Editor’s note: Vaxxed pilots that take to the air seem to be the canary in the coalmine, as Delta pilot dies mid-flight. Thousands of Southwest Airlines flights are canceled as pilots reject the vax mandate. Another Stew Peters show with Dr Jane Ruby.
In the above interview Jane Ruby refers to a Delta pilot dying. Mary Maxwell questioned this, and a CBS video emerged in comments == about a pilot dying in 2013. Delta and the fact checkers deny any vaxxed pilot died this October. I’ll be contacting Stew Peters to get some clarification. Stew and Ruby have been doing some good reports recently, and I wonder whether she was set-up with a false report.
Could there have been a confusion (2 Sept 2021): “The pilot of a Biman Bangladesh Airlines plane who suffered a heart attack midflight has died at a hospital in India after the co-pilot successfully managed to land the plane. Nawshad Ataul Quaiyum, 49, a pilot on a Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight carrying 126 passengers to Dhaka in Bangladesh from Muscat in Oman was forced to call for an emergency landing at the Nagpur airport in India on August 27 after suffering a heart attack, according to The New Indian Express….The Delhi correspondent for the Bangladesh-based The Daily Star reported that Quaiyum died while receiving ventilation support at the hospital”
I am adding this video about the many plane crashes — something that needs more research.
Dee, I am hstening to upload this without me having watched the video, to tell you that there is a “denial” Here is CNN’s offering:
“She said that the co-pilot on the flight was safely able to land the plane, and that the flight had occurred within the previous 10 days. She also said the people shared with her a number of stories about other vaccinated Delta staff’s deaths and health problems.
On the show, Peters identified Ruby as a doctor, but her website describes her as a “pharmaceutical drug development expert,” and “health economist and New Right political pundit.”
The Twitter accounts for both Ruby and Peters’ show have been suspended for spreading misinformation. The podcast is still available online, though. Among its sponsors is My Pillow, which is run by conspiracy theory purveyor Mike Lindell.”
Dee, my thoughts are:
I often see CNN lie, so can’t take them as definitive here.
It’s not good, in my opinion, for Stew to refer to Ruby as a doctor unless she is an MD. (When people introduce me as “Dr Maxwell” I always say, “not a medical doctor.”)
The item worth pursuing is (if Ruby really did claim to have spoken to a crewperson on that flight): who is that person? Also, who is the dead pilot?
It all depends whether she holds a doctorate or not, the medical doctors can add letters to their name or other signifiers, academia is a racket anyway. Other types of doctors should not be obliged to cringe because of the attitude and propaganda of BigPharma.
Doctor comes from Latin “teacher” so the word is totally misused when referring to an agent of BIgPharma who teaches nothing but relies on voodoo-science and junk-food to maintain the business model.
Like you I am saving the video for when I get some time but the injections apparently affect the capillaries and the lungs are especially badly affected in this way so the “doctors” like to put people on ventilators. How do people fare then in reduced air pressures such as airliners.
Texas court blocks United Airlines “mandate”
Every industry is owned by “Mr. Global”. that is, until it’s all NATIONALISED by the people and this is where it’s heading. Key industries need to be nationalised by all countries of the world and Switzerland needs to be invaded and occupied. A different sort of Great Reset.
If “academia is a racket” why cite creds,or fake creds as the case may be ?
Covid (code of vaxx ID) is the biggest deception in history. Now (new order world), jabbed are free and all unjabbed excluded about to have all human rights denied. What’s the next goose step in this Luciferace agenda, Serco camps prepared for unmarked?
Pray for mass awakening or Divine intervention, as is goons and snoops have all the shots, in bullets and syringes.
It is extremely important to verify the source and accuracy of info and vids before posting on.
It is well within the means and well within globalist stooges wishes to infiltrate alternative media with disinformation dressed up as “groundbreaking” – “fact verified” and so on.
The idea of course is to discredit and there are whole for hire corporations dedicated to just that purpose.
You can usually pick it by the mixed storyline, that is truth mixed with lies – unnamed sources, etc
My Dad used to advise me growing up that “if it quacks like a duck and it waddles like a duck its probably A DUCK”
As of now — 6.30 pm NY time, Wednesday — the website Delta.com does not say anything. Several other journos are saying “Delta denies the death.”
I think Gumshoe should consider it not broadcastable, by us, until we get “confirmation.” However, the pilots refusing to take the jab seems to be true.
I have rarely got caught trusting a wrong story, but a few years ago I fell for the audio by Rebacca Roth, an alleged stewardess, regarding 9-11. Gumshoe’s Christopher Brooks caught the fakery in an instant.
If this was a well-funded operation we could pay researchers and ourselves to verify these stories. I don’t see any $ rolling in. Part of the process of finding fact is testing it before a clever informed audience. For example a story may have 8 of ten facts spot on, one not verified, one could be wrong. My guess is that what happened with almost every 9-11 story challenging the narrative. They were more or less right but probably partly wrong. Do we know what really happened now? Probably not. But we have a very good idea.
Dont worry Mary, some of their trickery is very, very clever, some of it diabolically so.
There is, for example, a world wide church with MILLIONS of followers which engages in blatant druidic ritual and whose head organisation engages in satanic ritual. ALL of course, cleverly pretending to be devoted to Christ.
Dee, Re “I don’t see any $ rolling in.” you should develop a donation system where the donators are not identified.
Snail mail
will do
I think one has to consider: The mainstream media and the paid fact checkers are there to debunk any story… that challenges the narrative. They produced unverified stories every minute.
I remember I put out a story very quickly on Tiffany Dover the nurse that got the anaphylactic shock, and then allegedly died. So how did we verify this? We couldn’t. The family went dark. The hospital produced a woman with a different hairline. We screened grabbed a death certificate before the search for her name was banned. There was really no way to verify this. 18 months later her facebook, instagram hasn’t been touched (she was a bi-weekly blogger). 10,000 comments pleading for her to say she’s okay. RIP
BECAUSE this story was buried millions of nurse got themselves vaxxed.
It’s always nice to get external support re personal convictions abut anything
Relying on such support is always a fair indication that you don’t actually have any such thing
Dee , A post confirming Tiffany Dover has passed.
Thanks. Yes we published this… https://gumshoenews.com/?s=tiffany+dover
I saw the death certificate, but that video is now removed.
She appears to be alive. This is because she and her husband are listed as recent mortgage applicants in an Alabama govt. computer. Whereas the death certificate needed to prove that she is dead is kept blocked by Alabama for 25 years after death, unless close kin wants to see it,
The author of the above video has spoken to Tiffany’s brother recently.
The certificate may well be blocked but I remember the early report showing just a list, not a certificate. This was a database (spreadsheet) type list, and governments may choose to publish them and then later change their thinking and bury them again.
Quite often the real story comes out quickly and the cover-up “official story” comes later.
Then if the cover-up story is just a bunch of hearsay or paid debunkers we are left with the original news flash. This debunker sounds a bit smooth, and the family which is apparently in hiding, is uniquely happy to talk to him. He must therefore be a very special person.
I remember the Waterfall train crash south of Sydney nearly 20 years ago. There was a pile of rocks on the train line in the forest and it would appear some type of mischief terrorist had put it there. The cops did not want copycat incidents so it was decided the official story was that the driver went to sleep, and the train was going too fast around a corner. I think they came up with ONE witness to collaborate. Meanwhile the family of the deceased driver protested strongly. After a while, they shut up.
“Quite often the real story comes out quickly and the cover-up “official story” comes later.”
Actually I’d say that that’s virtually routine
Is jab-mandating essential service workers a clever move, when catastrophic info of the Clotshot side effects increasingly are becoming public knowledge? Did Mr Global plan for this?
Are rumors about a mid-flight pilot’s death helping the truth to come out? I believe they do.
2000 + flights suddenly canceled by SouthWest Airlines. Weather said to be OK.
No smoke without fire…
First we had the Plandemic. Second, months ago, we were told to expect supply disruptions. Fuel, electricity, internet, thinning of supermarket shelves (by Christmas?)
Aren’t we already seeing supply problems unfolding?
(4mins Tucker Carlson)
Southwest Airlines “sickout” protest spreads to Amtrak, which is canceling trains due to employees refusing covid “vaccination”
I am sorry, this link belongs to above comment:
I have not been able to get the video to open. I also went to My Pillow website of Lindell but do not see the Dr Ruby item there. Has any Gumshoer seen it?
Going direct to Brighteon (filter – last day) for: Southwest Airlines pilots’ “sickout”
A bunch of videos ( Brighteon and naturalnews are both Milke Adams )
Probably easier to access direct from Brighton than through a 3rd party.
Mike Adams claims to be part native American, likewise it seems South Dakota governor Kristy Noem may also be, just by looking, but for non-Americans, “Dakota” was the Indian tribe in that area, so maybe the native americans are wise to being genocided, as the aboriginies here apparently are.
I haven’t watched it yet (I see Dee’s upload is via Rumble). Here is another copy
Probably a lot of people aren’t clear about the blood clots happening in the capillaries, this would explain why some old ladies instantly got big purple red-purple spots all over their skin, especially legs where blood will tend to pool. Lung surface area (just looked up) is over 50 square metres. Imagine the capillaries feeding the lung tissue. Smallest capillary diameter (just looked up) is 5 micrometres. Human hair diameter (just looked up) 17 – 181 micrometres. The way blood dries out and clots so quickly you wouldn’t think it could pump through something so small but there you go it does, if everything is working right. Mr. Global / BigPharma has for decades been accustomising people to getting injected since junior school. More recently, the next generations after me, expect to be injected from infancy. The churches are shut down and euthanasia has become law. In the New World Order you won’t need an age pension, you will simply go to the hospice and disappear. The new order death ritual will be established, eventually you will be expected to depart aged around 30-40 I guess. A few specialist technicians may be allowed to survive longer. Your descendants if you have any will get your 10% super which they will pay to the mortgage, if you don’t have any and you haven’t filled the form then the bank may “hold” it for 7 years then it’s theirs, otherwise if it goes to the government revenue, it was an extra tax, a type of death duty.
Here’s a picture of a lung cell with capillaries all over it.
The corona viruses get into the airways and lungs but the spike protein – blood clots get into the capillaries, when this is in the lung area the resulting illness resembles a lung disease. So the blood clots injury may be disguised as an unspecified corona virus injury ( then called Covid-19™ ).
Our hero Bill Gates now selling mini-nuclear power plants, still $1b each so out of reach of punters but good for super-rich survivalists. These guys are getting PREPARED. Australia and NZ first.
Newsweek says:
“Delta is aware of reports suggesting one of the airline’s pilots passed away from vaccine complications while operating a flight, resulting in an emergency landing. All of these allegations are false,” the company’s statement, released Tuesday evening, said.
There are no holds barred on lying now, I watch the MSM TV news and marvel at it. This is full blown propaganda, as was made famous in Germany. Everything is owned by Globalists and you can see if you drive from town to town the same chainstores are everywhere. Farms are run by farm managers. Industries all trace back to the same shareholders. Politicians and every type of celebrity owned. It’s all stitched up. Enjoy the free internet while it lasts.
Project Veritas whistleblower (1 minute)
All the liars, “wall of shame”
A vigorous argument about CO2, but nobody talks about solar cycles.
They get dragged into spurious stuff about thermometers being moved around. Clearly solar cycles are a dominating factor, the stats for localised temperatures are bull$hit. (heat island effect etc)
If it’s on MSM it most probably is a lie, otherwise, why would it be on MSM ?
Everything on MSM has to be checked out via the international news &/or the alt-news. It’s all used for lies of omission, manipulation etc., the money is your assurance that it’s bull$hit
Mary , see MSM footage of when it happened.
That is the incident of 2013, not recent.
Dee , please a copy of this Delta incident. On another site , it is claimed that all Delta employees have received a hush letter , not to talk about the incident.
Thanks Peter
Haven’t seen this posted, apologies otherwise.
Dr. Franc Zalewski – THE THING! – Another ‘LIFE FORM’ found in the COVID VAX VIALS (English subs)
Is Alex Jones really Bill Hicks?
Creating the controlled opposition
Bill Hicks was a comedian who passed away in 1994 from pancreatic cancer, aged 32, way below the average age of the usual victim block. 1996 was the year Alex Jones exploded onto the scene
They both grew up in the same state, and look quite similar to each other.
See some of Bill Hicks here:
No doubt Alex Jones is counterintelligence but the claim that he’s a remake of Bill Hicks is just plain puerile.
This Covid farce is such a bad joke.
Weren’t we all told ‘the borders were closed’ we’re not allowed to go in or out of australia and all that rot.
So how did 160,000 immigrants make australia their home in the last financial year? ie july 2020 – july 2021.
Just goes to show that immigration is their most sacred of sacred cows. Now just who benefits from that? Certainly not the people of australia.
And who is exempt from getting the Jab?
Hydra with “legs”.
I have seen several of Dr Carrie Madej’s (US) talks and not feeling convinced of her findings. In her latest interview with Stew Peters (USA) she says she has detected a type of microscopic Hydra with “legs” in “Covid Vaxxines”. (See her interview also in the link below.)
12OCT2021, a video surfaced ( English subtitles) with the Polish Dr F. Zalewski
He describes seemingly a very similar discovery and calls it “The Thing”.
He also proposes that approx. 1 in 3 “vaxxine” vials contains saline solution only (I assume 0,7% Na Cl)?
If we in fact are dealing with parasitic organisms in the “Covid vaxxines”, would one dare point to Ivermectin (Anti Parasitic) and HCQ (Anti Malaria) being proven effective early treatments against “Covid”. Insider reports saying that in US, hospital treatment of so-called ‘breakthrough’ cases, where fully “vaxxed” becoming hospitalised and subsequently are given the otherwise prohibited drug Ivermectin as therapy.
A US loss will make the Bankers Covid hoax quickly disappear –
China Says U.S.-China War Is Imminent
Eric Zuesse
China has now publicly announced that, unless the United States Government will promptly remove from China’s Taiwan province the military forces that it recently sent there, China will soon send military forces into that province, because, not only did the U.S. secretly send “special operations forces” onto that island, but because, “since the US has exposed the news through anonymous officials, it has taken a step forward to undermine, from covertly to semi-overtly, the key conditions for the establishment of diplomatic relations between Chinese mainland and the US.” That statement — threatening to cut off diplomatic relations with the U.S. — comes from the Chinese Communist Party’s newspaper, Global Times’s editorial, on October 8th. Its editorials speak for the Chinese Government, at least as much as statements from the U.S. White House speak for the U.S. Government.
The Chinese editorial went on to explain that:
The mainland must respond to the US’ new provocations to make both Washington and the island of Taiwan fully realize the severity of their collusion. Otherwise, in the next step, US military staff may show up in Taiwan island, publicly wearing uniforms and their number may increase from dozens to hundreds or even more to form a de facto US garrison in the island.
In other words: America’s “special operations forces” might be killed when China sends its military forces into Taiwan so as to deal with the insurrection that’s now occurring in this province. China is saying that it will be sending those troops and planes onto the island before America publicly invades the island, in order to be in a better position to deal with the U.S. invasion if and when it occurs. China is clearly aiming here to avoid there being “a de facto US garrison on the island.” China — if it is going to kill U.S. troops on that island — wants to be killing only those few “special operations forces” personnel, and NOT any “garrison.” It wants to minimize the damage…………………
The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
by Éttiene de la Boétie
What is so remarkable is that La Boétie did this in 1552 or 1553 – four-hundred-and-forty years ago! It is also interesting that modern tyrants use the same formula today to subjugate and dominate their victims.
de La Boétie composed his brief but scintillating, profound, and deeply radical Discourse of Voluntary Servitude (Discours de la Servitude Volontaire).4 The Discourse was circulated in manuscript form and never published by La Boétie. One can speculate that its radical views were an important reason for the author’s withholding it from …
“………….La Boétie goes on to make a case as to why people ought to withdraw their consent immediately. He urges all people to rise up and cast off tyranny simply by refusing to concede that the state is in charge….
Acts 5:29 “But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men.”
Dee, an excellent video. The best all-round talk i’ve heard.
I was sent this:
“Are you aware of this?
This plan was actioned in 2016/2017 by the WHO. It involves all state premiers in Australia being told that the Public Health Dept will be planning to vaccinate 95% of the Australian population, gather up all our DNA and hook us all up to a Biometric Digital ID Pass System. With all that personal data to be handed over to the WHO. It was signed off in 2018. It is set for completion in 2023. Which means none of us will be allowed out of our homes until every single one of us has been poisoned. It’s part of the IHR agreement that was signed in 2005 that activated the “pan-corona” measures. The IHR is a Public Private Partnership deal with 196 nations that agrees to ensure that International Trade and Commerce traffic is not disrupted during a WHO declared emergency. This is why we are locked in our homes. It 's to keep us out of Mr Globalist's way. It looks like the IHR has been hijacked and corrupted by the Globalists and is why we are being driven into the ground by unlawful activity and stealth. It’s being used as a WMD using a pen. All the people need to demand the PM ScoMo immediately withdraw from the IHR agreement and corona will cease to exist for Australia. The Corona pandemic was declared to facilitate the nations to implement their NAPHS plan, that’s all. There is no real pandemic. It is simple treason”
In Canada, Deep State elements are working out ways to swindle and propagandise their citizens while under the virus emergency scam:
Just submit to Deep State, it’s easy !!! All you have to do is nothing !!!
And the penalty for TREASON is,……?
…Not enforced.
How long before both pilot and co-pilot having both been jabbed come to grief on same flight and plane crashes killing all on board is announced as a mechanical fault?
Well that would be the truth, both pilots had a bodily mechanical fault.
did i read this right? in the NT, if you dont get the “thing” it will cost you $5000?
i must have read it right…
can someone call the police on these dickheads?
thats it… Im giving up reading.
Hello Gumshoers, I’d like to wrap up the Delta pilot story, at least to the extent that I raised doubts. After Julius gave us the link, I did get to watch the full Stew Peters show. Stew acted very responsibly, saying they were only speculating, and saying that if anyone in the audience was on the flight, or at the place to which the flight was diverted, it is thir “duty as Americans” to email him : StewPetwers@ protonmail.com. Nowhere in the show did I hear Jane Ruby say she had spoken to a person who was on the flight.
Then I went to CBS, as instructed by Peter Way above. I found this which is dated September 27, 2013 (?????) :
“United Airlines pilot dies after mid-flight heart attack
“A United Airlines passenger jet en route from Houston to Seattle had to make an emergency landing in Boise, Idaho, after the pilot suffered a heart attack. Passengers say attempts were made to revive the pilot with CPR but he later died while undergoing treatment at a hospital. The plane made it safely to its final destination.
SEPT 27, 2013”. [Conceivably, that date, which was in bottom left corner of the screen, neams something else, such as it is the date this CBS website was built].
I have not yet viewed the CBS film which, Dee tells me, shows passengers saying that they tried to help by resuscitating the pilot. I note that the “2013” story does not say he died in flight, buit in a hospital.
I now repeat my quote above from Newsweek:
“Delta is aware of reports suggesting one of the airline’s pilots passed away from vaccine complications while operating a flight, resulting in an emergency landing. All of these allegations are false,” the company’s statement, released Tuesday evening, said.
Note: I have to agree with w3 above that the MSM nowadays makes shamefully incorrect statements. He calls it “propaganda,” but that word is neutral. You can do honest propaganda.
Bottom line on the dead pilot story: I do not yet know if it is true. I do know that a female US military surgeon has recommended that military pilots be grounded. I will try to find her letter. I think her surname is Long.
Dee, please run here the CBS film that shows people who were on the offending Delta flight. I want to make sure it is not an old film.
OK. I checked the 2013 item. Yes, it really happened in 2013, eight years ago, on a flight from Houston to Seattle with an emergency landing in Boise idaho. So it sheds no light on the problems of today’s story about Delta.
Re Military. I found the item by Lt Col Theresa Long, MD at the website of Kathy Dopp, which is a very responsible website:
Opinion …
36.I personally observed the most physically fit female Soldier I have seen in over 20 years in the Army, go from Collegiate level athlete training for Ranger School, to being physically debilitated with cardiac problems, newly diagnosed pituitary brain tumor, thyroid dysfunction within weeks of getting vaccinated. Several military physicians have shared with me their first hand experience with a significant increase in the number of young Soldiers with migraines,menstrual irregularities, cancer, suspected myocarditis and reporting cardiac symptoms after vaccination. Numerous Soldiers and DOD civilians have told me of how they were sick, bed-ridden, debilitated, and unable to work for days to weeks after vaccination.
I have also recently reviewed three flight crew members’ medical records, all of which presented with both significant and aggressive systemic health issues. Today I received word of one fatality and two ICU cases on Fort Hood; the deceased was an Army pilot who could have been flying at the time. All three pulmonary embolism events happened within 48 hours of their vaccination. I cannot attribute this result to anything other than the Covid 19 vaccines as the source of these events. Each person was in top physical condition before the inoculation and each suffered the event within 2 days post vaccination. Correlation by itself does not equal causation, however, significant causal patterns do exist that raise correlation into a probable cause; and the burden to prove otherwise falls on the authorities such as the CDC, FDA, and pharmaceutical manufacturers. I find the illnesses, injuries and fatalities observed to be the proximate and causal effect of the Covid 19 vaccinations.
38.I can report on knowing over fifteen military physicians and healthcare providers who have shared experiences of having their safety concerns ignored and being ostracized for expressing or reporting safety concerns as they relate to COVID vaccinations. The politicization of SARs-CoV-2, treatments and vaccination strategies have completely compromised long-standing safety mechanisms, open and honest dialogue, and the trust of our service members in their healthsystem and healthcare providers.
39.The subject matter of this Motion for a Preliminary Injunction and its devastating effects on members of the military compel me to conclude and conduct accordingly as follows:
1.a) None of the ordered Emergency Use Covid 19 vaccines can or will provide better immunity than an infection-recovered person;
2.b) All three of the EUA Covid 19 vaccines (Comirnaty is not available), in the age group and fitness level of my patients, are more risky, harmful and dangerous than having no vaccine at all, whether a person is Covid recovered or facing a Covid 19 infection;
3.c) Direct evidence exists and suggests that all persons who have received a Covid 19 Vaccine are damaged in their cardiovascular system in an irreparable and irrevocable manner;
4.d) Due to the Spike protein production that is engineered into the user’s genome, each such recipient of the Covid 19 Vaccines already has micro clots in their cardiovascular system that present a danger to their health and safety;
5.e) That such micro clots over time will become bigger clots by the very nature of the shape and composition of the Spike proteins being produced and said proteins are found throughout the user’s body, including the brain;
5.f) That at the initial stage this damage can only be discovered by a biopsy or Magnetic Resonance Image (“MRI”) scan;…
k) That, in accordance with the foregoing, I hereby recommend to the Secretary of Defense that all pilots, crew and flight personnel in the military service who required hospitalization from injection or received any Covid 19 vaccination be grounded similarly for further dispositive assessment.
l) That this Court should grant an immediate injunction to stop the further harm to all military personnel to protect the health and safety of our active duty, reservists and National Guard troops.
Oh it’s all opinion, the word “opinion” should maybe be at the top of everything for clarification purposes, if that’s not already assumed by all. If not, the alleger should at least provide some sort of ID and contact details.
MSM tonight laments, one of the most va666ine resistant groups in the US is the cops.