The Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Scott Morrison, MP
Dear Prime Minister,
This is a follow-up to my letter of 17 December, 2018, and a request for a meeting.
As a member of the public, a filmmaker and News site owner, I attended a meeting at the Department for Child Protection (at a DCP office in an Adelaide suburb), and was shocked by their attitude and what transpired. I was for a moment at the coal-face of corruption, and was acutely aware that my presence was unwanted.
Over the last 2 months I have tried to assist a mother to rescue her child from the DCP after its officials defrauded the court, and the department removed her to guardianship. This is not a family dispute, but an organised group of child sex offenders.
What makes this case unique is that I am making a feature film on a historical case (1960s through to the 1980s) about the terrible abuse Rachel Vaughan (now age 45) endured. The film is also about her and her sibling, Andrew, exposing their father’s part in the Beaumont children’s disappearance and the murder of Louise Bell. I assure you it is not fiction.
Unexpectedly, my documentary turned into a rescue mission when we discovered that a girl (age 9) has an almost IDENTICAL account to that of Rachel. The two families never knew each other. They lived a few blocks apart, 35 years apart, and yet they have over 30 matching indicators in their accounts. Both Rachel and the girl identified the very same abuser, independently, years apart. (The same group still operating with impunity!)
Outrageously the DCP, the police, and the courts have chosen to disbelieve the child. They broke your promise to keep her safe – and actually removed her from the one person who could and would do so — her mother. However, they are trying to claim the mother has mental health issues. A complete lie — especially when you hear how smart, sane and empathetic she is.
It seems the DCP are attempting to use her distress against her — trauma caused directly from the department’s actions. Extraordinary! The abusive actions by authorities follows a pattern, clearly revealed in the Family Court Survey I conducted for Gumshoe.
I have reviewed the notifications and the DCP’s misleading and blatantly false documentation, and attended the DCP meeting, where I witnessed the bias against the mother, first-hand.
We have contacted the SA Minister of Child Protection, various Commissioners, the Chief Executive of the DCP, the Attorneys-general (both State and federal), the police, the OPI/ICAC, the DPP, various ministers, and the Ombudsman, etc. And the mother has been trying to get heard for 8 months.
I know some good people in these departments are trying to do the right thing, but her complaint (the child’s problem) ricochets from one department to the next, within a system designed to cloud the solution by obfuscation and deflection. Not a single tax-paid leader has yet dared to put their hand up to assist a 9-year-old child that has had a death threat from her father. The mother’s life is also under threat.
What are these people afraid of? Maybe they fear the power structure that protects pedophilia and child trafficking which is assisted by the Family Court, the Youth Court, the DCP, the police, and by gag orders (Section 121). I can confirm children are being harmed on an industrial scale – and this is way worse than what was revealed by the Royal Commission into Institutional Abuse.
No words can describe my horror as I hear the stories of many desperate protective parents each week. It is truly indescribable – yet Australia and its political class refuse to turn and look at the terror and trauma witnessed by these young Australians. Your promise to protect children has been lost in the wind. Not even a whisper of a fair-go remains for these children.
What have we become when a child sobs and sobs at the end of visitation with her Mum, and the 20-something arrogant social worker tears the child away from the only person she trusts and holds dear – her mother (a competent and attentive mother, with countless testimonies of support). Yet this same DCP social worker claims to be letting her daughter “be a child for a while” (in their care), as they (the DCP) “have the child’s best interests at heart.”
I felt sickened by such DISHONESTY, brutality and abuse by our government officials.
I can confidently say, when this all finally emerges in the open, for transparent inspection, which it will – hopefully on your watch — it will be a release from our darkest stain.
That said, I offer you my sincere thanks for the October 22, 2018 apology to Australia’s now-grown-up children, but hope that you help those in need now. You can look away Sir, and ignore this correspondence. And maybe your assistants will shield you from such a strong email. But I will only become more strident and vocal as my feature film (now in post-production) gets closer to cinema screens.
I hope you will meet with the mother, Rachel Vaughan, and myself so that we can discuss this problem, and similar stories. If you can help us rescue this dear little girl, it can be added as a happy ending to the film (and maybe an example for a better outcome for a thousand other cases). It will revitalize Australia’s reputation for humaneness.
Mr Prime Minister, if you are unable to help, could you direct us to the person who can.
Yours sincerely,
Dee McLachlan
[I attached my recent complaint letter to the DCP.]
UPDATE (31 January, 2019):
Since I posted this letter, my Inbox has been inundated with truly horrific accounts of various department abuses. I was really hoping that the terrible accounts I was told earlier (during the period I was doing the Survey) were isolated and sparse. But as each week goes by, the accounts I am sent, get harder and harder to read. The stories seems to get worse. It is difficult for me, one individual, to absorb the scale of what is going on. I would never chose to hear these these stories — but once heard, there is no way of putting it out of my mind. I can only repeat what I wrote above, that, “I can confirm children are being harmed on an industrial scale – and this is way worse than what was revealed by the Royal Commission into Institutional Abuse.”
Hey wow, I’m proud of you, Your Traveling Bossness.
I can pin down what you’ve accomplished, to three points:
There ain’t no secrets in Adelaide anymore. It is all out in the open. Thank God.
With your suitcase-full of documentation (or is it a truckload?), the guilty will not be able to wiggle out of what’s coming to them.
However, sparing that particular child will win them SEVERAL brownie points. … HINT, HINT
Would be great to see this open letter published widely. Denial is as evil as the crime. Power to you Dee M.
Thanks Anita. I did not mention to the PM, but I think some did believe the child — but are acting with nefarious intent.
Indeed. Election time gives society the opportunity to mandate leaders to end this stone-age evil. Its such a shame your production isnt ready now to create such impact.
Send it on and around.
Doing nothing is not an option ……… just ask a bishop!
The word humanitarian springs to mind when forwarding out through our networks.
Now tell me Mr. Prime Minister and other politicians.
Why do bishops, like Hollingsworth, get castigated for allegedly not doing enough to investigate reports of abuse, but you lot ignore correspondence and not refer the allegations for proper police investigations.
Tell me msm, why you lot also cherry pick allegations to report.
Like GG Hollingsworth, why have you all not resigned and been pursued by the mass media?
You are an amazingly courageous woman Dee. Thank you.
May the force stay with you/Us
And here’s the force now, Diane:
Holy smoke. Look what happens at 2.47. I never knew there was a spillover outside.
Maybe we could get Elton to the fringe–get a 2.47 effect?
Lots to learn from these tributes and the music industry Beatles
Joan Baez Leonard Cohen Kris Kristofferson
What happened to the Norma Jean Marilyn Munroe version.
Good for you, Dee.
As one who worked in Commonwealth and NT Government child protection for a decade, I must say I have never met a social worker who I did not regard with absolute contempt.
These emotional retards and control freaks make decisions daily, which they are emotionally, psychologically and socially ill-equipped to do so. Many are actually sociopathic and should never be permitted to go near children, wielding any kind of authority.
Couple these inadequates with similarly damaged judiciary and bureaucrats, and the outcome is very damaged children.
Keep up the battle, Dee.
Great job Dee, glad to see someone is fighting for an abused child. When are you coming to NSW Dee?
You guys are on the ball with the “child abuse by gov design” agenda involving the use of Project Monarch (MkUltra) the FC CPS’s and Legal Aid also as I discovered I am so stoked that you’s have discovered the truth what I have been telling people for over 5yrs yrs now regarding my ex pimping my daughter to elite pedo groups in perth with complete protection by the DCP with FC support
TODAY ‘S REPORT: A parent punched a pedophile /pedocrim after realizing the pedo had abused his own children. The parent’s ‘friend’ ( trafficker) groomed this parent to allow their own children to visit a certain MJ .. a pedocrim – luring the parent into their confidence ..and allowing children an overnight visit – AS PARENTS OFTEN ALLOW CHILDREN SLEEPOVERS – this eventuated in CHILD SEX ABUSE.
When the parent realized after the children’s disclosure- Parent confronted.. and punched the pedocrim- the parent was then arrested- charged with assault – in court Judge ordered the parent to forget about it. No charges against the Pedocrim MJ.
This is South Australia.
i have worked extensively as a well credentialed management professional across CHILD YOUTH agencies and gov depts.
Pimping and trafficking children is an establishment industry. When expressing grave and PROFESSIONAL concerns to MANY Child Protection orgs including local MP -i have been stonewalled to the extent of being discredited. Yet I am indisputably highly competent with extensive professional experience and I am a verifiably successful employee of state gov departments.
My well placed colleagues across agencies and orgs consistently and routinely turn a blind eye despite mandatory reporting LAWS. Why?
i am aware of professionally organized pedophilia. Pedo-criminality is a core component of society – freely functioning with impunity – and facilitated by the very agencies whose job it is to protect children.
Parent is willing to talk to Gumshoe News on this matter
“When the parent realized after the children’s disclosure- Parent confronted.. and punched the pedocrim- the parent was then arrested- charged with assault – in court Judge ordered the parent to forget about it.”
Thank you, Donna. I am keen to see the offending court transcript.
“My well placed colleagues routinely turn a blind eye despite mandatory reporting LAWS. Why?”
Ah, Donna, to have asked that question is to have answered it. Merci.
The empire of perfidy will never be brought down by those who also stand on its feet of clay. The feet of clay are the false assumptions and ideologies that support and “justify” the magnificent edifices erected on them… most notably the absurd (self-contradictory) assumptions that Nothing is inexorably turning itself into Everything and that vague notions of “morality” are social constructs in the process of “becoming”.
Every perversion stands on those feet of clay. Perversion means “turning around” or “converting it to a wrong use”. That necessarily implies that there is a “right use” for everything depending on its nature and purpose which is not “determined” by fads, or fancy, or convenience, etc.
I say again, that those feet of clay will continue to hold up the empire of perfidy until they are melted by boys and girls with innate commonsense who will melt them by pissing on them and bring the edifice down.
In the meantime, to have some redress against the worst of common perversions, I suggest that where there are people with common aims (and greviances) should form a co-operative wherein they can pool their experiences, insights, resources, determine appropriate actions, and, most importantly, retain absolute ownership and control of their activity and purpose…
Now, look, the oligarchy hates independent groups that can support their members in activities that are not “convenient” to the ambitions of the ‘Masonic ego-maniacal elite and there are “revisions” to the “rules” of co-ops to make them more like corporations that are liable to takeover by outside interests… but! they haven’t anniahalated the possibility.
If anyone would like to discuss or remonstrate with me please send to:
David, re: a cooperative – the biggest problem you will have is the PTB will insert people and try to subvert what the group is doing. They have virtually unlimited surveillance and know who is doing what and when. When you plan to do something, they have been monitoring the operation and will quickly do something to head it off at the pass. Perhaps it will be spreading a rumor about someone or planting a story in the press or maybe compromising one of your main actors.
Of course, that’s only because you and so many others are stupid enough to use electronic media – it is totally monitored.
I’ve been through this a few times before (alternative political parties, etc). Perhaps the masses of today are beginning to wise up, but until you can put together a group that has been through the meat-grinder and understands at a visceral level what is going on, they won’t have the ‘right stuff’ to pull their weight. – I ended up going it alone for years.
It may be that any sort of ‘movement’ will have to be done like the ‘yellow vests’ in France where there is not any central control that can be compromised.
Yes, the psychos, control freaks and sickos with their running dogs (msm and ABC propaganda lefties) run the world.
They are 0.009% of inhumanity.
Humanity represents the rest.
Time for humanity to apply the left jab with a right hook.
GS and many others are projecting the left jab, in time a following right hook looks possible.
So everyone: one, two; jab, by distributing to all your friends some reality.
PS: never been a boxer!
You missed the point, Terry, presumably because you don’t know what the essence of a co-op is.
A co-op is specifically completely owned and operated by its members for a purpose defined in its Constitution and operated according to pre-defined rules formulated by the inaugural members. Membership is open to anyone at all who formally agrees with the published Constitution and Rules and who IS ACCEPTED BY THE EXISTING MEMBERSHIP. That is deliberately intended to make infiltration by hostile instruments as difficult as possible. That is why Gov’t instrumentalities and the Judiciary try to pretend that they don’t exist and try to covertly subvert them.
In a co-op there is no “central control” other than the immutable principle of “one member, one vote”, which means that all office holders are appointees of the membership and have no function except that which is specifically delegated to them by the membership.
There is much more.
David, but that’s Terry’s point… the co-op will be corrupted, as has almost every other institution. No central control means that members can subvert it even after accepting co-ops rules.
Except that everything you do is being monitored. I flat guarantee you that there will be some morons that will walk out of a meeting and get on their phones and tell someone about what they are going to do. Been there, done that!
Or maybe you will have a ‘secret’ meeting at a ‘secret’ place where the morons will bring their phones to the meeting – like some SECRET. Perhaps they will be cautious and leave their phones in their cars after driving there and leaving a big fat trail to where you all are.
The spooks will figure out who’s in the network and be on to it. They will monitor who’s contacting who and where their going – like going to a printing shop and paying with their forking credit cards for some clever handouts.
David, I welcome people getting involved in all this revival of freedom, but you have to understand what the enemy can and will do.
Heck, I was involved in this crap back when there was no tracking devices like personal phones that people are now carrying around. Back then they had to use old school techniques like a ‘floating box’ to track me. Crikey, you are trusting a bunch of dumbed-down morons that can’t keep their hands off their Iphones for 10 minutes.
Yeah, everyone that wants to get involved, contact David on the above email address – nobody will know….
And then they plant some guy who follows the rules religiously, who then breaks the law… and lo and behold, the organisation gets raided by the AFP — and they give mole #1 a holiday house down the coast somewhere — and force the members to shut shop.
One has to understand that we are being run by people that just don’t play by the rules. (So co-op rules can’t compete.) And if it is not working for them, they’ll rewrite the rules — getting our politicians to pass it. And they have all the agencies working for them. The whole thing about family court system, is that it is carefully designed to make it impossible to compete.
They’ll have a co-op around their little tentacles. I’d say the only way is to wake up enough people until they vote people in to change the rules. But are the people ever going to wake from their stupor?
Well and even if they do know and infilter the group it is worth it, Yes surveillance, even if we were not using electronic media, many of us would still be monitored or otherwise sabotaged. Still better to stand together than be trying individually to do anything as most gets ignored
Hmmm. I can’t reply to Terry in particular.
Anyhow, my general reply to those who poo-hoo the idea of interested parties forming an alliance for mutual support and concerted action is; I have said nothing in secret… but the CIA, ASIO, MOSSAD, MI6, etc. do not need to come knocking on my door in the middle of the night because their agents effectively thwart even a contemplation of what might be an option to their effective control of the narrative.
So what if they know what we’re talking about? It should give’m the frights if there are many and dispersed.
I betcha that they love mini-demagogues who parade around with posturing and rhetoric trying to get a following of rats and lemmings. I, for one, am deeply suspicious of demagogues of every colour and flavour.
There are “political parties” started every day with only the “promise” of the wannabe demagogue “gimme money and votes and I’ll fix everything”. Nope, let the people decide… if they want to… if they dare.
Thank you David. I greatly appreciate your invitation to communicate, and I will take you up on the offer expect an email. I would like to offer the same my email is ddevere77@gmail.com at the moment I have contact details of three Gumshoers and I have met them personally–face to face. I believe I have learnt and shared a lot that has been empowering–I do not always agree with some opinions, but I trust myself and now feel a sense of belonging, worthiness. It always concerns me when I know nothing of writers, readers or commenters, particularly when they use pseudonyms.
You are all right about organisations being infiltrated– I always ask where is the money coming from—that is where the infiltrators come from– I would also need to know Whats your name? Who’s your family ? Where’s your country? What’s your story? What’s your agenda? A flat structure–every one’s voice is valued everyone has an equal right to be heard. The recent success stories of Gumshoe has been directly linked to the amazing testimonies of those who previously have been unseen, unheard, unknown.
Donna we should collaborate soon, some shared background and personal harrowing experiences. Yesterday was reading ch 12 “Class actions” of Julian Burnside’s book “Watching Out” reflections on justice and injustice. The following chapter is tiled The stolen generation.
It begins:” Bruce Trevorrow was born in November 1956, the illegitimate son of Joe Trevorrow and Thora Lampard. They lived on One Mile Camp, Meningie, on the Coorong.”
They lived at One Mile Camp because in the 50’s it was not lawful for an aborigine to live closer than one mile to a place of white settlement, unless he or she had a permit.”
It tells of how at 13 months he was taken to Adelaide’s Children Hospital [the records say gastroenteritis and recovered 7 days later. : “Seven days later he was given away to a white family: Mr and Mrs Davies.”–they had seen an advertisement in a local newspaper offering aboriginal babies for fostering. –a short time later Bruce’s mother managed to contact the department and ask when Bruce was coming back. The letter still exists in South Australia’s State archives The reply also noting “Bruce is doing quite well, but the doctors say he is not yet well enough to come home.” He was given away week’s earlier.
Also on record SA Children’s Hospital–age three–he was pulling his own hair out–ages 8, 9 seen a number of times by Child Guidance Clinic–and was diagnosed as profoundly anxious and depressed and as having no sense of his own identity. The harrowing story is told, and as we know continues in every state and territory.
I was particularly interested in a couple of points–during a legal claim–“the government of South Australia contested every point in the case”—-and the 1950’s work of John Bowlby was cited — saying “that it is intrinsically harmful to remove a child from his or her parents, in particular when this occurs after nine months”.
John Bowlby – [Tavistock Rawlings Rees] was in Australia in the 50’s and he trained nurses and “House Mothers” who were employed to work in the homes and institutions.
Bruce Trevorrow’s case was handed down in August 2007. Kevin Rudd said sorry 13th February 2008.
Burnside notes litigation against a government is not for the fainthearted governments fight back hard.
You’re amazing Dee, the giant can of worms has been opened & wont be closed again! It would be difficult to understand the deliberate collusion & corruption unless you witnessed it with your own eyes. Unfortunately many of us have! The fact that these courts prefer to rely on the hearsay of a social worker rather than evidence demonstrates the simple method that they have been using for so long to further abuse & steal children. This is our current ‘stolen generation’. Pure evil these people are!!!
David, you often seem to come in with word-mind twisters to deflect the focus of the article.
Yes, all philosophical, theorist and a committe person, ‘let’s have a study and out source for ‘professional advice.’ Ho hummer.
The now descendants of those who did not put up with Louis XVI are past controlled committees and co-operatives.
Time to pass all this on, they are few, we are many and even the most frail can deliver a right hand upper cut with a simple vote.
I beg your pardon if any of yous are deficient in English and comprehension. I am not disposed by upbringing or “education” to piss in idiot’s pockets to gain personal kudos.
“David, you often seem to come in with word-mind twisters to deflect the focus of the article.”
Right, Your Bossness. If I had a penny for each time I’d be a rich man.
Much love to you Dee.
I would love everyone on this thread to unite in strength with me at the Brisbane Vigil, outside the magistrates crt, April 5th.
There will be much mainstream media so we can throw some truth at them and demand that they develop some integrity and start reporting truth. Maybe Dee needs to give them structured lessons haha.
We will be rolling out the red carpet to support the real protectors of children Dr Pridgeon, Patrick et al, call for a RC into the FC, and connected Child Protection industry and ‘justice’ systems, and expose systemic misconduct designed to not protect children.
If you can not attend please consider contacting Dr Pridgeon and Patrick and throw a donation their way to help their legal fight.
This case could change everything!!!
Please support these courageous men as much as you are able:)
Hope to see you there!
Dee ,
Always a pleasure to read the good work you do . Honesty and integrity in writing is rare these days . Mary yourself and all gumshoers comments are usually always informative , and for that thank you kindly .
Like most pm’s , who have been freemasons , Scott is probably sticking to his guns (script) .
Being a long time member of Hillsong does not bring any insight to anyone . He’s just one of the boys getting his half million for life . Soon he’ll pass the baton on .
I was hoping he would be the lion king in this matter, not the lame king.
Above should have been , half million per year for life .
It’s definitely true that we have met some bad officials in this area, but they can’t all be bad. If anyone wants to present a story of a happy fostering, or of justice from the court, please do. I think it would not weaken, but rather strengthen, our bearing down on the bad judges if we show sympathy to judges who do NOT want to be cruel.
Sure I know that Dee’s survey has shocking statistics about the percentage of judges who refuse to believe a child (e.g., even where the doctor backs the kid’s story) but Dee admits her survey did not catch a random sample of the population.
Why does a student sign up to major in Social Work? A friend of mine in US (who recently died, of old age) had an MSSW degree and was, hands down, the kindest person that walked the earth.
By the way, just before she retired (around 1998), the job was becoming privatised. How weird.
Mary re above just some random words come to mind re Australia– SERCO recruitment. Jobs for Growth Mental Health Industry Aged Care Industry Security Recruitment Policing Military Jobs for Growth Centre link payments Basics cards -chips Not For Profit NGO’s Volunteers Mission Australia
IN NT Jesuits Mormans Freemasons Control manage everything
CDU rewrites History and is highly funded funded.
arrgg back to work
what is cdu?
Charles Darwin University?
Thanks David. –yes it now has a Northern Region Research Centre– Not Northern Territory — now Northern Region–very geopolitical–links with Penn University Don Zoellners a very high up in the bigger scheme of things.
correction: called CDU NI Northern Institute and reference to Penn is a bit confusing outdated–
interesting who they have a MOU with certainly significant
This situation is in every state. The harder parents/guardians fight for these kids (which is instinctive mind you) the worse you are regarded by CPS. Our nephew is a real child with 6 brothers and sisters and he was shipped off to a stranger in the middle of the night opposed to being placed with one of his siblings. After 15 months in court, at our own expense, they Played every delay possible including affidavits that were deemed predjudicial to proceeding due to the nonsense in them, until basically ‘it’s been too long to move him again’.
So he grows up an only child, never gets to spend Xmas day unwrapping his presents with his family, and we’re supposed to thank them for the 2 hours he sees his family every couple of months.
A family willing to do what the parents cannot shouldn’t be seen as the enemy.
It’s all just dollars and cents.
And we celebrate Australia Day! So sad for your family Karen S.
Dee, when I contacted you and asked you what you were going to do with regard to the revelations of child abuse exposed by the RC, you answered you were taking up the pen with Gumshoe. What I read subsequently over these past couple of years, have left me incredulous and I admit skeptical and unbelieving with regard to many of the reports. However,because of your dedication to justice for the trafficked women and girls into the brothels in Australia, notably Melbourne,which saw you so outraged to the extent you sought finance, wrote, directed and filmed “The Jammed”, (which was widely acclaimed and won a special award); I have no doubt you have researched, listened and now have acted using the skills of the combined talents you possess in the interests of abused children and their mothers and some fathers at the hands of dysfunctional bureaucracies within the Justice system. You are indeed a brave and courageous woman, who will God willing bring about firstly an awakening in the mind of the PM and create a groundswell with the release of your film which will lead to exposure and retribution. My dear Dee the forces of Evil unfortunately prevail and seem to grow even stronger as we try to survive amidst the chaos and injustice they create.
We are discussing how to raise money for a film on a family court story. The Jammed shocked audiences… but this is worse.
Dee, look no further for your publicity manager — Diane has commented above that we should get Elton for the Adelaide Fringe.
Which, please note, Readers, is March 17 at 2pm at Burnside Ballroom, and I am going to play the part of Dee McLachlan interviewing Dr Richard Day. Or something like that.
Excellent letter! Surely to ignore it is implied consent? Which way will SM go down in history when the story hits the fan… How will we know when the film is released?
It would be great if this letter doesn’t get ignored by the receiver, but unfortunately it probably will.
A life time super pension & top job perks are in the way of any decency in governing!
Dee I am a Survivor who continually get’s Apologized to for my CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE let alone all the other ABUSES in Orphanages here in Australia,I represented my Family of 12 Siblings after the ‘BINGO DRAW’ at Canberra’s last Apology by PM Scott Morrison and when I spoke with Julia Gillard and Scott I raised the ‘FACT’ that 4 of my Gorgeous Grandie’s have been STOLEN for the CHILD TRAFFICKING MEAT MARKET which never stopped from my meekest Daughter, Julia actually gave a Damn but Scott just kept that same fake smile on his face as he looked for ways to slide out of the Media scrum, and NO my talk with him was not aired.A SA worker drove all the way to my home which I bought with my CHILD RAPE MONEY after being demanded by Whyalla FSA to move from Ballarat in Victoria to up my access with one of my Grandie’s and get his Mum reinvolved as in her words the Whyalla workers ‘SHE IS HIS MOTHER AND YOU ARE HIS NANNA AND THE CHILDREN NEED TO GO HOME’, anyway this worker drove from Murray Bridge all the way to my home ‘the first I a SURVIVOR’ HAVE EVER HAD IN MY LIFE, saying it was about visitation of my other 3 STOLEN Grandie’s and such, I eagerly awaited her arrival, she was 3 and a half hours late but hey it was to me such an important moment the possibilty of a step forward to getting My Baby Girl her Babies back,she finally arrived and we talked for around 2 and a half hours it could have been 3 hours and everything was fine the only ‘blip’ was she knew nothing about me about my relationship with my Grandie in Whyalla and ‘where’ all my presents-letters-videoes and correspondence for my Granddaughter and Twin Grandsons in her department had gone ooops. Then a strange silence happened and a strange look came over her and she took paperwork out of a folder and started to shuffle on my kitchen chair,she went from relaxed to awkward then stiff her back rigid and started talking gobbly gook,my alarm bells were going off in my head my breathing changed and I felt the feelings of the Orphanage gathering around me it became smothering it was dark smothering light it was evil smothering hope and the words came ‘I need you to sign the CHILDREN OVER to give the foster family FULL AUTONOMY over the children so we can walk away and they can become a REAL FAMILY as we deem them STABLE’ The darkness was overwhelming and heavy and but my Instincts burst through immediately ‘NO’ is what I heard come out of me as soon as she had said it,then I heard myself explain why, They are not ORPHANS THEY HAVE family bigger than you could ever know,they are loved i have fought for years for them not to be ‘ME’ They have their MOTHER WHO DID NOTHING WRONG WHO LOVES THEM,The department here made me buy this house with MY CHILD RAPE MONEY TO GET ALL OF HER BABIES HOME TO HER NO NO NO NO.Then she demanded my Daughter and her partner she has had for around 3 years not the children’s parent as her life has 100% changed to come over,she did the same I had to let it happen to see what she would say and do it was HORRIFIC, she asked my Daughter what she felt and got the TRUTHFUL ANSWER ‘I FEEL LIKE DYING’ she asked what did my Daughter want,the answer ‘I WANT MY BABIES BACK’ THE SOBBING WAS KILLING ME HER MUM WHO KNEW WHAT WAS COMING, She then proceeded to Admit to ALL of us that ALL of the 4 children have been diagnosed as MENTALLY-EMOTIONALLY AND INTENTIONALLY DAMAGED AND STUNTED FROM BEING REMOVED FROM FAMILY, My Daughter leaned across the table and through sobs and tears of HEARTBREAK said ‘THEN GIVE THEM BACK TO ME WHERE THEY WERE SAFE AND LOVED AND THEY WON’T BE THEY WILL BE SAFE AND LOVED AND HEAL’ I Was and still am so PROUD of her for the STRENGTH it took for her to FINALLY look a baby stealer in the EYE and MUM GROWL directly at her exactly the TRUTH. Sadly though this is when the worker pulled out the paperwork after tearing my Daughter apart ripping her heart out and getting her to open up her depths of despair and love for her Babies WHAMMO now sign this,well again I was PROUD of my Daughter her reaction even through her PAIN AND HORROR was instant too ‘NO’ YOU STOLE MY BABIES I DO NOT GIVE MY PERMISSION FOR YOU TO WALK AWAY AND NOT ‘PROTECT’ THEM FROM THE FOSTER FAMILY YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE YOU MUST CHECK ON THEM YOU MUST MAKE SURE THEY ARE NOT BEING ABUSED YOU TOOK THEM FROM ME SO YOU ARE ‘THEIR PARENTS AS YOU CLAIMED’ AND IF YOU WALK AWAY ‘THAT IS ABUSE’, WOW WHAT A MUMMY MY DAUGHTER IS BROKEN THREATENED ABUSED TOLD EVERY BABY YOU HAVE WE WILL TAKE SO HER PARTNER GOT FIXED SO AS TO NEVER PUT HER THROUGH THIS EVER AGAIN AS HE LOVES HER SO MUCH,EVEN THIS WOMAN OPENLY STATED AT MY KITCHEN TABLE AS OTHERS HAVE BEFORE ‘YOU MAKE BEAUTIFUL BABIES’,Their EVILITY knows no bounds. This FSA worker still keeps emailing me for our Family tree the last one I could not hold back anymore as we were told the Judge will sign my Grandie’s over to the foster family on the new ‘Other Person Guardianship’ which is Identical to Adoption without Parental or Family consent so I told her no Family member will give their details over which is the truth unless the children were coming HOME and I will NOT ALL my Grandie’s to become ‘Brown’ and be moved over to England to be LOST to us FOREVER that I will never stop FIGHTING and I will find some way to get ALL OF MY GRANDIE’S HOME!…https://www.facebook.com/phylis.read/videos/1896059127142802/?l=896537962916021498
[…] Open Letter to Australia’s Prime Minister to Rescue a Child […]