
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
When the flu hit in 1918, I don’t suppose anyone accused anyone of having man-made it. In this year of Covid-19, however, accusations are being hurled all over the place, not just about the virus being possibly a bioweapon, but about citizens endangering society by not following the three precautions: social distancing, mask-wearing, and staying home.
In an online comment in July 2020, someone accused US President Donald Trump of treason for not mandating the precautions. This caught my eye as I am interested in encouraging people to pay more attention to this crime. Treason has been a crime for many centuries but rarely does anyone get prosecuted for it.
For purposes of showing the importance of punishing treason, I will show how to prosecute individuals for committing crimes related to Covid-19. It may please conspiracy theorists to know that my list will include suspects who may have maliciously planned the economic collapse and created Covid-19 as a bioweapon to suit that agenda.
On the other hand, it may please opponents of conspiracy theory to learn that my list of possible traitors also includes people who have tried to make the public think there is no risk of Covid-19, or who have disrupted the discipline ordered by a governor, such as by breaking quarantine.
My court is a mixed bag!
Defining Treason
The crime of treason differs from nation to nation and century to century. For convenience, I will speak only of the federal crime of treason in the United States. It has been unchanged since 1787 when it was written into the United States Constitution, in Article III, section 3. (Easy to remember: “3-3.”)
Based on that unassailable authority, Congress created a statute, and treason is now found in the United States Code, 18 USC 2381, as follows:
“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.”
You may want to look for the usual swag of interpretations of that legislation, produced in American courts, but you will look in vain. Roughly speaking, no one gets prosecuted for treason. Some traitors escape detection, and some who are caught get charged with an alternative crime such as murder or espionage.
Perhaps this is just as well for us in the time of Covid-19. The jurisprudence of the US Supreme Court often seems formidable so lawyers are afraid to vary it.
The first variation I wish to make (and have made in my book Fraud Upon the Court) has to do with the phrase “levies war against them.” The pronoun “them” is plural only because it refers back to the word United states – plural.
“Levies war against them” originally meant military style war. But if the Framers of the Constitution had been asked whether this could encompass attacking the United States with a disease, or with a scheme to psychologically immobilize people, I assume they’d have said Yes.
Don’t forget that 18 USC 2381 narrowed the pool of candidates for the role of traitor to “[persons] owing allegiance to the United States.” We are not talking about a foreign power sending us a disease or remotely manipulating American brains. We are taking about US citizens and residents doing it to their fellow Americans.
Part One: Assuming Covid-19 Is a Genuine Pandemic
The word epidemic means outbreak of a disease affecting many people in the society. The word pandemic means that the illness is epidemic worldwide.
To aid the task of identifying treason, I will assume, in Part One of this article, that Covid-19 is a genuine pandemic. Hence quarantine is a reasonable response (it has been invoked without controversy in the past), and that testing people to see if they pose a risk to others a sensible undertaking.
Part One also assumes that this virus came about naturally or accidentally and that no one was involved in planning it or extending it “with malice aforethought.” Note: the prosecution of any crime requires that the criminal had the intention of doing it.
So, we won’t bother to go after people who may have carelessly caused Covid-19 to spread. They can be charged with a lesser crime than treason, such as manslaughter if death occurred, or reckless negligence. (And we’re not interested today in the civil liability, the sue-ability, of persons who stupidly caused harm in this pandemic. Treason is heavier stuff.)
Start a Case
All right then, let’s prosecute some US citizen for levying war against the United States. John A Doe is the first indictee we will consider. He knowingly manufactured faulty ventilators and sold them to hospitals. Why? Because he was in a hurry to make money and did not have the right parts for the machines. He was aware the ventilator might fail to work. Some of the relevant patients did die, from an inability to breathe.
Probably a jury could find against him for manslaughter. But I want to charge him with treason. Is he levying war? I say yes. He is knowingly killing his fellow Americans. Did he intend it? Intention will be the crux of the trial, but I say yes. He did not kill “for kicks,” but he admits he manufactured sloppy ventilators for money.
(By the way, I would just as happily treasonize a producer of botulism-laden food who knowingly sold it to a restaurant, but we are talking about Covid-19 here.)
Why don’t people get as emotionally angry and indignant as they used to, when treachery is apparent? Probably it’s because many city-dwellers don’t know their neighbors personally. If the faulty ventilator man (or the botulism food supplier) did it in a small community, the jury would be more likely to think “He betrayed us. How could he be such a devil!”
Quantity may also influence our perception of treason. If the accused harmed a million Americans, rather than 20 Americans, the jury would undoubtedly be under pressure to convict him of treason.
Note: I mentioned above that someone has said Trump committed treason by not mandating certain hygiene measures against the virus. I believe that would never make for a prosecution. He had no criminal motive. According to his accuser, Trump was perhaps being lazy, stupid, or just made a wrong judgment. He did not positively try to make anyone get the virus.
Part Two – Assuming Covid-19 Is a “Plandemic”
As you may guess, I am licking my chops here in Part Two, at the thought of a prosecution for treason based on a Covid-19 conspiracy theory. I will envision a prosecutor who assumes malice in every aspect of the pandemic.
Let’s make it a federal case, in order to match the USC legislation quoted above — though the states also criminalize treason on the basis of common law or their own statute.
“United States Attorney Karen Smith” will prosecute “John K Jones”, member of a Secret Society, for treason for planning the pandemic. Joined to his case is the prosecution of “Martha Brown,” editor of The Someplace Times, for treason, as she lied to the citizens about the need to vaccinate, causing many of them to die from the vaccine. Both John and Martha are American – they owe allegiance to the United States.
John started to plan this pandemic more than thirty years ago. He and his secret-society brethren desired to establish a global economy and a global government. This would necessitate a surprise attack on the economy of many nations, including the US. To make this happen he called together many doctors in the secret society and first had them do a model virus known as SARS, in 2002, and then release Covid-19 in 2019.
At the upper level of the Chinese government are many members of John’s secret society. They happily participated, by allowing the doctors to use China for a dry run of the disease. That means they committed treason against their own people, but we will ignore that, as it’s outside our jurisdiction.
The Media
Naturally, John worked in cahoots with media executive Martha, to make sure people were fed scare stories and hope stories in measured doses. Martha, having had plenty of experience with Nine-Eleven, stands accused of treason by way of committing fraud suborning fraud. She subcontracted with trolls who are well trained in manipulating social media.
The trolls made sure that any smart critics of Covid-19, of the lockdown, or of the vaccine, were ridiculed or threatened. Prosecutor Karen Smith gave immunity to some of the trolls in exchange for their testimony against Martha. While vetting the trolls, she discovered that most were blissfully unaware that the pandemic was not really a biological event but a globalist economic takeover of everyone’s wealth and freedom.
The Trial
One would expect the treason trials of John the planner and Martha the propagandist to arouse intense interest in the media. Oh, wait, sorry, I forgot that the media is not able to get involved in justice-seeking, as its staff has been mind controlled into feeling a strong loyalty to the secret society.
Prosecutor Karen Smith was unfazed by that. She had been taught strict legal discipline in law school and she carefully explained the crime of treason to the jurors. In fact, she quoted 3-3 from the Constitution which has punchier language than the federal statute. Slowly she read:
“Article III, section 3 — Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood ….”
(Karen explained that the Framers wanted to eliminate a type of punishment given in England whereby the blood, that is, one’s progeny, could receive punishment also.)
The defense attorneys for John and Martha argued that their clients had not levied war as there were no conventional weapons used. Karen retorted that conventional weapons went out with “teased hair.” She pulled out a 1951 quote from President Dwight Eisenhower – “Without a doubt, psychological warfare has proven its right to a place of dignity in our military arsenal.”
The trial went on for weeks, with Martha bringing in every imaginable witness. Sensing the hopelessness of showing their clients to be innocent, the defenders eventually switched tack and tried to persuade the jury that the planning of the pandemic was beneficial to Americans.
They even brought in an expert on transhumanism to argue that the chip to be inserted via mandatory vaccination would let people live in harmony with one another. Prosecutor Karen smile at the jurors and asked if they would be interested in buying the Brooklyn Bridge.
In her closing speech, Karen told the jurors that they had only to decide on the facts and bring in a verdict of guilty, if warranted. She said the sentencing phase would occur at a later date. The punishment legislated by Cingress is codified at 18 USC 2381. She read it out:
“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies… is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
She emphasized the “or,” to show the jurors that a death sentence is not mandatory – not even in a case of treason where the crime has brought widespread death and destruction.
Knowing that the jurors were still unschooled in the shocking facts of the disappearance of our government, she also read from Edward Bernays’ book, Propaganda, published almost a century ago in 1928. She enunciated dramatically:
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”
One juror fainted.
Treason is happening and is on the increase. That’s predictable — when a crime goes unpunished, others are encouraged to follow suit. “Impunity always invites worse,” as is stated in the law maxim: Impunitas semper ad deteriora invitat.
The fact that the US government has avoided prosecuting for treason is, in my opinion, a clue to their fear of it. Even when an American was caught red handed giving secret information to our Soviet enemy, the charges brought were for ordinary crimes like theft. God forbid the public should find out that treason is stipulated in the Constitution as a crime punishable by death.
Wake up, law schools. Have a moot court competition, with one team handling the “Covid-19 Is Genuine” assumption and the other team constructing” a fictional conspiracy-based prosecution.
Who could complain?
Very low brow, so I did find it very funny. Was worried when the first planet in retrograde from the sun was mentioned, thought maybe he was headed downstream to the seventh.
Yesterday Jeff Sessions lost his bid to become the Republican candidate for US Senate from Alabama.
I know exactly how it feels.
Jeff Sessions may be a different proposition to your situation, Mary. It is said that Jeff has a more important role to play in upcoming prosecutions.
In your current story, I will throw my opinion into the ring as to who should be prosecuted for treason. Dr (?) Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates. Also the members making up the “Global Preparedness Monitoring Board” should also be looked into in regard this crime of treason.
So where you gonna find an honest judge for the trial? Where you gonna find a 12 ‘jury of your peers’? (have you looked at the morons running around rioting, burning down things, knocking over statutes of long dead people, just because some career criminal overdosed). Do you think those morons can even use the concept of logic, evaluation of factual evidence and rational judgement?
Nope, it is OVER.
It has happened over and over again throughout history – a violent overthrow of the existing system. Time to send in your female ninjas.
Over the last 40 years or so, Treason has become a word that feels like a relic of the past. Or course this was intentional.
She pulled out a 1951 quote from President Dwight Eisenhower – “Without a doubt, psychological warfare has proven its right to a place of dignity in our military arsenal.”
A nice little find, Mary.
Noahide Law, Maritime law, Criminal Law, Military Law, Cannon Law, ……. Family Law.
Not my area but who has precedent.
The US went to war with the 38 parallel creating .he Korean War was a war between North Korea and South Korea. The war began on 25 June 1950 when North Korea invaded South Korea, and fighting ceased on 27 July 1953 with the signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement. No peace treaty was ever signed, so the two countries are technically still at war, engaged in a frozen conflict.
Treason seems to me a Military Law, so maybe climbs the greasy pole, of precedent since 1950(then there is 2001).
How do you get standing in that place.
Some countries don’t go along with the narrative of the lying MSM, for example Brazil (population over 200 million), normal death rate would be about 2 million per year, the lying MSM tries to scare us by saying 65 thousand died from the Covid-19™ hoax.
In Australia we are focussing on nursing homes as the 90-year-old people keep dying. So the problem is in large part our lying MSM.
Whomever may have planned all this could not have done it without media saturation, just as we had Russiagate and Brexit saturation, they were just the warm-up.
How can someone be convicted of assisting an asymmetrical war when the actual particle is
According to Mr Trump anyway.
Interesting that this has came out shortly after I mentioned to my brother (privately) that President Trump is potentially guilty of treason for helping Israel whilst knowing that Israel was behind 9/11. I am under very close surveillance by Israel and the Australian police and have been for about 5-6 years.
I don’t know anything about that, like to hear more even.
Think a Bush was at the helm at the time(9/11), Clinton had just handover, my recollection(911), then the other one.
Next Trump is currently commander and chief, is true, keeps me interested like you for sure.
Now you know Simon.
Jessica, if it’s any consolation, more than a few people associated with Gumshoe and its readers may be being profiled, if not actively monitored.
This, just in from Jon Rappaport on Trump’s culpability in prolonging the Covid hoax :
A few salient paragraphs from the article above :
” Several times you [Trump] said : “It’s no good if the cure is worse than the disease.”
Surely you understand by now, the cure IS the disease. The H-bomb that went off in the middle of the economy was and is the whole point of the invasion, which has been taking place under your nose.
With your assistance. As a result of your failed marriage to Tony Fauci.
You allowed Fauci to become head of the coronavirus task force, and to remain in that position, spreading vast clouds of overblown lies about the “pandemic” and the fascist measures needed to stem it.
That’s a crime you’ll have to live with.
As you know, COVID is one supermax lie. Nothing worse than a flu season is happening in the world.
You sat in the Oval, when Fauci slithered up to you with the absurd computer projections Neil Ferguson authored, and that psychopathic freak, Bill Gates, bankrolled. You accepted the numbers of deaths Ferguson predicted. Two million in the US. You never had your people investigate Ferguson. In an hour, they would have discovered he had a long track record of abysmal failures. Failure is his whole story. Yet, you took those numbers and allowed Fauci to run with them. Leading the nation into a crushing economic dead-end.
So you see, you’re actually part of the war against the people “.
There it is. I could not have put it better.
If Trump genuinely wanted to make America great again, if he really wanted to bring down the cabal, he would’ve stood up and addressed the American people and said that the Covid plandemic is a hoax and initiated executive order after executive order to stop the plandemic.
But he DIDN’T and he COULDN’T – that’s how gutless he is to act against the narrative of the script that’s handed to him.
He doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to the puppet masters.
Agreed, more swampy than most time’s. There are real covid”s/%more virulent% able to mutate consistent with the narrative, I point out too.
Gotta go for a bit, this is a good page
Yep TV, if he was a real ‘leader’ he would have headed this off at the pass a LONG time ago. Called it out, stood up to it, but he didn’t. Sometimes you just have to cop it it you decide you are going to be the adult in the room.
That’s not so say a ‘Hillary’ presidential administration would have done anything different (I expect it would have been worse), but the compromises he made to his backers has doomed the States to a total collapse that will be begin to materialize before next year.
Trump-Worshippers, you’ve all made your position clear about me as far as my attacks on Trump go. (ie: Phil says about me : ‘he that doth protest too much’ must be a disinformation agent and/or cabal lackey etc).
Well, those words I quoted above are by the highly credentialled independent seeker of truth Jon Rappoport (someone who’s held in high regard by one or more of the editors of Gumshoe).
So, WHY is Rappoport wrong ?
What did Rappo says that does not PERFECTLY ALIGN with the facts on the ground ??
TV, in response to “If Trump genuinely wanted to make America great again, if he really wanted to bring down the cabal, he would’ve stood up and addressed the American people and said that the Covid plandemic is a hoax…”
“Sometimes you can’t just tell people. You have to show them”.
And in response to a frustrated Anon, asking if the Q team are really seeing the real situation,
“I See whats happening, but I would like to see you guys doing something about it already.
So the real question Q is, Do YOU see what is happening??
Q responds with this…
Fear not.
You [we] are not helpless.
Enough must see.
It is the only way.
You are being presented with the gift of vision.
Ability to see [clearly] what they’ve hid from you for so long [illumination].
Their deception [dark actions] on full display.
People are waking up in mass.
People are no longer blind.
It’s ALL about waking up the masses. Everyone on GS knows how difficult that is to achieve. Just look at your own friends and relatives….Now is not the time to allow frustration, exasperation or just plain fear to undermine confidence. Trust yourselves is good advice and keep up the good fight. We don’t really have much of a choice.
The alternative is..?
Yes Phil, the alternative (Biden) will be dire.
So, Trump has a few months left to act before he’s turfed out of office.
He’s left his run very, VERY late.
He had better start quick.
[quote Mary]
Based on that unassailable authority, Congress created a statute, and treason is now found in the United States Code, 18 USC 2381, as follows:
“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.” [/quote]
This, to my mind, is abysmally weak, as is so much of the “American Constitution” which is little more than a deliberately ambiguous re-presentation and codification of the implied and undefined “Humanist Manifesto” of the French Revolution. It assumes the principle that “treason” is the opposition to the “democratically elected” Comintern said to “represent” an undefined “United States of America”.
The biggest problem with most Constitutions and “Bills of Rights” is that one may do what is permitted in the proclamations but nothing else. Even worse is the implication that “rights” are conferred by some arbitrary proclamation; the old Latins had a saying “what Caesar giveth Caesar can taketh”. The alternative is the Christian notion that anyone can do whatever they like except what is lawfully proscribed (or prohibited) in the interests of social order for the good of the commonwealth of the people.
Blardy Yankyism is the biggest threat to National sovereignty in the whole World.
Absolutely agree about the nature of rights.
I think its significant that the concept doesn’t appear anywhere in the bible.
Respect for the integrity and needs of others only ever happens via duty and obligation
Conversely the very notion of rights harbours self-centeredness and self-importance
Both of which are intrinsically enslaving
U.S. liberties such as bearing arms and freedom of speech were established by those who fled European political & religious persecution when the Country was still a colony
The Founding Fathers would have been well aware that such folk were pivotal to maintaining independence
The Yank’s notion of “freedom of speech” is little more than a licence to lie, calumny, slander and libel. I’m not convinced that’s a good thing.
Their Founding Fathers determined to “maintain independence” from what, exactly? The notion of a transcendent good and true that is independent of human convenience and “interpretation”, perhaps?
When people are free to speak their minds there’s bound to be a plethora of “calumny, slander and libel” but when there’s repression that’s ALL you’re likely to get
Hmm. It certainly seems to be very “liberating” to be freed from the “repression” of the Commandment to not “bear false witness”.
I guess it is also pretty “liberating” if truth and falsehood are given “equal” status in a “fraternity” dedicated to the “rights of Man” over and against the rights of God.
To my mind, there’s hardly a better example of “liberty, equality, fraternity” than the Americanist notion of the “right” to free speech. As I said; it’s practically a licence to lie.
We must not confuse liberty with “rights”.
I already agreed with you about the “rights” ethos
My point is that a significant number of pioneers were committed to speaking the truth and defending their families irrespective of the cost. In other words they were accustomed to utilising two of the most powerful tools of autonomy.
And such power would hardly have gone unnoticed by You-Know-Who.In order to do his thing all he needed was a few unsaved mortal rulers
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” JOHN10:10
I wrote this at Gumshoe on March 16, 2015:
The law against the crime of treason is found in Australia’s Criminal Code of 2002 (which updated the Crimes Act of 1914). Go to Part 5.1, Division 80.1. It provides a penalty of life imprisonment (the parallel law in the US orders death) for a person who “levies war, or does any act preparatory to levying war, against the Commonwealth.”
Your first reaction may be “Hey, wait a minute, signing the TPP has nothing to do with levying war.” Yes it does.
What if some blokes (foreign or native) walked into Parliament House in Canberra and shot the members of Cabinet – would that be levying war against the Commonwealth? Yes, by tradition such a thing would easily qualify.
I say once we have kowtowed to the globalists by giving up the powers of parliament, Australia will be attackable. The men who would be on duty, say, the Cabinet, will have been “removed” (even if they do not, as in my example, fall dead on the floor).
Am I saying that to sign away the sovereignty of the nation is on a par with walking into Parliament House and slaying the occupants? Yes, precisely. And there’s jurisprudence to that effect.
[quote Mary]
The law against the crime of treason is found in Australia’s Criminal Code of 2002 (which updated the Crimes Act of 1914). Go to Part 5.1, Division 80.1. It provides a penalty of life imprisonment (the parallel law in the US orders death) for a person who “levies war, or does any act preparatory to levying war, against the Commonwealth.” [/quote]
That Criminal Code was imposed in violation of the procedure laid out in the Constitution, however, it can be a lame example of the point I was trying to make, Mary. Treason is not some act of “war” against the “government”, it is an act against the Commonwealth: the good of the people. As such, treason can be by a purported “government” acting against the Commonwealth. The Magna Carta was a step in that direction that said: “look here, Mr King fellow! your job in the social order is not to exploit the people for your own aggrandisement or ambition! you are the civil authority to maintain order and security for the benefit of your people.”
In my opinion the Australian Constitution, accepted by referendum, was carefully crafted so as to not send those, mainly Irish, bishops to consulting their theologians and philosophers and opposing the proposal on moral grounds. However, the ink was hardly dry on the Constitution when the cunning Masonic bas’ards were already subverting it according to the principles of “the rights of Man” and the “democracy” that only offered a “choice” between selected representatives of, mainly occult, Party objectives… which is in direct violation of the Constitution. Violations usually imposed behind a thick smokescreen of contrived controversy.
The Constitution, (or any constitution, for that matter) is a compilation of rules by which a government should operate to achieve its purpose. That purpose should be lawful (in accord with the nature and purpose of Man and society). In our case that set of rules was a mutually agreed co operation between the people (agreed by referendum) and the (presumably) legitimate Monarch (by Royal Assent) as to how the government would be protected from the megalomaniac ambitions of tyrants and traitors and the mad mayhem of incited mobs. To my mind the procedure would have been watertight if the rules laid out had been adhered to. However, that procedure didn’t suit the ambitions of the secretocracy so they simply ignored anything that could not be appropriated to their purpose.
Presently, the entire “government” and ALL its agencies are in treason and are unlawful according to the Constitution and the nature and purpose of civil authority.
There’s lots more to be said about this Constitution business but it would stretch the notion of a “comment” beyond breaking point.
Peeps, you don’t want to spend 7 minutes on this, but at 3.36 minutes he says the life span of a GALAH is 80 years. That means some of the galahs living today can remember Menzies.
The sulphur crested cockatoos live to 80 as well they say.
If so, are you telling me that some of these noisey bastards that are often to be found screeching near my house, will be screeching and annoying the neighbourhood for another 75 years (assuming they’re 5 years old today) ?
BTW, if some of them are indeed 80, they would’ve been contemporaries of Menzies’ first term in office (1939-41), as opposed to the 17 years he was P.M post war that most people recall.
Contemporaries of FDR and Adolf too.
It was his melancholy duty.
Took your advice, never watched the video. The front picture is not a galah but a Major Michell a corella of sorts.
Sir Thomas is worth researching, as is the Michell grasses of the channel country.
Old Mate is also.
Just saying.
“Wilbur Wright once noted that the only bird that cold talk was the parrot, and he didn’t fly very well.
There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the truth’s protective layers.”
Neil Armstrong, White House, Wednesday, July 20, 1994 (almost another anniversary)
Maybe the parrots need some science to help them fly.
U always
I go grey galah now
Oh my goodness!! – is that what’s going on up there in the News World? !!
Our fellow humans should listen to Minister Louis Farrakhan
(Farrakhan wrote “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” exposing who was behind the Atlantic African slave trade.)
Louis Farrakhan, a much demonised individual.
Yet, the more I’ve heard from him over the years, the more I’m impressed.
This is a galah that against the flock can not fly
Entrée Professor Hocking, thinks the GG should not report a better than expected result to the boss
Some of us all grey galahs can still vaguely remember “Pig Iron Bob” (Menzies).
Off topic – yes.
But I have to put up this video now or wait 5 years before Gumshoe features an economic collapse related article.
In 7 minutes, Peter Schiff will increase the economic knowledge of the layman ten-fold :
Now, before anyone gets any ideas and assumes Schiff is some bleeding heart leftie, he ran for the Senate in 2010 as a Republican and is a free market capitalist to the core so he has no ideological axe to grind in making his comments.
(He also admits to having voted for Trump in 2016).
But, as Schiff explains, Trump did not deliver on ANY of his major campaign pledges and in fact did the opposite. eg: greatly increased the size of the swamp and pursued disastrous economic policies.
This video is NOT to be missed and is testament as to why Peter Schiff should be President and would, in short order, not only Make America Great Again, but would elevate her to the stratosphere.
Untruth Veggie,
You’re a fan of Hitler too so lucky you’re not in the electoral college, especially for Czech and Poland.
Peter Schiff is one of these Trump enemies like Bolton.
Remember Trump said of Bolton, “If I’d have listened to him we would have been up to world war 6 by now”, this got a run for about 3 seconds then Bolton’s stupid book launch got maximum coverage after that.
Book launch – speaking tour – kickbacks.
‘bg’ , as I’ve stated before, no participant in WW II is squeaky clean and war crimes were committed by both sides.
BUT, by far the most egregious war crimes, both in a qualitative and quantitative sense, were done by the Anglo/American-Zionist empire.
The fact that you dispute this strongly suggests you are, as many of us have suspected, an apologist for the Zio-cabal.
Dismal Untruth Veggie,
A bit of self-examination might suggest you are paranoid and delusional, let’s say Rotschild funded Hitler (and anyone else), you still have to explain how Rotschild ran Hitler’s think tank and policy development. In fact the Germans started Deutsche bank because they didn’t like the other banks.
(Now Deutsche bank is junk bonds and thrown into the Fed. We all have to endure Covid-19™ until all the junk bonds have matured and the Fed goes down. Then the economy can restart from nothing and “this will never happen again” yawn).
The problem with you is that you always have a Jew under the bed; it’s just not as simple as that.
You’re one hell of a good judge of character ‘bg’ .
Clearly, I’m the king of anti-Semites in your opinion.
That probably explains why I’ve been posting the commentary and video clips featuring the Jewish Peter Schiff lately.
Pete Schiff is a good guy, in my opinion. But he’s an economist, not a tactician. But if he did all the things he said he would have done on day one if he was the President, he would have been assassinated or lynched by the mob who were still brainwashed..If he lived, he would have crashed the world economy, wiped out people’s savings and livelihoods and future prospects for the youth of the world,(except for being conscripts into an army) probably started World War 3 and played right into the Cabal’s hand.Then the Cabal could have used their “Ordo ab Chao” maxim and we’d be well into their cursed New World Order. All the corruption would still be there. The pedophile networks would continue undisturbed,Epstein and Maxwell would still be “entertaining” their rich friends. Nothing would have been learned by the masses. The Central Banksters would have their excuse as to why their system collapsed and the’y still be in kontrol… They’d ALL have gotten off “scot free.”. Is that what you want?? Expand your thinking and think outside the box. We will not get another crack at this. Our kids will thank us. But only if we hold the line and don’t panic.
This is not about an election. It’s for ALL THE MARBLES!
And if I may indulge, “Zio Dave” sums it up in a few minutes. It’s about waking the sleeping masses from generations of brainwashing. It’s the ONLY way..
And it is slowly happening. Watch a young liberal when the penny drops..Perfect!
Phil, thanks for your input above – it’s been a while since I heard from you and despite our disagreements, I like to hear your thoughtful comments.
And your objective analysis of Peter Schiff ( a ‘good guy’) is the gospel truth.
I’ve averaged several hours per week of listening to Schiff commentary over the last dozen years or more and this guy’s message has always been consistent and always on the money as far as the big issues go.
Whatever positives can be drawn from the Trump administration’s tenure, one thing is for sure.
And that is that Trump was badly let down by his economic advisors (to the extent that Trump came up with anything of his own, it only confirmed his economic illiteracy), who made sure the economy was destroyed under his tenure.
More than any other reason, this is why Trump will lose in November. That’s because he promised MAGA and instead delivered economic Armageddon.
Americans know that, even factoring in for the affects of the Covid hoax, that they’e worse off now than they were 4 years ago.
The whole video is worth watching (Joe Rogan interviews Peter Schiff) but the section from 5:30 – 20:00 will explain in terms any layperson will comprehend, how Trump’s term has been an economic disaster from Day 1 :
BTW Phil, you’re dead wrong when you say Peter Schiff’s policies would have : ” crashed the world economy, wiped out people’s savings and livelihoods and future prospects for the youth of the world ” .
Yes, Schiff’s plan (raising interest rates , slashing govt spending), would’ve brought on a recession.
But it would’ve been short and sharp.
But, the policies empyed during the Bush 43, Obama and Trump administrations, by delaying the recession that was ALWAYS GOING TO COME, by applying reckless monetary and fiscal policies they have ensured that there will be a ONCE IN A CENTURY DEPRESSION instead of just a garden variety recession.
For 100 % certainty Schiff’s remedies would NOT have wiped out people’s savings.
Not only that but it would in fact be the mechanism that would have ENSURED savings were preserved and savers REWARDED and that the U.S dollar reserve currency status was maintained whilst maintaining the purchasing power of the U.S currency.
Then, after the short and sharp recession, the economy would have been restructured and could power on to new heights and ENSURED the future prospects for the youth of America would be bright *.
( * Don’t confuse the prospects for America with the prospects for the world. An economic collapse will, in the short term, affect all economies due to the contagion of linked markets.
BUT, in the medium to longer term, a collapse of the U.S economy will be BRILLIANT for the rest of the world and greatly improve standards of living for all countries who’ve been exploited and living below their means due to the U.S dollar reserve currency status ) .
Bottom Line: Trump and his economic advisers have taken the Weimar Germany ;/ Zimbabwe approach to solving their fiscal problems. ie: Printing Money.
This is the gutless way that ensures future hyperinflation and debasing of the currency.
There is NOTHING that is more destructive to an economy and will result (with 100 % certainty), in the destruction of savings than the printing money route.
That I can promise you. (There has never been an exception in all of human history).
So Phil, you’ve actually got it arse-backwards in your summation of Peter Schiff’s plan for salvation (and incidentally Ron Paul’s economic plans to save the nation – their strategies are totally identical).
Peter Schiffs policy prescriptions (especially raising interest rates), would’ve saved America.
How do we know this ?
We know because the last Fed Reserve chairman with guts (Paul Volcker) under Ronald Reagan raised the Fed Funds Rate to 20 % in the early 80’s.
That is no typo.- TWENTY PERCENT (as opposed to Trump’s presently insanely reckless 0.25 % – ie: one quarter of one percent.
And, what happened in the early 80’s ?
Yes, higher rates put a depressed economy into an even deeper abyss for a year or two as the economy was restructured.
But higher rates DISCOURAGE reckless borrowing and zombie businesses that never had a viable business model collapsed and the economy was cleansed.
Meanwhile, higher rates encouraged SAVING and that pool of saving was needed to launch the next phase of the Reagan economic miracle, as viable businesses now had access to capital for business expansion.
Meanwhile, there was a concurrent reduction in consumption as high rates discouraged Americans from borrowing for non productive purchases like car loans , loans for home renovation and purchases of frivolous consumer items.
End of economic Lesson.
TV, you’re still not thinking BIG enough.
Volcker jacked up rates to obscene levels, supposedly to kill inflation. He also killed many viable businesses and caused “the recession we had to have.” Try that today. I was paying 13.5% on a measly $250K loan. Most loans are well above that amount today.$500-$1milion++)
Trump can’t do that. (Neither can Schiff) The amounts are simply TOO LARGE.
Thanks for the economics lesson, but the study of economics as a science ended for me when concepts such as negative interest rates, UBI, MMT, etc became topics of serious discussion. The Central Banking, fiat currency system is over. The debt (which is fake/onerous debt, printed out of thin air) is simply too large. The best Trump can do is turn on the spiggots to FULL THROTTLE, derive whatever benefits he can get from it and have it destroy itself. Then have the Fed audited, expose their nefarious activities over the last century, and stiff them for it. Hey, it wasn’t real money anyway. We just believed it was real.
Now as for “Yes, Schiff’s plan (raising interest rates , slashing govt spending), would’ve brought on a recession. But it would’ve been short and sharp.”
No TV, it would have been a blood bath, from which there would probably have been few economic survivors, not to mention the catastrophic loss of life which would have occurred. In my opinion, the world today could not have survived such a drastic course of action as jacking up rates. If the quantums of “debt” weren’t so large (like Volcker dealt with), well maybe it might have worked. But at 10 times the debt that Volcker had to deal with, no chance in the world. Furthermore, Fitts and Prof.Skidmore are claiming an additional $25-50 Trillion in “undocumented” debt. See the problem?. Criminal fraud on an industrial scale is the real problem and it won’t get fixed by jacking up rates.
You’re certainly well read Phil, I’ll give you that.
As for your comment that Trump will : ” have the Fed audited, expose their nefarious activities over the last century ” …….
….. ahhhh, if only it were so.
Alas, the time has passed.
Trump has wasted his first term in office and there’s only a few months left to act – nothing will come of it.
The faction of the Deep State that supports Trump will have to submit to the wishes of the other faction that supports Biden – it has been ordained by the Zio-cabal hierarchy so there’ll be no further debate on the matter.
It is time for their (the Democrats) 15 minutes of sunshine with, perhaps, Biden at the helm.
OR, come August, when we hear news of a sudden and precipitous decline in Biden’s cognitive condition, there will be an ‘Emergency Meeting’ of the DNC and miraculously, Hillary will get the nomination.
After all, she’s been a loyal servant of the Makers-Of-Malfeasance and she’s suffered enough (she got a little too cocky in the run up to the 2016 election so the cabal brought her down a few pegs by taking away the Presidency from her at the last moment and having a chuckle over it), so the cabal will reward Hillary for her consistent obsequiousness and slavish compliance.
Not so fast.
Tall Paul Volcker was one of them. A lot of people lost their modest house’s(especially young working couples). John Howard worked for the same, trickle down, pincer attack by introducing retrospective legislation(this is unbelievable but the rodent Pauled it off, never to look back) on small investors, taking them out and removing them from the scene.
Gold buff and later currency printer Alan (golds now a relic) Greenspan pincers with helicopter Ben Bernanke to further drive this counterfeit with the new of Ben’s, multiplier force for greater than its parts, in elevated money velocity.
Greenspan goes back to gold buffing, Howard eventually takes up silver price suppression.
Going to stay agnostic on Milton Friedman for this comment because he does show the game.
Don’t listen to any of the talking heads. The best picture just needs researching of the above names.
Simon, you’re quite the well informed cookie yourself (although the ‘trickle-down pincer attack’ comment does give away your left leaning Not-On-Board-With-Free-Market-Capitalism philosophy).
Yes, in every recession some individuals will lose their homes (those that never should have got a home loan in the first place because they never had a buffer of protection to factor in future interest rate increases and/or job loss, reduction of hours worked by either of the bread winners due to a recession).
Similarly, those that started businesses that don’t have a viable business model and are only alive today because of crazy low interest rates, will also go the way of the dodo as interest rates rise.
Society has infinite wants but only finite resources. The demise of zombie businesses (so glad that the Holden and Ford went bust and stopped making cars in Oz after tens of billions of taxpayer subsidies propping them up were flushed down the toilet), will free up the finite savings of society to be utilised in sustainable buinesses that create real jobs with productive output.
It happened before and will happen this time as we enter the ‘ Greater Depression’ *.
(* The ‘Great Depression’ moniker is already taken and seeing as this one will be demonstrably worse than the 1930’s episode, hence the ‘Greater’ prefix ).
I love the idea of a free market, trouble is, no such thing.
The individual home acquire’s, did not just lose their home BTW, they chased hard the growing amortised loan terms for years just trying to keep a roof over their heads, caught up thinking it was a free market.
I’ve listened to 5 minutes of this Schiff video, that’s 5 minutes I will never get back
It’s a shame you think that ‘bg’.
Peter Schiff is the most prescient economic forecaster in the world today – not just my opinion, but the opinion of countless others.
Yes Simon, no denying we have nothing close to free markets.
Peter Schiff is a dunce… a blabbermouth selling subservience to supranational finance oligarchs.
Money is nothing but a created convenience to facilitate the trade of goods and services in an economy. Usury is the only thing wrong with money.
Ol’Dave, in relation to your first sentence, you’re obviously not that financially literate.
Yes, Schiff is more than a little cocky and loud.
But his track record is without peer.
You’re forgiven – seeing as you’re representative of the majority.
I didn’t come down in the last shower, Mr TV expert.
40 odd years ago I wrote an essay on “Money and Economy” which I sent to the heads of “Economics” in two Universities inviting criticism of where I might be in error. Nothing!
If you get your superior knowledge from a Wheetie packet or the TV then, as usual, your opinions are unassailable.
There are more than a few supposedly credentialled economists, like Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman, who are diametrically opposed to Peter Schiff.
But, these Keynesians have been consistently wrong AND, I suspect, you too are a Keynesian.
Anyway, believe what you want to believe.
Those that ignore Peter Schiff’s forecasts do so at their peril.
No one forecast the 2008/09 recession to the degree of specificity that Schiff did and emphasised how catastrophic it would be :
The video above is just a snippet. Schiff was on Bloomberg, CNBC, Fox etc with dozens of similar displays against so-called experts and carved them up.
Orrite, Mr TV expert.
40 odd years ago I was confronted with Keynesian “economics”. I, with my personality defects, wondered what has finance policy got to do with economics? What is economics and what is money? Keynesian “economics” developed into the “Austrian School” championed by the likes of Rothbard and Von Misses.
It turned out that economics has to do with the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services.
Money is a man made convenience to facilitate that exchange … it doesn’t matter in the slightest what the token is (notched sticks, shells, cows, rum, salt, shiny metals, IOU’s, a handshake, ) or anything else that implies that I have provided, or will provide, something of value in return for some equivalent.
It is insane that the creators of the exchange medium can create tokens according to a projected value of some infrastructure and then demand to be paid as though they owned it.
The National Library of Australia has reopened the Reading Room to allow 140 guests at a time.
Stewart Beattie, if you are reading this, please note that NLA does not have your book, as it certainly should. I am willing to send them an electronic copy but only if you say so. Hobart has it.
I think, but am not sure, that any Aussie who gives an electronic copy of their book to NLA can have them add it to their TROVE collection making it downloadable to all.
Dee, we should try that with our “Port Arthur: Enough Is Enough.”
Ah, Fiona Barnett, if you’re reading this, what about Eyes Wide Open? Fiona, please contact maclachlandee @ gmail.com re another matter. Or just meet her at the casbah.
During lockdown in Victoria the FIVE things you’re allowed to leave the house to do are : 1. Work 2. School 3. Shopping 4. Exercise 5. To kill yourself via assisted suicide or murder your unborn baby via abortion.
I didn’t know Victoria had legal suicide. When did that start?
Some GOOD NEWS on how we can escape the Covid tyranny :
” The people of this country are teetering on the precipice of annihilation. Hundreds of millions of American citizens hide under their beds, cover their face until they cannot breathe, submit to forced financial ruin, succumb to obvious lies and deceit, allow their property to be plundered and burned without resistance, allow their children to be poked and prodded, and injected with poisons, and voluntarily imprison themselves, never again to live a free and normal life. All this is done on orders from a few, from a criminal and corrupt government that is evil beyond imagination, and that is vile and immoral at its very core.
The blame for this travesty falls not so much on those that have fooled the people, but on the people themselves. Voluntary serfdom is deserved, because people unwilling to defend themselves, their families, their neighbours, their livelihoods, and their very freedom, are not worthy of respect. Longing for freedom without the courage to claim it is a meaningless endeavour, as any real demand by the masses would leave the governing elite naked and afraid.
All that is necessary to achieve liberty is to WANT IT, and this alone can defeat tyranny.”
Now for the BAD NEWS :
” According to recent polls, 75 percent of Americans worry about their communities re-opening too soon from the corona lockdowns. More than eight in ten say they are likely to stay home if there is a new spike of cases in the area where they live.
And by a margin of almost four to one, most Americans believe the U.S. economy is being reopened too quickly rather than too slowly.”
The takeaway from all this, assuming the U.S statistics translate to Australia, is that we may well be a long way away from achieving a critical threshold of informed agitators willing to engage in civil disobedience.
It seems that the brain-washed sheeple are many and we are too few.
As I said, it’s ALL about waking up the masses. It’s the ONLY way.
Watch this young liberal, green haired girl have her “red-pill” moment. BTW she has 74,000 views.
She says, “This is how I came to the conclusion that Trump is actually a good guy” Spoken by a previously brainwashed leftie..Perfect.
Here’s the correct link
Thanks bg….
Re TV’s two quotes:
Can’t fault the first one
But as for the second, I’d like to know the exact basis of the respective stats
Sure Berry.
The second quote is the first paragraph from this article :
The first quote is from Gary D, Barnett.
Both are contributors to the LewRockwell.com website.
I don’t what statistics were used by the author to draw those statistics quoted but I can tell you that LewRockwell.com is one of the premier truth websites in the world today and I’m sure all articles are vetted for accuracy before being published.
Clive Palmer bought a mountain of HCQ right at the start of the scamdemic, painting a target on himself, now we hear ASIC is prosecuting him for allegedly using company money for electioneering purposes, this would be about 5 years ago.
Clive seems to think it’s nothing and that’s most likely true, the accountants probably had it all sorted out back at the time.
We have to wait for the massive junk bond mountain to mature which is not some set date, it is more like a bell curve I would say, so when about 80% of them mature and the holders have officially lost their money, the US treasury can restart the financial system in some slightly tweaked form, in the meantime we have to ramp down the global economies with this stupid scamdemic.
If you’re wondering how long it takes for a huge econly to realise it has gone bust, look no further than WW2, the war ended in 1945 and the British economy was bailed out in 1947 (Bretton Woods)
Probably euthanised would be a better term than bailed out but anyway it took two years and it should have been obvious to anyone that Britain would go broke after WW2.
When the economy restarts people will realise just how worthless and unnecessary they are, with big automated monopolies everywhere paying minimum wage and the local council busily shutting down any business initiative, well we’re already used to that to a large extent.
If you bought a new town-house in the outer suburbs you will probably find you are living in a total slum 10 or 20 years from now.
“masks don’t work” – fox news
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that, prior to the Covid saga mask-wearing was only the norm in Japan and China and it was nothing more than a social courtesy extended by those with mild respiratory infections
When I was in Japan, that was the situation. People that had colds and would cough would wear the masks. It made a lot of sense to me at the time and I thought it should be adopted by Western nations.
This weird crap of putting a mask on someone who is NOT symptomatic ( especially out doors or driving around in their car) is beyond bizarre. Oh, and the idea of a quarantine of a healthy individual rather than just the sick and vulnerable.
This whole Covid -19 thing is beyond crazy. When I had the mumps, or measles, or the flu, or a bad cold – Hell, I knew it! I didn’t need a bloody test to tell me I had caught something. Now, the Powers That Be are running around with a dodgy test to tell people they are sick. Like WTF?
So, that’s the best the PTB can come up with? – Yep, and that’s all they need with the brain dead consumers of today.
Well ‘consumers’, the PTB have a plan for you dumb-asses – bye-bye…
When I finally have to wear a mask to avoid a fine, it will be emblazoned with a 4 letter word, starting with H and ending with X.
and cut the center out of the ‘O’ so you can breathe better.
Latest from Vernon Coleman very much worth sharing widely.
We Are Victims of the Greatest Crime in History – Vernon Coleman
The ‘Ferguson’-he is referring to is of course is [Prof] Neil Ferguson (the English counterpart of Fauci] with a record of crimes against humanity that boggles even the skeptical mind, including his role in the Foot and Mouth crisis – a hoax of similar proportions for the UK horticultural industry.
Insight: “Slaughtered on Suspicion” – Foot and Mouth 2001 & role of Prof. Neil Ferguson
Good ole Vernon. That’s one that I hadn’t seen before.
However, I dispute his claim that the “Coronahoax” is the “greatest crime in history”.
None of this idiocy would be possible without the assumption of the completely irrational premise that Nothing is relentlessly turning itself into Everything with no cause or purpose. That is the greatest crime in history.
Sometimes we just need a nice, positive story as a distraction and sanity check to encourage us that that not all is lost. (See video embedded.)
”Guzel Sanzhapova became famous in Russia when she gave up her promising IT career in Moscow to focus on developing the countryside. She came back to her grandma’s village and started a company selling jams, creamed honey and much more.”
Isn’t it lovely that there are so many beautiful people all over the World in every climate, culture and nation.
Such a pity that there are always arsoles who want to disturb such beauty so that they can pretend that they’re greater than their neighbours and smarter than God.
Perfectly stated oldavid – I have posted this obscurely before but it is worth sharing again.
Despite some critics re ‘exploitation’ (probably by SJW types), I think the photographic work of Jimmy Nelson (Before They Pass Away) of beautiful people in remote parts of the globe is fascinating and brilliant.
Enjoy the journey …
Bill Gates and his little minions like riff-raff Ciccone think they should all be exterminated – I mean vaccinated.
I do not subscribe to Rousseau’s notion of the “noble savage” whereby all the evils of fallen Man are ascribed to the advent of Christianity.
A certain section of humanity have consistently advocated that our brothers and sisters are brutes that are equivalent to farmed animals.
With horror we might ascertain that many of our peers are perfectly happy to be fed “bread and circuses” by a “government” that is presumed to be the creator of all material good.