
Josh Deane from Boeing dies at 45
by G5
Who would believe that the Boeing whistle-blower would die at age 45? Second Boeing Whistleblower Dies Suddenly:
A former quality auditor at a Boeing supplier died suddenly this week after struggling with a “sudden, fast-spreading infection,” the Seattle Times reported on May 1. Joshua “Josh” Dean, a Spirit… Epochtimes.
“A whistleblower for a Boeing supplier died Tuesday at the age of 45 after being diagnosed with pneumonia and then MRSA, according to The Seattle Times. Joshua Dean, who had been a quality auditor at Spirit AeroSystem, had claimed manufacturing defects on Boeing’s 737 MAX were being ignored, the outlet reported.The Wichita, Kansas, man became ill about two weeks ago, according to his aunt, Carol Parsons
“A Facebook post from his mother said he also suffered a stroke. “It was brutal what he went through,” Parsons said.”
Team OBiden and Climatosis

Supran was born in Reading, grew up in Southampton, got an easy BA from Cambridge and and easy PhD from MIT. He has been paid to play in the Climate Fraud arena, to replace idiots like Thunberg and Schumacher.
He has visited around the usual holes as Harvard, tagged name to pseudo science papers and reports, and postures as a researcher and expert around media as The Guardian, and fronts Congressional Committees for the sake of his CV.
He has also written narratives involving Exon Mobil, Chevron, BP, and Gazprom. He’s what Trump calls, a Showboat.
Climatism is now an invented complex circus with depth and acolytes, the elected ones prefer to throw money at it rather than think.
The easiest conclusion is as I wrote I think in my April report. Co2 is a steady .03% of the atmosphere. It is not anthropogenic. Excess is drawn in by the oceans. It will not form a blanket over the earth affecting the sun in any way. There is no warming, freezing or ocean level changes as a consequence.
The Nobels for The UN IPCC fraudulent statistics and Gore (White House election fraud and InconvenientvTruth being a lie), destroy both The UN and Nobel credibilities when added to the baubles of Kissinger and Obama.
The Experts Agree BULLSHIT is the same as the lie of 17 intel agencies about the Russia Hoax. Currently run from on the basis; we didn’t know that people would lie in The Steele Dossier; or 55 senior intel agree that Hunter Biden’s criminality is Russian disinformation. The latter run from on the basis that the FBI has a hidden file and 17 tapes as evidence for a successful prosecution. Which also drags in that entire criminal family.
Expect Joe to sign off pardons for all his family, The Clintons again and whoever and whatever, on his last day. As did; Ford, GHWB, Clinton, GWB, and Obama. The catch for them being The Military Trinibunals running parallel in The Constitition. As advised by Kavanaugh in confirmation hearings, and the successful trials under Mattis and Kelly of GHWB and McCain III signed by Trump in 2018 (D5).
Oil, coal, hydro, and steam will never be replaced by batteries, wind and solar. Nuclear is also a problem. At less than .02%: plant life begins to die back, oxygen is diminished and food is endangered in the world.
The promoters of Climatosis are the variously blackmailed government types on a path of causing a 6th extinction from that of 11,600 BCE (Younger Dryas).
The owners of the Climate Fraud, are the same involved with the Covid Fraud, and the current WHO to steal sovereignty from the stupid Americanized West.
No 10
While I remember: Sunak had No.10 bought for him by his father-in-law, Indian corporate gangster Murty, partnered with Indian government actors. Sunak is linked to Goldmans. He took a £50 million position in vaccine manufacturers and BigPharma, BEFORE the Covid Scam was being rolled out in Oct. 2019. As I have written.
He pays no tax in Britain. His wife is an Indian national, and all taxable passes through her to her father and an Indian government arrangement, where no tax is paid there either. In addition; Murty’s Indian interests receive Indian government support.
Protester Class
Look at the hired protester classes attempting to convince the fool demographics about fossil fuel, and Gaza. America owns Hamas and pretends to play footsie with Israel, and the Arab nations. When you think you are the smartest in the room, you are actually the fool.
Just exposed in Congressionsl Hearings, part of the deal of Venezuela blackmailing America in buying its oil, is a hidden agreement whereby America must IMPORT VENEZUELANS as delivered. Venezuela now also under Russian control. As I have previously advised.
America has no ability to dock a vessel; beyond buying crude for hard currency (not USD), or landing an aircraft, after Russia took control of Venezuela. As I advised concerning the military freighters and TUs from Russia. Blocking America from invading Venezuela.
The affairs of The Rio Border, The Mid East, and a total economic collapse of America are as I have advised (spoken and written) and far worse than the mass media tutored are aware. Mustn’t panic the chickens.
Cash and 15 minutes
Cashless is dead in the water, as I wrote. As is 15 minute villages, eating insects, and vacc passports. The WHO pandemic usurpation of vassal sovereignty also out.
David Murrin discusses his system of forecasting global geopolitics and market trends, which takes into account the stages of empire and imperial decline. There is a rhythm and drumbeat to war which has a bigger cycle of 112 years. We’re looking at a struggle between maritime (lateral) democratic governance and landpower (hierarchical) autocratic governance. Democracy is weaker than its ever been. America entered the fifth stage of decline with 9/11. Western leadership is blind and driving the world to war, we’re over the brink. WWIII started with the invasion of Ukraine, the Middle East is now on fire, and the last piece of the puzzle is when China chooses to go to war. Decline (e.g. USA) means the fracturing of systems and less to go around. We will continue to see de-dollarization, high inflation, and higher oil and gold prices. Bitcoin, blockchains, and crypto are temporary safe havens that will eventually collapse. We shouldn’t worry about Davos Man.
32′-WW3 started with the invasion of Ukraine….
It’s high time more attention was given to the fact that the Davos toffs are no more coordinated than the Black Adder crew:
For All Time(2000) – Full Movie
Cashless, 15 min cities, eat ze bugs etc all dead ???
White hats ??? BCE ???
Did G5 get hacked by AI ???
It all sounds very cataclysmic
Will we be getting Soylent Green
Actually the entire World System is held together by a series of geological lies as elucidated in this conversation:
If you’re in denial about where you’ve come from you’re hardly going to get a grip on where you’re going
From 11: 13 min a full run-down on how UN-scientific radio-metric dating actually is:
The end game is to expand the Zionist state, making the krown of world government. This the alien power over 5 eyes and beyond, doing it through media, propaganda and bribery. Anyone that dares to disagree is shafted, sidelined or assassinated. Unfortunately, most people don’t have a problem with BS, believing the Zionists are “God’s chosen”.
When Jesus returns to sort the mess we’re in, satanic usurious social communism will be destroyed.
Almighty didn’t create artificial insanity, as they do it with impunity. In just ice, like Dicken’s Oliver Twist “please sir, can I have some more…”
“Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,
As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.
To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture:
‘Behold, I lay in SION a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.’
Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner and a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.”
1 PETER 2: 1 – 8
Sion is near Geneva, Zion is a small mountain in Israel
Israel is a small nation in the Middle East
Jesus is a popular name for boys in Latin America
Information flotsam and jetsam indeed
Greater Zion is the objective alright, controlling the crossroads between the continents and all the seaways. Crimea, Gaza, Jugoslavia, Kuwait-Persian Gulf, all the wars of the 21st century scheduled in the area, to consolidate Greater Zion for the Swiss based gangs of bloodlines financiers who activate their schemes through the UN. The plan which has been growing and consolidating for 1000 years.
“The end game is to expand the Zionist state”
“Rid yourselves, therefore, of all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander.
Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.
As you come to Him, the living stone, rejected by men but chosen and precious in God’s sight, you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it stands in Scripture:
‘See, I lay in ZION a stone,a chosen and precious cornerstone;and the one who believes in Him will never be put to shame.’
To you who believe, then, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe:
‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,’and ‘A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense.’ ”
1 PETER 2: 1 – 8
Col. 3. 14,15,17,23,24.
“Brethren: Put on love which binds all virtues together and makes them perfect. Let the peace of Christ rule over your hearts; for, as members of the one body, you have been called to that peace.
Be thankful. And whatever you do in word or work, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Whatever you do, work at it with your whole soul, doing it for the Lord rather than for men, because you know that you will receive the inheritance from him as your reward. Be slaves of the Lord Christ.”
Seems that there is another dump that may be coming that has again, no references to bible studies and citations.
We are in a present real world to consider and to deal with.
As did Christ.
Actions count, not dreams.
Words are for politicians and their fake mass media.
“We are in a present real world to consider and to deal with. As did Christ.”
And that claim is based on?
The point being that the word “Zion” appears 152 times in the respective Book, and regardless of its specific meaning in any given context it’s always associated with God’s presence and the hope of salvation – the point being that the way it’s been bandied around on these pages is a Satanic reversal of both
The New Testament
Zionists absolutely hate Jesus and everything that He stood for. Catholic Faith is the only remaining opposition to their disorder. Their nation built by banksters blueprint to be the crown of one world totalitarian satanic government.
Doesn’t matter how many innocent children are slaughtered, Oz government officially supports the Zionist state, sending our military to defend it at any cost.
Since 1948 the Palestinian holocaust continues, similar to this nation degenerating into a 2 class system – few rich and majority poor.
“In the New Testament the word “Zion” occurs seven times. In each case in the Authorized Version it appears with the spelling “Sion” rather than “Zion.” …………………….In Romans11:26 the Deliverer, Christ, is said to come back from Zion. In this text Paul also quotes from the Old Testament. (See Isa. 59:20.) Matthew 21:5 and John12:15 refer to Christ’s entry into Jerusalem. In the Old Testament text that Matthew and John quote (Zech. 9:9), we have the Hebrew parallelism: “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee.” The expression “daughter of Zion,” which is repeated as “daughter of Jerusalem,” refers evidently to the nation of Israel.
In the other references to Zion the word refers very clearly to the heavenly Jerusalem. (Heb. 12:22 and Rev. 14:1.) In Revelation, John tells of the 144,000, whom he sees standing with the Lamb on Mount Zion, but in Hebrews Mount Zion is definitely applied to the heavenly Jerusalem. “You have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem.”
So a Zionist, by definition, is anyone who’s acknowledging or anticipating the fulfilment of biblical prophecy.
So much for internet pop-rot !
“disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God –
‘Behold, I lay in SION a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.’”
Celebrity – Is it Real? How Bad is This? The Evidence They Exist is off the Charts
See if I can get it right this time. Bitchute Jim Crenshaw : Celebrity Clones – Is it Real ? How Bad is This ? The Evidence They Exist is Off The Charts
Bitchute Jim Crenshaw : Celebrity Clones . Is it Real ? How Bad Is This ? The Evidence They Exist is Off the Charts
Pretty good paranoid stuff but don’t forget you can search images on G666gle image
To those that believe in their Messiah. When would the best time for their God or Jesus to save humanity, now or after humanity is over? All my lifetime I have heard the same Biblical announcements, while in all that time mankind has been under more and more attacks from those that are evil, but there has never been a sign of relief by a deity. The evil ones still get away with their dark desires. Don’t even try to blame Satan, another fairy tale. Man can be good or man can be evil its all to do with morals.
Actually it’s all to do with scientific probabilities:
There could be a sinister reason why the Boeing whistleblower died early or it could be that he was silly enough to have been “vaccinated”.