
Emails from Spook Cafe
By G5
With Trump in: The UN will be shut. There is a sane version being prepared in Cambodia. NATO and The EU will also be shut. Apart from a solid dose of salts run through Washington. The un-elected classes are panic stricken. They have overrun the world with the unrecoverable. The UN is responsible for a great deal, beyond what you are aware.
Musk, Electric Cars and the Dems
It didn’t hurt Musk personally. It hurt the Dem zoo to the tune of well over 45 million a month from him and Musk joining the GOP train.
The Red Third Wave; as I have advised; has changed the spectrum to GOP-MAGA.
The issue is no longer Trump. The Dem insane pushed that fake envelope to the point of their political suicide. The incessant war between The Unelected classes of government and experts against The People, they were to serve, not dominate. And now the Unelected and their Dem dupes, must pay.
Dem party is now endangered and on life support, to become extinct in Nov. 2024. It took incessant thievery and lies to accomplished what they did: Race, Gender, Climate, Energy, Food, Fake Economics, Fake Capitalism, Fake Intellectualism, Fake Moralism, Tokenism, Dunning-Kruger, Zimbardo, Sociopathy, Psychopathy, Narcissism, NLP, Authority Addiction Blackmail, Collaboration, The Renewable Green Steal, War Mongering, Inculcated and Tutoted Propaganda, Censorship, Murder and Mayhem, Commo-Fascism etc.
What a busy little tribe of scum they have been. The Left side of the aisle requiring intense treatment to remove malignant infestation and the stench of rot.
The AltMedia sane sector is now on the MAGA train: from Carlson, Shapiro, Owens, Peterson, Kirk, Inghram, Rogan, Kelly et al. The political sane have jumped on from: JFK Jr., Gabbard et al.
Kamel is not a lawyer. She was always an owned puppet throughout the pathetic era referred to as her public service career.
The trail of baggage she has generated is true to the fact that a low intelligence person is only further compromised by drug use, and varying sociopathic behaviour. Her false self belief obstructs truth and fact.
To even be postured as a president elect following an era of a Cromwellian pretend administration, frauded by the misuse of a constitutional republic by a coup, itself defies rationality. Her current narrative should be; look what I accomplished over the past three years. Not what I am lying about for the future. Exposed in full maniac incoherent giggle mode.
The focus on Trump as a liar and dictator if elected, defies the evidence of his prior four years as President.
Kamel’s vote skill set of sub continent Indian; not African Black; skin, and having a vagina, is insufficient to lead The Western World. Beyond a Dunning Kruger DEI Hire Token, she has exhibited Zimbardo Syndrome, and should be confined, never trusted.
Trump has already proven himself capable. She has proven herself incapable.
As in a previous era, the English Colonies were affected by those politics. In the contemporary, The West is affected by the domestic American threat of a government functioned by a self interested rogue unelected class, which will destroy the entire West to further its interests.
America needs an administration that will destroy the unelected. Not one to do its bidding. Their activities directly impacts on the entire West of sycophant and client states. As I have advised: it is America, and therefore The West’s third flirtation with Commo-Fascism since the early twentieth century. McCarthy was the second round.
In the current round; the malleable and ductile brains of targeted soft demographics have been inculcated and tutored with divisive and ridiculous narratives of; Gender, Race, and Climate. They don’t have the Rational and Critical skills to comprehend beyond their damaged belief systems, which they actually serve.
The manipulation of DSM5 as with that of Economic definitions; has left them standing in the rains of deceptions, believing it either true or valid opinion. Authority Addiction and media propaganda, have not served them well. They are the lost manipulated classes without an ability to recognise reality. Accomplished by; NLP, Argument from Authority (Authority Addiction induced Collaboration), Sociopathy Psychopathy (COVID Lie) and Narcissism.
America is in a tragic state. I follow the activities of the US, UK, EU, and UN, as they primarily affect the entire West, glued to the coat tails.
Crisis Actors Etc.
I have details of the same crisis actors appearing at: The Boston Marathon, Sandy Hook, and elsewhere. I will release them as soon as I verify they are not currently active intel.
I advised of the four laboratory workers at the BWL in Winnipeg who sent the initial SARS-CoV-2 cultures to the GSK, NIAID funded EcoHealth experiments at Wuhan, and the release at The World Military Games.
I have previously advised of Jack Lawrence and James Angleton at JFK. Together with; Hunt, Holt, Sturgis, Harrelson, Rosselli, GHWB and Lansdale.
I advised of Thane Cesar (active intel cancelled in Philippines) murdering RFK. Also of Dov Zakheim orchestrating 9/11, and Ray Epps at J6.
In the Trump attempted murder at Butler, I have advised of; Yearick, and Giuseppe. In the attempt on Melania I named Hayden. Active intel, but isolated due to his Brennan Clapper connection, and falsifying reports linked to Russiagate and The Biden Laptops.
What I advised concerning the three shooters, including the sacrificial Crooks, is correct. Including my description of the two fired rifles.
We are advised that RFK Jr. will open an inquiry into the various US Government assassinations (High Treason) and various attempts. Including; Melania Trump, Donald Trump, and Ronald Reagan. A continuation of the prior Church and Pike Enquiries. A further assessment and dismissal of the lies of The Warren Commission and Rockefeller Commission.
Trump wearing a vest after some eight prior attempts, required the three shot burst to the head. As with The Dal-Tex failure for JFK (Hunt, Holt, Sturgis, Harrelson), the final Jack Lawrence shot needed to be taken from the drain.
At Butler: Max Yearick fired the 5 single shots. Also missing.
Reminiscent of a past era in English history, where traitors were hung on posts on the road to London or heads piked in rows on the roof of Westminster Hall.
The problem Trump had in 2018 with GHWB and McCain III was, some following clown as Biden would have them released. Now that Biden has also been cancelled; and by his own; it confirms the need for Military Tribunal Execution for High Treason.
Where to start.
The West cannot continue on this insane journey. As I advised at the time: 2017 was the last opportunity to act. The owners and controllers took heed and heart from Trump’s inaction. Even frauding the elections of 2018, 2020, and 2022.
Study the events that occurred even just in the period of 2015 to the present. Nothing was learnt by the unelected, and even many of the elected. The behaviour continues unabated. Media was co-opted into the treacherous behaviour, and Commo-Fascism became an open Socio-Economic agenda of destruction. As endless herds of fools, parade the streets, into Congress and onto the benches of The Judiciary.
This is the third era (research Red Scares, McCarthy was termed The Second Red Scare) since the early 20th. century in America: where the nation must rid itself of Commo-Fascism.
And rid itself it will.
From regaining sovereignty over The Rio, to blocking the insane from occupying Congressional seats.
The pain of America becomes the pain of The West. As the pain of England, became that of the colonies.
Well Joe, sometime ago you asked about G5.
Last I saw him was up the hill in the spook’s cafe…. Sought of!
MM, there is some enlightenment for you if you can manage a skim for seven minutes.
The soft-brained demographics have been expanded since 2016 and the fake news is claiming women’s desire to abort is a crucial election issue, could this be interpreted as pre-meditated person-slaughter ?
Hunter is aiming for a jail sentence starting as close as possible to November so he can be pardoned in time for xmas and the whole story will be buried, unless by some miracle Trump proves the election was stolen and vetoes Joe’s pardon. By that time Hunter will be in Brazil.
How nice to be rid of Communo-Fascist aspirations even for just one generation but so far we are just hanging political figures and nobody has hung Rockerfellas or their sponsors the crowd from Hesse-Kassel or their financiers in Zurich-Bern-Basel etc. Political minions like Biden and Kamel are just part of a queue and individually have almost no value at all.
I don’t think Christianity was ever truly designed for “success” in this world, though a lot of people would like to think it was. In its pure form what happens in this world, outwards of your own head, is virtually irrelevant. Apparently we are just expected to endure, indefinitely, regardless of how broken our spirit might be, or what demons inhabit us.
Trump or Harris will make no difference
Andrei Martyanov: Collapse of the West & America’s Final War
Nostradamus predicts Kamel
I look at a lot of foreign websites. What Andrei says in that video corresponds with much of what I have gleaned from other sources. I wish the morons in Canberra would watch it, unfortunately, they are mostly of the same consciousness of the morons in Washington.
The corruption in the US has created a situation where the US will eventually implode. The substance of the American culture has been gutted. The myth of the great American military (of which I was once a member) will be revealed as a paper tiger. Both the Russians and Chinese have prepared for this last war, they have built upon success after success, while the Americans talk shit.
I’m so glad I bailed on the States way back in Feb ’82. Now I sit comfortably up on a mountain in Oz, far from the coming chaos. –
Protect yourself, nobody else will.
Putin elevates B(R)IC(S) to Alt-UN
Europe and Washington is a joke
Dick Cheney of Extreme right wing of Republican Party says he will vote for Kamel
“What I advised concerning the three shooters, including the sacrificial Crooks, is correct.”
“At Butler: Max Yearick fired the 5 single shots. Also missing.”
Crooks dead on roof with 5 casings,identity unmistakable from head image.
Where is any evidence of Yearick’s involvement?
Just riddles to be accepted unchallenged.
If one can look back over the past eight years, especially to recognize the places visited by Trump during 2017, on his ‘world tour’ – Saudi Arabia, China, The Vatican, City of London, Israel and the West Bank, and North Korea – being the standouts in a long list visited, and not necessarily in that order, the question must surely arise – for what purpose were all these places visited?
Those places named above were all under the Control of the Cabal, but why visit known Cabal strongholds, the realized enemy of Humanity unless Trump had something to show them that would put an end to their criminality?
One only need to look at the snap shot of the Trump’s standing, and smiling broadly, next to a very dejected looking Pope Francis to realize the implications of that 2017, ‘world tour’.
There are other more standout examples, such as Trump walking in front of the Queen, or the Saudi’s giving Trump the, ‘King of the World’ sword dance.
You will see many other examples if you look for them.
Trust the Plan?
As we go into a far better world, The Plan, so far, has worked very well.
“…. You will see many other examples if you look for them
INDEED INDEED, been trying to put them on the path but they have problems with their; sight, hearing intellect, discernment, judgement and energy.
The clues and messages have been in their face since at least eleventh of September 2001. They just looked where directed by the criminals and how many million were killed due to their gullibility and incompetence.
Oh well they expect to win without buying a ticket.m, so no prize.
Clues and messages all seen and acknowledged, which have not yet resulted in the impossible draining of the swamp, a Herculean task.
Stories and rumours bubble to the surface every time some event in the news triggers a multiplicity of them, echoes in the darkness.
To get a more accurate sense of the big picture you could try The Revelations with particular reference to the “beast system”.
Disregard all the white noise, the hoop-la, all the celebs and intrigues, focus on something that has always been there, preserved for nearly 2000 years, and finally becoming comprehensible, only in our times.
Ned – many are not prepared to accept what you and I have already accepted. For whatever reason, some folk are not meant to comprehend what you and I have been aware of for some time.
I now believe that what you and I, and many others have been prepped for, is to be around when the shit hits the fan to answer the many questions that our loved ones will be needing answers to.
There is coming difficult times ahead for many – we need to be there to assist them in comprehending how things will, and why they have to change for everyone.
Maybe in your country sir , but not so much in mine .
If rapid inflation isn’t driving peop!e from their homes , then foreign gangs are .
Naked corruption is everywhere and on a good day you may get a “hearing” that never goes anywhere .And no one even complains about that anymore , it’s just accepted .
Many cities have become crime ridden 3rd world hellholes .Election shenanigans are recorded daily , business are closing or downsizing regularly , a majority of the population still has no idea what’s really happening or how close to the edge we really are , the maneuvers of the Deep State are always visible , relentless , and often cunning , while the Good Guys usually don’t seem to have an answer much of the time , our Infiltrator-in-Chief has enriched himself to the tune of some $400 million while destroying the country from within while January 6 defendants get bite sized meals with mop strands in them , our food , water and air are poisoned regularly , and a Pillow Maker is the most ardent (and sometimes only ) defender of the continent .
Without a healthy dose of Divine intervention ( and you saw some in Butler ) we are probably goners .
The Republican Convention displayed Illuminati symbols all over the place on it’s first day , clearly hoping to tell the world MAGA was D.O.A.
That close to the edge is how well the Plan has been working in my country .
I hope things are better for you .
The friendly Capitol tour turned into a North Korean style nightmare while the “My Pillow” guy could well end up as one of the beheaded per Rev 20:4.
Our fake news ABC-TV relentlessly tells us Biden won the election and Trump is crazy, mass injections are good and ClimateChange is here. Their latest high-rotation advertisement is Kamel nice, Kamel good, vote Kamel.
Hans – are you personally affected by what is happening all around you?
You seem to comprehend what is going on all around you – have you asked yourself – are the sources I use for information reliable?
What is occurring only seems incomprehensible if your sources of information are not reliable – what is occurring has to be played out, as per the plan.
I could tell you that we are all watching a movie – but I don’t believe you are ready for that yet.
I mostly sleep well at night because I know my sources of information are reliable, does that make me delusional or simply aware of what is actually occurring world wide as part of The Plan?
Do you join the very small minority of genuinely wealthy, living internationally, untaxable and untouchable, who are not interested in your existence.
Or are you trapped into the herds of government dependants to starvation and oblivion.
A century of clear history can’t be wrong.
Reform from the depths cannot be accomplished by; petitions, protests, or the vote.
There is no redistribution of anything. There never was and there never will be.
Capitalism and freedoms carry your food and energy.
The unelected became your manipulative, self serving controllers.
That is the prime concern, not divisive disengaged delusions they established for herd fixation.
G5 – if you are not aware of Q and why Q was brought to world attention during October, 2017, and have no idea of what, Trust the Plan, is all about, and is a plan that has been successfully unfolding since that time in bringing down the Cabal, while draining the swamp, then you Sir, are out of the loop!
Are you not aware of Executive Order, 13818 and 13848 signed by Trump during, December, 2017?
Orders that have successfully taken the head off the Cabal snake via the seizure of their property and forfeiture of most of their lives.
Are you not aware that both E.O. are still in effect?
Please tell me how both orders could still be in effect if Trump was not the Commander in Chief?
Are not you aware of the Quantum Financial System (QFS) which has now taken control of the World’s finances?
Are you not aware that the country that was known as, The United States of America incorporated, the country that you often rail about, has been bankrupted since February, 2021?
So who is currently running America?
What Hamas Hoped to Achieve on October 7. Mike Whitney
Donald Trump’s plan for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict contained two main elements:
1.Allow Israel to annex more Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank (aka—The Trump Peace Plan)
2.Assist Israel in forming alliances with Arab countries in the region to prevent them from supporting the Palestinian cause. (The Abraham Accords)
Just keep trusting “the plan”
All political institutions are required to “follow the plan”, from incrementally installing the beast system via a succession of Treasurers, through to the expansion of Zion.
West Bank and Gaza all secured save for the ethnic cleansing, and now Golan Heights is the frontline. Ukraina being cleared as in the plan. Even commenter 56 has been defeated since the sacking of Vigano.
Attorneys-General spin webs like hideous spiders to direct us into LockStep. Crooked health ministers have us submit to microchipping and transhumanist experiments. Communications ministers shut down free speech and public broadcasting any way they can and replace it with brainwashing and control towers. Puppet leaders out front babbling whatever nonsense is put into their script for the day ( “talking points” ).
Trust the plan.
BREAKING | Archbishop Viganò reveals name of Cardinal he says is a Kingpin in Vatican Corruption
Archbishop Viganò makes a grave accusation against an Italian cardinal, claiming connections to Freemasonry and asserting that he “subjugated” Pope Benedict XVI. He draws parallels between current globalist movements, Freemasonry, and the warnings in Scripture about the reign of the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Viganò stresses the importance of upholding the Catholic Faith amidst what he sees as ferocious persecution, urging believers to bear witness to Christ and reject compromises with worldly powers.
Mysterious Death of Cardinal Pell (Demos)
Whoa there on the Israel thing . Whoa ! Islam’s soul goal for existing is to separate Jews from that land by any means necessary for without that the great Islamic Messiah the Mahdi cannot materialize here on the earth .
What’s Israel supposed to do , just wait for attack after attack until the aggressors get it right ?
I don’t know all the details over there , but I see what happens here and it’s not warlike Jews who are harassing peaceful Palestinians whenever the opportunity arises , but kinda the other way around .
Rev 3:9
Hans – Israel is controlled by Zionists. Hamas is part of the controlled opposition with which the Zionists and Hamas milk Congress via their proxy terrorists.
Are you aware of what a Zionist is?
Are you aware that many members of Congress have dual citizenship with Israel?
Why is that necessary to hold a seat in the American government?
Are you aware of who carried out 9/11?
Mike King, over at beforeitsnews.com has much verifiable information concerning that attack on your homeland.
Once you comprehend why the Rothschild’s set up the nation of Israel you will gain a more open view on who has been pulling the strings on all western puppet governments.
The real Jews avoid having anything at all to do with Zionists.
Seems so💁
Even Dr Zelenco (rip) explained that there is in reality a spiritual war being undertaken.
Who has heard such a thing?
Who has seen such things?
Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day?
Or shall a nation be born at once?
For as soon as Zion was in labor,
She gave birth to her children.
9 Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?” says the Lord.
“Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?” says your God.
10 “Rejoice with Jerusalem,
And be glad with her, all you who love her;
Isaiah 66:8-10
T’was your Maker that made Israel and said so thousands of years before He did it .
The American government did 9-11 .
I am all for eliminating the foreign born and the native born with foreign relatives from Washington as part of the Swamp draining , and not at all sure the “Satanyahu” moniker is deserved .
While Israel has it’s Swamp too , siding with a foreign god is a road that’s advisable not to travel on .
As an adorable Jewish woman at work explained to me , our culture is “we won another one , lets eat” although she did say her community was divided over what was happening over thar.
“I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you
And make your name great;
And you shall be a blessing.
3 I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Genesis 12:2-3
Stay within those confines as much as possible to stay blessed . You can see what happens to the world when we forsake the ways of our Creator .
Look up Ben Fulford 6/9 at
Beforeitsnews.com and note 9.30 timeline for a few minutes.
Ever heard of Clif High and the Elohim cult?
Just sharing !!!
As far as I heard the Pentateuch was compiled in the Library of Alexandria, the story of Moses should not be taken at face value but through the eyes of the Pharaohs who commissioned all this.
The Revelations were better protected from the ages because they were so incomprehensible, but of course they are not immune from mis-translations and deliberate alterations. Read chapter 1 and you will see the very clear vision of the atom bomb which places us in mid 20th century.
As for modern Israel ( Zion ), they want southern Lebanon for water security and Paul Craig Roberts has said so though it’s pretty clear anyway. Obviously they won’t stop until they get it. Gaza is to be completely reconstructed.
Crooked ALP and Greens Want You Dead
Includes a few submissions, from AMPS, McCann etc
Senator Babet says he will fight on.
Meanwhile the M$M reports nobody much is taking their kid to be injected for anything these days. Mum doesn’t know anymore and Dad says “we didn’t have any of that when we were young”.
The crooked Rockerfellas’ Patent Medicine System minions are calling their freakish shit “traditional medicine” now, they think they have buried traditional medicine and we all forgot about it. Well they inject you with nanobot ID and mRNA gunk and call it tradtitional, if you swallow that you probably deserve it.
Look elsewhere first if you’re sick, the village quack only wants you when it gets to last resort, that’s when they can suck the most money out.
Another credible report from a credible body of the credible Australian government. – Crikey, what did you expect??
The old Western adage comes to mind, “If a man will lie to you once, he’ll lie to you twice”.
Hopefully, the authors of that report will be vaxxed and boosted to the max.
Israel is a spiritual name of great significance, but a harlot can wear any wig she chooses and call herself by any name. People of God do not reject the Son of God.
Basically, the slaughter is land grab.
From Jessie Czebotar–
It is all in plain sight, Diane. Still, many choose to not see it.
If you have yet to appreciate, The Plan, Q and why Trump became President in, 2017, and how Trump’s election has changed the world. Then the following show will assist you greatly in comprehending what you are seeing today.
Patriot Underground with Mike King – Commander Trump and the intel everyone has been waiting for. beforeitsnews.com or purchase, King’s book, The Secret Plan to save Humanity, from Amazon.
The show runs for two and a half hours, and is chronologically set out to explain what everyone needs to learn if not familiar with what has already occurred, and how it has occurred, since January, 2017, and is still ongoing.
You, who will readily dismiss this necessary learning curve out of hand because you believe it will not fit your current world view, will unfortunately, have to bear what is coming to us all, without having the necessary knowledge of why we all have to live through events that will test everyone’s sense of reality.
If you still choose to remain ignorant, then that is your choice!
When I tried to submit this video with commentary-
Video unlikely to last on YT
link to the paper
Vaccine nanobots:The Conspiracy that could be true.
This video also discussing this paper re vaccine nanostructures.
If this gets censored then review the paper above-in PDF form
Amazing images and succinct discussion.
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