Editor’s Note: This appeared on January 12, 2022 on Paul Craig Roberts’ website and is reprinted with his permission
by Paul Craig Roberts
The situation on the Russian front is far more dangerous than is realized. The reason is that the US-Russian conflict resurrected in the 21st century by the neoconservatives and the US military/security complex is far more dangerous than the 20th century Cold War.
I was a part of the Cold War as a member of the Committee on the Present Danger. The present danger was the Soviet Union, and the committee members were concerned that the situation did not get out of hand. There were two aspects to the situation. One was that the Soviets must not acquire military supremacy. The other was that tensions between the nuclear powers had to be kept from boiling over.
In Cold War days there was debate in the foreign policy community. There were knowledgeable people, such as Stephen Cohen, to remind us of the Soviet point of view, which served the purpose of corralling a one-sided patriotic view that, if it got loose, could set off nukes. Even in our committee, which was anti-Soviet, there were people who saw both sides of the issue and kept at bay extreme positions such as the neoconservative one.
Today there is no debate. Indeed, there is no foreign policy community. There is only a collection of Russophobes, who see nothing but evil intent in the Kremlin and nothing but good in Washington’s hegemony. Stephen Cohen and the others who helped to keep things in balance are dead.
Consequently, Washington is unable to comprehend Russian concerns. As Scott Ritter recently wrote, “It is as if both Biden and Blinken are deaf, dumb, and blind when it comes to reading Russia.”
You can see how deaf, dumb, and blind Washington is by looking at who Biden’s national security advisor turned to for advice on how to approach the current meetings with Russia over her security concerns. Remember, the talks are happening because Russia feels threatened by a growing ring of US bases on her borders that are potentially sites for US nuclear missiles. It is Russia that feels insecure, not the US. So what did Biden’s advisor do? He turned to Michael McFaul, Obama’s Russophobic ambassador to Russia who has specialized in worsening the tensions with Russia. McFaul’s advice was to up the ante by rushing more weapons to Ukraine. In other words, make the Kremlin feel more threatened.
None of us would be here if this had been President John F. Kennedy’s response to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The Kremlin has been trying for years to get Washington to listen. The current talks, I believe, are the Kremlin’s last effort. Personally, I do not believe that the Kremlin gives the talks any chance of success, and is just testing the conclusion that Washington will not even acknowledge, must less accommodate, Russia’s security concerns.
In other words, when one side does not listen, the other side has no one to talk with. This frustration has been building for years within the Kremlin. All the Kremlin ever hears from Washington is “you are wrong, we are right.”
In the United States the situation is so bad that anyone who explains the Russian point of view is dismissed as a “Russian agent.” President Trump was investigated as a Russian agent for wanting to normalize relations with Russia. By the time of Trump’s presidency all of the arms control agreements reached over previous decades had been discarded by Washington, and it was no longer possible for an American president to work to reduce tensions with Russia. To want good relations with Russia was a betrayal of America. The CIA director actually called President Trump a traitor to America, and the FBI director investigated him as if he were.
It is a tribute to the patience and hopefulness of the Russians that they continued to work for a peaceful coexistence despite the evidence that it could not happen.
BAD NEWS — published yesterday Jan 11, 2022, by Paul Craig Roberts:
The bad news is there cannot be normal, friendly relations between the US and Russia for two reasons.
One reason is that the annual budget of the US military/security complex is $1,000 billion. A budget this large and the power that goes with it requires a large enemy. Russia has been designated that enemy. It works with the American public and academics because of the long Cold War with the Soviet Union. Americans are accustomed to seeing Russia as the enemy.
The other reason is Washington’s committment to American hegemony. The neoconservatives characterize the United States as the exceptional and indispensable country which has a right to hegemony. Russia, and also China, but especially Russia because Russia borders the American European empire, is considered to be a constraint on Washington’s hegemony. As Russia is a constraint on Washington’s hegemony, Washington is committed to the destabilization of Russia with sanctions, demonization, color revolutions, indeed, by any means. US nuclear missile bases on Russia’s borders are a way of achieving hegemony over Russia via intimidation.
Because of these facts, it is not possible for Russia to negotiate a solution to the security problem. Washington does not want Russia to be secure. That is the crux of the matter.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has long fooled itself, mistakenly thinking that once the Americans understood Russia’s good intentions, normal relations could be established. This was uninformed, wistful and unrealistic thinking.
Washington has left Russia with two choices. She can accept American hegemony, or she can roll back NATO from her borders with force and intimidation.
I think the Kremlin has concluded that the chance of nuclear war is higher from allowing US nuclear missiles on Russia’s borders than from action to roll back NATO to the pre-1997 borders.
Electromagnetic Frequency Radiation From PCR Tests (video)
( one minute video about swabs with metallic inclusions )
But they all agree on Antartica, they all agree on space over flight, satellites and stations they all agree on internet proticols(protoholes). They all agree on gps(within 10M, ok).
They all agree on PCR, they all agree on lockdown,
Well, international settlement,com mon,really
Exactly, because they are all on the same team…working together.
Whatever is coming will appear real and random, but it’s completely planned and to a script.
About that, see the 1960s excellent film “THE KREMLIN LETTER”, starring Richard Boone and Max von Sydow as the heads of the CIA and the KGB.
[…] Source […]
Simon and Fractal – please wait for the punchline …
Here is another article (and secondary linked article) analysing the geopolitical NATO-Russian tensions
• NATO-Russia Council Meeting Yields Little Progress – Natylie Baldwin
“NATO apparently stated a willingness to work with Russia on “reciprocal actions around risk reduction and transparency, improved communication, and arms control.””
“reciprocal actions around risk reduction and transparency, improved communication, and arms control … “ [don’t you just love diplospeak]
State Department spokesperson Ned Price: “Russia’s actions have caused this crisis, and it is on Russia to de-escalate tensions and give diplomacy the chance to succeed…. It is Russia that has to make a stark choice: de-escalation and diplomacy or confrontation and consequences.”
Link to post by Paul Robinson –
• Why Russia Fears NATO
• World Economic Forum Claims Climate Change Greatest Global Threat in 2022
• Most Extreme Climate Fraud In History
… and the planetary transhuman agenda just keeps rolling on unphased and unabated.
So here’s the punchline … Riley Waggaman (aka Edward Slavsquat) is the only one calling this out – wander back through his articles
I am sure many of the analysts and commentators are genuine and sincere but …
Could it all be theatre? [When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth] – probably.
Asymmetric cold war includes pre-false-flag misinformation counter attack.
They can give us the “intelligence” where it suits them or more normally they can give us the unintelligence.
We have every type of conventional asymmetrical attack but no mention of bio-weapons.
Embedded video (3 mins) frames up Ukraine elite defence as neo-nazi wanna-be Germans.
The United States of Amerika/Amarka/Omorca’s ultimate objective is control of the whole world.
It is time that this knowledge becomes common.
Jer.51:7 “Babylon was a golden cup in the hand of God, making all the Earth drunk.The nations have drunk of her fermented wine therefore the nations are insane”.
All of the different pagan gods are just different manifestations of Nimrod and his wife ( The Two Babylons- Hislop )
From “Am,” “mother,” and “arka,” “earth,” you get “Amarka,” “The Mother of the Earth.”, alias Rhea, Cybele etc, The Mother of Gods and Men, alias the Roman Catholic Mary [the first Jesuits were Jews], the “queen of heaven” [Jeremiah 44:17,18,19,25], and most surely these manifestations which all represent Nimrods wife are represented by the “Statue of Liberty” in New York harbour. [ see note 1, p.77. The Goddess Mother of Habitation” – “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop.]
and from the same book page 158 — The Golden Cup —- Revelation 17:4
“……….Thus then the cup bearing goddess was at once Venus, the goddess of licentiousness, and Nemesis, the stern and unmerciful one to all who rebelled against her authority.
How remarkable a woman, whom John saw [Rev.] described in one aspect as the “Mother of harlots” and in another as “Drunken with the blood of the saints!”
From, “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop, p.77
“……..In Egypt she was styled Athor——i.e., “the Habitation of God”. to signify that in her dwelt all the “fulness of the Godhead.” To point out the the great goddess-mother, in a Pantheistic sense, as at once the Infinite and Almighty one, and the Virgin mother, this inscription was engraven upon one of her temples in Egypt: “I am all that has been, or that is, or that shall be. no mortal has removed my veil. The fruit that I have brought forth is the Sun.”
Dears, I will not dare make an appraisal of SCOTUS work today, until i read it all, but I want to tell you that whetever they decide about the consitutionality of employers ordering workers to be vaxxed, is not a statement by SCOTUS on the constitutionlity of the vax (which is covered in my case pending at the first circuit)
Rather (I think) they were looking at the right of an employer to do anything. I myself am an employer of one person here in NH, and if i want to tell her she can’t continue to work for me unless she uses pink eye-make-up, that is perfectly constituional.
and “If she doesn’t like it she can go elsewhere.”
Early in my Adelaide life i saw a headline, “Hawke says National pay rise of $10 next week.” I asked husband “How can Hawke know what every employer will pay?” He explained the way Oz can control emolyers. Not so in US.
WHO says repeated booster shots are unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable
The World Health Organization has changed its policy once again, recognizing that booster shots for covid are “unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable.” Yes, now that the damage has been done, and Big Pharma has made billions of dollars on this, they finally admit this. They should have known that you can’t keep vaxxing people with endless boosters to keep up with all the variants that come out every few months. All you do is turn people into walking pharmacies.
Here is the quote from the article on their website:
With near- and medium-term supply of the available vaccines, the need for equity in access to vaccines across countries to achieve global public health goals, programmatic considerations including vaccine demand, and evolution of the virus, a vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable.
New York Democrats Attempt to Bring Australia’s COVID Concentration Camps to the State of New York
It is a proven, indisputable scientific fact that the “vaccine” does not prevent infection and spread of the Covid virus or variants. It is also an indisputable fact that we are experiencing a pandemic of the vaccinated. Vaccination causes injurious side-effects and deaths that hospitals mislabel “Covid deaths,” and the vaccine damages the human immune system, thus spreading the virus. The “vaccine” also cause variants that are used propagandistically to keep the fear hype going despite the fact that hardly any serious injuries or deaths are associated with the “Omicron variant.”
So why are public authorities using extreme tyrannical methods to force people to infect themselves with a dangerous “vaccine” when, even if the “vaccine” did protect, the mortality of Covid is extremely low and does not justify the dangerous side effects of the “vaccine.”
Video: An Evocative Appeal from Some Indigenous People in Australia
It is an established fact that there are very few “deaths from Covid.” The deaths are “with Covid” among untreated infected people denied HCQ and Ivermectin who had serious comorbidities. In other words, the entire panic is orchestrated and nonsensical.
Here again are the infection fatality ratios and survival rates by age group.
‘Centres for National Resistance.’
In South Australia alone, there are now 10 such ‘centres’ under construction. Camps for the unvaxxxed and other undesirables. Nationwide there are multiple tenders out, to build more, all for a nation with around 30 million. With half population living in two major cities, and Oz covering same land area as Us, they’re going gangbusters unseen and unheard.
Centres for National Resiliance.
Russian Manoeuvrable Hypersonic ICBM
This Is Serious Mum (20th century Prahran)
What amateurish theatrical poppycock.
By definition, a ballistic missile is not manoeuvrable. It flies like a bullet, beyond control after the point of firing/launching. They can easily be shot down by heat-seeking and other missiles. The Avanguard and other modern Russian missiles are non-ballistic; that is, their flight can be controlled right up to the point of explosion.
Currently, their best missile is hypersonic, manoeuvrable to the point of impact, powered by scramjet (which is beyond US technology), and flies 50ks above the earth. The US’s military technology is 20 years obsolete. Worse, their generals are now clearly delusional and megalomaniacal.
Last year, for the third time, they attempted to repair the guidance system for the Patriot missile. On its test run, to be fired from the wing of a B52 (I effing kid you not), it would not release. “Try, try, again” the squad leader muttered. On the second run, after mechanics lubed the release mechanism (oops), it released successfully, but refused to fire.
The US is a military joke.
Am I happy? Hell no! In the NT, this June, the US will test fire one of its wanky missiles from Aboriginal Arnhem Land, possibly provoking Russian or Chinese reprisals. The target is only 40 Ks from where I am writing this.
Worse, China and Russia are demonstrating hard-to-ignore sympatico with the NWO agenda. Putin appears to have changed sides. ie Out of the frying pan into the fire, then into the inferno.
I have run out of places to go to avoid this insanity.
Kevin Woodman directed us to real-time google earth pictures, ostensibly showing flights of the mach 17 rocket, between the arctic sea and antarctica, flying by Exmouth radar stations (WA). I think it did have a bend or two in the flight path but nothing spectacular. The idea that you could fly over antarctica before hitting a target anywhere had occurred to me sometime before. Like many things nowadays, you think of something, wait a little while, and then someone has done it.
With the US military, you don’t need to be able to blow up the world ten times over, one time is more than enough. I have full confidence in a number of countries’ ability to fully mess up the world very badly, including the lesser players such as Israel, Japan, & France, if they wanted to. It would be interesting to know the truth about Swiss Defence. They have enough money to fill silos up with just about anything.
Where the mountains of printed money go:
With respect, I read this differently.
The BlackRock capital portfolio of ten trillion is clearly the Rockefeller 10 trillion, which excludes the more recently acquired 1-2 trillion the Dynasty has set aside for project expenditure.
And Soros, as a Rothschild protoge, is niggled by the Big Bank purchases in China (one of five) by the Rockefellers (BlackRock) a decade or so ago, which outsized the Rothschild Big Bank swap made by the Rothschilds a few weeks earlier, (making the Marsellais Rothschild a Bank of China asset).
Whilst the Rothschilds hold more than 100 trillion in capital and assets, David Rockefeller constantly out-manoeuvered them, a strategic advance led by his uncle Nelson in the 1930s. Now that David is dead, the race is on to be the NWO Emperor.
My hope is that this dynastic brawl will becomae a war in which both sides are terminally injured, enabling us to eliminate them all. Forever.
Very interesting to get different takes on things, the way I see, you can control Larry Fink with 51% of votes and you can control the votes with 51% of ownership, but pension funds would be even more easily controlled. so 0.51 x 0.51 = 0.26 approx, or 26%, but you could bet your ownership % much smaller with various tricks such as bribery etc.
I think their song “we’re all in this together” is their big laugh at all the sheeple and the rivalries are secondary to the agreed main game. Since we are getting into dynasties, some of which are ancient royalty, intermarrying (fusion of bloodlines) is a big thing. Personally I think Rotschilds are basically a front. Rockerfellas seem to have been admitted to the peerage, informally anyway. I tend to agree with people who say the real board of directors are a handful of relative unknowns based roughly in Switzerland and people like “the World’s Richest Man” Bill Gates have that title because they were too tardy in erasing their family history – got on board a bit late. Bill seems to have erased from the internet the missing link between himself and the Gates who was founding partner in the original Rockerfella Foundation over a century ago. The amount of deals going around is mind-boggling so it all has to be run simply corporate style, promote the winners and sack the losers. Keep scraping away trying to get more of everything, increase wealth even as assets erode, keep striving to stay ahead of the competition, etc. I don’t see there is any emperor and if there was it would be a front-man. My opinion, it all went underground about 2 millennia ago. I think it’s unlikely Rockerfellas could have done it all without assistance. Recall “The Monkees”, the first ‘contrived’ pop group, hyped and marketed to take on “The Beatles”. The opportunity is there, the scheme is hatched and executed. With Rockerfellas, the whole world could see that oil was the next big thing, but they were already starting their MedicalSystem™ at the same time !!! I don’t think it could have been done without serious backing. The story is that John D. was a shill at his daddy’s snake-oil wagon. Oh really.