Home World Politics Notes on Poppy Fields, Big Pharma, Military-Industrial Complex and Immunity

Notes on Poppy Fields, Big Pharma, Military-Industrial Complex and Immunity


by G5

The current Operation-Covid is linked to Afghanistan, the collapse of the alleged American Empire, its bankruptcy, and internal factional divisions. It is the demise of the empire that almost was.

The long-proven HCQ and Ivermectin, costing some twenty cents per day and effective against Operation-Covid, have been withdrawn from the supply.

Remdesivir costing Gilead Sciences some five USD to manufacture and supply, for a five-day treatment; ineffective and causing most serious complications; is being pushed at two thousand three hundred and forty USD for a five-day treatment. And by a series of interesting manipulations, is about to rise even further. 2,3,4: 5 to 3,3,0: 5.

With no improvement of outcome or changed formula. It’s called: fraudulent manipulation of supply and demand by Deep State Government, Expert mandated, looting of economies, and monopoly ownership. Similar to the paradigm of incessant wars, and what has occurred to America and The West since say 1898.

And who could forget The American government forking over an admitted two trillion, but in reality exceeding three trillion USD to protect the poppy field interests of certain elite classes primarily in: The UK, Saudi Arabia, India, and The US. Now, after twenty years of pretence, Afghanistan comes home to roost. As the not-very-bright minds in a proxy force industry decided; albeit prompted by even less functioning minds; that it was possible not only to break the Russian Pipeline and American Poppy Fields Agreement; but to blackmail Russia.

Within twenty-four hours, the blackmailers were either dead or running. Within forty-eight hours Russia had bought the US State Department invented Taliban, reinforced them, had them empty the American gaols of alleged terrorists, pushed The American puppet Afghan Drug Cartel Government into exile, had The American Embassy and cohorts run for cover, and declared that Afghanistan had fallen.

We are fully aware that the Taliban as postured is Russian Spetsnaz. The training is unmistakable, no matter what the garb. The principal point being; America was vanquished — yet again; and the poppy fields were taken from American-led elite cartels and delivered to China.

Within five days, Biden’s owners had the puppet faction of the US Military land ten thousand troops from Cyprus to Bagram Base Afghanistan. Advised by The Taliban to remain at the airport complex, or be declared hostile combatants for engagement. The Taliban firing at the base in reinforcement.

Then American Intel began correctly analysing their position. As I have detailed elsewhere. A culture of militarily shooting from the hip, without soundly interpreting, is never sound. That one-way episode was returned in short order.

America was further ordered to remove all its citizens, allied collaborators and undesirables from Afghanistan. To aid in this exercise, such personnel; in Bidenite hiding yet; were arrested by the Taliban and delivered to Kabul Airport. Many were not evacuated by empty USAF freighters returning in shuttles to Cyprus. An imbecile cover statement being read by puppet Biden; advising those purposely not evacuated, to hide themselves.

I wrote that America would leave civilians behind, murder them in a public theatric, and claim it was The Taliban. A tragedy slowly unfolding. The purpose being yet one more monstrous American False Flag, to have the public believe yet one more absurd World Community International Force pumped up by The UN.

Neither The Russian Orthodox Church nor Orthodox Islam approves of drugs of addiction. Russia predictably gave The Poppy Fields of The American Criminal Elites and their cohorts to China. Having driven out the fronts of Bayer-Monsanto-Academi-Blackwater and The Northern Alliance Cartel.

The massive opioid production from those facilities delivering some eighteen and a half thousand tonnes per annum. To be used by China in its pharmacological supply laboratories, and to feed the trade that fuels The American illicit markets. The current productions of CIAFentanyl being distributed through Central America being insufficient on its own account.

And certainly, an interest is to further destabilize America, by enhancing the brewing Black-Latino Gang Wars that have been created.

The main reason that no UN force can retake Afghanistan, and certainly not recover the Poppy Fields for its owners, is the fact that it would suffer a continuous defeat over an extended and manipulated war of attrition; with even more weight on the domestic economies of those foolish enough to follow America down yet another black hole.

I have written a number of times of the true capabilities of NATO and The American Military. Bearing in mind that America cannot accurately strike Afghanistan from its assets in the East Mediterranean, The Persian Gulf, The Sea of Japan, The Bering Sea, Turkey, South Korea, Japan or Germany, and without overwhelming reprisals.

With the further complications that owned Milley as Chairman of The Joint Chiefs refuses to step aside for USMC Berger. Austin of course being regarded as the token that he is. As I have previously written: control of The Military had been moved from The Pentagon to Cheyenne Mountain, at the time the fraudulent election became apparent by mid-November 2020. What remains are splinter groups under the alleged control of Citizen Biden and Dem cohort delusionals.

Within the first twenty-four hours, supra; Russia had moved ground forces into Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, moved assets to the Russian Border, began overflying Afghanistan, repositioned and placed on a war footing, its fleets in the East Mediterranean, the Black Sea, and the Caspian Sea. As China and India moved forces to their nearest borders.

As I have written elsewhere; an American and cohort ground force of two million troops, with full air support, in Afghanistan, would be destroyed within days. Without even the absurdity of any attempted logistics.

But as America and playmates have no land bridge to use, are fighting on another’s doorstep half way around the world, and with impossible logistics, have no options beyond a concocted media war; which is underway; or an indefinite war of attrition. Which would be played to the last dollar America could print.

Stocks are being secured and bought by deluded and owned government health departments, as fast as Gilead can manufacture its Remdesivir toxic junk.

US HHS alone having secured an additional half a million treatments at an undisclosed, one billion, one hundred and seventy million USD. Excluding kickbacks. For a production cost; with profit; of two and a half million USD. I trust you don’t actually believe that Big Pharma; as the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) is actually interested in your welfare.

Believing that government is your protector and carer, and would never lie to you, is a psychotic episode beyond therapeutic recovery. Teaching your cat to speak French would deliver a more rewarding outcome.

American sycophant puppet nations have queued for what Professor Julian Elliot of the Australian National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce, has described as: ‘Concerning’.

With demand being pushed and production being played back; basic economics of Supply and Demand will deliver even greater manipulated monopoly windfalls for Gilead, and its sales representatives. I am reminded of the No Tender MIC contracts awarded by Cheney when he was de facto president, under the puppet GWB.

Nevertheless: the captured government taskforces of The US, The UK and US outposts as Australia, have ‘endorsed’ Remdesivir without question.

The research and production of which was funded by US taxpayers. Without any recourse or agreements as to the outcomes of research, who is the owner and any production. Gilead owning all; is able to prevent any other company manufacturing the product. It’s called The American Industry of Law. American Big Pharma even has a patent on your DNA. They can choke on it, along with the American addiction and fixation for the world’s metadata. The world’s propaganda masters of the era.

In 1986: Scherff puppet Reagan signed off on ‘The National Childhood Vaccination Injury Act’. Further forming The Vaccination Court. But as with the FISA Court and the activities of; Rosemary Collyer, Roberts, Contreras et al., permitting the frauds of Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al., to be legitimized concerning Operation Crossfire Hurricane; the reverse is always the reality.

The court entered the mythical and predictable limbo. The reality is that no tests have been conducted on any vaccines since that time in America. And of course the American sycophant West; as dutiful and obedient puppet nation-states; have their Experts suck in whatever owned American Experts deliver. I have personally witnessed it at first hand in the trade, many times.

The frauded people of The West are at the mercy of their insane elected. Who in turn are under the variously blackmailed hypnotic trance of their respective Deep State Expert Classes; bought and owned. Did I mention that BigPharma are now protected from prosecution and liability?

Prior junk American-approved pharmaceuticals were removed after death numbers of under a hundred. Yet these vaccines and their allied remedial and toxic concoctions are being mandated by imbecile governments, propaganda media, and blackmailed puppet elected, with international mortalities in the hundreds of thousands.

If a pandemic; not politically statistically redefined conveniently prior to the fraud, were correct; where are the bodies moved onto the footpaths for collection each morning?

Tests on the current Covid-Hoax-Vaccines run on laboratory animals; ALL FAILED. No problem. Wheel out the exact same; virus-unrelated concoctions to batch number testing in the populations of the pathetic, compliant and surrendered believing world.

The flailings of the finally suicided evil empire that was.

Careful to deliver saline batches to compliant medical industry personnel, to maintain the sales pitch run for the government deluded lemmings. The mantra of; ‘the risks are outweighed by the benefits’  is relentlessly delivered with the arrogant professionalism of the terminally deluded.

Remember you are a Conspiracy Theorist if you don’t trust government (and use true history, as the foundation); believe that media and tech platforms would lie to you; and that BigPharma is not there to save you, will make you a terminal dependant or kill you for an even higher moral agenda.

Even the present five and a half plus trillion dollars, being directly and visibly stolen by Dem. interests from the now terminally bankrupted America; has nothing to do with recovering the domestic economy, destroyed by the exact same bad actors. No matter how cute and cynically the legislation packages are named.

Remember ‘The Affordable Care Act’ (Soetoro); which disenfranchised most of the population, and caused its blackmailed devastation to this day. The Trump Amendments blocked by the now military executed treacherous ‘Songbird’ (McCain III). The Health of the American People, gone the way of their Education, Welfare, and Future.

The logic of why avowed eugenicists are now the frontline figures pushing the vaccine-psychosis is as connected as most of the ‘problems’  — including the predictable variants evolving in the vaccinated. Beyond the mutations of the present CIA-SARS2. You are at greater risk from the vaccinated than the unvaccinated — as their damaged, even destroyed immune systems are delivering the more virulent strains and mutations.

Why are the vaccinated wearing masks and undergoing regular testing. Albeit both situations are fraudulent. Which group will transmit to which group. All further confused by the prospect that the first demanding to be vaccinated; unconnected to any immunisation; are in fact collaborators; as I have written. Notions of health or compliance are lost in the translation.

I further wrote that the collaborator classes will be called upon to act as monitors and warders of those about them. The Stockholm, Warsaw and Stanford Experiment Sydromes. This is already being functioned by police forces in the more captive demographics. The phases of street curfews and power cuts have already been tested. The more psychotic to be mobilized as required; for the good of the community of course. 

It was necessary to rush the vaccination charade to reduce the control statistic of the unvaccinated. Propaganda deliveries had calls to police stations, that such and such was disobeying some government instruction. But the police never called as per the attempted weaponizing by the psychotic and deluded. However: all such calls were statistically recorded for the determination of the percentage of deluded becoming collaborator classes. The critical mass of the psychotic, now having been reached.

The mask mandate cannot protect from a pathogen smaller than the fibres of the mask. Multiple masks have no greater protective effect. As the prior CIAHIV-AIDS condom addicted were not advised that that immunosuppressant virus was smaller than the latex network allegedly protecting them. And of course, any links to Kaposi’s and nitrates from lubricants was a matter of postured unresolved professional debate. Which came first?

I was able to observe the extraordinary tragedy of AIDS at first hand — as I was able to witness first-hand the unbelievable barbarity of Napalm on infants. The smell and visual of them burning to a slow agonizing death, and the women losing their arms by holding them as they died. A father refusing to give up the corpse of his two-year-old, with its head blown open. American greatness.

The idiocy of bacterial washes; incessantly at doorways; alongside the mandatory monitoring check-ins; are concerned with different pathogens to viruses and have already spread the resistance. A future era of American caused and political stupidity disseminated MRSA.

The resistant staph that commenced in the hospitals in America and spread about The West, as a consequence of the same idiotic bacterial washes of that close call resistant staph aureus era. It smelt better; and the distributor said… Tokens buying from tokens. The inducement of psychologically addictive obedience. The evolution of Mass Psychosis; about which I have written.

The masks are delivering future breathing disorders, due to the ingestion of the manufacturing particles. The bacterial washes will deliver the next generation incapable of resistance to common bacteria and even common viruses — which introduces the pending antibiotic-resistant. Yet a further projected genocide along this determined insane journey to pre-penicillin.

I was once saved by the high-end antibiotics that required some deception to politically access. We approach an era where life-saving pharmaceuticals will only be available to designated elite classes.

It needs to be remembered that world food production increased by some fifteen percent in 2020. And that some half of the world’s population is in India and China. The inconvenient realities that defy the foundations of the vaccination-eugenic classes. Further: green and sustainable energy is neither green nor sustainable.

Attempting to demonize carbon used in photosynthesis to produce oxygen is just one of the many idiocies of Weather redefined as Anthropogenic Climate Change. And a further factor in the journey of eugenics, currently redefined as the desperate Covid-Psychosis.

A prior earth that was not theoretically and illusory over-populated, but suffered ice-ages, and volcanoes. Recall individual eruptions over the past century, engulfed the planet in particles.

Scientifically legitimate evidence, from the accessed Indian and Israeli Studies, together with that still hidden from public dissemination from; EU, UK, and US Studies; all confirm what now hundreds of rigorously peer-reviewed papers have repeatedly noted, and which I have attempted to deliver in a concise and easily understood writing. Here and previously on this; the greatest genocide ever perpetrated in the history of The World.

I am further advised that Ivermectin has delivered positive outcomes in the treatment of certain cancers. As such; it is heading towards the path of being banned in America. As occurred with other substances as a consequence of fraudulent reports from the then California Cancer Institute. Still used as a reference. Careful of propaganda from your favourite tech platforms. It is assumed that you have not surrendered your innate Rational and Critical Thought Processes.

I have written extensively on each of the following aspects. As well as the origins of the current hoax, its development, and release as a CIA-Bio-Weapon. Looking in the right places with an uninculcated comprehending mind will deliver the correct answers to your own individual research.

Covidasadisease is a fraud. The tests leading to that diagnosis are contaminated, and as such, fraudulent by the percentage of false positives. The CIA-manufactured virus; as all their other attempts has delivered natural herd immunity. Asymptomatic is part of the psychosis development. As are the rolling mutation manipulations primarily delivered by vaccination, which does not deliver an immune response, but destroys existing immunities. The mRNA vaccinations do not deliver the outcomes as postured, concerning the manufacture of any broad-based immunities.

The protocol of early ventilator use compounded the mortality rate. Apart from the blocking of Ivermectin and HCQ, the forced use of the toxin Remdesivir, the compounding of toxic vaccinations, and professionally mandated, politically driven false diagnoses.

Autopsies in Germany and America have not confirmed the cause of death beyond comorbidities or side effects from vaccination. Statistics from the very first fakeries delivered by Imperial College London, through Birx on the fraudulent White House Coronavirus Taskforce, were propagandized and run by prior partners in deception concerning The CIA HIV-AIDS Bio-Weapon; Pence and Fauci.

Psychotic Fauci (Mengele) since being exposed; in the now shutdown Coronavirus Congressional Committee Hearings.

It has nothing to do with immunisation against yet another CIA-SARS. And BigPharma is hardly in the business of curing anything. Management possibly. Hardly curing. The cynical development of business and resultant profits for its owners. And what outcomes have ever evolved from the American Military-Industrial Complex? A hundred million murdered, and not a democratic or humanitarian accomplishment anywhere in sight, in the one hundred destroyed nation-states.

Black Light US Intel is of course involved in the Remdesivir Fraud. The SCI Pharmatech factory at Taoyuan City, Taiwan was detonated on 20 December 2020, requiring some 30 plus appliances to control the fires. Hardly materials available to the local fire enthusiast or the result of a factory mishap. The now-destroyed facility manufactured the precursor chemicals for the production of HCQ.

Mental Disorders; real and concocted; Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Heart and Breathing Disorders, Diabetes and Cancer; are all excellent business for maintenance. Neither a cure nor preventative is allowed in sight. A good combination for the smart investor would be say soft beverages causing diabetes and the pharmaceutical manufacturers providing the management of the outcomes.

Better than tobacco. Even though tobacco can no longer be sued, has no need to pay for advertising or sponsorships, can use the same packaging from the same factories, for even worse toxins than were previously supplied, and government is the partner by stealth by virtue of Excises, Duties, Taxes, and Licences.

The owners of the big producers are returning more profits from the ever-increasing markets than prior the moral and health concocted campaigns.

Always searching for a good market fit; the diet, lite, no sugar, and low fat alternatives, are even more toxic, due to the chemicals involved to deliver what the gullible consumers demand at any given steered fad of the moment.

In passing: the chemicals used to de-caffeinate coffee, cannot be fully washed away after the process; and are carcinogenic. So you can reasonably question the sanity of the tutored puppets who annoy others at the coffee shop with their ridiculous cultural parroting of; a three quarter shot, decaff, skinny latte with a half sweetener, on a theatric return from an arse class. Knows all. No Idea; and never will.




  1. A must listen to, the Australian mass media is lying about nearly everything. e.g the trickiest in no coz.
    Too much to summarise.
    So search at DuckDuckGo:
    Report: 2569 B.
    Our politicians and mass media are spoiling their pants with desperation to force vaccination and hide alternative treatments.
    Note that Fitzsimmons (Wilkinson’s hubby) in the last Sunday smh Herald stated that ivermectin was only for horses and cows….. clearly he needs a good doss to clear media worms.
    The child trafficking inhumanity is coming into exposures.
    Some should tell the media lot at radio 2GB in Sydney. You there Hadly?

  2. Thanks G5,( I was once saved by the high-end antibiotics that required some deception to politically access).Limes secondary?)
    Great Vid Dee, the profane would call it “pulling the piss”

  3. https://tapnewswire.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/henry-kissinger-640×480-300×225.jpg

    Kissinger quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics,February 25th 2009: “Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, It’s GAME OVER. They will accept anything – Forcible blood or organ donation- “For the greater good”. We can genetically modify children and sterilize them- “For the greater good”. Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It’s a BIG win/win. We thin out the herd, and the herd pays us for extermination services” Henry Kissinger~


    • Thanks:
      Anti-democratic globalist control freaks,
      Mass media corrupt spivs.
      You miserable stIinking lying scum.
      You will not be able to walk down the street and your poor innocent children will be shunned for their life times.
      Police officers and their families, take note.

    • It looks convincing enough to me, if the birds start dying or disappearing around your area you know, it’s the [DS] trying out the latest asset in their suite of weapons.

      • The poor old “brainwashed since birth” Americans cannot grasp that there is no red and blue divide. The duopoly is a system, owned by the single enemy. The people who control the democrats also control the GOP. Just as the ALP, LNP and Greens have the same boss.

        A nostalgia moment… I realised the Greens were part of the team when Bob Brown had absolute and unimpeded access to the MSM, back in the seventies. He was always part of the plan. Around 2001, as a Greens campaign manager, I challenged the hierarchy activities which were incompatible with the charter. Boy, was that a grenade in a fireworks factory. They dared not expel me, but I told a lot of members how they were part of a revolving door… naive school leavers in, angry disillusioned adults out. it’s nice to be hated. Sometimes LOL.

        This sight-destroying system, which sure convinces me it is real, is a product of the elite. This guy Steele is what we defend ourselves with. Knowledge, made available by a practical and knowledgeable working class techie. All power to him.

        It’s use? i am guessing it is crowd control. If the masses rebel and march, too many to control, blind the lot of them. But we need to know the exact locations to gauge the true intent. Any other ideas?

        Slow blindness of everybody?

  4. In the 60s and 70s the joke was the government was going to tax air next, as so many taxes must have been added following ww2. But instead of taxing air they have decided to weaponise it, first by criminalising CO2 which is plant & algae food ( the vilification of toxic Carbon Monoxide from traffic jams was transferred onto CO2 ) and second by claiming it is full of germs we have no defence against. Now the air has gone from being threatened, to our natural enemy.
    Water already made the transition, the fluoride drove punters to plastic bottles, filters etc., in the 3rd world you stay safe by drinking Cocacola-Amatil products (the cheap filtered water is hidden around the corner). They couldn’t find a way to bottle air and sell it to us, or tax it, so the next best thing was to weaponise it.

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