by Mary W Maxwell LLB
The operation that I endeavor to outline today has nothing to do with horses. The name “Piebald” came to me spontaneously. There is a line about “a piebald steed” in Virgil’s Aeneid, a poem I love, but I don’t think there’s any connection. Anyway, I am open to a better name.
Name for what? For a project that involves laying the blame for two lethal events, the August 8, 2023 fire in Lahaina, which is on the island of Maui in Hawaii, and the more famous destruction of the twin towers at the New York World Trade Centre, WTC, on September 11, 2001.
In short: I declare that both those events involved the use of directed energy weapons, DEWs, and we can now proceed to look for the perpetrators. It may be a happily quick search, as there are not many owners of DEWs in this world.
If you want to be involved with me on Operation Piebald, I ask you to forsake the investigation of how it happened (e.g., technically, how did the Mai fire leave many trees standing?) and be disciplined about not extending the issue to other events — such as the 9-11 attack on the Pentagon or the one at Shanksville, about which the movie “Let’s Roll” was made.
There is beauty in simplicity here. Am I saying that folks shouldn’t pursue all the aspects they want? Of course not. Go do your thing. But I am designing Operation Piebald as a specifically limited job. I want to focus ONLY on the DEW usage (even if other stuff was also used, such as maybe thermite or nukes at WTC). And I want ONLY to chase after the perps, not decipher their politics.
That last restriction lets us ask “Who the hell is able to wield that kind of weapon?” So I will NOT be pursuing the question of WHY the perp might have done it. Some say the Maui fire was motivated by a land grab. Many say 9-11 was organized to help certain people control the oil resources of the Middle East. Whatever. You will soon see that there is value in looking only at one thing — blame.
But, I hear you complain, “Isn’t motive part of a crime case?” Yes, it is. Let’s say a woman was found stabbed to death in bed. Police consider Ambrose to be a suspect (maybe because he reported the death, or he looked nervous). If Ambrose ends up in a trial, the prosecutor needs to show such things as Ambrose’s having the means (he took knife lessons), the motive (he’s the beneficiary of her life insurance) and the intent — it was no accidental slippage of the knife.
Fine, but no perps are on trial. We are only trying to identify likely suspects. I do not give a hoot whether the WTC perp created a “Muslim” false flag as a way to start an oil war in the Middle East. I won’t even dwell on the interesting fact that the city of Lahaina was scheduled to become a 15-minute city “to make the planet sustaiable.” All I want is blame, blame. Blame is all I want.
Thank God for DEWs. I mean thank God that in our search for the perps of 9-11 and 8-8, there is a weapon far less common than a knife or a gun. Only a few people in the world can carry out such a hi-tech hit as to get rid of NY skyscraper, or wipe out a whole town of residences, leaving only the outside hulks of automobiles on display.
For now, I’m going to give a rather circular definition of “DEW,” for purposes of Operation Piebald. That is, when I say that Directed Energy Weapons did 9-11 and 8-8, I mean what we see as the result in those two cities — Manhattan and Lahaina — “prove” that it was done by DEWs. Granted, someday it may be found that yet another weapon has those effects. But right now the only technology we citizens are aware of that leaves such destruction is DEW.
There is a continuum of weapons, going from lasers, to microwave weapons, to EMP — electromagnetic pulse. All of these can send harmful energy “without a projectile.” That is, no bullet is involved. As to the directedness of the energy, I’m told that it is the speed of travel of the energy that almost guarantees it will hit the target — there’s not time enough for it to waver from the path. Note: It was a Serbian immigrant to the US, Nicola Tesla (1856- 1943) who first discovered that energy can be directed. He very publicly made a small earthquake happen.)
Microwave War
Far about ten years, I have been aware of a study of Microwaves, a most unusual study conducted by one person in her apartment in the New York City borough of Queens. She is Mary Efrosini Gregory, a classics scholar, born in 1952. I have two other friends, one in New Zealand and one in Boston, who are targeted individuals — “TI’s.” They get beamed at, both outdoors and at home. The TI exercises need not come into our Piebald business, but it does alert us to the bad guys who do such things.
I do need to mention Mary Gregory’s work, however, because she has kept — and published — very detailed accounts of what is done to her and several of her neighbors, in Rego Park, NY. Namely, as planes go overhead, to or from JFK airport, she is sprayed with little hits that hurt. One part of her body they attack is her lower lip, thus proving the great precision of which the technique is capable, even when the plane is not terribly close to her building. To help sleep, she uses a bedspread made of aluminum, but even that does not completely protect her.
By the way, she thinks it is a miliary adventure. Occasionally all commercial flights are grounded, such as in severe weather, but the planes that hurt are still up there, so likely are military. More on that later.
Cover Up
A reason to think that some very advanced technology was involved on 9-11 and 8-8, is that in both instances, people were not allowed to examine the fallen debris. Mayor Rudi Giuliani in New York saw to it that the WTC pieces were shipped out quickly (never mind that a crime scene is supposed to be left intact until studied). In Lahaina, FEMA rushed in to build a wall all the way along Front St (the street fronting the ocean) and did not even let the property owners go past that wall to examine their belongings.
As of Dec 4, 2023, some owners are allowed to enter, but they must use Personal Protective Equipment, PPE, against toxic debris.
Certainly, there’s no government official in Lahaina giving an interviews to explain the effects of DEW, as the official claim is that Lahaina was devastated not by hi-tech but by a natural fire, with extra force provided by tremendous winds. If you speak of DEW, you may find yourself in trouble with the law. All conspiracy theorists (like me) have a sort of “badness” about them.
Judy Wood’s Theory
Three and a half years after 9-11, that is, in February 2005, I gained the startling knowledge that the famous “attack by Muslim hijackers at the World Trade Center” was not true. Planes did not cause a fire that led to the collapse of the buildings. Hijackers had probably not piloted any planes, the movie “Let’s Roll” notwithstanding. I thought I was one of very few who had come across this information and was mighty scared.
Later I realize that there has been a “9-11 Truth Movement” for some time. It is partly sectioned into groups such as “Pilots for 9-11 truth” and “Lawyers for 9-11 truth.” The most famous group is Architects and Engineers — who would, you must agree, have a valid claim to knowing how large buildings are built and how they can be destroyed.
They were quick to say that the damage was not caused by fire form the fuel of the planes, as fire is not hot enough to melt the steel beams. Thus, conspiracy theorists assumed the twin towers must have come down by explosion in the way a proper demolition is sometimes carried out. We have all seen videos of controlled demolitions. The building does not topple to the side; it comes straight down.
After a while a new idea was put forth by Prof Neil Harrit of Denmark, that the method of destruction involved thermite. I have also met some people who say nuclear weapons were involved and some who agree that a combination of such things may have been used. I am no physicist. I have no right to try to offer you a comparison of methods.
However, an explanation provided by Judy Wood, a mechanical engineer, appeals to me as being able to cover many aspects of the WTC event on 9-11. Dr Wood refers to the buildings as having been “dustified.” What fell to the ground and was carted off is not nearly enough to account for the full million tons of the 110 story towers. The title of Judy Wood’s 2006 book asks “Where Did the Twin Towers Go?” She answers “They broke up into tiny particles and drifted away.” This, she says, was accomplished by DEW.
By the way, as you may know, nearly 3,000 people died in the towers but an even greater number died in New York in the years following 2001, from lung ailments.
A word of sympathy: Possibly you are hearing for the very first time that it was not Muslims that did 9-11. I realize it can be a shock. Please know that the shock will fade. You will be able to handle the truth. Back in 2005, my state of hysteria lasted maybe a week at most. I had no one to discuss it with — but you have me.
Maui Fire Assists the Judy Wood Theory!
A startling aspect of the Lahaina landscape after 8-8 is that structures with a blue color did not get burnt. A normal fire makes no such discrimination, but a DEW fire skips over anything blue. Houses with blue roofs are in good condition in Lahaina and even a blue car or a blue umbrella gave protection.
(Note: The town of Lahaina on Maui’s west coast is only a small part of Maui. There was another fire in a more easterly part of Maui the same day. Together these are called “the Maui fires, but Operation Piebald is looking only at the one in Lahaina.)
Many videos have been made, including ones by Eric West a local realtor, that show the unusual pattern of car damage from 8-8. The frame of most cars was still in its recognizable shape, but the engine almost disappeared, and the windows did disappear, completely.
As for the wheels, they melted into little pools of metal near the car. As Mr West points out, the “fire” that destroyed the car did not do what it should have done on the land surrounding the car, namely, burn all the grass and trees. In some cases, the trees are still doing fine. So why did the huge temperature, needed for the melting wheels, fail to catch onto the trees? In a DEW attack, the precision of the hit is such that it can pinpoint a car, and spare a nearby tree.
I must end Part 1 of Operation Piebald now. Part 2 will discuss legal issues. I can leave you with three good books for your further study of DEW. The first is Mary Efrosini Gregory’s 2012 book “MIcrowave War” ($17 on Amazon). It is easy to read and very enlightening.
The second is a 2021 book by electronics scientist Louis A Del Monte, aptly entitled “War at the Speed of Light.” Del Monte will leave you in no doubt that directed energy weapons are a top priority in militaries of China and the US. He even shows the dangers of mixing DEW with Artificial Intelligence.
The third is a 1985 book by Robert O Becker, MD, entitled “The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life.” In it you will see how badly treated this doctor was, by his university and by a Veterans Hospital, because he was good at saving soldiers’ lives. (Yes.)
If interested in joining Operation Piebald, pls email me at MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com
My website is http://www.ConstitutionAndTruth.com Thanks!
You are an incompetent swine.
Like a cheater on a school test who knows the correct answer but has no eff’ing clue why the correct answer is the right answer, much less any ability to comprehend or answer the question.
You have no technical comprehension (cuz you are stoopid bullshit wannabe lawyer) of what directed energy weapons are much less whether they were used in Maui or not.
Likely so but only conjecture at this time.
The term DEW would not be in the public consciousness without Dr. Wood and you give her short shrift in this word vomit on a page.
You are mentally sloppy and foolish to assert that AE911 has any clue about what happened.
A single fact (among many) proves that Gage, Hulsey, Harrit, Walters, Corbett, et al. are no more than incompetent traitors.
There were no explosions immediately before WTC7 came down.
There can be no controlled demolition without any explosions.
AE911, Gage and the entire lot of snakes on the Truth coven are snakes and controlled opposition and the enemy.
They function ONLY to divert people away from what really happened on 911.
Grow the Hell Up and engage the truth instead of junior high sensationalism.
I love the stench of the desperation in the morning.
Tell us about the USS Liberty in 1967 next.
Dunus, are you back?
“There were no explosions immediately before WTC7 came down.” If you listen to an unedited video of WTC7 coming down you can clearly hear the explosions.
He probably not even heard of the wtc janitor Rodrigues, either ….. describing the explosion in the basement at the time the aircraft hit one of the towers ….. nor the resulting damage to the entrance etc. etc.
He is an ignorant idiot and a fail.
Has he ever heard of the five dancing Israelis just there ..”TO DOCUMENT THE EVENT”. As they stated on Telalie in Telafib.
Aiding and abetting mass murderers and entering a conspiracy attempting to defeat the course of justice is a criminal offence in many jurisdictions.
In chapter 7 of her book Dr Judy Wood addresses the sound of explosions-
“Everything that goes “boom” is not necessarily a bomb”.
She goes on to discuss exploding Scott air-paks, oxygen cylinders, cars and water tanks.
AE911 controlled opposition were instrumental in destroying Judy Wood’s reputation and career.
Pity, you did not have professor Jones in your home for a weekend.
His finding of minute spherical metal balls and minute pieces of thermite chips in the towers dust opens up an explanation for the collapses that can be added to Wood’s theory.
What really matters about the mass murders is
And have any been quietly DEALT WITH MORE TO COME.
“They know everything …. Sorry”?
Look at Jeb’s face!
Hang in there Joseph.
Yeah we’re all hanging and the lamp posts are still lamp posts
Well, we just have to wait and see If the reported analogue video confessions of George are real.
In the meantime take the evening off and take Elly to the pictures.
Inasmuch as NO baddie theory has ever been known to free anyone from anything they are ALL “controlled opposition”;a cunning diversion tactic from what ACTUALLY needs to be done.
A nasty and unwarranted comment Keith! The author has set out the aim of her article – to expose those responsible for such acts of evil doing – not to discuss the method for the causation of the acts themselves.
A point you seem to miss.
You attack her personally – another fail on your part – maybe because the causation and method of those evil doings don’t fit your lack of knowledge of forensics, while you ignore providing any example at all for your criticism – another fail on your part.
You are typical of those who have no ammunition, no knowledge of the subject to bring to the table for discussion – so why did you even bother?
Just had to get that free kick in, eh?
You are a very sad individual.
His purpose was obvious to those who have investigated 911 for twenty years ….. just the usual modus; trying to distract and protect the mass murderers and their many accomplices in the crime and conduct a cowardly criminal cover up.
Alternatively, he is just a dumb misfit.
But who cares what he is as he has exposed himself.
I attempted to put that comment up yesterday – comment reply wouldn’t work – now it’s working?
Mary’s article certainly hit a raw nerve in him – well, anyway, he’s done his dash on this site.
And good riddance!
Boston strong
It would be great if you could use some material to act like a shield that would redirect that energy back to the source of the offence. Brass or a mirror?
Maybe have watched too many action hero cartoons in my childhood…..
Melina, I recommend you get that book by Louis Del Monte. He covers the cat and mouse game, showing how each side tries to either evade or hit the enemy.
And it’s awfully well written.
I seem to recall that Walter Russell was onto something that would deflect all attacks from above.
Why 9/11 & the Maui fire ?
So far as reaching a deeper understanding of the dynamic on which the World System pivots, an exposition on the existence of such hubs as NYC & London would be more to the point.
Interesting to note that this conflagration also triggered a veritable host of “baddie” theories:
At the expense of venturing anywhere near the overarching issue
What’s given virtually no attention is that no government would need to do anything more than cut off the power & water supply to any big city & call it a terrorist attack if the aim was simply to soften up the population into accepting oppressive restrictions.
The Bin Laden story obviously doesn’t add up but neither does the “inside job” theory
The “inside job” adds up in every way
No government has ever been known to cut off the power & water supply to any big city & call it a terrorist attack as a means of softening up the population into accepting oppressive restrictions simply because it’s far more likely that it would do the very reverse. I mean, it goes without saying that a certain equilibrium is critical to maintaining a facade of invincibility
On the other hand, if such amenities were genuinely sabotaged due to lax security, or some other sort of attack was likewise engendered, it’d obviously trigger guilt projection + a concerted attempt to shift the onus of responsibility,such as encumbering the populace with draconian requirements and prohibitions
e.b. – it is more effective in exposing a wider scenario to gain public attention, by exposing the rotten actors behind the evil doing, rather than chipping away, at exposing those middle managers of the evil doing, such as governments.
In other words: It is the controllers of this world who always hide in the shadows that need to be exposed, not those who act as the shop front (government) for such evil.
The arms expo so far: it appears they have some youngish geeks aiming their DEW beams at the ionosphere and bouncing them down on targets, they are told to hit MM’s house and Alex Jones’ house and Clif High’s house and hit the whole area between X street and Y street but don’t hit the blue things. As for 9-11 if they had a DEW maybe it was a small primitive one mounted on a nearby building. There were explosives in 9-11, you can see the windows all blow out on the floor below, before the pancaking starts. It looked like one side of one building got dustified and had to be taken down before the explosives were affected.
If there was ‘pancaking’, where are the pancakes? What happened to them?
Ever seen buildings 5 and 6 after?
Well, we know about building 7, the BBC was on to and reporting its collapse about ten minutes before it collapsed.
The floors are only about 200 thick and 3000 airspace, the basement levels are proportional to the height, the ground under was reported to be silty or river mud because they had a drain called “the bathtub”.
Impact = velocity squared, leaving the rest to your imagination
The bathtub was not a drain but was the construction in the Hudson river that the Towers were placed in.That is why a controlled demolition could never be entertained because damage to the bathtub with the collapse of the towers would have resulted in the flooding of lower Manhattan.
The basement area sustained no significant damage(no significant seismic signal was detected with the collapse of WTC1/2.)
They were playing it all day on the TV on 12 Sept 2001, the floors all pancaked down, why would anyone dispute that on the basis that they had any verifiable facts about the so called bathtub. Well they talk about this and others say Manhattan was ideal for building hi-rise because it was all rock. Why would Manhattan flood anyway, it’s an island. All these debates about fantastical things are great if they don’t fly in the face of basic physics. The impact of the concrete floors going down would be massive and the sum of the “dust” would not amount to much.
Commenter Ned told me to listen to Bosi so I wearily gave it another spin then when they said there was a tunnel going from Jerusalem to Rome I lost interest.
So you lost interest in Bosi and bailed out…… well that explains a lot….. I just finished the 1.58.58 so I am aware of much more which fits with other reports….. particularly lines of explosions in lines within ten miles down, usually 4-6 seismic readings. Not earthquakes as there are normally minor tremors preceding the ‘explosions’.
They were world over up to last year.
Have you not seen photographs of the ‘plasma’? Boring machines for tunnels that can do kilometres in a day?
How about photos of the magnetic trains.
Right, all BS and not evidence.
As I closed in the previous article comment, discussion is pointless if you do not research, nothing can defeat a closed mind.
I take it that you saw no evidence of flooding under the WH with water gushing up the grates into the street in Jan 2021 and the midnight visiting and bus loads departing activity at the WH.
Intake it when Biden was alleged signing stuff in the WH Oval Office, vehicles could be seen through the window over his RH shoulder. HE WAS NOT IN THE WH ..
Why would it not flood ….. how deep were the foundations under the river level?
Oh .. bed is best.
All the best.
I am not know surprised that you have joined the 7 minute club…… you apparently have been a silent member for decades.
I’m not going into lockstep with anyone no matter how much they protest and keep telling me about things I already know about while they insist I don’t know. All these things are inconclusive and the reality on the ground is that the crooked government is trying to take us down. Clear now ???
Well, how can we let you know about anything to consider when you already know and we do not know what you know.
It is called discussion.
I take it that you know about the Italian politician being investigated for crimes re injections mentioned by Bosi.
As you know, then I will not offend you by referring to the report at whatreallyhappened.com, that I just noted there amongst all the millions killed in several other reports as you know.
So shall we presume either; you know everything because you know or do not want to know?
Instead of making assumptions about what I know how about leading Q-member commenter Odgers supplies links of some substance instead of latching on to every fantasy that comes his way, and appeals to his notion that the various services are “good”. I’m not even with him that far. They chose the job and they are paid to do what they’re told.
For me, I know whatever has been published and posted in Gumshoes and other sources and I sift through using my own bias. The supposed tunnel from Rome to Jerusalem is further than you think, comparable to a distance across southern Australia, and it’s promoted by the same types of people who say flying to the moon is impossible. They overlook the boat stuck in the Suez canal with this structure that has appeared in their imaginations. They say gold to pay for “white hats” came from the Vatican while overlooking the more reasonable stories of gold coming out from 9-11.
The Q-members keep telling me I don’t know things but it’s the Q-members that are prepared to attach themselves to anything and label it as fact when they have no actual proof it wasn’t a CIA psyop, like the whole Obama presidency for example and the Biden continuation. Yes it is like we’re watching a movie, it has all been created artificially, as Karl Rove said “we will make the events and you will conscientiously study them” if I have that quote near enough.
As for the moon that is still debated.
I have considered many theories regarding the moon.
I accept scientific evidence that it is ‘hollow’.
Read David Niven’s book ‘the moon is a balloon’. (🙈🤷💁🏼🤣🤣)
I have heard that it has certain mathematical relationships with the earth, the sun as to size/proportions and distances. That should impress Ant and Elly.
I accept a first hand account given to me that a known gumshoe contributor was with a press mob who witnessed a manned capsule that was chucked from a U.S. freighter craft at a extreme altitude and was picked up from the sea and taken to a US naval ship.
Mr Van Allen’s belt is there and via the latest ‘Project Orion’, NASA is researching ways to get travellers through it alive.
I accept that NASA has apparently ‘lost the technical plans’ on know how to be able to repeat the first feat.
So much more, but you would know it all, I presume.
However, there are reports that aliens live on the moon and in some other manner, earthlings have actually been there to communicate…… etc.
Well, that is a genuine dog’s breakfast for you to feed on and let us know what is real.
Particularly, that is a human ‘soul trap’, run by nasties for reincarnation back to earth scenarios.
Heaps of fun …… follow the yellow brick road.
JB As for aliens, for assistance for others and their research.
Try Lt Col Corso’s book on re-engineering alien gadgets.
I read it in late 190’s and have opined on it way back here in comment/s. My wife picked it up at the local ‘Vinnies’.
How strange how things turn up.
Tucker Carson, of all people has some interviews at rumormillnews.com reading room on 14/12 at 14,27.58.
Happy researching people. Probably just more psyop.🙀🤷💁🏼😈👺👹🧌
Seems to be the cool topic theses days.
All sorts of wars and nonsense to try to get a pipeline from Kuwait or Qatar over to Jordan or Israel and they could have just done a tunnel with their atomic plasma borer. Yes I agree Elon Muck has gone quiet on his boring company. But what about getting the tailings out. Nobody thought of that, they were just DEWed into dust and puffed out I suppose, as if.
That’s about it and liquified to line the tunnel?
More research !
The silica of course liquifies as we have seen a few years ago in plasma bored tunnels, but you might strike anything especially trying to dive under oil & gas deposits, water tables, granite outcrops, etc etc., it all has to be moved somehow, and somewhere
This is “not” a movie
stop going down the DEW hole. I got speared by a knife, going nowhere
Maybe fleshing out building 7 has some kinda piebald credence(don’t make me go the horse thing as I have hairy toes). The physical things about B7, the renter/occupier/holdings should be satisfied by a court ‘a Keith
Holy Christ. Look at this. less than 2 minutes.