Moira Deeming
by Dee McLachlan
I am watching the Moira Deeming defamation case against Victorian Liberal leader, John Pesutto, with some interest — and how she was “double-crossed“. I think her case demonstrates the toxicity of the political stage (hence this short post).

I knew Moira had supported Women’s rights — and to quote the ABC:
“In March 2023, Ms Deeming was involved in organising the “Let Women Speak” rally on the steps of parliament in Melbourne. The event, categorised by supporters as a women’s rights event, featured Ms Keen, also known as Posey Parker, and was gatecrashed by neo-Nazis.”
Moira stood up for 50% of her constituents (and 50% of Australians) to speak up for women, and she and Posey Parker (Ms Keen) were denigrated and threatened not only by trans-activists, but also by the political class for doing so. It demonstrates the insane levels of societal realities. To support trans people into women’s sports (e.g., Lia Thomas) is simply crazy — it decimates equity of women’s opportunities.
So I am fascinated why the political class, Pesutto et al, would go against the freedoms of speaking out about protecting women’s rights. I have to wonder whether someone behind the GLBT-alphabet movement organised the neo-Nazi’s to disrupt the women’s protest on purpose? By now you know that I have almost zero trust of what is reported in the mainstream. E.g., the purveyors of misinformation are wanting to pass a bill on “misinformation” so that their BS narrative is the only “truth”.
The court case with Pesutto being cross examined on the stand seems to demonstrate that the Nazi infiltrators was conveniently used to further denigrate Ms Deeming — so they could get rid of her.

But on the point of Moira’s character:
I was hooked into an hour-long private (zoom) meeting with Moira about 4 months ago (about the Family Court and child protection). I was truly impressed by her. She’d get my vote any day. Moira Deeming is obviously a women with a moral compass and bucket-loads of integrity — and courage.
A rarity in politics.
Ultimately it’s all about destroying the nuclear family , which in turn destroys society , and it also helps divide society , which in turn allows the power mad easier control mechanisms .
Abortion has been discovered to be a food source for the demonic entities ( or did I mean aliens ) and I suspect there’s something about all this that also empowers the other dimension .
I know the Baphomet entity that is commonly worshipped is some sort of hermaphodite like creature , and it’s not too far of a leap to think having trans-babies sacrifices would be a part of it’s regular routine .
A sandwich is a sandwich but a trans-wich is more like a meal ?
Hans – Human sacrifice to evil never went away, it was forced to go ‘underground’ by those who attempted to stamp it out.
Now, those who have been hiding their dark secret for thousands of years are now being exposed for what that really practise – Satanism/Luciferianism.
The final battle between Good and Evil.
Always forgetting something in my old age :
Well you identified the problem yourself in the summary, she is not “sold out”.
The Vic parliament must be an absolute nest of vipers, you can tell just by the spiralling debt, never mind the mercenaries they engaged to shoot rubber bullets and beat up their own innocent citizens. Be more careful who you vote for, Victorians.
Red blue green teal all shameless liars some of whom want you dead.
Good news and funny
Stuff the football CARN MOIRA
Sorry to interrupt.
In Sydney, Belmore Park tomorrow 11.30 am.
Just cross the road from central train station.
I am being moderated because they are apparently censoring me
All I referred to is a gathering
At 11.30 am
Just a sign
Elmore park, sydney
BELMORE , near central station, Sydney.
I was only thinking of a sign
Michelle ( minister for communications and misinformation) Greens and Teals.
So sorry Dee and readers for taking up your time. Carry on!
LOL! Ned, you’re incorrigible!
Moral Compass will win eventually. Soon, none of those smirking, hypocritical, swines and thieves of public money, will be around to enjoy their ill gotten gains.
None of them will survive what is coming to ALL of them.
Terrance — not so fast. They are commissioning a bronze statue of Dan Andrews. The premier who smashed his ribs slipping on one step (and lied about it) will be immortalized. It is beyond believable.
If that is the case – my question would be to you: Why would a backstabbning bunch of Australian traitors wish to elevate by way of a bronze statue, another Australian traitor who has already been dealt with for Crimes Against Humanity?
Anyway, statues are easily removed and melted down for other things more worthwhile.
It will be a ‘arseit’ and entertainment for Victorians.
A great target for the public to usefully occupy themselves with spray paint and chucking rocks at it.
Being suitable and ‘characteristically’ hollow it should ring like a bell throughout its location when struck with suitable objects.
I see a great new ‘Olympic’ event to at least have a competition to pay the wasted money to the Scot’s for the olympics and rescuing the dumbo ‘Vacuvics’ who voted for him.
Over selected weekends it would be great entertainment and spectacle for competitions in various categories:
E.g- half brick chucking at various distances with sub prizes- at 20 yards staged to say 50 yards and prizes for a strike and the loudest ring.
The potential for various events is enormous with many singles and team events around the full 360 degrees.
Just envisage a competition between footballers and cricketers at a distance to hit the prick with a football or cricket ball.
The dog turd chucking events would be great for the kiddies to learn about politicians.
Just imagine the sight with tourists actually ‘finding fun in Victoria’. (Commercial rights for the title and events is reserved to me- but I will donate all profits to bereaved Victorian families affected by injected deaths)?
NSW has the Archibald prize, VIC could have a paint spray paint event. Rent out his bronze figure for a few hours, invite an artist to do him for a day or reserved time.
( video it file the finished photograph and exhibit the presentations with the public to judge the works in various categories as presented by a public ‘VOICE’d selection.
(The mind explodes with just a quick thought for the style and number of categories) Archibald better watch his back)m
Well readers, let fly ! It is the weekend and really Dan OWES Australia a great laugh.
I the mind is a boggle and have to cease, things to attend to and I do not want to eclipse a MM epistle.
[Not edited or proof read, you do it!]
AND, the statue could go on tour. Throughout Australia….
Bit like touring the Melbourne Cup throughout the nati…….
“Stop it Ned … have your shower and get dressed …. The lawn, the lawn”,
Yes dear,
You left out the pigeons – Ned. I think the pigeon has its place as far as statues go.
I have Never been one for statues, especially of politicians.
Good one, a competition to knock of a pigeon for dinnner, the Haitians should excel and Springfield (US) could be a suitable Dan’s sister city.
Yea yea!
More craziness
An amazing speech
Meanwhile – here’s some more real raw news. Former YouTube CEO, Susan Wojcicki, killed in firearm mishap, while resisting arrest.
You still don’t believe the trash is being taken out?
Wasnt Real raw news talking millions of kids in dumbs
Dee – it has been alleged that at least one million children go missing each year world wide. Although, I now believe that the numbers are now far less due to E.O. 13818 and 13848, and the involvement of the Russians in cleaning out the filth of Ukraine, which has been used as a hub for child trafficking, as well as dealing with their own back yard.
At this time, there is no substantive proof of numbers, but the impact of that Earthquake in Haiti during Obama’s presidency, and the numbers of children who went missing soon after, some figure 40,000, and who remain missing to this day, must surely be a benchmark to consider just how many can go missing each year.
From memory, early on in its life on the web, RealRawNews did have several stories about DUMBS and missing kids.
Are you aware of the cleaning out of our own DUMBS?
Contrary to the MSM portrayal, the gist of the respective case is whether or not speaking out against men infiltrating women’s sport and related issues renders one worthy of being called a neo- Nazi sympathiser.
As the same MSM has decided that such dissension is “hate speech” it’s hardly surprising that the respective reportage is somewhat garbled.
BTW Ms. Deeming didn’t resign from the Liberal party, she was given the boot
‘At Saturday’s event in Melbourne, black-clad members of the far-Right National Socialist Movement crashed the feminist gathering, performing Nazi salutes and displaying signs which accused trans people of being child abusers. They clashed with the Socialist Alliance, who were protesting the event, and hogged the media limelight at the expense of Parker and the other speakers.
On social media and in the press, however, these two groups — women seeking a platform to discuss their rights and neo-Nazi provocateurs — were conflated into one evil entity. Victorian state premier Daniel Andrews issued a statement, saying that “Nazis aren’t welcome”. He continued, “They were there to say the trans community don’t deserve rights, safety or dignity. That’s what Nazis do. Their evil ideology is to scapegoat minorities – and it’s got no place here. And those who stand with them don’t, either.” ‘
What’s noteworthy is that when I type “trans activists crash Posie Parker rally” into my search engine, 9 of the 10 articles that appear call said woman a “transphobe” and an “anti-trans activist”
One more reminder of the extent to which the network is geared toward railroading real issues by way of creating fake ones.
No doubt those at the helm are oblivious to the fact that constantly having to unscramble stuff is actually serving to reboot my geriatric brain
They were doing everything to shut posey Parker down. Like they did with Riley ganes
I have an uncanny hunch that the object is to stir up as much animosity as possible per an overarching divide and rule strategy
Aljazeera reporting live from Southern Lebanon(2am local time)with Israel using 5,000 lb bunker busting supplied by US in 700,000 populated suburb Dahyeh.
Claiming to kill Hezbollah leader but Reuters report not.
Israel is now declaring an open war which we are watching live on the Aljazeera channel.
Clarification as to who’re the real warmongers:
This also speaks volumes:
E.B. – leave the poor old devout Muslim alone, 90% percent of them who are still illiterate – they’ve all got a BIG wake up call coming their way.
And who better to shout about “pro-Palesinianism” & “climate activisim” being of the same Spirit than Greta herself( 1 minute in):