by G5
WHO warns of New Covid Surge, Calls on Governments to Boost Vaccination rates. ‘The perception that COVID is gone is real, but the virus isn’t gone,’ said Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, the COVID-19 technical lead at the WHO. (Link)
The Cuba, Russia, Jim Garrison, Oliver Stone, Warren and Rockefeller Commissions, William Cooper; equivalents from JFK, have commenced in The Trump Attempted Murder Affair, to muddy the waters.
It isn’t some lone crazed gunman, who had the motive and means. It isn’t over yet. None of it is. What has happened from FBI Operation Crossfire Hurricane in 2015, to the attempted murder in 2024.
More Questions
Why aren’t the un-vaccinated dead, but 50 million vaccinated are, and 1 billion have injuries. What happened to all the climate change predictions of doom?
Why has Bill Gates short sold electric vehicle manufacturers? Why is he buying all the cattle ranches he can, if red meat is doomed for vegan and insect burgers?
Why is Fossil Fuel exploration, extraction, refining and use expanding? What happened to the street blocking buffoons?
Why are useful idiots supporting medieval culture and are Anti-Jew?
Why do migrants want to turn their new homes into the same from which they ran? Go back.
If infanticide is a right, why is vaccination not?
Crooks et al
Trump was hit with a 22.250. RFK with a .22 short. Both very different.
Yes. The reason weapons have not been shown. As I advised. Calibers as I have spoken. And no credible autopsy report. .22 copper jacketed. Probably hand loaded and adjusted recoil spring tension to reduce recoil but cycle correctly, for the three shot burst. Probably 2,100 fps, not nearer to 4,000 fps. Too much bounce.
The nonsense produced rifle is similar nonsense as Oswald, Sirhan, Ray, Tarrant, Bryant, Yvonne Fletcher, and Paddock.
Yearick not shot directly from adjacent .30 cal. Note also that snipers not deployed as standard procedure for such an event.
Yearick and Crooks can only be confirmed by ear lines. I will access the intel reports and advise what I can. As I have stated concerning public domain and working intel.
If Yearick hit by adjacent .30 cal his head would be gone. Definitely a low cal but not in the Short assassin category as RFK. Billet exited.
Yearick was the body produced. All FBI operatives including Cheatle.
Three shooters as I have written. I am advised that Crooks has been subsequently cancelled, as Oswald was not shot by Ruby in the garage. But subsequently cancelled with Ruby.
Yearick on the roof. FBI Janeen Giuseppe behind Trump orchestrating. As James Angleton orchestrated JFK and Dov Zakheim 9/11.
I am advised that Crooks was at the window and fired the five single rounds. No shoulder bounce photographed from roof shooter. I am also advised that the initial three shot burst (cycling speed of .22 seconds on audible) was from a rest next to the red tractor on the other side.
As Thane Cesar shot RFK, not Sirhan Sirhan. As Alexander Vindman was the whistleblower, not Eric Ciaramella.
America is a pathetic imploding even fake empire. History is already not being kind to it. Nor should it.
A Harris Waltz
Re: Doing The Harris Waltz: intel advises he is a CCP agent, and deserted the day before military
It already doesn’t matter. It’s now officially a sport.
They started the Harris Waltz with an original internal theft of 300 million and candidates to have been selected on 19/9/24. Biden already well dead, as I have advised.
So The Constitutional provisions of Continuation of Government; about which I have advised; are more openly functioning.
The FBI in a prior delusion by Garland and Wray; attacked The White House of Mar-a-Lago and removed Administrative documents. All offences punishable for Treason and swift execution by military tribunal.
The reason the Jack Smith was unqualified story was run.
So Garland and Wray with cartel owned Mayorkas in tow, decide to double down and murder Trump at Butler on 13/7/24.
They are already the walking dead. Destined to join GHWB, McCain III, and Biden.
They are now trying to gaol Trump before his debate with gobbler Harris.
Everyone is mis-gendered and disrespected if their pronouns are not inserted. Yet fetuses can be murdered as a feminese health right. While Constitutional Rights must be ignored. But vaccination is somehow not a personal health right, and fetuses are not human beings. But women can’t be defined. Males can destroy women’s sports, but the physically unimpaired cannot enter the Paralympics.
California just realized that the shove to electric vehicles has crippled their petrol tax fraud.
They’re about to wake that Wind Farms and Solar Generators cost more fossil fuel from manufacture, operation, maintenance, and scrapping, than they could ever produce in energy. Also about to hit is that 8 Electric Vehicle Stations cost 9 billion to build in one state, and the state’s grids cannot supply them. It’s not go home and plug it in stupidity.
Apart from commonly but suppressed exploding batteries and their slave child labour for the components from East Africa.
Why is the entire so-called Fossil Fuel Industry laughing at the entire renewable, green energy, electric vehicle, and climate change idiocy? Because the whole affair is a mobilized imbecile, useful idiot serenade. Worse than a joke. It’s pathetic.
People in America blackmailed for the toxic vax, but tens of millions roll over The Rio, un-vaccinated. Which of the two positions is total bullshit?
If they can’t define Woman, why are women’s sports destroyed?
The Americanized West is totally f*cked. And all it took was dollops of tractioned horseshit concerning; Race, Gender, and Climate. Unbelievable!
Fact Check: Convicted anti-Trump protester falsely identified as shooter.
Things are really serious in the United States.
“National guard called out in 50 states….”
Terrorist infiltrator jumped the souther border and found dead in a vat of ginger ale. Arrest imminent…… law acts against threat.
Well Joseph, G5 says Biden well dead.
I suppose you can add that thought to one of your fence palings to be seated upon considering our past discussion.
Again, is the present Biden presented, in you opinion, the genuine Biden?💁🙀🤪
Does indicate, does it not, that our politicians, ABC and dumb fake globalist media with their shock jokes have an intellectual incapacity?
Only Idiots swallow their bull tits and do not research and think.
Terry S,
You comment down below that – “…america is a pathetic imploding even fake empire”,
Listen to the spidergate story linked above with some extras.
Sadly. It is the whole Western world….. all by design.
As I have said many times, the stage role of “Biden” can be played by anyone, it’s meaningless
Incredible attitude.
So you are happy with wholesale lies and deceit?.
Bloody amazing standard.
No wonder our alleged democracy is shit with a ‘Meaningless’ attitude. So ‘who cares’, but they vote🙀🙀🙀🙀
That is the standard I suppose you accept with the msm?
Seriously think – how pathetic!
You are trying to provoke a debate about nothing by suggesting I am happy with wholesale lies and deceit, this is deceptive in itself, I suspect another agenda is at play.
Surely you can make contributions without taking me to task over various “suppositions”.
They are your words. You are ignoring /denying the public deceit and the fact that our politicians and msm are obviously deceiving Australians the deceit that you are also ignoring . That is nor a presumption, it is based on what you have stated or avoided.
‘Wriggle room’ has expired- FULL STOP. The record is here at gs.
Obfuscation is attempted by insinuating another agenda is at play.
That is ridiculous, the only purpose I have attempted is to have all readers identify and consider the reality of a massive public deception and not be suckered BY GOVERNMENT LIES AND OUR REPRESENTATIVES INEPTITUDE AND SERIAL LIES. The msm is included.
If that is the ‘agenda’ you infer, why is it resisted by you.
This is bizarre
Drop down to Bosi💁
The photo above which I emailed to Dee shows without doubt that Crooks was the shooter.
The G5 scenario makes no sense to me.
I followed George Webb many years ago in relation to COVID and the Vegas Harvest Festival shooting and IMHO consider him controlled opposition.
After watching many accounts with body cam footage and videos(several of which I have posted in the last commentary)I am satisfied that I have a pretty good handle on most of the aspects of the shooting.
Enough of my time has been spent on this and there are more important issues to now be considered.
“Trump was hit with a 22.250. RFK with a .22 short. Both very different.” – As noted the 22-250 (a necked down 25-250) is capable of 4,000 fps, however dropped to 2,100 fps would indicate that it was a preferred load for accuracy in that rifle. Plenty of other .22 cartridges have the capacity for higher velocities (the .223 of Crooks could do 3,200 fps). The comment about RFK being hit with a .22 short in the back of the skull is not something I would consider. A .22 short besides having a lower velocity has a projectile of reduced mass (likely 27grams) compared to a .22 subsonic of 40 grams. It is mass/sectional density that would be more likely to penetrate a person’s skull. I would expect the standard .22 subsonic round to have been used. However, if the pistol had a suppressor attached, the short may have been used to help keep the report/loudness of the shots masked. – In any case, what ever was used was effective.
“the initial three shot burst (came) from a rest next to the red tractor on the other side.” – Doubtful, the rounds and reports from the firing came from the area that Crooks was at. The photo of the bullet trace indicates it did not come from behind Trump, nor did subsequent impacts to victims and the railing indicate a different trajectory.
A few other bits and pieces, but the one comment I fully concurred with was “America is a pathetic imploding even fake empire.”
Terry – Mary, over at beforeitsnews.com on Situation Update, has much info on the upcoming Quantum Financial System for you learn about – that is if you care to look?
And for those who have an aversion to learn about how this world was once controlled and by who, and for what purpose, then Mary over at Situation Update can inform you of how the children of Canadian first people’s were abused and murdered in their thousands, and by the very institutions that many trusted as being part of a Western Christian upbringing.
If you choose to not look, and subsequently learn what you should know, then what comes next over the coming days and weeks ahead will simply shock you to the core.
Your choice – the red pill or the blue pill?
Well this is not mentioned by our msm, but most of us researching know most of it. Those damm bankers!
Do not panic with the title at beforeitsnews.com – people powered new with Whitney Webb.
“……. Everyone will be wiped out in 21 days….”.
“Wiped out..”??!!
Work that out yourselves, have fun💁🍿🍿
I suppose I will get around to Mary for more fun later.
45 to 51.
With Mary:
Kamala Harris’ ‘Tinpom’ guy🙀💁🤪
Really. They are nuts
In fact I seem to recall the M$M has briefly mentioned a small number of disappeared ethnic Canadian schoolage kids ( about 20 ) disappearing during a royal tour, the guy Kevin Annett has been plugging away at this for years. The reporters report it, the producer says “that’s enough now”, they both smirk at each other and it’s over before the public has even cracked open another beer.
I noted that ‘headline’ a little earlier. I believe that kind of click bait goes to the real character of the presenter.
trending–not sure what this tracking trending means — but it shines a light on gumshoes past stories which have relevance
Diane, and others, please see my quick review of Linda Summer’s book “Enough” ar Rumor mill:
Yes it does, Diane. As always, the future will prove the past.
In this episode of Daniel Estulin’s Conceptual Intelligence Series, we explore the evolution of money and ask ourselves this critical question: Who has really been in charge of money, in the past and now?
The breakdown of the old gentlemans’ agreements.
Those strengthening their military muscle will be able to defend their political and financial interests.
Further re Scott Ritter
The Big Picture.
A weekend challenge for all.
re above– Nathan provides some answers to G5 questions
“Nathan describes himself as a MILAB (short for military abductions that are performed by DARPA to convince the targets of the operation that they have had an encounter with extraterrestrial beings which is actually a staged ploy.) He has been abducted, abused, thrown into the new age nonsense, including a satanic Enki cult that uses psychological camouflage called the Joy of Satan. He has been making an effort to expose the cult as a soul trap.
He is thankful to Sovereign Ki host Lauda for inviting him to tell his story. ‘You are a breath of fresh air and not like most people in this community.’ said Nate, who has struggled to get his story out for 14 years. He contacted major researchers and podcasters but it wasn’t until about a year ago (Feb 2022) that one person gave him a chance that actually helped him get himself out of the situation.
Nate has also been mind controlled, sexually abused and suffered heart failure twice which were both induced by the military program. But there is a happy ending to this. Nate managed to separate himself from the silver cords that were connecting him to an alternate reality they had at the White Sands underground military facility which is underneath the White Sands missile testing range in the mountain range area. That’s where a lot of this stuff is coming from. It seems to be a hub for the clone program, or at least an arm of it. While Nate didn’t understand how it all worked, he did know that they had a cloned alternate there that they were using to make him very sick. ”
Interestingly Mary Linda Summer sent this to me.
This is a major matter that needs addressing–
“In this new film, the Arctic is presented as you’ve never imagined it: Both as a strategic battleground over the future of the human species today, and as pivot of world history shaping the Russia-USA partnership that saved the Union during the Civil War.
This film showcases how the Arctic represents either a domain of total warfare, or represents the basis of a new era of rail development and friendship among world civilizations characterizing the end of the 19th century. If you didn’t know why Russia sold Alaska to the USA in 1867, or why the two transcontinental railways (Russian and American) completed by 1905 were meant to extend through the Bering Strait (as was planned by Lincoln and Czar Alexander II) then this film is for you.
The Arctic: Theater of War or Global Cooperation’ introduces this sweeping history and thereby helps the viewer understand the real reasons Canada remained loyal to the British Empire in 1867, and how the age of assassinations and war overturned that paradigm of cooperation ushering in a war-ravaged 20th century.
We also introduce the attempted revival of this positive vision in the form of the FDR-Wallace plans to build rail and roads across the Bering Strait during WW2, and Canadian Prime Minister John Diefenbaker’s plans to adopt a northern vision during the 1950s-1960s, leading all the way up to Donald Trump’s plans for an Alaska-Canada railway in 2020 and the Russia-China Polar Silk Road today.”
Thank you Sandra – I found this video to be very informative.
What the world could have been, but for the psychopaths. – “What’s in it for me?”
Psychopath – now there’s a word that has a lot of meaning, Terry.
And interesting, that the word was only coined quite recently by Seigmund Frieud – a person even more interesting in the way he has shaped our Western understanding of so called, ‘medicine’ while promoting his own ideology.
Worth a look don’t you think?
Great video and very timely– thank you Sandra
Great Southland– Antartica– Vril Society all connected
Indeed it is, Diane.
Terry Wolfe discusses the proliferation of gnosticism, the new age, and theosophy in alternative and independent media. It seems that apparently much of the “truth movement” or “trutherism” itself is gnostic, new age, theosophy and is part of the deception which paves the way for and initiates the true new world order that humanity will embrace. The Great Awakening is the theosophical Age of Aquarius. New age and occult ideas such as “Christ Consciousness,” quantum spirituality, and one-ism (see Dr. Peter Jones of truthXchange) are seeping into churches and society and this is intentional. The Aquarian Conspiracy is an “open conspiracy” that works through a “network of networks”. The goal of the “new or Aquarian age” is to fuse all beliefs into a new inclusive and tolerant universalism meanwhile eliminating any exclusive or “intolerant” faith (e.g. biblical Christianity). Terry lays out his thesis of the coming collapse and Green World Order.
From WTPN on beforeitsnews.com – Bigger than anyone can imagine, the covenant the Almighty made with America, stands the test of time. Patriots and prophets for God and country – Q
And we should never forget, that it is not the country that lets us all down, but the clowns who are allowed to run it into the ground.
Trump now calling for the MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs) to be dropped by SCOTUS.
That Finding within itself, would have the tendency to speed every thing up.
A lot of info on the upcoming Q phones and their use which will replace all current mobile phones – and will be free to everyone on this planet to use.
More exposure on Chlamymidia’s (Kamala) fraud.
The real White House has now been taken off line – I wonder what is coming to that building?
The Getty Museum – a real horror show for those who wish to look into it.
Brazil airplane crash video – and in a word – weird. A flat spinning airplane (stalled?) descending rapidly with engines revving into the ground as if some outside force was controlling it.
All, and much more, on We The People News – Situation Update – over at beforeitsnews.com
Lt’ Col’ Ricardo Bosi and mark woods….you are done game over’ at beforeitsnews.com – people powered new.
Bit old but very insightful for normies.
Start from one hour…. Remote viewing and 6th generation warfare.
At the beginning the UPA mob are mentioned… might interest you Joseph🤪💁 re CONTROLLED OPPOSITION!
Is it UAP with their players…. Some matters even Pauline does not mention. 911 anyone? ( my take! As with fake Joe, as Confucius, he say: ‘what never mentioned is hidden’
The Bidens have been dust-binned before any more inconvenient matters come up, this is classic corporate – government technique, switch ministers, split the department, absorb into another department, etc etc. a big “I know nuffink”, let me know who is in line after Camel is taken down. It’s like one of those boring Spanish bullfights, where Trump is to be the bull and everyone teams up to try to wear him down.
Trending Ned– last night I was watching the Indigenous Music Industry Awards event in Darwin on NITV- Sammy Butcher of the Warmup Band was Inducted into Hall of Fame– while waiting I flicked onto Gumshoe — and this was Trending–
Mary’s question where were YOU and the comments sent me back
Where was “I”
I had just returned back to Melbourne from Mparntwe Alice Springs– A spectacular somewhat contested festival — Caterpillar Dreaming– a carry over from the 2000 Sydney Olympic -Awakening ceremony—- The reason I was there was also contentious the
The launch of the Papunya School Book of Country and History
I woke at three in the morning and for some reason turned the tele on and I “disintegrated” and saw fragments –quite surreal — but in another dimension.
I will transcribe the acceptance speech by his sister -as Sammy was not able to Travel
I then looked up the Sydney Olympics coverage–because I wanted to watch a particular part of the Opening Ceremony– where the central western desert women were performing part of the seven sisters inma.
At first I found this– not sure if these are what I remember
Think this is the 3D reality
and this was the part I wanted
and then — the whole 4 hours plus Olympiad version amazing time projection
The best Olympic opening ever!