewitt. Sarah is the daughter of Simon Day.
Jacob was the son of Victor Rothschild. Long history there, in which I am involved.
As first cousin Berty could not deliver; all Vicky’s children are those of Lionel Nathan Rothschild. Who in turn stocked all the royal houses of Europe, including Russia.
Randolph Churchill and William Gull were Jack The Ripper, cleaning up behind sex addicted murdering paedophile Edward VII and his supplier of kidnapped then murdered children, Walter Sickert.
Edward VIII was not coronated, therefore not a king in line, prior to George VI. He was a serial rapist. The Wallis Simpson Affair was not any problem, by a Morganatic Marriage, as was that of paedophile Louis Mountbatten. Killed in line with Savile, Maxwell, Epstein, and murdering paedophile Prime Minister, Ted Heath.
William Guelph; George I; was not in the British line leading to the present.
Edward, Duke of Clarence, Edward VII’s son was murdered by Claude Bowes-Lyon (grandfather of Elizabeth II) at Glamis Castle, because he was openly gay.
Edward VIII, Louis Mountbatten, The Rothschild’s excluding Victor; the reason his two sons were murdered; Winston Churchill, FDR, and the murdered Pius XII; were all part of the coalition supporting Nazism to defeat Russia. All exposed: including through The Potsdam Agreement.
Proxies and Weapons
Currently the net is overrun with American propaganda concerning air strikes and even troop landings against Iran.
Hamas and Hezbollah are American proxies and not controlled by Iran or Russia.
No American aircraft could breach Iranian airspace in the face of Russia. It would take a minimum land force of 350,000 to invade Iran. Apart from US-UK-NATO not having a functioning ground force of that magnitude. Apart from the non-existent logistical supply chains.
America has destroyed its relationship with all regional nations apart from Qatar, and that is currently losing traction.
All threatening naval movements or air build-ups in reachable distances would be destroyed by Russia. I have advised of the various actions by Russia in Eastern Europe and Eurasia.
In passing: Russia destroyed America and its proxies concerning the ongoing 2014 American invasion of Ukraine.
Nauseous: as the children are still clinging to the delusional, which also facilitates the various government lootings at issue. Particularly through The US Congress.
The ‘Seven Countries in Five Years’ American hegemonic idiocy, had America driven out of Iraq, Libya and Syria. It concerned The Qatar Pipeline, destroyed against NordStream.
Any land force would be destroyed in The Arabian Gulf prior to deployment, and The Strait of Hurmuz would be shut by Russia. The missed reason why America continues to pay blackmail to Iran (Russia) since The Shah Era.
Apart from not even able to reach the first mountenous terrain. Neither Sea nor Airdrops are possible.
NONE HAS OCCURRED, since the American invasions of Operation Ajax and The Shah Era.
Russia guards Iran from The Caspian Sea, and Israel from The Aegean Sea fleets.
Matters concerning The Strait of Hormuz, The Suez, The Arabian Gulf, and The Red Sea, are precisely as I have advised, concerning America and its recidivist False Flags and propaganda.
As I have further advised: Russia guards Venezuela, and China controls all trading sea lanes from The Bohai Sea to south east Asia.
On 13/1/24: Chinese puppets were elected to govern Taiwan, which is being played through as Hong Kong and Macau. China now controls the Taiwanese economy and its industries.
Ground invasions, infrastructure destructions, and the capture of populations, are the inssnities of very past eras. As the grand idiocy of aircraft carriers and their life support fleets.
When America lies about its military prowess: Those who matter know, and those who don’t know, don’t matter.
Jabs and Covid
NSW Covid fines against children held in place, is objected to by the partially brained, on the basis that it contravenes a UN agreement.
It’s using a UN agreement as a defence.
Similarly: observance of a UN agreement introduces the observance of the forthcoming UN WHO Pandemic, loss of sovereignty.
What Australia should do, is not observe ANY UN agreements. Fight the; suddey exposed; idiocy of children’s fines, by Australian Law and The Australian Constitution.
Push the owned Australian government further down the rat hole of its own invention.
Look at what Howard delivered to the indigenous in The Northern Territory.
It’s so frustrating, it stops before the bit where we find out if Rotschilds are from Orsini, Aldobrandini, Venice or Ptolemy or some kind of blended thing.
Does it matter?
One possible short answer is, don’t you want the truth ?
Are they faithful servants of German royals or arch-satanists ?
Rotschilds were not the inventors of carrier pigeons.
Yes Mary, it does matter to examine who is running the show via bloodlines, family, FINANCIAL CONTROL and BLACKMAIL.
“Who is your daddy, has extreme relevance when it comes to history, manipulation, lies and control of the bastards.
Mary; it is a …”Club and we ain’t in it”.
So “G 5” still hasn’t woken up to the fact that unsubstantiated claims aren’t worthy of any attention. What’s new?
So far as entertainment goes “Good-morning Britain” cornered the market some time ago:
So far as Royal illegitimacy goes this is about as credible/interesting as it gets:
Even if “G5” were capable of corroborating his/her claims they still wouldn’t amount to anything more than a distraction from the call of the hour
Which of the claims is not substantiated and how do you do you know it/they is/are not?
Do you know G5?
Come on do not tease, tell us what you know💁🏼🙀🤣
Seems you know SFA.
Here’s one for you E.B.
I used to purchase the monthly Readers Digest. The very last issue I read was about the rise of Obama back in 2007. On the front cover was Obama’s face, looking directly into the camera. And as the saying goes, the camera can catch a glimpse of the soul through the eyes of the photographed. And as I gazed into his eyes, I was repelled by the evil I felt that was within those eyes.
I actually felt the evil just like an impact on my brain.
I then knew that Obama was not going to be good for America if he ever became President.
Did I rely on substantiating my feelings, or did my gut instinct that has never failed me in this life, give me all I needed to know about that evil POS?
Nearly everything the G5 gives us, I have no argument with because what G5 puts out I know mostly to be true from my own research.
Thanks G5
“Jacob was the son of Victor Rothschild. Long history there, in which I am involved.” ah me too- used to visit Victor’s house with my Grandmother. Victor’s Butler and Housekeeper’s son married my Grandmothers sister–think I’ve got that right. Winston was also a regular visitor to Victor’s house my Grandmother knew people in high places–she was a Druid
There was a fellow called Symes in the mix mmm
Elspeth a bit about unsubstantiated claims–Emma Katherine is Brilliant.
And Mary it all matters:.History Matters and History about People and Place matters Even More.
Interesting video from the UK. Prepare for an emergency –
Channel 9 TV has been telling us here today the sunspots might knock out the power internet banking etc. A prepper I know told me the sunspots fried a bunch of telephone operators about 100 years ago and took out all the wiring everywhere. Well we had a good big sunspot last week very nice weather but it’s all over now unfortunately. This prepper I know is hoping civilisation gets destroyed.
The Carrington event, if it could do that to the old telegraph lines, imagine what it would do with the lightly built electronic circuits of today.
May, 21, 2024 – the evil Old World is no more. A new Golden Age for Humanity is now ascending.
Methinx the rumors that it’s a fake Charlie at the helm could be true , especially with that released painting where everyone said it looks like he’s in hell .
This imposter sure doesn’t sound the same as Chuckie .
For years the SCARE EVENT has been propagated to stir the ‘normies’
Those who have been following my comments (and Terry’s and T.Os) with suggested references should be ready in any case. Lets us hope that it is the usual Northern hemisphere crap.
We must stay home and not be suckered AGAIN.
Any one notice the high end record house prices in Sydney these difficult days💁🏼
For fun, just go look and discern the articles at BIN….. PICK WISELY and find some common sense dots.
Meant to be a reply to Terry and his linked video re the UK.
The presenter states common sense. Try and solidify varying conflicting cultures and social disorder and lack of cohesion is a bloody recipe for disaster.
That is what the NWO, the UN and WEF is trying to achieve…. A problem, social distress, and they will have the SOLUTION FOR ALL TO OBEY. JUST OBEY, OBEY, OBEY AND ALL WILL BE TICKETYPOO.
WTPN over at beforeitsnews.com has been putting out the real history of how this planet has been controlled for some weeks now.
All read out by the lovely Mary.
If you choose to wait until Full Disclosure hits you between the eyes like a sledgehammer, you are not going to easily absorb what needs to be known about our REAL history.
Do yourself a favor, and play catch up with Mary.
Ned know you are near Bondi and the recent “event” are you able to see the heavens light up signalling to the world a significant event – Sydney’s Festival of Lights- makes me think of Dale and Nickis series on the Shrine.
“Vivid Sydney 2024 is the largest festival of light, music, and ideas, in the Southern Hemisphere. From Friday 24th May to Saturday 15th June 2024
Utzons Opera House iconic landmark -similar controversy during construction as the Shrine– Southern Hemisphere-
‘The Sydney Opera House is an Australian icon. Designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, the building represents innovation in architecture and engineering and provides a space to realise creative ambition. It has become a symbol the world immediately associates with Sydney and Australia.
Vivid Sydney light walk”
I can not sight vivid … not really interested.
relevant to above
“The zoo hypothesis has been in the news recently because it also provides justification for an activity known as METI, short for Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Simply stated, METI practitioners transmit radio signals into space with the hope of provoking a response from any aliens who might pick them up. In 2017, a Norwegian antenna was used to beam a message to a star system 12 light-years away. “
GEERT: Bird Flu – a Distraction from COVID?
Could human intervention impact on the risk to the animal population
MAY 25, 2024
Geert Vanden Bossche challenges leading Public Health experts and the WHO to acknowledge the error of mass Covid vaccination predisposing their populations to other viral infections.
Quote: “I continue to reiterate that society in highly C-19 vaccinated countries will be caught off guard, and that the immunological naivety of the public/ global health community and scientific-medical community will only exacerbate this effect
Get to the nitty gritty from 53 minutes.
“Look at what Howard delivered to the indigenous in The Northern Territory.”
or Robinson delivered in Tasmania
Chief Protector of Aborigines in Port Phillip District