By James O’Neill*
It is probably fair to say that most political commentators writing as journalists make at least a modicum of effort to write impartially. Although the political preferences of the newspaper’s ownership are usually no secret, the journalists for the most part make an effort to write impartially on the political events they are describing.
There is, however, one major exception to this political rule and it is the political columnist for the Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne Age, Peter Hartcher. Mr Hartcher makes no attempt to hide his strong anti-Chinese bias. The latest example, an opinion piece that appeared for publication on 24th August, is no exception.
It begins with a quote from Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Hartcher claims that Xi was not shocked by the sudden United States abandonment of Afghanistan, which Hartcher portrays as an illustration of the inevitability of United States decline and the rise of China’s ascendancy.
Hartcher claims that Xi is setting China up to be the world’s leading power “and he is well on the way.” Biden’s precipitous withdrawal from Afghanistan is “exactly” so that the United States can concentrate US energy on China with a clear intention of preventing that country’s continued rise.
Hartcher quotes Biden as saying that the United States needs “to meet the threats where they are today.” The principal threat to the United States hegemony is China with whom the US must engage “in a competition for the 21st century.”
He quotes the Chinese daily the Global Times, that is described as “hyper-nationalist” as taunting America over the fall of Kabul. That is not what a fair-minded reader of the article in question would perceive to be the tone at all.
What Hartcher describes as the “gleeful barbs” of America’s rivals are nothing compared with the “grieving for United States credibility among America’s strategic eminences and allies.” Hartcher goes on to Tony Blair, of whom he obviously approves, as describing the United States pull out as “imbecilic”. Quite why the United States withdrawal after 40 years of interference and occupation of a country it plainly never understood or sympathised with should be “imbecilic” is unclear.
Blair has long been acknowledged as a loyal lapdog of the Americans. He was the prime minister when Afghanistan was invaded by a coalition of countries in October 2001 and he has never resiled from his position.
Hartcher then goes on to quote foreign affairs Minister Alexander Downer at the time of the invasion, for whom the “shameful withdrawal” has left his “faith badly shaken”. The United States withdrawal has left its “greatest rivals” (presumedly China and Russia) “much encouraged”.
He then goes on to make the extraordinary comment that the United States weakness in the Middle East “invites Chinese and Russian aggression in Asia and Europe”. What aggression? Hartcher makes the extraordinary claim that Obama’s spinelessness in Syria “emboldened Putin and Xi to lunge for territory claimed by their neighbours.” What territory? The only territory that Russia was involved in later (in 2015) was Crimea where people voted overwhelmingly to apply to re-join Russia, from whom it had been gifted in 1954 by former Soviet leader Khrushchev.
The facts surrounding Crimea have been consistently misrepresented by the western media ever since, and Hartcher simply repeats this mindless propaganda. He does the same in referring to the alleged chemical attack by Syrian President Al Assad against his citizens in Damascus. It has long been established that this attack was by opponents of the Syrian government who then, as now, are supported by the United States and its Western allies including Australia.
A similar glossing over of the facts is shown in his quoting former prime minister Kevin Rudd, who similarly misrepresents not only the democratic process that Crimea undertook, but also seriously misrepresents the events in Eastern Ukraine where Russian president Putin is falsely alleged to have “launched an assault in 2014”.
He says that fighting continues in eastern Ukraine to this day, but completely fails to mention that the principal reason for this is the refusal of the Ukrainian government to abide by the agreement reached in Minsk. It continues to attack the Russian-speaking region of Ukraine to this day, the main reason for the 13,000 deaths he mentions but fails to ascribe the responsibility for it being Ukraine’s attack on its own citizens.
Hartcher goes on to former prime minister Kevin Rudd as claiming that the American botch up in Afghanistan will “excite new territorial ambitions in China.” The only territory that China seeks to recover is its island of Taiwan which both the Chinese and Taiwanese governments believe to be a part of China. The so-called “independent” status of Taiwan is a recent phenomenon. It is a concept fostered by the Americans as a means of making life difficult for the Chinese government.
Asserting that claim by Xi, Hartcher describes as Xi’s “jingoism scaling new heights.” It leads to a China, according to Hartcher, “swaggering with hubris.” That the vast bulk of the world’s nations do not perceive either China or its President in this way is lost upon Hartcher, whose anti-China rhetoric is reaching extraordinary levels. The readership of the Sydney Morning Herald/The Age deserves better than this uninformed and bigoted rubbish masquerading as political comment.
*Geopolitical analyst. He may be contacted at
This is funny, scroll down to the end.
Sheets of toilet paper provided in public toilets as per the China social score??
Now we know where we are all heading.
Daraa Balad: First Batch of Terrorists Shipped, 2nd Supposed to be Today
by Arabi Souri
Daraa Balad is finally getting cleaned from NATO-sponsored Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists with the first batch already out with their families.
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Maybe this is why the Taliban is being so seemingly obliging. They are watching US/NATO assets being shipped out where they won’t be an issue at least for the time being.
Must admit tho, it seems like every single Afghan was an interpreter. There is a story going around that the French flew one out only to find he knew no French whatsoever.
Crown kabal communism is world government, bsl4 factories operating around the globe.
From this view, US, Australia and other members of five eyes, are subordinate to the crown kabal.
With CCP they are the triumverate beast and dragon system. Nation states flag waving banners for sporting events. With cyber surveillance code of vaccination ID, Oz is the launching pad, we are a communist country. Would Gladys be proven wrong, but I doubt it.
Thanks 56(right?),
Is a point of inflection a turning point?
Note: all turning points are stationary points, but not all stationary points are turning points. A point where the derivative of the function is zero but the derivative does not change sign is known as a point of inflection, or saddle point.
I have been wrong before, Gladys seems proven wrong
Spotlight in the sky with a fish silhouette
Initially, I was astonished that James O’Neill had such a high opinion of journalists. I recognise Assange and Pilger, but that pretty much fills the list of competent journalists of integrity in or from Australia. (On an entirely higher level, beyond mundane comparison, is perched the Cairns News. A veritable truth-telling machine).
It matters not, if we are talking about the Guardian, Australian, or Herald, these are propaganda factories, peopled by professional liars and fraudsters. Not journalists.
For example, as an entirely unnecessary test of the system, I subscribed to the NT News, Murdoch’s flagship of bogan trivia and fabrications. Daily, I wrote letters quoting global experts who are critical of PCRs, masks, lockdowns, jab efficacy, jab safety, and so on. All deleted.
I also wrote to prove that Jason Wall’s breathless admiration for US missile tests in the NT, ignored the massive superiority of Russian missiles (including the Zircon hypersonic ramjet-powered missile which flies manoeuvrably at Mach 25), as compared to the stone age US Patriot missile, whose guidance system has been rebuilt twice without success, and which when launched from a B52, failed to release, then failed to fire). Result: deleted.
In fact, any contribution of any substance I have ever made to any public paper has been deleted. And that appears to be the experience of others of my ilk. There is only the official narrative in this country. All else cannot be tolerated. Yet when I cancelled my subscription, Murdoch refused to stop dipping into my age pension account. He blames the call centre which, apparently, is out of control and out of Australia. Ergo, Rupert needs the moola.
My point is, I now understand why O’Neill’s articles float some distance from measurable reality. He recognises information from ‘journalists’ as legit. His formula is 2 + 2 + bullshit = 4evidence.
As I have said so many times before, one cannot mix belief with evidence, no matter how well-confirmed, and get a logical outcome. You will never learn truth.
The Afghan Holocaust
by Internationalist 360°
Dr Gideon Polya The 20 year Afghan War has ended and the war criminal US, UK, NATO and Australian invaders have all but left a devastated land. The Indigenous Afghan Taliban rapidly and peacefully took over all of formerly Occupied Afghanistan as the collaborator government collapsed and the US-trained Afghan forces offered no resistance. A […]
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CCP communist martial law in Sydney.
Mandatory testing and mandatory mask wearing.
Residents must stay within 5km radius from home.
Tested every three days to work outside area.
Police have power to close business.
Army called in to assist police.
Even if jabbed, above rules apply.
The only ‘mafia’ here is government, because
Australia does not have a Constitution
nor a Bill of Rights.
“CCP communist martial law in Sydney.” – What has the CCP got to do with it?
Read my comment above.
Maybe I should have written, ‘CCP style communist martial law in Sydney’.
Looking at current events, think that no longer applies.
The first line of this article shows that the author has no idea what he’s talking about. I didn’t bother reading past that as I expect it it not shilling for the CCP as usual. May your chains sit lightly upon you.
Interesting but obvious observation……………. How many times have we read (Kamala) O’Neil’s response to any comments here at GS?
My error,
I commented on this and logged it with last article.
So I put the link below. LOOK up defcon 2. Yes defcon 2.
“Blair has long been acknowledged as a loyal lapdog of the Americans.”
Any friend will do for Bliar, he’s like Hitler in 1945
orientalreview story, item 5 – the plot thickens as usual …
The US did not lose Afghanistan to China, but forced Chinese companies to accept its protection
The US has not lost anything in Afghanistan because it does not want to establish peace there. They don’t care about the one million deaths they have caused there in 20 years. They just want that region to be unstable, that no government can control the exploitation of the natural resources there. They want companies, from whatever developed country, to be able to exploit them only by accepting their protection.
This is the Hollywood-popularised scheme of the globalised world, protected by a compound, with special forces going abroad to monitor exploitation sites in wilderness areas.
Admiral Cebrowski
Admiral Cebrowski’s assistant popularised his thinking on how to adapt the US military to financial capitalism
This strategy was developed by Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush’s Secretary of Defense, and Admiral Arthur Cebrowski, who had already computerized the US military. On September 11, 2001, it became the way of thinking of the US military staff. It was popularised by Cebrowski’s deputy, Thomas Barnett, in his book The Pentagon’s New Map.
It was this paradigm shift that President Bush called ’War Without End’. By this he meant that the US would forever be fighting terrorism, or rather forever instrumenting terrorist groups to prevent political organisation in these regions.
Yes, Chinese companies are already mining in Afghanistan, but from now on they will have to pay a price to the US or be subjected to terrorist attacks. So what if it’s a racket?
Old 9/11 Footage Just Released (34s)
As far as I know the best footage shows all the windows on the floor UNDER the burning area exploding out simultaneously exactly as the structure is taken down by controlled demolition. The 2nd best is where the plane is shown to be an umarked jet, presumably a remotely operated drone.
Sydney suburban councils stacked with CCP administration.
Surgeons in hospitals ditto, coincidence? Construction trades 75% Chinese, unskilled global.
It’s a skill shortage because locals here don’t want to work? We are replaced, so that European race is blended into the new ideal. Look at people serving you at Coles or delivering in vans or bikes, most are from Indian sub continent. Since 9/11 we are systematically erased, mass-immigration mainly from Asia. Fair for fare, changing blood in Oz via free(slave) trade of goods and people.
Public service, snoops and goons, dominated by ‘experts’ from former Soviet and Jugoslav states, together with royalists – the Serco gulag down under. Crown kabal slavemasonry police state.
Gina Reinhart told us a decade ago, we are only worth $2 an hour. But we love our royalty even though they hate us. The Chinese surgeons can get the spare parts. We gorge on so much junk food, alcohol etc that we require replacement parts at the peak of our earning capacity.
Doesn’t matter what colour, we are all brothers and sisters, the blood pumped by our hearts is not white yellow or black. It is universally same for all living things, proving we are divine creation.
For whatever reasons, we from all places on earth together with the original inhabitants here, should unite to fight this tyranny that wants to depopulate earth by killing all races with vaccines. The serpents in control have lost their minds from andrenochrome addiction, they must be stopped.
Proverbs 6:16 “These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
17 A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
19 A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren
Japan News from “Most Read” column
1.6 million doses of Moderna scrapped after unknown metallic substances found
I saw somewhere BigPharma has a new malaria injection so we don’t need HCQ for anything anymore, we can just be injected with things, about three months between all of our injections, we’ll probably get some compulsory private health insurance next to help pay for all those SDRs from the IMF / World Bank.
Sell sell sell !!! Move those injectables !!! Before people can find out what’s in them.
Afghanistan Then – The Whole World Today
By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, August 25, 2021
The diabolical forces and powers that lied and misled the American people and the world with “False Flag Operations” more than a generation ago and plunged Afghanistan, the already liberated, emerging, women’s rights respecting Asian country into the dark barbaric Middle Ages, are again lying to the whole world and plunging it into misery with their devastating Corona measures – and the citizens of this world are largely putting up with it again. Read more…
Email Update
August 26 2021
Ironically, and perhaps by design in some sense, these ongoing lockdowns and tyrannical restrictions are actually serving to awaken the sleeping masses.
The globalist ‘cabal’ agenda is becoming increasingly more desperate and obvious.
As ‘they’ try to force their eugenics shots upon the people; most recently now trying to do a public relations con-job announcing that their experimental mRNA Pfizer death jabs are “approved”; which is NOT the case when reviewed in detail – the farce just keeps becoming more and more apparent.
A barrage of information is coming out now on a daily basis, not that the controlled mainstream media will acknowledge such – it’s their job to do just the opposite.
The deluge of information aggregated in the latest ‘pandemic’ piece below speaks for itself, and with 250 external links to boot – some encouragement for those interested to springboard off and do their own due diligence…
(And 38 articles below the following clanger…)
Union (TWU) plans a series of truck drivers strikes for wages and job security around the date of the 31st August “blockade” ( first one today ), so presumably the blockade drivers will be told by the union to stay at home while they are bribed with a 4% pay increase from the employer. It appears the unions as well as the ALP are totally sold out to the globalists, as their song goes, “we’re all in this together”.
From the nauseating video – the union boss wants to throw the focus onto – guess what – they all need to be injected. “There’s plenty of AZ around”, the Stefanovic throws in.
Yes the problem is not that they don’t want to be quaxxinated and locked down, the problem is that they DO want to be quaxxinated, you see. Divide and conquer.
EXCLUSIVE Jan 6 Political Prisoners Who Refuse COVID Vax Are Denied Razors, Haircuts, Religion Ahead Court Appearances: ‘They’re Trying Make Them Look Like Terrorists’
By Alicia Powe
Published August 26, 2021 at 8:20am
‘merikan’s causing havoc all over the world by not controlling their Executive/Congress
The A can be put back, these are my American’s.
For those South of the doldrums check 3-6 minutes
THE POWER OF SILENCE with intent NOT abject
re: Quarantine prisons, injection deaths, property seizure etc.
Propensity for laughing at others’ misfortune could be another part of the sheeple’s undoing.
Just sharing this interview – which includes some great historical insight, especially from around 24:05
• Yousef M Aljamal with Jeff J Brown discusses the amazing nexus between Irish and Palestinian struggles for liberation
Follow the link to source on Jeff’s site China Rising …
Yousef promotes the book “A Shared Struggle: Stories of Palestinian and Irish Hunger Strikers” co-authored with Norma Hashim. I see it also features a forward by Richard Falk:
• Global Justice in the 21st Century
Jeff also introduces this documentary series which I will now watch
• Al-Nakba: The Palestinian catastrophe