by Dee McLachlan
I was inspired to complete this article after reading what Eddy told us in GumshoeNews comment yesterday (February 21, 2018).
Back in the early 1900s great strides had been made in understanding the body and medicine. There was a wide range of practices, including naturopathy, homeopathy, eclectic medicine (botanical and herbal medicine), holistic medicine, etc. All sorts of doctors were intent on healing people — and many believed that “prevention is better than cure.”
Then oil magnate John D. Rockefeller and steel magnate Andrew Carnegie decided that the business of “health” — or rather, “sickness” — could be highly profitable. I wonder if they understood what monster they were about to create?
Flexner Report
It started with the Flexner Report. John D Rockefeller paid Abraham Flexner to visit all the medical schools in the US, and in 1910 “Flexner Report” called for standardization of medical education. Using his oil fortune, Rockefeller started to control the medical schools in America through the State branches of the American Medical Association (AMA).
The new creature making its debut in each medical school was “allopathy” – treat everything with drugs.
The strange irony was that Rockefeller himself was a believer in Homeopathy. According to Ron Chernow, author of the book Titan, Rockefeller made attempts to save Homeopathy, but “in the end he seemed powerless to stop the scientific revolution that he himself had largely set in motion.”
Note: the main idea behind homeopathy is that you give the person a little bit of the illness to stave off a bigger attack. It was invented in 1796.
I am quoting Makia Freeman:
“After the Flexner Report, the AMA only endorsed schools with a drug-based curriculum. It didn’t take long before non-allopathic schools fell by the wayside due to lack of funding. Thus, Rockefeller had his monopoly on drugs, and Big Pharma and Rockefeller Medicine were born – and has only grown bigger and more terrible since, now routinely bribing doctors to prescribe their toxic and side effect-laden pills…”
And the AMA continues their “good” work. Take for example the AMA’s attack on Chiropractors in 1987. In an articled entitled, “U.S. Judge Finds Medical Group Conspired Against Chiropractors,” the NYT wrote:
“The American Medical Association led an effort to destroy the chiropractic profession by depriving its practitioners of association with medical doctors and by calling them ”unscientific cultists” or worse, a Federal district judge has ruled. Judge Susan Getzendanner described the conspiracy as ‘systematic, long-term wrongdoing and the long-term intent to destroy a licensed profession’.”
Royal Rife
In her book, “CONSIDER the LILIES, A Review of 18 Cures for Cancer and Their Legal Status”, Mary W Maxwell covers many instances where the medical world has suppressed cancer cures to propagate a less effective and a more expensive option. The story of Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971) is one of the more astonishing.
Quoting from The Rife Report:
“Rife: ‘I felt that the start of malignancy would be originated by some type of microorganism. After the isolation of the filtered virus the idea was conceived, that it would be possible to create an electronic frequency that was in the correct coordination or resonance of the chemical constituents of a given organism, and to devitalize [it] with said frequency… No tissue is destroyed, no pain is felt, no noise is audible, and no sensation is noticed. A tube lights up and 3 minutes later the treatment is completed’…”
To quote from Mary’s book (p57):
“The fate that befell Royal Rife is something we should protect all scientists from in future. He did great work and then was cast aside. His equipment was taken by government and his friend John Crane was subjected to a lawsuit…
“In the 1930s, Rife was called upon by Milbank Johnson, MD, a prominent physician, to strut his stuff at a pilot clinic at the Scripps estate, San Diego. Sixteen very ill cancer patients were brought in, and after Rife zapped their cancer microbes (yes, microbes), 14 walked away happy. The other two are said to have recovered later. You can’t beat that percentage, can you?”
But today — almost a century later — people have to suffer the debilitating effects of chemotherapy. What the hell is going on?
Dr Ben Johnson explains it in ONE minute:
How can doctors study so hard, for so many years, and not want to replicate what Rife had done? But many doctors are scared to buck the system. Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.O., Founder of Mercola.com, and a bestselling author says:
“There are many physicians who are truly authentically motivated to help people but there is a fear that they are going to be discredited and ostracized in their own community. When you’ve got tens of billions of dollars of revenue there is no end to the types of sophisticated ways you can acquire to manipulate the masses.”
And any true discovery that makes the old system useless is quickly shut down. Even doctors with breakthrough discoveries are “shut down.”
At GumshoeNews we have covered some of the deaths of holistic doctors that died or ‘suicided’ whilst on the verge of great things. Examples are Dr Nick Gonzalez, and Dr Jeff Bradstreet.
The Cancer Story
What is astonishing is that almost 50 percent of people alive today will face cancer. 1 in 4 men, and 1 in 5 women will die from cancer.
In a comment yesterday I supplied a quote from Dr. Ben Johnson, M.D., N.M.D, D.O: (the letters show that he is a doctor of natural medicine and of osteopathy, as well as the usual MD):
“It is estimated that by 2020 more than half of all cancer in America will be medically induced from drugs or radiation, making our Medical establishment the leading cause of cancer. ”
There is an extraordinary nine-part series called “The Truth About Cancer.” The first program explains how the cancer industry, the “big” illness, is a platform for big pharma.
Chemotherapy is said to have originated from observing the effects of mustard gas on lymphocytes, and for decades, it has been aggressively used as the standard treatment. We all know people who have suffered the debilitating effects of “chemo.”
For decades, chemo, radiation, and surgery have been considered ‘best practice’. But there is finally a chink in the armor. I was surprised to read this in The Australian: “More Oncologists Move to Avoid Chemotherapy in Cancer Treatment”.
“Doctors are at odds over whether some women with breast cancer should have chemotherapy — one treatment among the arsenal long seen as crucial to fighting the disease, along with surgery and radiation.
“Many oncologists are shunning chemo as risky and ineffective at combating some early-stage breast tumours. Traditionally, the majority of women with invasive breast cancer were treated with some combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
“A shift to less chemotherapy or none at all, called “de-escalation”, is being hailed by some as revolutionary… De-escalation has exposed a rift among oncologists…”
Why this article now?
And then a few days later this one in The Herald Sun: “Chemo reprieve”.
We know articles, Â ghost-written for pharmaceutical companies, have then been authored by prominent doctors to push certain treatments or drugs. But now we have programs like The truth About Cancer, by Ty Bollinger, out there. Ty, galvanized by the death, to cancer, of both his parents, created a resource, interviewing over 100 specialist medicos.
Why the sudden “de-escalation”?
So is big pharma paving the way for another “best practice” expensive treatment, or have members of the public become more “educated” on other health options than their oncologists, and are forcing many of them to rethink chemotherapy?
The Medical Bubble
My father and grandfather were specialists in medicine, and I can recall their dedication. I’m not sure what they would say today if we had a discussion about the drug recovery process?
I will cite one instance that explains my point. A person I know well is an oil painter, and for the last 30 plus years she has been suffered a chronic immune disorder. She has been treated by countless doctors and specialists over the decades, and has had several surgeries and hospital visits. They have never discovered the source of the problem, or found a solution, and today she is on a cocktail of strong medications.
Now my point is: At every single new consultation she has put forward and questioned whether her oil painting and the associated chemicals (e.g., turpentine) might be a causal or exacerbating factor. I believe the replies were varied. But in over three decades, not one doctor or specialist suggested that maybe she should SWEAT IT OUT. Not one suggested making regular visits to a sauna, or better still a Far Infrared sauna. You can bet she is holding some chemical and plastics toxicity in her fat cells — and the MOST effective way is to sweat it out. Should this simple and most effective health solution to a toxic problem have been suggested to her?
I have not scratched the surface of the issue here. But clearly we need to educate ourselves, then force our doctors to do the same.
In conclusion, as Dr Rashid Buttar, D.O. says:
“If you do the standard of care and give chemo and people die, it’s OK. If you don’t the standard of care and people live, it’s not OK (it is considered politically incorrect)“
Below is a panel from the Truth About cancer Symposium.
“Human Retroviruses: Methods and Protocols collects key experimental protocols that have provided the basis of the major discoveries of the field. This detailed volume covers mapping of the HIV life cycle, isolation, co-receptor use, and cell tropism of HIV-1, in vivo quantification of HIV-1, biological aspects of HIV-1, as well as HTLVs.
“Some articles explore assay and function of accessory genes, largely involving the interface between retroviral and host factors, the extracellular role of Tat and Tax, resembling the function of cytokines, and the biotechnological exploitation of HIV as lentiviral vector to carry foreign genes with therapeutic value.”
Human immunodeficiency virus is used a a vector — this is stunning.
Excuse me, off-topic re the Adelaide Fringe: Today I went to the taxation instruction meeting for producers of Fringe shows. Some Fringers were actually calculating that they would have to pay GST because their show may earn more than $75K. Wowzie wow.
I asked if I could negatively gear the large loss I take every year — no tix sales because it’s free admission.
The instructor replied “Not if you run an agricultural business.”
How did she know my secret sideline?
Anyway, please be there on March 18 at 2.30pm, OK? Name of the show: “My Best False Memories.” M-rated.
Credit must be given to Eustace Mullins’ book “Murder by Injection,” that first showed Rocky’s control of health. Here is a Corbett report of 2013 in which we see a film of Mullins — start at 30 minutes.
We can add to the above with CBD