by G5
One Hundred Nation States devastated, in One Hundred Years, with the murder of One Hundred Million People… and for what?
It isn’t that we are living in a ‘Rapidly Changing World’ — there is an isolation and extinction of reality and fact. The ‘Post Truth Era’, is what it infers. Deception is accepted if it meets the requirements of ideological illusion. The unwitting, non-educated, robotic buffoons, have not only reached voting-age, but they infest the Power Base, and even ‘Expertize’. As they would.
It took the Leninist-Stalinist Soviet Union, a century to disgorge and remove Totalitarianism. Khrushchev was the beginning of the move against The Usual Suspect Anglo-American ‘Occupation’ and destabilizing. He and the following era became the grand enemy of ‘The West’.
It came with the removal of CIA Gorbachev and the mentally disturbed Yeltsin. After the latter had elevated, well-concealed, Russian Orthodox functionary Putin, and his cohorts, the Lost Century was then rolled back.
The ‘comfortable’ world that the US ‘owns’ and ‘controls’ by its unchallenged Military and Economic might and right, is maintaining the entire world — keeping it safe from the challenges of unapproved usurpers, and unacceptable ideological systems of evil. A well-trodden path of Might is Right, and ‘The Winner’ writes the narrative.
The US has the mandate to control for the Democratic and Humanitarian Rights of the Peoples of those subjected nations — as the US, in its absolute discretion, sees fit. Where the US (with The UN posture of the approval of the nations of the World) can Intervene, Interfere, Interject, Invade, Occupy, Regime Change, Loot, Plunder, Pillage, Subjugate, Sanction, Impoverish and Slaughter, to ‘relieve’ and ‘save’ the Peoples of that softened and evolving target nation state. This to aid the Democratic, Humanitarian and ideological ambitions of those misguided peoples, and point them to the Great American Dream. And the grand illusion of a mythical ’empire’.
After a genocidal war of occupation with The Indigenous, false flag territorial wars with the French and the Spanish, a hoax currency war of Independence with England, and a false flag Civil War — all very different to the delivered kiddy text narratives — the sights were set for foreign conquests.
Old Narratives Challenged
At 9.40 pm on 15 February, 1898, the False Flag sinking of the USS Maine, in Havana Harbour, triggered the US to invade Cuba, Hawaii, and the Philippines. The mythology of the US World Empire (the shortest in history) begins its disastrous journey.
Absurd territorial claims reverted to the economic idiocy of plundering resources, as these became known and attachable. The obvious of it being cheaper to trade than steal.
The US Domestic Economy, paying for incessant wars, feeding an evolved Military Industrial Complex, aiding and abetting the industries deriving benefit. A nation looting its Domestic Economy, posturing its growth and allied to its growing in ‘quantity’ postured military adventurism. With the unseen reality that the circle would eventually close.
Events need to be correctly viewed — before and after. The greater the obsession and fixation with the ‘official’ narrative and its endless citations, the further the disengagement from fact and reality. The ‘alleged’ greatest citation is by direct ‘official’ government emissions, and of those of the emeritus and annointed ones thereto. True history delivers a very different picture indeed.
The greater the ponce, the greater the deceit.
In his 2012 campaign, Obama, in his Career Public Servant Version Script, delivered to the lost in their lunchtimes; that it was Government that ‘built’ the US Economy. This resulted in deafening cheers from the terminally deluded. The reality that industry survived, despite government, rather than as a consequence, was neither tenable, nor capable of any traction.
As an epitome, he would mention that the US walked the Moon. Any reality would of course be denounced as Conspiracy Theory, and un-American. This from a Truman Show White House Script Reader of the comedy act of: Two Men (Soetoro and Robinson) and Two Borrowed Children (Blanchard-Nesbitt). Tens of millions queued to vote. And not a rational and critical brain cell in sight.
Trump, aware of the entrenched, terminal damage, delivered on three occasions, that the US walked the Moon. The most recent being at his 2019 SOTU Address.
Flight, Bombs and Technology
Some 800 BC, the Chinese were experimenting with the use of kites. By the 5th Century AD, Mozi and Lu Ban had redeveloped the technology, attempting practical applications.
Leonardo sketched advanced theories of ‘flight’ in the late 15th Century.
On 15 October 1783, the Montgolfiers launched a tethered hot-air balloon, with a passenger.
In the late 19th Century, Otto Lilenthal recorded a number of glider flights, moving the advancing technology into that direction.
On 17 December 1903, The Wright Brothers performed their 120 foot publicity stunt.
In late 1936, Fritz Gosslan developed the first functioning drones.
Many advances in design and propulsion took place up to 27 August 1939, when Hans von Ohain and his partners began practical development of the Jet Engine.
Under SS Wernher von Braun, Robert Lusser developed the V1 Rocket. Then the V2 was advanced, which flew in their thousands, devastating London, then Antwerp.
As the British broke the dams of the Ruhr Valley, drowning tens of thousands of slave labourers, the US bombed labour camps including Peenemunde. The manufacturing facility for the V2.
Accurate, non-partisan, Red Cross Records — existence denied — hidden in Switzerland to this day, deliver a very different story of blame, to that of the common narrative of the Holocaust. I have sighted Minox (we all had them) prints of documents.
Von Braun moved the factories and the labour force to the massive underground facilities of Mittelwerk.
Technology from Germany and Russia, ‘imported’ into the Manhattan Project, allowed the US to develop that phase of its genocidal weapons arsenal. The only nation ever to have used Atomic, Biological, and Chemical Weapons against, not only designated enemy ‘combatants,’ but non-combatant innocent civilians, in well-documented, genocidal aggressions.
(60 fire bombed civilian cities, and two atomic detonations in Japan under the insane Curtis Le May (the character in ‘Dr.Strangelove’). The genocidal War Crime of Napalm, targeting unclad infants and small children — slowly burning them to death. If you have only witnessed that alone, you know the reality of the US. And Agent Orange and Operation Ranch Hand. Nuclear Weapons Testing in the Iraq Wars. Chemical Weapons Testing in the Balkan Wars and in Syria, and much more.)
Useful Assets
Liars always believe liars. SS Von Braun was saved under Operation Paperclip and delivered to develop military missile technology for NASA.
Gestapo Mueller, Mengele and cohorts were positioned in Donovan’s OSS CIA.
Hitler, Borman et al were ‘retired’ into South America. Others were allowed to float through Bavaria, becoming valuable operatives in the Usual Suspect Banking Cabals, while two were elevated to the infallible status of Pope, under the Rat Lines.
Hess did not visit Spandau, Gehring did not die, and profiteering industrialists and bankers, disappeared into the backdrop. The herds are not very swift.
All while the US conducted its high moral ground, comedy theatre of the Nuremberg Trials. Repeated for; Eichmann, Marcos, Noriega, and Hussein. The questioning of ‘Official’ narratives becoming criminal.
Von Braun met with Disney and Nixon. The CIA coup d’état, of 1963, having produced little value, beyond the wars of attrition and pending bankruptcy of its own making, the Cold War, and Vietnam. A grand Hoax was needed to capture the imagination of the herds, away from the 1968 International Student Revolutions (in which I was also involved) and the growing awareness of US War Crimes and Obsessive Genocides.
The Space Race
On 4 October, 1957, Russia launched Sputnik 1 (3 week orbit). It’s radio pulses amongst the easiest to detect by amateur enthusiasts. But not by NASA.
The US to later manufacture the Space Race add-on to its Cold War. Both of which it lost dramatically.
On 3 November, 1957, with Laika the first animal in space as a passenger, Russia launched Sputnik 2 — tracked by the children of Kettering Grammar School. Who also correctly identified the ‘unknown’ Cosmodrome (Balkonur) of launch, and that it was systematically scanning the entire US. NASA and the CIA of the time, refusing to accept what was proven. And which they did not know.
On 13 September, 1959, Russia landed Lunik 2, the world’s first lunar probe. On 12 April, 1961, Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth, as the First Human in Space. On 16 June, 1963, Valentina Tereshkova orbited the Earth 48 times.
Meanwhile back at the ranch there was the display of the Mercury and Gemini Programs — with dubious intersections between reality and public relations essentials. The hype for the Apollo Program, was already out of the box, with a refusal to walk back.
The absurd Saturn V, with poorly engineered blast cones, wrong temperature burn (colour, not lifting weight), the totally unstable (tumble if re-entry were ever attempted Capsule), with a ridiculous Lunar Lander, were all that was available.
Starfish Prime
By early 1958, the existence of the first Van Allen Belts was known. And as happens, power in the hands of irresponsible lunatics, delivers what it will. Around 1962 Operations, Dominic, Storax, Fishbowl, and Starfish Prime, were underway. The US was going to nuke its way to the Moon. Detonation after detonation in the Ionosphere and Low Earth was intended to move the Van Allen Belts and provide a radio reflective surface for the convenience of the US.

Like blowing dust in the air, the Van Allen Belts would move and close back in behind themselves. The greatest US scientific minds of the day, had yet to reach the commonsense of young children. A nauseous recidivism.
The outcome was: the world sprayed with radioactive waste, initially blamed on the Chinese. The Protective Ozone Layer destroyed, primarily over Australia — now the skin cancer capital of The World.
No problem: how about an environmental lie to cover the Ozone Layer Destruction. The herds would suck it in and even look for more. The cause was escaping refrigerants and bovine flatulence. The US having the world monopoly on the ‘approved’ refrigerant. And the bovine affair, was a bit too ambitious. But they’re working on it. Maybe a monopoly feed would be the answer.
Apollo 11
No technology, no science, no engineering, no ability, Van Allen Belts in place — and the US is Good To Go to the Moon. Disney and Kubrick start shooting at Area 51. Von Braun and some ‘experts’ take a junket to Antarctica, and gather ‘Moon Rocks’.
All ‘Live’ on TV, mom would never lie to you, and 400,000 workers on the project would not all lie. So it had to be real.
From the deck of the USS Hornet we saw the Apollo 11 Capsule dropped by parachutes from the back of an Airforce Freighter. It hit the sea and was collected by a heavy-lift helicopter and brought to the deck.
The flat face was unmarked by re-entry burn, and it did not steam when it hit the sea.
The parachutes were strap attached to an area where they could not be — if the capsule were not a stage prop. Apart from the inherent tumble instability of the capsule design and weight distribution.
Three little unrigoured faces appeared to the world media from a window on the transition pod. The exchange was curious. Perhaps they were never in that rickety capsule. It was neither hot to touch, nor did it have the pock-markings of re-entry. Which I had seen on one of the Mercury Capsules. It had no radiation protection.

NASA refused to allow Hasselblad to examine the camera, after they stated that it could not have functioned as claimed. As the tampered Mercedes, of the Diana Murder, was refused examination by Mercedes — after absurd claims were made concerning the support columns (cut through by SAS ‘Boston’ Scotland) and the speedometer. She was suffocated in the ambulance in the hospital drive.
(Diana was orchestrated by Robert Fellowes. As JFK was orchestrated by Jim Angleton, and 9/11 by Dov Zakheim.)
The bilious, repeated, Moon Landing charade, ceased when Russia was able to track all the activities of the US’s greatest Hoax. The advanced Russia was not able to track Lunar Adventurisms, but ‘Live’ Footage was beamed to Earth by the US. Sure it was. Not that it really mattered. The mental systems of US and sycophant herds are only able to absorb US deception.
The greatest achievement of mankind, and NO REAL EVIDENCE EXISTS TODAY. (Please, not the museums and theme tours bit.)
The three stooges appeared uncomfortable at the following press conference. They spent decades defending the ridiculous indefensible.
Many were murdered in an attempt to cover the lie. The imbecile Aldrin, after punching journalists for asking the wrong questions, was asked the same by an eight year old. He admitted the deception. The advance publicity of the Orion Project admits the impenetrable Van Allen Belts.
The Arctic Sling-Shot Exit was a good one. But how did they return? And then; how could an SS Officer manage a missile program, not paralleled to the V2.
He was even less than the Morgan-Ford-Carnegie manufactured Edison, sporting Prescott Bush’s stolen Tesla inventions. Worse than Boswell’s invented Shakespeare (Marlowe escaped Walsingham’s Deptford Plot; ‘Merchant of Venice’; de Vries filled in the gaps), or Muggeridge’s invented Mother Teresa. The significance of Anne Hathaway to Shakespeare, is as that of Martha Gellhorn to Hemingway, and Blythe Newlon to Dan Brown.
Von Braun lied his way into an illusion with no substance.
The US is unable to reach Low Earth Orbit. Space-X, the Mars Project, and other illusions, have come to rest on the foundations of their proverbial.
It was decided that the last of the ridiculous Shuttles be sent in for an insurance claim. The crew were filmed and returned to their prior careers, and the hoax ‘tragedy’ was staged.
To reach the ISS, the US needed the RSA. Sanction Serenades were only really for the herds to believe. When NASA was no longer able to foot the RSA bill, it was decided that NASA could produce fake footage for the adoring and believing morons. They wouldn’t know the stark differences. The illusion rolls on. The upsidedown hair of The US Astronautettes is good. And occasionally the acrobatic sling wire belt tetherings pop into view. It loses its comedy value after a while.
One needs to return to reality and purposeful comedy.
It would seem that:
We are ruled charletans.
Represented by idiots
Lied to by fake phoney fraudulent and false media
Educated by fools
Screwed by the bankers.
Oh how happy little frogs we all are.
Sorry: “….. BY globalist Charletans..”
.”….. simmering frogs…’
G5 refers to the Orion Project.
Nice to know that they are working on it,
Pity they do not duck down to the NSA library and pull out the Apollo 11 technical designs and know how.
The Apollo press conference.
Happy Chappies celebrating history:?
read the comments.
shorter tell tale clip.
From 2:55 on about going thru the Van Allen Belts
Dee, yes, the VAB are a problem, especially for modern semiconductors.
The current engineering challenge is not so much “how to do it” but “how to do it with modern equipment”. The video title is very misleading, surprise-surprise. They don’t admit they “can’t” they describe how they “will” with modern kit.
Apollo-era technology was lower-density semiconductor, and the ROM memories used were “core rope” which is impervious to radiation. The RAM was small, and engineered such that if CRC errors appeared (due to being hit with ionizing radiation), the system would gracefully dump and re-load the significant code (burned into the core-rope) so as not to interrupt the mission.
But if you listen to everything the narrator says, he’s talking about Exploration Test Flight-1, which has now already happened. The apogee of that mission was ~3600 miles, well within the VAB radiation area.
The unmanned Orion vehicle flew up into the VAB, and then simulated an accelerated re-entry as would happen when returning from the Moon or Mars. It carried a lot of instruments to test not if they could get into/through those belts, but how well their proposed solution (Orion) was able to do that.
We’ve been flying stuff into and through those belts for decades. You can literally buy “space-rated” semiconductors and systems off-the-shelf, for such things as GPS and Geostationary satellites, and they work, as anyone can see firsthand. If they didn’t the companies wouldn’t be able to sell the stuff.
Why do otherwise sensible G5 narratives always need to contain a dose of “woo”?
Correction “burned into the core-rope” should more correctly read “woven into the core-rope”. The permanent memory of this system was literally sewn together, with wires and little ferrite beads. Yes, you can fly a space-vehicle using code made essentially with macrame.
“I’d go the moon in a nanosecond.”
Don Pettit is definitely my favourite.
Meanwhile, from around 3:37 below– here are three more highly trained US astronauts/experts that are still trying to “science the sh*t” out of this Van Allen belt problem
Don Pettit from 9:41 in first link
Sorry to be a wet blanket, but I still “believe.”
Or if it was a hoax, I think all the clues were set up for us to discover.
If they want to destroy the church, why not also the courts, and science . Oh, and the family.
Mary, seems like the same ol’ same ol’. G5 puts out lots of credible information, with a huge dose of “woo” mixed in. Why? We never went to the moon, much less landed 6 times and flew around it several more? Really? And we fooled the best-and-brightest of the then Soviet Union, who didn’t cry “hoax” even once. These minds, well-capable of beating the US in the space-race with more firsts than we had, not a single peep of “but how did you solve…”. The whole thing is documented and painstakingly chronicled in every form of media available at the time. So according to G5 they faked:
All the hardware.
All the software.
All the photos.
All the telemetry.
All of the returned geological specimens.
All of the independent observations (including by Soviets) which showed we went.
Anyone who can do all that doesn’t need to control the planet. They already do.
The false-problem is that one is supposed to believe all or none of it.
The same trick has happened with the 911 games. No sooner did truth movements start to get traction, than a bunch of “woo” entered into the story by other “truthseekers”. Mini-nukes, particle-beams, no-planes hit the buildings, etc.
This dilutes the very credible 911 alternate narrative that the official story is garbage, and couldn’t possibly happen. It would be very hard to imagine that that’s not the goal.
And of course, since G5 is a covert persona, (s)he doesn’t need to support detailed questions to any claims, nor debate any person. G5 can simply sit and pontificate, with no mechanism for questioning or vetting his/her narrative. To me, that describes propaganda. People that try to tell us things but won’t allow questions about the narrative are suspicious.
If your audience believes anything someone like G5 asserts, that is not the “official story” and he happens to be “controlled opposition” the same folks still have control. They can tell the punters what to think, anything at all, as long as it’s not the story that ABCNNFOXCNBC (and popular mechanics) puts out, and some will buy it.
The Elite lie, absolutely. And they’re getting much better at it!
Louis Farrakhan Explains How Rothschild Bankers Control Governments and The World (1995)
1995 – and Louis Farrakhan is talking about the financial doom associated with a US debt of $ FIVE Trillion going to $ SIX Trillion
He does make one or two comments that don’t resonate with me but this speech gives a perfect historical context I would say Kennedy-ish… And he does mention the breakdown of the family structure somewhere in the first ten minutes.
Futher to the video above claiming that the moon tapes and technology was destroyed.
The world is so fortunate that NASA did not invent the common mousetrap….. phew, we are so lucky.
And Australia mentioned around 22 minutes. 5 Eyes.
Is someone suggesting that there is evidence of Canberra (and some of our pollies?) colluding to interfere with the election of a President of our Ally.
Can’t wait to see all our anti-trump msm lefties with the ABC put all this on their front pages,
Oh well, we have Gumshoe to keep us up to date…. which means, who needs the ABC and our fake phony false fraudulent media?
Now how much do we pay our black eyed characters?
Your best lines tell so much:
“Two Men (Soetoro and Robinson) and Two Borrowed Children (Blanchard-Nesbitt). Tens of millions queued to vote. And not a rational and critical brain cell in sight.
Trump, aware of the entrenched, terminal damage, delivered on three occasions, that the US walked the Moon.”
However, several points are worth ‘elaborating’ on/challenging … one at a time as/if I find time:
“The Usual Suspect Anglo-American ‘Occupation’ and destabilizing [of Russia]
The following has been cited here at Gumshoe before:
“The Rulers of Russia” – Review Denis Fahey
A copy can be found here, for example (PDF archive under ‘Fa’)
It is referenced as one primary source for the ‘Russian Revolution’ section (Chapter 3) in Captain A.H.M. Ramsay’s ”The Nameless War”.
So this was hardly an “Anglo-American Occupation” – unless I have completely misunderstood Bolshevism.
Here is an earlier title for related reading:
“The Secret World Government or Hidden Hand” by Maj-Gen Count Cherep-Spiridovich (1926)
which happens to be cited as a source in places like “Occult Theocrasy” by Edith Starr Miller, Lady Queenborough. (I have reach my link max – see PDF Archives link above under ‘Mi’)
Of course, in the above sweep of world history, the nonsense that the Fuehrer did not commit suicide but escaped to South America needs to be refreshed as well.
This coming Sunday, on SBS TV Viceland this theme is further explored: Hitler never died – and I think of the Cooper fellow who wrote books about it – but if you follow up the narrative, then you realize it’s another hoax.
Interestingly, this kind of rubbish is permitted but to actually cross-examine so-called Holocaust-Shoah survivors is antisemitic hate propaganda because the survivors will relive their agony escaping from fictitious gas chambers. It hurts them to lie, no doubt!
Ask the greater question: Show me or draw me the alleged homicidal gas chamber at Auschwitz? and all hell breaks loose.
Why is it not permitted to do a physical cross examination of those individuals who made such stupid claims?
Holocaust survivors even got paid for having lied through their teeth and Germany to this day is paying out to such liars? Is this question an antisemitic no-no question because it emanate from a mind full of hate for the Jews or is it motivated by the desire – by agape – for the TRUTH?
So, ask yourself why are most western democratic governments supporting the massive LIE that Germans during World War Two systematically exterminated European Jewry in homicidal gas chambers?
To date there is no forensic evidence to prove anyone was ever gassed gassed by the Germans during World War Two.
Fredrick, thank you for progressing what was my Point 2 so eloquently.
Moving on to point 2a then:
2a. “Under SS Wernher von Braun, Robert Lusser developed the V1 Rocket. Then the V2 was advanced, which FLEW IN THEIR THOUSANDS, DEVASTATING LONDON, THEN ANTWERP [emphasis added]”.
Was that just before or after Churchill instigated the tactic of mass bombing of civilians and urban areas in essentially all major German cities?
I urge readers to listen to David Irving (for example) or read/watch
“Hellstorm The death of Nazi Germany 1944–1947” by Thomas Goodrich
The book:
The movie
For an insight into the (psychopathic) mind of Churchill please try and get hold of his essay “Shall We Commit Suicide”.
In one snippet he salivates:
“The Air opened paths along which death and terror could be carried far behind the lines of the actual armies, to women, children, the aged, the sick, who in earlier struggles would perforce have been left untouched.”
It is contained in the anthology “Thoughts and Adventures” or linked here …
“One of the US projects to study the effects of a nuclear explosion in outer space was part of a large series of 36 nuclear tests carried out within the Dominic project from April 25 to November 4, 1962.”
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a woman? … I mean Dov Zakheim orchestrated 9/11? Not in my knowledge bank so I went searching for him …
Ah – here he is … Under Z
Category: Jewish American politicians
Just to clarify – and to amuse
Elaborating Point 3 (or 4?). “While two were elevated to the infallible status of Pope, under the Rat Lines.”
Ah yes – the infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church … by who?
• Bella Dodd — How Communists Subverted the Catholic Church
Or watch here
• The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two
• Part 16 – The Masonic Subversion of the Catholic Church
or here
• NWO: Communism by The Backdoor
• Part 5 – The infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church
Ditto’ing Fredrick Toben above. The Morgernthau Plan demonstrates the “need’ of the Top Rulers to destroy Germany as Germany was too good.
Beware good nations! Out they go!
Yes, beware of being too good, especially in the middle-east. If you are the likes of Iran, Iraq, Syria, or even Libya (not technically in the middle-east) your days are numbered.
Especially true if you have a strong economy, resources, and reasonably happy, and well educated citizens.
What interests me the most is the reference to the “usual suspects”, G5’s euphemism for those who run things from behind the curtain. It behooves us to realise the dark spiritual dimension behind their work and their malevolent ambition to bring depravity, suffering and enslavement to humankind.
I also believe that this fact is being exposed to the mainstream, serendipitously, by the power of God, NOW.
G5, turn your attention to the “usual suspects” behind Big-Silicone and AI (from which Satan will emerge as the ghost in the machine), suppressing freedom of speech and denying access to information and money.
Within Big-Silicone there is an Ayahusca cult taking instruction from the same demonic entities that instructed the human-sacrificing Aztec Shaman-Priests, the same entities that informed Crowley (Lam), Himmler (the Vril) and those in Biblical times who sacrificed babies to Moloch et al.
Now look at the Demonrats in the US, where 40% of babies are already aborted, now calling for the legal right to abort/sacrifice babies after birth!
Look at this and tell me that we don’t live in a demonic, death cult.
G5 Writes:
“The imbecile Aldrin, after punching journalists for asking the wrong questions, was asked the same by an eight year old. He admitted the deception.”
C’mon G5. You’re a better researcher than this. Please watch the entire video encounter between Aldrin and the youngster, not the cherry-picked soundbite one.
Following the entire narrative, Aldrin basically says “we can’t go back now without more money”.
G5, are you saying this narrative, in its entirety is fake? He unequivocally says we did go, on several missions, but haven’t gone back yet.
Here’s the full video, and I’d be surprised if you haven’t already seen it:
Replying to Joe, ran out of room above. i am OK with no planes on 911. Partly because the version that showed on the Nightly News in the Edmonton of Australia was different fro all others. I also met a girl from Shanghai who said the version shown there consisted of the plane hitting the tower’s wall OOF BAM and fell to the ground. Isn’t that hilarious.
I don’t want to tell others that the moon landing happened. I am hardly a capable critic. I take you point about the Ruski’s but then I think they are part and parcel of the big game.
I don’t see, though, how the spacecraft got its lift-off power, from the moon, after One Small step fro man. It occurred on July 20, 1969 same day as Ted kennedy’s Chappaquidick issue which was obviously meant to prevent his running for White House type thing..
I refrain from commenting on the G5 assertions, bar one… his reference to the VAB explosion(s). Does anybody know that actual date, because it might explain something that happened around May-Oct 1974, in Darwin, NT, Australia.
A few mates of mine had joined me to launch a boat I had just completed building. We were on the beach at midmorning and took the craft on a brief test run for about 45 minutes. We were all very brown-skinned from working in the tropical sun every day for years.
When we puit the boat back on its trailer we all realised we hade got severely sunburned… enough to get blisters.
This made no sense at all, until much later reportage of ozone gas damage, due, according to ‘science’ to fire extinguisher and refridgerant gases. But this cause should have caused radiation damage over months, if not years. Not just in one hour.
So, I am intrigued at G5’s suggestion about attempts to nuclear bulldoze the van Allan Belt. Perhaps that was the cause.
Anybody elaborate with dates?
Deception of the CIA and the Roman Catholic Church-State Part II
The Vatican and the Papacy are an apparatus of satan a counterfeit of Christianity. The pope sits on a chair with an upside down cross mocking Jesus
The Insidious Council on Foreign Relations is a Jesuit Front
The Religious Beginnings of an Unholy War
The Shocking Story of the Catholic “Church’s” Role in Starting the Vietnam War
With an immense collection of facts, photos, names and dates, Manhattan proves that the Vietnam War began as a religious conflict. He shows how America was manipulated into supporting Catholic oppression in Vietnam supposedly to fight communism.
Manhattan explains:
How religious pamphlets and radio broadcasts convinced one million Catholics to leave North Vietnam and live under Catholic rule in the South, overwhelming the Buddhists.
How brutal persecution of Vietnamese Buddhists led to rioting and suicides by fire in the streets.
Why the reports of what was really happening, written by American military and civil advisers, failed to reach the U.S. President.
Why the project backfired, and as U.S. soldiers continued to die, the Vatican made a secret deal with Ho Chi Minh.
The Secret Terrorists
The Enemy Unmasked
The Papacy and the Jesuits
The Vatican’s Role in the NWO
Mary I am having trouble posting. I have tried 4 times and finally it let me do Part I! but I have Part 1 and it says it is a duplicate which it is not.
There is no other ‘religion’ that has murdered and massacred so many men, women, children and babies than this satanic organisation that disguises or masquerades itself as godly religion. Pedophilia is not the only sign of this organisation as scholars have said that between 90-150 million individuals were massacred in the Dark Ages for fleeing of ‘freedom of conscience’ and to keep the Sabbath not the pagan sun-god Sunday.
It is a counterfeit to Christianity and the high priest is the pope.
The CIA is commonly known as the Catholic Intelligence Agency and Catholics in Action and they too have multiple fronts.
9/11 False Flag Conspiracy – Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives)
Again the same criminal cabal with George H. Bush behind 9/11 with his criminal racketeers co-cospirators in the Federal Reserve invoking ‘Emergency powers’ the infamous Caryle Group. of curse the insidious CIA and a number of insurance broker houses and the Fascist or Neo-con military industrial complex trans-corporations all named.
I finally got around to watching this – thank you Arlyn. This is an excellent abridgement/compilation of a mass of complex content. I think I have seen similar in a video with a title along the lines of “Follow the money”.
I always check out other content on channels which are new to me – NuoViso here – to gauge their scope, consistency and credibility (IMHO).
From the same channel …
• The Q-Anon Psyop – a road to the endtimes – NuoViso
Frank Engelmayer gives quite an excellent analysis of “Q” and all things related. The “sacrifice” he talks about at 43:00+ around has already been “orchestrated” – the myth of the SIX Million.
Loosely paraphrasing – “In the beginning there was the Plan – Trust the Plan”
(Or as David Icke describes the Q phenomenon – “Bollocks”)
Just digressing (flippantly) with a bit of word (or rather number/letter) association. Thanks to Haruki Murakami who wrote “1Q84”, l learnt that the Japanese word for the number 9 is 九, pronounced kyū (sounds like “Q”).
So I looked up the astrological meaning of “kyū” and this is what I found:
Definition of Number 9:
This is the last of the single digit numbers and the end of the primary numerological cycle. Not surprisingly, then, 9 is the number that brings things to a close [End Times – there you go!]. Every ending launches a new beginning; therefore, 9 is both the end and the starting point, the place that initiates something fresh like the phoenix rising out of the ashes.
Off topic but can you tell anything about Admiral Richard Byrd and his solo flight over Antarctica where he met aliens?
His lost battle with aliens in Antarctica after WW2.
[…] However, around 1962 Operations Dominic, Storax, Fishbowl, and Starfish Prime, were underway. Gumshoe reported that the US was planning to nuke its way to the Moon. Detonation after detonation in the […]