Home Awakening Planning a Post-Human Future

Planning a Post-Human Future


Introduction by DM

Prepare for the post-human agenda. It seems we are at the cusp of humanity’s destiny — and whilst the wars play out, the controllers continue to plan…

Bellow,an excellent presentation:


Imagine the entire global population being duped into a “health regime” by this prime specimen of a human (below). Well, fortunately, not all of us have been duped by Bill Bug-jab Gates.


He wants to be the gatekeeper for “humanity”. And save you from evolution.



  1. Last video – new problem ….. ‘ GOOSE’ bumps.
    I will wait for the new injections to put down those pesky ‘Geese’ escaping from their ‘flapping and honks’ farm.

    • Like it or not, the very same impact is wrought via ANYONE who thinks religion means belonging to some sort of club, anyone who claims neutrality.

      Like it or not, as long as the likes of this guy are written off as fringe weirdos medical folly is bound to get worse and worse:

    • Like it or not, the very same impact is wrought via ANYONE who thinks religion means belonging to some sort of club, anyone who claims neutrality.

      Like it or not, as long as the likes of this guy are written off as fringe weirdos medical folly is bound to get worse and worse:

  2. We’ll all get to watch the video of the execution of Gates by hanging at Gitmo on, October 1, 2021, via analog and digital – just to prove it is not fake – in due course, that is if you can stomach a death by slow strangulation that lasted for nearly five minutes before Gates finally expired.

    Ukraine is all but over, and Israel is nearly finished – there will be no WW3 – and no nuclear exchange. The Cabal and it’s puppets are just about finished, they know it as does the Alliance know it. There can be no amnesty or surrender for them because Evil cannot be negotiated with.

    Trump is the trumpet and the Peacemaker.

    • Who knows?
      So many reports, so many names, so many clones, so many actors, so many descriptions of the endings….. so much from Michael ‘Faxter’.
      But I did like the one report for Hilary ….. took a little longer💀🙀🤷

    • And how, exactly, does the, quote, “hanging at Gitmo on, October 1, 2021”
      bode with the above claim that he was arrested earlier this month?

      Why has said purported No 2023 arrest been taken on board by countless other wannabe revolutionaries ?




      • eb- the real Gates was arrested by military on July, 7, 2021. Whomever has been arrested as Bill Gates since that time is not the real Bill Gates.

          • Oh you wish to have my sources? You have, like Joe, and most on this site, panned that source some time back.

            That source, and my own personal experience within the military and police, indicates to me that the source is accurate.

          • Two conflicting stories; a right tangled web if ever there was!

            I realise that hanging all the world’s woes on the shoulders of a few filthy rich mortals who derive their power from secret rituals must naturally have a counterpart, i.e. hanging the annihilation thereof on the shoulders of a few invisible “good guys”: the one notion is bound to beget the other.
            Problem is that, inasmuch as neither require anything more of a believer than browsing all the hot internet gos, both are equally childish, both are equally batty.

          • Maybe you should be looking at those who have filled the shoes of the tyrants who have already checked out from mother Earth?

            Is the fake president the real Joe Biden, or did the real Joe Biden die from a massive stroke in late 2020?

            The witch Clinton was the first to be hanged – does the person who is pretending to be her, actually look like her?

            They’ve all got doubles, or clones, like Mitch McConnell – the clone that freezes from time to time.

            You don’t look too hard, do you elspeth, and it is all there in plain sight, if you choose to look.

          • The fact that the two stories don’t line up is proof positive that both of them are pure fiction – which naturally plays right into the hands of those who pooh hoo the massive damage caused by the covid vax and a host of other serious issues. You’d be hard pressed to come up with a neater way of discrediting each and every genuine concern

          • but as I said above, I’m well aware that such a phenomena must run it’s course in order for Divine Judgement to be executed, so I’m not about to lose any sleep over it

          • You miss the obvious, elspeth, the obvious being, that what is playing out is mostly being played out to wake up those who still refuse to observe what is going on all around them.

            Look a little harder at those who play the roles in this movie we are all force to watch – they are not the original actors.

            That should then tell you something.

        • elspeth – the reference to ‘Qanon’ is a dead giveaway to a fake presentation because there is no such thing as, ‘Qanon’.

          That moniker is a fake media ‘red herring’.

          There will only be one recognized ‘leader’ to what is now still called, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United States, Mexico and all the current named countries of South America – who will be the leader of one of the Seven Kingdoms.

          That is my comprehension of what will eventuate over time.

          • Lucifer, The Father of Lies, the Accuser of the Brethren,
            the Prince of the Power of the Air: being identified by different names doesn’t make any persona “fake”

    • Melina – would it be that someone who doesn’t like Trump, told you that? Did you actually find out for yourself – if what you were told is actually true?

      Robert Sepehr – a very knowledgeable historian and anthropologist over on YouTube or Rumble, may be able to assist in your comprehension of Trump’s bloodline – and it is not within the Khazarian Talmudic Mafia.

      If you truly believe Trump is a Zionist – then you need to dig a little deeper to uncover the real Trump.

      Please keep an open mind on everything until you are sure you have the Truth.

    • He’s no Zionist he simply knows how to pick a winning team
      (At a rough guess it’ll be a good 20 years before “Jacob’s Trouble” takes hold)

  3. Wesley Clarke’s statement that the US intended to go to war with 7 countries in 5 years (ending with Iran) now makes sense as part of the Zionist new world order…..as per the 1982 “Zionist Plan for the Middle East” by Oded Yinon. The latter consists of weakening and eventually fracturing neighboring Arab states (aka balkanisation) as part of an Israeli expansionist program with Greater Israel extending from the Nile valley to the Euphrates……


  4. The zionist attack on USS Liberty in the 6 day war in 1967 shows how the tail is wagging the dog……they were trying to create a false flag event to blame Egypt for the sinking (they napalm bombed and torpedoed the ship) but the ship didn’t sink…thwarting their original plan. Make no mistake all people are expendable to their “governments” aka terrorists


  5. As we ponder things over oceans, our children looking to buy homes are blown out of the market. Here in sin city, numero uno, property prices have increased 33% past twelve months, as $ tanks.
    Get your heads around this, most make 60k per year, interest alone is nearing 100k per year for a 1 million $ loan. So basically, it’s cashed up buying as loans are unserviceable, in the not so lucky country these days. Fair go mate, no more.

    • Ant, need a house?
      Search domain for house prices in Pilliga and all.
      33 Rose St.
      Wee Waa 2388.
      Another one 320,000 at 60 Boundary Street.
      Coonamble $149,000, 260,000, 219,000, 200.000 and 310.000 ….. heaps.
      Then get on job seeker benefits and live the good life.
      Wonder how many houses a North shore swap from Sydney can net.
      Then there is Lake Cargelligo, Brewarrina, Hilston, Burren Junction But my pick would be Come-By-Chance. In CBC there was, maybe still, a quiet street where residents on one side never communicated with the other side…… just heavenly.
      Just search with Lucky Star and listen …. ‘I’ve been everywhere man’ (Australian version)
      Take a pick.

        • It has an airport runway, we always knew when the Butler Airways DC3 landed and took off …….from all the dust up on the hill.
          It has improved, all past three banks have closed, but the post office is modern and their are Cliff high 1/4 acre water views available to watch the sail boat races and madmen pulled along on two planks of wood by …umm. ….. err, not electric yet….. but planned.
          The main benefits are:
          No Bunnings,
          No Coles,
          No Aldi.
          No Star Bucks,
          No McDonald Clown,
          No colonel Kentucky,
          In other words, globalist bastards free zones.
          Not even a kebab shop.🥲
          Just like Mitchell in Sth QLD and Canowindra West of the Orange metropolis that has the lot,
          Amazing to walk down the streets on a Saturday morning and go in and talk to the butcher and collect a home made cake from the ladies with their card table display of treats…. Etc.
          Everything one could wish for is provided by the old soldiers in their clubs with displays of what our country sacrificed and achieved when in peril.
          Canowindra has the best fossil display in the state,…..but the idiots will not take cash to enter…..card only. … AS DICTATED BY SOME FOOLS IN THE COUNCIL.
          So walk out but donate with some CASH IN THE COLLECTION JAR. ….. The poor volunteer lady at the card desk had no idea of the irony.
          Yep, the globalist control freakish bankers are invading our country, paddock by paddock and our city’s mother WEFers Geneva conditioned politicians are selling the whole continent under our feet.
          Time to collect some of the old displays in the RSL club cabinets and apply the WD40 on our traitorous politicians.

          • However our politicians, the ministry of truth, controlled mass media, the ABloodyC, SillyBS and pineapple headed shock jokes do a masterful job of censoring anything deemed to be misinformation which is contrary for our safety but beneficial for their pharma masters.
            They are so damm good at lying to sheep brain peasants.
            Well, pay a lot and get a lot of BS……. And we are killed. So what, as far as they are concerned, just the price for a merc and placebos.

  6. Ant, there are heaps of ‘fair gos” in our great land, perhaps the woke just have no idea…..
    Because they have never looked and are too indulged to consider….. but now live off the efforts of those who once did and achieved.
    Ask the average immigrant into Sydney over the last 50 years if they have ever travelled West beyond Katoomba.
    Then have them tell you about their last overseas trips.

  7. Va666ine injured Hollywood celeb Bruce Willis got sudden onset injections induced dementia and not expected to live much longer (1 min then bla bla bla)

    • No problem in the future, they have an injection all ready to treat that problem.
      His films were very entertaining and I have grief for he and his families.

  8. Geert Wilders, the Dutch version of Pauline Hanson, got 1/4 of the vote and a big part of the swing came from young people

  9. Speak of post-human the barman talking like a cockatoo is piss funny
    Language warning to MM you are too young do not watch Australian vernakuler

    • Joe, you are off the f’n planet, you old demented smelly fat farting bastard.
      You need another cuppa boosters to keep you healthy and safe from those aliens … here, inject this, good stuff, you can even smoke it, got it from Amazon, know a fella in the coppers, and required by comrade Tedros, all endorsed by those ………..s in Canberra and your doctor….. nah, free mate for old ……s like us…. The doctors wives get a new merc and that helps the yougins get a job at Donald’s. The hospital administrators expect their bonuses for the dead……. Scarey mate, f’n scared I am.
      Got a lobster for a few beers mate? the banker a ……ols have stolen my guvernet plastic and I want my vote to get it back….stuff em…..I got a paddock of the good stuff already for dryin…… No worries, got mates in Canberra flogging it in every department. ……. The staffers go for it and have parties on minister’s desks …… plenty of work for the steam cleaners every morning….. know a chap. employed there, guess what, he gets on the side. … crazy place?
      No worries mate, keep ‘em happy I say, they are on one of them there way out planets and have no f’n clue…. Ha, they think they are in Geneva planning bull shit. F’n crazies…. They are Fed bugs and crickets… the mind goes crazy you know, eating crickets and what.
      Here, have a go at this.

      Ant, now that is SATIRE. ??????????🤷 well, a quick off the cuff attempt.🙈
      Minister Rowland and the Department of truth will need to Judge it as Truth or deemed misinformation.
      So submitted.
      Copy-write reserved for gumshoenews.com.


    1…………5. “When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle.” Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983.

    “How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to.” Golda Maier, March 8, 1969.
    “There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed.” Golda Maier Israeli Prime Minister June 15, 1969
    “The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only bluff, which was born and developed after the war.” Israeli General Matityahu Peled, Ha’aretz, 19 March 1972. ………………..

    “Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal Al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.”
    (Moshe Dayan, 4 April 1969)



    • Nothing new.
      We the peasants know it, the governments and Western mass media never tell the herds.
      Crazy haters on all sides drafting sheep into two their different sheep dip trenches.
      The smartest observer is the kelpie, just obeying instructions but realising who will give him his bone at the end of the day and remaining dry for another day.
      Pity our Australian politicians who do have not the brain of a kelpie.

    22 11 2016


    Emperor Drumpf intends to sharpen tensions between Israel and Palestinians by the U.S. government recognizing Jerusalem as an sovereign capital of Israel. Will a Knights Templar Great Holy War in the Holy Land be Drumpf’s first war?

    Racist Zionist Pedophile Pig, Jeffrey Epstein

    “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York magazine in a 2002 profile of Epstein written three years before Epstein began to be investigated. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.“[6]

    The Emperor, Orgy Island, Pedophiles & RED MASS

    How young, Emperor Drumpf? During this very 2016 presidential campaign, Drumpf, as late as October 2016, was actively litigating liability regarding the rapes of 12 and 13 year old girls. Corporate mass media suppressed wide public exposure of the case, and Killery Clinton’s campaign also deliberately concealed the case.


    Posted on November 27, 2023 by Zara Ali

    “……..Australia’s arms exports are shrouded in secrecy and have come under additional scrutiny after a Senate hearing in October found that 52 defense permits were granted to the Israeli government in 2023, with more than 350 being granted since 2017……………”

    So as Western populations continue to flood the streets for Palestine, their governments appear to be supporting the aggressor.


    • No CC, these are Cabal controlled countries doing what they have been trained to do – they’re all failing – surely you can see that?

      According to The Plan – Israel is meant to be the last domino to fall that will usher in what has to eventuate. The Cabal is now being exposed in every country that it still has some control over – that should be obvious now to everyone.

    • Even Harvey Milei is waving the flag for Israel and planning to use USD, effectively borrowing the paper money from the Federal Reserve, paying interest according to the loss via the inflation rate. Zion is of course the master plan of Templar Freemason Oiligarchs and and the whole gang, you could call it Greater British Palestine or you could just call it Zion, to me it looks like “don’t mess with the Zion Project” but would Trump say the Pope should have crusaded into Constantinople and re-taken it from the Turks ? Would Steve Bannon really be a double agent ? Would Trump really have been fighting charges of underage girls during the 2016 election ? We know it’s all a complete madhouse so anything’s possible. Well Mrs Trump coming from just up the road from Venice is a marker but then again, Venice moved on centuries ago to Switzerland Swabia area. How many people do they have in these bloodlines, would you say close to half a billion ?

      • Canada, the United States and South America, will eventually become – just America – their part in the seven Kingdoms to come.

        That is why Argentina will embrace the failing U.S. Dollar as the QFS will replace the fiat petro-Dollar and all currencies around the Globe.

        As I have mentioned before – BRICS is simply the lead for the third world, into the eventual QFS, a financial system that will not be controlled by any Human agency until those who will survive what is coming, have ascended spiritually, into the Fifth Dimension.

        That is my comprehension of what I have learned.

        Over to you, Joe – no doubt you’ll be itching to throw some darts my way.

  13. Around 60,000 buildings, made up of concrete steel and masonry, have been bombed to rubble in Gaza. Do you wonder what the real fatalities are? A few more than numbers reported.
    We watch and don’t care, all brainwashed into a satanic cult that now rules our world, where all leading players are compromised addicted to ‘chrome juice.

    Time to hold on to the Rosary and 🙏 for redemption. It’s not a fairy tale, as in “all day free parking, if you spend $400, magic.”

  14. Today’s situation update at beforeit’snews.com – people powered news.
    Great news for naysayers from 37 minutes reporting that Australian civilians are subject to military protocols and law….. international?
    Arrest, trial and sentence all done in a day.
    Now who and how many Australians could possibly be guilty of some alleged international crime against humanity for example, in Australia, to cause our cretins any concerns?
    All good. Jan Halper-Hayes must be a ‘dreamin’ about such tribunals operating internationally …… elsewhere in the update.

    • JAG arrested Stephen Colbert – he will be the first ‘detainee’ at the newly established 200 cell military enclosure for media ‘personalities’ on Guam. Trial set for January, 24.

      Look for more media ‘personalities’ suddenly being rushed off to hospital or whereabouts unknown, in the coming days and weeks.

      You and I Ned will know where they will have been taken to.

  15. Ned – I don’t think some folk are going to be able to get their head around the fact, that many in this country, will also be arrested and tried under military tribunals.

    The U.S. Military Law manual was updated during, 2015, and amended in 2018 (E.O. 13825, amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States) to encompass all wrongdoers, military or civilian, who have participated in the Globalist Cabal’s agenda. The only way that we are able to recover our country is under Martial Law, mainly due to the institutionalized corruption, but, there is also no legal remedy in place (deliberately avoided by our so called, Founding Fathers) that could effectively remove the cancer that this country has suffered from ever since colonization.

    Elements of the Australian Government, Agencies and NGO’s, as well as Big Business, Academia, and Media, have been complicit in pushing the NWO agenda, some, being very active in attempting to first undermine and then to bring down a duly elected President Trump, from 2015, and actually participating via interference during the 2020 U.S. election (particularly, the Australian Labor Party) – that makes those who chose to go down that path, enemy combatants.

    Then there are those so called, ‘aussies’ who have been involved in all the nefarious and evil doing that is mentioned in Trump’s Executive Order of December, 2017, put in place to combat Human Trafficking and Crimes Against Humanity – that some on this site seem to avoid comprehending trying to connect a few dots together, in attempting to see the bigger picture due to their personal bias against Trump.

    What still amazes me – is the inability of some folk to climb over their personal bias against anyone who is remotely connected to Trump – do they not see that is what is holding them back in comprehending what is actually going on all around them?

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