Home Corona “Put The Criminals Where They Belong” Dr Judy Mikovits

“Put The Criminals Where They Belong” Dr Judy Mikovits


Editor’s note: Two compelling MUST WATCH videos. Above, Stew Peters interviews Dr Judy Mikovits presenting her findings of medical fraud, and Fauci’s criminality. Below, Jeff Rense talks to Max Igan (Crowhouse) — now living in Mexico.



  1. The mafia considers its homeland to be around the Black Sea, Volga River and Caucacus Mountains which are in Ukraina. These days the Khazars control the planet and their names are Rothschild,Schiff, Soros and others. The plan is reverse migration to their Khazar homeland, pushing Ukrainians and Russians out.
    With Covid and war in Ukraina, they have laid out the plans for a passport without which you cannot buy or sell – CBDCs central bank digital currencies. It’s not Russia but the krown kabal owned US military pharma industrial complex pushing the war there these past eight years.
    The war is now global, bsl4 labs within most nations, ethnic cleansing undesirables with medical sorcery.
    The symbolic snake coiled around the staff, WHO pushing poison as medicine.

    • This Khazar business goes back likely to Arthur Koestler in the 1950s, he wrote a book on it, but you really ought to get up to speed on the human genetics origins of Ashkenazim, you ever hear of David Reich’s Harvard lab, for example? Can you tell the difference between genomics and proteomics? or what does CRISPR stand for?I thought not,.

      To wit: the origins are Levantine (male line) and Italian(female line) from around 1,000 AD

      • My best guess is the earliest common ancestor was Alexander Helios 2000 years ago but perhaps he went under a bus at some point. Yes the Khazar mafia is “useful” but whether their stake is more than a few percent is hard to swallow. It’s like Larry Fink (Black Rock) or Joe Biden or Elbow, et al, people like to think the servant is the master.
        As with Clive Palmer in WA, they prefer to “shoot the messenger”.

        • Duns Scotus…

          Who cares?

          Yiddish is a hybrid of ancient Khazari and German, traced back to the 13th century. The good old Mongol Hordes knew a bunch of arseholes when they saw them, and chased what they did not kill north-west and west into Russia and Europe. The line from them to the Rothschilds is also well-established and I have read the two forbidden family histories.

          But Schlomo Zand also did his homework.

          You can stick your academic elitism and wrap your condescention around your neck and jump.

          PS: condescend>condescention? whatever.

  2. I found this article at Hoffpost dated way back on 8 April 2020, a hatchet job on the excellent Dr Rashid Buttar:

    “Like others exploiting the pandemic, he has promoted unproven (and disproven) COVID-19 remedies, discredited public health officials and sowed doubt about the safety of a future coronavirus vaccine — the key thing experts say will save countless lives.

    “He has also propagated already debunked falsehoods about the effect of 5G technology on the immune system, and disparaged Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, who has been so inundated with threats that he now requires an enhanced security detail.“I worry that unsubstantiated online rumors could soon spark offline violence,” Wardle said. “I think things are about to get pretty dark in this country.”

    “We’ve already seen signs of this abroad. Widespread concern about 5G started in New Zealand several months ago, when a woman who saw a Facebook post suggesting the technology was dangerous proceeded to launch a petition calling for it to be banned in her community.

    “Over the weekend, residents in the U.K. torched several 5G cell towers. British officials are investigating the incidents as arson, and are summoning major tech platforms to answer for their apparent role in spreading the misinformation that incited the blazes….”


  3. Letter from Dr Simne Gold:

    I have been sentenced to 60 days in a Federal Prison.

    As you know, January 6, 2021, started with my plan to speak at a rally with President Donald Trump. When that was canceled, a large crowd swept into the Capitol building after the doors were opened from the inside.

    Peacefully, I delivered my remarks peacefully from the Capitol rotunda.

    I am a victim of selective prosecution. I am being legally attacked for speaking the truth about COVID-19 and vaccines.

    • So Avi Yemeni did not register witht he Foreign Interests outfit, there must be a lot of court cases that fall apart on this type of “technicality”, I had one myself when I was younger, relating to the end date of a loan which I had paid off some time ago, but was unaware I could have asked the bank for some sort of release procedure. And in the eyes of the law if you haven’t followed some obscure protocol you get little sympathy. “See a lawyer” they chant, even in small courts where lawyers are not allowed (only in theory I believe). They call all this “the letter of the law versus the law in practice”. Technicality eclipses intent. 💸

  4. Ukraine To Halt Coal, Oil, Gas Exports Ahead Of Critical Winter
    By Charles Kennedy – Jun 08, 2022, 10:45 AM CDT

    Anticipating a winter season defined by severe energy crisis, Ukraine will halt all exports of coal, natural gas and oil, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an address to the nation on Wednesday.

    Ukraine produces natural gas, crude oil and coal but domestic demand exceeds supply by approximately 35%, according to the International Energy Agency.

    This winter, Zelensky said, will be “the most difficult” in Ukraine’s history since independence from the Soviet Union, and all energy resources will be diverted for domestic consumption…….”


    • Sounds like an excuse, like Monika Zelenskyy has lost control. Russia already said they are cutting Europe by 50%, lying MSM won’t say this is because the Euro/USD has been seized.
      Indians are also going nuts, they are getting conscripted and ripped off at the same time. Everyone is going redundant, computer will do all the work now. Only on-site workers are needed, construction, health care etc., everyone else gets the boosters and bye-bye.

      • It has all been down to a question of numbers with interest on numbers borrowed only able to be paid by borrowing more. The day of reckoning was inevitable. The Rothschild’s have shown us how to appear to live in perfect innocence while at the same time gathering the whole world into their hands.

        • Everybody “knows” it is the Rotschilds and Larry Fink, and that’s why it is not the Rotschilds and Larry Fink. The interest thing is also incorrect, the fiat scrip the Reserve Bank issues can be repaid by its equivalent in anything, iron ore, wheat or wool, whatever, but it is used as a bottomless credit card by governments to pork-barrel elections. The actual intent of the scrip is that it be paid back by something real and not just more scrip or ongoing debt. What is the most real thing around ? Gold, and Western Australia has plenty. We could be out of debt very quickly if the government so desired. Don’t believe me, go look at UAP (Clive Palmer) for details. The problem is, the politicians are corrupt and the stoopids keep voting for them. The stoopids are so stoopid they would allow themselves to be injected with bug poison if the TV told them to.

          • Interest IS free money for the banks in return for providing a “stable financial system”. In the past banks were independent and unregulated, you can imagine the various crises yourself. The question is how much should we be paying for a “stable financial system” including internet security, instant foreign transactions, lots of credit and so forth. Credit involves risk assessment, and the banks have over time put all the risk back on the borrower and directed all the gains to themselves.
            All the same, someone has to pay something for this service. Unfortunately the growth of the system has got completely out of hand and in the case of governments, it’s dysfunctional. Again we come back to our corrupt politicians and their associates who refuse to pay off debt and prefer to run up more, the reason is, so that their voters can get free money now, which their kids will have to pay for. That’s not so bad of the kids get the house when they die but instead they have been promised they “will own nothing”. Thanks to AI they will also be worth nothing. Gina Reinhart did us a great service by telling us we were only worth $2 /hour. Our corrupt politicians will make this come true.

          • Isaiah 5:20-21

            Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
            Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
            Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

            Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
            And prudent in their own sight!

            “Usury once in control will wreck the nation.” William Lyon Mackenzie King

            Proverbs 22:7 The wealthy rule over the poor, and anyone who borrows is a slave to the lender.

            Ezekiel 22:12 “In you they take bribes to shed blood; you take usury and increase; you have made profit from your neighbors by extortion, and have forgotten Me,” says the Lord God.


            Let us consider the story of the Commonwealth Bank. It merits your attention, for if the Commonwealth Bank had been allowed to function as it did at the commencement of its career, Australia would have been helped over the years of depression as it was helped over the war period (1914-1918), many prosperous business firms would have been saved from ruin and somewhere about one-third of our people would not have had to eat the bitter bread of charity. Neither would the people have had to submit to the ruinous debt and taxation imposed upon them in the second war period (1939-1945).


            No. 1. The Story of the Commonwealth Bank. No.2. The Story of the Commonwealth Fleet (of Steamers). No.3. The Story of the Commonwealth Railway and the Note Issue. No.4. The Story of the Commonwealth Woollen Mills. No.5. The Story of the Commonwealth Oil Refineries and the Search for Oil. No.6. The Story of the Commonwealth Wireless Service.

          • One thing about the CBA, it keeps the same name but it morphs into a totally different creature from decade to decade, the RBA was split off from it long ago, who knows what is really going on, they have weasel words to hide everything they do.

  5. The criminal liars are flooding the evening news with more “variants”, each variant is more contagious than the last, and nobody is taking the boosters is what I presume they mean by rates are flatliining. A rate if flat is a steady speed but “flatline” is a panic insinuating term. They lament their statistic that half of children are not injected. Can their statistics be believed ? NO !!! These are compulsive liars, delivering lines written for them, unchecked, by fiends in production. Everything they say is a lie, designed to get you on their injection subscription system. I damn them all to hell.

    • Our elders built this place, all we had to do was to maintain it. That is change the oil and check the plugs. We watched it dismantled before our eyes.
      All the coal power plants in Lake Macquarie shut down. Now we have ‘blackouts’ and rely on solar panels and imported diesel fuel for the generators.
      Meanwhile CCP are powering all of China with thousands of coal powered plants using Australian coal. Who benefits?

      • Our problems began when South Wales transferred to New South Wales

        W. HUGHES, Premier of Australia, Saturday Evening Post, June 19, 1919 “The Montefiores have taken Australia for their own, and there is not a gold field or a sheep run from Tasmania to New South Wales that does not pay them a heavy tribute. They are the real owners of the antipodean continent. What is the good of our being a wealthy nation, if the wealth is all in the hands of German Jews?”

  6. Ukrainian war crimes

    “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” – George Orwell

    Punishing nations for losing a war has always been the privilege of the victor. After World War 2, the United Nations established certain rules of war, banning chemical weapons, gas, and, in the wake of the horrific bombing of Dresden and other German cities during World War 2, the UN prohibited the bombing of residential cities with their civilian populations.

    This has made it tempting for military units to embed themselves amongst civilians in cities, using citizens as their covering. Recently, in the battle for Mariupol, there was street fighting between Ukraine and Russia. Russian troops taking the city had to fight Ukrainian troops in buildings throughout the city.

    Then when Ukraine’s Azov battalion had to retreat to the Azovstal steel plant, with its underground tunnels, they took about 1,000 citizens with them as hostages. Most of the media ignored this, whereas they are always quick to condemn their enemies if they do so. They call it “using human shields.” It is a war crime.

    After a few weeks, the Azov battalion surrendered, and the hostages were freed.

    The same scenario is now being repeated at Sievierodonetsk, where an estimated 2,500 Ukrainian troops, taking civilian hostages, have taken refuge at the Azov chemical plant. It is another war crime. The Russian army has guaranteed a safe passage for civilians through the city, but so far Ukraine will not allow them to leave.

    We have yet to see the resolution of that crisis.

    Journalists Punished for Reporting the News

    A young woman from Germany named Alina Lipp has been reporting the news from the front lines. The problem is that it is now illegal in Germany to report any news favorable to Russia—even true news. It appears that her reports about Ukraine’s indiscriminate shelling of Donetsk and its civilian population is a crime in Germany. As they say, truth is the first casualty of war.

    So now, if she were to leave and return to Germany, she would face 3 years in prison. Her bank account has been frozen, along with her father’s bank account. Here she tells of her dilemma.

    One would think that Germany, of all countries, would object to the shelling of Donetsk. Have they forgotten that the bombing of Dresden in World War 2 was the main reason the UN made such practices a war crime? Furthermore, we have to wonder why Germany would support the Nazi Azov battalion in Ukraine, where these troops fight under a modified Nazi banner, and where the troops themselves sport tattoos of the Nazi flag. Have Germans forgotten so soon?

    Have Germans forgotten the news censorship that was imposed in the Hitler era? One would think that they would never again revert to Nazi practices. It seems that Nebuchadnezzar’s insanity (Daniel 4:33) is quite contagious among Western nations.

    • Germany has been a Zionist occupied country since WWII – then it all makes sense what ‘Germany’ does in recent times – such as championing the influx of immigrants (Merkel) – the final stage of killing off Germans and White Europeans in total

      Sefton Delmer – former Jewish British/Australian chief of ‘Black propaganda’ in a conversation with Dr Friedrich Grimm (German Professor of International Law)

      “Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war. And we’re only really beginning with it now! We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will escalate it until nobody will accept even a good word from the Germans, until all the sympathy they may still have abroad will have been destroyed and they themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know what they are doing. Once that has been achieved, once they begin to run down their own country and their own people, not reluctantly but with eagerness to please the victors, only then will our victory be complete. It will never be final.

      Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence and the weeds crop up again – those historical weeds of historical truth.”

    • The attitude of Communism toward Christianity was explained by Lunatcharski, one of the leading Jewish members of the Moscow dictatorship.

      “Why should we believe in God?  We hate Christianity and Christians.  Even the best of them must be regarded as our worst enemies.  They preach love of one’s neighbor, and pity, which is contrary to our principles.  Christian love is a hindrance to the revolution.  Down with love of one’s neighbor; what we want is hatred.  We must know how to hate, for only at this price, can we conquer the universe.  We have done with the kings of the earth; let us now deal with the kings of the skies.  The anti-religious campaign must not be restricted to Soviet Russia: it should be carried on throughout the entire world.  The fight should also be developed in the Moslem and Catholic countries, with the same ends in view and by the same means.”

      The entire Jewish international cabal is so large and far-reaching, its motives so hellish, its plan of attack so contrary to Christian thinking, that it simply staggers the mind when it is first exposed to view.  But the results of its devastating influence may be seen both in history and among the nations today.  It breathes the spirit of the last great Beast-Emperor described in Revelation 13.

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