Home False Flags Pakistan’s Timid Reaction to a False Flag — The Mumbai Attack

Pakistan’s Timid Reaction to a False Flag — The Mumbai Attack


[Editors Note: This review was published on 7 February 2018 in Pakistan at nation.com.pk.]

By Adeela Naureen 

Elias Davidsson’s book The Betrayal of India: Revisiting the 26/11 Evidence has raised a storm in India. Davidsson has developed his argument with detailed research and authenticated resources. The Indian version of the 2008 Mumbai attacks (the official narrative) lies bare and exposed like a peeled banana.

Davidsson has concluded that Indian state’s investigation of the attacks was a big eye wash to bamboozle the state narrative and cheat Indian and international audiences, just to blame Pakistan. The author blames Indian establishment and their US partners and writes,

“It is highly plausible, that major institutional actors in india , the United States and possibly Israel, were complicit in conceiving, planning, directing and executing the attacks of 26/11; evidence of a deceptive investigation is even stronger”.

26/11 or Mumbai attacks in November 2008 were projected as India’s 9/11, with an objective to tell US and international community that India was a victim of Pakistani State terrorism and the world needed to ostracize Pakistan.

The Indian media went into frenzy, bewildering and confounding Indian, and, to some extent, Pakistani audiences. Some of Pakistani channels and media houses deliberately supported the Indian version and strengthened the Indian case. Repeated doses of the Mumbai attack mantra has created intellectual dementia in Pakistan, where no strong narrative was developed to rebut Indian claims, almost accepting it like a fait accompli and grim reality.

Elias Davidsson has rebutted the Indian narrative and proved with authenticity that Indian version was totally concocted, based on deceit and outright lies, and that it was promulgated through a well thought out disinformation campaign ensconced in hyperbole.

The book is based on incisive and critical analysis of the official narrative of 26/11 and the author has endeavored to go through court documents and testimonies of dozens of important witnesses and their linkages with media outbursts parroted by Indian media

Davidsson has drawn some major conclusions:

Indian courts ignored prime evidence. There was a deliberate and tacit consensus within mainstream media, RAW, judiciary, political elite, police and investigating agencies to cover up the true facts on 26/11,it amounted to protection of the real criminals. The author exclaims, “I could discover no hint of a desire among the aforementioned parties to establish the truth on these deadly events.”

In a review of this book, published in the Global Research, Professor Graeme McQueen has carried out an in-depth analysis of Davidsson’s narrative, his conclusions raised some important questions.

I quote a large section of McQueen’s article:

…. Lee Harvey Oswald was identified by officials as the killer of President John F. Kennedy and as a lone wolf with no associates–on the afternoon of the assassination day, long before an investigation and even before he had been charged with the crime. In the Mumbai case the PM of india implied, while the attack was still in progress, that the perpetrators were from a terrorist group supported by Pakistan.

Key witnesses were not called to testify. Witnesses who said they saw the terrorists commit violence, or spoke to them, or were in the same room with them, were ignored by the court. Contradictions and miracles were not sorted out; one victim was apparently resurrected from the dead when his testimony was essential to the blaming of Pakistan. A second victim died in two different places, while a third died in three places.

Crime scenes were violated, with bodies hauled off before they could be examined. Claims that the terrorists were armed with AK-47s were common, yet forensic study of the attack at the Cama Hospital failed to turn up a single AK-47 bullet.

Of the “hundreds of witnesses processed by the court” in relation to the attacks at the Café Leopold, Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Oberoi-Trident Hotel or Nariman House, “not a single one testified to having observed any of the eight accused kill anyone” .

The dead, five out of six of whom were Israeli citizens , were instead whisked back to Israel by a Jewish organization based in Israel, allegedly for religious reasons .

The surviving alleged terrorist had no public trial. One lawyer who agreed to defend the accused was removed by the court and another was assassinated. Mysterious malfunctioning of the majority of CCTV cameras on the days in question ; but only a very small percentage of the claimed footage was ever released and it suffers from serious defects–two conflicting time-stamps and signs of editing .

…The suspect, after being convicted and sentenced to death, was presumably executed, but the hanging was done secretly in jail and his body, like the bodies of the other dead “terrorists,” was buried in a secret place.

The FBI showed great interest, it actually had a man on the scene during the attacks and sent an entire team directly after the event. It was given direct access to the arrested suspect and to his recorded confession (before he even had a lawyer), as well as to eyewitnesses. The NYPD [New York Police Department] also sent a team after the conclusion of the event, as did Scotland Yard and Israeli police.

— end of the globalrsearch.ca review of The Betrayal of India.

I have jotted down some thoughts for Pakistan:

I (Adeela Naureen) recommend, the case on ‘Mumbai attacks’ be taken to Supreme Court of Pakistan and all those media houses who colluded with Indian surrogates to build a case against Pakistan be asked to justify their stance.

If Davidsson’s book has proved that the Mumbai attack on 26/11 was a false flag with Indian, American, British and Israeli intelligence collaborating to malign Pakistan, who was their front organization in Pakistan, that needs to be probed and taken to task.

And finally why has the Pakistani media not discussed this book, which has badly exposed Indian sinister designs against Pakistan?

— Adeela Naureen, is a freelance journalist. The book, The Betrayal of India – 905 pages – is available from Pharos Media, New Delhi



  1. “And finally why has the Pakistani media not discussed this book, which has badly exposed Indian sinister designs against Pakistan?”

    To the author, Adeela Naureen: It is nice to hear someone act as if it would be NORMAL for Pakistan to do that.

    Come to think of it it, I suppose I should think it would be normal for The Boston Globe to discuss critical books about the Marathon bombing of 2014. But I have foolishly buckled under to the New Normal, which is that MSM is sharply opposed to truth.

    Well, at least there’s Gumshoe.

  2. Same script, different years, Port Arthur 1996, New York 9/11/2001, Bali Bombing 2002, Spanish Rail Bombing 2004, Aust. Embassy- Indonesia Bombing 2004, London Underground 7/7/2005, Mumbai 2008, and many more since.

    Do the Cabal have only one script writer. Which proves that ALL these atrocities are designed by the same evil, vile characters. There cannot be so many copy-cat plays that are exact replicas.

  3. And the judicial system never comes to our aid. In fact it “validates” the false events.

    Oops, I make an exception for Justice Catherine Bruce who refused to convict Amanda Kolody and John Nuttall for a false flag in British Columbia, Canada.

    If she can employ her speech muscles in truth, why can’t the others? I’ll bet they could if they wold just make up their minds to do so.

    Or at the very least they could speak publicly against the Marathon judge. Why not? He is ruining their reputation.

  4. Not to put too fine a point on it, Mal, but someone with pen and paper must have sat down, a year or so before the Lindt cafe event, and decided what to do. I don’t think I dare get any more specific than that. But every particular must have been arranged in advance of December 15, 2014.

    EVERY particular.

    Re the Mumbai event, it does seem the players were unusually cavalier, lacking all concern about getting caught or criticized.

    The same goes for the Berlin event that Elias Davidsson yelps about in his book The Yellow Bus. They must be getting over-confident. This worries me.

    • World war 1 was also pre-planned and, as illustrated by all the above events, said “plan” was seriously lacking in finesse in every respect.

      You’d be hard pressed to come up with a more clumsy botch-up than Port Arthur. So much for “the cabal” !

      • “You’d be hard pressed to come up with a more clumsy botch-up than Port Arthur.”

        That is so true. When people finally take a look at the PA evidence, they are almost embarrassed that they fell for it. I’ve seen that ‘gobsmacked’ look so many times that it is hard for me to remain serious and not smile.

        The best thing about all these absurd psy-ops is that when a person ‘takes the Red Pill’ in regards to one psy-op, then it is much easier to see through the many others that are sitting in plain sight.

        • So much hinges on the presentation at the time, which is where media complicity is everything. I find the quickest way to spot a false flag is to note the speed of attribution of blame, and how quickly the media falls in behind.

          • “I find the quickest way to spot a false flag is to note the speed of attribution of blame, and how quickly the media falls in behind.”

            Yeah, I use the media circus as a ‘red flag’ to pay attention. If whatever happened is on all the channels and goes on for more than a day (On a COMMERCIAL station? Where you want to sell ads, gimme a break.) – then it has what I call the ‘smell’ of a psy-op. That red flag has never failed.

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