To: The Attorney-General, The Hon Christian Porter MP, AND the South Australian Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, The Hon Vicki Chapman; the Attorney-General of New South Wales, The Hon Mark Speakman, and the Queensland Attorney-General, The Hon Yvette D’Ath. And the Shadow Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC.
Dear Mr Porter, Ms Chapman, Ms D’Ath, Mr Speakman, and Mr Dreyfus,
Last week-end, when filming in Adelaide, I happened upon a young mother who has “lost” her child into the Child Protective Services and the Family Court system. I was truly shocked by her story. Since posting this article on Gumshoe News, entitled “Australian Family Court and the ‘Immunity’ of Pedophiles”, I have been overwhelmed by approaches from parents from all over the country — parents DESPERATE for help. I have listened to the most egregious cases, and UNIMAGINABLE crimes – crimes that have been disregarded by the Family Court.
I have now heard countless accounts of child harm and injury – not only by pedophiles, but by THE SYSTEM. There is horrendous on-going child injury. The worst part is that the Family Courts, and those authorities that should be protecting the child, seem to be exacerbating the INJURY, and are causing further harm to the child. In fact, many cases could be viewed as malice by the Family Court and other government authorities.
Harm and Injury
I spoke at length to this mother, who on discovering that there had been abuse, called the hospital for help. Her husband, on being caught, immediately dialed a number that was “pre-established” on his cell phone to alert “mental health authorities.” This is a pedophile ‘trick’. Instead of the little girl being the focus of harm, the mother was whisked off for the first of many mental health assessments. Subsequently, the child reported things that most people can’t imagine – and I suspect she was filmed for kiddy porn movies.
However, the focus remained on this balanced and sane mother – and the child was eventually removed from this caring parent. The child is beginning to dissociate and will forever be HARMED if action is not taken.
In another case — which I will call “the neck case” — a father’s request to seek urgent medical help for his son was refused to by the court. The son had sustained serious neck injuries from his unstable and drug-taking mother, and now the father and grandmother fear for the child’s life. This appears to be a clear case of criminal malice. The police have been called countless times for disturbances at the mother’s home, but the court still refuses any custody to the protective father. No court should be able to prevent a child getting medical attention from the efforts sought by a caring parent, should it?
I’ve also heard of bloody-clothing evidence being returned washed by police; court reporters falsifying their reports; and one child talking about a man’s doodle in her mouth, swelling and doodle vomit. Another about murder.
Much of what I have heard makes the Royal Commission investigating historic cases of priests fiddling with choir boys sound like the hors d’oeuvres – to the present entrée ignored by the Family Courts. Apparently some parents contacted the Royal Commission only to be told that any abuse case presently under the Family Court system was out of their terms of reference. It was suggested that there would be an opportunity for compensation LATER, when proof of the harm was later presented. (I presume they were intimating when the child turns eighteen.)
This is utter madness that we cannot help these children NOW. What is the problem? Is the problem within the Family Court system? Or is the problem that some people in power are preventing this change?
The cruelty of the system is quite unimaginable – and most likely criminal. This should just NOT happen in Australia.
Parent Alienation Syndrome
One of the key concerns of many parents is the Family Court’s ongoing use of the long-discredited “Parental Alienation Syndrome” (PAS) – a term invented in the early 1980s, and then promoted in self-published books, by American psychiatrist Dr Richard Gardner.
Gardner postulates that mothers, out of anger toward their spouse, turns the couple’s children against the father. Both mother and child/ren then falsely and maliciously accuse fathers of sexual abuse. (This can also be fathers vs. abusive mothers.) But as Catriona MacLennan, a barrister and journalist, writes:
“As early as 1993, research in the United States questioned the existence of Parental Alienation Syndrome. More than 500 studies have now been conducted into the so-called syndrome and not one of them has been able to replicate the eight characteristics claimed by Gardner. All of Gardner’s books were self-published and none was peer reviewed… More recently, Dr Robert Geffner, President of the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma, has written and spoken extensively on the devastating impact of the continued application of Parental Alienation Syndrome in the making of child custody decisions.”
Obviously there would be a small number of cases where one parent exacts revenge on the other, but the Court’s adoption to Gardner’s ‘Parent Alienation’ theory as being the prime reason for children reporting sexual injury makes no sense. And even though the previous Family Court Chief Justice publicly stated in a media release that the Family Court has rejected PAS, it seems that this is the culture of “thinking” of the Family Court. There is still the disbelief that abuse occurs.
To continue with MacLennan:
“Bala & Schuman’s 1999 Canadian research found that, when accusations made in child custody and access disputes were reviewed… 1.3 percent by mothers were judged to be false.”
What About Religion Alienation Syndrome?
What if the Church now invented an illness called “Religion Alienation Syndrome”?
The Church could then explain why tens of thousands of people made up stories of sexual abuse by priests. And that these lies were made up because those children harbored anger at being sent to Sunday School. Try telling that to the 8,000+ people who got compensation from the Royal Commission — that their abuse never happened.

Understanding the Logic
I ask Family Court Chief Justice John Pascoe to consider the logic.
There were 8,013 private sessions held by the Royal Commission into Institutional Response to Child Sexual Abuse. It seems that ALL of these victims were BELIEVED by the Commissioners. Over 42,000 calls were received, and I know some of the parents that I have spoken to made those calls. But they were unable to get assistance.
Why would we believe ALL these historical cases — in their thousands – but NOT the CHILD VICTIMS and families with cases at the Family Court NOW? This makes no sense. Are we to wait until these children reach 18 before they can then testify openly and sue the government and the courts for not protecting them? Some children will be dead by then.
In a speech (5 June, 2017) to the World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights, delivered by Commander Lesa Gale (Australian Federal Police, Manager Victim Based Crime), she said:
“In the first five months of this year the AFP has received more than 4,500 reports of child exploitation—a figure greater than the number of reports received in the 2013 and 2014 calendar years. Each one of these reports can contain hundreds and thousands of images and videos of children being sexually abused and tortured… Figures from the Internet Watch Foundation also show that reports of child sexual abuse imagery rose by 417 per cent between 2013 and 2015.” [Emphasis added]
In Gale’s speech, she says that when an offender is arrested in Australia today, they seize, on average, 10,000 to 80,000 images and videos.
Where do these all come from?
Are all child porn pictures ONLY generated overseas? I have heard that to gain entry into an on-line pedophile group, the person is only allowed into the group by adding their own ‘personal collection’ towards the pool of photographs. Oh boy!
Flashes and Cameras
In many of the stories I have been confronted with, the children talk of flashes, and cameras. Again, these accounts were ignored by the family Court and the supporting authorities.
The disconnect of the Family Courts to what is happening in the real world is highly SUSPICIOUS. The Court has ignored physical and photographic evidence, and put the child back into harm’s way.
A Broken System
Dear Attorneys General, the system is broken. I have been told these are some of the factors that are causing harm, regarding protecting the child:
— The Family Court does not have to abide by the Evidence Act. Why?
— Children are interviewed independent of their parents. Allegedly, some reports generated omit sexual abuse allegations. Why are these interviews not recorded? No court should prevent a parent or child from recording his or her testimony to the so-called “family consultants” and “experts” who produce reports that are a substitute for actual primary evidence. They should be free to protect their legal rights — but this is prevented by the Family Court Rules 2004 rule 1.19 (d), (e), (f), & (g). Why hasn’t this been noticed?
— The police, Child Protective Services and Department of Child Protection dismiss protective parent’s cries for help by stating it’s a Family Court matter.
— There are accounts of parents not being allowed to take their children to doctors, like the father in ‘the neck case’.
— I have been told lawyers are routinely telling their clients NOT to raise issues of sexual abuse in Family Court hearings — and that this could lead to them losing their children to the perpetrator. Is this true?
— Is it possible that Court transcripts cost $2,000 per day? I heard one mother paid $24,000 just in transcripts in an attempt to defend her case. What happened to justice, and a “fair go”?
The present state of affairs is so absurd and egregious that it requires immediate action from those charged with running our legal system. YOU.
I would suggest that:
— An immediate HELP LINE be set up to deal with the hundreds, or possibly thousands of distressed parents and children that have not only been injured by an abuser, but also HARMED by the decisions of the Family Court. These complaints could also be sent to the relevant Attorney-General of that State.
— An immediate police INVESTIGATION into the dealings of the Family Court where there have been reports of possible malice or misconduct by the Court. What percentage of these abuse cases were attributed to ‘Parent Alienation’ thinking? And what physical and criminal evidence has been ignored?
— The Family Court needs a panel of experts, not a single judge!
I do not want to endanger any of these cases where parents could be further subjected to the court’s cruelty, but these are CRIMINAL matters, and you need to attend to them.
In 2007, I made the movie THE JAMMED based on TRUE events. (David Stratton kindly said was the best Australian film that year.) The stories I have heard recently easily match the true accounts of the sex-trafficking I read when researching my film.
Assistance and Interviews
I am sincerely hoping that Ms Chapman will intervene in the case I first described to her, and that you, Mr Porter, will help the father with his neck case. I would also appreciate it if you would both allow 30 minutes in your schedules to be interviewed on camera. I will fly down (or up) from Melbourne whenever it is suitable for you, and at your earliest convenience.
Children need to be protected by the law – not harmed by those judging over them. I believe this matter is of utmost urgency. You have a crisis on your hands, and there are many dedicated people willing to assist you in solving the problem.
Many thanks,
Sincerely yours,
Dee McLachlan
PS: I believe that soon the Child Protection Act 1993 is to be replaced by the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017. Will this allow the child to be removed from the caring parent without evidence — and only on the hearsay from a Social Worker? Wow. We have come a long way!
Well Senator Hynch, (Hinch or whatever??) now is the time to show us some bottle.
If you do not then piss off, it would simply confirm that you really are just ‘all mouth’.
Ned…. Of course Derryn Hinch is ‘all mouth’ since entering parliament. Keith Noble emailed Hinch in 2016 about the portrayal of Martin Bryant in Channel 7’s show ‘Sunday Night’…. The following is part of Hinch’s reply to Noble:
‘………Actually I thought I did reply and tell you how compelling the Sunday Night sorry (sic) was with the Bryant tapes. Regards Derryn Hinch.’
‘Derryn Hinch Justice Party’?? …..BS !
”’…..Justice Party..”
Did not know that.….what a hoot?
Just like the rest of them.
I would like the AGs, the Premiers, the PM and the judges to contemplate their long week-end — while many of the Family Courts victims — caring parents — will NOT BE WITH THEIR CHILDREN.
William Alstergren will oversee the merger of the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court.
One of the ways Alstergren did this was by meeting with law firms to seek their views on the role of the Bar and the profession generally. He then used that feedback to develop networking and CPD events aimed at improving engagement between the Bar and solicitors, corporate counsel and government lawyers.
McLeod commented that Alstergren had also fostered strong relationships with the judiciary: “Many – including our chief justice, Marilyn Warren, recently – have spoken of the warm relationship and support they and the courts have received from Will personally and from the Bar Council under his leadership,” she said.
All good, nothing to see here, keep moving
Simon, Please say more about the merger. That is quite startling. In fact based on Dee’s article above it is frightening.
AG Porter announces sweeping changes
Senior State Prosecutor 2002-08
Minister for Corrective Services from 23.9.08 to 14.12.10
Joint Statutory: Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity from 04.12.2013 to 12.02.2015.
Joint Select: Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples from 04.12.2013 to 11.02.2015; Australia Fund Establishment from 25.09.2014 to 25.06.2015.
House of Representatives Standing: Privileges and Members’ Interests from 04.12.2013 to 11.02.2015; Social Policy and Legal Affairs from 04.12.2013 to 25.09.2014.
They all worked out for the best
Minister for Social Services from 21.9.15 to 20.12.17
In 2016, Centrelink, operating under Porter’s senior oversight as Social Services Minister, became involved in a debt recovery controversy. Despite heightened media interest and complaints, after meeting with the Department of Human Services,[12] Porter stated that the program was working “incredibly well”.
We are in good hands, Porter, Alstergren and friends.We need to be because of the extraordinary powers of the AG. Like the choice just to say no to prosecution for example.
All good, nothing to see here, except a big happy family, keep moving
Porter does not reply to “inconvenient” questions or challenges.
Well he did do me a major unprofessed/off-the-books favour back in 2010 when his arse was on the line, as did his predecessor re another matter, but in both instances the lawlessness was express and specific.
sorry, I meant “corresponding lawlessness”
I don’t like the word “abuse” anymore. It gets overplayed and underplayed. Let’s for the moment speak of child battery, as we used to. Everyone can agree that to batter a child is a terrible thing.
Dee has notified the Attorneys General of the following sins and they are amazing:
In the SA case, a Mum tries to get help for a sexually-molested 9-year-old girl, but thanks to a pedo trick – one that is apparently Well Enshrined within the Family Court system – the Dad phones a Mental Health group (ACIS) to capture HER.
In the neck case, a caring Dad know that his son’s neck is nearly broken by the mother and naturally wants to protect the kid from more neck-injury but is prevented BY THE FAMILY COURT from seeking medical attention. WOW.
Australia’s Family Courts (they are in every state) worship the ideology of a jerk named Gardner who, in effect, protects a battering Mum or Dad, mostly Dad, by saying that one parent can alienate a kid against the other and that the therapy for this is to send the kid to the one she feels angry toward so all will be healed – or something like that.
Note: I smell a fish market. Thanks to Dee’s earlier discovery about the ACIS phone number being held by a pedo “at the ready”, I am ready to jump at the Gardner thing as being a deeply-planted trick, whose purpose is “the usual” – namely to keep the pedophile rings from ever having to face legal sanction.
This next sin, in my opinion, is a sin of the Royal Commission rather than of the Family Court: Parents whose kid is being hurt right now (I guess that means during the life of the Royal Commission, which ran from 2013 to 2017) are told that their story IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR HANDLING BY THE RC.
Shockingly, they are told that the kid should wait till age 18 and then seek compo. Dear God!
Even if there had never been a Royal Commish, there is the ABOMINABLE practice of the Family Court whereby a mum who tries to talk about sexual abuse is shut up. Dee asks for a Hotline on some things – I ask for a hotline dedicated to this matter alone and the miscreants better start shaking in their goddamned boots. This is a Blackstonian sin of the first water — a court, i.e., “THE LAW” telling people not to invoke the law.
Pardon me if I am upset.
I thank ‘Darlene’ for telling me about the phone trick
These kids and parents are under ‘GAG ORDERS’ (well that makes me gag).
It would be good to do a class-action type release of video testimonies for the public. If 10 people did it they would be punished by the Family Court. But if 300 — or a 1000 — did it simultaneously for all Australia to see via a special website… it could shame the CPS and the Family Court system into collapse. Maybe people would go to jail.
Wadda ya mean MAYBE people would go to jail?
Such a true article. Unfortunately, this is happening and its been covered up for far to long!!!!!!!!. My kids deserve life free of abuse and trauma instead its running to appointments, medicating young children and now at risk of losing my kids due to non acting police and child safety (unsubstantiated) and threats to kill. (Breach of the protection order, laws are broken?? Alleged sexual abuse in my children disclosures – But nothings being enforced NOR at the very least investigated. And putting anything in place to protect us) Police instead have retraumatised my son my calling him a liar and more… tried to set me up on tape… All i am doing is reporting and asking for help, SOMETHING IS HORRIBLY WRONG. This department has a reputation i have found within some contacts on some support groups. Similiar/ almost identical stories. Listening to my chilren disclose horrific abuse.. any abuse should not be tolerated. Its so hard. I love my kids so much and to see this pain. Small children breaking into so many pieces. Hearing them cry, sob, shake, curl up in a ball and see the complex ptsd triggers when they have phone calls (face to face has been ceased-i have no doubt me acting protectively is going to end up with my kids in strife). I will not give up on the safety of my children. I will fight so they can have safe contact. I hope something changes soon. So much damage has been done. Those who can change this system and fail to do so. ALOT …. so many!! Break your silience… or you are just as criminal as the one perperatrating the crimes. 🙇 SPEAK UP!!! YOUR VOICE COUNTS.
There has also been hundreds of mother’s over the year falsifying court affidavits to stop the fathers from seeing children. The entire court system is an epic fail in south Australia. Let’s not forget Judge Liddy who is now in Gaol for paedophillia ….
Class action?
“Skipper Ireson’s Ride” by John Greenleaf Whittier,
Body of turkey, head of owl,
Wings adroop like a rained-on fowl,
Feathered and ruffled in every part,
Skipper Ireson stood in the cart
Scores of women, old and young,
Strong of muscle and glib of tongue,
Pushed and pulled up the rocky lane,
Shouting and singing the shrill refrain:
“Old Floyd Ireson, for his hard heart,
Tarred and feather’d and carried in a cart
By the women of Marblehead.”
Here’s Miriam Makeba singing the Adelaide Blues, Oops I mean the Brisbane Blues, Oops I mean …oh the Soweto Blues. OK, whichever.
The Director of Public Prosecutions Act (1983) of the Commonwealth says:
10 Powers and functions of Director do not affect those of certain other persons
(1) Nothing in this Act affects:
(a) the power of the Attorney General, of a person appointed by the Governor General or of a Special Prosecutor to prosecute by indictment in his or her own name indictable offences against the laws of the Commonwealth;
Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1991 South Australia
9—Independence of Director
Subject to this section, the Director is entirely independent of direction or control by the Crown or any Minister or officer of the Crown.
The Attorney-General may, after consultation with the Director, give directions and furnish guidelines to the Director in relation to the carrying out of his or her functions.
Directions or guidelines under this section— …must, … be published in the Gazette; ….
10—Investigation and report
The Commissioner of Police must, so far as it is practicable to do so, comply with any request from the Director to investigate, or report on the investigation of, any matter.
10A—Disclosure of information to Director
1. (1) A police officer in charge of the investigation of an indictable offence (the chief investigator) has a duty to disclose to the Director all documentary material collected or created in the course of the investigation that might reasonably be expected to assist the case for the prosecution or the case for the defence.
Dee, this is from of March 23, 2018:
Mr Porter threw his support behind Chief Justice Pascoe [head of the family court, Commonwealth] and Chief Judge Alstergren’s reform attempts. He said the two judges were engaged in a “challenging project to substantially improve the efficiency and effectiveness in all areas of the family law jurisdiction to achieve better outcomes for families”.
“As Attorney-General, I am providing them with every encouragement and administrative support I can, and while ultimately decisions of substantive internal court management are for them, my observation is they are bringing an unprecedented energy to making a more efficient Family Court system which is in the best interests of all Australians,” he said.
Anyone who does not want to post suggestions publicly can email me: Such as whom to prosecute and for what and by which means.
Anybody out there willing to do a write-up on the Mullighan Inquiry?
This covered up criminal action is atrocious and way more extensive than could ever be imagined. It looks like most government departments and the justice system are involved and have no guilt complex about their involvement. Well lets make them worried about their crime of covering up.
Have just been on the phone: The discussion was around the Family Court’s coaching claim.
But you can’t coach GENITAL HERPES can you.
Yous are still trying to sell the illusion that the secretocracy will reform itself if the oppressed complain enough. Well, I tell you that the corrupt system has been complained about and to for decades, in my practical experience, to no avail. The corruption is deeply entrenched, is motivated by perverse ideologies that have no foundation in justice or morality, has more heads than Hydra, more arms than an octopus with suckers (compromised, blackmailable, disposable lackeys) in every influential institution, more colours than a chameleon, and an unquestioning army of useful (“enlightened”) idiots.
I still say that a quiet revolt of ordinary, diverse, dispersed people with a method to bypass corrupt institutions is the only way to effectively “flood the swamp” with people of integrity who can reclaim civilisation from the megalomaniac destroyers.
I AGREE Oldavid re: “The corruption is deeply entrenched, is motivated by perverse ideologies that have no foundation in justice or morality, has more heads than Hydra, more arms than an octopus with suckers (compromised, blackmailable, disposable lackeys) in every influential institution, more colours than a chameleon, and an unquestioning army of useful (“enlightened”) idiots.”
We are trying other ways to bypass corrupt institutions, but more ideas would be appreciated.
Worked before.
The corruption – thats ok, nature’s way of maintaining diversity.
Entrenched – thats ok, natures way of helping hopeful diversity candidates.
Perverse ideologies – thats ok, natures way of maximising diversity candidates.
Know thy Enemy.
Not corrupt – shows itself over multi-millenia.(control mechanisms i.e. money/credit)
Not Entrenched – seems to push on technology and run with it for advancement,regardless.
Not Perverse ideologies – seems same/similar human sacrifice and deprivations over millennia shows an unperverted ideology.
Pitchforks are awesome, 99 percent work, one percent “i’ll think about it and get back too you”.
Fair enough.
Yes we need class action and exposure, posting on Lukes army should get more than enough stories and there are many sexual assault groups too, I started two, and would be happy to help in anyway I can. Yes I have been through it too, and my youngest daughter had to live with a very abusive father, now numerous suicide attempts drugs etc.
Yes it is the same old system, it is hard not despair of changing things, but I do believe if enough people keep pushing something has got to give
LOVE your work
Perhaps we should all write to Mr Alstergreen and ask him what his opinion is on this issue, and how he hopes to get better out comes for children
Thanks for the idea. I have written to him (to both emails) with an urgent message. Similar letter that went to the AGs…
Hon. George Brandis delivered dissertation in Parliament in support of pedophiles..
couple of years ago. It was based around travel restrictions regarding a pedo in our street.
It is accessible surely on hansard. No mention was made of rights of the children. It struck me as utterly inexcusable at the time that rights of children in sex colony in SE Asia where pedo was actually headed – were ignored.
Children are bred for abuse: Child/rape/so called sex COLONY- is an industry.
An Industrial Complex.
Pedophile concerned lived/built elaborate business for trafficking kids in my neighbourhood. neighbours all complained about parties and debauchery.
The advertiser/murdochites wrote up the article as arch deceivers or apologists would – implying innocence..and LYING that mr mafia pedo man was only registered as “sex offender” because he had been involved with a !5 yo girl when he was a mere 20 something- generally garnering sympathy for this innocent good bloke – Murdoch-master of deception- and proudly,
COMPLETELY DECEPTIVE- decidedly lying by omission – in that children were seen by neighbours – money exchanged – children trafficked – child booster seats in glaring shiny black luxury cars w number plates covered, removed, disguised. Child anxiety high. ORA is
would be cock sucking presumably? by kids. Apparently they have now dropped the ORA – presumably to protect the rest of the pedo mafia mob.
I called police repeatedly with concern after concern. it was all dismissed. Repeatedly.
i made an appointment and told local MP Chris Picton – there was NO followup, no interest – so ..until further notice i have not known what else i could possibly do – any ideas? The original neighbours had suspected foul play during the building stages of the monstrosity pedo-palace-purveying the coast line – that defied all urban planning rites and regulations- the first neighbours were so concerned that it was sinister enterprise
– they sold up.
They looked to me anxious and in dread when they spoke about it. Back then i had no clue.
Apparently the pedos had bribed everyone in the hood..and another neighbour referred to them “owning” everyone like bitches.. that would mean bribery i suppose. The then immediate next door neighbours who refused the bribes – promptly sold and left the neighbourhood.
I reported repeatedly to council as well.. and i repeatedly refused to be silenced-
though clear and unmistakable efforts were put in place- to DIFFUSE my interest in child protection- and to shut me up.. but i kept on.. telling the Truth-
refusing to defer to lies, deceit and manipulations or threats
Eventually i was told that foul-play has indeed been uncovered in this case.. EVIDENCE OF CORRUPTION EXISTS- but there has been silence since this admission- so corruption in the systems is real – here now..
beyond that i don’t know –
what i do know is that for the mid coast pedos its business as usual… our beach is NOT safe. as there are state protected pedos perving from up high.
i will continue to speak out , report and ask for clarification until there is proper response to proper child protection. Pedos belong in prison. Permanently.
Even if they are elite, protected species and
indeed prolific -as it is intergenerational age old ‘cult;’ It is wrong.
It is in fact and in truth -Punishable no matter how smoothly it perpetuates itself with customary trauma and violence or subtle coercion deep deception and intricate manipulations..
BRILLIANT THIS WOULD BE cdee – Please do it.. would prove a perfect initiative for providing transparency and inclusive participation with a view to exposing corruption
“It would be good to do a class-action type release of video testimonies for the public. If 10 people did it they would be punished by the Family Court. But if 300 — or a 1000 — did it simultaneously for all Australia to see via a special website… it could shame the CPS and the Family Court system into collapse. Maybe people would go to jail.” Open a hotline- broadcast broadly. A LIBRARY OF CASES.
i also wonder how journalist Shane Dowling of is going.
Shane served 4 months and is now serving 14 months per the report linked below
Unfortunately Shane brought it all upon himself and has compromised his sincere efforts and the anti-ped cause by not taking concerned advice.
He has censored comments and edited some them for his own grandeur and misguided modus operandi.
One must certainly hope that he will have learned by the time of his release that there are more efficient and competent ways and means to successfully accomplish his desires and to reconsider his previous “shotgun style” unsubstantiated allegations.
Perhaps someone should refer him and his supporters to this site.
He is simply a lose cannon.
His supporters should take that on board also………….they have merely massaged his ego and helped with his present predicament.
I note that one now appears in the comments at GS.
apols: 18 with 13 on the bottom.(no pun intended!)
i don’t understand that ?? blaming him for shining a light – makes no sense. its not about ego – that is absurd.
he was honest and brave to reveal what he knew – and honourable. Name calling people who call important truth ” loose cannon ” is ploy.
everybody has the right and responsibility to speak up about such extreme injustice. i don’t know much or anything about shane nor followed closely the details of pedophiles down under- but its clearly very very serious -and more of us would definitely need to speak out loudly and fearlessly about child protection matters – because its the right thing to do. I support whistleblowers.
Thanks for your contribution Deborah.
We are all in this together.
I like the cut of your jib, lol, seems like gumshoeing to me.
Shane is awesome in my book.
Ned is too.
“Hon” George Brandis has not even acknowledged any questions or criticism relating to his apparent crookedry. “Hon” Christian Porter is in the same Club. I predict that you will get nothing of any worth from them or their lawyeristic cronies.
Your commitment to this cause is wonderful and moving but take care we are surrounded by evilness.
[…] Open Letter to the AGs about Family Court Misconduct, and ‘Parent Alienation’ […]
I can tell you that parental alienation syndrome absolutely does exist. I am not an apologist for a legal position…nor would I support the American model, where apparently lawyers might falsely use the PAS idea to get a result. Just because lawyers MISUSE material doesn’t make the material invalid as a principle. I have been alienated from my children over a long period. My ex-wife was a paedophile’s victim and seems to have been triggered into a trauma re-enactment that is continuous. A broken psychology if you will. Recently my oldest daughter took her life, and after this her good friends of over 20 years told me that she had recently realized her belief that I had sexually abused her as a child was a product “of her psychosis”. I don’t believe so. I have reason to believe that idea was told to her. As well, my younger daughter is completely cut off from me, without providing ANY explanation. And she now has 3 children and still no contact. Nothing I say makes any difference. Also my brother has informed me of being told by my ex that I “raped her in the marriage”, which she then denied saying. And there are many more deceptions and lies. As well, she has spread these ideas through my birth family. And apparently she is very convincing as people seem to believe her without question. And all this has taken place without any ACTUAL allegations ever being made to me. Probably because there is nothing to substantiate them…they are fiction. My only recourse would be to sue for defamation which is a difficult thing to do. So – I have my ex saying I raped her (which sounds credible coming from her)…and I have my daughter(s) believing I sexually abused someone (and thus, when they speak of that belief to their friends THAT too sounds credible coming from them). Have I done ANYTHING to justify this? No. I agree that the original writings on PAS were woolly, but that doesn’t mean they are not accurate. A better source is “Foundations” by C.A. Childress…who has also had many detractors. One wonders who the detractors are, and if they speak from experience, as I do. As far as the alleged “discreditation” of PAS by multiple “studies” in America…well, you must be aware how venal American lawyers are. I don’t care if there are a hundred million “discreditations”….PAS EXISTS. It is real. And the damage is profound. Basically it is an expression of Narcissism in the perpetrator…so it’s psychology is not some mystical guesswork. It is manipulative and evil. On the other hand….of course people can misuse it in custody battles. But that is a legal problem which should not be confused with the existence of PAS itself. So the idea that ANYBODY can just wave it away and pretend (because it IS a pretence) that it “doesn’t exist”…is profoundly negligent. I don’t care how “rare” it is…it exists, and it destroys lives. Brushing it aside as though it is fictional or fabricated…is metaphorically akin to the argument that a female rape victim “brought it upon herself” because of her clothing. That is how grossly negligent it is. What you write about is horrendous…but please don’t conflate PAS with the evil within the system. The simplest way to understand PAS…is to think of it as a form of Stockholm Syndrome. If you can understand Stockholm Syndrome then you can understand PAS.
Thank you, Michael. I do agree. Quite apart from anything we are discussing about the malice of the System there is the plain fact that one parent can turn a child against the other parent. (I’ve seen “sibling alienation,” too). It is very painful for the aggrieved parent or sibling.
I was once on hand for a divorce case where the judge emphatically instructed the parents not to belittle each other during their respective visitation sessions. One parent went almost to extremes to obey the judge. The other party had “open season” on that parent. In later years, though, the dust settled.
I see that the dust can never settle for you as your daughter has died. That’s terrible. I am sorry.
PAS….has NOT been “long discredited” as it is said in your article. Secondly, it does not apply only to women’s allegations against fathers. It has also been applied where mothers have been alienated by the actions of fathers. Thirdly, Catriona McLennan’s claim that “more than 500 studies” into PAS have been conducted and not been able to validate what Gardner described…provides no attribution. I see no evidence of “500 studies” anywhere.
However, there IS a problem with Gardner. The problem with Gardner…is that he wrote in ways that indicated a ridiculously inappropriate “tolerance” (for want of a better word) of sex with children, and thereby brought discredit on the whole issue of false accusations. Therefore, in court cases, people have LEGITIMATELY sought to minimize the influence of his writings. The use of his writings has become seen as a way to “attack” a protective mother in favour of an actual paedophile father. If that is the case, then Gardner can go in the garbage can with my blessing. But let us allow that Gardner discredits Gardner, not the reality that false accusations exist.
False accusations do occur. And there are men (and women when the gender roles are reversed) who are 100% innocent and yet have been accused of sexual abuse. That is a reality that is not changed because lawyers seek to discredit it, simply because it is embedded in Gardner’s writing, and Gardner is a nice target (BECAUSE of his attitudes to sex with children). That is a lawyer’s shell-game.
At the same time, it is also clear (to me at least) that even so-called authorities don’t seem to understand what PAS actually is. Parental Alienation is what happens to the parent….that is, they are alienated. But the SYNDROME…is what happens to the children. The syndrome is very very like Stockholm Syndrome, which is a kidnap scenario where the kidnap victim takes on the viewpoint of the kidnapper and resists those who come to rescue them. If that can happen in adults, then it can surely happen in children when the ‘kidnapper’ is a parent. And in my experience, it does. And it proves immensely intractable. I have experiened it (or “validated” it if you will) for myself.
Finally, quoting the psychologist Robert Geffner as a source is about as as authoritative as quoting Gardner. However, I can understand the very strong resistance to Gardner’s writing, given his weird soft-peddling on sex with children, and hence I can understand how Geffner can take on the role of “facing down” a pernicious influence in custody proceedings.
Yet as a victim of false accusations that have been spread around by my ex, and also believed by my children….resulting in deep psychological wounds for them, and endless grief for me…I’d be grateful if you would not discard the reality when you discard Gardner. And I feel strongly about this, in part, because my ex-wife WAS a victim of a paedophile (given access by the mother)…and thus I have experienced in my own life….how far-reaching the traumatic echoes of a paedophile’s abuse can be. I don’t want them anywhere near children under ANY circumstances. But I also know the other side of parental alienation…when false accusations ARE made, and ARE believed. And the only legal comeback against false accusation is the law of defamation…which, as I’m sure you realize, is very difficult to prove unless you capture evidence in some form of media.
In conclusion – don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. Understand that false accusations DO exist, and law that protects the falsely accused will ALSO protect mothers from lying fathers. But clearly, we’re not there yet.
[…] addition to that exchange, Dee McLachlan wrote to the Attorneys General of every state, including South Australia. She alerted to them to the […]
Focus on your own country Dee.
Fathers have been found to make far more false allegations than mums and when mums allegations are tested most are found to be valid. Anyway once Richard Gardiner was exposed he stabbed himself to death.
What is the validation for those assertions?
[…] I have heard a number of accounts where the court refused the request of a parent to seek medical assistance for their child (remember the ‘neck case‘). […]
[…] I wrote to all the Attorneys-General on 27 September, 2018, describing that “This is utter madness that we cannot help these children NOW… The cruelty of the system is quite unimaginable – and most likely criminal.” The open letter was published here. […]
As target parents of AB-PA ( Attachment Based Parental Alienation) /D.V by proxy involving physical emotional psychological and financial abuse via those with likely narcissistic / borderline personality disorders, there is a total lack of understanding or care for the hell inflicted on both the target parents and children via Family Courts who too often, sadly (or by design? ….to stretch out proceedings for the mighty dollar?) give further control ( wittingly or unwittingly?) to the controlling, abusive parent…who through long interim periods, totally destroys any hope of a relationship for child with other parent.
When a judge mentions “alliance and parentification” early in proceedings yet child is left 97% of the time with alienating party ( who continually breaks contact orders) through interim, along with inadequately trained court report writers, failing to recognise the counter intuitive response of children living in fear…what hope is there in this country? What kind of (court) psychologist (?) tries to further destroy relationships rather than help encourage them? Realising the lack of experts in this country, I had to reach out to America. Perhaps my report writer did not appreciate me suggesting he consider the diagnostic checklist ( Dr Craig Childress) that I presented him with…(that he asked for actually?) What diagnostic tools are being used here pray tell? Or do everyone along the journey ( including Relationships Australia etc…) fall for the outward charming performance of some on the day? It is so painful to know what is happening, that your child actually needs protective separation in order to maintain a relationship with both parents and that the parent being rewarded is the one doing all they can to destroy relationships. In the best interest of the child….NOT!!! Meanwhile, a child is learning that abuse is rewarded by Australian courts….a thought he can take on to future relationships and that parents who attempt to be fair ( offering 50/50 at mediation) lose everything to those, with the help of unscrupulous lawyers , often denied a trial…which they cannot longer afford) and left almost, penniless, homeless, jobless ( from the ongoing stress) and some even suiciding.
I myself, wrote to the previous Attorney General about the huge flaws within the system, particularly in regards to the issue of Pathogenic Parenting being rewarded by the injustice system. It’s true that “Parental Alienation” as such may not be mentioned in DSM-5 ( and BTW the reference to PAS should be avoided) but the indicators around it certainly are. Child..(Attachment System Suppression, Personality Disorder Traits ..( Grandiosity, Absence of Empathy, Entitlement, Haughty and arrogant attitude, Splitting), Delusional belief, Anxiety Variant ( Persistent unwarranted fear DSM-5 Phobia Criterion A) Severe Anxiety Response ( DSM-5 Phobia Criterion B), Avoidance of parent. ( DSM-5 Phobia Criterion C).
So called “experts” need to also note obvious things such as Triangulation, Role Reversal ( it’s not me, it’s the child who doesn’t want to be with other parent…says the narcissistic/ borderline parent who continually ignores contact orders) ,Splitting Dynamic, The Exclusion Demand ( of target parent), The Unforgiveable Event (an often feeble excuse blown out of proportion as to why the child claims to never want to see target parent again). Etc …etc..etc…( Read the works of Dr Childress and other top psychologists.)
Alienation is often and extension of other abuse. it is all control. If someone speaks of wanting to “Destroy their Ex” that should be a pretty big clue that they will stop at nothing to do so, including psychologically/ emotionally damaging their own child, denying them loving relationships from other parent and extended family.
When mediation fails, it is not a case of a “High Conflict Divorce” …it takes only one parent to be “High Conflict” whilst the other is simply trying to remain in their own child’s life. With so many red flags obvious at mediation, I find it abusive and that a fair and compromising parent has no option but to dragged into a system of further ( legal) abuse to be totally “destroyed” in an effort to attempt to simply remain a parent to their own children. Too disgusting for words!
Family Court has a lot to answer for regarding homelessness, suicide, youth depression ( possibly gang crime) and broken relationships. Although there may be many well intended people within the system, I am shocked at the huge gaps and flaws one can fall through and the seemingly illegal practices within the system. There seems too much room for strategic immoral manipulation of the system to the detriment of children. There must be immediate punishment for broken orders before children are totally lost to those who abuse the system. Perhaps my judge assumes that I see my child once a week as ordered… little does she know that within a couple of weeks they were once again ignored along with ordered therapy for child…two and a half years ago…and that good parents in my position are totally spent, financially and emotionally. All we can do is speak up for the sake of those about to begin this hellish journey. Bring on the Royal Commission.
BTW….It may be worth noting that alienation is not a gender issue as it also occurs to many mothers, including myself. …And no, I do not do drugs or drink or gamble or any other stereo typical thing you might imagine but work with children…in a job that required a Working With Children Check. Yet I’m pretty sure more prisoners get to see their children than good alienated parents. Go Figure? No one is immune to this abuse. In the end, it is Family Court that needs fixing. After all, one way or another, those who want to hurt children by denying them a loving parent are psychologically sick. Just like an alcoholic is sick. Just as it is an irresponsible bar man who keeps serving drinks to an alcoholic, it is an irresponsible court that gives further power to abusers to erase a child’s other parent causing incredible developmental stress for children.
People need to write ‘My Will’ letters to their MP at the both state and the federal level.
They need to request a meeting with their MP and get as big a crowd together as possible and go and meet with their MP and tell them that unless they stand up in the parliament and make a big noise about this issue they are FIRED.
MPs are just like anyone else, they react to whomever puts the most pressure on them