[An opinion piece from G5]
by G5
Protest v Incitement
If you ‘Protest’ against communist tyranny, you ‘Incite’. And the Australian Industry of Law; from the very first settlement days; is not a fan of objecting to government. Whatever that happens to be. And certainly in this brave new world, where the theories of policing are more openly displayed to be repurposed psychopathic government defence forces.
Coercion and terrorism as the forces of evil, march on without let or hindrance.
Aussie Cossack remains on custodial remand. His silly wife living with mommy and young sister. Albeit he bashed her and stole 480,000 from a mortgage. All to be tested in court.
Cossack is not any threat to national security. The alleged Counter Intelligence Forces in Australia, needed to take control of their dumb-arse charges: the TV news brain numbed.
Ask them their opinions of Russia and China, and just nod in agreement. They will be breathless in their determined journey to oblivion.
The enemy is their own government. Not propaganda contrived external forces.
Monica Smit is out and about. As I wrote: the Melbourne Government Resistance was always owned by the perpetrators. Her initial arrest was a staged event. The follow on Saturday rallies were owned and controlled by the perpetrators.
Andrews, Ardern, Morrison, Albanese, Biden, Trump, Johnson, Perrotet, Macron, Trudeau, et al, are all owned.
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Meghan had to wear a wire as part of an arrangement to allow the former pretend royal to attend her allowed jubilee functions. No one near her to interact. All relevant we’re aware.
Edward and tribe were brought into the royal firm, and Andrew kept at bay.
Five vax-infected guards dropped at various times. Not heat.
The entire; very expensive theatre; was stage managed. As would be expected.
The Climate and Bio Wars continue as adjuncts to the long running Intel Wars. About which I have written since the postured end of The Cold War Era.
C19 Ruse & The Usual Suspects
The C19 Ruse; still dying hard in the mush brains of the annoying government addicted collaborator sets. The middle class; a particular target; being Inflation and tax fiddled to oblivion.
Not worth the waste of time. Apart from that learning curve being far too steep, and well oiled by entrenched stupidity.
The Usual Suspects have always been there. They don different attire as required.
They are now the world’s Asset Managers and OWN the apparatchik and elected actors you see before you. No party hats required. The C19 Affair gave it all away.
Apart from owning government; by industry of law protection; and monstrous ownerships of natural resources from a little UN legerdemain of The Nixon-Ford Coup; actor classes have financial protections for life. As well as the little bastard classes they spawn. Very complex, yet it works, and maintains the blackmail hold of those who usurp the levers of power.
Don’t look for the names you have come to know over history.
BlackRock, State Street, Invesco, Fidelity, Capital, Vanguard, Allianz, Bridgewater, etc. Even Schwab. Scratching the surface you find: Bauer, Goldmans, Morgans, Mellons, and the other rebadged players of this Jekyll Island Affair of 1913. The precursor to the currency stability protection of 1929 and the decade that followed. With a world war and a sequel; because they could.
Good to see David Hurley played his part as theatric GG Head of State of the recent frauded Australian Election. Must protect the vision of democratic calm. Nothing to see here. A set of by-elections for The House, and Bjelke-Petersen flips for The Senate.
Scumo goes out with a bang, as the seats of the Titanic are readjusted. EXPECT NOTHING TO CHANGE. That’s the deal.
As led as you were by the Frank Packer owned Menzies with the latter’s US Intel puppet master Black Jack McEwen. The Petrov Affair, and on and on. Callwell wouldn’t play. No joy there until Hawke was invented after The Albert Monk Fraud. The Rhodes was the signal. An owned alcoholic sex addicted intellectual union leader. Of course.
Don’t need dodgy counting, harvesting, weighted algorithms, car loads of photocopied fraud sheets, excluding scrutineers, or US Dominion Soros machines. Just leave the names off the tickets. Scream all you want to the AEC and the court of disputed returns. Good luck with that.
US Theatrics
Trump gave himself away as a willing player in 2017. And again in recent speeches to the lead into 2022 and 2024.
Soetoro (Obama) in his third term: has trouble giving it up over being outclassed by Putin. What a bitch.
HRC was led to the path, but was swapped on the night. I have written about what occurred.
He did nothing in 2017, for which he was allegedly elected. Albeit The Fed is destroyed, or suicided.
Trump covered for Fauci, McConnell, and Barr. And even said he was jabbed. Not adding what was actually in the tube. He also denounced the ICC in a script reading to the UNGA. Saying it was not US approved.
However: just on The Milosovich Affair alone; The US puppet ICTY convicted him and The ICC reversed the decision. And of course he committed suicide on the virtual eve of his release. And the follow on trophy of grand morality; Mladic; is held in London tighter than the proverbial.
In the Assange Affair: before sending Paul Hawkins (Assange) off for US moralised desperation theatre; The UK should ask for a Glienicki Exchange. How about giving the UK a few murdering CIA assets. So many to choose from.
All very amusing……. Pure theatre for ‘sheeps’.
However a hint I think for smart sheep……. A hologram! Of our Queen?
No way!
What next?🤡
(Sssh, ever heard of project blue beam?)
Video I posted in the previous article “7 Richest monarchs in Europe” shows a few different pictures of “the Queen” in which she looks decidedly different from one to the next. But that’s to be expected I guess.
re: Trump covered for Barr – Barr hired Durham did he not ?
re: Inflation and tax fiddled to oblivion – If you come to my hardware shop and spend $1 then I pay all the tax I have 60 cents. Then I go next door to your lolly shop and spend 60c and you pay the tax you have 36c. You come back to my shop and spend 36c, I pay all the tax, I have left 22c. I go back to your shop, all I can afford for 22c is jelly beans, you pay the tax, you have 13 cents. Can anyone see a pattern ?
The War Against the Unvaxxed Will Not Be Forgotten
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Fomenting hatred is a tool of tyrants, and over the past two years, political leaders, agency heads, academics, medical professionals and media personalities alike have publicly encouraged hatred and violence and wished painful death upon anyone who didn’t want to be part of the medical experiment that is the COVID jabs.
In an eloquent Medium post, journalist Susan Dunham summarizes the lessons (hopefully) learned from hating and attacking the unvaccinated:1
“The mandates have let up, and both sides stumble back into something that looks like the old normal — except that there is a fresh and present injury done to the people we tried to break. And no one wants to talk about it.
Only weeks ago, it was the admitted goal of our own leaders to make life unlivable for the unvaccinated. And as a deputized collective, we force-multiplied that pain, taking the fight into our families, friendships, and workplaces. Today, we face the hard truth that none of it was justified — and, in doing that, uncover a precious lesson...................."
Although G5 has amazing access to esoteric information, his messiah complex irritates me.
He is not the only person who knows shit and he should identify non-secret sources and desist from presenting himself as the only eagle in the sky. There are others, Scott Ritter and Mark Trozzi, for example, but who do not pontificate from a lofty mountain throne.
G5 is what he is, your opinion of him is of no relevance to him.
“G5 has amazing access to esoteric information”
Which is oh-so-beneficial because ?
We are heading toward the “you will own nothing and be happy” WEF scenario and you can see this by the inflation, which our corrupt leadership says comes from us, when really it comes from their money-printing. For example, house prices haven’t gone up in Western Australia for ten years, but they need to put interest rates up, and give our money to the banks. It doesn’t make a scrap of sense but that’s their line. People on hobby farms think they will get more for their fruit and vegetables but this will be offset by extra taxes of every type. Ultimately hobby farms are rezoned and council rates make them unviable. The communo-fascist agenda slowly creeps over everything. And that’s why it’s useful and interesting to get a better understanding of, at least, the lies that abound and are pumped at us constantly. This is ultimately about personal comfort, as is your driving rationale. You insist on some variation of heaven vs hell afterlife, as taught by the religious institutions. That’s one interpretation but in reality it probably isn’t exactly what you’re expecting. It may be something else entirely.
Beetoota Advocate reports (terminology?) Dutton says “Chinese ship spotted near Port of Darwin that we leased to China”, well yeah, but here they are getting into Cambodia too. Next will be Sri Lanka, presently being destabilised.
Chinese military bases scheduled to pop up thick and fast, but these are just surface ships, ww2 technology, useless in an age of laser-guided missiles, just a waste of effort in terms of national defence. But the CCP has produced a huge surplus of military age males with nothing else to do, so, what is this great effort actually for, it’s not for Chinese defence, it’s there to contract services to corrupt communo-fascist regimes, who are having trouble controlling their populations, as commenter tonyryan43 has been telling us is happening in the Northern territory. The Australian governments have already legislated to allow this, and DIcktator Dan’s subjects have already had a taste of it.
Anyone with half a lick of sense can figure where the world is heading, it can hardly be called “esoteric information”
It seems they may be getting Aussie Cossack into court on a technicality, as building subcontractors are usually required to stump up some amount towards the job, he may have done some creative accounting, quite possibly not immoral but transgressing some regulation or another. So in that case he is getting smacked for being a naughty boy.
Conspiracy Cafe Blog: China to Rule America: Biden Pushes New Public Health. Amendments to Cede All Power to the World Health Organisation. Kevin Woodman
Biden (👻) is blowing sand up a desert sand hill.
Trump is owned by no one but, God! Make of that what you will G5!
Give up, G5 does no care if you go ‘phishing’ with a stick in desert Sandhills in a windstorm.
Go back to the mass murder in JUNE 1967 by the Israelis of US crewmen on the USS Liberty that you spent months defending here in comments years back.
Have a look at all this fake news, a whole page of it
When you’re sick of the demonrats fake news catch up on Jimmy Carter’s activities
It’s Elbow’s fault, we’re all going to be stuffed
Agreed Nemesis: I”ve American and have followed Trump for 45 yrs. He has always been warning America of the evil deeds of those who want to destroy America. He has always been his own man. He never does anything without a good reason and often what he does looks mysterious and unfathomable to many but in the end, it always works out that he did thing that way for a very good reason – often to fool the enemy. He’s a 5D chess player and is brilliant, the world usually underestimates and misjudges true geniuses.
Sorry Gumshoe, I don’t think you’ve done a good job of investigation on this one and you’ve just lowered the huge respect I did have for you.
A broad variety of opinion would appear to be the publisher’s preference, and the story is labelled opinion, right at the top.
Thank you. I figured that out after I wrote my commnet; however, I think this writer is over the top with untruth and doesn’t deserve to be given a platform. Just my opinion.
[…] Source […]
“Horrific discovery in warmed jab vials: There’s a reason the bioweapon must be stored at -70 degrees.”
The Stew Peters Show on Rumble.
Yes they have ebola and all sorts in nano-bubbles made of graphene and so forth, that can pop open by applying microwaves (wifi, 5G etc) and they need to add anti-freeze (glycol) to keep the germs inside. The local doctors put the obligatory signs up about masks and injections but never push any of it. I saw a “pop-up” va6666ine clinic today, had about 2 or 3 mugs sitting in there getting their boosters. New skilled migrants will be coming in to replace them soon. The local mugs are not competitive. McGollum in Western Australia started a tafe college for mining workers on-the-ground skills and was showing off on TV a few days ago, but this will be re-allocated to upskilling new migrants within a few months. Otherwise why would he have done it. Rio Tinto is going even more automated, they automated trains many years ago, then mining trucks more recently, now they are doing smaller units, but they still need humans to assemble the new plant, and for maintenance. How many inductions can you endure, before suddenly, you are required to get some jabs. The Globalist idea to bankrupt Australia then bleed Western Australia white, supporting the eastern states. Hospitals full to bursting and disability pensioner + carer the most significant occupation for useless eaters. Queensland bankrupted by the anti-coal hysteria. I don’t love coal like some but the transition to green power could be better managed. Should I say “could not be better mis-managed”. ClimateChange™, I have deduced actually translates into normal English as “Bad Weather”. The government’s efforts are in order to fight “Bad Weather”. Australia’s self-destruction will result in global “Bad Weather” being fixed. OK ….
Trump as promised dropped a statement on Friday discrediting AG Bill Barr claims on the 2020 election fraud.
Right before Joe Biden took office AG Bill Barr claimed he saw no evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election and I know why he was able to say that.
AG Barr’s statement that he could not see any voter fraud or at least a little bit is ridiculous because people do not commit fraud out in the open. You have to actively look for it.
Barr actually had the audacity to write a book about his time in the White House. He came to work for Trump with a great reputation and it was in shambles by the time he left. He told Lt. Col Tony Shaffer to stop investigating election fraud claims surrounding fraudulent ballots being shipped from New York to Pennsylvania. He is just another man who destroyed his credibility to curry the favor of the Democrats.
In addition, a US Attorney declared that Barr ordered him not to investigate voter fraud in Pennsylvania.
All sorts of scuttlebutt about Mike Pence too. Meanwhile Trump is stacking the Congress, which is a full Congress election, and half senate.
If such luminaries as Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, Sean Hross and G5 all think Trump is owned, and a psyop, or at least bought since about mid-2021, what will Trump do when he has a good majority in both houses and presumably the presidency, after January next year ?
On the other hand, if Barr appointed Durham, all this could be Trump’s counter-psyop.
Bottom line is, Trump can have 2 terms + 49% of one term, under the US constitiution, or so I have been led to believe. Now, how would anyone allocate that.
Elbow is our Biden, so is Elbow simply a strategy to drive everyone towards Peter Dutton, or more likely his successor, 3 years from now, when the newly corrupted drive the “conservative” agenda forward in the Globalist’s direction.
Dutton was reasonably presentable when he still had hair, if he was serious about being PM he would be rubbing garlic on his head 3 times a day. He is a caricature, well placed to counter the MainStreamMedia’s caricature of Paulne Hanson, the real opposition.
And now Mr Bland has vanquished Barnaby, the voice of the people is now assistant minister for mud-puddles or similar. We the sheeple are simply outsmarted at every turn. We dedicate our lives to paying tax which ends up god-knows-where while our society is slowly reduced to helplessness, uselessness and dependence on the all-powerful state.
Lower house
Jackie Lambies sidekick – I thought she got in on a UAP ticket but obviously the colour (yellow) was enough to fool me.
Roll up your sleeve, aunty Jackie wants to inject you, serious, for your safety if you can’t see that you’re stupid and a menace to society.
Congratulations to the AEC, all those disappeared postal votes and … telephone voting !!! Altogether, got the desired result.
Hope you all have or will watch Ithaca –Julian Assange–yes abc channel 2 puts the spotlight on the States—war crimes– the pentagon papers—-punishment 23 hours plus–in solitary confinement cell–covid–5 months 1 hour interaction. with the outside world—–staff on overload
aargh TORTURE Dondale -10 year olds —-23 hours plus in solitary confinement
Enough Ya Basta—
Will Politicians–Albo step up ???? Will protesters –freedom movement -educate themselves????
Ah —-are we all/ have we all been tortured– mind controlled –Australia the Great Laboratory– have answered my own question?
JA documentary dismal even by ABC TV standards and the weather there dismal too would be enough to make me suicide. Of most interest to me, Ecuador said they got a visit from Mike Pence to tell them to kick JA out, well we all have to wait and see for January 2023, if things are not starting to happen by then …
At the end of the day,
Dvorak Piano Quintet Op 81 2nd mov. Beatrice Berrut, Escher string quartet
Beatrice, here 30 years old.
Watch her happiness playing this piece, especially minutes 11 to 13.
Idiots in the National Party want to side up with the Watermelon Party –
Atmospheric gas ratios are self regulating. If Greens as they reckon have the ability to alter the atmospheres gas ratios then there will be no life left on Earth.
From “CO2 Spin on that” – a site no long available –
……..In his memoirs entitled “Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat”, detailing a series of experiments conducted at the Royal Institution, Tyndall fallaciously states with regard to Oxygen and Nitrogen that they are both quote:
“practically transparent to radiant heat.”
Thus laying the foundations of AGW fraud.
This statement by John Tyndall is the origin of such claims as “the science is settled” and the “greenhouse effect is 150 year old established physics.” In terms of radiant heat it is the only factor that would differentiate between the various atmospheric gases.
After all, Oxygen and Nitrogen constitute 99% of the atmosphere. If these two gases are shown to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation, what would make so called “Greenhouse Gases” like CO2, such a threat to the environment at only 0.0385% of the atmosphere?
So the basis for the “Greenhouse Effect” is that incoming and out going IR is not absorbed by Oxygen and Nitrogen which instead passes straight through these gases. According to this unsubstantiated hypothesis, only those gases which are termed “Greenhouse Gases” posses the capability to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation.
The problem for the hypothesis of the “Greenhouse Effect” and of course AGW itself is that the basic premise on which the hypothesis is based is false.
Firstly, Oxygen and Nitrogen both have higher specific heat capacities than CO2……………
……………The evidence I have presented here conclusivly shows that Oxygen and Nitrogen which constitute 99% of the Earths atmosphere, as one would expect, do in-fact absorb infrared radiation.
The claim that these two gases are transparent to IR is completely fallacious. Which goes along way to explain why the “Greenhouse Effect” hypothesis is one of the longest standing unsubstantiated hypothesis in the history of science.
The so called “Greenhouse Effect” will always remain an hypothesis for the simple reason that it is based on pseudo science.
The climate change believers science is debunked
CO2 is only 0.0385% of the atmosphere and is the heaviest gas in the atmosphere which is why plants are able to utilise it in the respiration process.
Carbon Dioxide Not a Well Mixed Gas and Can’t Cause Global Warming
By: John O’Sullivan
“………CO2: The Heavy Gas that Heats then Cools Faster!
The same principle is applied to heat transfer, the Specific Heat (SH) of air is 1.0 and the SH of CO2 is 0.8 (heats and cools faster). Combining these properties allows for thermal mixing. Heavy CO2 warms faster and rises, as in a hot air balloon. It then rapidly cools and falls………………”
So Aussie Cossack has been jailed for bashing his “silly wife” and stealing 480,000 from her ?
And the source of said claims ?
Oz is a basket case for total control. Forced to have an app. to prove location so that goons can snoop and arrest. 15 minutes to comply or people who won’t unlock their phones can face 10 years in prison. But hey, we the people unarmed, our freedoms are in no danger here. We’re all Palestine now.
As I just intimated on the previous page, until such time as “the church” becomes a force to be reckoned with……………..
“the church” is the TV.
1577 ekklēsía(from 1537 /ek, “out from and to” and 2564 /kaléō, “to call”) – properly, people called out from the world and to God, the outcome being the Church (the mystical body of Christ) – i.e. the universal (total) body of believers whom God calls out from the world and into His eternal kingdom. [The English word “church” comes from the Greek word kyriakos, “belonging to the Lord …
Rather a far cry from the masses who cluster round Joel Olsteen-style health,wealth & happiness hawkers:
Karl Marx was right about one thing: most religion is naught but an opiate
Pretty rich coming from one who was instrumental in founding THE most pernicious control/belief system of the Age. By denying the fact that worship, in some form or other, is integral to being human,he wound up serving the Devil himself
A blast from the past for you, UK TV 1968
Arthur is now 79 presumably dodged the AZ
OMG this one’s even better, Hieronymous Bosch would have loved this guy
Small wonder that said scene fostered the likes of Jimmy Saville
From wikipedia:
“Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE KCSG (/ˈsævɪl/; 31 October 1926 – 29 October 2011) … ”
Born on Halloween huh.
It would be more accurate to say Arthur Brown fostered Alice Cooper
Quite funny, it seems Alice Cooper can’t be bothered performing anymore so has himself guillotined and goes backstage for a rest, well he must be pushing 80 by now so it’s a late night for him
The issue doesn’t lie with the performer/performance but rather the fact there’s such an eager audience
Ditto the Joel Olsteen/Joyce Meyer phenomena
Ditto tacky Royal pageants as depicted at the top of the page
Fake news expansions:
The newly Soros-acquired AM and FM radio stations are located in 10 of the country’s largest Latino markets, including Miami, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco, Houston and Las Vegas.
Joe, do you still reckon that the RBA is government owned?
I reported that that was what they were saying about themselves but there is some ambiguity in what they mean by “Australia”.
The whole reserve banking system is self serving and based on lies, we can see this most obviously by their current lie, that is, they say they need to rasie interest rates to fight inflation.
1/- The governments have been building inflation by an excess of money creation for many years
2/- They say the cure for inflation is for mortgagees to give more money to banks which makes no sense
3/- The government has been building up a lot of debt to the Reserve Bank and elsewhere – surely if money was to be sucked out of mortgagees, surely it should go to paying off the mational debt ???
It’s all a big lie and the politicians are there to sell it.
They will work you to your grave while stealing everything they can, and now they want to inject you with every damn thing just for their kickbacks and career opportunities.