Home News Punishing the Rescuers

Punishing the Rescuers


Comment by DM

It is extraordinary that only two men were charged for naming a child over seven years ago on Facebook — when Channel 7, news outlets and thousands of others did so as well. The justice system is so skewed and seems to condone the concealing of facts — that the Australian government is removing children unlawfully (i.e., trafficking children).



  1. It may seem a bit trite to say so now , but these people will be dealt with :

    “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”

    Luke 17:2

    And that time isn’t so far off . If more people prayed for these children , God could do more for them in the now , but all to often our prayers go something like “Please bless us four and no more .”

    Same goes for the rescuers .

  2. Pastor Paul, around 8 minutes you say that if a court is not following legal process, it is not a court. That’s a major point. I say the same thing of government executives and parliamentarians, either when they use their office to do wrong, or when they hold back from doing what is required of them.

    It’s important to NOT label it “corruption.” That word is too superficial. Maybe a judge has figured out a way to put a wad of bills in his pocket during each court case. OK, that’s corruption. But his/her turning a blind eye to the big issue, child kidnap, is not on a par with pocketing money.

    Perhaps judges do pocket millions, and conceivably that’s the motive for their “turning a blind eye.” But so what? I don’t care about the money angle. I care that in all my experience (strictly in US) I cannot find a judge anywhere who honors Law as such. Ergo, society cannot seek justice. It is AWOL.

    We gotta deal with this, head-on. Thanks for being so clear in your Under-the-Trees video. I pity your opponents! Poor schlemiels.

    • Sometimes they are coerced . You may remember David Keith Quigley recounting a tale of some people sending a judge film footage of a horse stomping his child to death for an unfavorable decision .

      G5 has written of Supreme Court justices children disappearing for a few hours after school .

      Judging can be hazardous to your health as well as profitable .

      The late Vincent Bullhorn has said judges are political animals that will make political rulings .

      I agree with you that child kidnapping is an offense of another category .

        • The focus needs to be on the fact that the ultimate victory is what every unsaved soul thinks is a defeat
          “every unsaved soul” being those who’re ensnared by worldly logic – a condition that can’t be overcome by any sort of human endeavour or identifying with any sort of religion

      However, the problem may be resolved in the wash up if Bosi is genuinely ‘informed’?
      JUST A MINUTE OR TWO AT THE OPENING OF Real Mary’s presentation at WTPN TODAY AT:
      beforeitsnews, com – people powered news.
      I previously referred early in the week to the BOSI interview (including the opening here) at the Australia1 site.
      If you ignored it, then at least listen to Real Mary’s presentation – for just a minute or so.
      I will now proceed to the whole report and will not update… I am not your headmaster….. do your own homework.
      I will visit Clif High later💁🤷‍♂️

        • Just pointing out other ways Judges make decisions .
          Unfortunately principle doesn’t always rule .

          Someone with connections may get off easy . Maybe blackmail will set someone else free . Have seen hot headed judges make bad calls.

          Methinks there was a time in America where certain professions would not accept married men with families because there was a chance Daddy might not come home .

          We probably need some kind of program like that set up again, though the P.C. cops would surely have a fit .

          • The bottom line is that no one who’s employed by the State is beholden to any sort of system of accountability. Couple that with the fact that there’s no monetary incentive for any government employee to venture beyond the commonly perceived path of least resistance and you’ve got a system that’s utterly depraved. That’s all it takes, there really isn’t any need for threats or bribes

  3. This supports the video Punishing the Rescuers
    https://didyouknow.ink/pastor-paul-burton-discusses-state-condoned-child-trafficking/ substance— NEED TO KNOW

    “Did You Know The Northern Territory Is The World Leader For Child Removals?”

    “For the most part, child protection and family services should reconsider how they allocate their budgets and instead focus on assisting vulnerable families as opposed to the reductionist and minimalist approach of removing children. But the majority of child protection and family service workers are not skilled in any number of ways that should be requisite and are ill-qualified and inexperienced. In my interfaces on behalf of families with child protection workers I have been appalled by the low level of skills and understandings of the workers.” (Source: The Stringer).

    Sadly, a “staggering” 81% of Indigenous children are on long-term guardianship orders, which means they are in state care to the age of 18, and are thus “at serious risk of permanent separation from their families, cultures and communities” (Source: The Guardian).”

    I belonged to the Grandmothers against Removals along time ago. Strength and power to Lidia and Paul the Timing during this turmoil is perfect. Bringing people together Bunjils Law look after the Children and the Land.

    No Segways today just connecting some dots– sharing some voices of those who have liberated themselves from the evil web of their matrix.

    From my files: this is core to what we are up against.
    Not sure whose words I share here but I know them to be true
    “Where did all the money come from into old age to keep that scale of lifestyle going?
    The answer is that child procurement for elite paedophiles is a very lucrative business and also ensures your protection from the law so long as you keep the secrets because if you go down so do your clients. This is why Savile could boast that he was untouchable. He told television presenter Louis Theroux: ‘I can get anything. There’s nothing I can’t get, and there’s nothing I can’t do.’
    Those who stay quiet are protected. Those who threaten to speak out are soon dead. The latter was not going to happen to Savile who knew how the game worked and played it for his personal benefit.
    Savile was so good at what he did – ‘working deep cover’ – that he was made a member of the Knights of Malta, an elite secret society that I have long exposed in my books, and awarded a papal knighthood by Pope John Paul II in a show of thanks and admiration from the biggest paedophile racket on Earth, the Roman Catholic Church. He was also awarded a knighthood by his friend the Queen and the Establishment in general.
    Paedophile and Satanic rings are just that – rings, networks. They include people in all walks of life from politics, law enforcement, judiciary, banking, corporations and media, and they watch each other’s’ backs because their own backs depend upon”

    Today from Michael Andersons Facebook:
    “To all the uncle Toms and house blacks.
    “Australia’s elected members of Parliament are acting contrary to the Australian constitution.
    In the high Court of Australia decision in Sue v Hill. Her dual citizen cancelled her right to sit in the Australian parliament as the High Court ruled that England is a Foreign country.
    Now the conundrum.
    If England is a Foreign country and King Charles is their sovereign King, why do the parliamentarians have to swear allegiance to this Foreign King before they can take their seats in parliament.
    Look how they treated Lidia when she refused to swear allegiance to this foreigner.
    Furthermore, all you so called educated want to be’s, need to look closer at how Australia gained its legislatures.
    The First NSW parliament was designed to only permit men who owned land “The Esquires”.
    Legal authorities in England at this time told them that it was necessary to include local inhabitants (Aborigines) just as they did when they established the legislature in India.
    No, the invader society paid no attention to this and as a result we continue to have illegitimate parliament operating in this country.
    The High Court of Australia know this and remain silent.
    You Republicans take note.
    Anything you propose to do going forward MUST include gaining our consent and inclusion. Without this you will continue to repeat the same mistakes.”

    From Ellie Gilbert’s Facebook today.
    “The late Queen was confronted by far more than a raised voice when she emerged from opening the new Parliament House on 9 May 1988. The western triangle of the forecourt was filled with First Nations people who stood in unison, turned their back on her and chanted”Shame! Shame!” The Mosaic became a focus when Kevin Gilbert (1933-1993) called it the ‘Pay-back Stone for Justice’ at the Canberra Times recorded:
    “IN A PERFECT world, Kevin Gilbert would
    be leading the life of an artist, perhaps in as
    quiet and unassuming a way as Aboriginal
    artist Michael Tjakamarra Nelson, who designed
    the mosaic, Tjurkurpa at Australia’s new
    Parliament House.”

    I will share the whole article below as Kevin Gilbert was an exceptional wise man a visionary whose story should be known. And Michael Tjakamarra Nelson’s story is much more expansive than an unassuming artist. I will post the whole article below I think Clif would approve

    • As Margaret Thatcher told, “we are all individuals now”, so the state can be formally dissolved as we are commodified by chips and control systems, that’s “technocracy” we are being herded into by comfort, convenience and novelties

    • Thanks Diane…

      As you quoted… “a “staggering” 81% of Indigenous children are on long-term guardianship orders, which means they are in state care to the age of 18, and are thus “at serious risk of permanent separation from their families, cultures and communities”

      Simply a CATASTROPHE.
      (All by design?)

  4. “It’s like saying the spirit wins, it is a force of justice saying to a criminal that a price will be paid and left upon your estate until such time as justice is met. This is what I know will affect the Australian Parliament.” Gilbert believed that White Australia could never fully repay the debt to Aboriginal people for taking the land and the resources; nor could it ever repay “horrendous crimes against humanity”. “What it can do is grow in justice,” he said, “and it’s not for me to set the terms. I believe that we as sovereign owners must have a treaty that is recognised and protected under the international covenant of treaties. It must be done with international mediators.”

    IN A PERFECT world, Kevin Gilbert would
    be leading the life of an artist, perhaps in as
    quiet and unassuming a way as Aboriginal
    artist Michael Tjakamarra Nelson, who designed
    the mosaic, Tjurkurpa at Australia’s new
    Parliament House.
    “My nature, my inclination is as an artist,”
    Gilbert said last week, at the close of four days of
    Aboriginal activities which coincided with the
    Royal visit to Canberra and the opening of the
    new Parliament House. While he talked, a few
    people were still milling about the Albert Hall
    looking at the photographs by nine Aboriginal
    photographers in the Inside Black Australia exhibition.
    He was clearly tired from the events of the previous
    four days, but his dark eyes shone brightly.
    “I like peace, I like quiet, I like my campfire,” he said.
    But life has more closely resembled a raging
    bushfire than a quiet campfire for Gilbert, an
    Aboriginal activist and member of the Wiradjuri tribe
    who, with the Ngunnawal, occupied
    the Canberra region before European settlement,
    often gathered at sites in what is now the ACT.
    “I write to deliver a message,” he said, “and 1
    have forced myself into writing to deliver a
    message. I’ve forced myself in front of cameras.
    I am camera shy in so far as I do not like the
    public image. However, there are things that are
    Given Gilbert’s artistic nature and his predilection
    for the political, there is no slight irony in
    the imbroglio which erupted last week over his
    comments about the mystical power of the Tjakamarra
    mosaic. His comments were widely reported
    by the media and he was dismissed by some as
    an eccentric.
    For the record, Gilbert and the Aboriginal
    people have not put a curse on the Tjakamarra
    mosaic. Gilbert the artist, in fact, likes it. “It’s a
    beautiful piece of work,” he said. “He’s a beautiful man,
    and he created a beautiful art work that was placed
    there. He said that it is symbolic — a special
    representation — but he never claimed it was sacred.”
    Gilbert said the members of the Wiradjuri
    and Ngunnawal tribes, who consider themselves
    the sovereign owners of the land in the Canberra
    region, had asked for anthropologists and genealogists
    to examine the new Parliament House site in 1979.
    This had not been done, and the Aboriginal people
    had removed all of the artefacts and sacred stones
    from the area, in essence removing its sacredness.
    “That [sacredness] will never return until the
    Ngunnawal receive their land and there is justice
    for Aboriginal people,” he said. “When the mosaic was
    going into the ground a name was asked for it.
    We the Wiradjuri and Ngunnawal said it’s
    a ‘no name’ and that was for a reason. In Aboriginal land
    we’re all sovereign countries, and in Aboriginal law
    one man can’t take that which is sacred and just place
    it in the middle of another man’s country —
    in ‘the Business’. Now Tjakamarra knew this and that’s
    why he never claimed sacredness for this.
    “That design in stone became a vehicle upon
    which energies were focused. There’s a creative
    energy, a spiritual energy — the spirit wind, if
    you like, or some people would liken it to the
    spirit of the Holy Ghost — a creative essence.”
    This spiritual energy had been placed in the
    stone by the women from Papunya who had
    danced in front of the new Parliament House on
    Monday morning, and by the large gathering of
    Christians there at the weekend.
    “These forces are placed in there, making it a
    judgment stone, a pay-back. That means not a
    sinister, not an evil thing has been done, but a
    wholesome thing that will always work against
    assailants, murderers, thieves, until there is a
    pay-back — or an equalising — of justice. This
    is our law, this is our culture, and I believe that if
    you go there you’ll see the mosaic with a different
    Gilbert said that any person who walked there
    knowing that an injustice had been done, and
    did nothing about it, was guilty of complicity.
    “People must speak and must see that justice is
    done,” he said. “What I’m saying is that the
    pay-back stone, the retribution stone to give it a
    term — now has a name, and that name has
    been given to it with spiritual force.
    “It is a sacred pay-back stone, like the scales of
    justice, and there is a presence there of justice —
    a presence, a personality — and people will
    realise that personality, people can feel that personality.
    It’s positive.”
    Gilbert said that the pay-back stone could be
    considered a kind of “pointing the bone”, but
    that it was not an evil thing. “Pointing the bone
    has always been put to white people as an evil or
    a witchcraft thing,” he said. “When you point a
    bone, for instance, you are able to bring criminals
    to justice by the use of spiritual forces. So in
    a way it is a use of pointing the bone, not in an
    evil way, but with a law.
    “It’s like saying the spirit wins, it is a force of
    justice saying to a criminal that a price will be
    paid and left upon your estate until such time as
    justice is met. This is what I know will affect the
    Australian Parliament.”
    Gilbert believed that White Australia could
    never fully repay the debt to Aboriginal people
    for taking the land and the resources; nor could
    it ever repay “horrendous crimes against humanity”.
    “What it can do is grow in justice,” he said,
    “and it’s not for me to set the terms. I believe
    that we as sovereign owners must have a treaty
    that is recognised and protected under the international
    covenant of treaties. It must be done with international
    “Aboriginal people must be returned a viable
    land base, free of white man’s taxes, and White
    Australia must undertake the task of ending the
    degradation of land, to do a lot of the re-greening,
    to look after this land, to start caring for it.
    We must protect the land in law, and we can
    only do that by a treaty. That will make people
    aware, but also make them responsible in law.”
    Gilbert said, both houses of Parliament had
    already acknowledged that the concept of terra
    nullius was a lie and that Aboriginal people were
    indeed the sovereign owners of Australia. “Now
    that’s good as a first step,” he said, “but once you
    make those words you also take on the legal
    consequences. If you find out that a person has
    been a victim of a crime, or that somebody has
    taken his property by fraud, there is a remedy —
    a remedy in law, a remedy in morality, a remedy
    in integrity. What we are asking as Aboriginal
    people is that this integrity must come.”
    The events of last weekend and the protests
    during the opening of Parliament House had
    presented to the rest of the world a truer image
    of where Aboriginal people were in white Australia.
    “I believe that the events of the last few days
    must bring about an attitudinal change,” he said.
    I believe the message is out to the world, and.I
    believe that white Australia is quickly coming to
    the position where it is being classified alongside
    white South Africa in its treatment of blacks. I
    think that’s a good thing, a healthy thing when
    people throughout the world see the truth of the
    situation and say, ‘Come on, it’s time to change it’.”
    Gilbert said that the low turnout at both Expo’88 and the opening of Parliament House indicated that people of principle were boycotting
    these activities. “There will be further sanctions
    by people of principle at the trade levels,” he
    “We are taking our lobby internationally.
    We’ll be calling for sanctions against White Australia
    in export industries such as beef, coke and
    coal, and steel. Already Australia has lost the
    level of tourist support by people of principle.
    We will try to get our embassies established in
    other parts of the world, to be recognised in
    other parts of the world as sovereign Aboriginal
    people. ,
    “There are plans afoot (for the embassies) but
    I wouldn’t like to say where because we could be
    pre-empted even from travelling. But moves are
    afoot and we will always prosecute the cause of
    .justice, whatever that may take. But we believe
    in integrity, we believe in justice, we do not
    believe in random terrorism.” .
    He said that until such time that justice was
    met through a treaty, Australia could not
    achieve its full potential as a great nation of the
    world. “We have a great land,” he said; “a great
    land with Aboriginal people who have proved
    the greatness throughout time. Now … greatness
    among the people who come and live and
    colonise this land… can only come with justice
    for all of us. This will be attained in this country,
    with or without white people growing to a level
    of integrity.”
    In response to the statement by the Opposition
    spokesman on health, Wilson Tuckey, that
    the loud Aboriginal protest at the opening of
    Parliament House had been a disgrace, Gilbert
    said, “I believe the protest was right When
    Justice Einfeld went out to Toomelah Mission
    he looked at the conditions and he wept. He said
    he had been to Soweto; he had seen the concentration
    camps in Germany after the Second World War,
    but that this was his own country.
    “I believe that answers [Tuckey) or anyone
    who says that a call, even if it’s an unruly call, for
    justice is a disgrace. I think that a nation that
    supports that kind of view needs to take a careful
    look at itself.
    “After the last 20 years of lip service Aboriginal
    people still live in refugee camps, still suffer
    from lack of drinking water, have no medical
    clinics — these are the very basics of life.
    “We’ve heard the pretty words, and to us they
    mean only that White Australia is still trying to
    perpetrate an aggrandisement of itself in the eyes
    of the world. Indeed, it tried to achieve that with
    the Tjakamarra mosaic. They tried to say. ‘This
    is what we do, this is how much we respect
    Aboriginal people.’ .
    “But even while the Queen was here, even
    while those rituals by the whites were being
    performed, Aboriginal children were dying from
    19th century diseases, from Third World conditions
    by the lack of having clean drinking water
    piped into the community. I think that is Australia’s
    By Robert Heffner,

      • Ned I won’t go into one of my epic sagas– but must respond -yes Dee all by design the education religion medical legal pharmaceutical and “Mental Health Industry” aka psychiatry. In sync with the Tavistock Agenda 2012 Timeline one current 2020 2030 2050 agendas —

        re: comments above –Education


        No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
        Primary tabs
        The No Child Left Behind Act was a major education reform initiated by President George W. Bush in 2001. The bill, which became the primary federal law regulating K-12 education, revamped the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). The bill passed both houses of Congress with broad bipartisan support and was officially signed into law by President Bush on January 8, 2002.

        1996 Howard Dutton — ABC Child Care Industry–Duttons wealth
        note Mornington Peninsular Child Care scandal

        2022 https://ministers.education.gov.au/aly/setting-vulnerable-and-disadvantaged-children-success–(all planned during lockdown)

        “Setting vulnerable and disadvantaged children up for success
        The Hon Dr Anne Aly MP
        Minister for Early Childhood Education
        Minister for Youth
        Ingrid Stitt MP
        VIC Minister for Early Childhood and Pre-Prep
        The Albanese Labor Government and Andrews Labor Government are ensuring vulnerable and disadvantaged children aren’t left behind, delivering targeted wrap-around support to bridge the gap to school readiness.”


        And we still have Jeff: Beyond Blue
        and a Quote attributable to Uniting Vic. Tas CEO Bronwyn Pike–mmmmm

        “Uniting is excited about building on the great outcomes of the research project and the significant improvements that were shown in children across language, speech, resilience and social and emotional development.”
        “We’ve been providing early learning services and supporting families in need across Victoria for more than a century. Every child deserves the right to a good education and this program is about giving children experiencing family stress or social disadvantage the help they need so they’re able to school with confidence and developmentally equal with their peers.”

  5. I am replying to Hans above:

    “Sometimes they [judges] are coerced . You may remember David Keith Quigley recounting a tale of some people sending a judge film footage of a horse stomping his child to death for an unfavorable decision…”

    Yes, Hans, thank you for the reminder of Stolen Identity by John F Kennedy, Jr, alias David Keith Quigley. See https://gumshoenews.com/the-amazing-new-son-of-kennedy-a-thrill-of-justice/

    But are you saying a judge “has to do what the King says”? If so, is there any point in having judges? or law?

    Pretend each of the judges who rule on Pastor Paul’s cases is aware that if he rules according to justice and principle, his/her kid will be run over by a truck.

    Hans, please advise that judge what to do.

  6. In Oz, those who play fair finish last.
    Anthem says it all, Advance Australia Fare!
    And what a lame song it is, we need a jolly swagman to brighten things up a bit.

  7. Rogan-Trump interview: historical
    Don’t let anyone “create” your opinion. Please listen it yourself, read the Kamala report (bottom), fill the poll and share!
    This election is the most critical in the history of the 21st century, not only for the USA but for the free world.

    Love or hate Trump, it’s important to understand that no candidate will ever be “perfect”. What’s important is that they walk in the right direction or at least, in a better direction:

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