by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Dear Law Enforcement Personnel,
I write to appeal to your soft side and also to your instinct for self-preservation.
My message, in a nutshell, is: Start to stand up for what’s right in your job description. Puh-leeze.
I am an old girl, leading a relatively sheltered life. I do not have to spend my day, as you do, mixing with tough members of society, or expecting physical danger to one’s person at any moment. I appreciate that you may have reasons to want to avoid the subjects I bring up below but avoiding them is not really a wise choice by you.
Don’t ask me how it happened, but I got caught up as a sort of investigator in three matters. One is false flags. Another is pedophilia. Another is general corruption of government. Basically, I’m a nosey parker.
It’s now 2020, the Internet has been hot for two decades and you will have picked up on the three things I mentioned, courtesy of whistleblowers (including a few cops). So, you must be apprehensive about the disconnect between the titles of your bosses and what they actually do.
They are there to protect society and to make the law work by arresting criminals. However, it is well understood that when a “big person” commits a crime the police’s job is to make sure he escapes arrest. At the very least, you know from your training at the Academy that when someone waves a VIP business card at you, you are supposed to say “Ok, Sir, that will be all.”
I don’t doubt that there’s the occasional VIP who really should be let off the hook, as he is performing an undercover job for society. Maybe that’s how you salve your conscience when you see the waving business card. But VIPs are less than 10% of the ones you let off.
The other 90% are some combination of upper-level drug dealers, paid politicians, racketeers in human trafficking, etc. Or they are just “the entitled” — high society people whom you are willing to defer to. We all do that; it’s natural. But, hey, we pay you to swallow your humility and nab them if they are hurting us.
False Flags
Let me run you through my three aforementioned experiences, starting with false flags. I have written books about the Boston Marathon bombing, the Sydney siege (hostages held in a cafe), and the Port Arthur massacre – a spree-killer type event.
I didn’t do much onsite sleuthing. I watched the court cases unfold and, being legally trained, could spot holes big enough to drive a truck through. Evidently, the message comes from On High, saying “Make sure So-and-So gets convicted and don’t allow any nay-saying witnesses to testify.”
The actual violent events, I can say for sure, were scripted far in advance. It is widely believed in Australia that the purpose of the 1996 massacre “by 28-year-old Martin Bryant” was to remove guns from all citizens. Prime Minster Howard had the relevant legislation in his pocket ready to spring. Actually, it cost the government a half-billion-dollar gun buyback!
The 2013 Boston event was meant to increase the general threat of terrorism and to blame a Muslim. “He did it for Allah, you know.” (Actually, he didn’t do it at all, though he – Jahar Tsarnaev – is on Death Row for it, thanks to an all-Oscar winning performance by the media and the DoJ.) Quite possibly the real purpose of the Marathon bombing was to have a dress rehearsal for martial law. It went beautifully.
I won’t take your time to discuss the 2014 cafe “siege” in Sydney. The final capture of the gunman took place at 2am Australian time, broadcast live in the US at noon, EST. Another Muslim, but from Iran.
Police involvement was heavy at all three scenes. I believe a cop (Sgt Andrew Fogarty) actually did the burning down of the cottage which had Martin Bryant in it. It also seems the police who shot 228 bullets into the boat where Jahar Tsarnaev was sleeping were meant to kill him. (Fancy failing with 228 rounds!) At the Sydney cafe, the storming in by police, complete with flashbangs, is what led to the deaths of Tori Johnson, Katrina Dawson, and Man Haron Monis.
This is not to say that I blame all cops. On the contrary, I feel sorry for any cops who had to play a silent part — they couldn’t very well stand around saying “I won’t play,” could they? When you are in battle, you have to follow orders.
This letter is addressed to The Blue in the UK as well as in US and Oz. So let’s start the pedophile topic with the famous cases of Jimmy Savile and Ted Heath. Neither of them ever suffered an arrest or even a “caution.” They abused children like mad. In many instances, reports of the crime did reach the Bobbie on the beat, or Scotland Yard. But that’s as far as it went.
At least one London ex-cop, Jon Wedger, has made a career of blowing the whistle. He shows (on YouTube) how his effort were blocked. In Mildura, Australia an 80-year-old ex-cop, Denis Ryan, finally received a large pay-out recently for what he endured trying to bring pedophile priests to book.
Ryan would have gone to his grave unrequited but for the very public Royal Commission into Institutional Response to Child Sexual Abuse that ran from 2014 to 2017. He, and thousands of now-adult victims of child abuse, were allowed at least to air their stories.
The most famous of those was Fiona Barnett who also caused Australia to learn about MK-Ultra (the CA’s program of torture and mind control) and satanism. I point to the 1986 trial of the McMartin Daycare Centre as an example of their being excellent evidence to convict several pedo’s, but the word came down from On High (possibly from Rudi Giuliani who had earlier headed the Criminal Division of the DoJ). I imagine some cops were heartbroken by this.
Even today, despite huge publicity, pedophiles remain protected. Shane Dowling, Oz’s most gutsy investigative journalist (been to jail twice so far for contempt of court), has just published the book “Australia’s Protection Racket.” He names several judges as pedophiles at his website
General Government Corruption
I said that my third area of nosey-parkerism is government corruption. That’s not strictly true, insofar as I don’t really focus on the bribing of politicians to influence legislation.
The thing I get involved in is the broad issue of this letter, namely the fact that law is not enforced against big criminals. That could be pedophilia, drug-running, geo-engineering, or even war crimes. The US government is completely corrupt in those areas.
Is it police’s fault? Not in the first instance. I throw most of the blame at attorneys general, prosecutors, judges and at our elected representatives. Yet your job as police is called “law enforcement.” Members of the public don’t know all the tricks that are going on in government, but they can sense that you must be deferring – dare I say kowtowing – to the powerful.
We members of society have armed you with all kinds of weapons to do the job. So why not just do it.
The PBA – Police Benevolent Associations
Of ourse you fell you can’t act because someone is telling you, however subtly, that it’s just not done. I bet you feel the squeeze every day from your PBA or similar union or guild. My guess is that they are not real unions, even if they do make a stink for pay raises.
Rather, they are the protectors of the powerful. They know it. They are not likely to deviate from that stance. But you can deviate. Granted, you might get your legs broken. How about you start off with a lesser gesture than deviation – just withdraw from membership in the Benevolent Association. Far as I know, membership is not compulsory.
The Lockdown and All That
Right now, the public is waiting for the shoe to drop. We all have eyes and we all can see that fascist moves have taken place. Congress and other legislative bodies are not employing their usual discretion as to the constitutionality of new laws. They think they can order people to stay indoors, to accept a vaccination, and so forth.
A few days ago, London police were tasked with arresting a man who was speaking at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park. Possibly that has never happened before; Hyde Park is the very symbol of free speech. (The arrestee, Dr Heiko Schoning, came over from Germany to say that the medical measures prescribed for Covid-19 are “inappropriate.”)
In Melbourne you can get hit with a fine over $1,000 for saying Boo. I pride myself on being able to advise the correct response to such blatantly illegitimate power plays. But I am pretty well stumped this time. The picture has changed: the bad guys – never mind if they are our governors – have new weapons of mass control.
One is the power to withhold food. The shops could all close. The roads could block delivery trucks. You, as cops, would be part of the enforcement of all that. Possibly, too, you will be asked to roundup sinners like myself that have been critical of the overlords.
At the beginning of this article I said I’d appeal to your instinct for self-preservation. Note that you will be as hungry as anyone else, and your family will, too.
The Seatbelt Analogy
I can hear some readers snickering at my foolishness in thinking we will lose our food supply. I am by no means sure of it but it is certainly an option. The masses are going to want to challenge the lunatics who are taking over the world. (Listen to the God-wannabe, Klaus Schwab, at the World Economic Forum, he openly announces the takeover, calling it a “Reset.”)
So what do you do when you see that there might be trouble up the road? You take precautions. You plan ahead just in case. Maybe you have driven for 30 years and never had a car crash, but you aren’t embarrassed about buckling a seatbelt, are you?
Same with this thing. It is wise to expect, and rather sooner than later, that “forces” are going to get very forceful. So what will be your stance? Will you do any crazy, cruel thing that you are instructed to do? I think you will, because once the action starts you truly have no wiggle room.
But you have wiggle room now. Why not go show this “Open Letter” from Yours Truly, to friends and supervisors? Ask for a meeting to discuss it. Ask if there’s any place where a cop should draw the line if told to do something that seems way out of the ordinary.
Your Soft Side
I mentioned that Denis Ryan got compensation for having to resign from the force in Victoria years ago, based on his frustration when trying to carry out law enforcement.
Even his closest buddies told him not to rock the boat regarding priests. He could see that the young boys were suffering and that their parents were going nuts from being called liars. I am sure you would have been in distress too.
However, there won’t be a big payout later for the suffering of tens of thousands of distressed cops. You won’t get satisfaction. (Dens Ryan was astonished when he got it!) If you want to deal with it, explore your soft side. Don’t die of embarrassment raising the issue. Cruelty or brutality is not what you signed up for, is it?
There is still a right and wrong. Don’t listen to the pathetic idiots who tell you that human nature has changed. Human nature is not in the habit of changing. The moral conscience is a biological entity. It will still be there. In fact, you law enforcers are a big part of influencing its fate.
Take a stand. You can do this. You know you can do this.
Thanks for listening!
[Article updated]
“I won’t take your time to discuss the 2014 cafe “siege” in Sydney.” I think it was a Jewish owned shop over the road from Channel 7.
My Open Letter to Police has zllch to do with who owned the Lindt Cafe.
Maybe even less than zilch.
The fatalities in question were,in fact, entirely due to inadequate Po training
And it seems like the problem isn’t exactly unique to Aus:
Which of course would mean that the event was a Jewish publicity stunt
As evidenced by this write-up:
“when 19 terrorists brought down the Twin Towers and bought America to its knees.”
Is that right, berry? – it seems you are more than just an apologist.
specially for you disco boy!
That was perhaps the most sickeningly crass and disrespectfully perverse videos I have ever suffered through – the places you frequent, berry!
I suppose you scrolled through the comments.
Eeeewwww – I need cleansing …
Berry, is that the best you could come up with to DISPROVE Zio involvement in 9/11 ?
9/11 (like the JFK assassination) was a no expense spared operation and it did not stop at the ‘implementation’.
Like the JFK incident, the second and arguably more important phase was the ‘Cover Up’.
To that end, the internet is awash with videos, articles, sworn testimonies by supposed experts that were ALL funded by the perpetrators of the crime (so as to obfuscate and be diversionary).
Said videos / articles etc are pure disinformation and peddle things like :
1) No planes hit the twin towers (ie: the planes we saw were supposedly holograms etc.
They’ve funded countless other professionally prepared disinformation vids that could easily suck in those who don’t apply some critical thinking.
This is by design. Just like with the JFK murder, by having as many theories out there in the public domain, the general public will come to the conclusion :
‘Well, if the so called experts can’t agree on a unified theory, what chance have we got ?’.
Hence, let’s abandon the pursuit of truth and go back to updating our Facebook pages or some other mindless pursuit.
I’ve never heard of Ethan and Hila, for one simple reason.
They’re two fools who attract a likewise foolish audience.
If you really want to learn about who was behind 9/11, you need go no further than Christopher Bollyn (the premier researcher of 9/11 on planet Earth – by a wide margin).
I’ve posted the pdf of his book on Gumshoe (Solving 9/11: The Deception that Changed the World) – start reading.
Otherwise, your beliefs about the greatest crime of the 21st century will remain as infantile as those of your mates Ethan and Hila.
High time both you guys got a grip on the fact that getting your flesh ripped up is a prerequisite to being saved from any shape or form of deception
As for my position on 9/11 I’ve never had much doubt that it was an insurance rort.
But I’ve yet to see any coherent explanation as to what that has to do with Zionism
Useless Veggie can’t explain either, directs us to study Mein Kampf or whatever it is. Now we have both of them filling their diapers simultaneously.
I’ve posted the pdf of the book by Christopher Bollyn (fact checked for accuracy by independent experts) that exhibits IN DETAIL the Zio-fingerprints all over 9/11.
Then Berry comes back with : ‘I have yet to see a coherent explanation’.
Like the saying goes :” You can lead a Zionist apologist to water, but ….. ” .
Rabbi Gold-borrower ‘dsw’, what’s with the ‘diaper’ comment ?
We don’t have diapers in Australia.
We use nappies on our babies.
Yet more proof that Rabbi ‘dsw’ is a Mossad operative possibly working out of Herzliya (or perhaps assigned to a different locale so he can pollute the minds of the gullible in that region).
Because all the rabid ultra-orthodox Palestinian murdering Zionists originating from the wastelands of the Negev desert like ‘dsw’, learn American English (as opposed to proper Stray-an English).
Come clean Rabbi.
We KNOW you’ve been assigned to troll Gumshoe (to replace Nemesis after he blew his cover and failed miserably to convert anyone over to his Luciferian/Likudnic ideologies), because it is the premier truther website in Australasia.
We KNOW you’re not a dinkum Aussie because you’ve let fly with too many Seppo-ism’s over time.
All we seek now is your location. ie: city / country.
(None of us seek the specific street and number – seeing as you’re such a wretched conscience free sod who’s unlikely to be much of a dinner companion, so not likely to be visiting you anytime soon).
You are the most disgusting troll by far on this website and you fill your diaper with monotonous regularity, your “contributions” are tired and they’re rubbish, you’ll never lift your game because you are a bit dim.
Like a rat cornered, ‘dsw’ goes into attack mode.
That’s what Mossad operatives do when they have no comeback to a question that doesn’t feature in the official ‘Sayanim Handbook’.
Your response above shows you’ve totally lost your cool.
You need to consult an anger management therapist ‘dsw’ otherwise you’ll have a stroke.
The Shin Bet have invested a lot of digitally created U.S Federal Reserve money in training you ‘dsw’ so it’s not in their Luciferian interests to see you have a nervous breakdown.
“……….Frank Lowy Resurfaces: Anti-Terror Laws and The “Israeli” Takeover of Sydney’s Water Supply
Just like the Mossad-orchestrated terrorist attacks of 9/11, 7/7 and 26/11, which all saw extensive anti-terror legislation – i.e. Zionist-assisted police state fortification – getting passed in their aftermaths, most important and disturbing of them all being the Patriot Act penned by arch-Zionist and son of Mossadnik royalty Michael Chertoff (25), the Sydney Siege has triggered the Australian regime to seek sweeping powers and force through like-similar anti-terror bills (26). This call for harsher anti-terror laws is being led by arguably the most influential think tank in Australia, the Lowy Institute for International Policy.
The Lowy Institute has been ubiquitous throughout the Sydney Siege, with two critical examples being its top military fellow James Brown linking the attack to ISIS as the crisis was taking place despite his admission that “one shouldn’t jump to conclusions (27)”, as well as its international security program director Rory Medcalf calling outright for a strong anti-terror regime (28). And if you’re thinking, “Lowy? As in Frank Lowy of 9/11 infamy?” Then you thought right. The Lowy Institute for International Policy is indeed the brainchild of Slovak-Australian-“Israeli” billionaire Frank Lowy, an ex-Haganah and ex-Golani Brigades terrorist and one of the prime architects of the murderous Jewish global game-changer routinely referred to as the September 11th attacks (25). Considering Lowy’s propensity for being so very intimately and domineeringly involved with Zionist false flag terrorism, his think tank’s involvement in propagandizing and politically profiteering off the Sydney Siege should come as no surprise whatsoever.
An equally disturbing development is that just one week prior to Man Haroon Monis’s clownishness which manifested at the behest of the Jewish supremacist entity, an “Israeli” water company called TaKaDu, founded and led by Amir Peleg and Einat Zviran, stalwarts of the illegitimate “Tel Aviv” regime’s intelligence community who have connections to IOF, Aman, Hebrew University, the Technion Institute and criminal weapons manufacturer Elbit Vision Systems, essentially took over Sydney’s water supply under the guise of “piloting” and “assessing” the city’s Integrated Water Network Management………………..”
As usual Criss X, an excellent summation above. (Not that I’ve come to expect anything less from you).
OT just received this in email
Einstein’s famous equation: “6 – 3 = 6”. And even that wasn’t original.
Just one point of order – I would take von Braun’s name off that list.
Criss X, I quite liked this comment from your link above :
‘Tesla the Great had that Jewish ass-clown [Einstein] and his ‘relativity’ nonsense all figured out.’
Excuse me. We will delete the article and start anew. Some parts of it got left out.
OK, now t has been fixed. And here is a surprise:
off topic
Craig Kelly still doing his job (unlike the others)
Thing is there is no! ‘virus” its a ridiculous argument! when you have 99.9% recovery rate, whats the problem, its all propaganda…Kelly maybe a good person, BUT none of these numb-sculls know the truth it seems…
That’s true there is statistically no virus as it only “kills” the normal amount of 80 year olds, the tiny amount of others it “kills” would amount to statistical error.
As for the biochemistry stuff, personally I would say there are all sorts of things everywhere and if you’re susceptible they will grow in you.
Maybe some will agree with what this man has to say in the last 10 minutes or so of his talk.
Understanding the Political Scenario of INDIA,CANADA,JAPAN,CHINA,USA, FRANCE etc
•Jan 9, 2020
I’ve been trying to knock up a conciliatory slogan/leaflet/poster to help diffuse (de-fuse) the increasing mutual hostility and distrust between the police and public. I am still hoping that there remains, deep down somewhere, the mutual respect between the professional peace keepers and the public they serve. Hoping that there is a possibility that Joe/Jane Citizen will greet their neighbourhood policeman as a friend and ally… that the little old ladies who would rush to give their policeman tea and biscuit if they caught him on the beat, still exist and can be revived. Moral and intellectual corruption on both sides makes it unlikely but just maybe there can be some rapprochement and reduction in hostilities.
It got a bit longer than I intended but I always gotta have a how and why at least alluded to. For your consideration:
Insert here pictures of corporate mercenaries in intimidating costume
The Constitution was designed to protect the Commonwealth of the people from traitorous egomaniacs who seek to rule as despots with an agenda or ideology foreign to the general good and prosperity of the Commonwealth.
Law enforcement agencies are intended to protect the Commonwealth from domestic criminals who seek to exploit or harm others for their own advantage or ideology. Domestic criminals may be, and often are, corporate and secretive servants of an ideology unknown and uncomprehended by “ordinary people”. Law enforcement agencies should not be abject mercenaries (protection racketeers) for a corporate “government” with a secretive foreign ideological agenda.
The Defence Forces are intended to protect the Commonwealth from external threats… not a mercenary “service” to protect an illegitimate foreign corporation of elite criminals from the people!
Good men and women in the “public service”, our common enemy is an out-of-control “government” that has made many treaties and alliances with foreign powers against the people.
Anyone who’s ever had to deal with any government department would be well aware that most of the respective officers operate under the same demonic possession/collective psychosis.The only difference with the Po is that, due to the fact they carry guns & tasers, it’s a little more unsettling.
But occasionally you wind up encountering one who’s actually half-way decent/reasonable
Which serves as a reminder that operating under a spell is a matter of personal choice albeit an unconscious one
I am not trying to appeal to any of the devotees or affiliates of the Synagogue of Satan, berry. They are a lost cause in this argument having “thrown in their lot” with one of many secretive outfits that survive and grow on the promise of bribery and blackmail. Bribery in the sense that one could be initiated into occult “secrets” that exalt them above the massive “profane” such that it is the privilege (even the duty) of the “initiates” to use the “profane” as it please them.
No. I’m hoping to appeal to “the great unwashed” that have not allied themselves with the Synagogue. I hope that some (indeed most) have, at least, some almost vestigial notion that good and true is not synonymous with the “party line”.
Yep! guns and tasers are scary alright but they’ll never do any harm to an honest Man unless they’re in the hands of an enemy.
@Oldavid, you will not make many instant friends in the public service with a headline calling them mercenary toads.
Secondly, your language is much too high-flown and your sentences far too long. Knew a Marketing lecturer once, he told me how the lower the education level, the more you have to work with graphics and forget about using words. So he reduced his Powerpoints for supermarket managers to many graphics and minimal words.
What is your notion of the average cop?
Alan Jones on Sky News,
the corporate limited Covid hangout aiming at distracting us from ID2020, GAVI, Gates, Jane Halton and her headship of CEPI, WHO, the WEF and its Great Reset –
is an educated man but he knows his audience and talks with the pithiness and brevity of someone fronting the front bar at the pub. So I recommend copying him.
I make no pretence of being a graduate from the school of sly, glib, politics. My “personality defects” are what make me “unreliable” as a follower of any mob. There is nothing to prohibit you from making a “new, improved”, dumbed down, politically correct, version that says nothing that might challenge the integrity of the people caught up in this racket.
I did not call all public servants mercenary toads, but was intending to show what a mercenary toad looks like with the implication that “you fellas shouldn’t aspire to be one of them”.
It should be reasonably apparent that the selection and training of our public servants (on the street and behind the scene in “gov’t departments” and media) is to find and form the kind of toadies that are the entourage of the likes of playground bullies. The playground we’re in is national and global.
Might we expect to see the proposals of “an educated man but he knows his audience and talks with the pithiness and brevity of someone fronting the front bar at the pub” in these pages anytime soon?
Duns, cobber, I’m an old codger very familiar with “the front bar at the pub”. Wisdom there is very superficial, commonplace fashionable, and insular.
Looking forward to your proposal.
renae is a peanut [test comment]
Sometimes you end up being ‘the guy’. It is just the way life works, just gotta deal with it. It is up to you how you deal with it.
Wow, Terry. Just wow.
Here is one of the comments:
david nieve 4 months ago
F ya get it done. The future after C19
I read an article on how various people are starting to stand up to various things, in particular the Covid crap. I remembered that Western video and thought it was appropriate. 500 doctors in Germany calling the Plandemic a fraud, Hell, medical professionals around the world sticking their necks out, being censored, fired from jobs, etc. It is going to get worse, but taking the easy way out is not an option for some people.
This was relevant when I filed it a while back –
Do an ABN lookup for your State –
print the relevant bits and carry in your car – keep a copy at home –
QLD POLICE SERVICE Is an Unincorporated association!
1: Unincorporated associations are not regarded as legal entities by law.
Unincorporated associations
Unincorporated associations are not regarded as legal entities by law even though their members may regard them as independent organisations. They are really only a collection of people acting together. This is the most obvious difference between unincorporated and incorporated organisations.
Members of an unincorporated association are, subject to the powers of the association’s constitution, capable of entering into contracts and doing things on behalf of other people in the association. They are also individually and personally responsible for any debts incurred in the name of the association. Where a contract is signed on behalf of an unincorporated association, the individual members are responsible and may be sued. Similarly, if someone is injured through an unincorporated association’s negligence and there is no insurance, the association cannot be sued but individual members may be sued. For the importance of insurance for community organisations, whether unincorporated or incorporated, ss Insurance.
As an unincorporated association has no legal identity, it cannot hold assets in its own name. It must appoint individuals as trustees, who own the assets but hold them for the benefit of the association. The trustees are bound by the Trustee Act 1936 (SA).
Many community organisations rely on grants to operate. It is a requirement of many funding programs that the organisation seeking funding must be incorporated.
It is an offence punishable by a fine of up to $5000 for a person falsely to represent that a body is an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (SA) in order to gain an advantage for herself or himself or any other person [s 60].
If Crisscross is not a troll I’ll eat my hat.
Mary, are you saying that I post with evil intentions?
Hmm. That’s a rayher trollish response.
Mary, I sincerely wish to know why you are calling me a troll.
She’s obviously joking Criss X.
Or, at the very least, she’s not using the pejorative (Rabbi ‘dsw’) connotation of the word.
As we’ve all observed, ‘dsw’ trolls for the sake of obfuscation and diversion, especially so when Gumshoe contributors are getting close to unravelling Zio-malfeasance.
Your type of ‘trolling’ Criss X, is of the type that enlightens readers, rights the wrongs of Zio-media control and Zio-academia disinformation.
You’re Commitment-to-your-Conscience type of trolling is what the world needs more of, my friend.
Thanks, T.V. never the less Mary’s comment was a bit of a kick in the guts – my not taking it as a joke. I would sure like to know why she made the accusation.
I will have to come to crisscross’ defence on this one Mary. From one source:
“An internet troll is someone who makes intentionally inflammatory, rude or upsetting statements online to elicit strong emotional responses in people or to steer the conversation off-topic. They can come in many forms. Most trolls do this for their own amusement, but other forms of trolling are done to push a specific agenda.”
I must say that I have only ventured down a few rabbit holes over the last few (maybe five) years – Syria was my awakening – which led me to Russia via Putin. Every time I poke my nose down one, with my relatively recent and still shallow knowledge on a given topic, I find that crisscross has already established a vast cross-referenced library of well researched material and we all benefit from the links he provides.
There certainly are trolls at Gumshoe, but crisscross is not one of them. I sensed a degree of flippancy – especially in light of crisscross’ ABN comment, a real eye-opener – hence my lightheaded contribution.
‘ someone who makes intentionally inflammatory, rude or upsetting statements online to elicit strong emotional responses in people ‘.
Crikey Fish, that sounds a hell of a lot like me you’re describing.
Hey Phil, maybe you were on to something all those weeks ago ?
That said, where I differ is that I have no intention of steering the conversation off topic.
Readers will have noticed that I have a fixation with 9/11 and I will take every opportunity to steer the conversation back onto this topic.
Because, unravelling 9/11 and prosecuting the perpetrators brings the cabal down – solving the Kennedy assassination(s) comes in second place.
As important as they are for Aussies, prosecuting the perpetrators of the Post Arthur Massacre, the Lindt Cafe incident, the 2002 Bali Bombing will NOT bring down the cabal – although it will round up a goodly portion of their minions within the local subsidiary branch of the cabal.
But the 9/11 False Flag most assuredly will.
The only reason the the JFK murder is demoted to second place is due to the passing of 57 years.
(For those who were alive in 1963 and were old enough to have some recollection, the rage has diminished. For those born thereafter, many see it as no more than a historical footnote and lose no sleep over it).
If it had been properly investigated and malfeasance addressed over 50 years ago, we would not be in the position we are today.
I have been focused on 9/11 more so than any other issue for an outsized proportion of my waking hours over the last dozen years or more, after having the epiphany that ‘the bastards really did do it’.
Let’s never let this issue fade away, until every last entity within the Usury cartel of bankers responsible for these heinous acts is swinging from the gallows.
In simple terms is it possible that your letter may be reduced to:
All law enforcement being paid for by our taxes.
You lot are appointed by the community to objectively and impartially to carry out your duties as servants of the communities.
If you have prejudices, personal hangups, are a liar or have deficiencies due to a lack of education, Intellect or upbringing you are not entitled to represent the community with any misguided authority. ,
So piss off and go sweep the streets (all apologies to dedicated street sweepers)
That’s not quite where I was going, Ned. I was appealing to those who could be appealed to, along the lines of “We’re all n the same bloody boat now” — which we are.
All those years ago, when I was dong my PhD (1980s), I was so aware of South American people dreading the knock at the door. And who was dong the knocking? Local cops who, in the scheme of things, should not have been their enemy.
It was all such unnecessary suffering.
Still, it’s so rare to hear a cop speak out. You may have read the deathbed confession of Carrone — a NYPD guy who worked simultaneously for the army, the mafia, and the CIA — an all-rounder, re drug distribution.
He got into NYPD thru his (Mafia) family, so he knew the score in advance, but kids joining today would not have a clue about who their real boss is.
What if each of them in Adelaide read Dee’s material on the outrageous court decisions re DCP. Is there not a male cop or a female cop who would say “I ain’t gonna deliver the kid to the abuser?”
I happen to feel for cops. Don’t ask me why. I just do. MY LETTER ABOVE WAS NOT A TRICK.
Y’all should watch this. Start at 9.30 minutes. At about 16 minutes he describes weird behavior by parishioners threatening the priest. Around 20 minutes: mandatory vax in Dubai.
Pity that some protesters have gone public before expiating their dross
Such as obeisance to fake baptism and fake education(seen the latter aired on another channel)
they’re apparently unaware that in so doing they’re endorsing the very system they’re purportedly opposing
Mal, in relation to your comments below about McGowan and Cook, my commiserations.
That said, take pity on me also.
I live in Sydney – where ScoMo lives.
And, my local Federal M.P is the Silent-On-The-Corona-Hoax-and-Silent-On-Australia’s-Pro-War-Foreign-Policy-Entanglement-With-the-U.S, none other than Anthony ‘The Absent’ Albo.
This is a fool who, if he had HALF a BRAIN could harness a 20 % improvement in the polls by just reverting to traditional Labor anti-war policy positions and coming clean on the Covid Conspiracy by saying :
‘An Albo government will end all Covid lockdowns and diminishments of liberty on Day 1 of his term in office’.
Add another 10 % improvement in the polls if he said he’ll hunt down like a rabid dog those corrupt state and Federal bureaucrats that helped perpetuate this Covid fraud.(Yes McGowan, Cook, Daniel Andrews, Qld Premier Palace-chook etc, we’re coming for you).
(Leniency/reduced sentences and immunity will be granted to those individuals that give information that lead directly to that Usury Cartel of Bankers located offshore that provided the world-wide Covid template that they followed so as to be in lock-step with other western nations.
If Albo could do that, even accounting for Albo’s disastrous and juvenile economic and Climate Change policies that will bankrupt the nation in short order, future generations will refer to him as ‘Albo the Great’.
So Mal, as bad as your predicament is in W.A, bear in mind that I have to live in close proximity to these two EFF’n idiots.
Special Treat for Gumshoe readers :
Let’s put more pressure on Albo.
I had a confrontation some time ago with Albo’s office Manager (Susanne Heath).
She’s the head lady that runs his Electoral Office when Albo’s off scheming with the cabal in Canberra.
She went ballistic after I said I’d set up a picket line in front of office demonstrating with signs reading :
She came back with : ‘Albo is the Opposition Leader – he’s not in government so nothing he can do’.
To which I replied :’If Albo announced that his government would BRING JULIAN HOME and that he’d pursue every diplomatic channel possible up to and including threatening the U.S with kicking them out of Pine Gap, then the tsunami of instant support the Labor Party would generate in the polls would FORCE ScoMo to match that policy – lest he be kicked out on his arse in the next election in the worst shellacking since Federation’.
Needless to say, dear Susanne didn’t take that very well. (Hint: PMS multiplied by 1000).
So, to celebrate the long weekend holiday (at least here in NSW), here are Susanne heath’s details :
Email :
Mobile : 0400 288 965
Start bombarding her with messages asking why Albo isn’t doing the right thing about the Covid hoax, or why isn’t Albo demanding answers on Australia’s association with murderous U.S foreign policy misadventures. (eg: the Iraqi government asked all foreign troops to GTFO of their country – and we thumbed their noses at them).
This is an infringement of their sovereignty and ScoMo should resign over it.
Suggestion when contacting Albo’s office manager :
In case someone thinks I’m playing a prank on a government worker by the name of Susanne, send a brief email asking if she’s the Office Manager for Anthony Albanese (Leader of the Labor Party), and enquire whether any queries about Albo’s silence on the Covid hoax (or other pet peeve) should be addressed to her directly or to Albo himself.
Either way, she’ll be the one reviewing it before Albo lays eyes on it.
Yous christophobic types are only consistent in your repudiation of Apostolic Christianity.
If you assume that the “old covenant” (Judaism) beats the lights out of (or usurps) the “new covenant” then you have no claim to any kind of “Christianity”.
Right from the get-go the Synagogue tried to subject the Messiah to be a slave to the ambitions of “the Synagogue of Satan”. Poor ole Judas imagined that he could provoke the Messiah to be a conquering hero by delivering Him to the powers that be.
Yair, the World comes up with a new christ every blardy day. At least 40,000 of them officially registered as religious denominations. Monumentally styooperd as these self-proclaimed prophets are incoherent and can, or should, be considered nothing more than just con artists. A couple of thousand years of consistent testimony could be obliterated by the unsubstantiated allegations of a few “experts”?
I have just posted this to Gumshoe – Meglamaniacs in Control, but if you don’t have time to go back, here it is again.
Just come my to attention:
I answered the sender with this reply: Did you notice that “the text is included in the original 2016 Public
Health Act”. This in my opinion, proves that the State Government knew
before Covid-19 was announced (four years before-hand) that this scam was
planned. This situation is getting scarier by the moment.
Here we are in W.A. taking pity on our Victorian neighbours when we have
vicious traitors in our midst. Two of them are in my area, Mark McGowan and
Roger Cook.
If one’s vaccinaton is in the buttock, is that the body part that must front up at the checkout counter?
Jon Wedger addresses the paleskins at Trafalgar Square!
Jon Wedger – you little beauty.
Two or three more like him and the world’s problems are no more.
BTW, who was that bottle blonde M.C that accompanied Wedger on stage ?
My, my hasn’t she got a lot of energy.
More like her are needed too.
Australia does NOT have a government
A Brilliant political timeline great work Cherri this is the truth
Sweden with 5G, hospital drama,
Adverts for crisis actors in Melbourne to sell the lie that is COVID
I decided to take a quick look at this video and ended up watching it through to the end. It gives an idea where all this Covid-19 and the Great Reset are going. It is possible that many of these petty tyrants we see are privy to the plan.
After the de-population die-off, expect a more centralized control of everything on Earth (for the greater good of course).
It’s good you stuck with it to the end because much of it is pie-in the sky futurism, reminds me of Victorian times with their hugely vivid imaginations, like when Jules Verne had a giant cannon to shoot astronauts to the moon in a projectile, creative people have all these ideas which may or may not come about, they are good to read about on a rainy day.
But the last 2 minutes are really going somewhere.
We have a world where since Roman times, currency hegemony has been equal in importance to the armed forces, for example, Jesus got done by the Romans for opposing their temple tax, payable only in coin minted by the empire. Later, Constantine would have tried the same thing on the Arabs who rejected the whole package by inventing Islam. After that the “dark ages” where gold, silver, copper etc would have been mined in sufficient amounts to dominate as currency, so nobody could create hegemony without the hard currency.
This problem was solved when the English pirates raided the Spanish galleons who were bringing back gold they had stolen from the “new world”. Eventually the English came up with the international pound note, after various European false starts such as the Mississippi Company ( ). English hegemony extended through the British Empire to the oil hegemony of Suez, backed by the world’s largest navy, but challenged by the Germans in 1914 with their railway through Serbia to “the orient” (Turkey, and beyond). This ended in 1947 when the British Empire went broke and had to sign everything over to the US. The US had a theoretical gold standard, this was abandoned by Nixon after the French demanded their gold back in return for the useless printed dollar notes they had been taking. The US dollar was attached to oil (in a deal with the Saudis) and the inflation of the 70’s resulted as the market adjusted to the fact that so many dollars had been printed between 1947 and 1970 that only rampaging inflation could take up the slack.
Now, we have had Obama’s “QE” where US$1Trillion was printed every month to bail out the banks for the mega-whitewater style ripoff known as GFC or “low doc loans” however you lie to describe it. The result again could be raging inflation but thanks to Covid-19™ we now have crashed economies everywhere and soon assets will be bought up with these QE dollars which are sloshing around in the big merchant banks and the accounts of their executives and major shareholders.
Because there was so much money printed under Obama the Swiss invented negative interest rates (10 years ago), in other words you had to pay to store the useless rubbish. Nobody could invest it to get an income. The sharemarket was understood to be bogus.
Now thanks to super low interest rates, everyone can afford a large debt. Can you see where this is going? Economies can be shut down, and when they are on their knees, governments can get big loans for very low interest.
At the start of this “global pandemic which kills 80 year olds” the politicians told us YOUR CHILDREN WILL BE PAYING FOR THIS FOR THE NEXT 30 YEARS. Such foresight, as if they already knew, what would be the result of banning Hydroxychloroquine in January. Not to worry, their careers will have moved to private corporations by the time the plebs lose their virus dole.
Where do I start with Rabbi dsw’s post above ?
So many errors, so few hours in the day to itemise and correct.
Like a good little sayanim, Rabbi ‘dsw’ does post some historically factual items above, to suck in those who are only loosely paying attention.
Then he comes up with stuff he just made up like ‘we have had Obama’s “QE” where US$1Trillion was printed every month to bail out the banks’, to exaggerate wildly the financial recklessness of Obama (and therefore make Trump’s financial recklessness appear ‘better’ in a relative sense).
‘dsw’, I get where you’re coming from.
Comrade Netanyahu has issued an explicit order to all Mossad operatives worldwide to make sure Trump is elected and you’re just doing your bit to fulfill Talmudic prophecy.
Anyway, now for some facts.
This is just from memory and I could be a few billion either way but I won’t be ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE off the mark like the Rabbi.
Even at the height of the Quantitative Easing Programme, there was NEVER more than $ 80 billion of Q.E per month under Obama – which later tapered down to $ 60 billion and smaller increments thereafter. (NOTE: $ 80 billion ACTUAL compared to the Rabbi’s $ 1 trillion claim : $1 Trill = $1000 Billion)
Moreover, in the weeks after the Covid hoax escalated in March of this year, under Trump there was more QE in a couple of months than there was IN AGGREGATE IN THE ENTIRE 8 YEARS OF OBAMA’S PRESIDENCY.
Bottom Line: I am not seeking to diminish the recklessness of the Obama tenure – it was horrific.
However, Trump upped the ante to STRATOSPHERIC LEVELS.
That’s why I call Trump a Socialist/Marxist (because no garden variety Democrat would even contemplate fiscal and monetary impropriety on the level that Trump, an alleged Republican, actually enacted for real).
Rabbi ‘dsw’, give it up man.
You’re being caught out again and again (often multiple times a day), with your made up statistics and bald-faced lies.
You may have been able to get away with your trolling on other websites in the past, where due diligence is not practised.
But the Gumshoe readers are on a different level and you won’t be able to get away with it here.
You useless freak, I direct you to the next story right here on Gumshoe titled “Theatrics …” which will help get your trillions in perspective. I heard the figure a trillion a month for some amount of months not for the entire tenure of Obama. Why should I reference every comment for your sake. Do your own research.
$ 1 trillion a month for ONE SOLITARY MONTH is a ludicrous figure (let alone for two or more months).
‘dsw’, you’re obviously in such a frantic state from having your bogus figures exposed that you didn’t read what I wrote very carefully.
One more time for the dummies.
I said there was NEVER a single month in the whole QE programme under Obama where QE exceeded more than about $ 80 billion.
So, for your benefit, I will provide some figures below.
There were three QE programmes initiated under Obama – labelled QE1, QE2 and QE3.
The early stage QE1 consisted of ‘the Fed buying $30 billion in two- to ten-year Treasury notes every month’.
In November 2010, the Fed announced a second round of quantitative easing (QE2), buying $600 billion of Treasury securities by the end of 2011.
So that translated to about $ 50 billion per month.
A third round of quantitative easing, “QE3”, was announced on 13 September 2012. In an 11–1 vote, the Federal Reserve decided to launch a new $40 billion per month expenditure.
Then on 12 December 2012, the FOMC announced an increase in the amount of open-ended purchases from $40 billion to $85 billion per month.
On 19 June 2013, Ben Bernanke announced a “tapering” of some of the Fed’s QE policies and that the Fed could scale back its bond purchases from $85 billion to $65 billion a month during the upcoming September 2013 policy meeting.
So there it is.
The MAXIMUM amount of QE in any month never exceeded $ 85 billion per month. (My estimate was $80 billion so not far off the money).
Your $1 trillion per month number is ridiculous.
I have no doubt you read it from your treasured sources. (The same sources that claim the Bush’s did 9/11 and Trump organised Assange’s incarceration and torture to ‘help’ him).
Needless to say, your sources are GARBAGE.
Next thing you’ll be telling me is pie-in-the-sky fantasy like man walked on the moon during the bogus Apollo missions.
Give it up. You’re looking more and more foolish with each passing day.
I don’t even read it
Have a look at what’s left. Bunnings Coles Woolies Aldi and Amazon. You know who owns them.
When my family left communism in ’66, there was only one mega supermarket run by the state. Over there, my father and grandfather built a house that was confiscated and sold by a distant cousin party member. We never recieved a dinar. Arrived in Sydney, where small business was ubiquitous in the streetscape. Everything was made in Oz. The local shopping centre had 9 green grocers, mainly Italians, and they all did good. Houses and cars were affordable, one worker covered the needs for a family.
Look at us now, glued to flickering screens, waiting for approval to walk out the front door.
The collectors and controllers, have sucked the blood of this nation dry. That’s why they need new punters (slaves) so as to keep the dream that has evolved into a nightmare alive. The new immigrants, from the poorest regions globally, working on third world rates. Keating called Australia a banana republic cause he was in on the plan. The opening ceremony, 2012 Olympics, gave us an entree to this dystopian plutocratic agenda. Now that everyone everywhere is under the gaystapo jackboots of the medical/military technocratic martial law disorder, we wait for the ‘who are we eyes’ (Huawei) CCP to come and free us from this slavery. Only problem, with no solutions, is the money oligarchs own the liberators also.
We remember better days.
Well right smack dab there you have your answer, 56. A very rousing speech. Bring back the creative pluralism. We can do it.
Gotta explain to the monsters that they have just gone out of fashion.
As in Whooosh!
Massive thanks to you, 56. And thanks to Dee for carving out this space for Aussie ideas. Yay!
I strongly object to the contributor “Truth Vigilante” ascribing every perverted and depraved act that goes through his head, to me. I object to him asking for my location in order to further vilify. The comments in general have no informative value in relation to me, and are nothing more or less than a type of malicious defamation and completely untrue in every respect.
In the interest of editorial standards I suggest this person be directed to “desist”.
Don’t be a cry-baby ‘dsw’.
I can assure you, my vilification of you is not dependent on knowing your location. (By all means keep it to yourself – I wouldn’t want to get you offside with your controllers in Herzliya).
Meanwhile, I can promise you, as long you’re telling these bald-faced porky pies that I’ll keep vilifying you whether or not your location is forthcoming.
Rubbish Veggie,
Here’s a video involving your much admired fuhrer’s alleged depraved sex acts, as interpreted by a pop group from the 1990’s. I advise you these people used to hang out around St. Kilda and Prahran, that is, Jewish ghettos, and always wore face masks.
Thanks for the video with the great archival footage of the 3rd Reich.
Very entertaining.
The least I can do in return is post one of my favourite songs (Wenn Die Soldaten) below :
Public Notice of Illegal & Unlawful Actions in Addition to Sedition & Treason
Attention To:
All Federal Ministers Spreading medical disinformation, misinformation, lies, omissions, exaggerations, suppression and censorship with no alternative except vaccines; and
State Premiers and Territory Ministers Spreading medical disinformation, misinformation, lies, omissions, exaggerations, suppression and censorship with no alternative except vaccines; and
Federal and State Attorney Generals Spreading medical disinformation, misinformation, lies, omissions, exaggerations, suppression and censorship with no alternative except vaccines; and
Solicitor Generals; and
Department of Public Prosecution; and
Federal and State Police In conjunction with threats, intimidation, heavy fines, unwarranted and unjustified physical assaults and possible gaol sentences against; and
Military Personnel in the assisting of the aiding and abetting of fraudulent testing; and
Medical Personnel involved Spreading medical disinformation, misinformation, lies, omissions, exaggerations, suppression and censorship with no alternative except vaccines; and
The RICO ACT to be applied to all fraudulent testing, racketeering and organised crime
Main Stream Media and Newspapers spreading disinformation, misinformation, lies, omissions, exaggerations, suppression of information and censorship which is a crime: and
Employers, Managers and Owners who cannot legally enforce any of these fictions on their employees
The Fair Trade Act to investigate the corporate-government-medical-pharmaceutical-vaccine monopoly of this declared pandemic with the only narrative being vaccines and prescribed drugs and not other proven remedies
The full compensation of those who lost their businesses, homes, bank loans
The full compensation to families for those who committed suicide due to a declared pandemic and not a f-genuine pandemic
“WE the people” from the Commonwealth of Australia and not the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA which includes all of you above
Who have been and are severely inflicted with the unwarranted Medical Marshall Law Lock-down hysteria that “We the People” have endured the following:
Trampling on our rights and privileges by blatantly disregarding the legal Bio-Security Act 2015 and is using the police and the military which is unlawful to enforce, intimidate using threats, physical abuse and heavy fines to stop genuine dissent, protests and demonstrations of our welfare and wellbeing of free will choice.
The military and the police need to ‘stand down’ and refuse these unlawful orders of their deliberate misguided freemason politicians acting in malice with aggression against “We the People”
They are not abiding by the Bio-Security Act 2015 and they are misusing the police and the military for their own sinister agenda which is Crimes Against Humanity for all the destruction they have created in his country at present in which will continue for years to come.
They are clearly not following and obeying the legislation and a Class Action will take place against the government, the police and the military for lack of Duty of Care, Malfeasance in Office, Vicarious Liability, Medical Negligence, Abuse of Office, Crimes Against Humanity, Not being “Fully Informed” and number of other appropriate charges.
We have been in a ‘state of lawlessness’ and it will come to and end with respecting the Australian Constitution and respecting the thoughtful appropriation of lawful legislation for the rule of law which does not hinder or harm its inhabitants.
Using unlawful unwarranted and excessive force and fraud to enforce your unlawful directives; and
Using unlawful unwarranted and excessive force and fraud to enforce the unenforceable; and
Using unlawful unwarranted and excessive force and fraud in “social distancing” which has never been implemented in any country for their Public Health Policy; and
Using unlawful force and fraud in mandatory mask wearing which is unscientific, unsound, unwarranted, unreasonable, unsubstantiated and unhealthy; and
Using unlawful unprecedented draconian powers which is an abuse of process, malfeasance and a deliberate breach of the Australian Constitution and Human Rights; and
Using unlawful unwarranted and unjustified powers to illegally detain or imprison Australians under Australian law: and
This pretext, the Australian Federal and State governments are criminals of extortion forcing Australians to pay extortion money to their criminal syndicate; and
threatening to arrest you in an illegal attempt to illegally control Australians with their Control Containment Compliance Lock-down for your own ends; and
By the use of terrorism: the use of violence or threat of violence to coerce people into going along with a political agenda; and
By this evil and sinister agenda of attempting and following through will collapse in a proper court: and
The Federal and State governments of Australia including its agencies of ASIO, ASIS, DFAT, DIGO, ASD, DSD, ONA, DIO and IGIS in colluding with foreign governments, foreign agencies and foreign organisations including the communist United Nations and the WHO creating this present tyranny and totalitarianism are the modern day criminal consortium: and
We are not to CONSENT as you have no legal or lawful standing to fine or arrest the peaceful Australian people; and Victorians at present are to STAND UP and RESIST this tyranny of this illegal corporate-government entity; and
The blatant disregard for the Australian Constitution is totally illegal or unlawful and in particular Section 51 an unconstitutional law is no law at all: and
We the People are the Supreme and Sovereign and not the government and are not to rule over us but you are to run for us; and
While under Common Law we have the right to withhold all information from he police or military unless we are charged with committing a crime so take note: and
Police Powers & You
Being pulled over for a Random Breath Test does not constitute a crime. Therefore, the police have no right to pull you over without due cause, or to make any demands on a citizen, as confirmed in these court decisions. We repeat: The following judgments make it very clear that the police do not have the power or authority to stop you for any reason unless they suspect you have committed a crime.1. Regina v Banner (1970) VR 240 at p 249 -the Full Bench of the Northern TerritorySupreme Court In this judgement, the NT Supreme Court handed down a ruling that, “(Police officers) have no power whatever to arrest or detain a citizen for the purpose of questioning him or of facilitating their investigations. It matters not at all whether the questioning or the investigation is for the purpose of enabling them to ascertain whether he is the person guilty of a crime known to have been committed or is for the purpose of enabling them to discover whether a crime has or has not been committed. If the police do so act in purported exercise of such a power, their conduct is not only destructive of civil liberties but it is unlawful.”2. Andrew Hamilton Vs Director of Public Prosecutions -Justice Stephen Kaye -Melbourne Supreme Court ruling -25 November 2011” It is an ancient principle of the Common Law that a person not under arrest has no obligation to stop for police or answer their questions. And there is no statute that removes that right. The conferring of such a power on a police officer would be a substantial detraction from the fundamental freedoms which have been guaranteed to the citizen by the Common Law for centuries.” 3. Magistrate Duncan Reynolds -Melbourne -July 2013 “There is no common law power vested in police giving them the unfettered right to stop or detain a person and seek identification details. Nor, is s.59 of the (Road Safety) Act a statutory source of such power.” NOTE: None of the above precedents have been overturned on appeal or in the High Court. They still stand today and you can point out to the police that they are acting unlawfully if they continue to detain you without due cause to believe you have committed a crime.
If approached by the police or military and threatens to fine or inhibit our free unfettered passage or arrest us we shall say, “You will be criminally indicted with the maximum penalty of life in imprisonment who claims to do the mentioned by threats, intimidation, physical assault or any unlawful actions: and
This document below reveals the terrible crimes by the Federal and State governments and the ‘police’ in particular should think twice before committing the wilful illegal and unlawful act against peaceful Australians to look after their own welfare and wellbeing: and
If they are arrested and falsely charged we will go to the Melbourne Magistrates Court and we believe you will be released and not fined; and
In addition you will have done a great service to Australia in enabling court proceedings to bring these crimes to justice; and
Notice of Claim of Right to peacefully demonstrate; and
Question of Facts to any and all Victorian police officers, security guards, army, counsel or health personnel and to any purported claimed authority; and
The allegation of the current ‘supposed’ pandemic is bio-chemical arm of a military coup in currently operating in Australia to take every Australian into an international agenda to form one world government; and
The people of Australia have the right to peacefully demonstrate “Are you going to arrest and fine me?” If you are going to arrest and fine me you enable me the right to place you in the witness box in the Melbourne Magistrates Court. I can tell you what my first questions may be. Number one (1) “Have you a valid a constitutional grant of power for the illegal removal of the Crown?” Number two (2) Why didn’t Mr Robert Hulls, the former Attorney General of Victoria stand trial on criminal charges he was charged with?” Number three (3) Why have the Victorian police not proceeded with this arrest? Number four (4) Why did Geoffrey Nettle not go to trial but was actually promoted to the High Court of Australia?” Number five (5) Why is there no Hansard legislative record of he third reading of the vote of the Victoria Local Government Act 1989?” This matter now requires a 78b notice pursuant to the Judiciary Act of 1903 Section 78b. Under the Crimes Act 1958 Section 9a We can also charge you we may also charge you with an offence with maximum penalty of life imprisonment, Section 78b requires Australian Courts to ensure the parties give notice to he Attorney General of the Commonwealth and each state before preceding with any case involving mater arising under the Constitution. The Commonwealth and the State governments may hen intervene in the case of Section 78b. The Victorian Electoral Commission Warwick Gately used to be the Electoral Commissioner of Western Australia and was commander of an Australian warship the HMAS Torrens that went into Timor. He is under diplomatic immunity because he works for and is under the jurisdiction of the United Nations. Check 1903 of the Judiciary Act of 78b notice and Section 88 regulation. This document is available on the website
Section 68 Command of naval and military forces. The command in chief of the naval and military forces of the Commonwealth is vested in the Governor-General as the Queens representative. Section 68 vests command of the Australian Defence Force in the Governor-General. ONLY; and
Deliberately ignoring the correct protocol of the Commonwealth Bio-Security Act 2015 legislation:
By your corrupt actions of illegally imprisoning of innocent and peaceful civilians against Section 92 of the Australian Constitution of Freedom of Travel; and
acting ‘outside’ the requirements of the Commonwealth of Australian Constitution Act 1901 Quarantine: and
When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA CONSTITUTION ACT – SECT 109: and
If you are not an Activist during this time in history keep your mouth shut and get out of the way of those of us who are fighting your battles as well
Further Ref.
Public Notice
All Premiers and Ministers of all states and territories; and
The police and the military; and
The Main Stream Media and newspapers spreading disinformation, misinformation, lies, omissions, exaggerations, suppression of information and censorship; and
Medical: Spreading medical disinformation, misinformation, lies, omissions, exaggerations, suppression and censorship with no alternative except vaccines; and
In conjunction with threats, intimidation, heavy fines and possible gaol against:
“WE the people” from the Commonwealth of Australia and not the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA which includes all of you above
You are using unwarranted and excessive Force and Fraud to enforce your unlawful directives; and
You are using unwarranted and excessive Force and Fraud to enforce the unenforceable; and
You are using unwarranted and excessive Force and Fraud in “social distancing” which has never been implemented in any country for their Public Health Policy; and
You are using Force and Fraud in mandatory mask wearing which is unscientific, unsound, unwarranted, unreasonable, unsubstantiated and unhealthy; and
You are using unprecedented draconian powers which is an Abuse of Process, Malfeasance and a deliberate breach of the Australian Constitution and Human Rights; and
You are deliberately ignoring the correct protocol of the Bio-Security Act legislation:
Trampling on our rights and privileges by blatantly disregarding the legal Bio-Security Act and is using the police and the military which is unlawful to enforce, intimidate using threats, physical abuse and heavy fines to stop genuine dissent, protests and demonstrations of our welfare and wellbeing of free will choice.
The military and the police need to ‘stand down’ and refuse these unlawful orders of their deliberate misguided freemason politicians acting in malice with aggression against “We the People” in which they too are part of.
They are not abiding by the Bio-Security Act and they are misusing the police and the military for their own sinister agenda which is Crimes Against Humanity for all the destruction they have created in his country at present in which will continue for years to come.
They are clearly not following and obeying the legislation and a Class action will take place against the government, the police and the military for lack of Duty of Care, Malfeasance in Office, Vicarious Liability Medical Negligence, Abuse of Office, Crimes Against Humanity, Not being “Fully Informed” and number of other appropriate charges.
We have been in a ‘state of lawlessness’ and it will come to and end with respecting the Australian Constitution and respecting the thoughtful appropriation of lawful legislation for the rule of law which does not hinder or harm its inhabitants.
What part has the ‘intelligence agencies’ also played in this medical lockdown hoax?
Spreading Medical misinformation and disinformation is prohibited as a criminal offence with false advertising and false claims Public Notice
All Premiers and Ministers of all states and territories; and
The police and the military; and
The Main Stream Media and newspapers spreading disinformation, misinformation, lies, omissions, exaggerations, suppression of information and censorship; and
Medical: Spreading medical disinformation, misinformation, lies, omissions, exaggerations, suppression and censorship with no alternative except vaccines; and
In conjunction with threats, intimidation, heavy fines and possible gaol against:
“WE the people” from the Commonwealth of Australia and not the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA which includes all of you above
You are using unwarranted and excessive Force and Fraud to enforce your unlawful directives; and
You are using unwarranted and excessive Force and Fraud to enforce the unenforceable; and
You are using unwarranted and excessive Force and Fraud in “social distancing” which has never been implemented in any country for their Public Health Policy; and
You are using Force and Fraud in mandatory mask wearing which is unscientific, unsound, unwarranted, unreasonable, unsubstantiated and unhealthy; and
You are using unprecedented draconian powers which is an Abuse of Process, Malfeasance and a deliberate breach of the Australian Constitution and Human Rights; and
You are deliberately ignoring the correct protocol of the Bio-Security Act legislation:
Trampling on our rights and privileges by blatantly disregarding the legal Bio-Security Act and is using the police and the military which is unlawful to enforce, intimidate using threats, physical abuse and heavy fines to stop genuine dissent, protests and demonstrations of our welfare and wellbeing of free will choice.
The military and the police need to ‘stand down’ and refuse these unlawful orders of their deliberate misguided freemason politicians acting in malice with aggression against “We the People” in which they too are part of.
They are not abiding by the Bio-Security Act and they are misusing the police and the military for their own sinister agenda which is Crimes Against Humanity for all the destruction they have created in his country at present in which will continue for years to come.
They are clearly not following and obeying the legislation and a Class action will take place against the government, the police and the military for lack of Duty of Care, Malfeasance in Office, Vicarious Liability Medical Negligence, Abuse of Office, Crimes Against Humanity, Not being “Fully Informed” and number of other appropriate charges.
We have been in a ‘state of lawlessness’ and it will come to and end with respecting the Australian Constitution and respecting the thoughtful appropriation of lawful legislation for the rule of law which does not hinder or harm its inhabitants.
What part has the ‘intelligence agencies’ also played in this medical lockdown hoax?
Spreading Medical misinformation and disinformation is prohibited as a criminal offence with false advertising and false claims Public Notice
All Premiers and Ministers of all states and territories; and
The police and the military; and
The Main Stream Media and newspapers spreading disinformation, misinformation, lies, omissions, exaggerations, suppression of information and censorship; and
Medical: Spreading medical disinformation, misinformation, lies, omissions, exaggerations, suppression and censorship with no alternative except vaccines; and
In conjunction with threats, intimidation, heavy fines and possible gaol against:
“WE the people” from the Commonwealth of Australia and not the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA which includes all of you above
You are using unwarranted and excessive Force and Fraud to enforce your unlawful directives; and
You are using unwarranted and excessive Force and Fraud to enforce the unenforceable; and
You are using unwarranted and excessive Force and Fraud in “social distancing” which has never been implemented in any country for their Public Health Policy; and
You are using Force and Fraud in mandatory mask wearing which is unscientific, unsound, unwarranted, unreasonable, unsubstantiated and unhealthy; and
You are using unprecedented draconian powers which is an Abuse of Process, Malfeasance and a deliberate breach of the Australian Constitution and Human Rights; and
You are deliberately ignoring the correct protocol of the Bio-Security Act legislation:
Trampling on our rights and privileges by blatantly disregarding the legal Bio-Security Act and is using the police and the military which is unlawful to enforce, intimidate using threats, physical abuse and heavy fines to stop genuine dissent, protests and demonstrations of our welfare and wellbeing of free will choice.
The military and the police need to ‘stand down’ and refuse these unlawful orders of their deliberate misguided freemason politicians acting in malice with aggression against “We the People” in which they too are part of.
They are not abiding by the Bio-Security Act and they are misusing the police and the military for their own sinister agenda which is Crimes Against Humanity for all the destruction they have created in his country at present in which will continue for years to come.
They are clearly not following and obeying the legislation and a Class action will take place against the government, the police and the military for lack of Duty of Care, Malfeasance in Office, Vicarious Liability Medical Negligence, Abuse of Office, Crimes Against Humanity, Not being “Fully Informed” and number of other appropriate charges.
We have been in a ‘state of lawlessness’ and it will come to and end with respecting the Australian Constitution and respecting the thoughtful appropriation of lawful legislation for the rule of law which does not hinder or harm its inhabitants.
What part has the ‘intelligence agencies’ also played in this medical lockdown hoax?
Spreading Medical misinformation and disinformation is prohibited as a criminal offence with false advertising and false claims in addition of not “Fully Informing” is Medical Negligence, Lack of Duty of Care, Due Diligence and breaching the Oath of “First do No Harm”
In conjunction with Sedition and Treason not acted upon:
Causal Links to Treason and Misprision of Treason
a) The Australia Act 1986 Section-6. Manner and Form “means Referendums” In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
b) The Australia Act 1986 Section-13. Amendment of Constitution of Queensland.
Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1867-1978 of the State of Queensland is in this section referred to as the Principal Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
c) The Australia Act 1986 Section-14. Amendment of Constitution Act of Western Australia.
Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1889 in the State of Western Australia is in this section referred to as the Principle Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
d) The Commonwealth Constitution Section-128. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
e) The State of South Australia Constitution-Section-34. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
f) The South Australia Australia Act (Request) Acts 1985 No. 95 – Section 51. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
g) The 1999 6th November Referendum 63% said No. The Criminal Offence of Fraud. Working Against the instructions of the Australian people in that Referendum and the operation of your Fraudulent Grant of Power.
h) Acts Amendment and Repeal (Courts and Legal Practice) Act 2003, Enacted 1st January 2004.
Part 8 Amendments about the Crown. (61 Amendments)
Crown x 42, Her Majesty x 7 Our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors x 5, Council for the Crown x 4, Queen x 1, Subjects x 1. Royal Arms x 1 (Changing the Royal Arms is an act of war on the people of the Commonwealth of Australia)
By deleting “Crown” and inserting instead “State or the Commonwealth” at sections 121(4), and,123(5) and (6b) and (7). In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
i) The Election Writs, Senate and House of representatives, spread this Criminal Activity throughout Australia. Criminal Offence of Fraud. Referendums omitted – operating your fraudulent Grant of Power.
j) Allegedly, the Swearing of a Foreign Oath to Freemasonry. “Conceal and Never Reveal.” The Warrant for Freemasonry came out from the United Kingdom, “Sue v Hill” Illegally declared the United Kingdom a Foreign Power, but, in so doing actually declared that the Masonic Warrant to form Masonic Lodges within Australia did make this particular Warrant, the Warrant of a Foreign Power, it breaches PART IV – Both Houses of the Parliament, Section 44 Disqualification, subsection 1 of the Commonwealth Constitution in relation to Commonwealth politicians. This Offence is to be Discovered by either a Jury trial or Grand Jury trial.
All Rights Reserved & None Waived
Without Prejudice
No Liability Accepted
Australia’s State of Victoria Sold Out to the Soros-Backed Strong Cities Network (SCN) with “PRIVATISED POLICE”
What is Strong Cities Network?
The privatisation of a Police Force governed by global NGO’s. And Victoria is the only state in Australia to sign on.
These “Black Beetles” are OUTSOURCED police force and the “Strong Cities Network”, funded by globalists like Soros. We’re seeing the globalists’ PARALLEL GOVERNANCE NETWORK and STRUCTURE at work, undermining the nation state as it has been doing for a very long time, on the sly. Because the Far Left never tells you to your face what they’re up to.
Australia has been in sedition and treason for decades with impunity with the evil Freemason politicians who take an foreign oath. Freemasosn are just a front for the Jesuits who create wars
Causal Links to Treason and Misprision of Treason
a) The Australia Act 1986 Section-6. Manner and Form “means Referendums” In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
b) The Australia Act 1986 Section-13. Amendment of Constitution of Queensland.
Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1867-1978 of the State of Queensland is in this section referred to as the Principal Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
c) The Australia Act 1986 Section-14. Amendment of Constitution Act of Western Australia.
Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1889 in the State of Western Australia is in this section referred to as the Principle Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
d) The Commonwealth Constitution Section-128. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
e) The State of South Australia Constitution-Section-34. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
f) The South Australia Australia Act (Request) Acts 1985 No. 95 – Section 51. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
g) The 1999 6th November Referendum 63% said No. The Criminal Offence of Fraud. Working Against the instructions of the Australian people in that Referendum and the operation of your Fraudulent Grant of Power.
h) Acts Amendment and Repeal (Courts and Legal Practice) Act 2003, Enacted 1st January 2004.
Part 8 Amendments about the Crown. (61 Amendments)
Crown x 42, Her Majesty x 7 Our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors x 5, Council for the Crown x 4, Queen x 1, Subjects x 1. Royal Arms x 1 (Changing the Royal Arms is an act of war on the people of the Commonwealth of Australia)
By deleting “Crown” and inserting instead “State or the Commonwealth” at sections 121(4), and,123(5) and (6b) and (7). In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
i) The Election Writs, Senate and House of representatives, spread this Criminal Activity throughout Australia. Criminal Offence of Fraud. Referendums omitted – operating your fraudulent Grant of Power.
j) Allegedly, the Swearing of a Foreign Oath to Freemasonry. “Conceal and Never Reveal.” The Warrant for Freemasonry came out from the United Kingdom, “Sue v Hill” Illegally declared the United Kingdom a Foreign Power, but, in so doing actually declared that the Masonic Warrant to form Masonic Lodges within Australia did make this particular Warrant, the Warrant of a Foreign Power, it breaches PART IV – Both Houses of the Parliament, Section 44 Disqualification, subsection 1 of the Commonwealth Constitution in relation to Commonwealth politicians. This Offence is to be Discovered by either a Jury trial or Grand Jury trial.
For Our times!
Peaceful Dissent & Don’t Consent
Report: Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel
Report: Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel
And were the police who stormed the Lindt Cafe trained in Israel as well?
The police who stormed the Lindt Cafe were just plain incompetent, a condition that’s not exactly characteristic of Israeli special forces. It’s well known that Aus police get hopelessly inadequate combat training
Identifying the difference between a complete stuff-up and a strategically executed manoeuvre is key to getting a grip on anything. Port Arthur was obviously a combo, but there really was no evidence of that re the Lindt incident.
‘Israeli Special Forces’ ? Like the ones that invaded southern Lebanon 15 years ago or so, equipped with the latest weaponry, aided an abetted with total air superiority ?
The same ones who got their arses kicked by a rag tag militia of poorly funded and poorly equipped Hezbollah freedom fighters – do you mean ‘special’ like that ?
Berry, you’ve been watching too many Zio-produced Hollywood flicks featuring Adam Sandler.
The reality is that Israeli ground forces (special or otherwise) are no match for an even semi-equipped Freedom Fighter Arab force.
Take away their high tech weaponry and their tactical nukes and they’re just a bunch of cowardly money-changers extricated from the temple.
So you and Crisscross have proof that Israel was responsible for the lack of police skill demonstrated during the Lindt siege ?
It is well documented that western countries have hired the Israeli’s to train them in how to brutalise their local citizenry.
(Not because we can learn anything from them – we can’t, but because some corrupt officials in these western governments were handed 30 pieces of silver in exchange for awarding the contract to the Apartheid Israeli state)
On the matter of whether or not Israeli’s trained NSW police involved in the Lindt siege, I am not privy to that information and cannot speak on behalf of Criss X.
I will defer to those, like Mary Maxwell, who have researched this issue in depth.
I any case, you mentioned the ‘lack of police skill’ at the Lindt siege.
Well, if Israel’s cowardice on the battlefield against opponents that have some small availability of weaponry is anything to go by, then anything related to ‘poor battle readiness’, ‘lack of skill’ and most certainly ‘LACK OF COURAGE UNDER FIRE’ would suggest Israeli forces involvement.
Because, by an measure, in hand to hand combat, the Israeli’s are a WORTHLESS FIGHTING FORCE by any metric.
So western countries have hired the Israeli’s to train them in how to brutalise their local citizenry because Israeli’s are a WORTHLESS FIGHTING FORCE
Holy cow,, Vicky Pollard’s Mum makes more sense
Berry, you’ve assumed (wrongly) that because various U.S Police agencies hire the Israeli military to train their forces so as to best brutalise their own citizenry that, by implication, the Israeli’s are a crack fighting force.
NO, it just means that the Israeli’s are best at bribing officials within said agencies to be awarded the contract.
That said, I’ll give the IDF their due – they certainly have a lot of experience in the ways of brutalising Palestinian old men, women and children and no doubt can pass on a few pointers to American police.
Let’s look at the following analogy.
Jewish architect Michael Arad is awarded the contract to be the designer of the World Trade Centre Memorial in 2004 (honouring the victims of 9/11).
His father is Moshe Arad, a former Israeli ambassador to the United States and Mexico. Michael Arad did his military service [in the IDF] in a Golani Brigade commando unit.
Can Gumshoe readers see the irony in this ?
ie: The Zionists perpetrated the 9/11 False Flag and then the son of a key Zio-official, and himself an ex-IDF commando, is awarded the job to design a 9/11 memorial.
Berry, let me spell it out for you.
It’s called cronyism, nepotism or jobs for the boys.
Where contracts / tenders are awarded to politically connected recipients, and said recipients are often times not remotely the best candidates to do the job.
This is the world we live in. Try not to be so naive.
And when I asked you, last week, if you’d ever heard of the prince of the power of the air you said I had a “toddler-level” understanding of who’s steering the global ship.
And then a couple of days later you’re saying something is “Luciferian” !
You really are nothing more than a bumbling, foul-mouthed bogan with delusions of intellectual grandeur
You’re welcome Berry.
Anytime I can be of assistance in enlightening you (seeing as your existing sources are p!ss-poor), feel free to ask.
Huh, I woulda thought I would’ve earned that one, but I use it just to make you think. And if I do that, then my job is done (even if you don’t agree with some of what I have said, did it at least make you THINK rather than just accept what your telievision says?)
But Julius, your journey feels like a parallel of mine. I used to be on the Democratic Plantation until a greek born Jew by the name of Milo Yiannopolis, commenting how transsexuals need to just admit they are gay and that we need to stop pandering to them.
Oh, the irony! But if not him, it would have been someone else. The Left’s support of genital mutilation and presto! you’re now a girl!, coupled with the fact that they support Islamic immigration which is immensely patriarchal shows just how willing they were to throw women under the bus to suit their causes.
Their support of Antifa I also could not tolerate after reading that they believe in the use of violence ‘to engage people’
Keep on posting, you have posted some great material yourself, Julius
The above posts should have been 1) To Berry RE Lindt Cafe 2) To Julius/TV RE Trolling
Justin Forkix, this is OT a bit but I reckon it will interest – “but I use it just to make you think”.
Christians called ‘Amalek’.
Mark 7:7-13
“ And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.”
5781: Heading for a Showdown – 2021
…and their lifeblood is dashed against My garments and I have stained all My raiment. For the day of vengeance is in My heart and the year of My redeemed has come.” (Isaiah 63:3-4)
“………….Amalek’s Conversion
There is an important debate between the sages as to whether it is permissible to accept converts from Amalek. Maimonides determines that it is permissible, but there are many others who say that it is forbidden and that Amalekites must literally be killed, as in the verse, “Erase the memory of Amalek from beneath the heavens, do not forget.”[5] Maimonides writes that before going to war with Amalek, we offer peace. If he is willing to fulfill the seven Noahide commandments and to be subservient to Israel, he is accepted as a ger toshav, a foreign resident who accepts the Torah’s authority and the seven Noahide laws. Some sages say that if an Amalekite is willing to accept the conditions for becoming a ger toshav, he can then proceed to full conversion…….”
Noahide laws prescribe the guillotine for Christians
The Noahide Laws to Decapitate Christians & The History of FEMA
NOAHIDE LAWS, Decapitation for Confessing “JESUS IS LORD”
.…………. George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah……………………”
The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.
The END of this “AGE” – The New World Order! It is ESAU, the EDOMITE JEWS who are bringing the N.W.O. about!
Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”…
Indeed. It is certainly in more recent times I have learned of much of what you have posted. This is because I was more focussed on the how, rather than the who. But I know enough to know you know your stuff too.
May I recommend this:
Know More News with Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice (2h)
Thanks, watching now.
Thanks Justin, your posts have been noted.
“If the harsh desert becomes a communist state there will be a shortage of sand.”
– Yuri
The correct quote is,
“If the Sahara desert becomes a Soviet state there will be a shortage of sand.”
By virtue of subsidised weaponry courtesy of the U.S taxpayer and Rothschild money, Israel has the latest high tech weaponry and this is particularly evident with their Air Force.
A trained monkey with said weaponry would be an entity to be reckoned with.
That said, the quality of their ground forces (despite a similar qualitative and quantitative superiority of weaponry over the Arabs) in respect to hand-to-hand combat, is pitiful.
So yes, the fighting prowess of the individual Israeli soldier and courage in battle ranks them as NEXT TO WORTHLESS.
Got it Berry ?
Do I have to repeat that or will you have to cross reference with Vicky Pollard for a second opinion?
Berry, I’ve noticed when you’re cornered and your comments are exposed as bogus, you resort to comedy skits.
Is that how you are when debating issues with your friends ?
Don’t you want to learn the truth about what’s going on around you rather than posting juvenile come-backs ?