[Editor’s Note: Russia asked to be part of the investigation into the poisoning a former Russian, English spy Sergei Skripal, and his daughter. On Thursday (5/04/2018), at the United Nations Security Council, British U.N. Ambassador Karen Pierce said (citing a character from Sherlock Holmes), “Allowing Russian scientists into an investigation where they are the most likely perpetrators of the crime in Salisbury would be like Scotland Yard inviting in Professor Moriarty.” Russian U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia told Britain “you’re playing with fire and you’ll be sorry,” and said “another” country was to blame.]
by G5
The Berezovsky, Atlangeriyev, Patarkatsishvili, Kostov, Markov, Litvinenko, Yushchenko, and Skripal Affairs are not as reported. The current argument and political circus concerning Russia allegedly attacking Sergei Skripal and his daughter, with old generation Nerve Agents, is an interesting False Flag. And there are parallels with The Litvinenko and other False Flags.
The Royals refusing to attend the Russian World Cup is a win for Russia and the world.
If the cringe Royals believed they had a problem with Diana, Meghan Markel is going to leave them screaming. A divorce is the only definite they can face in the near future.
Goody Two-Shoes, Teresa May, daughter of The Reverend Hubert Brassier, who is currently serving in her fifteenth Portfolio, was involved in both The Litvinenko and Skripal False Flags.
If Russia used a military grade Nerve Agent, Skripal and his daughter would be dead. The stupidity of Britain asking Russia to supply a control sample of Novichok for testing and comparison, is ridiculous.
How were they able to positively identify a substance as they did, if they had no control sample? Britain then posturing that Russia has failed to comply with Britain’s requests in the matter, is also ridiculous.
Porton Down Military Laboratories near the scene of the Skripal False Flag, has been playing with CIA Mirzayanov’s 2008 published formula.
British ill-informed Experts advising of the toxicity of Novichok, should do more reading and less talking. Try Dimethyl Mercury. In the real world, Britain’s credibility is at the level of America’s. They are in good company with each other.
Ice Bullets and the Westminster Circus
The 1975 ‘declassified’ and demonstrated to Congress, CIA Ice Bullet, marine toxin, heart attack gun, was total nonsense. As were the various heart attack inducing toxins postured by The CIA of that era. The toxins used were botanical, and not as those postured in The Gemstone Files (The Precursor of the current Opal Files).
Bill Clinton advised that MKUltra and MKNaomi had ceased — but they never did. Would Bill Clinton tell a lie?
The Experiments at The East West Centre, CIA Training Facility and Research Laboratories at The University of Honolulu continue.
In 2002 Daan Goosen, former head of The South African Biological Weapons Program, contacted The FBI — offering to sell developed stocks in exchange for $5 million and 20 immigration permits. The FBI advised that all those stocks were obsolete. So what of Novichok, Skripal, Porton Down, and the positive attitude of the Great Circus of Westminster? As Russia maintained itself, by survival necessity, in the forefront of all Weapons Technologies — why would it use obsolete toxins?
If it was to try and demonstrate that it does not have the leading edge on all military technologies, who would Russia be trying to convince?

Litvinenko and Berezovzky
Alexander Litvinenko was a nationalized British Subject (Citizens are ‘Free’, Subjects are part of the absurd monarchy of the UK). An FSB defector bought by The SIS.
The Skripal Affair is a re-run with the same scripting concerning Russia of the Litvinenko Affair. Theresa May was Home Secretary and Tony Blair was Prime Minister. When a final report was released on 21/1/2016, David Cameron was Prime Minister, and he delivered the same rhetoric.
On the day of his ingestion of Polonium-210, it was alleged that traces were found in a teapot in his hotel room in the Millennium Hotel, London. A lie.
How would investigators know to check the teapot? [The teapot was not tested until six weeks after the poisoning, potentially serving hundreds of other guests.]
It was where he had met with two other agents, and associates of Berezovzky: Lugovoi and Kovtun. The two allegedly believed responsible for the murder. And allegedly now sought for extradition by The UK.
But Litvinenko subsequently met with another former operative and nuclear waste ‘dealer’ — Marion Scaramella — who was attached to the Mitrokin Commission, allegedly seeking to link Italian Politics with The KGB. Albeit that The KGB of that era had changed to the SVR, GRU (Maintained), and The FSB.
A number of reports and inquiries were conducted into the Berezovzky and Litvinenko assassinations. Most of the files have since disappeared.
Polonium-210 found in Berezovsky’s office was also the last place Litvinenko visited before being driven home. Allegedly Polonium was found in the car, and also allegedly in BA flights between Moscow and Heathrow, on 25th, 28th, 31st. of Oct. and 3rd. of November. The scenario becoming more ridiculous as time passed.

Berezovsky had siphoned hundreds of millions of dollars by technology and nuclear material sales to the West, including America. Primarily through Eurasia. Initially he re-invested back into Russia to attempting monopoly control of particular industries — including the media.
While in exile in London he attempted to defraud Roman Abramovich (a fellow oligarch) of £3 billion claimed as his co-ownership of Sibneft. There was no evidence to support Berezovsky’s case, and the legal fees incurred — apart from his failed activities in Russia — brought him to bankruptcy.
Litvinenko was hired to dispense with Berezovsky, by persons he had wronged in Russia; not the Russian Government or Intel Community. Litvinenko asked for payment from Berezovsky, after being advised and contracted by Lugovoi and Kovtun, and further confirmed in consultation with Scaramella.
He met Berezovsky in his office, where he was poisoned. Subsequently a second person was sent to dispatch Berezovsky.
Boris Berezovsky was arrested in Russia in 1999, and acquitted in November that year. He was rearrested and dismissed in 2000 — having been charged with a number of financial activities. He defected to The UK.
Again, as with Skripal and others mentioned here, there is no Russian connection beyond concocted propaganda. A number of studies were conducted concerning his death. Files disappeared. Police Reports disappeared. Conflicting Official Versions were generated. The end result produced ‘No Finding’.
On 1/11/2006, Berezovsky was in possession of Polonium 210. Which was found in his home at the time of his death. He was associated with Litvinenko and Lugovoy, who had defected from The Russian Federal Protection Service.
[On 23 March 2013, Berezovsky was found dead at his home, near Ascot in Bershire. His body was found by a bodyguard in a locked bathroom, with a ligature around his neck.]
It was found that Berezovzky had a broken rib and a trauma injury to the back of his head — not conducive to injuries sustainable by a self-hanging. (As in the murder of Amschal Rothschild, 8/7/1996, when it was not possible for him to have hung himself with his bathrobe tie from a bathroom fixture.) In addition, so too, Berezovzky neck had a circular mark, conducive to a strangulation after disabling by the head injury. The correct neck marking would have been v-shaped.
When Berezovsky’s home and office were searched, the authorities found ‘nothing of concern’. In addition to the questionable ligature marking on his neck found by Matthew Puncher, German Pathologist Bernd Brinkmann, found that the face was ‘purple’ and not ‘pale’. Further confirming an assassination. Coroner Peter Bedford maintains an ‘Open Verdict’ — leaning towards suicide.
Polonium and the Two Knives
It needs to be noted that Yasser Arafat who died aged 74, in a hospital in Clamart France, also had Polonium-210 in his body. Which also changes the focus.

When the Polonium-210 levels were initially calculated and recorded, it was found by Dr. Matthew Puncher — a radiation specialist — advised that the alleged amounts recorded as found in Litvinenko were as a result of an investigation software fault.
In May 2016, it was officially determined that Puncher had committed suicide by repeatedly stabbing himself with two kitchen knives. (Report by Dr. Nicholas Hunt, Home Office Pathologist) Albeit self-stabbing suicides — were numbered as 8 in 513,182 recorded. But never with two knives and repeatedly until dead.
Memories of the alleged ‘Suicide’ of David Kelly after he exposed Blaire’s concoction of WMDs in Iraq (also the strange Robin Cook death). Confirmed by The Chilcot Report, condemning Blair. He subsequently being appointed as President of The EU Council and UN Envoy to The Middle East.
At the time of The Litvinenko Affair, Russia was reported as producing just 85 grams annually of Polonium-210, which was used in power reactors. But Russia had ceased production in 2000.
0.8 gram was annually purchased by American Corporations through a common importer. The half-life is 138 days, when it decays to the stable isotope of Lead-206. The Polonium-210 manufactured in Russia needed to be processed through three separate facilities. Initially it was put that the West did not have the correct detection technology. But that was also false information that was propagated. Russian defectors in the UK including Oleg Gordievsky also chimed in running the official UK Line. The FBI was available for ‘Technical Support’.
A parallel with Porton Down allegedly seeking a Novichok control sample from Russia, to determine what they had already concluded. But rationality is not a feature of Americanized herds.
Apart from Polonium-210 not being as toxic as pretended — can be carried safely in a vial of water. And indeed Novichok is also not as pretended. Russian Intel targets are left immediately dead. Not lingering or recovering. Apart from those purposely paralyzed — as I have observed.
This also from G5:
Nerve Agents, Food Poisoning, and Pesticdes give similar initial symptoms.
Gerhard Schrader of I.G.Faben (1936) had reserached and developed; Sarin (1936) (VX) and Tabun(1938). He continued the research and developement into Organophosphates when he transferred to Bayer. Although Tabun had been used in WWI.
Further development produced Soman (1944) and Cyclosarin (1949).
The G-Series had been developed: GA Tabun, GB Sarin, GD Soman, GF Cyclosarin, and GV.
Although all except GF and GV were developed in Germany up to 1944, America had deployed the toxins in Aerial Bombs and Artillery Shells.
The V-Series consisted of: VE, VG, VM, VP, VR, VS, VX, EA-3148, and EA-2192. With various analogues as Tammelin Esters.
VX was produced at Porton Down, in the 1950s, by ICI Pesticides (the Agent Orange Manufacturer and Dioxin problem in Sydney Australia, Orica etc. and my government report that disappeared in 1981). Further research led to a new group of Nerve Agents. VX being the most toxic. VG was designated as Amiton. In the consistency of oils; they did not degrade or wash away easily. They were used as weaponry to block terrain for ground forces; and were only ever fielded by The US; including as land mines. (Note Priness Diana’s Protests, before she was murdered outside the hospital to where she was transported).
Novichok was in the series of Organophosphates developed by The Soviet Union from the 1960s to the 1990s. They were unknown at the time by The West, and were undetectable by standard NATO chemical detection technology. It was also able to penetrate protective clothing of that era.
The Third Generation of Toxins were The Carbamates; EA-3990 and EA-4056. The most toxic ever developed (Excluding substances as Dimethyl Mercury). They were developed by The US (Fort Detrick, Los Alamos) for deployment, requiring The Soviet Union to follow in production and deployment during The Cold War Era.
Is Skripal resulting in another “desired” Cold War — to slow down the Russian economy?
Just an aside. This article mentions that Dr Puncher is a radiation specialist.
In the recent talk about the Sue Neils Fraser case, I see that Dr Bob Chappell’s job at Royal Hobart Hospital was not radiologist physician but was “radiation physicist.”
It appears that the poor old Poms and Yanks, don’t know where to turn next. They continue to make complete idiots of themselves on an almost daily basis, with Turnbull and Bishop trying to emulate them.
A right royal puppet show.
And our msm with our ABC, plus the usual line up of shock jokes are the puppets entertaining the deceived ‘herds’.
WelcomebackrealNed nolongerlimitedto three-worders.
Depends on facility used.
Once again thank you for fascinating insights
That was bloody impressive, G5. Researched articles of that standard are a rare commodity these days. If you ever get a spare moment, G5, (which I imagine seldom happens) I would be grateful if you would peruse oziz4oziz.com/ and spot any errors for me.
[…] planned. They are similar to The False Flags of Litvinenko and Markov — about which I have previously detailed [and […]