This morning I received a call from G5. He simply said, “I’ve seen documents… Antifa is an arm of the FBI” (paraphrasing). More on that in another post, but for now, more emails from G5.
by G5
They are losing ground with their; Climate, Pandemic, Currency, Diversity, and Food Genocides.
America is represented by The NeoComs (Com = Communist) primarily housed in The Democrat Party.
If your local political actors are behaving badly, they are script reading.
Fortunately: Russia has the world’s Americanist militaries tied down on a slow road to extinction.
China is acting on its economies.
America has turned the corner on the difficult road of Restoration from the bathos of The 2020 Coup d’etat. Civil War averted. At least for now. The Dem fomented Black-Hispanic War rages in the cities. The Rio must be closed to prevent drugs, murders, injuries, and destroyed lives.
The government agencies must be recovered. The 160-odd trillion dollars stolen through the Treasury to Congress Route must have effort towards some recovery, to prevent a depression. As the last time, The Democrat Party was able to play out its corrupt delusions.
The violent crime spikes; mostly hidden in media; in the Dem NeoCom-controlled cities, are The Black-Hispanic War.
Local policing, ICE and CBP must be refunded. DHS, FBI, and DOJ recovered; one way or another.
The US Intel Community is being converted from Dirty to Clean. Complaining all the way.
The US Military is a lost cause. But for the present: not as critical as the domestic agencies. The insane, politicised onto court benches, must be removed. The media will eventually revert to delivering truth instead of its ridiculous propaganda plays.
Escaping the grip of being bankrupted into Third World status with the additional weight of social devastation and an absurd education system; being an additional weight.
The taxed by blackmail confiscation of assets, to be used for good governance and alleged redistribution, is hardly an efficient use of those converted assets for any broad betterment, or even efficient use. Through that natural flow of power maximising and pandering to special and self-interests.
The natural hotbed of corruption that entraps them all.
Whenever I read of retiring or exposed and removed public service elites ‘entering the private sector’, I naturally think of a paymaster for services rendered.
Where a large corporation is involved; a manufactured management position, ensues. The PS actually has nothing to offer. No rational skill sets, no real managerial abilities. No conversion to the Protestant Ethic. Power maximising, economic waste and theatric poncing, are not conducive to the rational function of legitimate free enterprise.
Particularly where the reality is: that enterprise must survive despite governance, not as any consequence. However government is postured as any representation and even protection of The People.
I recall the greatest buffoons and disengaged from my university days, enrolled in units pertaining to government and public administration.
What I later realised; allowing my disdain to be categorized as; Dunning-Kruger and Zimbardo effects being played as textbook scripts.
The confiscation of otherwise correctly useable capital, has been an ongoing issue long before centralist NeoCom clowns entered the public space to lecture on the alleged rich ‘paying their fair share’. The posture that government actually represents The People; not any tyrannical delusions and the blackmailed assets are for better use on behalf of The People –such as the lack of public services, and the redeployment of police as psychopathic enforcement guardians of abusive powers and tyranny.
Frauded elections usually follow in that chain. As well as self-congratulatory theatrics for public consumption, as to relevance and postured credibility. The demographic of believers shrinking as the remains flowing down the toilet bowl of the realities of good governance.
Apart from the incessant nausea and the pains of; Police Protections, Hoaxes, False Fags, and incited Foreign Wars.
The contemporary fictions of ‘Experts’ and ‘The Team’, being not more than expressions of arrogant non-transparency and the contemptuous disregard for accountability, within that mutual self-preservation, sheltered workshop and echo chamber of self-interest, corrupt, group think, lockstep.
The nauseous script reading of the self-appointed champions of the furthering of confiscation: always falls on the basis of definitions, bracket creep, and the percentiles of ‘Rich’ and ‘Fair Share’. Representatives of The People, they never are. Robin Hood and The Sheriff live on.
The true rich never pay due to redefinitions of ownership and control, and the use of multinational activities — including the advantages of the vehicles purporting the philanthropy fiction.
The occasional releases of dumps as The Panama, and Paradise Papers, are hardly the tip of any revelations.
The poor cannot pay that which they do not have and are maintained silent by drops from the table. Not their own fault; as ill-informed posturings would present; in the vast majority of instances. But the fault of good governance as arrogant mismanagement and ignorant interventions.
The underprivileged being maintained on the purse as alleged democratic voting fodder for their posturing moral protectors and benefactors. They are constantly marginalised as to voice. Hardly represented with any effect. As indeed the working classes have always remained duped by their alleged representations in the endless fiction of fighting for rights.
Confiscations fall on the alleged middle classes; the low end; but most important; of the economic control spectrum, and where Inflation and economic collapse, can be argued away, as a theoretical self-cause.
They being the worst able to manoeuvre the varying game of lures and entrapments incessantly set by government institutionalized deceptions, and indeed frauds — either directly or indirectly through their licensed puppet financial institutions.
Economics and alleged fiscal responsibilities tailored to fit the deceptions. Including the ongoing fraud of monetary policies.
The working classes are the most entrapped. Movement to alleviate their capture and government caused pains; despite the now common misuses of The Phillips and Keynesian Curves; amounts to zero as further accounting numbers never align with real economic numbers, including the hidden inflation unemployment push.
Control being just at the edge of negative cost to government, and the basic survival of small to medium, middle class owned and worked enterprise, maintaining the domestic economy cash-flow cycle.
As an English bench dweller once memorably retorted: it is not the individual’s responsibility to give government the largest fork with which to steal from his barn.
Getting the picture Mary?
I repeat, in part, from my comment to your uninformed comment to and reaction to the last article.
Do you know what a ‘sting’ operation is?
If you have not bothered to follow here beyond 7 minute modules, you have no hope of being in the loop.
Speaking of sting operations Ned, why is G5 so myopically focused on parochial politics such that he misses the greatest crime committed on populations world-wide? And one that is in obvious plain view if he would only lift his eyes skyward: the transhumanist transformation of humanity via chemtrails as well as ‘vaccines’.
‘Morgellons has been shown to have the same ingredients of Hydrogel, Graphene ( carbon nanotubes), Q-dot and metals” (as that found in the death shots mandated by corrupt governments world-wide at the behest of the US D.O.D). ” Morgellons also contain certain drugs like the immune-suppressing Methotrexate. “These fibers are being sprayed on humanity via chemtrails for decades and are part of the transhumanist agenda. While only few people have symptoms of Morgellons, the artificial intelligence synthetic biology has been cultured from people with no symptoms. The AI nanotechnology in the C19 shots is a continuation of the assault on, and transhumanist transformation of ,humanity.”
Are political & financial theatrics just B-grade dramas to divert attention away from the real game? And are sus intel drops (sic) delivered by Cointelpro agents just lollypop sugar hits for the stupid who are obsessed with local coups while the whole world has has had their body-election rigged and taken over by bio-medical-military tyrants intent on total world domination and total species control?
Karen Kingston discusses in depth that the spike protein is an artificial intelligence magnetic hydrogel and the technology of soft actuators made from hydrogel and dendrimers.
G5 does not answer to you.
We have been there with others over many years now.
Oh Ned..who really cares who G5 answers to? Narcissistic know-it-all elites always think they are above everyone else and owe no-one an explanation. They think the sun shines out of their arses and pearl’s of wisdom drop from their lips. Besides G5 reveals himself each time by what he omits to say. The questions are rhetorical Ned..not designed to be answered. Perhaps you need to learn about the nature of questions rather than acting like some some power-mad traffic-light mum at a school crossing. So far in this post you have brushed off Mary, frozen out Ol’ David and now you are telling me to learn. Is it that we have to put you in that know-it-all narcicisstic category to?
” How has the environment been weaponized by chemicals, electromagnetics and nanotechnology to create synthetic biology? How long have we been breathing nanoparticles? How long has our environment been prepped for a transhumanist future? ” https://www.academia.edu/resource/work/27495405://freemantv.com/geoengineered-transhumanism-elana-freeland/
As for Old David, kindly be advised that if your name reappears in any comment here it will not be read by me.
You may as well piss against a gale.
Nothing new under the Sun, Ned!
Financial hat:
Brace for impact, I’m always early but this is getting very long in the day.
Harden your assets, because you can not get blood from a stone.
Thanks G5
Jacinda has annunced she will STEP DOWN in early February
WEF branding now a poison pill. If the NZ hag gets practice at catching flying eggs she might get free omelets for life, or if not up for the challenge, simply relocate to Geneva.
Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, ALP Senator Andrew Bragg and ALP secretary Kaila Murnaine are the plants to watch here, along with various wokey media types, and another plant in NZ politics called Golriz Ghahramin
“The insane, politicised onto court benches, must be removed.”
I’ll drink to that, and it can’t happen too soon.
I went to Sunday School for a few years, long ago, to learn about Noah’s Ark and things like that, the old geezer was always talking about “Do not build ye houses on sand”, that’s the only thing I can distinctly remember, so there’s my bible quote for the bible bashers out there. It would appear Mein Trumpf has worked out his houses are built on sand because of the ballooning money creation of the Federal Reserve, lately called “QE”, maybe “QE” is about to disappear or has already disappeared because the entire scheme seems way too ambitious. Back in the Nazi era tunnels and caves in Switzerland were getting filled up with gold, but now, there is not enough gold for all these zeroes, as shown above, $181 trillion. The idea I guess is that the entire USA is to become a distressed asset and sold by the Federal Reserve Bank to whomever has the money, that would be the shareholders of the bank.
In Australia the RBA claims to have the Commonwealth of Australia as its shareholder but if the shareholder is really THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA INC registered in New York, then dividends to this entity must be fraudulent. So where do we find the advice in writing as to which entity is the shareholder of the RBA ?
The clue is that the national debt keeps going up, but we never seem to draw upon this huge fund for any reason or purpose. It’s never mentioned in asset terms, it’s always a liability !!! The advice that the shareholder of the RBA is the Commonwealth of Australia usually seems to come in verbal form, the occasional quip, before the quipper disappears down an alley full of mirrors behind a puff of smoke. Would anyone on the finance segment of the fake news like to ask the treasurer, where does all this money originate from, where does all the interest go to, and when do they expect to be paid back ? The answer will no doubt be suitably glib, that it’s some kind of imaginary debt, stop worrying about it; in that case, why don’t we tear it up ?
Joe – only way out of the quagmire of debt for all of us, is a Debt Jubliee – the children should never be held accountable for the sins of their fathers.
From my own sources – all that gold now recovered from out of those tunnels and the Vatican amounts to something like 3.2 Quadrillion – at this point in time – American dollars.
And that makes the American debt look like small change.
Yes PaulCraigRoberts’ favourite economist (apart from himself) Michael Hudson has been promoting this, apparently the jubilees went out of style because of the dreaded “jews” (grr, grr) but the point here is that it is not real debt but FRAUDULENTLY incurred “debt” in other words a swindle.
If you pay gold for bitcoin, that is gambling. If you are told the bitcoin is gold-backed, that’s a swindle. If you’re told the government owns the Reserve Bank but the government debt is owed to some other entity, it’s a swindle.
The politicians are defrauding the public, presumably because they have a gun to their heads, they would rather delegate responsibility elsewhere for everything and stick to pork-barrelling and kissing babies.
If the US army is going to shut Central Banking down and Nesara Gesara is really actually good, I would like to see more evidence not just rumour-news. NZ hag’s polls were going down because of her demented virus response. There is a great awakening or at least a middle-sized one. But like the baby boomers 1960’s-70’s “Revolution” it can all slip away to nothing.
Response from youth of today:
Birds aren’t real, they charge on wires. etc.
All good points Joe. As for what is coming to all of us, well that is for every individual to seek out. Everyone’s journey for Truth will have them on various paths seeking it out – but their end of journey will become self-evident, and that only a fool would choose to deny.
Too many life changing events coming that no one will be able to ignore – it is the individual’s choice to learn from those changes, or to reject them.
Janet Yellin visits South Africa
The US will reach its debt ceiling limit on January 19, and the new congress, controlled by Republicans, is in no mood to increase the debt limit. There will certainly be a fight and a delay, as we have seen so often in the past. In the end, the Republicans will probably capitulate and authorize another increase in the debt ceiling, simply because under the current debt-money system, there is no alternative.
To resolve the debt issue would require a change in the actual structure of money (currency) from being a debt note to being an asset representing a unit of gold. Here is a short video showing how central banks around the world are selling US treasuries, forcing the US Fed to buy them.
Japan is of particular interest, since it is the largest holder of US treasuries in the world. Yet the Bank of Japan has been forced to sell its US treasuries to support the yen.
I recall in about 2008 representative Sherman stating that unless the government bailed out the banks that the US WOULD HAVE A CIVIL WAR, thus Congress capitulated to the bankers.
Some refer to kicking the ca down the road.
Well Nemisis, now tell us again about 1871 (way down comment) and ignore 1917 when your apparent mates ( from your form as with the USS Liberty).finished the take over,
The bankers are now about to hit the whaling wall?
Pity about we deplorables.
Mary, getting the picture by any chance?
Now who bails in this time?
The private depositors by any chance?
BTW I note gold is up to over $2,770 $A. I was happy at 2,700 in the past.
Oops, not 1917, try 1913 when the ptrivateer bankers WITH INVENTED CURRENCY enslaved and stole from all of us….. for the last ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE YEARS.
Now for another glass.
Ned – you’ll need to go back even further than 1871 as to when the planning for the Coup took place against the United States.
The American colonies were an integral part to the planned New World Order. Which is why the Globalists spent a lot of money trying to keep them.
Look up Andrew Jackson and his ridding the country of the first Central Bank and how that attempted Coup (CB) was put into place by the machinations of Thomas Jefferson
Why do you always leave out the Gentiles role in what we are now seeing exposed?
I don’t know that your last claim has any weight but it’s good to see the schemes of the ancient bloodlines recognised, as going way way back, the bloodlines themselves as far as Egypt, explain why we see “Cleopatra’s Needles” everywhere, and pyramids with eyes on top and pyramids on top of the Canberra parliament house. These things don’t come about by accident. Thanks to the breeding proclivities of Africans up the Nile River there was an abundance of POWs and this slavery is from whence it all sprang.
NED requested for this video to be posted
or this… https://rumble.com/v262rte-sganon-w-explosive-interview-w-kerry-cassidy.-what-is-going-on-at-davos-thx.html?mref=q9acw&mc=7zsqj
Now I know why the Khazarian mafia got all the money … aliens gave them the rights 4000 years ago. This probably fills a gap for people who think the dark ages were really dark, who never heard of Charlemagne introducing tithing, who thought the Egyptian and Roman empires just “poof” disappeared, that Venice was a tourist town for gondolas, Byzantium is probably some flavour of pizza, that all the royals are just nice rich people looking for photo ops, that Switzerland is basically Heidi, Edelweiss and alpenhorns with a few cuckoo clocks and chocolate bars.
White hats and black hats are terms of convenience pitched at a football sort of level, massive power struggles are a lot more complicated, double agents (gasp) switch sides, wet work is done, huge wads of money shift around, now that people like NZ hag Jacinta are falling on their swords, things will tend to go more underground for a while until the stoopids have worked themselves into total confusion, and probably bashed up a few harmless local jews in the process.
Meanwhile the crooked ABC TV will keep pumping out wokeness for the WEF and Rockerfellas, to confuse the upcoming generations, who are now being lined up to vote at 16, not that it seems to make much difference.
Kerry Cassidy interviews SGAnon for 1.5 hours.
Ms. Cassidy is/was a journo.
It is one of the best ‘subtle and diplomatic’ ‘cross examinations’ I have heard resulting in a most interesting ‘discussion’ . Typical of Ms Cassidy’s talents.
I have heard it all, so to bring various parts to alleviate the challenge for listeners.
First part. Gsanon’s start. Say for up to ten minutes etc. we informed know all that.
From about ten, from memory, how Kerry and SG think and discern.
From about 30 mins, a bit about Davos.
The most interesting is from about 40 mins. Note it is mostly Kerry’s take on Trump and the white hat techniques …….. being too secretive etc.
The bit for CC’s attention and banks come up at question time from about I hour 13 to the end.
Sorry Mary it is much more that 7 minutes, but from the above timeline, it is OK if you cheat a bit and get in on the loop.🤡💁🏼
May I humbly claim, if I listen to all of it, why cannot all? Turn off the telalievision and other mass media…… note SGanon’s advice to all in the closing minutes.
G5 has just phoned — Adern was booted by her own party — and did not just stand down
Great footage from 3:13
Classic (were they cheering their Rugby team — or that she’d been given the boot)
What a dismal analysis – you have restored my cynicism back to normal levels. But the maories at 2:37 were real
Seems that Jacinda has been ‘boosted’.
6 times COMRADE SIR.
We do not tolerate f’wits in our GREAT COUNTRY.
Klaus, comrade …….SIR.
None comrade Sir.
Comrade Sir, I AM NOT A F’n IDIOT.
The Hell with that! I want to see ‘Jack’ (its real name, its a tranny) to be hung from a light pole in the middle of Auckland (stripped to show what fraud it was) and allowed to rot with the crows picking at the bones.
Terry – agreed! There is coming a time when the stringing up by the Italians of the Dictator Mussolini and his Moll, by an enraged Italian public will look like foreplay!
No argument with your article G5 – but what about a history lesson so as to inform the folks that what we are now seeing exposed got started? Maybe from 1871 on could be the kicking off point, when the real Coup de Tat occurred on the United States of America?
Even Trump calls the 2020 election a stolen election, and not a coup.
Listen to the last part with the questions being answered in the Cassidy – SGanon discussion Above at 2.55 and you might get a idea when it started💁🏼💰💰💰
Up to you now CC to deal with Nemisis.💁🏼🤡🤡 he tires me.
Cc see my comment after the Yellen video way above.
For those who want to get with the drift and a big picture just search the latest
Before it’s news.com. people powered news
presently at top, less one,.
Skip the nesara/gesara stuff at the start and see various video reports to the end. ( including the Aussie pest at Davos🤡)
Research via DuckDuckGo.
Good night, it has been a long seven minute day.
Now for a glass of red.
Where can we send our Aussie money BEFORE the Petrodollar (and ours) is loosing big in value? Anyone in the know? BRICS. South Africa??
If you want financial advice research research here amongst the past comments over the last few years.
Otherwise, send $five to be shared by me and Terry and we will let you know opinions that are not from registered financial advisers.
Give us a break!
Per Oz.
Now over $2,791.00
The usual strategy is to take on debt, so you can get gold on credit if you wish to speculate
A communist take over, as the media is silent on reporting fraud and corruption on a global scale.
TV parrots the new priests, with high priests the puppets placed in all nations worshiping the BS.
Their second arm the banksters, causing booms busts, deciding which nations will dominate.
The third arm the illuminati, with enforcers the slave mason one world disorder, on all bases loaded.
Globalists and CCP have taken over all five eyes, their aim is to crush Christianity with no mercy. Knowing their time is short, fulfilling prophecy, He will come and there will be no place for them to hide. They are destroying so much, Heaven is crying.
Certainly in Ukraina, the ceremonial destructions and dismemberments are testimony to the failure and worthlessness of the diplomat classes, who are always pampered and never expected to die in the mud.
Ta Dee, for the link I referred to earlier
As I also referred to above, but they will not consider, fools are born every day as exemplified by a gremlin at 8.56 above.
Suggest , note; plus opening listen to first 7 minutes then skip on to Charlie at 9+
All fun and happy?💰💁🏼🤡
The secret back story of Klaus Swab, son of Nazi industrialist, #1 protege of Kissinger, funded by CIA. Today at WEF they decided Ukraina should join NATO, but boundaries of Ukraina have never been resolved formally since the USSR split.
Would that constitute an “illegal war” ?
So “neutral” Switzerland, which is a sort of partial discount half-baked member of NATO, invites war between NATO and Russia. Reminds me of the explosion at the Baltic gas pipeline Lithuania last week, nobody knows nuffink. If push comes to shove Russia will want a piece of Lithuania. Probably no formal boundaries agreed.
OK, I have to try again. The censors have stepped in and blocked the post/video. To get around the censors, all you have to do is click on the link (which won’t work), but then edit the address in the address bar to remove the XXXX and try again.
In regards to the NZ Hag, when the CC massacre occurred it said that the government was the sole source of truth (what arrogance!). Further, if a Kiwi was caught with a copy of the killer’s video there was a 14 year gaol sentence. (big RED flags on the suppression of information).
Here is a recent Max Igun interview where he discusses what he found on the killer’s video – it was NOT a ‘lone gunman’ massacre.
Ukraine: Is the Hammer About to Fall?
“Here’s something you must understand. We were not given any opportunity to act differently.” Vladimir Putin
The plan to engage Russia militarily is a tacit admission that the United States can no longer maintain its global dominance through economic or political means alone. After exhaustive analysis and debate, western elites have settled on a course of action aimed at dividing the world into warring blocs in order to prosecute a war on Russia and China. The ultimate strategic objective of the current policy, is to tighten the grip of western elites on the levers of global power and to prevent the dissolution of the “rules-based international order.” But after 11 months of nonstop warfare in Ukraine, the US-backed western coalition finds itself in a worse position than when it began. Aside from the fact that the economic sanctions have severely impacted Washington’s closest European allies, the West’s control of Ukraine has plunged the economy into a protracted slump, destroyed much of the country’s critical infrastructure and annihilated a sizable portion of the Ukrainian Army. More importantly, Ukrainian forces are now suffering unsustainable casualties on the battlefield which is laying the groundwork for the inevitable splintering of the state. Whatever the outcome of the conflict may be, one thing is certain: Ukraine will no longer exist as a viable, independent, contiguous state……………….
Putin had many years in which he could have defined boundaries of states but it suits Russia to not close off any claims, so as far as I hear, it is another diplomatic failure, all the former satellite states of the USSR have no formal agreement with Russia about the border. There may be a fence or similar, which may be adjusted according to skirmishes, but it seems probably not much is surveyed and possibly no treaties exist. It would be interesting to know as a baseline, is there a treaty and survey map between Russia and Belarus.
Everyone is on the edge of their seat now looking at Lithuania, which would be very handy for Russia. If Putin had a strategy, Lithuania would be infiltrated by now, the PM and Fake News owners would have very fat bank accounts, everyone would be on injections every week, locked up and living on the dole, then Russia could grab the south part, using some pipeline relief effort excuse.
This hot war seems very contrived, probably secretly agreed to by the MIC on both sides.
Some parts seem less contrived JB: https://rumble.com/v1sbi9i-viewer-beware-content-18-content-18-nazi-crimes-against-humanity.html
crisscross – a good summation of events ongoing in Ukraine. What many alternative news sources (I would suggest that the word ‘alternative’ be replaced with the word, ‘reliable’) are not generally reporting on though, is the money laundering, Human and drug trafficking, Bio-weapon labs, ethnic cleansing since 2014 of the Russian speaking areas of the country, and the links to the Fourth Reich (European Union) – as envisaged and put into motion, by none other than Martin Borman, Hitler’s deputy and finance minister – the downing of MH17, and other nefarious activities and false flags against Russia, far too numerous to mention here.
But the fall of Ukraine will expose much of the evil that has been controlling this world for a very long time – some will choose to ignore the evidence – but, many more will finally awaken to the Truth about this world.
Nem, I wish I shared your enthusiasm that “many more will finally awaken to the Truth about this world”. It has been my experience that some people are so brain washed that NOTHING will awaken those people. However, there is a silver lining to it all – those people are the ones likely to have taken (and will continue to take) the ‘jabs’.
Just give it some time and those morons will be eliminated from the gene pool…
Terry, there is much of the psychopathic, elitist ‘Club of Rome-type thinking’ in you when you much such a degenerate, genocidal comment such as this “However, there is a silver lining to it all – those people are the ones likely to have taken (and will continue to take) the ‘jabs’. Just give it some time and those morons will be eliminated from the gene pool.” Shame on you
aa, I agree with with a lot you say, especially the trans-human agenda stuff.
I would never talk for Terry of course but he has dug himself out of an, inflicted hell hole of shame. Its the zombie apocalypse that gives concern for the prepped .Terry did warn all not to jaxx, even shared some personal experiences of affects, too illuminate
Well it’s an accurate enough summary so why does it require a moral judgement