Home World Politics Notes on Economic Enslavement and a United EU-US

Notes on Economic Enslavement and a United EU-US


By G5

In 2016, at the precipice, the UK voted FOR Brexit and the US For Trump. (Albeit the US was to join the EU under HRC.)

In 2017 in the UK and 2018 in the US — by various frauds and stupidities — both nations voted against the incumbency — effectively paralyzing them both, and returning to the precipice. Both nations ‘voted’ in the most extraordinary collection of soft of brain, ideological baggage handlers, on a tractionable path to devastation.

The only life line for both is the fact that they have Johnson and Trump on one side, and the unspoken support of in-opportunistic agendas by both Putin and Xi. Russia and China have been where the EU and the US are rushing uncontrollably. Both the UK and US are socio-economically devastated — at their own hands — and are fighting for the only life lines remaining. 

The enemies of their peoples are the same: the Usual Suspects have media platforms, court systems, deep state actors, and the terminal ignorance and arrogance entrenched in their parliamentary assemblies fighting for them at every turn. Funds are virtually unlimited, and propaganda machines are in full manufacture. The prize is staged World Domination by an unspoken elite — and who will in turn chew each other at a later time.

Russia just forgave some $20 billion of African debt. Would that help cooperation and assimilation for trade and resources, or is that only won at the point of a gun?

A New Beginning?

Greater and greater authoritarianism is required to quell the unrest of the peoples.

Forces from within variously wrest control of the deep state power elements. A new beginning is envisaged. This time it might succeed, or these new ‘conspirators’ and counter revolutionaries are also destroyed, if their power is not sufficient.

The force moves, and Putin and Xi gain forceful control of their destroyed nations and bring their enslaved peoples into a new age of normalcy and humanity. True Economic growth is seen as the saving factor. The emerged elite elements of the past are destroyed, and the peoples are freed from their enslavement.

Then — through the most ridiculous transitions — nations as the UK (EU) and the US are determined to destroy themselves, to emulate that which has been irrefutably and incessantly proven to be their devastation. Beyond the precipice the UK may face its very last True General Election of its contemporary era in early December 2019, if a Brexit cannot be immediately passed.

Arguing the semantics of the Bill and seeking extensions for ‘Scrutiny’ are part of the equation at this stage. It doesn’t matter what is or is not in The Bill, or what its interpretations or ramifications are. It is not a treaty of conclusion. The issue is sovereignty, not semantics and ideological illusions.

After the initial move away, it is well understood that it will take at least a decade to untangle, variously enforce and abrogate the Brexit Treaty.

In the US, the removal of Trump, to return the US to the elitist Deep State halcyon of unfettered corruption, could still eventuate. After all that has occurred; a trial in the Senate, with false Articles of Impeachment under the control of SCOTUS (Deep State) Roberts (he approved the FISA Steele Dossier) could succeed. Whether that occurs before or after 3 November 2020.

Neither the UK nor the US will transition to Totalitarian States without considerable bloodshed. The price of ideological madness by the ignorant and arrogant, led by the nose, to destroy the freedoms of their peoples.

In both instances and with the relentless pressures unleashed against the freedoms of the World, at this time some one billion of the current 7.7 billion people of this world, in the first instance, would be sunk into the Totalitarian Pit. A greater recipe for momentum of Civil War in the First World has not been seen for a very long time.

Middle East and Turkey

Pelosi and Schiff just returned from their little junket to Jordan where they met with Turkish Military Officials, and then Kurdish counterparts (promising both sides that which the US will not deliver) to produce the fake narrative of the Poor Kurds that need help.

As did imbecilic token Jacqui Smith as a cabinet Minister under War Criminal (Chilcot Report) Blair (subsequently ‘Appointed’ EU President, and UN Mid-East Envoy, in the US caused Iraq ‘Food for Oil’ Genocide — in which I was involved, as I have written previously).

The Dems were searching for deceptions that could be used as propaganda against Trump’s anti-war decisions.

Turkey believes it can overcome Kurdistan and steal its considerable oil reserves. Sectarianism having naturally turned to pillage, plunder and genocides — from the days of Saudi Shiekh brothers murdering each other in the 1930s, at Britain’s instigation. And the insanity of Churchill’s 1921 Cairo Conference — which in turn led to Hussein’s genocides in Iraq.

The current delusion extends to NATO and even Russia assisting Turkey in its endeavours. The weakening of the Syrian Military by US Proxies, as happened previously in removing Syria from Lebanon.

Files I have sighted and two interviews I conducted (a witness and a NATO Reserve Pilot) advise that USAF Proxies gassed the Kurds on two occasions, flying from Turkey, with US Aircraft (sold to Iraq) in Iraqi Livery. At a time when the Iraqi Air-force had been grounded — and further having been flown to Iran by a non-compliant Iraqi Air-force contingent; concerning the events of their nation’s invasion and devastation. An alleged loyal US ally.

Kurd Crude Shipments to the Gulf of Mexico, had those vessels ‘arrested’, and the tankers and crude plundered by US interests. Further: the Kurds were brought to pay the UK through agents as David Cameron, Mark Thatcher, and Black Spider — for weaponry never delivered to either Iraq or the Peshmerga.

The lunatic US puppet Poroshenko attempted to engage NATO with the Russian Navy over his Kerch Strait Hoax. The silence from NATO was deafening. As it was for the corrections to numbers of other misbehavings by NATO in Eastern Europe, about which I have written. Especially Ukraine since 2014. Currently NATO Ground has training at Fort Irwin, and exercises in Latvia and Lithuania — all theatrics.

Turkey in the EU is the weaponizing of NATO for Turkey’s resource and geographic ambitions. It was a major error by the EU in its reach for numbers, and belief in its own delusional propaganda. Turkey is as big a geo-political error as was Ukraine. The tide now turning with Zelensky to an independent and self-sufficient nation.

Murdering the Russian Ambassador, shooting down an unsuspecting SU allegedly in Safe Space, screeching about Russian Missile overflights from The Caspian to Syria, threatening to prohibit the Russian Navy sailing through the Sea of Marmara, and being the root cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis, have not endeared Turkey to Russia, the US, or the EU.

Jordan is the closest the donkeys dare go to the hostilities they are attempting to foment.

Like HRC with the Kosovo ‘Landing Under Fire’ Lie, the little, scared of the real world, warmongering, lying, thieving agents of genocide, did not go to Israel because of their determined Anti-Semitic bias. The recent Omar and Tlaib lies, and Schumer’s desperation to kiss arse at AIPAC to try and adjust the Jewish Lobby Donation Drought, caused by the Progressive FemDems through their House imbecilic rantings.

The Dems of course being the party of Peace, Anti-War, Democracy, Human Rights and Morality. Just ask them. It’s interesting how the Dem Propaganda Machine has just come out screeching about Trump using the ‘Lynching’ word. Correctly describing the current closed door (elected Republican House Members excluded) attempt to concoct in camera Articles of Impeachment against Trump. Bluff a quick two-thirds through The House, and bluff a Floor Cross in the Senate led by SCOTUS Roberts — the hidden player in the Collyer FISA Warrant Fraud of the Carter Page Affair. The Russian Collusion Steele Affair.

It’s interesting that Carter Page was never interviewed by the FBI Deep State, or its Muellerised extension. And that Mueller alleged he did not know of Fusion GPS.

The Anti-Americans as the Anti-British must never sleep. Loretta Lynch just manipulated the New York Bar Association to demand that Barr recuse himself from the Ukraine ‘Matter’. But as she did as AG, Barr is not conducting an ‘Investigation’. It’s just a ‘Matter’. Apart from the fact that the New York Bar is conducting a meaningless propaganda exercise for herd consumption.

I have written of underlying agendas of this current international affair, the destruction of the US Constitution and the appointment of a dictatorial Socialistic Executive, removing the Bill of Rights, and merging with the EU. Maintaining the UK in the EU, and another Cromwellian Affair, removing The Peers as an antiquated House of Review, and finally removing the Monarchy.

The fait accompli of a Totalitarian United Europe and North America. A Non-Transparent, Unaccountable World where the Rich get Richer and the Poor get Poorer. The theories are pure Utopia.

Further, Russia and China have become Capitalist because the alternative doesn’t work at all.

The word harks back to the days of Physical Enslavement. As against the current condition of Economic Enslavement. In that regard it needs to be remembered (read the true history) that The Democratic Party was the one voting against the Emancipation, proposing Constitutional Amendments to maintain Black Slavery, refused to release their Dixicrat Slaves, and formed The KKK.

The African Americans with short memories, flowed back to their Dem oppressors during the thirties, having been falsely promised respite from what was caused by The Usual Suspects and The Enemy Within.

Being currently expressed by Candace Amber Owens Farmer. In passing: Elijah Cummings was in well past his neck, in a number of matters. His theatrics became a liability to many sides of the equation. He has joined McCain III, GHWB, et al. Scalia, Rich, Foster, Cook, Kelly, et al, belong to an opposing faction. Epstein, Savile, Mountbatten et al, representing a very different aspect of the real world.

NAZI Benedict XVI was bright enough to put aside the abject lunacies of the big thinking Roman (African) (recall the face of Jesus is that of Cesare Borgia, son of one of the many gangster popes, Pope Alexander VI), The Great St, Augustine of Hippo, with his monstrous Original Sin, Limbo etc.

A further technical argument concerning Infallibility, emerges. With Jesuit Francis on thin ice, and NAZI Benedict the Pedophile Protector, in the canonization waiting room, a third infallible is not unacceptable. It has happened before. And with all the ‘adjustments’ that have occurred, Malachai may be right after all.

It needs to be remembered that the Vatican is far from the historic innocent it purports to be. Its history in the affairs of the world are long, complex and self-serving. It is directly involved in the current Totalitarian agendas, as well as being an active player in the Intel Wars — where I have witnessed first hand events.

The rewards of Non-Education, the fixations of Economic Enslavement, and the incessant inculcations of false media platforms.

“A sophistical rhetorician, inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity, and gifted with an egotistical imagination that can at all times command an interminable and inconsistent series of arguments to malign an opponent and to glorify himself.” (Disraeli of Gladstone). Revisited by Rees-Mogg concerning the current Totalitarian disengagement, warming the Opposition Benches in the Commons.



  1. G5 makes repeated coy references during all the dark textual allusiveness over time to his/her apparent intelligence background.

    But did (its) superiors never tell (it) that capitalising on a broad front, that is, making proper nouns out of common nouns so as to give them more weight just distract the reader? (because if Everything is Important, gradually Nothing is. So why the apparent belief by G5 that normal lower-case spelling of a text is not enough?)
    Or is it a style s/he developed since quitting the service?

    ( I like the word FemDems, by the way; however, what is the evidence that under HRC the EU and USA would have merged? Given the Merkel-Macron attempt to set up an EU army and this:

    • Hillary did want a ‘common, hemispherical market’ for the US. Like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, there would have been a similar agreement (TTIP I think) with the EU.
      She also believed everyone ‘has the right to emigrate to america’

  2. Duns, he is a male. This article is like so much of his writing: too much spread too thinly, with unverifiable claims. It is a fundamental principle of good analysis that one’s alleged facts are verifiable.
    The US is run by approximately 1000 people, overwhelmingly male. Who is President at any given moment is largely irrelevant. There is excellent analysis of the voting pattern in the US congress. If the topic has the support of the ruling 1000 elite it will pass. The wishes of the general public only pass through Congress where they happen to coincide with the wishes of the 1000.
    A further flaw in the system is the small percentage who actually vote. At the last presidential election Trump received about 3 million fewer votes than Clinton, but won because of the vagaries of the US electoral system. Even on the official data (scarcely believable) only about 60% of those eligible voted. Trump was therefore elected by less than 1/3rd of the eligible population.
    The system is so far gone that it is little surprise that they are now only able to bully the weak and defenceless, or compliant colonies such as Australia.
    A radically new world is being forged, although one would scarcely know it form the Australian media coverage. The shock of the new, when it comes (very soon) will thus be all the greater. The real question is whether the US will acknowledge the reality, or will we all die a nuclear death as they try to cling onto past power.

  3. “James O’Neill October 31, 2019 at 12:05 pm
    Duns, he is a male. This article is like so much of his writing: too much spread too thinly, with unverifiable claims.”… etc

    In geopolitics, reality is invariably “unverifiable”, and kept this way by the media and intelligence industries. if my sources are as reliable as I think they are, G5 is indeed remarkably astute and well-informed.

    James, I hope you are aware of the predictive nature of your “die a nuclear death” because that is precisely what will happen to everybody living in NE Arnhem Land, Pine Gap, and Darwin if Australia does not withdraw from the one-sided ANZUS Agreement.

  4. G5 refers the Malachi being right after all.
    For more, just search Malachi Martin, ex Jesuit. Perhaps another reference ‘spread to thinly’?

  5. Bit off topic.
    Look at Seattle for false flag on 3rd november. Due to internet exposures G5 opines that it will not happen.
    We await and hope that in this case we have learnt from the predictive programming foreshadowing 911.

  6. Thanks Ned for link to Malachi Martin ex Jesuit- and Seattle–everything is coded–as the daughter of a code breaker–and subjected to predictive programming– I get it–sadly

    “We ask for signs the signs are sent” Leonard Cohen

    • All jokes aside, the construct of most cities is an open invitation to carnage.
      Seems like the designers are stuck in the era where gentleman’s wars were fought in red and gold braid.

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