by Phil Hingston
We, the Australian people, now understand what you’ve been up to for many years. Maybe not everyone yet, but a sufficient number to thwart your evil plans. The number of aware citizens grows daily. And your lies are being exposed.
We have been patient, broadly compliant, and willing to give you “the benefit of the doubt” as to whether you are simply outrageously incompetent but well-meaning, or indeed operate with a malevolent intent against our collective best interests as a people. We have been paying very close attention!
Alas, given the overwhelming weight of evidence playing out before us daily for the last year and a half since the COVID-19 fiasco was thrust upon us (and the world) subsequent to the Event 201 “planning session” in New York in late 2019, and the publication of the Rockefeller “Lockstep” documentation from over a decade ago (which detailed the plan to implement a form of “Top Down Control” as result of a viral pandemic), we now understand what you people really think of us.
You will shortly be seeing exactly what We the People think of you.
The implementation of this deadly bio-weapon masquerading as a “safe & effective” vaccine was the last straw.
We understand your false flags to push legislation. We know about 9/11 and The Patriot Act. We know about Port Arthur and Australian gun control laws. We know about the bombings in Bali to muster consent for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. We understand the atrocities you have committed worldwide — or supported — in your attempts to steer the progress of your agenda towards your crazed “Great Reset” New World Order and your ridiculous One World Government.
We understand how the media is totally controlled and either lies by commission or by omission, by simply not reporting on issues that do not support your “total control” agenda.
We understand you think there are too many of us and you need to “cull the herd,” so to speak. You’ve told us your plans over and over in your writings, papers and lectures. The psychopath, Bill Gates publicly talks about a 15% population reduction if he’s successful with his vaccine rollout. You even built a monument in stone in the US state of Georgia, stating that a global population of 500 million, “maintained in perpetual balance with nature” would suit your purposes. The Georgia Guidestones.
What exactly do the rest of the “inconvenient” 7.5 billion members of the human race do? Obediently and compliantly take your toxic, poisonous, gene-altering, mRNA bio-weapon and quietly expire? Don’t think so!
You have been forced to move too quickly over the last 18 months and We the People have been given an opportunity to see you for what you are. We are seeing, in real-time, the mind-numbingly blatant election fraud in the US resulting from the Arizona forensic audits of the electronic voting machines and the multiple methods of rigging this election. More US states are beginning their own forensic audits into the 2020 election. No doubt over the coming months, we will see similar evidence of obscene levels of voter fraud being exposed for the whole world to see.
The question then must be asked as to whether OUR (Australian) elections are similarly as fraudulent as the last US election? Have we ever had an honest election in Australia?
How do these apparent numb-nuts actually get into positions of influence that affect the real lives of We the People? Why do we not have voter identification laws in Australia? Why do we even use electronic voting machines in Australia, given the abject fraud they are susceptible to? We now are realising the answer. FRAUD.
This leads to the next obvious question: Are these politicians causing the Australian people such pain, suffering, and distress even legitimately in power? These are serious questions that need to be answered.

Despite attempts to obfuscate the data, a significant number of reports are emerging worldwide, of horrendous casualties resulting from being inoculated with these experimental drugs. Our Federal Health Minister, Greg Hunt is on record as saying,
“The world is engaged in the largest clinical trial, the largest global vaccination trial ever, and we will have enormous amounts of data.”
Do these people not understand that We the People listen to every word they say? And we do not forget. They will indeed be hoisted on their own petards.
Thousands of videos are emerging of victims shaking uncontrollably, losing their hearing and eyesight, losing their ability to walk, breaking out in rashes, uncontrollable bleeding, and blood clotting. (I was personally told of a poor woman in her sixties who had her leg amputated as a result of an uncontrollable vascular issue shortly after “taking the jab”).
And the death toll is mounting to the point that you will not be able to hide it.
A tragic report of an otherwise previously healthy 13-year-old boy dying in his sleep merely days after his well-meaning, but ill-informed parents consented to his inoculation with one of these toxins is becoming commonplace. Indeed, these reports are becoming too numerous to accurately document.
13 years old:
You have had unfettered control of an unsuspecting and gullible public for as long as any of us can remember but this is now rapidly changing, thanks largely to your clumsy and rushed attempt to implement your FINAL SOLUTION.
Never before was it so obvious!

We have been given clues in the past but we failed to pick up on them. They were either unreported or hastily pushed out of the public consciousness by your controlled media. Senator Bill Heffernan stood up in the Australian Senate in 2015 and spoke of a list of 28 prominent Australians suspected of being paedophiles. One of whom was an ex-Prime Minister. This list is subject to a 90year suppression order. I suspect this list will not be suppressed for much longer.
Your crimes will be exposed. Of this, there is no longer any doubt. The cat truly is out of the proverbial bag. You will be dealt with according to the law. No doubt, you will continue to believe that your control systems will be maintained to provide you the cover you need to avoid exposure and punishment.
You are sadly mistaken.
There is obviously a new phenomenon occurring worldwide. Something never experienced in recent times. A GREAT AWAKENING. Your greatest fear that the public would finally awaken to your criminality is happening in real-time. Worldwide.
And you only have yourselves to blame.
Poetic Justice!
And at the risk of being labeled a “Conspiracy Theorist” (yawn)……
Great Phill, up their’s report and exposure.
Will send your observations to a few ‘coward globalist’ anti-democratic politicians’, except Kelly, who is our present Heffernan and has the guts of Heffernan.
Disgusting, I have noted the NINETY year suppression and the close down of the Wood commission, with Burgin ( counsel assisting) submitting, let’s all adjourn and have a cup of tea. That was it, before Wood should have been being a decent ‘caring human example’ and getting into the rest of the material that: ‘May challenge trust in the judiciary’ (sort off!)
Pity The Wood Commission did not give a stuff about ‘confidence in the judiciary’ by exposing or, hosing it out with a replaced trusted judiciary that the public may then have confidence in.
Now here we are.
He: Thanks for all the money you foreign idiots, I wish I could come back as a virus and kill you all
She: I know nuffink, nuffink !!!
Uh oh, is that [MT] & [BS] on the horizon, looks like they’ve teamed up !!! OMG 🙁
Maybe call it the Empty Bullshit party.
Hmm. Why would anyone “enlightened” by the notion of the “inevitable progress” of Nothing turning itself into Everything be disturbed by a “next stage in Evolution” in which a “new normal” is but another part of the “Evolutionary process”?
There’s an old saying: “Be careful what you wish for”.
No current or past member is welcomed at mine, cept Bill or Franca.
We should just own our own sh.
Just saying
Hear, Hear
Senator Bill Heffernan, my kinda people, I get the “tabled paper piles”(redacted by …).
your awesome and always welcomed at mine.
A great article Phil. You must have been reading my mind.
Don’t forget that this atrocious technology has been designed by the same chemical companies staffed by the criminal scientists taken from Germany by the Americans after War World II. So much for blaming all crimes on Nazis and Hilter. If these people were so evil why were they taken across the Atlantic to escape Nuremberg and into the arms of the US, to be used for the same purpose?
Does working for UK or US make their efforts more palatable. To me it is still atrocious activity.
These murderers don’t give a damn about the age of their victims, whether aged people or the very young. A murderer is a murderer. Their victims are just a score or hit. They are psychopaths plain and simple.
Wallabies 27 Cocks 27
Now for a garlic frog leg or two with a dozen garlic snails with crispy garlic bread and a few glasses of Dan’s 3.49 Cabernet merlo.
Life is good.
OneWeb 5G connectivity launch 2021,
with thousands of ‘washing machine’ size satellites, circling the globe, at close range. The real agenda of digital ID cyber surveillance, masked as convenience.
The BS (beast system).
“OneWeb is building an unparalleled end-to-end system that will supply broadband-style data speeds to every part of the world. Our network is in its final phase of deployment to meet this truly global IT challenge. By end of Q4 2021, OW will provide coverage everywhere above 50deg N. Full global coverage expected by end of 2022.”
Some think this is a good thing ?
Global feudal slavery monitored 24/7, with the comfort of being connected to the web, in underground car parks. Nothing can be further from the truth than these abominations now encircling, making way for the trancehuman 2.0 launch with all minds connected via jabs by stealth, under the cover of Covid crown virus.
London, 6 July 2021: OneWeb, the low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite communications company.
‘Connect with confidence
Priority spectrum
User terminals
Service demonstration centres
One web satellites
Ground network
Position navigation timing (PNT)
Follow OneWeb’s launch program.’
The BS overflows.
We the people of Australia and New Zealand we stand Tuesday 31st August beginning 9am.
In Australia Every council chamber, every
State parliament, the home of every
State Governor, the Federal Parliament in Canberra and the home of the Governor General.
In New Zealand every city, district and regional council chamber, the beehive and the home of the Governor General in Wellington – we front up, we stand up and we deal to it, Tuesday 31st August beginning 9am.
Please email me for the info booklet and poster
oops, I was going to be early to the party, had the 1st of August stuck in my head.
As a conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer, truth has to be found pecking the crumbs off the ground. Then sometimes a 3 course meal appears.
Thankyou Karen, your very inspiring and incredibly articulate. To say brave does not convey the admiration I want to give here, but its on that road.
Karen Brewer So pleased to see your contribution to Gumshoenews today–and pleased you got your dates right Simon — yes brave and incredibly well researched and strategic—- like MWM and Dee’s enduring work — believe me I am getting there– hope all gumshoers’ promote this event-and email kmiaussie@outlook.comemail for the info booklet and poster
I share this link especially for Karen to honour her work and –Mary Maxwell’s book Deliverance—Aishe’s art on the cover. A big read.-covers a lot of ground–a lot of voices.
This is the link to her other books that are relevant
Legal Definition of Mandate: Everything You Need to Know
A judicial command or precept issued by a court or magistrates, directing the proper officer to enforce a judgment, sentence or decree.3 min read
1. Mandate
2. Dissolving a Mandate
A judicial command or precept issued by a court or magistrates, directing the proper officer to enforce a judgment, sentence or decree. Mandatum or commission, contracts. Some define a mandate to be a bailment of goods without reward, to be carried from place to place, or to have some act performed about them. This seems more properly an enumeration of the various sorts of mandates that a definition of the contract……………………………….”
In what way are the Chief Health Officers mandates assumed to be made in a court of law.
Mandate: A euphemism for “rule by decree”, used by a bunch of compulsive liars
Exactly, W3. Dictatorship.
Can governments mandate vaccination?
The position of governments at national or state and territory level is nuanced.
Public authorities have the ability to implement policies that make vaccination mandatory for discrete purposes. For example, the Commonwealth “No Jab No Pay” policy makes eligibility for certain social security payments dependent upon vaccination. State-based “No Jab No Play” policies limit access to childcare services.
These policies allow for a limited number of approved exemptions at the national level, with some variation at state level.
Government may legitimately pursue such policies for public health reasons, and may do so in rolling out a COVID-19 vaccine. Governments cannot force vaccination on individuals who chose to refuse it, as acknowledged in the Australian COVID-19 Vaccination Policy. However, they can effectively punish people for refusal – as with “No Jab No Pay” – with incentives for vaccination then working as forms of compulsion.
It is also important to distinguish between individual healthcare and public health. In Australia, informed consent, whether express or implied, is an essential pre-requisite of individual healthcare treatment. Administering medical treatment in the absence of informed consent exposes healthcare professionals to both civil and criminal liability. The requirement of informed consent protects an individual’s right to bodily integrity.
The exception is in situations of emergency, when doctors can provide treatment in the absence of consent. There is no general definition of emergency but the treatment must be necessary and not merely convenient. These interventions are limited to situations in which the patient lacks capacity to provide consent……………………….”
Censored – join the gap
Centrelink was, of course, founded on the “sell us your soul” principle.
Freedom has always been a matter of engaging in a war of nerves, doing grot, low-paid work, or a bit of both
Personally I’ve found the latter works best
“Centrelink was, of course, founded on the “sell us your soul” principle”.
Not true.
Centrelink was just the ‘Howard’ name change of the Department of Social Services, which comenced as the Departmentr of Social Security.
The original was based on the Welfare Fund, established by Chifley, and entirely owned by the workers; with government specifically forbidden to touch the funds.
You, the worker, contributed 7% (1/6 in the pound) of your gross income to that fund and you owned it. Means testing was expressly forbidden.
Menzies illegally raided the Fund and gave it to construction companies to build the Snowy River Scheme. It was never paid back.
Good onya Tony, they are macro dots, I get it anyways. The social security number does not change on the stationery.
The Originals not to mention indentured workers(blackbirds), looking way back shows the beast system flexing its muscles by even greater rorting. Then has the gall to offer a pittance to a few now, shows the same bs still operating.
Government has historically mandated vaccination to migrants and immigrants even from the mothership(uk), not to mention war dept personnel. So its not the great jump perceived by many.
Berry’s observation and tactic is understandable nonetheless.
TONY, Centrelink didn’t exist until the late 90s:
“Centrelink commenced initially as a government agency of the Department of Social Security under the trading name of the Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency in early 1997. Following the passage of the Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency Act 1997, the Centrelink brand name came into effect in late 1997.”
The founding principles were spelled out pretty well in this doco:
enough is enough is enough is enough is enough
All governments are satanic crime syndicates and they must be ignored by not complying to their unjust mandates, if one can. They are the cult that has hyjacked the world and now are holding all by the proverbials – no jab no pay idiocy, enforced by zombies of the apocalypse.
In Oz, from top down, we have a Murdocracy. Ignorance on truth regarding 911 sealed our fate, now viewed by all confined to mind prisons under house arrest. With all small business shut down, making way for the mega corporate/communist barns. Gatherings forbidden, yet in coles and woolies it’s a stampede 24/7 – the new blind faith with green apps. of approval on 5G gadgets in the pockets. No money no cards, just the idiot phone necessary to live. This is insane AI BS.
Definition of zombie
1a : a will-less and speechless human (as in voodoo belief and in fictional stories) held to have died and been supernaturally reanimated
b : the supernatural power that according to voodoo belief may enter into and reanimate a dead body
2a : a person held to resemble the so-called walking dead especially : automaton
b : a person markedly strange in appearance or behavior
3 : a mixed drink made of several kinds of rum, liqueur, and fruit juice
Morrison wants to control our minds by censoring the internet.
In other words he wants to rule over a nation of zombies
Government = Mind Control
The Zombie Apocalypse Is Here! (Video)
Today, we live in a very interesting time because all over the world people are waking up and becoming more alive. Unfortunately, most people are still spiritually asleep and acting like reanimated corpses, also known as zombies. The evidence of this can be found in many words that people use on a regular basis.
»Read More
“apocalypse” is the actually the Greek word for “revelation”
The question that really needs to be asked is why is the Revelation of Jesus Christ synonymous with cataclysmic events; who’s really running the show?
They don’t want you to jab your fetus. They simply want you to abort.
What needs to be taken into account is that “ALL CORRUPT AUSTRALIAN POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS & MEDIA” are bound up like so simply because they inhabit an insulated bubble that cannot be burst without causing universal pain and discomfort.
And as most of the current clamour has an uncanny ring of disgruntled children who’s cosy world has been disrupted…….
A simple metaphor would be a train with 3 classes of cabins, the government ministers are 1st class, opposition ministers 2nd class and the rest 3rd class except for independents who are travelling without a ticket, standing on the stairs outside, holding onto the handrail. This latter group is usually expected to get off at the next station, if they don’t they may be assisted. The 3 ticketed classes are on rails to wherever they are going next and all that’s left to dispute is who will go in which class and how to upgrade their menu. Ultimately they all expect to get off the train at some point and hopefully at the correct station where they will walk into a job at the bank or similar.
DEBUNKED (wink).
The quarantine station at Manly’s North Head (water is good strangely enough) show reality and no metaphor required.
No change of class possible once that ship sails.(by law, Gov Phil but whatever)
See u on post pages my limit is done(all good brother).
Sums the situation up—perfectly
The Ozzie paramedics have a front row seat to what is really going on. –
Thanks, posted elsewhere.
Dr. David Martin: There is no “Delta” Variant – “Novel” Coronavirus Known as COVID-19 Was Patented 2 Decades Ago
Alison McDowell on how digital identity opens the gates to military tech domination of our children
A explanation for those who can stomach it….
Beaut article, Hingston. I especially like “Haste makes waste.”
Lord, please make it so. And please hoist them on an ionospheric petard.
Now politicians, mass media, health bureaucrats and pea brains:
Then pass it on.
BTW, Gerald is not a cousin of Phil or Terry or a few others. (:-}}
Virus etymology
virus (n.)
Old Irish fi “poison”
late 14c., “poisonous substance” (a sense now archaic), from Latin virus “poison, sap of plants, slimy liquid, a potent juice,” from Proto-Italic *weis-o-(s-) “poison,” which is probably from a PIE root *ueis-, perhaps originally meaning “to melt away, to flow,” used of foul or malodorous fluids, but with specialization in some languages to “poisonous fluid” (source also of Sanskrit visam “venom, poison,” visah “poisonous;” Avestan vish- “poison;” Latin viscum “sticky substance, birdlime;” Greek ios “poison,” ixos “mistletoe, birdlime;” Old Church Slavonic višnja “cherry;” Old Irish fi “poison;” Welsh gwy “poison”).
The meaning “agent that causes infectious disease” emerged by 1790s gradually out of the earlier use in reference to venereal disease (by 1728); the modern scientific use dates to the 1880s. The computer sense is from 1972.
VIRUS (among Physicians) a kind of watery stinking Matter, which issues out of Ulcers, being endued with eating and malignant Qualities. [Bailey's dictionary, 1770]
Jack and the Beanstalk: A Political Reading of an Old, Wise Folktale
fie – expression of disgust
fi – arbitrary modification of fah in music and poison in old Irish
foh – exclamation of abhorence or contempt
fum – to play on a fiddle
…..”Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman,” cried out the ogre. “I smell him, wife, I smell him.”
“Do you, my dearie?” says the ogre’s wife. “Then, if it’s that little rogue that stole your gold and the hen that laid your gold and the hen that laid the golden eggs he’s sure to have got into the oven.” And they both rushed to the oven.
But Jack wasn’t there, luckily, and the ogre’s wife said, “There you are again with your fee-fi-fo-fum. Why, of course, it’s the boy you caught last night that I’ve just broiled for your breakfast. How forgetful I am, and how careless you are not to know the difference between live and dead after all these years.”………..
You gentiles, all of you are our enemies
“Keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed.”
–Noel Ignatiev, Jewish Harvard professor (Washington Times, Sept. 4, 2002)
“While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
–Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the 20th Century, (Congressional Record, June 7, 1957)
“The future man will be a mongrel. As for a Pan Europe, I wish to see there a Eurasian- Negroid mixture… The Jews shall take the leading positions, since good providence has given Europe a spiritually superior race of nobility called the Jews.” – Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (Jüri Lina, Under the Sign of the Scorpion, Stockholm 1998)
“I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will….forbid the whites to mate with whites. The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races….Thus the white race will dis-appear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory.” –Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich, Emergency Council of European Rabbis, Budapest, Hungary, Jan. 12, 1952
Shocking, Stunning List Of Astonishing Ingredients That Are Patented As In The Moderna Kill Shot – LOOK
From Moderna’s patent # US2020/035442A1
“Modified Polynucleotides for the Production of Secreted Proteins”
Nov. 12, 2020
For these diabolical narcissists the “white race” is a swear word against what’s left of Christendom. Unfortunately for these “Christophobes” Christendom is flourishing in Asia and Africa and may well be the “remnant” of Christendom when European Christendom is subverted and diverted.
Curiously, most of these crooks working behind the scene are at least as melanin deficient as any Nordic, Aryan, or any other kind of European type. The only thing that sets them apart seems to be a visceral/cultural antipathy to the notion that God could present Himself as a human and not be an egomaniac with political ambitions.
No, they do have pig ment/pig mind!
Jews declare themselves to be anti-White
Don’t Deny Jewish History and Culture by Calling Us “White”
Micha Danzig — Forward (New York)
… Anyone that understands Jewish history as well as the history of the entire development of the idea or construct of the “white race” should understand how that no Jew, Ashkenazi or otherwise, is “white.” While it is certainly the case that many Ashkenazi Jews today in America (such as Ruiz-Grossman) identify as “white,” that doesn’t make it any more accurate or appropriate … This is not merely a semantic issue. Jews are not “white.” We are a tribal people from the Levant … No one that wants to end anti-Semitism and to fight against bigotry and racism should be claiming that Jews are “white.”
The so called Jews hate Christianity yet use the Bible to make their fabricated claims –
Everyone has their schemes, remember Hitler and Hirohito were going to split Australia, the Germans were going to get Tasmania, some sort of technology swap arrangement I presume.
I think I’ve mentioned Gemma O’Doherty and Integrity Ireland around here before. Just to recap; valiant Gemma and her valiant friends have been exposing endemic corruption in Ireland (which is practically identical to what we have here in both its source and application). Gemma and her website have vanished as of about 16th July and all her friends that I know about appear to have been muted at about the same time.
I think that the whole scenario is also playing out right here under our noses with the apparent disappearance of Serene Tefaha. Revolting corruption is rampaging; being sold to a decadent, almost mindless, population by actors who, true to form, will say or do just about anything for 30 pieces of prestige, publicity and money.
The only thing that I could find that mentioned Gemma’s disappearance is:
“the apparent disappearance of Serene Tefaha.–so what do we know
Seems to be fine now
There is a supernatural component to what is going on. The world is under an evil spell.
If Covid-19 does exist it is covert and not overt amongst the many crowns in the Corona range.
19 stands for slaughter in the kabbalah.
On the occult meaning of the term COVID. A succinct incursion into pattern recognition.
Dolly the cloned from DNA sheep –
…………….COVID -19 is supposed to be an acronym coming from Corona Virus Disease and the year it was first registered, 2019. However, what happens if we investigate COVID according to the above-mentioned Dolly/ Ylod/ ???? algorithm? Chances are that the inverted Hebrew letters would not return anything meaningful, right? After all Dolly could have been only a bizarre coincidence. Well, coincidence or not, according to the same rule,COVID becomes DIVOC transcribed as ????? in Hebrew[20]and it actually means something – it means possession by an evil spirit.(The word is transcribed into English as dybbuk, b and v being represented through the same Hebrew character, Bet – ?). To better understand what a dybbuk is we will submit to no less of an authority as professor Yoram Bilu, professor of sociology and anthropology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and recipient of the prestigious Israel Award in 2013. According to Bilu:
“The term dybbuk (dibbuq) was used in Jewish mystical circles to designate a spirit of a dead person, a notorious sinner in his lifetime, that took temporary possession of a human being (…) dybbuk possession was always conceived as an affliction or an illness and the possessing agent a foreign, dangerous intruder that had to be expelled. (…) The exorcist was always a revered rabbi who confronted the spirit with various religiously informed measures used in a fixed, graded order[21].”……….
Somebody captured this which, as far as I know, is the last that anyone has heard from Gemma:
Feast of Moloch ( baby eating pre Christian bat-winged devil god ) April 19th.
It’s a sort of anti-Easter. They love number 9 and number 1.
Watch out for massacres, assassinations and “incidents” such as Boston Marathon bombing, burning of Notre Dame and many more –
The letter X in Greek represents the first letter of Christ in Greek. Where the Bibles translation in the New Testament says “Cross” the Greek actually says stake or pole – stauros. I is the first letter of Jesus in Greek. Thus IX (9) or XI (11) 911.
A curious theory, it would be interesting to interrogate these Moloch worshippers
Make it of you will……. the answer!
A lesson to all the materialist, control freak loveless naysayers….. but with hope for others.
‘DO NOT DISTURB THE BUTTERFLY.’ listen and learn or ignore and ‘die’.
Just a thought……………BLOOD COTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
God has many mysterious ways of communicating……………… and warning to those who do not disturb the butterfly.?????????
x Ned
Well Mr. Morrison, all premiers and alleged health informed bureaucrats, you lot better know what you are pushing and the consequences.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; think gaol!!!
You lot better consider your responsibilities or take the consequences which may be diabolical.
And herein is the report
If this report has legs and scientific support you lot are toast and will have to deal with the consequences.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; are your families aware how you will be OUTLAWED in society?
How unusual, I’m lost for words
I love this bloke’s videos, crazy and entertaining at the same time he is hitting the truth. He has some things to say about ‘enough is enough’ and getting on with the fight.
Jeremiah 17:5-8
New King James Version
5 Thus says the Lord:
“Cursed is the man who trusts in man
And makes flesh his [a]strength,
Whose heart departs from the Lord.
For he shall be like a shrub in the desert,
And shall not see when good comes,
But shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness,
In a salt land which is not inhabited.
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
And whose hope is the Lord.
For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,
Which spreads out its roots by the river,
And will not [b]fear when heat comes;
But its leaf will be green,
And will not be anxious in the year of drought,
Nor will cease from yielding fruit.
It’s recipe time !!!
Later today I will try to make quinine marmalade, thanks to Ned for the concept, I got 5 grapefruits and some lemons, also a big piece of ginger which I will finely grate. Chilli flakes a possibility. The other normal ingredients are pectin and sugar, the pectin apparently doesn’t work with low sugar so I will probably swap it out with black chia seeds which turn to jelly when wet or boiled. Jam factories like to add citric acid as preservative, this must surely be fruit derived but anyway I will throw in a spoonful because sugar is a major preservative and I will be cutting that to about 1/4 of total volume. I am borrowing a big pot soon and the only trick will be that normally jam is cooked with the pot lid off to reduce the water content but this apparently means you will lose the quinine so it looks like I will be doing it in two pots, one for the fruit reduction (one grapefruit and the lemons) and one for the quinine extraction from 4 grapefruits (skins only) which I don’t want to eat all the pulp of anyway, this will be done by simmering with the lid on. Ideally I would be adding some zinc powder so the marmalade would cover the ideal combination of zinc+quinine however I don’t know what form the zinc should be and after putting in the jam it will be zinc oxide for sure, so I will have to stick with the pills if I feel a need to increase my zinc. But there should be enough zinc in spinach, watercress, parsley etc so probably I’m OK for normal purposes.
After a few hours cooking the jam might be quite reduced so I will add the quinine water, sugar and chia seeds and see what happens. Whatever it is should be edible and set OK.
I also got a bread machine and I am going to try to make some sourdough brown rice bread with a bit of potato flour and polenta added, but this will take longer to get the sourdough going. I have been buying something like that but it’s expensive and better fresh anyway. I used to make a lot of sourdough wheat bread years ago so hopefully the rice is no different.
“sourdough brown rice bread with a bit of potato flour and polenta” – Crikey, that is a load of diverse nutrients. Let us know how it comes out. I’ve never made bread with rice in it (done rice pudding), but I’ve done corn bread with polenta, – It almost sounds like a recipe for stew, whatever is in the ‘fridge goes in.
It’s all about balancing the ingredients to approximate wheat flour, texture, gluten, flavour etc, oh I also got some lecitihin and xanthan gum whatever it’s called but I’m not mad keen on either of them. The lecithin available is only flakes (not oil) and the gum is made from disgusting mould. Well who knows good or bad.
Be careful of quinine marmalade especially the recipe that Anne Boleyn liked, it knocked her head off.
Anne was executed on 19th May, 1536.
Guess what day of the week,
Perhaps Tuesday in the following comment could tell us.
Fancy that🤣🤣🤣
I suppose the Convid was also planted by politicians in 5G mobile phone towers? Lol! I’m a VAXER and I’m proud of it. maybe you better stop writing idle conspiracy tales and go start preparing your Doomsday prepper survival plan? But please abide the rules – don’t go spreading germs.
Tuesday. Maybe when you wake up on Wednesday you should consider that you might have forever compromised your magical innate immune system. A system that has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years. This system is designed to be flexible and find and adapt to a billion viruses. Now by injecting a message to interfere in that system might forever compromise the innate immune response. The mRNA vaccines – The message – gets your body to form SPECIALISED immune antibodies. (That’s why boosters will be needed for each major variant) The specialized immune antibodies will not learn or recognise anything else; and there is a DANGER that the specialised antibodies will OVERSHADOW the innate, more flexible, antibodies mechanisms. (e.g: think of a finely tuned orchestra. Now introduce a new group of trombones that can only play one tune. When the “new” orchestra detects a new virus; the orchestra starts playing… Will the trombones ride over the violins?
And this is not a conspiracy theory … this is from a PRO-VAXXER VIROLOGIST VACCINE EXPERT. Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD, is an independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He worked with WHO and was on the Ebola vaccines. He is anything but an anti-vaxxer. He writes
“As a dedicated virologist and vaccine expert I only make an exception when health authorities allow vaccines to be administered in ways that threaten public health, most certainly when scientific evidence is being ignored. The present extremely critical situation forces me to spread this emergency call. As the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the Covid-19- pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal…. (He is worried that the mRNA vaccines will compromise your innate immune operating system forever).
I wish you well.
Ahh good old Doomsday man himself – the animal vet Geert. You neglect to add the facts, Dee, the facts showing how he has been completely debunked – here is just one for you. Geert Vanden Bossche Stokes Fear of COVID-19 Vaccine To Promote His Own Flawed ‘Solution’
Anti-vaccine activists are promoting a veterinarian’s claim that the only way to prevent a future COVID-19 vaccination-related calamity is through a product he claims to have invented.
By the way, how is your immune system after the massive amount of various hormones and drugs needed for your ‘lifestyle change’? Drugs you need to take constantly? I’m having a great day – thanks for asking, how about you? I wish you well also, I think you may need all the luck you can get, sadly.
You quoting ‘snopes’ — well done.
Sadly? Never felt better thanks — especially at my age.
Not Snopes, but one of the many about the man!
And i’m guessing this post won’t be published like all of my other posts, which goes against your own rules in here!!
Oh well Dee, hard to deal with just one seventh of a week.
I wasn’t quoting Snopes but you found it in your power not to add my reply.
What have you got against me, by not letting me have a say in here is bullying, is that what you want to be known as Dee, a bully, I would have thought better from you!!