by G5
Felt was hardly Watergate’s Deep Throat. But the herds needed ‘closure’. Disengaged is fine. After all, none of them can handle the truth, are not even entitled to it in a Post Truth Era. They want to argue semantics, syllogisms, insane ideologies and postured theatrics in their fervent belief that they are informed and entitled to put obtuse opinion, absurdly postured as intellectualized.
It was hardly a secret that Kissinger was Nixon’s Deep Throat ‘Whistleblower’ in the employ of The Washington Post, with Bernstein and Woodward as Katharine Graham’s selected toadies to run the narrative, to Shift Nixon, after Agnew, and manipulate the 25th. Amendment to ‘appoint’ Ford (Warren Commission Hoax) and Nelson Rockefeller to the White House.
John Belushi lived with us at Chateau Marmont. We were in a different industry, and lived up in the main building, on Sunset. Belushi was in bungalow 3, at the back. We socialized, we drank single malts, reasonable cognacs, and smoked copious special 60 gauge Cubans, or Partagas, when we ran out. None of my crew ever did drugs. Not even grass. The safety of the work we did, would not allow it. We were authorized to resolve our own problems.
As I mentioned, Kissinger was hardly a secret — the fellow who accepted a Nobel for starting the South East Asian Wars and pretending to resolve them. The fellow who stepped forward to write the official version of The 9/11 False Flag — paid by GWB, when Kissinger’s well earned historical stench, outweighed any believability.
John Belushi made the terminal error of announcing who Deep Throat was on SNL. It didn’t matter who believed, or how bad a ‘secret’ it was. The fact had been floated. Albeit it would later be fudged.
I knew he was gone when I heard what he had done. There was nothing we could do. Even if he was taken into protective custody, he was gone. And he was not one to listen to advice. He was visited by two unconnected friends — Robert de Niro and Robin Williams. Subsequently, he died of a hot mix he had collected earlier.
As I have written many times, there are elements through the intel communities tasked with ‘protecting’ the institutions as the British Monarchy and the US Presidency. Which should answer a few questions.
Beyond that, there are rogue elements acting for their paymasters, advancing their agendas. Therein are minor aspects of the larger and ongoing Intel Wars, about which I have also written. Snowden was a CIA Operative employed by contractor BAH in The NSA.
The CIA and The NSA have been warring for decades. The NSA used DARPA and SAIC to backdoor RTA encryption algorithms in The CIA. There were others — caught, tortured for value, and dispensed with at the time of the Snowden Affair.
It was decided to run Snowden for political value to the herds, as has occurred. How shocking that the NSA would suddenly be exposed for social snooping. Facebook would never be the same. The realities being, neither that stupidity nor the incessant search for manufactured Terrorists would hold water. The latter being the manufactured invention of the US Intel Community — hardly it’s enemy.
Which brings us to the current Schiff manufactured Ukrainegate. The Impeachment when you are not having an Impeachment.
To Impeach a President legitimate evidence needs to be presented to the House, and a two-thirds majority recorded. From there, both major parties are granted subpoena powers. When sufficient non-partisan genuine evidence is gathered, Articles of Impeachment are drafted and presented to the Senate, where a trial is conducted, and a vote drawn.
As none of these conditions are even remotely possible for the diminishing numbers unaware (The Dem).
The Impeachment circus currently being breathlessly conducted is as big a non-entity fraud as is Comey’s FBI Operation Crossfire Hurricane, The complicit Roberts-Collyer FISA Fraud with Downer’s triggered The Mueller Charade and The Nadler-Schiff-Schumer-Pelosi et al, scam ‘Obstruction’ Hearings.
Haspel (listed to be sacked by Trump), McCain, Comey, Clintons, Obama, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Hayden, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Lisa Page, Ohrs, Simpson, Chalupa, et al, Veselnitskaya, (drafted 3 versions of Fusion-Steele fraudulent report) were part of the Mueller Charade — which destroyed evidence and created new ‘evidence’. the Final Draft excluded the ‘names’, given to Mueller by The Brookings Institute, within days of its ill-fated commencement of the Nadler-Schiff-Schumer-Pelosi et al, scam ‘Obstruction’ Hearings.
Three different drafts of The Steele Dossier were written and floated through Simpson and the Ohrs before one was selected by the main actors at the FBI.
Russiagate failed (10 months with Comey, 22 months with Mueller and his angry Dems). Incessant Dem House Committee Hearings failed.
Currently, the idiotic Impeachment Hearings are underway, concerning a non-event phone call — transcript released. The objective is to pretend the truth of Biden and his son is not as it is. Kerry, the Clintons, Obama, the Podestas and Manafort et al, are also involved.
Trump has a telephone conversation with Zelensky, the President of Ukraine, having unseated the corrupt genocidal US Deep State puppet and warmonger Poroshenko — after a comical campaign (where Poroshenko dons battle fatigues, holds press briefings and sings of the MH-17 False Flag, plus the hoax of shipping being attacked at The Kerch Strait… The Russians are coming to get you, and I will save you.
Poroshenko’s first real election after the fraudulent US State Department Regime Change of 2014; removing the 2010 democratically elected President Yanukovich (currently in exhile in Russia).
His cohort Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, currently in exile in Canada, after he was party to causing the Civil War, division of Ukraine, the lootings of its banks flown to the Rockefeller controlled New York Fed, the genocide of Russian Ukrainians, the disappearance of some three hundred thousand people transported by NATO to Lithuania, and the structuring of resource looting by Biden and Kerry to this day.
Hunter Biden is a heroin addict and son of Joe. His father had him placed in the USN, to reform him. The experiment failed and Hunter was ‘discharged’. Joe, being the big and connected thinker that he is, sends his son to China. The Bank of China immediately gives him $1.5 billion to manage for them. Then Hunter is employed on the board of Zlochevsky’s Burisma — for some $50,000 a month plus expenses. Albeit dear Hunter has no idea about anything.
When Ukraine Prosecutor Shokin decides to investigate Hunter, hell breaks loose. Daddy demands Poroshenko sack Shokin or Biden will block a billion-plus in guarantees for Ukraine. Dirty little porky sacks Shokin, as commanded. Biden to later brag about the event at a CFR soiree. But of course; all that is fine. But Trump chatting with Zelensky is impeachable. Really?
Interestingly, conflicted and out to dry Downer wants to be in Cyprus with UN authority — denied. Zlochevsky, Soros, Woodside for Leviathan, and Rothschild’s Genie for Golan Heights, also frequent the local coffee shops.
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Thank you, G5. One simply wonders how reasonable a cognac has to be, to be reasonable.
And you weren’t trying to name Belushi’s killers, were you?
People, including G5, think that the word “impeached” means “got kicked out.”
No, The House can impeach, as it did impeach Clinton, by a simple majority, in 1998. Clinton did not get kicked out.
The second stage is where the poor old impeached fellow goes to the Senate for a good caning.
Clinton got caned that day. He narrowly missed conviction.
The vote needed for conviction is “two thirds of the Senators present.” Please trust me; I was there in Philadelphia.
Excuse me, Bill Clinton’s trial in the Senate was 1999 not 1998.
The great enduring mystery is why Australia continues to be such a devoted ally of this bunch of crazed warmongering freaks. There is no rational basis for such allegiance. Anyone with the military capacity to attack Australia also has the ability to destroy the US. Will they really come to Australia’s aid if Australia is attacked, thereby risking their own annihilation? Trump is severely limited in a number of ways, but he is not the first, neither will he be the last US President to act solely in self interested terms.
Meanwhile Eurasia continues its rapid development and we will be left flailing in its slipstream.
How is it a mystery, James? Since the day Whitlam was sacked, the all-powerful Israel/White House lobby has controlled the main political parties in Australia… The primary conduits being Murdoch, Lowy, and the Governor of the RBA. You can probably add Trilateral Commission agent, Ross Garnaut to that list.
A CIA agent did many years in a US prison for exposing that betrayal, and also the reality of Pin Gap. Following some brilliant investigative journalism, John Pilger later named the main CIA traitors… Sir Arthur Tange (Canberra Administrative Affairs, Sir Peter Ables (TNT), Bob Hawke, and Doug Anthony.
Whichever party is in power in Australia is owned by the US, as is evident from the current American militarisation of the NT, nicely sugar-coated by the ABC PR machine and other US/Israel assets here.
And who owns the US?
Ned, Tony above is correct as I have read Pilgers book and satisfied with his conclusions. As to who runs the US, I have read many books and listened to many interviews with people that truly believe that the Nazis didn’t lose the war, they just moved to the US and established the Third Reich, the SS became the CIA, the Gestapo our now the Israeli trained militarised police, and Goebbells propaganda arm became the US media. Read The Creature from Jekyll Island and you will gain more clues. Having adopted this worldview to a certain extent, my perspective has sharpened somewhat, and I see things other people don’t. We are leaving Wiemar territory and we know what comes next. What is an AshkeNAZI? This is not a country we are dealing with, this is global.
It’s widely acknowledged that the U. S. Gun Control Act of 1968 was a virtual replica of the Nazi law passed 30 years earlier:
But as to who invented the wheel……….
It’s also fair to say that, bar Zionism, the Nazi party wouldn’t have been elected, but I really can’t see any more to the relationship than that.
About that US base near Darwin, isn’t that a Marine Base??Who controls the Marines?
Mary Maxwell wrote about Impeachment 5 months ago:
“What the US Constitution Says about Impeachment
As a rule, I think the constitutional provision for impeachment is wonderful. It’s what gives Congress supremacy over the Executive, exactly as the Founding Fathers intended. Congress is the people, thus it gives the people supremacy.
Article I, sec 2 of the Constitution says: The House of Representatives shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Section 3 says: “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that purpose they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: and no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present.”
To give an example of the breakdown of each chamber’s authority: President Bill Clinton was impeached by the House – 228 representatives voted Yes on grounds of perjury to a grand jury and 221 on obstruction of justice. But when the Senate tried him they did not quite have the two-thirds vote needed to convict. (The same happened to Andrew Johnson in 1868.)
I hear you asking What’s the role of the judiciary in this? None. The presence of the Chief Justice is a way of lending dignity to the proceeding. He has no say in what the Senate does. And the “accused” does not have any right of due process — impeachment does not require justice, it is political.”
Beware Dee the federal police ‘whistling department’ will raid you, looking for leaks and collecting computers ….. we are not allowed to know what our paid servants are up to.
Bugger…….. there is a loud knock at my front door and it is not even 5 am!
Ok this is my third try.
The loud knock was the plumber i arranged way back to deal with a few tap leaks.
I sent him away explaining that i replaced the tap washers weeks ago and the leaky problem resolved.
I dare not comment further, cause things happen.
Well, there’s nothing on my computer… you can read it on Gumshoe.
Interesting comments on UNleashed:
Sorry I don’t want to hog the space with Impeachment stuff, but here is what Trump just tweeted:
“So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights. All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here – a lynching.”
At least he understands the parameters of impeachment — no due process.
So, yes it is a lynching except you don’t end up dead.
G5 says that Edward Snowden was Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH). We tend to forget the privatization of “intelligence.” Does anyone remember Wackenhut?
Here is a 2016 article from The New York Times, pointing out that, in that year, the number of American contractors in Afghanistan was 6 times the number of troops. I wonder what be the figure today?