By Kim Skeltys (2021, copyright)
So you’ve decided to get the covid vax?
Hey, I know you’ve done your research, you’ve seen Dr Norman Swann roll up his sleeves for the jab, the ABC has been urging you to do the same, you’ve watched all the covid vax TV commercials with celebrities getting the shot, and you believe the government and their health advisors after they’ve said a thousand times the covid vaccines are safe, and the only side effects to worry about infinitesimally rare blood clots.
Millions have been vaccinated around the world, so the vaccines must be ok, and covid itself is so terrifying that if you get it you are almost sure to die. What’s more, there is absolutely NO alternative prevention or treatment, despite what that “crazy” Craig Kelly says about ivermectin. So really, you have no choice. Or do you?
I know you probably lead a very busy life, but how about spending an hour or so reading some info that just might save your life, or prevent you from being permanently disabled, if you’re unlucky. And no I’m not just talking about “rare” blood clots. Plenty of other dangerous side effects have been reported, but governments don’t want to talk about these.
Yet you are entitled to informed consent – meaning being told both the benefits AND the risks of a medical treatment. And if you think you’ve been told all the risks, I bet you’ll have a different view by the end of this article.
Covid vaccines are safe
“The covid vaccines are safe” is the slogan we are told again and again. But have you seen this graph?
Sure the government tells us there’s no PROOF that all those deaths were caused by the vaccines. They claim these are all just COINCIDENCES. A bit odd they all happened in the same year, but don’t believe your own eyes, just trust the government. Go and get the shot!
I got the shot (and a fat cheque for this TV commercial) and I’m fine!
“I got the shot!” says the TV ad campaign for the covid vax. Lots of smiling celebrities happy they are now “protected” against covid (funny though that some double vaxxed people have still caught the disease and died from it).
But here are some other people I doubt you’ve been told about, who haven’t appeared on any TV commercials for some odd reason– they “got the shot” but it didn’t work out quite so well for them.
In fact, they now have bizarre and frightening symptoms like body tremors, convulsions, and tics, as you can see from the following videos posted on social media – and a warning, you may find these upsetting and confronting:
Virginia Nicholls:
But of course, these are all “coincidences” too, even though in the US, three female health care workers – Shawn Skelton, Angelia Desselle, and Kristi Simmonds – had developed similar symptoms, including constant shaking and repeated convulsions, after receiving the covid jab earlier this year. All three had to quit their jobs and became dependent on family for support, and found most of the doctors they saw were unable to help them.
In an interview they did on The Highwire, Indiana nursing home worker Shawn Skelton said she had been in contact with over a 100 people who developed similar symptoms after their covid vaccination. Healthcare workers report suffering ‘full body convulsions’ after COVID-19 vaccines | News | Lifesitenews
By the way, credit is due to Virginia Nicholls, an ex-ABC reporter who unlike current ABC reporters is actually reporting on covid vax injuries on her Twitter page – instead of censoring such stories, as the mainstream media now seems to be doing. Of course, you don’t know that they’re censoring these stories because they’re censoring the stories – that’s how censorship works!
Why censor the stories if they are real? Because the ABC and the mainstream media want you to get the shot! After all, we don’t want to encourage vaccine hesitancy.
Nor will you see on your TV screen this report from the mother of a teenage girl in the US who is now in a wheelchair paralyzed from the waist down after the Pfizer vax in their trial (which for some strange reason they totally forget to report in their results):
To all those criticizing Monday’s press event, how would you feel if you enrolled your healthy child in a vaccine trial and she suffered serious injury from it?
Would you want help, or would you want to be ignored and their suffering kept secret?
— Senator Ron Johnson (@SenRonJohnson) July 1, 2021
Yes she was a perfectly healthy teen before she got the vax, and then BY SHEER COINCIDENCE, soon after she got very sick and ended up disabled. These things happen all the time to healthy young teenagers. You can’t blame the vax. It’s not like it’s happening to lots of others.
Except it is, if you look at the US government’s VAERS data and the UK government’s Yellow Card reports for adverse vax events.
The US VAERS data
Steve Kirsch is a US medical philanthropist who has sponsored trials of several drugs that have proved promising in treating covid. He has studied the latest VAERS data in the US on post covid vax injuries and deaths, and in the first 25 mins of this presentation, he explains why many of the thousands of reported deaths are likely to be related to the “vaccines” and also greatly underestimated. He thinks the real figure for post-vax deaths may not be 5000 but 25,000.
Remember when 3000 people died in the 9/11 World Trade Centre attacks? That was headline news around the world. Now it seems the media and governments are doing their best to keep the VAERS death toll secret. It’s called censorship, and you better get used to it – this is “the New Normal”, after all.
Are the Covid-19 vaccines “safe and effective”? (
The UK Yellow Card data
In the UK adverse events from vaccines are reported on a database called the Yellow Card system, set up after the thalidomide tragedy to serve as an early warning system for unforeseen side effects from medications.
Dr Tess Lawrie runs an agency that does epidemiological reviews of medical studies for the WHO and the government. She recently reviewed the Yellow Card reports for the covid vaccines, and concluded that there are such an alarming number of adverse reactions and deaths that the vax rollout should be stopped.
Dr Tess Lawrie:
“An immediate halt to the vaccination programme is required whilst a full and independent safety analysis is undertaken to investigate the full extent of the harms”.
And Dr Lawrie is far from the only doctor to speak out about the many adverse events caused by the vaccines. Over 50 health professionals from several countries, including doctors, biologists, and immunologists, signed a letter calling for a pause in the covid vax rollout due to numerous problems with the vaccines that they detailed in this document:
SARS-CoV-2 mass vaccination: Urgent questions on vaccine safety that demand answers from international health agencies, regulatory authorities, governments and vaccine developers
And another doctor who believes the covid vaccines are dangerous is Dr Mike Yeadon, who just happens to be an ex Vice-President of Pfizer! Now why would he oppose the product of the very company he used to help run?
Back in February, Dr Yeadon and Sucharit Bhakdi a German professor of immunology, wrote to the European Medicines Agency warning of the possibility of blood clots from the covid vaccines, before such reports started coming in from various countries, and over a month before the EMA acknowledged the vaccines were the cause. Doctors for Covid Ethics Signatories – Doctors for COVID Ethics (
Funny isn’t it that you haven’t seen these doctors on Australian TV, in the mainstream newspapers, or on the ABC? Because if you did get an alternative view of these so-called safe vaccines, you just might reconsider your decision to get the jab. But they want you to get the shot!
And did you know that the inventor of the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, Dr Robert Malone, now claims that the spike protein used in those vaccines may itself be dangerous and perhaps the cause of the reported blood clots?
The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is cytotoxic. That is a fact. Who says so? Multiple peer reviewed references. The Salk Institute.
It is the responsibility of the vaccine developers to demonstrate that their expressed version is not toxic.
Show us.— Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) June 21, 2021
Dr Malone explained why he had concerns about the safety of the mRNA vaccines in an interview with evolutionary biologist Brett Weinstein. Whereas pharma and the regulators assumed the vaccine shots would stay in the shoulder, like other vaccines, they now know from an animal study conducted by Pfizer itself that the lipid nanoparticles travel throughout the body and end up in every organ, including the brain.
It was also assumed that the spike protein that the cells would be programmed to produce on the cell surface would stay anchored there, but there is now evidence some of them can detach and roam throughout the body and bloodstream, potentially causing clots where they end up. The Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology: Dr Robert Malone – YouTube
But my guess is you don’t know what Dr Malone said because the ABC and the mainstream media seem to have decided to keep this quiet. After all, you’ve got to get the shot!
But hey -you might say- luckily blood clots from the vaccines are very rare. The only problem is, they might actually be very common, if this recent study by Canadian doctor Dr Charles Hoffe can be replicated. The doc decided to test his covid vaxxed patients for blood clots with something called a D Dimer test, which identifies recent clots including very small ones that might not be picked up by MRI or CT scans.
And guess what he found? Around 60% of his patients tested positive for clots! Now if this study can be reproduced by other researchers, then would you still describe blood clots as “rare”? Are you still willing to take the gamble? And if you end up with tiny clots in the lungs, the outcome is grim.
Risk of Dying From Covid19
But maybe you still believe it’s worth risking the side effects and even death from the vaccines because you are terrified of covid. After all, millions have died from covid around the world! It’s the worst killer since the Spanish Flu, the media would have you believe!
Well, what does the US Centre for Diseases Control (CDC) have to say about the risks from covid? Here are the survival rates (Infection Fatality Rates) for different age groups:
CDC recently updated estimated infection fatality rates for COVID. Here are the updated survival rates by age group: 0-19: 99.997% 20-49: 99.98% 50-69: 99.5% 70+: 94.6%
CDC recently updated estimated infection fatality rates for COVID. Here are the updated survival rates by age group:
0-19: 99.997%
20-49: 99.98%
50-69: 99.5%
70+: 94.6%— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) September 23, 2020
So decide for yourself how scary the above figures are. And in countries like the UK, anyone who died within 28 days of a covid diagnosis had covid written on their death certificate, regardless of what other life-threatening diseases they may have had. Of course, government statistics are always correct, and have never been falsified for political purposes!
Alternative treatments and prevention
But surely there is no alternative to the covid vaccine to prevent or treat the disease? Actually, you may not know that many doctors around the world have been using ivermectin, along with supplements like vitamin D, quercetin and zinc, to treat covid patients with great success. Here is the testimony of some of them in a short 10 min video: Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care on Twitter “These brave doctors are rising to the highest ideals of the Hippocratic Oath they took to save lives…”
And you may not be aware – as the Australian media has yet to report this – that a recent systematic review of 24 randomised controlled trials on ivermectin for covid concluded: “large reductions in covid19 deaths are possible with the use of ivermectin.”
And details on the ivermectin protocol to prevent and treat covid19 can be found on the website of the FLCCC alliance of doctors: Home | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (
And here’s a snapshot of the evidence so far for ivermectin as a treatment for covid:
Long-term effects?
And if despite all the above, you still want to take a covid vaccine, ask yourself, a doctor or any expert the following question: what are the long-term effects likely to be of putting this experimental treatment into my body?
And the answer is – no one knows! As the long-term safety trials always required of previous vaccines were skipped so as to rush the covid vaccines out.
So in two or five or ten years’ time, maybe you’ll be perfectly fine – or maybe not. Nobel prize winning immunologist Luc Montpellier thinks there might be a risk of prion (“Mad Cow”) disease from the mRNA vaccines, though some other scientists scoff at this – but who really knows?
Anyone who has already had the covid vax can only hope and pray that Montagnier turns out to be wrong!
But basically, if you take the vax you’re playing a game of Vaccine Roulette – and just like Russian Roulette, after you spin the barrel, and you get the shot, yes the odds are you’ll still be alive.
Or you might not. No one dead from a clot thought it would happen to them!
The government won’t pay for your medical costs, and pharma won’t pay for your funeral.
You only get one shot at life. So please, don’t gamble it away.
This has to be all bullshit……… Suurreelie!?
Ray Hadly, Deb Knight, Fordham et. Al., on radio 2GB told me that the ‘injections’, oops, I should mean the untested EMERGENCY VACCINES’ are all safe……. Hadly had one and is OK, the PM and ALL our governments also say so.
If you must get a JAB, get a saline one till we are properly informed and you will be OK till they properly test the affects going into your future’s health so that you can feel safe then with it.
Do not buy the bs that: vaccines, because they were once safe (most have had them in years gone by) and therefore they still are…… agendas change!
Right, trust the government, after all our government told us that Iraq’s weapons of MASS ’DECEPTION’ actually existed, would government LIE?
Oh well, we only killed and injured over 3 million on that BS, so trust our governments.
Alternatively, if you do not, then do not and BLACKBALL all fake media’s advertised products and services, then sell the lying ABC and put the saved Billion per year into paying off some debt to the bankers with interest.
And vote wisely next time in the elections.
Nothing about the “novel” coronavirus is new: Dr. David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich
Please repost the above link everywhere folks, it is the most definitive statement on what we are up against that I have encountered.
There should be death penalties for this level of criminality.
I’ll gamble that all politicians and high flying media personnel were given the placebo jab. The risk of them dying after the jab could not be taken. The MSM would not be able to hide that fact. If Joe Citizen dies who reports it to the public?
I tend to agree on that one Mal
Perhaps Australia’s Federal Health Minister Hunt scared the crap out of the rest of them?
Just one search sample.
OOPS, this sample was meant.
Just search the many other reports
Well, I’ll be! A Ned Kelly’s grand nephew ………. A honest politician in the US on injections. In just a few seconds.
NOTE – That the vaccines are designated “experimental” and that the trial is designated at present as being in stage 3 phase.
Australian government Department of Health
COVID-19 vaccine weekly safety report – 15-07-2021
“Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP)
The TGA is closely monitoring reports of ITP in light of a previously reported fatal case in a 61-year-old woman after receiving her first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine. An external Vaccine Safety Investigation Group (VSIG) of clinical experts concluded that the woman’s death was likely linked to the vaccine.
ITP is a rare bleeding disorder that occurs when the immune system mistakenly destroys platelets, which help blood to clot. It can occur after the immune system is activated, for example by a viral infection or vaccination, and has been reported with other vaccines for hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella and influenza. In many cases the condition is mild with up to a third of people with ITP having no symptoms at all, or only minor bruising. However, about 5% develop severe bleeding.
The risk of ITP associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine is still being investigated and characterised internationally. This follows an observation from a recent Scottish study(link is external) which found that the first dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine was associated with a small increased risk of ITP of about 1 case per 100,000 people……………..”
Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage
“……………In this latest interview, Dr. Hoffe states that the blood clots that are being reported in the corporate media as being “rare” are anything but rare, based on his own testing of his own patients who had recently received one of the shots.
The blood clots we hear about which the media claim are very rare are the big blood clots which are the ones that cause strokes and show up on CT scans, MRI, etc. The clots I’m talking about are microscopic and too small to find on any scan. They can thus only be detected using the D-dimer test.
Using this test with his own patients, Dr. Hoffe claims that he has found evidence of small blood clots in 62% of his patients who have been injected with an mRNA shot.
He states that these people are now permanently disabled, and they will no longer “be able to do what they used to do.”
These people have no idea they are even having these microscopic blood clots. The most alarming part of this is that there are some parts of the body like the brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs which cannot re-generate. When those tissues are damaged by blood clots they are permanently damaged.
His warning is very dire: “These shots are causing huge damage and the worst is yet to come.”
This is an 8 minute clip from the original interview, and we have posted it on our Bitchute channel and Rumble channel………….View videos
For Terry. No worries, all ok in NZ.
The Ministry of Truth in NZ has a important announcement.
They had that massacre / gun roundup just in time, what a coincidence. I didn’t know there was such a huge surplus of useless eaters in a small, dark, damp place like New Zealand
Here’s another video on ‘glowing injection sites’. I have no idea what this is about, I’m just glad I don’t have that crap in my veins.
More ‘ROMA’ Mum ……. “please, Uncle Aldous says it is good”.
(ref: comment way down below from Uncles Aldous and uncle …………… {[AKA] ‘Gates’ }.
OOPS: SOMA, not ROMA. Sorry Mr. Ryan.
I prefer Roma, nice location for a fountain and a scooter with a spare three coins.
So what is a rose by any other name?
Try; Pfiser, Moderma, Astrazeneca, Johnson and J or whatever.
Couple of points of order Ned –
‘a) it is Soma, not Roma (typo forgiven – I see you have posted a correction already)
‘b) at 6:36 “the propaganda used by Hitler”.
Re blunder b) – Once again, NO! Ned – you still haven’t acknowledged the historical facts or attempted to do any research on this topic … this is precisely why they [the Bolsheviks] are getting away with this COVID hoax …
“All propaganda has a direction. The quality of this direction determines whether propaganda has a positive or negative effect. b<>Good propaganda does not need to lie, indeed it may not lie. It has no reason to fear the truth. It is a mistake to believe that the people cannot take the truth. They can. It is only a matter of presenting the truth to people in a way that they will be able to understand. A propaganda that lies proves that it has a bad cause. It cannot be successful in the long run. A good propaganda will always come along that serves a good cause. But propaganda is still necessary if a good cause is to succeed. A good idea does not win simply because it is good. It must be presented properly if it is to win.
A good cause will lose to a bad one if it depends only on its rightness, while the other side uses the methods of influencing the masses. […] we lacked the effective means of mass propaganda to make that clear to the world. Marxism certainly did not fight for great ideals. Despite that, in November 1918 it overcame Kaiser, Reich, and the army because it was superior in the art of mass propaganda.”
• Goebbels at Nuremberg Rally, 1934
Compare this to what the Jew Sefton Delmer said about “atrocity propaganda” (some homework for you)
I’ll give you more links later on Jughashvili and his fellow collaborators in genocide such as Yagoda, Beria, Kaganovich. Ehrenberg (not to mention Bronstein and Ulyanov … and the Satanist Moses Mordecai Levy) who combined, murdered around 60 Million Russians [mostly workers and peasants] and eventually turned on each other like the grovelling coward vermin that they were.
Keep researching, but please do look at what was happening in Russia at the height of “The Terror” in 1937-1938 in particular [that’s BEFORE 1939 and certainly BEFORE 1941]. What a shame “The War” had to interrupt this genocidal picnic.
Official Gov’t Data: 5400% Increase in Women Who’ve Lost Their Baby as a Result of Having the Covid-19 Vaccine
July 14, 2021 renegade 1 Comment
(HAF) Losing a new born is a heart breaking endeavour, as is the pain of losing an unborn child. Which is why we’re both saddened and shocked to bring you the latest update on the number of unborn and newborn children to lose their lives as a result of the mothers receiving one of the Covid-19 vaccines in the United Kingdom.
The Government have released weekly reports on adverse reactions to the experimental Covid-19 vaccines, the first of which covered data inputted to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme from the 9th December 2020 through to the 24th January 2021…………..”
Another great interview with various related links …
Interview With Canadian physicist and interdisciplinary scientist, Denis Rancourt – Eva K Bartlett
Eva’s video has been removed from yewtube – found this shared by Denis on his own channel …
What can I say Mr. Morrison?
How about your mates at nine network and associates.
Seems that there should be autopsies for every deceased, other than those golfers dying from a lightening strike or kidnapped by pesky aliens.
Uncle Aldous in 1958.
Attention: Prime Minister, the Ministers of Education, Mark Latham, Alan Jones. AND PARENTS.
How about ensuring that our education system, EDUCATES.
After all, they are entitled to understand how our Globalists and controlled politicians learnt to enslave us.
Just turn off the television for half an hour.
Note the reference to Hitler at 6 minute mark.
9+ min mark, LOVE IT SLAVES. Bring on the ‘Roma’, be happy.
• If anyone backs vaccine for children, tell them to read this compelling scientific rebuttal
By Kathy Gyngell | The Conservative Woman | July 14, 2021
“Today I want to share with you a report entitled Covid-19 Vaccines and Children: A Scientist’s Guide for Parents.
It is authored by Dr Byram Bridle of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance – a group of doctors, scientists and health practitioners committed to providing independent, evidence-based information about Covid.”
I repeat – the window for amnesty has long passed … for the “enemies of the people”
Clever … and appropriate. Even teenagers know that the bullshit what these “expert scum collaborators” are pushing is a hoax …
N Spurrious and COVID Marshall – yes, you have been called out. Game over.
Nothing about the “novel” coronavirus is new: Dr. David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich
Please repost the above link everywhere folks, it is the most definitive statement on what we are up against that I have encountered.
There should be death penalties for this level of criminality.
Panic request for boosters by Pfizer is turned down by CDC, FDA and EMA!
It was revealed later that day (8th – 9th of July 2021?) that Pfizer’s emergency booster request was initiated following some catastrophic data from Israel.
Atzmon: “Searching for a clue in Hebrew media sources, I came across a spectacular revelation dated 6 July that showed around 85% of new COVID Delta infections in Israel are fully vaccinated.” (Me:If this is correct, one understands Pfizer’s panic!)
This agenda is tranceformation into the cyber surveillance dystopian gulag, as has been successfully applied in China, the globalist/oligarchs human laboratory. It is crown zionist communism, it is now here and we have no choice. This tv/screen virus is 100% medical/military martial law, proving we never had democracy but demoncratic rule by slavemasons. Purging them would be a good place to start but they have all the guns. Only option is non violent protest, by not complying with stupid mask and lethal injection mandates. New to market, nasal sprays for protection till injection. Crown virus is BS -beast system.
Excerpt from ‘Forbidden Knowledge’ today.
“…the CDC’s own report, last week of over 9,000 Americans dead and over 430,000 adverse events reported to VAERS as of July 8th. This is many more deaths than all previous vaccines combined and these numbers could in reality be much, much higher, according to a 2011 Harvard University study that revealed that cases reported to VAERS may account for less than 1% of actual cases. There’s also the nearly 18,000 dead and nearly 1.7 million officially reported injured on Europe’s EudraVigilance system and double those numbers in Asia and Africa.”
For 9,000 US Vax deaths
For Vaers vaccine adverse events reporting
For European adverse vax events reporting
Well I’ll be damned, a Bar Association that is worth a shit!. The Indian Bar Association is prosecuting WHO officers that recommended against Ivermectin. The death penalty is on the cards, now that is the kind of trial I’d like to see in every country.
Brilliant but we won’t be hearing much of that on the MSM and our bogans are becoming even more rusted on to the official narrative, since you don’t watch TV I’ll give you an extra insight, last night I watched 10 minutes of SBS, the tail end of a lawyer show, which I only watched because they were doing a treatment of the “Capitol siege”. So it takes them 6 months from concept to distribution of their “reinforcement” propaganda. The good lady lawyer (standing, white) was talking to the clever subordinate lady (standing, black) and the not-so-smart republican voting man (seated, black) and the upshot was that the clever good white lady lawyer dobbed in some guy who was at the “Capitol siege”. The reinforcement in that 10 minutes covered so much, for example, get out of line with deep state you will be caught, as well as the race / gender divisions, there was a “Trump crazy / bad” cartoon inserted, the entire 10 minutes I watched was purest propaganda and similar must be showing on the CBS owned channels (I believe 9 & 10). So our bogans are being totally mind controlled now, groomed and behaviour modified, these new standards will infiltrate workplaces as well as homes, and the channels that show them are operating at break-even only I would say, judging by channel 7 which is still privately owned and therefore has noticeably more advertising.
There is one good thing I see on the horizon – the ‘die-off’. When the bogans begin dropping dead from their stupid decision to take the vax, not only will it be an ‘oh shit’ moment for them, they will also be eliminated from the group we have to deal with. Essentially, the truth becomes more visible at the same time the opposition numbers decline.
In the meantime, keep smiling at the bogans, don’t engage them in meaningful discussion (can’t have a rational discussion with an irrational person) and bide our time.
I actually hope the Kabal has put together a yu beaut killer to cleanse these fools from the gene pool, I’ve had a gut full of the Karens and mask-holes.
Channel 7 did a big refresh on the Australian nasal spray story which has been going around for a while, they are doing the human trials now, that’s about as much sense as you can expect from the MSM
The needle sizes used for vaccination and saline are different and can be recognised by trained nurses while being applied to a patient. From Riccardo Bosi. Kevin Woodman
‘Pharmacies are ready to go’: Chemists in hotspots fast-tracked to deliver jabs
By Lucy Carroll
July 16, 2021 — 5.00am
Karen Brewer Interview
997 viewsMay 16, 2020
Its not coronavirus its Q FEVER
All the symptoms and cures overlap, funny there is not much consideration of the health of the body and health of the immune system ie preventative, the glamour is in the curative end.
Things have improved slightly I guess with all the turmeric powder, kale and other partial hoaxes but still optimum health is not very high on the priorities of McDonalds customers
its trump mumps