by Elizabeth Hart
For the attention of:
- Dr Anne Tonkin, Chair, Medical Board of Australia
- Ms Gill Callister PSM, Chair, Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Agency Management Committee
- Mr Martin Fletcher, CEO, AHPRA
- Dr Karen Price, President, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
- Professor John Wilson AM, President, Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP)
- Dr Omar Khorshid, President, Australian Medical Association (AMA)
Dear Dr Tonkin, Ms Callister, Mr Fletcher, Dr Price, Professor Wilson and Dr Khorshid
Registered health practitioners are in a seriously conflicted situation with the Morrison Government’s current covid-19 injection rollout – are they properly obtaining ‘informed consent’ from their patients before injecting them with the experimental covid-19 injections?
AHPRA advises registered health practitioners that “Vaccination is a crucial part of the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many registered health practitioners will have a vital role in COVID-19 vaccination programs and in educating the public about the importance and safety of COVID-19 vaccines to ensure high participation rates”. (AHPRA Position statement – Registered health practitioners and students and COVID-19 vaccination, 9 March 2021 – See copy attached.)
Dr Tonkin, Ms Callister, Mr Fletcher, Dr Price, Professor Wilson and Dr Khorshid, please see below my recent email to Prime Minister Scott Morrison about the covid-19 injection rollout currently underway by the Morrison Government and State Governments.
The rushed experimental covid-19 injection rollout must be subject to urgent review.
There must be a moratorium on the covid-19 injection rollout pending the conclusions of this review, which must be demonstrably independent and objective.
Please read my email to Mr Morrison very carefully, it includes reference to my recent email to Dr Fiona Godlee, Editor in Chief of The BMJ, questioning the ethics of doctors and policymakers who press people to have covid-19 injections when those people are not at serious risk of covid-19.
My email to Dr Godlee has now been published on the TrialSiteNews website, see: Why should people not at risk of covid-19 be pressed to have covid-19 injections? (See original email attached.)
Are people being given the opportunity to give their ‘informed consent’ before this medical intervention, considering the risks of SARS-CoV-2/covid-19 for their age group and health status? This must be considered in light of the criteria for valid consent in The Australian Immunisation Handbook, e.g. valid consent “can only be given after the potential risks and benefits of the relevant vaccine, the risks of not having it, and any alternative options have been explained to the person”; and, to be valid, consent “must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation”.
I raised the matter of informed consent with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) in September 2017, in regards to the No Jab, No Pay law.
Martin Fletcher, the CEO of AHPRA responded to me in October 2017, saying:
Good medical practice: A code of conduct for doctors in Australia provides guidance to medical practitioners. Informed consent is a key element of good medical practice. A medical practitioner must obtain informed consent before undertaking an examination or providing treatment, including providing vaccines. The immunisation legislation does not mandate vaccinations and consent is still required. The legislation explicitly provides for patients who cannot be immunised because of a medical contraindication. There is a process for reporting and managing adverse events following immunisation, with mandatory reporting requiring doctors to report certain events to their local health authority in most states and territories. (My emphasis.) (See letter from AHPRA attached.)
People aged 16-49 living in SA regional areas are being urged to have the covid-19 injections, with South Australia’s Chief Public Health Officer, Nicola Spurrier, saying “it is a great opportunity for younger South Australians living in regional SA to roll up their sleeve and get vaccinated” – are these young people being given the opportunity to give their ‘informed consent’, i.e. considering risks and benefits relevant to their age and health status, before this medical intervention? (See SA Premier Steven Marshall’s media release: Nation leading move to boost SA’s regional vaccine rollout, 24 May 2021. (See copy attached.)
Similarly, many frontline workers, including healthcare professionals and aged care workers, are being pressured to have the covid-19 injections, with Prime Minister Scott Morrison lobbying “state and territory leaders to overrule medical experts’ advice and force aged care workers to get the coronavirus vaccine”, as reported recently by the ABC: Scott Morrison to use National Cabinet to lobby state governments to go against health advice on COVID vaccinations. (See copy attached.)
This is extremely serious.
Mr Morrison appears to be making it a personal campaign to mandate covid-19 injections for aged care workers.
But many of these aged care workers may be of an age and health status where they are not at serious risk of covid-19, because they may be able to mount their own effective immune response against SARS-CoV-2. If they are coerced into having covid-19 injections this may damage their own ability to naturally respond to SARS-CoV-2, with the intention of hooking them on covid-19 injections for life. This is seriously unethical.
Dr Tonkin, Ms Callister, Mr Fletcher, Dr Price, Professor Wilson and Dr Khorshid, I have no confidence in Prime Minister Scott Morrison, he is deeply conflicted in this matter.
Mr Morrison appears to have adopted a ‘zero covid’ strategy, and appears to be determined that everyone in Australia will have the experimental covid-19 injections.
Mr Morrison is the political architect of the No Jab, No Pay/No Play laws, he raised the bill for the Federal No Jab, No Pay law in 2015, while he was Social Services Minister. This was in response to an aggressive media campaign for coercive vaccination by the Murdoch media, particularly tabloids such as The Daily Telegraph, i.e. the No Jab, No Play media campaign run during 2013-2015. Malcolm Turnbull oversaw the implementation of the Federal Government’s No Jab, No Pay law in January 2016, while he was Prime Minister. State Governments’ No Jab, No Play laws subsequently followed.
Coercive vaccination lobby groups SAVN and Friends of Science in Medicine were also very active during the Murdoch media’s campaign, and members of these groups were very influential during the public Senate committee hearing re the No Jab, No Pay Bill, held in Brisbane, 2 November 2015.
The Murdoch media/News Corp Australia has a serious conflict of interest in that it is a corporate partner of the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, which is involved in vaccine research, including now the vax4COVID Australian Covid Vaccine Alliance, along with the Doherty Institute, which published the modelling influencing Australia’s ‘suppression’ response to SARS-CoV-2, based on the controversial modelling out of Imperial College London, i.e. Neil Ferguson et al’s Reports 9 and 12.
The Murdoch media campaigned for the coercive No Jab, No Pay/No Play laws for children, a concept which threatens to be used to coerce adults to submit to covid-19 injections, as called for by CEPI Chair Jane Halton, a commissioner on the Prime Minister’s National COVID-19 Commission Advisory Board, in an article published on The Australian, i.e.Top adviser to Scott Morrison backs ‘no jab, no play’ for all, 18 May 2020. (See copy attached.)
In February this year, I asked Mr Morrison: “Is the coercive vaccination No Jab, No Pay Law for children, orchestrated by Murdoch tabloids and Australian politicians in 2015, now being adapted to coerce all Australians to submit to fast-tracked experimental coronavirus vaccination, e.g. No Jab, No Pay/No Play?” See my email to Mr Morrison: No Jab, No Pay/No Play – coercive vaccination in Australia – PM Scott Morrison and the Murdoch Media, 18 February 2021. (See copy attached.)
Is the conflicted Murdoch media/News Corp Australia directing Mr Morrison’s actions in this matter? The Murdoch media wields enormous power over politicians – for example, former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd “has declared that Australian politicians are frightened of Rupert Murdoch – a fear that persisted when he was in the top job and subsided only when he left politics”. See: Kevin Rudd says Australian politicians ‘frightened’ of ‘Murdoch media beast’ in Senate inquiry, on The Guardian, 19 February 2021.
Dr Tonkin, Ms Callister, Mr Fletcher, Dr Price, Professor Wilson and Dr Khorshid, there must be urgent open and transparent debate on the rushed experimental covid-19 injection rollout, this situation is out of control.
The Prime Minister, State Premiers, other Federal and State ministers and politicians, and most importantly the medical and scientific experts providing advice to the Morrison and State Governments, must be held to account.
Again Dr Tonkin, Ms Callister, Mr Fletcher, Dr Price, Professor Wilson and Dr Khorshid, please think about this very carefully – if people experience adverse events after having covid-19 injections that AHPRA has pressed registered health practitioners to promote to their patients, this raises important ethical and liability issues.
It’s ‘on the record’ this matter has been brought to your attention. See my email to Scott Morrison, and also previous email to Professor Allen Cheng, in the email thread below.
Again, please read this email thread very carefully.
This email will be widely circulated to other parties, this is a matter of public interest.
Elizabeth Hart
Independent person investigating the over-use of vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy
On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 4:18 PM Elizabeth Hart <elizmhart@gmail.com> wrote:
For the attention of:
Mr Scott Morrison
Prime Minister of Australia
Leader of the Liberal Party of Australia
Mr Morrison, it’s highly alarming the Morrison and State Governments are pressing experimental covid-19 injections on millions of people who are not at serious risk of covid-19.
Today I’ve forwarded you my email to Dr Fiona Godlee, Editor in Chief of The BMJ, questioning the ethics of doctors and policymakers who press people to have covid-19 injections when those people are not at serious risk of covid-19.
Mr Morrison, you must urgently revise your covid-19 injection rollout – Australians are not being properly informed about these experimental covid-19 injections, a term I generally prefer to use now as opposed to ‘vaccines’.
I’m questioning the expertise and conflicts of interest of the people who are influencing the Morrison Government on this matter of taxpayer-funded vaccination policy. I still await your advice as to the names, qualifications/expertise, and any potential conflicts of interest of the people influencing the Morrison Government on the covid-19 situation and covid-19 injections, treatments, and preventatives.
I also register my lack of confidence in Health Secretary Professor Brendan Murphy and Chief Medical Officer Professor Paul Kelly, the Chair and Deputy Chair respectively of the COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments for Australia – Science and Industry Technical Advisory Group. I’ve raised this matter with other members of that COVID-19 group, i.e. Dr Cathy Foley, Australia’s Chief Scientist; Professor Andrew Wilson, Chair, Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee; and Dr Larry Marshall, Chief Executive, CSIRO, see my email: Challenging the rushed COVID-19 Vaccine rollout in Australia, 28 May 2021.
Also see my email, below, sent to Professor Allen Cheng, a member of multiple influential groups, in January this year, where I note: “It appears you have no idea about the quality of immunity being provided by the coronavirus vaccine products, including if they will prevent transmission. Australians are being set up to be guinea pigs in a coronavirus vaccine clinical trial.”
Health Minister Greg Hunt has admitted “The world is in the largest clinical trial, the largest global vaccination trial ever…”, in an interview with David Speers on ABC Insiders, 21 February 2021.
Are Australians who are being pressured to have the fast-tracked experimental covid-19 injections, which are only ‘provisionally approved’ by the TGA, giving their ‘informed consent’ to participate in this global experiment?
Health Secretary Brendan Murphy gave misleading information to the Australian public about the covid-19 injections on the ABC’s 7.30 program with Leigh Sales in February this year, assuring the public these injections have “gone through the normal, full range of regulatory approval for our vaccines…” when in fact these injections have only been given ‘provisional approval’ by the TGA. I challenged Brendan Murphy about his misleading advice to Australians, but he refuses to be accountable, see my email: COVID-19 vaccines are NOT fully approved by the TGA, 24 February 2021. I also raised this matter with ABC Managing Director David Anderson, but again no response. The taxpayer-funded ABC is worse than useless, failing utterly to provide critical analysis of vaccination policy.
The TGA is now relying on manufacturers’ data and post-market assessment for further information on these covid-19 injections. ‘Post-market assessment’ indicates people being injected in the community are now part of the global clinical trials assessing these injections – again, have they given their informed consent to participate in this experiment, for instance in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration – ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects?
In regards to objective and independent assessment of the covid-19 injections, most people are likely to be unaware the TGA is conflicted in that it is funded by industry, i.e. it is funded by those it is supposed to regulate – this conflict of interest undermines trust in the organisation which is responsible for evaluating the safety of vaccine products, and recording adverse events after vaccination/injection.
Mr Morrison, I question if Australians are being properly informed about the risks of SARS-CoV-2/covid-19 for their age group and health status?
Most people aren’t at serious risk with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, it’s not likely to progress to serious disease, i.e. covid-19, for most people. Is this being made clear to people before they are injected, particularly young people? This must be considered in light of the criteria for valid consent in The Australian Immunisation Handbook, e.g. valid consent “can only be given after the potential risks and benefits of the relevant vaccine, the risks of not having it, and any alternative options have been explained to the person”; and, to be valid, consent “must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation”.
Mr Morrison, in my email to Professor Cheng, below, I ask: “Is anyone thinking through the ethical issues of the rushed global coronavirus vaccination experiment?”
I don’t think they are Mr Morrison, there appears to have been no thought given to the ethical issues. For instance, many people are unlikely to be aware the Morrison Government and other governments have given the ‘vaccine’ manufacturers protection from liability for their products, with an AstraZeneca representative, Ruud Dobber, saying “This is a unique situation where we as a company simply cannot take the risk if in…four years the vaccine is showing side effects”. So people will be left to bear the consequences of any ill-effects of the covid-19 injections. As seen with the swine flu jab narcolepsy cases in the UK, people have to struggle against the system to achieve some compensation for injuries.
Mr Morrison, the grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted global response to SARS-CoV-2 has been wrong from the beginning, always misguidedly focused on ‘the vaccine’, while promising treatments for covid-19, and preventatives such as vitamin D, have been actively suppressed, apparently to facilitate the international Emergency Authorisations to create the multi-billion dollar global covid-19 injection market.
Again Mr Morrison, you must urgently revise the Morrison Government’s covid-19 injection rollout, Australians are not being properly informed about the covid situation.
Please see below my earlier email to Professor Allen Cheng. I request you give the matters raised in my emails your serious consideration, you are accountable.
Elizabeth Hart
Independent person investigating the over-use of vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy
For the attention of:
Professor Allen Cheng
- Member of the COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments for Australia – Science and Industry Technical Advisory Group
Chair of the TGA Advisory Committee on Vaccines (ACV)
Co-chair, Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI)
Co-chair, ATAGI COVID-19 Working Group
Deputy Chief Health Officer of Victoria
Dear Professor Cheng, it’s highly alarming that the Morrison government is gearing up to vaccinate ‘a large proportion of the population’, when there is so much uncertainty about experimental coronavirus vaccine products.
In The Australian today[1], you say “if a large proportion of the population was vaccinated this year, it would allow an easing of restrictions even if it did not result in herd immunity in the short term”.
You also say, “At this stage, we don’t really know exactly how long protection will last for…If we’re lucky, it may last years. But we need to be ready if it doesn’t last. If it only lasts for a year or shorter, then we need to work out what we’re going to do next about making sure that everyone has a better degree of protection”.
Professor Cheng, your comments throughout the article in The Australian are riddled with uncertainties – are there any independent infectious diseases specialists in Australia who more comprehensively understand viruses and immunology?
It appears you have no idea about the quality of immunity being provided by the coronavirus vaccine products, including if they will prevent transmission. Australians are being set up to be guinea pigs in a coronavirus vaccine clinical trial.
Despite the constant flow of alarming reports in the mainstream media (including lurid COVID ‘case’ and death counters), which are in desperate need of critical analysis, it appears SARS-CoV-2 is not a serious risk for most people under the age of 70 years, and not necessarily a death sentence for those over 70 years. To interfere with the natural defences of people with experimental vaccine products, that may be pressed upon them at least every year, is highly questionable, particularly for people who are not in vulnerable categories. We have no idea of the long-term cumulative consequences of repeated coronavirus vaccination throughout life.
People have a right to consider the risks and benefits of coronavirus vaccination, and to give their ‘informed consent’ to such a medical intervention. Consider for example the implications of the Montgomery case in the UK[2] in regards to patient autonomy and evaluating risk with a medical intervention. The Montgomery ruling “established that, rather than being a matter for clinical judgment to be assessed by professional medical opinion, a patient should be told whatever they want to know, not what the doctor thinks they should be told”. The Montgomery ruling has been hailed as “the most important UK judgment on informed consent for 30 years”, and I suggest it should also be considered before the administration of vaccine products. This also opens up to question the reliability and objectivity of recommendations for vaccine products on the taxpayer-funded schedule. There must be scrutiny of TGA, and ATAGI and PBAC processes supporting these recommendations, including consideration of conflicts of interest.
Professor Cheng, why is there so much focus on vaccinating mass populations of people who are unlikely to be at serious risk of SARS-CoV-2, with fast-tracked experimental vaccine products, rather than finding effective preventatives and treatments for the vulnerable? I question whether mass vaccination is an appropriate response to SARS-CoV-2, this situation appears to me to have been very poorly considered.
Is anyone thinking through the ethical issues of the rushed global coronavirus vaccination experiment?
This is especially concerning with NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian recently broaching “the possibility of barring those who decline the COVID-19 vaccine from government-run buildings, as well as permitting private venues to take similar measures”.[3]
On what scientific basis is Gladys Berejiklian broaching this possibility of hindering Australians from participating freely in daily life? This draconian attitude goes along with Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s previous call for a COVID-19 vaccine to be “as mandatory as you can possibly make it”, with Morrison boasting “I was the minister that established ‘No jab, no play’, so my view on this is pretty clear”.[4] Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nick Coatsworth has also suggested “some sort of incentive” is needed for vaccination, looking “at specific things like not being able to go into restaurants, not being able to travel internationally, not being able to catch public transport or more broadly having what in the olden days would have been a yellow fever vaccination certificate…”.[5] And the Biosecurity Act 2015 looms with the threat of five years imprisonment and/or a $66,600 fine for people who refuse coronavirus vaccination.[6]
To suggest putting in place coercive vaccination strategies in our liberal democracy, with vaccine products which are very questionable for the majority of the population, is a most serious matter.
Over the past year we’ve already seen an appalling abuse of Federal and State emergency powers in Australia in the ill-targeted and disproportionate response to this virus. There’s an astonishing lack of transparency and accountability for the power being exerted over people in this country, e.g. lockdowns, testing, mask mandates, and potentially coercive vaccination. This is especially so in regard to unelected individuals, such as you Professor Cheng, who are wielding enormous power over the free movement and association of Australians. This includes members of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC), and academics in the public health policy area. Many influential unelected individuals have conflicts of interest that are not being properly disclosed, e.g. associations with the vaccine industry. There is a historical lack of transparency for people influential on taxpayer-funded vaccination policy in Australia.
People in Australia are being shut out of this important discussion on community health. My own local Federal and State representatives are useless on this matter, providing bland form letter responses if they deign to respond at all. To try and participate in public discussion we’re reliant on social media platforms and comments threads on mainstream media forums, with the constant threat of censorship. For instance I had to fight to have my comment published on the article featuring you in The Australian this morning.[1]
Professor Cheng, this area of public health is a conflicted mess, it’s way past time for transparency and accountability.
Elizabeth Hart
Independent person investigating the over-use of vaccine products conflicts of interest in vaccination policy.
- Coronavirus: Double vaccine rollout in plan to defeat Covid. The Australian, 19 January 2021.
- Montgomery and informed consent: where are we now? The BMJ, 12 May 2017.
- NSW premier suggests those who refuse COVID-19 vaccine could be barred from venues. SBS News, 18 January 2021.
- Scott Morrison expects COVID-19 vaccine will be ‘as mandatory as you can possibly make it’. 3AW693 News Talk, 19 August 2020.
- Could the coronavirus vaccine be mandatory in Australia? Experts say it’s possible. ABC News, 20 August 2020.
- Elizabeth Hart BMJ rapid response – Five years imprisonment and/or a $66,600 fine for refusing coronavirus vaccination? The BMJ, 30 October 2020.
Government ad:
I found this with 29 views.
“Watch out for the false info…”
Lots of pictures of this guy on the internet (mostly young not wrinkly), seems to be intent on building his profile, BigPharma has beat him to the punch and his cancer vaccine project has probably bitten the dust. So if you can’t beat ’em join ’em
From Ned
Thanks for that;you learn something every day.
Seems like the concern isn’t exactly isolated
I can recall the days when sterilisation meant putting something in boiling water for a few minutes
Or placing it in a tin-foil package which was then left in an oven heated to a certain temperature for a certain amount of time
All “convenience-disposable” products are all about creating a market
and they ALL leave some sort of pollution trail
“The general population may be exposed (to E. O.)through tobacco smoke and the use of E. O. sterilized medical products, cosmetics, and beekeeping equipment ”
Most people also appear to be oblivious to the fact that most body lotions and hair conditioners are also loaded with toxic substances:
Or that you can get a much better result by combining unadulterated aloe vera & rosemary oil(hair), unadulterated aloe vera & emu oil(body)
When I was a baby my nappies were sterilised in a boiling copper – no need for bleach or napisan(both of which are virtually impossible to fully rinse out). Most parents these days wouldn’t even know how to fold such an article and have probably never looked at what goes into the throwaways:
So the widespread sense of impunity re donning E. O. sterilised masks is hardly surprising
After all that and he is still a pro-vaxxer? FFS
you’ve got to start somewhere
They’re getting scared and they’re backing off, so expect them to become incoherent, and I think the “fact checkers” have been attacking this one too, so maybe he feels like he is Donald Duck jumping across the backs of the alligators.
Unless they are providing the information contained here, True Informed Consent is not able to be given.
Informed Consent for the Vaccines – Here’s What You Need to Know
Morrison and Health workers: You were put on notice ages ago and must wear the responsibility for your failures, Medically and financially
The above sample of links have been separated from one post that contained all but I am being moderated for that attempted post.
You lot are responsible for the medical and financial damage occasioned unnecessarily to Australians and Australia because you ignored Professor Borody.
For much more just go search Hydroxychloroquine and ivervmectim re covid …………….IDIOTS!
Each of those that have been corresponded with should be hanged as they are traitors. I do not use the word “traitor” loosely. They are all working for foreign entities and not for the benefit of Australia or Australians. If not directly benefitting from those foreign entities they are benefitting via positions of conflict in their occupations as supposed health officials or political hacks.
The foreign entities mentioned are: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The World Health Organisation, The World Bank, GAVI and the pharmaceutical industry.
Treason applies under a state of war, if the Wuhan flu is a bio-weapon then we are all at war with China and anyone who knowingly collaborates with “the CCP program” must be treasonous.
w3, why are you singling out China and the CCP, when all the information at hand clearly displays the involvement of the U.S. and their Biolabs as well ? In particular the millions of dollars that were passed on to the Wuhan lab. You do readily admit, and I quote, ” anyone who knowingly collaborates with “the CCP program” must be treasonous.” But you don’t clarify, or even validate that the CCP even has/had such a program. But it’s as clear as crystal, the U.S. did/does. Why do those people get a free pass from you, but the Chinese don’t ? I detect massive biase here, as such further comment you make needs closer scrutiny, as to sincerity under such a biase. From what I can make of all this, it seems very much to me, the Chinese were deliberately set up to take the blame for the release of this virus. It’s abundantly clear, the U.S. has such biolabs all over the World, including in Australia, so they could have chosen any of those labs for the release, especially in the Balkans or near the border of Russia. But they didn’t, they chose China, and you don’t have to be Einstein to work out why. Your one sided view verifies that, IMHO.
Treason refers to adverse actions by citizens within, a invasion by any means is different. ( e.g. cyber manipulation of election results, being a invasion if carried out against a sovereign country by foreign countries)
However, both treason and actors in a invasion may be synonymous.
The penalties may vary, ‘invading’ would be covered by the law of war, the treasonous within are often shot by a authorised and lawful military firing squad.
If anyone was following ‘Q’ (X22Report opinion) they would know the Q drops citing 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 and 11.4. On the law of war.
Some have a bit of homework at hand to understand, eh Mr Ryan and Mr O’Neil?
I am sure ‘war’ does not come into it.
Sorry Mr. Ryan, we are at war……. Work on it.
No bias – procedural. I am interested in charging people with treason. War as you may be imagining it won’t happen.
I defer to Ned above whose comment was written simultaneously with mine. My interest is purely in charging individuals with treason.
Before the scamdemic the lyiing MSM was whipping us up with tales of North Korea putting a missile on Sydney, people were actually scared of this, unbelievable. Now they have been scared of the flu for a year and a half. Next we switch to being scared of war with China. As others have said fear is a key element of Mind Kontrol. Why would MKUltra be such a comprehensive program if Mind Kontrol was not incredibly important, the next level after lies and propaganda and all the other manipulations.
New York Times headline today June 10, 2021: (I’m not kidding):
President Biden will send 500 million doses to countries in need.
The export of the injection stuff was explained by Jim Stone, his theory was/is that the magnetic exposures from the injected site stuffed up the injection plans and led to a defunct supply……….. so move it off to the uninformed?
Australia To Donate 20 Million Covid Vaccines To Developing Countries
Morrison makes pledge at G7 Summit
Not Yours to Give: Davy Crockett and Welfare
……………”The power of collecting and disbursing money at pleasure is the most dangerous power that can be trusted to man, particularly under our system of collecting revenue which reaches every man in the country, no matter how poor he may be, and the poorer he is the more he pays in proportion to his means. What is worse, it presses upon him without his knowledge where the weight centers, for there is not a man in the United States who can ever guess how much he pays to the government…………………..”
One mystery that the ‘proposed injected’ would like to be informed of; before giving informed consent.
It does not work all the time (Injected material may vary e.g. some may be just injected with saline to con the public) and the experts say they either can explain it or suggest that all examples are hoaxes.
Who knows? One theory is that the reaction may arise with the booster injection.
I note that it was announced on 2GB [Sydney] before 9am yesterday (10.6.3021) that Dr Tenpenny would be interviewed on the alleged ‘Hoax” on the 9-12 program, but the interview did not eventuate and no explanation was given, that I noticed from Mr. Hadley for the omission.
Seems that if the nine network mob at 2GB had interviewed Dr Ten Penny, then the pre-program vilification of Dr Tenpenny may have hit a snag as Fordham and Hadley were debunking the type of demonstrations in the Mexican link below???
For more on the RMN link above just note the other articles linked.
If this was not so sick it would be funny……….our politicians, lying alleged experts and mass media have been caught out tested for their BS with trousers and panties stuffed up their nostrils and are funny looking.
The third report in the thread referred to above
Notice that all the organising of the jab was initiated in 2015 before Covid-19 existed except in the minds of the criminals who masterminded the Covid hoax. Look at the dates that the legislation for compulsory vaccinations in Western Australia 2016, Morrison’s declaration of no jab no pay, and The Biosecurity Act 2015.
ALP & LNP are in lockstep, left leg and right leg marching together, nicely covering both sides of the street, when the going gets tricky there is selective deafness and overseas excursions.
Gawd those Chinese are clever.
I am not sceptical of this report but it seemed to me that two pieces used in the demonstrations may not have been ferrous, that is iron. One was a key which was probably brass and the other appeared to be a coin. Neither should have been attracted by magnetism. Whatever is going on is not good for the human body.
BREAKING! Dr. Jane Ruby joined Stew Peters with a horrific revelation regarding the ‘magnetism’ videos circulating the world of social media in self-recorded videos of people sticking metal objects to themselves.
The CDC has said receiving the ‘vaccine’ will not make you magnetic, including at the site of ‘vaccination’ which is usually your arm.
Dr. Ruby says, “They’re lying”, and provided evidence in support of her claim, as well as a disturbing warning about the ingredients in the jab, directly from the source.
The only way of becoming properly informed about anything in this World is to carefully sift through all the different arguments and opposing claims. Relying on some authority figure or other to do the job for you is pure folly irrespective of how right or wrong they happen to be
At 272 post-Covid jabs deaths in Australia as per 10 June,
Serene Teffaha wrote to Claimants yesterday, ….”Judge Hampel’s decision on the ‘Stay’ was received yesterday, and it came as no surprise that she had decided against re-instating my Practicing Licence whilst we await the full hearing in VCAT.”
For background and comment see Serene’s video at:
A test for Nerds.
At 36 minutes; Learn about
Easter Eggs and Splunks? (something for Mr Ryan)
42 mins; a present for Mary. (:–}
19 min++ censorship, Fraudchi, they knew it was all fake, created with false figures and msm scare mania, treatments, why Hydrox banned by Fraudchi, he knew it was a treatment (MORRISON,DAN ET Al, SUCKED IN IDIOTS!!) but would stuff up the ‘magnician’s’ trick, >>>>>>>>>>> Cancer cure. (well most of us know they have hidden cancer treatment) Oh it just tells us more, just listen to it all and wake up.
The self-styled investigative journalist Shane Dowling 2 days ago: weird, given his fight against the pedophile judiciary in NSW.
I assume his anti-Morrison and anti-Trump hatreds, often evinced by the type of left-liberal Dowling represents, blinds his judgement:
Note in the QUOTE how for Dowling ritual sexual abuse and hence SRA is “controversial”.
Note how Dowling alleges SRA is rare and that at the same time, there is little evidence for it (make up your mind, Dowling, does it exist or not??!!)
(NB: forget about SRA being documented in court rulings worldwide, eg the 10 mentioned by Wilfred Wong for the UK, or what Prof. Freda Briggs wrote for Aust)
DOWLING QUOTE: “When Prime Minister Scott Morrison used the controversial words “ritual sexual abuse” — the language of an extreme alt-right conspiracy — in his historic apology to survivors in federal parliament last year, he appears to have disregarded the advice of child sex abuse survivors and a panel of government-appointed experts.
Documents obtained by Inq, as well as interviews we’ve conducted with key players, show that the prime minister departed from a tightly choreographed set of actions and words, several months in the planning, when he used the term “ritual sex abuse” to refer to the institutional sex abuse uncovered by the McClellan royal commission.
The term normally refers to satanic ritual abuse, an extremely rare practice for which there is little evidence. Inq has previously revealed that Morrison family friend and leading Australian promoter of the extremist US-based QAnon conspiracy movement, Tim Stewart, had been pushing for the words “ritual abuse” to be included in the prime minister’s speech, as part of QAnon’s agenda to expose Luciferian or Satan-worshipping paedophiles who they believe secretly run the world. (Click here to read more)”
I keep an eye on Dowling and he is as he appears in court and in the precincts.
He makes scurrilous allegations against those he chooses to be paedophiles without one iota of evidence.
Then he denies satanic activities and has no clue about Qanon. Clearly he is clueless on Q and runs with his personal agenda.
If he had any financial resources other than contributions they would not last long with legal costs.
The misinformation factory is probably funded by outfits like Rockerfella Foundation, for every fake news story they promote (to cover up the real story), they now seem to produce one or more alt-fake news stories which get put about as fast as they are developed. So the truth becomes one small voice in a sea of lies.
I appreciate Hart’s effort to hold politicians and medical bureaucrats to ethical account but the easily observable reality is that not one of these people subscribe to any ethics or values, whatsoever.
Being a simple man, I simply observe their absolute lack of empathy with Australians and inability to feel compassion for those they injure or kill, and conclude that these are either sociopaths or psychopaths, and the differience is immaterial.
My suggestion is that anybody contemplating suicide in the near future, or otherwise able to forsee their own imminent death, should give some enhanced meaning to their lives and take whatever measures might save Australian lives. And I do not mean pray.
Yes old people should be capable of doing more as they have already fallen in to the category of useless eaters. But don’t diminish praying unnecessarily, today I saw a lady driving a car with a big sticker on the back, “pray to our lady” and something about the rosary. I never saw anyone like that around here so must be a sign of the times. More people should have those stickers, so we all get a clearer sense, people understand these Moloch worshippers are now in the ascendancy.
Ghastly times we live in but not so unusual when you take an unvarnished look at history.
This was not a big bumper sticker, this sticker took up half the tailgate, just a normal car, normal lady driving. This is grass roots alt-media which anyone can do.
Indeed, take measures to ‘save lives’.
Try opening the mind to what is really happening and forget msm conditioned pessimism, life is not to be thrown away when; the saving of lives, sovereignty and freedom is one’s natural duty.
May I recommend ‘enhanced measures’ as you suggest. Start with opening the mind to recognise evil……. Even the odd ‘jerk’ may be able to assist you if you care for some examination and optimism.
Even if you do not care about prayer, look up the sin of ‘dispair’ and translate it to ‘cowardice’ in battle.
If you want to understand the science/biology of mass vaccination during a pandemic with an experimental immunization download the review (free) attached to this video.
5 Concerns about Sars-Cov-2 Biology:A Call to Pause,Deliberate and Revise Policy.
This is a similar argument to “too much antibiotics makes superbugs” and nobody has any trouble with that. Likewise I would not like to go to any hospital for anything because they are full of golden staph. People get more and more junk food and junk medicine and they become a liability. Then they say they caught it from others and for example the black plague probably started people holding their hand over their mouth when they sneezed. However … the plague was not spread by the air germs, it was an external biological agent, fleas.
Nowadays Bill Gates, Rockerfellas and everyone working for them are the fleas making the superbugs. Don’t worry if my analogies are loose, the detail isn’t important. The point is, the science is about 51% crap.
Craig Kelly ripping Dicktator Dan a 2nd arsehole a couple of weeks ago. DD will be off on mental illness next (limit 6 months) with the pressure of being hated so much.
Yes Craig I have been in contact with the local MP and they are very empathetic, not sure how they vote though, it would be good if there was an easy way to see that on aph.gov.au but I can’t find it on the front page.
World renowned immunologist Professor Bhakdi-It’s a horror story,the greatest experiment on human beings in the history of medicine.
The Truth In 5 Minutes
join the gap
https://www.bit chute.com/video/DO37UOdhlCjG/
Deaths, corona outbreaks and side effects related to the Covid vaccination
A reader of our blog, who has been living in Australia for many years now, contacted us and is now collecting the media reports of deaths, corona outbreaks and side effects related to the Covid vaccination in Australia.
If you know of other cases in Australia, simply report them directly via E-Mail to the reader, that collects the information.
Collected articles:
Date: 31.05.2021
Read on…………..
I have just started reading but this is an incredibly good site, it is like VAERS but more real.
Makes you think you would have to be mad to go anywhere near any sort of medical facility.
Get off the white flour and packets of cooked stuff everyone, just keep right off it, it makes inflammation and all sorts of things flow on from that.
Lots of people seem to be scared to use the word vaccine in their emails, instead using “v” or Maxine or jaß (german ss). What next, killer drones ?
How the Media hides the Record of Vaccine Deaths & deceives Americans
June 6, 2021 — The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a database managed by the CDC that collects reports of health problems experienced after taking a vaccine. It aims to identify potential side effects that premarket safety testing may have missed. According to the CDC, VAERS is supposed to be “the nation’s frontline system for monitoring vaccine safety.” This is especially critical for the COVID-19 shots, since they were the first to go on the market without the long-term safety testing required for FDA approval. See Part 1 of this series.
You would hope that if a new vaccine wound up getting more death reports in five months than all the others combined over the entire previous 28 years that might warrant some attention.
Think again. An army of journalists and self-proclaimed fact-checkers stand ready to besiege anyone who dares to report on this astonishing data. Not only is there nothing to see, suggesting otherwise makes you a conspiracy theorist or a far-right extremist, according to our betters in the fake news media . . . Full story: globalresearch.ca
Another seizures video
‘Urgent’ British Report Calls for Complete Cessation of COVID Vaccines in Humans
“It is now apparent that these products in the blood stream are toxic to humans. An immediate halt to the vaccination programme is required whilst a full and independent safety analysis is undertaken to investigate the full extent of the harms, which the UK Yellow Card data suggest include thromboembolism, multisystem inflammatory disease…”
Click HERE to read the entire article.
Listen to NY Pharmacist Discuss His Refusal to Administer Experimental Biological Agents Without Informed Consent
Joel Wood
“…I have heard from many staff and patients that they did not know that the shot was NOT FDA-approved. I know for a fact the staff who are administering this shot are not telling people that it is not an approved vaccine….”
On May 5th, Wood called an anonymous ethics line at the Kinney Drugs corporation where he was employed to express concerns over both vaccine shedding and vaccination in youth. On May 9th he wrote an email to the corporation in which he stated: “I have been an employee for Kinneys for over 5 years. I have always felt that they have made safety for staff and patients a priority. However, I would like to know what the company is doing to address the safety concern of shedding of vaccine in the work place. It is a known phenomenon, and specifically mentioned in the Pfizer study on page 67 as a concern. It is possible to have contact thru both physical touching (which is not the concern at work) but also inhalation – this is a concern at work. The masks do not provide any safety. I would like to see this addressed in an email to the company by this weekend.”
Read the entire article.
I like to state the obvious sometimes so be warned.
“Who is working for whom”.
At the top, we have the cabbal, we think the Euro cabbal has Rotschilds close to the top, power sharing with the various bankers and inheritance people. In the US cabbal we have Rockerfellas presumably at the top, power sharing with Carnegie, Ford, DuPont, Bushs and the rest. The CCP we cannot look into so easily, the history is all written in Chinese, but we can be fairly sure Dicktator Dan was working for them. Over in Europe it is an easy guess that Macron is (still) working for Rotschilds, in his new capacity as Euro-Superman, goes everywhere and tells everyone what to think. In the same way Osama bin Laden used to work for the CIA and probably still does. Barry Soetoto name was apparently changed to Obama for a joke, especially as he was lined up to “kill Osama”. CIA (Afghanistan, Florida, Arkansaw operations) is obviously a Rockerfella Bush effort via the Rockerfella vice-presidency after Nixon was rolled, and HWBush was CIA director before he became VP to Reagan (Reagan later decommissioned by bullets). So the first notable fully controlled Rockerfella puppet was President Ford, probably controlled (we hear) by his pedophilia. Fascinatingly we have these instant monopolists springing up nowadays, undoubtedly sponsored since they do what they are told in terms of providing censorship etc. most famous is Zuckerbucks, the Jewish connection is quite clear so we presume sponsored by Rotschilds through NY banksters, other people in the field such as the Twitter guy Dorsey probably the competition, working for Rockerfellas, evinced by showing no hesitation in blocking Trump, their most famous user. (Non-illuminati Murdoch had “myspace” and just got wiped out in the stampede). Likewise we presume funding for Global Supply Chain guy Bezos came from the Jews, but probably also Super Hipster Elon Musk, Global End-times & New-tech head. Rockerfellas always seem to go for people who are a bit stupider, for example W Bush, the Clintons, Gates and I have mentioned Ford. The Rockerfellas seem to suffer from a surplus of arrogance and hubris which is what seems to be bringing the whole thing down now. People sometimes think they are invisible when really they just suffer from blindness.
So what I am interested in, is the same thing I was interested in many years ago when I started reading up on the money trail for ww1 & ww2. Obviously the money trail didn’t stop there, it re-emerged in Korea and then Vietnam before having a little holiday from direct involvement and starting again in Kuwait and Yugoslavia.
What I would now like to see is a big pie chart with slices according to who has all the money, for example lets say Rotschilds collective had 1/4, Rockerfellas had 1/5, all the Euro Royals had 1/6, the US plutocrats had 1/7 and everyone else had whatever was left. Then we would put the pubic figures on the pie chart according to who paid them and how much. So if you were some left wing outfit like Black Lives Matter, you would be stuck on the outside edge of the pie chart under Rockerfellas because you were funded by the Foundation. If you were Macron you would be in Rotschilds pie-slice and a bit closer to the middle. With a pie chart like this the public could easily see who their politicians and public figures were ultimately working for, and how much they were getting paid. A lot of info is supplied on Rockerfellas Foundation webpage, but obviously the money filters through to other places. So much for the famous US “philanthropy”, it seems to be nearly all money laundering.
There is mostly junk on the search, like this little mental conditioning meme https://i.imgflip.com/1js9ua.jpg
also we see https://img.ifcdn.com/images/61354228a008dcda8942077da219361a215d0b91fb17d33943b2d961187d6a57_1.jpg
and some better but still fairly useless stuff such as
It really is so simple to see the agenda behind the bs. The vaccines are made in bio-weapons labs/factories, if this was announced mainstream the plandemic would fail to nothingness and non-compliance overnight. Unfortunately, the media is devoid of truth cause 6 oligarchs rule with impunity. There are over 60 BSL4 labs globally, proving we have one world crown zionist ccp government. Nation states are a flag waving exercise for sporting events and genocide agenda via wars for profit. The head of serpent, mandating jabs, is the crown that is Wellcome trust and Pirbright etc…Oz is a Tavistock experiment on steroids – the launching pad for techno feudal slavery with a catch Serco style, that is the eugenics program to murder our mass.
These traitors within are unpardonable for crimes against humanity.
This very short report from China is very concerning. Send up some food!!!!
That’s the downside of being skinny and living in apartments
and pigeons being very wary of the balustrade they may chose to perch upon.
Swearda God. See the photo at 1.46 minutes:
Salutations citizens,
i’m excited, reading just gums “headliners” gets me excited.
I’ll dig deeper before making an ass of myself, my eye drawn to a ,Dee,when I started this…
You all having my back by no known stone escaping scrutiney(sic, signature). Is much welcomed.
Dear Simon,
Took me a few minutes and reads to decipher your message.
As a introduction to Dee whom I know personally, let me opine that Dee is the most unrecognised and underestimated genuine person amongst the journalistic charades we have in Australia. If only people knew of her devotion to many varying significant humane missions and TIME for justice
It is not the identities behind the messages, it is the uncensored invitation to the; message’s, thoughts and research by many that is the crux of Gs news.
As may be expected, there are a few with agendas, but they may be easily recognised in time and considered.
Off topic but significant developments for all OUR POOR SKEPTIC NAYSAYERS who did not follow Q and thought nothing was happening.
At least from around the 25 minute mark, THE RULE OF LAW is necessary for a successful STING OPERATION
Poor mass media, you lot have dug yourselves down to the hairline……. keep digging. Note how evidence has been collected for years to bury the criminals (and aiders and abettors!!) and some results are being released (drip drip) and by following the ‘rule of law’ and ‘correct procedures’ leads to successful prosecution/s.
As the link headline notes; “……….these people are stupid ……..”. Cannot argue against that!!!
Many criminals are going to have to learn (esp’ in the USA) that being caught, committing a crime may have dire consequences.
Harry Vox on the Jew Virus
Particularly funny at 23:00
Harry has obviously been in lockdowns too long and is approaching a state of mania.
He should amend his terminology from “jews” to Zio-banksters or something similar.
Why don’t you send him an email ? I’m not going to.
The 90% of average jews are also just as mind controlled as for example Collingwood fans.
Instead of going out to deliberately vilify some cultural / ethnic group, driving them even further to introversion, they should IDENTIFY THE TARGET, even the most stupid duck shooter is expected to do this. We hear the name Larry Fink and Janet Yellen bandied around and that’s about it. However it is unclear if Larry pulls his own strings, obviously Janet doesn’t. Why would Larry be pulling his own strings, and, his being jewish is not proof of jewish control. I hired a jewish lawyer once but that doesn’t make me jewish. I want to know WHO CONTROLS EXACTLY WHAT, not some raving lunatic having a fit about penis size.
I think you’ll find the Jews and Italians got together long ago, and likewise the people surrounding the North Sea are basically all one unit. These two Euro mafias got together and formed the “first world” as we now know it. If the jews are the smartest then perhaps we ought to catch up. You have been told, so no excuse for dumbing down.
The Jewish Ghosts of Palermo
Posted by VDG on October 15, 2015
There was a Jewish presence in Sicily for centuries, possibly from before the birth of Jesus. The Jews were the only outsiders who made their homes in Sicily and became part of her population without invading. They simply turned up, fitted in and made themselves indispensable.
The Great India Reset: The farmers protests may herald a global resistance
……….. ‘Indian farmers are rising up against Modi’s ‘Great Reset’ he recently wrote, “The farmers know what’s in store for them if they fail in their efforts to get the government to reverse this policy, which is why they’re rising up against the “Great Reset.”
American analyst F. William Engdahl traces the new farm laws directly to Davos, calling them “a direct result of several years’ effort of the World Economic Forum and its New Vision for Agriculture initiative,” which he says has relentlessly pushed a corporate model of farming in Africa, Latin America and Asia in the last decade. He further writes, “India is the last bastion where global agribusiness has been unable to dominate the production of food. For the WEF’s Great Reset, India’s traditional farm and food system must be broken. Its smallholder family farmers must be forced to sell to large agribusiness conglomerates and regional or state-level protections for those farmers eliminated. It will be ‘sustainable,’ not for the small farmers, but rather the giant agribusiness groups.”
This view is corroborated by a detailed recent investigation by the Caravan, which exposed the farm bills as nothing but an effort to “remake India’s agricultural economy for large private players.” It identifies the many private players set to gain from the move, the biggest beneficiary being the corporate house known to be the closest to the Modi regime, the Adani Group (whose chairman Gautam Adani is an ‘Agenda Contributor’ to Davos, and whose agribusiness subsidiary Adani Wilmar is part of the WEF’s NVA India Business Council)…………
I remember the Indian farmers had a moderately big protest rally here about a year ago. The Indians have already been through colonialisation once so they are immunised. Like the Germans have been through mass-brainwashing before and they also show more immunity than for example Australians.
Why do the ignorant have to learn the hard way when there are plenty of examples around, it must be simply because they are ignorant.