by G5
The US owner’s game changed from weapons frauds to direct Congressional funding frauds for Ukraine. Some five trillion dollars being stolen through Iraq, Afghanistan (also the poppy fields affair), and Ukraine. A parallel of the US drug fields of South East Asia.
Israel recently thrown some fourteen billion not to reveal the sixty-five billion of some one hundred billion again stolen through Ukraine by the elite of American Congress.
Obama thought he was going to succeed in what has been defended since Kievan Rus of 882, and what Napoleon and Hitler could not accomplish. Obama should have kept his big push to the gay bathhouses of Cook County Chicago. Where his mortgage fraud business also thrived.
As biological men do not have a uterus: the Obama theatric daughters are loaned from Marty Nesbitt and Anita Blanchard. As Meghanosis; fearful of spoiling the narrative with a black drop, and of course a technical geriatric mother; had Archie and Lillibet courtesy of the same Los Angeles surrogate agency used by Elton John and Amber Heard.
Obama was awarded a Nobel as a community organiser. Frauding the postumous award being given to Irena Sendler, who saved some 3,000 babies born in the Allied-NAZI slave labour, concentration camps.
A pyrrhic steal for the brain rot Muslim, Black Supremacist, with disengaged delusional Jew Derangement Syndrome.
In 2022, Russia enhanced its proxy forces to defend Russians being slaughtered by Azov-US-NAZI units in Ukraine. It blocked the complicit NATO truck convoys passing via Poland through the Kaliningrad gap to Lithuania to be slaughtered by hitlerite Dalia Grybauskaite.
Recalling the American expert insanity of the Russian proxy Wagner Group; bought by America; attempting to invade Russia. After stranding their tanks and artillery without fuel, and lurking around corners trying to find their way the short distance to Moscow: they were put out of their misery, by being arrested.
The leaders sent to Belarus for reassignment, were shot. The fodder forgiven and redeployed to Dombass, were also put out of their americanised delusions by targeted Russian friendly missile strikes. Vale American Wagner.
Kaliningrad joined to Belarus, isolating the Baltic States, and The European Canal joining the Black and Caspian Seas, cutting Georgia, have been returned to the table.
Russia opened the US dammed Dnieper River allowing water to be returned to the population of Ukraine. It took over the US controlled Zaporizhzhia power plant, allowing energy to flow back in Ukraine.
The two contemporary US frauded elections in Ukraine firstly brought Poroshenko in as President. Currently bunkered in Poland. The Architect of the Rockefeller bank raids with Ukraine assets delivered by the USAF to the Fed Chase in New York. Also Yatsenyuk as Prime Minister. The Architect of False Flags as MH-17.
The second major frauded US Ukraine election was with puppet Zelensky. Who is actually bunkered in Miami.
Reminding me of American puppets Thieu and KY after the CIA murder of Diem and the exposure of the American Vietnam War; running to America.
Diem murdered as Holt, Kirk, CIA Richardson et al. The Kerr blackmailed removal of Whitlam (for CIA owned Fraser, Howard, Abbott, Costello and Beazley) by the same team.
Present at the GHWB murder of JFK (Jack Lawrence final shooter run by CIA James Angleton pardoned by the frauded Ford (also on the fake Warren Commission. The Rockefeller Commission also a fake to counter the Church and Pike Congressional Committees concerning Intel Abuse, The House Standing Committee on Assassinations and The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence). Which on their journeys took in the most ridiculous CIA evidence, as a gun shooting ice bullets laced with shellfish toxin.
The commonly used Methyl Iodide from before the days of the murder of Estes Kefauver and the current attempt by Hayden (of the Clapper-Brennan-Hayden Gang) on Melania Trump: not worthy of mention. Nothing in Robert’s, ‘Gemstone Files’ (edited by Stephanie Caruana and Mae Brussell) correctly identified CIA technology.
The final JFK shooter was CIA GHWB James Angleton run Jack Lawrence. Absurdities included the magic bullet. Roselli murdered Tippit. Chancy Holt, Frank Sturges, E. Howard Hunt (Kissinger’s Plumbers to plug leaks), and Charles Harrelson, on the roof of Police HQ Dal-Tex Building, opposite the SBDB (where the stage was set for the impossible 6.5mm Manlicher Carcano bolt action carbine).
Always hopeful GHWB also organized the False Flag 9/11 orchestrated by Pentagon Dov Zakheim flying the two DoD drones from Florida, staged through Stewart New York Airport. I have seen the transponder records. As I have seen those of MH-17 and MH-370, and spoken to the search company falsely hired by Australia’s Abbott to search The Indian Ocean for MH-370.
The absurdity of a search opposite North West Cape, one of the major three US reconnaissance stations in the world.
The two empty Tower planes flown over the Atlantic and shot down as targets by the USN. As was MH-370 after leaving KL. No plane at Shanksville. The ONI audit wing (The 3 trillion DoD missing announced by Rumsfeld the day before) destroyed by planted explosives (admitted by Billy Boy Clinton in an interview). Buildings 7 and 5 also dropped by planted explosives. Admitted by Silverstein in an interview concerning the NY Fire Dept.
The buildings were ordered to be demolished by The City as the last packed with asbestos. The New Jersey and New York Port Authority leased the 7 building complex to Silverstein fronting a consortium. The buildings to be demolished and rebuilt. On the day after 9/11 some half a billion in CIA frauded bearer US government bonds were to be settled by; Euro Brokers, Marsh McLennan and Canter Fitzgerald.
Shooting teams ran through those offices prior to the drone strikes triggering the support columns cut by nanothermite, and the two elevator planted W40 mini-nukes (tested in Iraq) in two elevator shafts in each of the two towers. The official report as absurd as that concerning The JFK Murder.
The additional incentive was the previously doubled (the day the lease was signed) Terrorist Insurance Clause delivering 4 billion dollars. Apart from the free demolition.
In 2018, both GHWB and John McCain III (hardly a hero in The Vietnam War and his self caused injuries) were executed for Treason by order of a military tribunal headed by Mattis and Kelly (recall Kavanaugh in confirmation committee in answer to Graham, that Military Tribunals run parallel to SCOTUS) signed off by Trump (the D5 letter).
CIA GHWB, Edward Lansdale, Zapruder et al, also present. Oswald not at Dealey Plaza. Roselli as Badge Man at the knoll. Lawrence in the overpass drain. Sighted by murdered overpass deaf mute and murdered signal guard. Zapruder filmed the edited event.
Garrison (fake prosecutions), Stone (movie ‘JFK’), and Cooper (book ‘Behold a Pale Horse’), as well as the altered Zapruder film, were all False Flags. The Giancana book ‘Double Cross’ partly details the JFK and Marilyn Monro murders. The second to entrap RFK. Subsequently murdered by GHWB run Thane Cesar as the hypnotized Sirhan was firing blanks (as did Ruby at Oswald) at RFK. I have detailed all these matters in separate reports.
RFK was the only invitee on the night that Tippit was exhumed and the remains of JFK were buried at Arlington. RFK subsequently murdered as a threat to the privately owned; CIA, Fed, FBI, IRS, The Oil Depletion Allowance Fraud, and The Military Industrial Complex (warned by Eisenhower) permanent war fraud. MLK also murdered before he could reach the presidency.
KGB had despatched Mamushka to the worst kept secret of The JFK Murder. As all secret things American: Russia has all the files and all the copies; allegedly deleted, bleach bit washed, acid washed, smashed or otherwise. Russian intel holds all the receipts.
Talking about the Kennedys
“ I don’t really think these categories are very useful anymore”
Were they ever?
Like I’ve said before, they’ve always been the two wings of the one critter
Interesting that he makes no reference to his acknowledgment of the devastation caused by the fake vaccine
Or his support for the “climate-change” crusade
Is he trying to appear non-contentious ?
So far as I’m concerned the “Michelle Obama is a man” cant is the province of those who have no real personal or political convictions about anything.
So what if it’s true?
When THE over-riding truth is that every diligent statesman that ever has been has had serious personal defects.
The very concept of an un-flawed mortal leader is, of course, anathema to the essence of Christianity:
“I will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses.
Even if I should choose to boast, I would not be a fool, because I would be speaking the truth.
But I refrain, so no one will think more of me than is warranted by what I do or say,
or because of these surpassingly great revelations.
Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.
Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong”
2 CORINTHIANS 12:5 – 10
I was never exactly an Obama fan but the attempted slur/regurgitation of internet pop-rot put me right off reading the balance of the article. Why bother?
Truth be told the whole family-man image that dogs state leadership is, of itself, absurd nonsense, as pinpointed in this skit:
This is the unmistakable key issue:
“The first family of the United States is the family of the president of the United States, who is both head of state and head of government of the United States. Members of the first family consist of the president, the first lady of the United States, and any of their children. However, other close relatives of the president and first spouse, such as parents, grandchildren, stepchildren, and in-laws, may be classified as members of the first family if they reside in the Executive Residence of the White House Complex.”
Proof positive that The Declaration of Independence was, and continues to be belied by Presidential reliance on Euro tradition ?
I see you don’t quote Leviticus !!!
Well the answer is it is all paving the way for transhumanism.
Are you still happy ?
Are you so stupid you can’t even twig that Leviticus doesn’t extend to anything more than keeping one’s OWN house in order ?
And that, if the Joan River’s jest was anything more than, Barrack would have been openly FLAUNTING it ?
“Are you still happy ?”
Are you still content to wallow in your resentment toward anyone who isn’t as befuddled as you are?
“A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are [a]an abomination to the Lord your God.”
Deuteronomy 22:5
The very concept of a standards free existence is of course , an anathema to the essence of Christianity .
“Israel recently thrown some fourteen billion not to reveal the sixty-five billion of some one hundred billion again stolen through Ukraine by the elite of American Congress.”
So is Speaker Mike Johnson a Swamp Creature from way back ?
Or did MTG correctly speculate of blackmail ?
You there ABC, SBS, suckered politicians, fake corporate mass media and your shock jokes?
Tell us again about your official government 911 conspiracy Theory and why we as the coalition of the killing managed to murder so many and destroy their countries.
John Winston Howard, HOW DO YOU FEEL NOW?
JFKX Documentary
Disagree with G5 on JFK “Assasination”,MH370″Disappearance”and the 911 scenario he proposed.
Where are evidential links?
In the files that he still has clearance to read?
Well the Ashton Forbes interview was published 2 weeks ago.
So if “G5” or anyone else disagrees with any of it they should be prepared to say exactly why
Mystique and clandestine “files” simply don’t cut it
Well, lump it or leave it and determine your own researched opinion with your own conclusions, as do others, including me.
Good to get a refresh on what happened with Wagner, the G% version is very blunt, no frills. Qvirilia / Kvirila River through to Georgia looks like seasonal with rapids, I can’t find any canal. Was MH370 shooting intentional ? I always thought it was the military exercises, I thought both planes were short-cutting. They are always trying new things at some of these airlines, can’t say too much. ( well here goes anyway … were they paid to short-cut ? ) As for GHWB McCain SCOTUS and “white hats” God only knows where it’s all going from here. I’m guessing Gates has his super-virus ready to go in Africa maybe as soon as the US debates.
Still “waiting for vectors to align” ( Golden Jackass )
G% = G5 typo
What is G5 supposed to mean anyway
Lots of people saw MH370 blow up at the time but the M$M went on to encourage conspiracy theories. Wreckage was garaged and later planted in Africa.
ABC-TV had the interviews ( 3 of them ) but now purged ( under Abbott )
Yellow submarine was mapping a reef
All bullshit delivered by uber-bullshitters
The Ashton Forbes’ evidence re MH370 is hard to dispute and there has been no attempt as far as I can see to do so.
Problem is there is so much of these “evidences” pouring out later and much later supporting the official line that it turned around and disappeared
Meanwhile back in Canberra
Women’s dead bodies are as good a political football as any for crooked Elbow the biggest crap Soros ever took on us. Predictably, the internet needs to be purged of “misogyny” and “intelligence” has to share information. That’s odd I thought the cops already knew all about all of it but didn’t like to interfere.
All state failures present to discuss their ongoing failure on full pay during the “National Cabinet”, a great opportunity to promote and legitimize the “National Cabinet”, the answer is going to be more talking, increased luncheons, expanded menus, updated Lear jets etc, meanwhile they have started letting the Snowtown murderers out of jail and some in the media saying that’s all good and they are not out of jail they have been moved to low security for a month pending release on parole or similar. Can you believe it. Free degrees at the University of Crime with no HECS and no board and lodging, free porridge, laundry done etc. All you have to do is murder a bunch of people and hide their bodies in barrels. Good to go mate.
Same with the woman murders, they won’t put them in the stocks because that would fix the problem too quickly, too easily. The shiny-bum industries would be up shit creek if problems were fixed. Just put the murderers in the stocks !!! Elbow you are truly the biggest piece of crap … oh I already said that
Instead of decisiveness Elbow thinks he can inspire the collective by telling us it’s all our faults, no it isn’t Elbow it’s the murderers’ faults and after that it’s your fault for not doing anything you grub. Put Elbow in the stocks too, he doesn’t want to do anything, a Canberra winter in the stocks might straighten him out a bit.
AZ and FL updates, who owns the GOP ??? I think we have all been told
Ben Fulford in his preview at rumormillnews com today joining the dumping club.
Yummy stuff.
I wondered about that ‘bloodied’ (‘painted’?) escaping white horse. Put the riderless white horse and covered flag recently and consider a connecting dot💁🙀🙈?